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The verses within themselves

The Scientific talk inspired from Dr. Rateb Al-Nabulsi's website

What kind of verses can we see and know that they are the verses of Allah?

 Allah says 

سَنُرِيهِمْ آيَاتِنَا فِي الْآفَاقِ وَفِي أَنفُسِهِمْ حَتَّىٰ يَتَبَيَّنَ لَهُمْ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ ۗ أَوَلَمْ يَكْفِ بِرَبِّكَ أَنَّهُ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ شَهِيدٌ (53) 

We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient for your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? (53)

The verse explains itself, but explaining what is in it requires two parts. We will suffice here with the first part (in the horizons) and the other part (in yourselves). Let us begin.

Second: within themselves 

If we contemplate the human body, we will find the complexity of its design to be extremely complex!! Every organ and every system perform its function perfectly in complete harmony with the other organs and systems. Indeed, every component of the human body has many details. This complexity indicates the wisdom and kindness of the Creator, glory be to Him.

1- The skin

Human skin contains five million pain-sensitive organs

200,000 heat-sensitive organs

500,000 pressure-sensitive organs

Protects the body from harmful external factors such as germs

Prevents body water, which makes up 70% of the human body, from penetrating to the outside, which prevents dehydration

Maintains the body's internal temperature, as there are 15 million sweat glands under the skin, which rid the body of excess heat through evaporation and sweat.

A means of transmitting sensation from the outside

In wounds, cracks, etc.

God - Blessed and Exalted be He - has made it possible for skin cells to grow again. It is great wisdom and kindness from a merciful and wise Creator.

2 - The Bones

God created bones and made them have many benefits for the body,

They are what give the human body its general shape

Protect some soft organs from external factors

The skull protects the brain from external factors, as well as the rib cage, which protects the heart and lungs, and also the spine, which protects the spinal cord

Between the joints (the places where two bones meet) is a fluid that facilitates the process of movement

Without that fluid, a person would not be able to walk and would scream in pain with every movement, because that fluid is what facilitates movement

The Brain

That mysterious organ that scientists have been baffled by its complexity

Its weight

About 1330 grams, with this limited average weight it contains 30 billion nerve cells

And during every second of thinking or studying, 15 thousand chemical reactions take place inside each nerve cell to pave the way for nerve commands to travel at a speed of 350 km/hour, and this is the reason why a person is able to see things and speak their names in less than a second, and without these reactions, a time gap would occur between a person seeing things and realizing their reality

Scientists estimate that the brain can store in an area not exceeding 22 square decimeters what is equivalent to 20 million medium-sized volumes

And each area of the brain specializes in a specific work and function, there is an area specializing in vision, another specializing in hearing, a third specializing in movement, a fourth for taste, and a fifth for smell, in addition to that there are special centers for speech, writing and thinking

It receives signals and sends other signals, receives and issues, and controls all the body's systems, especially the nervous system

He accepts knowledge and experiences, arranges them, classifies them and retains them for future use.

The point

How does he store knowledge in its diversity in all fields of science, its branches and ramifications? How does he preserve languages, their vocabulary, grammar and methods? How does this information not get mixed up with each other? How does he produce it when necessary, clear, distinct and independent of each other? And how can he still compare, balance, reconcile, oppose, criticize, examine and judge their truth or falsehood? How, when necessary, can he combine them when he lectures, speaks, writes a book, edits an article or research, using them as he wishes?

The heart

This amazing organ that works non-stop day and night

It beats seventy times a minute, and does not rest for a single moment from its continuous work

Its work is not limited to the biology of the body, but it is also the center of emotions from love and hate, and the center of pleasant and sad feelings from joy to sadness and worry to fear and shame and enthusiasm and despair

The Hair

There are three hundred thousand hairs on the human head, each hair has a vein, an artery, a nerve, a muscle, a sebaceous gland, and a pigment gland, but for a very great wisdom, there are no sensory nerves in the hair. If there were sensory nerves, you would your friend asked you: Where are you going? you would say: To the hospital, why? To get a haircut. If there were sensory nerves in the hair, I would need general anesthesia. The great wisdom is that hair and nails do not have sensory nerves, while there are sensory nerves in the bone marrow. Why? He said: Because if this bone is broken, from the severity of the pain, from the severity of the sensory nerve in the bone marrow, this piece remains as it is, and keeping it as it is is four-fifths of the treatment. So there is a very great wisdom.

So this hair is three hundred thousand hairs, each hair has a vein, an artery, a nerve, a muscle, a sebaceous gland, and a pigment gland. These are signs from the signs of Allah

The Brain

Now the brain: In the human brain there are one hundred and forty billion supportive brown cells, their function is not yet known, but the cerebral cortex has fourteen billion cortical cells, in it is the memory, in memory there is one billion cortical cells, the memory is the size of a lentil, in it are seventy billion images, in the brain is the place of decision-making, i.e. the trial, God Almighty said:

 لَنَسْفَعَنْ بِالنَّاصِيَةِ * نَاصِيَةٍ كَاذِبَةٍ خَاطِئَةٍ 

He grasped firmly by the forelock * A lying, sinful forelock﴾ [Surat Al-Alaq]

The place of trial, the place of remembrance, the place of deduction, the place of inference, the brain is the most complex machine in the universe, and this brain is incapable of understanding itself, a person changes completely every five years, every five years a person becomes a different person, his hair is new, his skin is new, his bones are new, a complete change, except that the brain does not change, and the heart does not change, the wisdom of not changing the brain and heart is because the brain is the center of information, if the brain changed, and we asked a noble brother: What do you do? He will tell you: I was a doctor, as long as his brain changed, he lost all memory, all information, the brain does not change.

The Eye
Allah says 
﴿ أَلَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُ عَيْنَيْنِ ﴾سورة البلد الآية:8]

“Have We not made for him two eyes?” (Surat Al-Balad, verse: 8)

Now if we reach the eye, in the eye there is water, this water can freeze, a person living in Finland, the temperature is sixty-nine below zero, he can wear a hat, wool clothes, a wool coat, gloves, wool socks, and shoes with fur in them, but how does he deal with his eyes at sixty-nine below zero and the eye has water in it? It is very natural that the eye water should freeze in these northern countries, but for great wisdom an antifreeze substance was made in the eye water.

Now we have cameras called digital, professional in the markets

Its price is in the millions, like the machines used by television, these machines have tens of thousands of receptors in each millimeter of light, while in the retina there are a hundred million receptors in each millimeter, a hundred million and the latest professional digital camera has ten thousand, these hundred million in order to distinguish between eight million colors, if we take one color, the healthy human eye distinguishes between two degrees.

Iris, conjunctiva

But there is a nice point, the whole human body is nourished by capillaries except the eye, the first layer of the eye, this layer is nourished by solutions, and if it was nourished by capillaries you would see everything within a network, the first cell in the cornea takes its food and the food of its neighbor, and the food of its neighbor flows through a cell membrane, so that transparency is absolute, whose wisdom? Whose knowledge? Whose ability?

The nose

There are twenty million olfactory nerves, these nerves end in cilia, each nerve ends in seven cilia, these cilia are immersed in a certain chemical substance, which interacts with the smell of the food, and from this interaction a geometric shape is formed, which is the symbol of the smell, this symbol is transmitted to the brain, in the brain there is the olfactory memory, approximately ten thousand items, this symbol - the symbol of this smell - is presented to ten thousand items in the olfactory memory, and whenever the symbol agrees with a similar symbol, you say: in the tea there is mint, or in the food there is cumin, for example, this process is very simple for you, but until you know that there is mint in the tea, you have an olfactory memory in the brain with ten thousand items, and you have the interaction of the smell with the twenty million olfactory nerves, and from the interaction the geometric shape is formed, transmitted to the brain, presented to this olfactory memory, you discovered that in this food there is such and such substance, this is from God’s grace upon us.

The Balance

If we look at a statue found at a fabric seller's store, we find that its support base is estimated at sixty centimeters so that it can stand. A human being is between one hundred and eighty and one hundred and ninety and walks on two delicate feet. How does this human being balance? He said: Because there are three canals in the inner ear, the three canals contain fluid to half of them, and there are hairs above the fluid. If a human being leans five degrees, the fluid is horizontal and touches the hairs on the left. You are correct. Without this device, a human being would not ride a bicycle, and he would not be able to stand. Excuse me, can the people of Earth stop a dead person? Because the device is broken. As for you, you walk on two delicate feet. If there was no device, a human being would need two feet like an elephant's feet. You need a support base estimated at seventy centimeters.

The Blood

The brain is in the skull, the heart is in the rib cage, the spinal cord is in the spine, the uterus is in the pelvic bone, and the most dangerous device that produces red blood cells. This device produces two and a half million cells every second. This device is the most dangerous device that God has placed in the bone marrow. For example, when we make a certain food, which contains meat and bone, we hit this bone with our hand and a lead-colored tube comes out.

This is the bone marrow, this is the red blood cell factory, it produces two and a half million red blood cells every second, because two and a half million red blood cells die every second, what should we do with these dead red blood cells? One of us might say: Subtract, no, economy is perfection, these dead red blood cells go to the graveyard, which is the spleen, the spleen is the graveyard of red blood cells, they are broken down into hemoglobin and iron, the iron is remanufactured, and the hemoglobin becomes bile.

If a person eats a fatty food and does not digest the bile, it makes the food liquid. Any person who has removed the bile is forbidden to eat fat, because if digestion is difficult, he will have no way to digest it. Therefore, the dead red blood cells go to the graveyard, to the spleen, and the spleen breaks them down into their basic factors. Their basic factors are hemoglobin, which is bile, and iron is sent to the bone marrow laboratories again, to be remanufactured. So this example confirms that the economy is perfection, divine perfection. Of course, the subject is very delicate. Now, the red blood cell lives for a long time and travels throughout the body, but the delicate thing is that it has a white blood cell with it. The white blood cell is the body's guardian.

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