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The sacred Mosque

The general information about the Grand Mosque

It is the most honorable mosque in the entire world, and millions of Muslims from every deep valley make the pilgrimage to it

It is the first house set up for people

The Kaaba is a large square room with a height of 15 meters. During the era of Ismail, it was 9 meters wide without a roof. The Kaaba's covering is made of pure gold.

The prohibition of exposure to the Sacred Mosque or underestimating it

The sanctity of violating the Sacred Mosque, whether by killing and shedding blood in it, or by vandalizing its trees by cutting or destroying

The sanctity of hunting in it and what was around it.

The prohibition of acquiring a snapshot (what is found lying on the ground whose owner does not know) of the Sarcred Mosque.

The Sacred Mosque is a security for everything: This was indicated by the words of God Almighty: (Have they not seen that we have made a secure sanctuary), and He, the Almighty, said: (And when We made the House a place of refuge for people and a place of security)

The Grand Mosque is located in the country of Hijaz

Specifically, in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, located in one of the valleys of the Al-Sarah Mountains, which is considered the most famous Islamic holy city

The Kaaba is located in the middle of the Sacred House, which God Almighty mentioned in the Holy Qur’an

The first mosque built for people on earth

This was indicated by the saying of God Almighty (Indeed, the first house set up for people was the one in Bakkah).

The second qiblah for Muslims

Considered the second holiest site in Islam, the Prophet's Mosque is one of the oldest and largest mosques in the world.

It is considered the most important mosque in the city and one of the most important sites in Islamic history

When was it built?

The Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) built it in 622 AD. Today, this mosque is considered his final resting place, as he was buried there when he died.

Preserving the Sacred Mosque and its survival is a reason for

Preserving religion and standing up for people, and this is indicated by the saying of God Almighty: (God made the Kaaba, the Sacred House, a standing stand for people

The Sacred Mosque is a guidance for all people

This is evidenced by the words of God Almighty:

(Indeed, the first house set up for people was the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds)

The Qibla of Muslims in the Sacred Mosque

God Almighty made the Kaaba in the Sacred Mosque, and this would make it the greatest mosque on earth, because the Kaaba is the qiblah that Muslims turn to during their prayers five times, On the day and night at the very least, as God Almighty said: (We may see the turning of your face in the sky So, We will turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it.)

The Hajj

It is only to it, and it is thus considered a factor that unites Muslims in all parts of the earth

The Sacred Mosque is the first mosque to be visited

This is evidenced by the words of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (Do not departure except to three mosques: The Sacred Mosque, the Prophet’s Mosque, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Al-Aqsa Mosque)

The purity of the Sacred Mosque

This is indicated by the words of God Almighty: (And when We determined for Abraham the location of the House, not to associate anything with Me, And purify my house for those who circumambulate, those who stand, and those who bow and prostrate) As the Sacred Mosque is physically pure from impurities and filthiness, and morally pure from all that is in violation of the Sharia of sins.

Al - Hajj as a social miracle

The psychology of health and well-being in mass gatherings

Participation in mass gatherings can benefit well-being: How does participation in a long-term gathering (such as a pilgrimage event) affect well-being? there are good reasons to believe that such mass events pose health risks. There are risks associated with infectious diseases, moreover, the physical conditions in such events

(noise, crowds, harsh conditions) are often detrimental to well-being

However, at the same time, psychosocial research indicates that participation in group-related activities can positively affect well-being, and thus we investigated whether participation in a long-term group gathering could indeed bring such benefits, In our research we examined one of the largest mass events in the world - a demanding month-long Hindu religious festival in northern India. Participants (consisting of 416 pilgrims who attended the gathering for a month, and 127 officers who did not) completed measures of self-assessment of well-being and symptoms of ill-health at two time points.

the first

It was a month before the gathering started


It was a month after it ended

1 We found that participants in this group event reported a longitudinal increase in well-being compared to those who did not participate.

2 Our data thus suggests that we must reimagine how mass gatherings affect individuals.

Indeed, an exclusive focus on risk is misleading and limits our understanding of why such events are so attractive. Importantly, because our research is longitudinal and includes a control group, our work adds strong evidence to the social psychological literature regarding the relationship between participation in social group activities and well-being.

The psychological importance of groups

Although people are able to live separate and apart from others, they join with others because groups meet their psychological and social needs, although any kind of companionship is appreciated, we prefer those who offer us reassurance and support as well as accurate information. In some cases, we also prefer to join others who are worse off than us. Imagine, for example, how will you respond when the teacher retakes the test and your test is marked with an 85% mark? Do you want to affiliate with a friend who scored 95% or a friend who scored 78%? To maintain a sense of self-worth, people look up and compare themselves to those who are less fortunate. This process is known as downward social comparison.

Motivation and performance

Groups usually exist for a reason. In groups, we solve problems, create products, create standards, pass on knowledge, have fun, performing the arts, establishing institutions, and even ensuring our safety from attacks by other groups. But do groups always out perform the individuals?

Make decisions in groups

Groups are particularly useful when it comes to decision making, as groups can draw on more resources than a lone individual can. One individual may know a lot about a problem and possible solutions, but his or her information is far outweighed by the group's combined knowledge.

not born

Groups not only give more ideas and possible solutions by discussing the problem, but they can also more objectively evaluate the options they generate during the discussion. Before accepting a solution, the group may require that it be favored by a certain number of people, or that it meet some other criteria for acceptance. People generally feel that a group's decision will be better than an individual's.

Preventing the infidels from entering the Grand Mosque

This was indicated by the words of God Almighty: (O you who believe, the polytheists are unclean, so do not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs).

The sanctity of facing and turning away from the qiblah when the need arises

This was indicated by the words of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (If one of you sits on his need, he should not face the qiblah, nor turn away from it) Meaning: toilet

It is permissible to pray in the Sacred Mosque at all times

This is evidenced by the words of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (O sons of Abd Manaf, do not prevent anyone from circumambulating this House and praying at any hour of the day or night, So that the worshiper may pray in it at any time of the night or day without hatred or prohibition for any time.

The prayer lines in the Grand Mosque are wrapped around the Kaaba

This is unlike other mosques in which the prayer rows are in one direction towards the Kaaba. To build the distinguished engineering architecture of the Grand Mosque.

The line of prostration is one of the most important features of longitude lines, and it is the line that when perpendicular to it, The sun is at noon, it is in a state of prostration under the Kaaba, and this line is not fabricated, because it depends on geographical facts, it is half the distance between the east and west of the earth, and it depends on the meridian passing through Makkah Al-Mukarramah, The longitude line that passes the point of east of the old world, the line of longitude that passes the point of east of the new world, and the line of longitude that passes opposite the meridian that passes through Makkah Al-Mukarramah

The blessing and multiplying good deeds and bad deeds in the Sacred Mosque

We have discussed while we were with the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - which is better, the mosque of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - or the mosque of Jerusalem? The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him-: (One prayer in this mosque of mine is better than four prayers in it, and what a good place to pray, And it is almost impossible for a man to have the share of his horse from the earth, where he sees Bayt al-Maqdis from it is better for him than the whole world - or he said - better than the world and what is in it.

Al - Tawaf around the Kaaba

The circumambulation around the Kaaba is seven rounds, the greeting of the Grand Mosque, which is unique to it, and not from other that the worshiper may complete and end his prayer; And if people, men and women, pass in front of him.

See the desired benefit of circling the Kaaba in groups and its impact on relationships

we can only say this is the tip of the iceberg, and what Allah Almighty has hidden from His servants is greater, we return to the rest of the verse.

 we can only say this is the tip of the iceberg, and what Allah Almighty has hidden from His servants is greater, we return to the rest of the verse.

We hope you a blessing journey

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