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Why is the testimony of a woman half of a man?

According to a study published on the North American Menopause Association website 

(NAMS), a woman's memory is not constant throughout her life, it decreases suddenly after menopause, but middle-aged women have better memories than men, but differently from men.

The second study

In another study published in the journal JNeurosci, it was found that women remember things differently than men. And her emotional memory is greater than that of a man, That is, you are affected emotionally and greatly while remembering the event, because the memory of the woman during her testimony depends on the type of recollection


The commenting

All this confirms that the presence of another woman while giving testimony will have a good impact on the quality of the testimony and the accuracy of the information that she will provide..because the second woman Often times she will not have the same emotional effects on herself. This enables the judge to make intersections between the testimony of the first woman and the testimony of the second woman in order to find out the truth.

The third study

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a major study of 949 male and female brains. Researchers found that women are better than men at multitasking thinking because they use both parts of the brain as they are for issues that need to be focused, on one issue the man is superior to the woman because he uses only one part of the brain, as scientists at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School say, from the results of this study, Dr. Robin Gore says: The results were shocking when we saw these amazing differences between the brains of males and females, But they are complementary to each other, but what is important is that women have a higher capacity than men for social tasks while men are distinguished by their superior ability to work that requires specific focus, such as command and control.

We conclude from the following

Since a woman uses her emotions while remembering, and since a woman suffers from memory problems immediately after menopause, and since a woman uses both halves of her brain to remember, which means she can focus less, for the sake of all of this, God eases the burden of shahada on a woman and her honor by allowing her to seek advice from another woman to complete the shahada, In order not to be controlled by men, he made this obligatory, i.e. the testimony of a single woman is not accepted. Except in special cases, such as the testimony of the wife against her husband and cases of chastity and honor, so do we say after these facts that Islam insulted women and degraded them?

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