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The the running sweeping

Of the great verses that God, Blessed and Exalted be He, spoke to us about, and even swore by them (Al-Khuns), the Blessed and Exalted says:

(فَلَا أُقْسِمُ بِالْخُنَّسِ الْجَوَارِ الْكُنَّسِ وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا عَسْعَسَ وَالصُّبْحِ إِذَا تَنَفَّسَ إِنَّهُ لَقَوْلُ رَسُولٍ كَرِيمٍ) [التكوير: 15-19]

(I do not swear by the hides* the running sweeping* and the night when it is dark and the morning when breathes Indeed, it is the saying of a noble Messenger.” [At-Takweer: 15-19]

In order to imagine the greatness and heaviness of these creatures, we resort to the following analogy

If our Earth, which has a diameter of 12.5 thousand kilometers (approximately), turned into a black hole, its diameter would be less than one centimeter, this is confirmed by astronomers today, but what is the story of these holes, how are they formed, and where are they located, and did the Qur’an talk about them?

What is a black hole made of?

Scientists think that the smallest black holes (in English: Black Holes) in the universe were formed with the beginning of the creation of the universe, as for the method of their formation, stellar black holes are formed by the collapse of the star, or its occurrence in its center, and during that the raging star appears, and parts of the exploding star fly into space . This collapse is caused by the star losing its fuel, which makes it unable to support its outer layers of gas, and when the star is large enough, that is, it is twenty-five times greater than the mass of the sun, gravity pulls the gases towards it, which causes the star’s diameter to gradually shrink until its density reaches infinity at one point, and this The so-called singularity

Al Khuns: They are things you don't seeThe submissive stars

In order to realize the greatness of these suffocating stars, imagine that you threw a stone while you were standing on the ground. This stone will bounce back due to the Earth’s gravity, but if the speed of this stone increases until it reaches 11.2 kilometers per second, it will come out of the atmosphere and escape the Earth’s gravity.

So escape velocity

for the Earth

It is 11.2 kilometers per second

for the moon

Escape velocity is only 2.4 kilometers per second

Now visualize that escape velocity on

The surface of a black hole

It exceeds the speed of light, that is, more than 300 thousand kilometers per second, and therefore even light cannot leave, and therefore it is dark that is never seen.

The Quranic interpretation of the word 

I do not swear by the hides* the running sweeping

They are the stars, they disappear during the day and appear at night, so the word (Al-Khuns) came from the verb (Khuns), which means hidden, disappeared, And (al-Jiwar: sweeping neighborhood) means running, they see it running in front of them, and (sweeping) they said that it sweeps the sky when it sets. He only tells us about cosmic creatures that cannot be seen, and that is why God called Satan the (Khinas). Today, after the means of measurement have developed and scientists have known many of the secrets of the universe, it has become clear that these stars that we see at night do not set, It is absent for us when the day comes upon us, but it appears for the inhabitants of the earth on the opposite side of the earth, and if we go outside the range of earthly gravity or outside the atmosphere, we see complete darkness, and we see these stars that do not set, we see them day and night, So the word (Al-Khuns) does not apply to the stars because God, blessed and exalted, gives us absolute certainty facts that are not only related to the people of the earth, but this Qur’an is suitable for the entire universe, I mean, if we go out to any place in the universe outside the earth, then this Qur’an is valid for every time and place, and since God, Blessed and Exalted is He, swore by these creatures and said (( I do not swear by the hides* )) This means that God, Blessed and Exalted be He, speaks of bodies or beings that are never seen

(( Al - Jwar)

It means to run from the verb "run", so it is a running neighborhood


That is, it attracts and sweeps away anything it encounters in its path. These are the three characteristics of these creatures that the Qur’an told us about

If we reflect today on the discoveries of scientists

We notice that they have been talking for nearly a quarter of a century about strange creatures, a type of star, which they called (black holes)

The black holes

How is it formed and why does it not see, and why is it running at such great speed and what is it sweeping, what is it attracting to it? This is what scientists searched for a long time and came out with several results about these creatures:

The universe is full of

The stars and our galaxy contain more than one hundred thousand million stars, and there are scientists who say that the number of stars in our galaxy is much greater than that, but the number that is definitely the minimum means that it is one hundred thousand million stars in our galaxy only

And our galaxy in relation to the universe

It is a small point that you can hardly see because the universe contains hundreds of billions of stars, (Hundreds of billions of galaxies) These stars have a life that is formed, born, then grows up, then grows old, then ends its life and dies, as they say.

When the star runs out of fuel

When its fuel is used up, it is on the verge of death or destruction, and here is a great sign that is evident when God Almighty swears by this phenomenon, the phenomenon of the star falling on itself

He says, may He be blessed and exalted

(And the star when it falls, your companion is not astry nor deceived) [Al-Najm: 1-2]

Every star in the universe must have an end

And this verse (and the star when it falls) is not specific to one star, rather it applies to all the stars of the univers the star when it falls on itself And it closes and compresses, forming what is called a black hole, so the black hole is basically a star but this star is more than twenty times the weight of the sun, I mean, our sun, which weighs 2000 million million million million tons, this huge sun, there are stars that are twenty times larger than it. It sweeps cosmic dust, smoke, and other things that it encounters on its way and swallows it like a broom

So the stars end up in black holes, and these stars are not visible (hidden), Hence we realize that God, Blessed and Exalted be He, when He said: (I do not swear by the running sweeping) this word is valid for every time and place, and these bodies are not seen at all, these bodies also say about them that they run like the rest of the stars

Allah says

(And each swims in an orbit) [Yasin: 40]

There is not a single static star in the universe. All objects in the universe, including cosmic dust, cosmic smoke, and so on, all move in a tight system.

Why do scientists call black holes like a vacuum cleaner?

When scientists spotted these creatures, their cameras located in observatories installed in orbits around the Earth, such as the Hubble Space Observatory, captured, this observatory is located outside the Earth in space, and it takes very accurate pictures of galaxies and distant objects. This observatory has taken many pictures of a cloud of cosmic dust, It rotates around itself with a very violent movement, and after making the calculations, they found that the reason for the rotation of this cosmic smoke and dust is the existence of a black hole that swallows this cloud of smoke, when it swallows it completely, a hurricane and a vortex are formed, and this cosmic gas and dust rotates at a huge speed around this hole, and as a result, this hole absorbs all of this cosmic dust, therefore, they said that these bodies work like a vacuum cleaner, like a broom that sucks and attracts anything that approaches it for a certain distance.

The scientists say that the gravity of the black hole is very large, but it only affects nearby objects

Thus, these holes work like a broom, as they attract and swallow everything that comes close to them, and for this reason, and from the mercy of God Almighty upon us, these holes do not work over long distances, otherwise, our Earth would have disappeared long ago because our galaxy contains millions of black holes! Scientists say that these holes act as cosmic graveyards because they represent the final stage of star death, Imagine that the stars die and only God Almighty remains! The weight of this hole can be ten times the weight of the sun, any one with 31 zeros in kilograms. And a radius of 30 km only.

Thus, the most important characteristics of a black hole are evident in front of us, which is that:

1 - Not seen

2 - It is going at great speeds

3 - It sweeps and attracts anything it finds in its path

4 - He speaks... (its statement will come later)

These three qualities are what the Qur’an told us about in three words when

So, Is the correct nomenclature (black hole) or (unseen hole)?

And they call this star black, knowing that the correct name should be that it is (not seen) and this is what the great astronomers in the West say, It turns out, as a result of their research, that this hole has no color because it is invisible and never seen, when this black hole is formed and compresses itself, its size becomes very small, because the matter is compressed greatly and enormously, and its temperature rises to extreme degrees, Its gravity increases in an unimaginable way, to the point that the light emitted by this star or this black hole returns to it, and the black one attracts the light to it, due to the intensity of gravity, He does not let anything escape from him, and therefore scientists say that the most important feature that distinguishes these black holes is that they do not see, and they cannot be seen, no matter how advanced the devices are, even if we go outside the Earth into outer space, we will not be able to see these objects.

The black hole speaks: to hear the voice:

Scientists found that these creatures constantly emit sound frequencies while they work, as if they glorify God Almighty! Hence I always say these sounds may be these hidden sound frequencies that we cannot hear, but the delicate devices monitor them with complete accuracy. These sounds may be sounds of praise to God, the Blessed and Most High, because all creatures praise God Almighty.

One of the strange things also about black holes is what NASA scientists discovered recently, as they were able to record sound frequencies resulting from these black holes, and when we say sound frequencies, this means that they are in the audible field that humans hear.

How did they uncover this?

They revealed this matter through the waves that this black hole causes in the cosmic dust. When the cosmic dust swallows this hole, it creates sound frequencies that resemble sound waves. They recorded these frequencies as well, and they said that they are in the audible field, after that, they found that all stars emit sounds and all creatures emit sounds as well. They found that the universe at the beginning of its creation also emitted sound frequencies. They even found that the human cells also emit these sounds.

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