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The story of Islam Salman Al-Farsi

The name

Salman Al Farsi Abu Abdullah

His name before Islam

was Mabeh bin Murslan bin Bahbuzan bin Fayrouz bin Sahrak, from the sons of the king's Abb.

his nicknames

Salman Al-Khair

 the freed slave of the Messenger of God ﷺ

The first Muslim from the Persians (now Iran)

Truth Seeker

His origin

His origin is from Ji, and it is from the villages of the city of Isfahan

He was working in Persia

Magusia masters the fire

his father

he was a magus

The story of his escape as a young man

It was agreed that he escaped from him one day and joined the monks and accompanied them, then he came to Hijaz when the Prophet appeared with the Arabs, so they sold him to a Jew from Qurayzah who brought him to Medina

And this is the story of his conversion to Islam on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, he said: Salman al-Farisi told me while I heard from him, he said: I was a man from the people of Persia, from Isfahan, from the son of a man from its dhaqan: Dahq water: emptied it hard, and He loved me as a best of the God’s creation to him, so he made me sit in the house like a maidservant, so I worked hard in Farsi, My father was the owner of a farm: a small village, and he had a building to treat it, and he said to me one day: O my son, thus, what you see has occupied me, so go to the estate, and do not be trapped and distract me from every estate that I care about you, so I went out for that and passed by the Christian church while they were praying, so I Leant to them and liked their matter, and said: This, by God, is better than our religion, so I stayed with them until the sun set. I did not come to the village, nor did I return to him. So he sought me out and sent messengers to seek me, and I said to the Christians when I liked their affair: where is the origin of this religion? They said: In Sham, so I went back to my father, and he said: My son, I have sent messengers to you, I said: I passed by people praying in a church, and I was impressed by what I saw of them, and I knew that their religion is better than ours, He said: O my sons, your religion and the religion of your forefathers are better than their religion. I said: No, by God, he feared me and tied me up, so I sent to the Christians and taught them what agreed with me of their matter, And I asked them to know me: Who wants the Levant? So they did, so I threw the iron from my feet and went out with them until I came to Sham.

I asked them about their scholar, and they said:

The bishop, so I came to him and told him and said: I will be with you, serve you and pray with you. He said: “Stay.” So I stayed with an evil man who was ordering them to give alms. If they gave him something, he kept it for himself until he gathered seven baskets, It was filled with gold and paper and he died, so I told them about it, and they reprimanded me, so I showed them his money and they crucified him, they did not hide him, stoned him, and seated in his place a man who was virtuous in his religion and ascetic, and a desire for the hereafter and righteousness, so God cast his love in my heart until death approached him, so I said: Advise me, and he mentioned a man in Mosul (in Iraq) and we were on one command until he perished: he died.

So I went to Mosul and met the man and told him about my news and that So-and-so ordered me to come to you. He said: Stay, and I found him on his way and commanded him until death approached him, He said: I do not know anyone of what we are upon except for a man in Amoriya, so I brought him to Amoria and told him my news, so he ordered me to do so and he rewarded me with something, I took booty and cows, and death approached him, so I said: to whom do you recommend me? He said: I do not know of anyone today who is like what we used to be upon, but a prophet has overshadowed you who will resurrect the religion of Ibrahim, the Hanifiyyah, He immigrated to a land with palm trees, and in it there are signs and signs that cannot be hidden, Between his shoulders is the seal of prophecy, he eats the gift, he does not eat the charity, and if you are able to reach him, then, he died.

A group of Arabs from Banu Kilab passed me, and I said

I will accompany you and give you my cows and these sheep, and you will carry me to your countries, so they carried me to Wadi al-Qura, so they sold me from a man from the Jews, so I saw palm trees and knew that it was the country that was described to me, I stayed with the one who bought me, and a man from Banu Qurayzah came to him, and he bought me from him, and he brought me to Medina, so I recognized it as it is I stayed with him working on his palms, and God sent His Prophet, peace be upon him, I neglected that until he came to Medina, and he lodged in Bani Amr ibn Awf, for I was at the head of a palm tree when a cousin of my sir came, He said: So-and-so, may God fight the Banu Qaila, I passed by them earlier while they were gathered against a man who came to them from Makkah claiming that he was a prophet, for by God it is only that I heard it, So the Qur took me:" it was steadfast, settled, and reassured" He stayed and did not leave. The palm tree shook me until I almost fell and I quickly descended.

So I proceeded to my work until evening, so I gathered something and brought it to him while he was in Qubaa with his companions, I said: I had something that I wanted to give in charity, so I was informed that you are a good man and you have men from among your companions who are in need, I saw them the most right of it, so I placed it in his hands, so he stopped his hand and said to his companions: “Eat,” and they ate, I said: This is one, and I returned and turned to Medina, so I gathered something and brought it to him. I said: I loved your dignity, so I gave you a gift, and it is not charity. So he extended his hand and ate and his companions ate, I said: These are two.

I went back and came to him and he had followed a funeral in Baqi’ al-Gharqad and his companions were around him, so I greeted and turned, looking at the ring on his back, and he knew what I wanted, so he threw off his robe, so I saw the ring and kissed it and cried, so he made me sit in front of him, so I told him about everything about me, as I told you, O Ibn Abbas, He liked that and wanted his companions to hear it, so I missed with him the two battles of Badr and Uhud with slavery. He said to me: “Write, O Salman, against yourself.” I did not stay with my friend until I wrote to him that I would plant three hundred valleys for him and forty ounces of gold, so the Prophet said, The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Support your brother with palm trees.” He helped me with five and ten until he gathered for me and said to me: “Click for it and do not put anything of it until I put it in my hand.” “Click for it and do not put anything of it until I put it in my hand.” I did, and my companions helped me until I finished, so I came to him and I used to bring him the palm tree and he would place it and level the dirt on it, so he left, by the One who sent him with the truth, not one of them died, and the gold remained. while he was sitting, a man from his companions came to him with the like of an egg of gold, and he was struck by some minerals, He said: “Leave the poor Salman the Persian the writter.” He said: “Lead these.” I said: “Oh, Messenger of God, where is this located from what I have to do?”

We note that Salman did not mention the names of the monks or bishops he used to accompany them, even if he mentioned their countries. He said: “Salman is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt.” meaning: the hous of the prophecy, In it, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “If faith were in Pleiades, men from Persia would have attained it.” He referred to Salman al-Farisi.

Salman was one of the best companions, their ascetics, their virtuous ones, and those close to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Aisha said: Salman had a gathering of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, at night, until he over us to the Messenger of God, Ali was asked about Salman, and he said: The knowledge of the first knowledge and the other knowledge, and it is a sea that does not bleed, and it is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt, And he was the one who advised the Messenger of God to dig the trench when the parties came, so the Messenger of God ordered it to be dug, so the Muhajirun and the Ansar took refuge in Salman, and he was a strong man, He died in the year 45 AH at the end of the caliphate of Uthman, and it was said that he lived 350 years, as for 250, they do not doubt him.

His position on the day of the Trench Battle

And he was the one who advised the Messenger to dig the trench when the parties came, and in it the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Salman is among us, Ahl al-Bayt.” He used to make wicker with his own hands and eat from its price, and the Messenger made a brotherhood between him and Abu al-Darda’, and a group of scholars narrated from him.

Where the armies of the parties came to Medina under the leadership of Abu Sufyan, and this is what put the Muslims in a perplexity of their affairs, the armies of the parties are large, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - feared the Muslims from the danger of confrontation, so he gathered his companions and consulted him, Salman al-Farisi indicated to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to dig a trench in the open side of Medina to prevent them from the polytheists, when he said to him: “Oh, Messenger of God! If we were in the land of Persia, if we were surrounded, we would have a trench against us.” The Muslims dug the trench and the trench was a great line of defense in the face of the forces of the parties, Which could not cross the trench and enter the city, the Muslims won a great victory, thanks to God Almighty.

His death - may God be pleased with him

He died in the year 35 AH. It was said: 34. He was buried in the cemetery east of Baghdad. He has a shrine opposite the Diwan of Khosrau, which is visited so far and is known as the shrine of Salman Pak, which is a Persian word meaning pure, It was said: He lived 150 years, and it was said: more than that, and he is one of the Arabs. The death of Salman Al-Farisi at the conclusion of what came from the story of Salman Al-Farisi. It is worth mentioning that Salman Al-Farsi died during the era of the caliphate of Othman bin Affan - may God be pleased with him, He had a bundle of musk, so he brought some water and put the musk on top of the water, then ordered his wife to spread it around him, and asked her to leave him alone in the room and go out, and when she returned to him, his soul had ascended to its creator, and his wife tells the story of Salman al-Farisi on the day of his death, saying: “When death came, he called for me, “When death came, he called for me, and it is in an attic that has four doors, He said: "Open these doors, for today I have visitors, and I do not know from which of these doors they enter me, then he called for a hold, and said: Put it in Tur, then throw it around my bed, I looked at him, and if he had taken his soul, it was as if he was sleeping on his bed.” And God knows best.

We can benefit from his story - may God be pleased with him -

1 - What compels a young man at the beginning of his life to flee from his father, the owner of the village (a small village) in his people, and the owner of prestige and opinion until Salman works himself - may God be pleased with him (the ruler of the fire). Such positions are only given to the honorable people.

2 - Why did he say to his father, “at the religion of Christianity is better than our religion, and as the parents usually say, but the religion of your fathers and grandfathers is better, why is it different from the way of thinking of his people? He is from an ancient family with money and religious prestige? Is he a thinker?

3 - Imagine that he leaves his father and lives with a monk who is not following the religion of his forefathers, and what leads him to understand noble morals? Where he reported on the man who used to collect alms and not give them to the poor, Is Salman al-Farsi working in the political field or in the religious field and informing the relevant authorities, was he not afraid of the oppression of this person who collected money for his own?

4 - Imagine one of the children of ancient families carrying his bag on his back and passing from place to place in search of the god of heaven, and he enters a religion other than his religion until he changed his religion three times, and why did God - the Most High - leave him searching for him for such a long time without directing and guiding him? Does God - the Most High - love those who worship Him with conviction, research and deliberation? Or conquer and write the name of his Islamic religion ink on paper?

5- Why, when he reached Medina, did he not look for the Messenger of God at first, and why did he forget? Has God forgotten? we don't know (He does not go astray or forget) My dear brother: God - the Most High - is among His Names that He is kind: He watches you closely: you are close, and you do not feel Him, and he finds in you one of the good qualities that he will never leave you alone , but rather temporary tests and he will fix your whole work for you with this result that he like, So what are the qualities that God loves in the unbeliever in him until this moment (Salman)? I think his support for the right to report the thief, and the diligent search until he reached Medina as a slave after he was one of the guardians of the fire in his country, 6 - His search for the characteristics of the Prophet and his experiences of him - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that he is a man of inquiry and does not take speech for his reasons without researching and thinking and making a decision based on this thinking, and you, dear Muslim: Are you a Muslim by ID or by the truth that you searched for by yourself, I remind you that Each of us has two births, one when we emerge from our mothers’ wombs, and another on the day we get to know God.

 7 - The idea of the trench, as if the Prophet, in his consultation with the Companions, was a brain storming act, until each of the Companions came up with an idea and eventually agreed on the idea of the trench that Salman al-Farisi came up with. Difference is a mercy and not a sect, to differ in your thinking, in your religion and then come with me, you have increased me in strength and not a sect.

8- The title of Salman - peace be upon him (Mula of the Messenger of God), where the Messenger says about him (Salman is from us, Ahl al-Bayt) The Messenger said: It was narrated by Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak (3/598), and Al-Tabarani (6/261) from the path of Katheer bin Abdullah Al-Muzani, On the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, laid the line of the trench in the year of the war of the parties, until it reached Al-Madhahj, and he cut for each ten forty cubits, so the immigrants protested: Salman is from us, and the Ansar said: Salman is from us. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: He mentioned it.

This is because his honorable lineage, which he gave up voluntarily to search for God, was replaced by God - the Most High - with the title of Mawla of the Messenger of God (and Salman is from the family of the house) Allah says: ( O Prophet, say to those in your hands of the prisoners, If God knows something good in your hearts, He will bestow upon you what was taken from you, and forgive you, and God is Forgiving, Mercifull (70)

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why does it matter?

Students' beliefs about intelligence have important consequences for how they experience school and how they respond to setbacks and adversity. When students have a fixed mindset, school can be a threatening place because they may be anxious about proving their ability or avoiding "looking stupid". This can lead students to avoid challenges and give up when they are struggling. But when students have a growth mindset, they may experience school as an exciting place for growth, and embrace challenges as opportunities to develop mastery.

What we know about the concept of growth through scientific research

Students' different interpretations of school and learning lead to differences in performance Researchers recently examined the relationship between tenth graders' mindsets and performance on a national achievement test in Chile. Top 20% on the test, while students with a fixed mindset were four times more likely to score in the bottom 20% Flexible and grows stronger through effort, trying new strategies, and asking for help when necessary. Researchers have also learned that we can encourage students to adopt a more growth mindset by changing the way we interact with them.

In multiple studies with thousands of students across the country, researchers have found that students who take these programs gain more course credits, higher grades, and higher grades on standardized tests.

We benefit from the following study

It seems that the companion Salman al-Farsi had a growth mindset. Note: He entered into three religions, and this does not mean that whoever changes his religion has a growth mindset, nor that anyone must change his religion, but the idea of ​​searching and traveling from country to country in order to search for What he is looking for - which is the only way to learn at that time - indicates a growth mentality and God knows best

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