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Whose Allah in Islam?

Updated: Mar 5

First: some verses from the Qur'an

Allah says

لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ [الشورى:11]

There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing [Al-Shura: 11]

Before we begin this file: We must know that no matter how much we try to bring Him closer to the One who is the God of the Muslims, we will not achieve anything better than this verse (There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing) But why did God - glory be to Him - mention this verse in His Final Book? God knows, لالاut there are people who have colonized the planets, and there are people who are long-lived and scientists, and there are people who extend life, Trans-human and others. Perhaps they have learned more about things than our knowledge and understanding, this is what causes their hatred of the idea of God, because, as some of them say: We created God in a machine, and by that they mean that the robot, which is gigantic in size and information, is like a god, so it knows to the point where they created a robot called The Big Brother Watching You, and they used it to spy cameras in neighborhoods and streets...etc. it define each person individually, he will be known to the authorities, if someone suspects in him, it knew his location from these giant cameras located at a very high level, So that the sabotage does not last long. Now: You are aware that there are 4 temptations in life from which rarely anyone escapes, and if they were combined against someone who does not have religion, they would destroy him. They are: (Knowledge - Beauty - Money - Power) And they reached a degree of knowledge that tyrannized and blinded them, so God Almighty singles out a verse that speaks about its essence, and this essence is: It's also just vague: no matter how high your status is, no matter how much knowledge you have, No matter how broad your knowledge is: God is other than that, there is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.

Allah says

 هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ [الحديد:3]

He is the first and the last, the apparent and the hidden,   And He is Knowing of all things” [Al-Hadid: 3]

This verse gives us another glimpse of the God of Muslims and all people. He is the First, that is, there was nothing before Him. They measured the age of the universe with giant telescopes, and they measured the age of the universe in only two stages - According to our limited knowledge - they measured the age of the universe in childhood and measured it in infancy - of course the expression is metaphorical - with a telescope called Hubble The other is called Webb, that is, their result was that in the midst of these discoveries they reached particles that they called God’s particles, which are Haggozzen particles, It proves the existence of the Lord in one way or another, so they called it by this name. Now: What is the relationship of the verse in our hands to the physical particles of the Lord? God, His Majesty - tells you a piece of the unseen, You were not present at the beginning of the universe, which began with the Big Bang, nor will you be present at the end of the universe, which will approximately end with masslessness - this is not our topic here, When the witness tells you that: Glory be to Him, He is the First, they physically understood and reached the stage of breastfeeding of the universe, It is a very advanced stage in the cosmic age, perhaps tomorrow we will come to determine the day the universe will end physically. You, as a Muslim, have information about that. God is the beginning and He is the delay or the last thing in this earthly system, It changed into a bright, white land on which we were held accountable, and then we divided into two groups. The witness: for every human being who declares something about himself that must be verified, God - glory be to Him - He declared himself to be the first, and no human being, no scientific robot, nor any entity declared itself to be the initiator in this cosmic system, so we as Muslims believe in that, We just have to wait for someone else to prove it, and God is Most High and Most Knowing.

Second: The Holy Hadiths

It is an Islamic term that refers to words spoken by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, but its meaning is from God, according to Islamic religious scholars, it comes either through inspiration or a developing vision, which is true of the prophets, or slander in the soul. It differs from the Qur’an, which was revealed in its wording and meaning through revelation.

Why, when we are trying to approximate the meaning of God in Islam, do we talk about the sacred hadiths? It is natural in the world of people that the best person is the one who tells someone about someone else for a person to tell about himself, and the clearer his opinions are, the more he seeks honesty in his words. God - the Almighty - mentioned Holy hadiths on the tongue of His Messenger - Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace - the notation scholars have very precise standards for not interfering with the Qur’an. Now: Why are we talking about it: Because it is among the words of God Almight, It is among the definitions of things that God loves and things that God does not love, and therefore we will get to know God - the Almighty - through His words.

The first holy hadith

On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: God Almighty says: I am as My servant thinks of Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me, and if he remembers Me within himself, I mentioned him in myself, and if he mentioned me in a Elite, I mentioned him in a better Elite than them, If he draws near to Me by a span, I will draw near to him by a cubit, and if he draws near to Me by an arm's length, I will draw near to him by a furlong, and if he comes to Me walking, I will come to him trotting.) Bukhari and Muslim .

Al Mala'a: The nobles and nobles of the people who fill the eyes with splendor and the breasts with awe

Aside from the interpretation of the venerable scholars

of the Holy Hadith: In the hadith: If you want to know where you stand with God, look at where He has placed you, In your busyness and in your free time before your work, and this is the work of the hand, there is work of another kind (the work of thought) and it is said that each of us has thoughts (self-talk) for which God is not held accountable, If we had taken it, we would have perished, but - Glory be to Him - He knows it - and some people in some countries in some positions know it clearly. the witness: Imagine talking to yourself about God - Glory be to Him - You now see in God severity and prohibition, and He will be the same with you, even if you believe in Him - Glory be to Him - the Most High, the goodness, mercy, relief from crises, and a push toward Paradise will be yours, as you told yourself. That is why it is said: None of you will die unless he has a good opinion of God With this hadith, God Almighty wants to say to you: Be better than your own self-talk, for it will either destroy you or improve your mood, thinking, and mentality. Of course, God is All-Knowing and All-Knowing.

Then he reminds you of the vocabulary of self-talk if applied on the ground:

1- If you remember him, he remembers you. If you remember him in yourself: he remembers you in himself - Glory be to Him.

2- If you mention Him in front of a crowd, and the crowd: they are the elite, they are the ones who fill the first rows of the councils - so to speak - so if you mention God - the Almighty - in the midst of an elite group of people, He will immediately mention you among the elite of close angels.

3- If you draw closer to Him in a small way, He will draw close to you in a big way

4- And if you come to him walking (to the mosques - to seek knowledge - to attend a religious council... etc.), he will come to you while jogging

Perhaps the intent of the Hadith is to warn you against self-talk, because it is either with you and on your side, or it is against your interests because it changes from mere self-talk to an impact on the ground. Of course, God knows what He wants from His servants.

The second holy hadith

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (God Almighty says: O son of Adam, devote yourself to worshiping Me, I will fill your chest with wealth and relieve your poverty, otherwise you will do so. I will fill your hands with work and will not alleviate your poverty.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, and others. It was authenticated by Al-Tirmidhi and authenticated by Al-Albani.

The meaning of his saying: devote yourself to worshiping Me:

That is: empty your heart of the world, and the meaning does not mean: sit in your house and do not work, do not feed your children, and do not do good, and the meaning of devoting yourself to worship does not mean that you pray night and day and fast all the time, some of the Companions tried to do this, such as Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with him, so he stayed up all night and fasted his whole life, and then the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Do not do it, for if you do it, your eyes will become tired and your soul will tire. (Yourself has a right over you, and your family has a right over you, and your wife has a right over you, so give each one his right.

As if the meaning A heart preoccupied with something other than God is a worried heart, my brother: everything has a big goal and a small goal, and the primary goal of our existence in life is (worship in its broad sense: that is, everything you do with sincere intention turns in a glance into a great work, and reconstruction, (It is He who produced you from the earth and settled you in it. We have come to sustain our lives and the lives of people until the time of our death. It has been said: We plant and others eat, and others plant and we eat.)

As for the greatest goal of our existence, it is: a sound heart, yes, a heart that does not have any impurities (grudge - malice - hatred - envy or other afflictions of hearts and thwarts of deeds), but a pause: Is there a heart that does not have any of this? We are just human beings. The hadith explains to you: Your heroism in this life is to keep your heart in a state of psychological stability although the heart is not called a heart except because of its frequent fluctuations from one state to another, despite that, God Almighty asks you in this hadith to empty your heart of the fortunes of this world, understand again your heart, not your hand. Your hands are immersed in the work of this world, and your heart is attached to God Almighty, there are people who prostrate sincerely to God - the Almighty - and emerge from it with their heart suspended in the sky for a period of years until they become immersed in this world and their heart is once again polluted by attachment to the worldly things, therefore, anything to which your heart becomes strongly attached, God Almighty will rid you of it by force at times through separation and at other times death. Complete attachment does not belong here, perfection does not belong here. Here, everything is incomplete, truncated, cut off, unless you connect it to a connection with God - the Almighty - even if you do not believe that, all you have to do is walk through life and try, and ask those who lost a loved one: Are you like you were yesterday? Are you still you? Of course not, and we are not talking about a broken heart, for it disappears, and a person is not called a human being except due to forgetfulness, you will forget, but you will no longer be defeated, and you will not fear anything after losing the most precious things. May God protect you and protect us from all harm and evil therefore, keep your heart occupied with God and with attachment to Him, whether in the absence of a state of illness for yourself or otherwise, and occupy yourself with the causes and do not become attached to them. God knows best what He wants from His servants.


Hence, the Lord - the Almighty - tells you that if you do not do this, He will fill your hand with work and will not make you feel rich, but on the contrary, you will feel more and more poor, and look around you: you expanded the circle of livelihood and told us: Sustenance is not just money, but children, good children, but health, which is the best, and you said beauty, knowledge, blessing, love from people, that is, everything you included in the circle of livelihood is the circle of poverty, meaning: If there is a loss of health, this is poverty of health. There is poverty in having children, so this is poverty in procreation, and so on. The meaning of talking in this way is that we are all poor except for those whom God has truly enriched, each one of us lacks in things and is rich in other things, so we are preoccupied with God’s commands in what is in our hands. God enriches us sometimes from where we expect it and most of the times from where we do not expect it, because (God rejected that the believer’s sustenance should only come from where he does not expect it) As it is said (people are in my mosques and God will fulfill their needs) Be with God, serve the Book of God, or serve religion in any way, and your heart will be filled with wealth even if you lose everything, which is rare in this life. and God is superior and knows best.  

The third holy hadith 

On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: God, Blessed and Most High, said, “I am richest of partners” in the case of polytheism, whoever does a job in which he associates others with me, I will leave him and his polytheist.) Narrated by Muslim, and in the narration of Ibn Majah: (I am innocent from him, and he belongs to the one who associated with).



My brother: Do we associate partners with God Almighty when we do not know? The truth: Yes, polytheism is not testimony with the tongue, but rather it is an attachment of the heart. We are attached to fathers and children, beautiful homes, a stable life, and broad trade, which brings us abundant money, and we get busy to the point of intoxication in this, so we wake up arranging everything that pleases our eyes, and we sleep on that, and in between is another arrangement, until we wake up to a loss, a disaster, a war, or something else, as if we had just emerged from the graves, What happened, why did all this happen, and when will the grief lift, and life has not changed its nature, but rather we are the ones who expected the best of it, and you are aware that the problem of relationships, any relationships: they are the ceiling of expectations, and we have a relationship with the world: and the ceiling of our expectations exceeds their limits and their ability to fulfill them, so do not associate partners with God - the Almighty - not only out of hypocrisy and not just conceit in work, but there are people who are sincere to God - the Almighty - completely sincere. if God knows, but we share children, spouses, homes, and other things with a love stronger and deeper than our love for God, and this in love is unacceptable. When do you know when interests conflict? O God, we seek refuge in You from associating with You something we know, and we seek Your forgiveness for what we do not know.


 Third: Some of the beautiful names of God


((Al-Halim - Al-Shukur)) 

  sweet-natured/ forbearing

He was kind to his family: tolerant, forgiving and forbearing.

The person is forbearing: He takes his time and calms down when angry or bad, with ability and strength


Allah says

قَالُوا يَا شُعَيْبُ أَصَلَاتُكَ تَأْمُرُكَ أَن نَّتْرُكَ مَا يَعْبُدُ آبَاؤُنَا أَوْ أَن نَّفْعَلَ فِي أَمْوَالِنَا مَا نَشَاءُ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَأَنتَ الْحَلِيمُ الرَّشِيدُ (87)

They said, “O Shuaib, your prayer command you that we abandon what our fathers worshiped, or that We may do with our wealth whatever We please. Indeed, you are the Forbearing, has good appreciation (87)

And the meaning People do not like those who order them to do anything, especially regarding two basic issues

1 - Worship: They worship a god, associate others with Him, or do not worship a god at all.


2 - Money: To tell him to do and not to do, came out the grudges from the hearts.

Therefore, the people of Shuaib - peace be upon him - criticized him for these two things, and then it was as if they wanted to prove to him that he would not insult them again with words that hurt them about God or about the management of money, they described him as gentle and rational, and this means that his sweet nature does not make him argue with them about these things again. Of course, God is Most High and Most Knowing.

The name of God is forbearing

He forbearing about infidels, perhaps they repent or wake up

He forbearing about the sinner and the guilty person until he asks for forgiveness and comes back

He does not punish evil with evil quickly and with deterrence, but rather is patient and patient

In the past, they said: He who is patient will get what he desires

And in the hadith: (Forbearance is the master of morals)

There are people who are very gentle. You stand up and shout at him, and he does not argue with you, and he leaves you free to take out your grudges, while he does not move a muscle in front of you, Dreaming is required in our daily lives with the hustle and bustle of life, selfishness, and self-love, and then the flood.

And even between the father and his children, he should not punish them quickly, but rather be patient until they calm down, and perhaps they will return, and perhaps as they grow older and understand more, they will refrain from what makes him angry with them, and so on: Forbearance is like kindness: if it is placed in something it beautifies it, and if it is removed from it it disgraces it... God has blessed us and you with forbearance and patience, which are two qualities that God and His Messenger love for believers to possess.

Examples of forbearance in our daily lives:

1 - Someone broke the signal on you and passed you between the rows of cars. Leave him alone and say: Praise be to God who has healed us.

2 - The wife against her husband, or the husband against his wife: If one of them makes a mistake, then we are all sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent, so he is more worthy of a human being and she is more worthy of a human being than anyone else in forbearing for her.

Al - Shakoor

Have you ever tried being an employee manager? Have you thanked a hardworking employee for their diligence? We assume yes. Did he do a good service for you on that same day again , so you asked for him in your office and thanked him again? then another, then another? If you did, the employee himself would doubt you and the rest of the employees would doubt your intentions, right? And you are saying to yourself: Perhaps my thanking him so much makes him feel astonished or reduces his productivity. God - glory be to Him - does not do the same thing to you, rather, for every deed, small or great, that you do, he will thank you for it. His name was not Shakir, but rather Shukur, meaning he is very thankful for the small and great things that you do.

What is the quality of gratitude to God Almighty for you?

It increases the same quality of production that Baraka: blessing and Tasira: facilitated the matter for you.

What is the evidence?

Allah says

يَعْمَلُونَ لَهُ مَا يَشَاءُ مِن ..... ۚ اعْمَلُوا آلَ دَاوُودَ شُكْرًا ۚ وَقَلِيلٌ مِّنْ عِبَادِيَ الشَّكُورُ (13)

They do for Him whatever He pleases of..... ۚ Do the family of David with gratitude ۚ And few of My servants are thankful (13)

Who is David - and who are the family of David?

David - peace be upon him - before he was a prophet, he was just a small soldier in the army of Taloot, and he was the one who eliminated Goliath and his army, They became one of the youngest soldiers in this battle, after which God bestowed upon him prophecy, kingship, and the wisdom with which he used to judge people, as the judge of judges, for example, in later eras.

As for the family of David

His son is Suleiman - peace be upon him - and the rest of the family and perhaps the entourage, including servants and even the army attributed to him, consisting of humans, jinn, birds and animals, are all under his command, so they did for him what was stated in the verse: The witness: all of the family of David together were working in various professions, including the profession of blacksmithing, which makes clothes and hands dirty, It has an unpleasant smell. I also mean that it is hard work and not worthy of kings. However, they brought out the best of it for humanity at that time, and the evidence is that when the Queen of Sheba entered the Kingdom of Sulaiman, she was impressed by their technology, even though she was the queen of a great kingdom at that time as well,

Now: Is this what God - glory be to Him - thanked them for?

Yes, and not just thanks, but praise that “few of God’s servants are thankful for this degree of work” for a masterful job that kings marvel at (Queen of Sheba) at the same time, God Almighty mentions that few people, not humans, but servants attributed to God, do this method of work that brings thanks of God.

Now: What is the quality of your work that deserves the name of God to be thankful for you?

Is there a lot of blessings upon the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace? Is it praising and glorifying...etc? Is it doing good deeds for God’s needy servants? Did, did, did?

But the most important thing is: your profession: are you so proficient in it that whoever sees it cannot add even a small glance to it? Thank the servants of God for their small and great deeds with you, and thank God for the blessing of gratitude, and thank yourself with good, well-done work...and God is Most High and All-Knowing. 

The delay

One of the names of majesty, not beauty, is the delayed name of God

It is a name that suggests: He will delay you, he will delay you until:

1 - The end of the class after you were the first of the class

As happened with our master Khalid bin Al-Walid, may God pleased with him after he was at the forefront of the army and the commander dismissed him, Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - and a soldier brought him back, and he was satisfied with that with complete sincerity and devotion to God - the Almighty - when Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - was asked why you did that to Khalid bin Al-Walid: He said: Every battle he enters is victorious, so I wanted to tell the Muslims that victory is not due to Khaled, but to God Almighty...


2 - Delayed: He delays your simple dreams until they mature and keeps you years away from your dreams and from everyone around you.

3 - Delayed: He delays you having a disobedient son, or delays your success, or delays your work, childbirth, or other worldly fortunes, as a discipline for you: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - despite the fact that God - the Almighty – He praised him from above the seven heavens and said about him (You have a great manners). This is what he said about himself - may God bless him and grant him peace - (My Lord disciplined me and disciplined me well.) What is meant by this is the blame that came in the Qur’an in four or more places - it does not belong here.

If your small or big dreams are delayed, if your children’s dreams are delayed, or if you are in a place and then retreat from it to a place in the back, remember the name of God (the backside/ delayed) But if you are among those who believe in him, then you were not delayed due to his hatred towards you, for you are one of his few sincere servants on planet Earth only, He will not waste you, nor will he waste your patience, but he will delay you with his wisdom, his knowledge of your situation, and his experience of your psyche from within. fix what is between you and him, and he will fix for you what you lost and delayed.


O God, protect us from what concerns us, and keep us busy with what you want from us

At the end of this file

What we think is very weak in knowing who the Muslim God is, but it is just a hint on this matter. We have agreed from the beginning of the file that there is nothing thing like Him- Glory be to Him –

We tried to quickly describe some of the noble verses about His Supreme Self, then we quickly went through some of the noble hadiths of sacredness, then we finished this file with some names of majesty and beauty. We hope that God Almighty accepts it and that hint is good.

Our Lord, accept from us that You are the Hearing, the Knowing, and accept our repentance, O our Lord. Indeed, you are the Most Merciful. Amen.

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