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Does earth and sky has feelings?

ِAllah says
وفَمَا بَكَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّمَاءُ وَالْأَرْضُ وَمَا كَانُوا مُنظَرِينَ (29) سورة الدخان

The Lord - Glory be to Him - tells us that the heavens and the earth do not cry over the infidels when they die, which is a strange thing, if we were believers in God, we would have said what are these words? the heavens and the earth are serious and not a living being, and God - the Almighty - speaks of being a being who feels grief for some people, and does not feel that about others. Is this reasonable?

I leave you with this scientific talk and then continue
1 - Does the Earth have a memory?

Does Earth have memory? (...and if it did, what do you remember?) He asks, “How do we make sense of a story that stretches 4.5 billion years into the past? and what events in that long history have left their indelible mark on this planet we call home? He used simple but very attractive tools - paper, a black marker, and a meter stick to vividly describe what happened to the Earth over the course of deep geological time, until the beginning of Earth's formation. Offers a mini math lesson and makes complex concepts and operations easy to understand - semantic and episodic memory, the invention of gender.

It starts by asking you to consider these seven questions about your own date

What is the most memorable occasion since you woke up today?

What was the most memorable event in the last 24 hours?

What was the most memorable event from last week?

What was the most memorable event from the past month?

What was the most memorable event of the past year?

What has been the most memorable event of the past decade?

What is the most memorable event in your life?

Have you noticed that the farther you go back in time, the more important your memories are? The scale, duration and impact of the events that left their mark is even greater the more you step back in time. And the memories are unevenly spaced.

Semantic memory is our knowledge of how to do things, Don explains. It is empirical knowledge. What does the Earth know how to do? The Earth knows how to regulate temperature and regulate the elements according to density, material transport, and the rock cycle. in contrast, episodic memory is things that have happened to Earth over time. Earth's episodic memory is the drift of continents, the movement of oceans, the formation and melting of ice caps, and the rise and fall of species.

It distinguishes between abiotic factors that shape our world such as the formation of continents and oceans, change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, periods of rapid vulcanization, and changes in climate versus the biotic or living components of the Earth's ecosystem such as plants and animals and their impact on the world.

Don showed a simple black and white geological time scale. He pointed out that there are no populations on the geologic time scale — the names of time periods and when they occurred vary widely. It showed some basic math to help us understand just how big a billion years is, the Eon (sometimes called the Precambrian) is the largest time period in Earth's existence. It lasted two billion years from 4.5 billion years ago to 2.5 billion years ago. Encryption means hidden. It was the time of the hidden life when the vital life had not yet appeared.

So the earth remembers its geology (you can complete the article via the link below)

Earth Passions: New Words for a New World

An interview with Glenn Albrecht about his new book, solastalgia.

Glenn Albrecht is one of the most important environmental philosophers of our time, although the term "eco-philosopher" may be too narrow, He is also a map-maker: he names the roads ahead, dead ends, detours, and possible destinations. Unlike many scholars, He describes those ways not only in numbers, but in a new language of feelings—one emerging now from the tragedy and possibility of Earth's existence."

Glenn Albrecht's vision is at once realistic and optimistic. Through unique language, he names the heartbreaking loss we feel when nature is broken. Yet our senses open and our smiles reappear when we realize that this destruction can be the catalyst for the evolution of human consciousness. This book is A manifesto for a new land.” —Peter Kahn, author of Technological Nature

"The Symbiocene is a meme that calls on all human beings to create a future in which the positive feelings of Earth prevail over the negative. To create the Symbiocene, we must destroy the Anthropocene and its parasitic and cancerous forms of growth." earth emotions From the foregoing, we conclude - even if the studies are not complete -

However, we can say that the earth has feelings and a memory, which scientists have proven about the geology of the earth and its layers, and we will not rule out that it has a memory of what happened on it, about that, and we are among those who confirm it, and what scientists know today of geological memory, Perhaps tomorrow they will know about an emotional memory, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

This is within the limits of simple research, and some of us are higher in research and exploration

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