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We have not sent you except mercy for the worlds

Allah says ( وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلا رَحْمَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ )

We have not sent you except a mercy for the worlds

we benefit from this verse

What: a tool of exile - except an exception tool (We sent you only as a mercy) What do you understand from this? That is, the Messenger of God did not send him to lead the people to prayer? or to distinguish Muslims from other religions? Or for each person to strike the neck of the other, rather he came for a specific purpose from heaven (a mercy) for the Muslims? !!! No, no, but for the worlds...!!!

The Mercy: compassion: kindness, gentelness

From his speach - peace be uopn him -

On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Mercy is not taken away except from the evil-doer ” (Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi).

On the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: God is kind and loves gentleness, and He bestows upon kindness what He does not give over violence, and what he does not give to others, it was narrated by Muslim.

We benefit from the above, the following

1 - It seems that mercy is inherent in the human soul, and even the animal that raises its hooves from its young for fear of harming it. Therefore, violence is not one of the original characteristics of the human being. Rather, it is caused by psychological reasons or painful circumstances that transformed a person from merciful to violent.

2 - Mercy is stripped away. Who can reach such a bad level in dealings, until God Almighty strips mercy from his heart? evil-doer: in the language means: unhappy, unfortunate, the opposite of happy.

3- As for the second hadith: God Almighty is lenience and loves lenience, and He does not give violence a reward, and on the contrary He bestows upon lenience all the goods.

Are you a gentleness to everything around you, be it an animal, a bird, a human or a small child? Do you throw things (inanimate objects) Do you imagine that inanimate objects doesn't feel, Are you a gentelness to the dead who died and you do not love him just because he passed away, for kindness is one of the attributes of God Almighty, and the Messenger recommanded by it, Why all this violence between our souls?

Now, we are take a tour of his Mercy - peace be uopn him -

The mercy for the children

1 - That the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to pray while carrying (Umama bint Zainab, the daughter of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace), and when he prostrated he put her down and if he stood he carried her,

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to call the boy in proportion to his smallness. He did not call him the master, the sheikh, or anything else. Rather, he would say to him when advising him: “Oh, boy, and in this he brought the child's mentality closer to feel that he is not only giving orders.

2 - The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the best of people in character, I had a brother called Abu Umair - he said: I love him - and weaned from breastfeeding, and if he came, he would say: O Abu Umair, what did the Nughair do? Nughair was playing with it, so he might have attended the prayer while he was in our house, He orders the rug under it to be swept and sprinkled, then he gets up and we stand behind him and he leads us in prayer.

Al-Nughair is a small bird that the brother of the great Companion Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, used to play with, according to what is narrated, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, visited his companion, Anas in his house, and saw his little brother carrying a sick small bird, so the best of prayers and peace be upon him came to him and hugged him and said to him (O Abu Umair, what did the Nughair do?) - He called him “Abu Umair” as he is nicknamed Adults The nation's leader cared for a small child and his sick bird despite the greatness of his preoccupations.

3 - On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him: ((Al-Aqra’ bin Habis saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: he kisses Al - Hasan, He said: I have ten children and I have not kissed one of them, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: He who is not merciful will not be merciful.

4 - When his son (Ibrahim) passed away from Mrs. Maria the Coptic (Egyptian), he said his famous saying: Peace and blessings of God be upon him: The eyes shed tears, and the heart grieves, and we do not say except what is pleasing to our Lord, and we are grieved at your separation, O Abraham.

5- He was walking one day - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - with some of the Companions, and he found children playing, so he opened his arms and the children ran on him, He said to them: Do you love me? They said yes. He said to them: By God, my heart loves you.

Mercy to servents and slaves

The authenticity of the hadith is agreed upon, as it was narrated by the two sheikhs Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and it is about slaves (Mamluks or slaves) and its meaning is clear from its story, on the authority of Al-Maarour bin Suwaid, he said: I met Abu Dharr in al-Rabadha and he had a robe and his servant had a robe, so I asked him about that and he said: I cursed a man, so I insulted him with his mother, The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to me: O Abu Dhar, did you lend him to his mother?! You are a person in you an ignorance, your brothers and sisters: slaves and servants, God has placed them under your hands, whoever has his brother under his hand, let him feed him from what he eats, and clothe him with what he wears, and do not burden them with what is more difficult for them, for if you assigned them, help them.

His mercy for the youth

 A young boy came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: O Prophet of God, do you permit me to commit adultery? The people shouted at him, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Bring him nearer, come close to him, until he sits in front of him, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Do you love it for your mother? He said: No, God made me your ransom. He said: Likewise, people do not like it for their mothers. Would you love it for your daughter? He said: No, God made me your ransom. He said: Likewise, people do not like it for their daughters, Do you like it for your sister? Ibn Awf added to the mention of the paternal and maternal aunt, and he says to each one: No, God has made me your ransom, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says: Likewise, people do not like it, And they both said in their hadiths - I mean Ibn Awf and the other narrator -: So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, placed his hand on his chest and said: O God, purify his heart, forgive his sins, and fortify his private parts, so nothing was more hateful to him than it.

His mercy for non-Muslims

A man saw an old woman in Makkah trying to carry a bundle of firewood, and when he saw an old woman he turned towards her and said: I am carrying it for you, lead me to your home, and the road was long, the sand was blazing, the sun was burning, the air was scorching, the home was far away, and the load was heavy, when he reached the house of that old woman, she said to him: My son, I have nothing to reward you with, but I will give you advice, if you return to your people in Mecca, there is a sorcerer who claims to be a prophet, It is said to him Muhammad, if you see him do not believe him, and do not follow him, he said: Why? she said: Because he is bad in character, he said: Even if I am Muhammad the Messenger? And that old woman said: If you are Muhammad, then I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that you are the Messenger of God.”

His mercy at the day of the conquest of Mecca

And when the Messenger arrived in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, he had prepared the army well in order to enter Makkah from all sides, the army was divided into several divisions, and each division had a commander for them, In order to enter Mecca, and then Abu Sufyan entered Mecca, shouting at its people: “O people of Quraish, Muhammad has brought you what he did not bring to you before, whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe, whoever enters his house is safe, and whoever enters the mosque is safe, People rushed to their homes, to the mosque, and to Abu Sufyan's house.

His mercy during wars and invasions

From his commandments to the soldiers of the Islamic army

“Invade in the name of God, in the way of God, whoever disbelieves in God. Do not be treacherous, do not exaggerate, do not kill a newborn or a woman, nor an adult who is mortal, nor isolate himself in a hermitage, do not cut down palm trees or trees, and do not demolish a building.”

The Mercy to the birds

We were with the Messenger of God on a journey, so he went out for his needs, and we saw a humra with two chicks, so we took her chicks, and they came to a throne, so the Prophet came and said: Who afflicted this one with her child? brought her back to her.

Al-Shafi’i, Ahmad, Al-Nasa’i and Ibn Hibban narrated on the authority of Amr bin Al-Shareed who said: I heard Al-Shareed say: I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: “He who kills a bird in vain, it will be loud to God Almighty on the Day of Resurrection will say: O Lord, so-and-so killed me in vain and did not kill me for a benefit, Al-Shafi’i and Al-Hakim narrated and authenticated it on the authority of Ibn Umar, may God be pleased with them, who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “No person kills a bird or more above it, Without its right, except that God asked him about it .” He said: “Oh, Messenger of God, what its right?” He said: “slaughters it and eats it, and does not cut off her head or throw her away.”

And The Messenger of God forbade the killing of game during the sacred months.

we take advantave from the above:

1 - Al-Hamra (a type of bird) complained to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - in a way that she does not know, as a messenger who may have understood by flapping its wings or understanding its language through revelation. The bird, the tree, and the stone knew the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and knew what was in his heart of mercy, and he is already like that, and he is the one who defends a small bird that hasn't to do with human power.

2 - The Messenger refused to hunt wild birds or others in the sanctuary, and this is a mercy to the environment, so that he should take revenge on them in four whole months of the year, during the Hajj season, which would have mercy on biological diversity from harm or disturbance, and this does not affect climate change, even if in one place on a planet Earth (Makkah)

3 - As we saw above in the hadith of killing a bird and above for no benefit such as eating or - God forbid - spreading diseases or epidemics or any other benefit, which is forbidden in Islam, and even if he was killed for a benefit - it is forbidden to kill him and cut his neck and throw it away, which It means respect for the sparrow and above the birds, both dead and alive.

The Mercy to ants

The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - saw an ant village that had been burned. He said: Who burned this? We said: We said: Only the Lord of fire should be tormented with fire.

Ants, especially termites, have a detrimental effect on the place in which they are found, and despite that, the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - forbade discarding them by burning with fire. The Messenger of God did not say what effect this would have on the environment, But you can read this paragraph to infer why the illiterate Messenger of God, who does not read or write, forbids us from doing that with ants.

We found significant changes in ant communities

after the major fires in the Peloponnese region of Greece. Changes in ant communities do not seem to depend on habitat openness in general, As predicted by Andersen (2019), we suggest that the lack of return to a pre-burning state is related to the slow pace of vegetation renewal. Furthermore it , Ants in burnt habitats are larger, longer-legged, and possess morphological traits that are adapted to predation and litter strategies, this finding improves our understanding of who and why societal change after upheaval events.

The mercy for the plants

On Friday, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, passed by the stump on which he was leaning during the sermon, crossed the stump and climbed the new pulpit and greeted the people and gave the call to the muezzin. Then he began his sermon and during the sermon, the Companions, may God be pleased with them, heard a moan similar to the moaning of a child who had lost his mother, And the sound of moaning began to rise, and the Companions began to turn right and left to see where this moaning came from.. and if the moaning came from the trunk that the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family, was addressing from the pulpit, The Prophet kept preaching and the groaning of the trunk increased as he wept over the separation of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, not a separation that reaches a distance in time or place, but only eight steps between the trunk and the pulpit, the sound of the groan of the trunk kept getting louder and louder, until the Companions could no longer hear the voice of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace, while he was giving a sermon, so the Prophet stopped his sermon and came down from the pulpit and approached the trunk, and the Messenger of God began patting the trunk and wiping it with his honorable hand, as a mother does with her crying child, until the trunk calmed down little by little until he fell silent, and he embraced him and addressed him and gave him the choice between being a fruitful tree in the world that does not perish until the Hour of Judgment and he made it clear that he would be with him in Paradise, so Al-Jaz’ chose to be with the Prophet in Paradise, And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said to his companions: “If I had not embraced him, he would have Crave until the Day of Resurrection.”

Look to this sceintific talk:

Wood Has Feelings Too: The Personality and Characteristics of Popular Wood Species

There are so many types of wood, from vastly different regions with vastly different characteristics. These distinguishing features are what lend treated wood their personalities.

Sensory and Emotional Perception of Wooden Surfaces through Fingertip Touch

In this study, we investigated emotional touch perception through an active fingertip exploration across varieties of pine and oak wood surfaces. The present study showed that the effects of coatings applied to the various wooden surfaces had a significant association with the affective evaluation, especially with positive aspects. These findings anticipate the possibility of improving the comfort-touch of wood-based products. Retaining the naturalness of the surface properties of wood-based products seems to be crucial for improving positive touch experiences and thereby influencing decision-making behavior.

From the above:

we don't astoniched from the previous Hadith now, isn't it?


 This is a so brief for the mercy og the messenger of God, or if so to speak: said a sample of his mercy, because we not able to conclude all 23 years of his message - peace be upon him.

The links


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