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  • The qibla diversion

    The Changing the qiblah from Al-Aqsa Mosque to Al-Masjid Al-Haram In this file, God willing, we will go over the interpretation of the verses, each verse separately, and what we can take from them, then a conclusion that may contain a summary of all that is mentioned in the verses. Allah says سَيَقُولُ السُّفَهَاءُ مِنَ النَّاسِ مَا وَلَّاهُمْ عَن قِبْلَتِهِمُ الَّتِي كَانُوا عَلَيْهَا ۚ قُل لِّلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ (142) Foolish people will say what turns them away from their qiblah, which they were upon ۚ Say to God the East and the West ۚ He guides whom He wills to a straight path (142) Look at the word (he will say) and you know that God - the Most High - Himself knows that people do not stop talking no matter what happens, whether it is against you or otherwise, people talk at all times, and this is not the custom of the wise, but the habit of fools (speaking only for the sake of speaking) that has no great or benign purpose. What do they care about their Qiblah? These are feelings, dear reader, rather they are negative feelings that swept the hearts and minds of those who say them, and they have one of two goals. (Hate converts because the Islamic religion came from the descendants of Ismail, peace be upon him - not from the tribes, or it is a kind of underestimating the minds of Muslims that they do something like that), and if you walk in life, do not underestimate the mind of those in front of you, they may be better than you. Then do not prejudge people about what they did or did not do such and such. People have their own business, and your business is your business. Know that this way of thinking and representation is the work and words of fools, not wise men. How do you respond to fools: as it came in the verse, and as it will come at the end of the verses: Do not look at formalities, dear reader, east or west, this is a Muslim Indeed, the East and the West belong to God alone, and He alone guides whom He wills to a straight path, not with favoritism for anyone like Muslims or Jews, but with the virtues that are within you, if a trait is loved by you, He is will fix all your work in different ways, by giving at one time and by preventing the other. and God is superior and knows best. Allah says وَكَذَلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا وَمَا جَعَلْنَا الْقِبْلَةَ الَّتِي كُنْتَ عَلَيْهَا إِلَّا لِنَعْلَمَ مَنْ يَتَّبِعُ الرَّسُولَ مِمَّنْ يَنْقَلِبُ عَلَى عَقِبَيْهِ وَإِنْ كَانَتْ لَكَبِيرَةً إِلَّا عَلَى الَّذِينَ هَدَى اللَّهُ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُضِيعَ إِيمَانَكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِالنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفٌ رَحِيمٌAnd thus have We made you a middle nation, that you might be witnesses to the people, and the Messenger will be a witness over you, and We did not make the qiblah that you used to face except that We might know, Whoever follows the Messenger, whoever turns upside down, and if it is great, except for those whom God has guided, and God would not have lost your faith, God is merciful to people. And thus We made you a middle nation You are witnesses to the people, and the Messenger will be a witness against you, and we did not make the qiblah that you were upon, except to know who will follow the Messenger, and who will turn back upside down, the center in everything is the substance, that is, against the extremes, right and left, the substance of the fruit: its middle and it is the sweetest in it. Perhaps the extreme parts of it are not the sweetest and perhaps bitter or pungent, the middle: in morals: see courage, for example: It is a mediator between recklessness and cowardice. And so on . So why did God Almighty choose this nation to be in the midst of it, when many of the heavenly religions were revealed? starting with the Messenger of Noah - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and ending with our master Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Him - but the divine will of Muhammad's message to be the last message, And you know when to put the stamp on the official papers, after all the formalities are over, right? All previous religions, one recognizes the other, whatever it was, the first and last monotheistic religions are the basket of God - the Most High - and if you look at this basket, He he most high- choose one of them and create a nation chosen by a middle nation, that is, the essence of all other religions, disclaimer: Our master Shuaib - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - came to correct people’s morals in measuring and weighing (this came in the nation of Muhammad) Lot - may God's prayers and peace be upon him - came to our master Lot as a war against the sin of homosexuality (this came in the nation of Muhammad), and thus the essence of this religion, then, must be the nation of this religion, A middle nation: to bear the essence of religions in good and evil, and God knows best, as for the reason for choosing moderation: the answer of the Lord of the Worlds - if the expression is correct - You are God's witnesses on earth In the gathering of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and the Companions gathered around their beloved - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - a funeral was passing, and the people looked at it with their eyes, and if the tongues praise its owner well, the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: ((proved, proved, proved)) Then he passed by another funeral, and when the tongues of people praised it with evil, The Messenger of Guidance said: ((It is proved, it is proved, it is proved)) In the face of this astonishment and questioning from the people, the prophetic comment comes by saying: ((If you praise him well, Paradise will be due for him, and whoever you commend evil on him, fire will be required for him, you are God’s witnesses on earth, you are God’s witnesses on earth, you are God’s witnesses on earth.” The Messenger will be a witness against you: What is the meaning of these words? That is, if you're not a mediocre, you're not a far right or far left extremist, the Messenger will not be a martyr on the Day of Resurrection. Isn't logic calling us to this? As for the subject of the qiblah: it does not increase or decrease a test that God Almighty knows - who believes in true faith and who does not believe? The question here: Are you a university teacher: are you saying that this student will take the exam and do A, this student will fail and you will be satisfied with your prejudice and do it with ease? Would the parents of these sons not judge you without testing their sons/girls? God - the Most High - is not asked about what he does and they are asked - but he only wants to know loyalty to Him, Glory be to Him. Rather, he wants the people around you to see you from the inside as they see you from the outside, because we agreed that I am a witness against you and that you are a witness against me as long as we are close or even hear about each other, And if it is a major issue, except for those who have been guided by God: See: The matter is great for me and yourself, if we are not believers, why? You and I didn't go through this quiz, did you? But surely once in your life did you try to make people laugh at your choices, especially if they have anything to do with what you believe in. Instead whatever it was you believed in, was it really that painful? Then you want to pay a lot and very cheap to get to those who doubt you: that you are not a fool - that you are of a good mind - and that whoever you worship will not stop loving you, right? Go back to the verse again: and see the accuracy of the Qur’anic pronunciation (Lkabeera: it;s big). And God would not waste your faith, because God is merciful to people, and merciful: tranquility - mercy - sense of people - so to speak - with all mercy you will not waste your prayers, according to all your faith, you are one of a billion and a half Muslims and about 5 billion and half a billion infidels in the Lord of Muslims: Do you think that your belief in God is weak? lean, and God - Alimighty - didn't care about you? (143) قَدْ نَرَى تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ فَلَنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبْلَةً تَرْضَاهَا فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنْتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ لَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا يَعْمَلُونَ (144) The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was praying towards the house of Jerusalem with the Muslims after the night of the Night Journey and Mi’raj was imposed on him for a period of 16 months, He was leaning his face and heart every time towards the Sacred House, wanting the qiblah to be there. why? We don't know exactly, but it may be a customization of a new identity, He does not want to pray towards the qiblah of others, and does not even look at the same place they look at at the time of prayer, and God knows best. Then God assured his beloved Muhammad that he would give him a Quiblah that would satisfy him, Have you taken your Quiblah yet or not? Have you ever read the Qur’an and got confused about something you specifically wanted, and this verse appeared to you as if it was a treasure that was brought out before your eyes? whatever your condition, pray to God. To give you a quiblh that pleases you at work, marriage on travel etc. وَلَئِنْ أَتَيْتَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ بِكُلِّ آيَةٍ مَا تَبِعُوا قِبْلَتَكَ وَمَا أَنْتَ بِتَابِعٍ قِبْلَتَهُمْ وَمَا بَعْضُهُمْ بِتَابِعٍ قِبْلَةَ بَعْضٍ وَلَئِنِ اتَّبَعْتَ أَهْوَاءَهُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ إِنَّكَ إِذًا لَمِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ (145)People with their beliefs neither see nor hear, and the word of faith came from the knot that tied the nerves of your heart, so you cannot unravel it, nor do it not be untied by itself, something great must come that does it, (Thinking about converting from one religion to another, or in a psychological traumatic event, you believed that God had not succeeded in keeping you away from religion, (or otherwise) see the verse again to understand what I mean, which is primarily and least the identity of the soul: do not follow the whims of other than your religion, especially after the knowledge has reached your ears, and if you did that you would be unjust to yourself (we ask God for forgiveness) الَّذِينَ آتَيْنَاهُمُ الْكِتَابَ يَعْرِفُونَهُ كَمَا يَعْرِفُونَ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ وَإِنَّ فَرِيقًا مِنْهُمْ لَيَكْتُمُونَ الْحَقَّ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ (146) الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكَ فَلَا تَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْمُمْتَرِينَ (147) Whom did we give the book to? I mean the People of the Book, right? Do you know what it means to have a heavenly book? Of course you don't know because you are reading it, because you are most likely a Muslim or you have another divine religion, and maybe you loved learning about other cultures, it's great to have a book that goes with your personal life, and doesn't separate from it, and do not speak in one valley, and this book is in another valley, and to have contact with Heaven in any way, even if by meditation, People of the Book: They know Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - In their books, they know him as they know their children: Do you know your son? What bothered him, is there a birthmark on his body or not? Do you know his likes, dislikes, etc.? They know the Messenger of God like this, but not everyone, but a group of them, And look at the accuracy of the pronunciation (a group of them) and not all of them: God - Almighty does not generalize, generalization is blindness. Dear Reader: You did not generalize your judgments: Remember: the generalization is blind. This is true and it is from your Lord, so do not be among those who doubt Muhammad, O People of the Book, after you addresses this verse. and God knows best, better. The question remains: What does this verse have to do with changing the qiblah? What is the first goal in two respects (People of the Book and Muslims) with ridicule and idiots (the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace) saying accusatory looks even if they do not utter the word “Muslims” and if they do not - some of them left the religion - this is not a mockery of the People of the Book) Your Lord hasten to please the heart of His beloved Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. Peace be upon him, even from this affliction that may distance the beloved and his beloved, Peace be upon him. And you: Do you consider the feelings of your loved ones? do you even feel the looks directed at them? Are you a person with whom God loves? He did that with his beloved - Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - distinguished by what God Almighty does. وَلِكُلٍّ وِجْهَةٌ هُوَ مُوَلِّيهَا فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْرَاتِ أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Watch this for every destination: Did you get out of the house in the morning Was the street full of people of every color? Do you know their beliefs? Do you know their religions? Of course not, when you see this intense wave of human flow, remember that each one of them has a destination to turn to, Whether on this day or in life in general, who says these words: Creator of humanity, remember what you are doing (racing to do good) See: Where did you go towards Asia, Africa or Europe or migrated to Mars to God Return, go as you want and to the destination What you want, but put it in your mind: that God will bring you and those around you on the day He wills, and will gather me and bring you together, and we and they are from all scattered places. وَمِنْ حَيْثُ خَرَجْتَ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَإِنَّهُ لَلْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكَ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ (149)Do you own many villas, chalets and wonderful places, do you prefer one of them? God Almighty - Is that (the houses of God on earth are mosques) and chose out of all mosques (the Sacred House is a qiblah for Muslims, and this goal is true and God Almighty does not neglect us). different destinations, And if we say that Islam and the Kaaba are our destination, then how many Muslims did not die for the sake of Islam, and how many non-Muslims died as a Muslim, We ask God for safety until we meet him on a sound heart.مِنْ حَيْثُ خَرَجْتَ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنْتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ لِئَلَّا يَكُونَ لِلنَّاسِ عَلَيْكُمْ حُجَّةٌ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْهُمْ فَلَا تَخْشَوْهُمْ وَاخْشَوْنِي وَلِأُتِمَّ نِعْمَتِي عَلَيْكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ (150) (البقرةThis verse is also reassuring, but only for the Messenger of God, but for all believers, so that people will not have an excuse for you to pray with a quiblh on which another religion (the Jewish religion) prays and the ruling except for those who have been wronged among them) suggests two signs (the first: that God does not generalize - the second: That in life always and forever are unjust and they will say and do what really harms you... I ask God for your safety and my safety from them) Amen. لَيْسَ الْبِرَّ أَنْ تُوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ قِبَلَ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ وَلَكِنَّ الْبِرَّ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةِ وَالْكِتَابِ وَالنَّبِيِّينَ وَآتَى الْمَالَ عَلَى حُبِّهِ ذَوِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينَ وَابْنَ السَّبِيلِ وَالسَّائِلِينَ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَأَقَامَ الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَى الزَّكَاةَ وَالْمُوفُونَ بِعَهْدِهِمْ إِذَا عَاهَدُوا وَالصَّابِرِينَ فِي الْبَأْسَاءِ وَالضَّرَّاءِ وَحِينَ الْبَأْسِ أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ صَدَقُوا وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُتَّقُونَ (177) (البقرة) The verse urges you to rise above what people usually do, and pay attention to the formalities of religion (clothing - the destination - and other things that are an integral part of religion. But it is not the essence of religion: of course God is the Most High.) But do not look to the East or the West when you want Do good deeds, leave the formalities behind. 1 - The Belief in God: Do you believe in the God of Muslims? If that was the case, then you did the first righteousness in your life? (righteousness to yourself) 2 - The Belief in the Last Day: Do you think that there is a judgment on the Day of Resurrection? If you determine the pace of your actions on the account tomorrow as much as you can, and your strength is not like the ability of others, we are different and our circumstances are different and the account is different, and God does not hold us accountable for the problem or situation what you've been through one day, but he'll hold us accountable for the package, if so to speak , for everything you've been through in your life—your private and public feelings, etc. 3-  The Belief in angels: We are in the era of revolution of ideas. I will not say an information revolution, because time is out of date with this term. Do you still think that there are angels surrounding you if you believe in God or even that angels write your works? Or angels from heaven support you if you are in need. I hear you say what is this madness? Here and here only: Review your good deeds, if you want to love them from the Lord of Muslims. 4 - The Book: We believe in our book, the Qur’an, but do you believe in the book of Jesus - peace be upon him? I hear you say: It is distorted. Have you not heard that the book of the Jews is distorted? ? Yes, we believe as Muslims that they distorted some of the verses mentioned in it, but they have a divine origin, So do you believe in it or deliberately reject it: The Messenger of God used to deal with them (People of the Book) on the principle: I do not believe them and I do not lie to them, so would you do the same with them? Rather, the divine books contain the papers of Abraham and the commandments of Solomon or others, so do you believe in all of them, and if you believe in some of them, then you are not on the righteousness that the Lord of the Muslims wants, Give the Beloved your money: To whom: Giving the Beloved money for the soul because of miserliness, or for the scarcity of resources for the following types, so that you perform the righteous deeds that the Lord of the Muslims will please you with: (relatives - orphans - the poor: Note: God Almighty in the verse of truth did not mention the poor, but the needy, so what is the difference between the poor and the needy, the poor: the one who owns little but does not suffice him, and the needy: the one who has nothing at all - the son of ways who stole his money while he was in A journey and he could not return to his country except by giving charity - the askers - on the necks: liberating the slaves, for the sake of God, not for the sake of working for you. The Praying: do you actually perform prayer? We all act prayer, but few of us preserve it with its pillars and essence. The fulfilling promises: If you are one of those who pledged things to people and then did not bring them, then review your righteous deeds, for God does not accept righteous deeds unless your words and actions have one face. The patient is in misery: poverty, hunger, need and their combination (with misery) may be in extreme cases such as general famine or the like, and God knows best. The patient in adversity: distress: What is the quality of distress (illness - poverty - a big problem or something else)? Do you say praise be to God in the tongue and heart with pain, and this does not conflict with psychological or physical pain perhaps. If you do that, then you are among the afflicted patients, and it is on your way, but after the misfortune or problem has passed to the abode of reckoning, it will confess to you whether you were patient or apprehension. Patience when powerless: Imagine in wars that you live a happy life, hot food, good sleep, a faithful wife and good children, and suddenly war breaks out in your country and you lose what you lose in ex and children. Your life probably starts from scratch, and people firmly believe in their comfort zone and start over It is a big problem for someone, so patience, in this case, is one of the types of righteousness that pleases God - the Most High. May God protect you from all harm. See: All of these types are higher than being good and doing righteousness before God, and not only this, but with these previous qualities they are included in the encyclopedia of the truthful and pious before God - the Most High - it is not that you see that you do righteous deeds in front of people and people around you, they clap or point their fingers at you, but righteousness is another form. It is the gist of this verse. Now, are all righteous deeds contractual, or do you leave some dealings (of course, some of them are transactions)? Doctrinal rituals in the verse (belief in God - in the books - in the messengers - in the angels - on the last day) These are actions that terrify the heart. If I don't, am I not righteous? Yes, before God alone. The rituals of worship in the verse (Prayer - Zakat: This is not the usual alimony rather "charity") The transactions of worship in the verse (spending the money that you love + patience) is hard worship, except for those whom Allah makes it easy for them. why ? Because you can have a lot of money and not feel when you spend a lot of it, but you feel happy, and if your needs are not met, and you take out some money from your money here (giving money is to give preference to the right of others over your wealth) and God knows what He means from His servants. The question remains: I am a Muslim and you are a Muslim: Why did God choose the first Muslims for such a great, decade-long test, when the people of Islam were weak in their beliefs and many of them were also devoted to Islam, and you and I got lost from this test? Is this for a reason? Does the Lord of the worlds favor Muslims at the end of time at the expense of their priorities? Do not be in a hurry, my Muslim brother. Public examinations have ended and have been replaced by special seismic tests. Shake it until God removes from you what He brought out of the best of people ( the Companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace) And God knows best. The story of changing the qiblah ended centuries ago and the discussion ended here in this file, and it remains for us to rise above fools and not be among them by reason or speech, and not to pay attention. For the manifestations of the East or the West, and we pay attention to the remaining types of righteousness (the essence and not the formalities), so that we are truly a middle nation that takes the essence of all religions. God is behind the intention and He guides the way. Amen.

  • The story of Islam Salman Al-Farsi

    The name Salman Al Farsi Abu Abdullah His name before Islam was Mabeh bin Murslan bin Bahbuzan bin Fayrouz bin Sahrak, from the sons of the king's Abb. his nicknames Salman Al-Khair the freed slave of the Messenger of God ﷺ The first Muslim from the Persians (now Iran) Truth Seeker His origin His origin is from Ji, and it is from the villages of the city of Isfahan He was working in Persia Magusia masters the fire his father he was a magus The story of his escape as a young man It was agreed that he escaped from him one day and joined the monks and accompanied them, then he came to Hijaz when the Prophet appeared with the Arabs, so they sold him to a Jew from Qurayzah who brought him to Medina And this is the story of his conversion to Islam on the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, he said: Salman al-Farisi told me while I heard from him, he said: I was a man from the people of Persia, from Isfahan, from the son of a man from its dhaqan: Dahq water: emptied it hard, and He loved me as a best of the God’s creation to him, so he made me sit in the house like a maidservant, so I worked hard in Farsi, My father was the owner of a farm: a small village, and he had a building to treat it, and he said to me one day: O my son, thus, what you see has occupied me, so go to the estate, and do not be trapped and distract me from every estate that I care about you, so I went out for that and passed by the Christian church while they were praying, so I Leant to them and liked their matter, and said: This, by God, is better than our religion, so I stayed with them until the sun set. I did not come to the village, nor did I return to him. So he sought me out and sent messengers to seek me, and I said to the Christians when I liked their affair: where is the origin of this religion? They said: In Sham, so I went back to my father, and he said: My son, I have sent messengers to you, I said: I passed by people praying in a church, and I was impressed by what I saw of them, and I knew that their religion is better than ours, He said: O my sons, your religion and the religion of your forefathers are better than their religion. I said: No, by God, he feared me and tied me up, so I sent to the Christians and taught them what agreed with me of their matter, And I asked them to know me: Who wants the Levant? So they did, so I threw the iron from my feet and went out with them until I came to Sham. I asked them about their scholar, and they said: The bishop, so I came to him and told him and said: I will be with you, serve you and pray with you. He said: “Stay.” So I stayed with an evil man who was ordering them to give alms. If they gave him something, he kept it for himself until he gathered seven baskets, It was filled with gold and paper and he died, so I told them about it, and they reprimanded me, so I showed them his money and they crucified him, they did not hide him, stoned him, and seated in his place a man who was virtuous in his religion and ascetic, and a desire for the hereafter and righteousness, so God cast his love in my heart until death approached him, so I said: Advise me, and he mentioned a man in Mosul (in Iraq) and we were on one command until he perished: he died. So I went to Mosul and met the man and told him about my news and that So-and-so ordered me to come to you. He said: Stay, and I found him on his way and commanded him until death approached him, He said: I do not know anyone of what we are upon except for a man in Amoriya, so I brought him to Amoria and told him my news, so he ordered me to do so and he rewarded me with something, I took booty and cows, and death approached him, so I said: to whom do you recommend me? He said: I do not know of anyone today who is like what we used to be upon, but a prophet has overshadowed you who will resurrect the religion of Ibrahim, the Hanifiyyah, He immigrated to a land with palm trees, and in it there are signs and signs that cannot be hidden, Between his shoulders is the seal of prophecy, he eats the gift, he does not eat the charity, and if you are able to reach him, then, he died. A group of Arabs from Banu Kilab passed me, and I said I will accompany you and give you my cows and these sheep, and you will carry me to your countries, so they carried me to Wadi al-Qura, so they sold me from a man from the Jews, so I saw palm trees and knew that it was the country that was described to me, I stayed with the one who bought me, and a man from Banu Qurayzah came to him, and he bought me from him, and he brought me to Medina, so I recognized it as it is I stayed with him working on his palms, and God sent His Prophet, peace be upon him, I neglected that until he came to Medina, and he lodged in Bani Amr ibn Awf, for I was at the head of a palm tree when a cousin of my sir came, He said: So-and-so, may God fight the Banu Qaila, I passed by them earlier while they were gathered against a man who came to them from Makkah claiming that he was a prophet, for by God it is only that I heard it, So the Qur took me:" it was steadfast, settled, and reassured" He stayed and did not leave. The palm tree shook me until I almost fell and I quickly descended. So I proceeded to my work until evening, so I gathered something and brought it to him while he was in Qubaa with his companions, I said: I had something that I wanted to give in charity, so I was informed that you are a good man and you have men from among your companions who are in need, I saw them the most right of it, so I placed it in his hands, so he stopped his hand and said to his companions: “Eat,” and they ate, I said: This is one, and I returned and turned to Medina, so I gathered something and brought it to him. I said: I loved your dignity, so I gave you a gift, and it is not charity. So he extended his hand and ate and his companions ate, I said: These are two. I went back and came to him and he had followed a funeral in Baqi’ al-Gharqad and his companions were around him, so I greeted and turned, looking at the ring on his back, and he knew what I wanted, so he threw off his robe, so I saw the ring and kissed it and cried, so he made me sit in front of him, so I told him about everything about me, as I told you, O Ibn Abbas, He liked that and wanted his companions to hear it, so I missed with him the two battles of Badr and Uhud with slavery. He said to me: “Write, O Salman, against yourself.” I did not stay with my friend until I wrote to him that I would plant three hundred valleys for him and forty ounces of gold, so the Prophet said, The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Support your brother with palm trees.” He helped me with five and ten until he gathered for me and said to me: “Click for it and do not put anything of it until I put it in my hand.” “Click for it and do not put anything of it until I put it in my hand.” I did, and my companions helped me until I finished, so I came to him and I used to bring him the palm tree and he would place it and level the dirt on it, so he left, by the One who sent him with the truth, not one of them died, and the gold remained. while he was sitting, a man from his companions came to him with the like of an egg of gold, and he was struck by some minerals, He said: “Leave the poor Salman the Persian the writter.” He said: “Lead these.” I said: “Oh, Messenger of God, where is this located from what I have to do?” We note that Salman did not mention the names of the monks or bishops he used to accompany them, even if he mentioned their countries. He said: “Salman is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt.” meaning: the hous of the prophecy, In it, the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “If faith were in Pleiades, men from Persia would have attained it.” He referred to Salman al-Farisi. Salman was one of the best companions, their ascetics, their virtuous ones, and those close to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Aisha said: Salman had a gathering of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, at night, until he over us to the Messenger of God, Ali was asked about Salman, and he said: The knowledge of the first knowledge and the other knowledge, and it is a sea that does not bleed, and it is one of us, Ahl al-Bayt, And he was the one who advised the Messenger of God to dig the trench when the parties came, so the Messenger of God ordered it to be dug, so the Muhajirun and the Ansar took refuge in Salman, and he was a strong man, He died in the year 45 AH at the end of the caliphate of Uthman, and it was said that he lived 350 years, as for 250, they do not doubt him. His position on the day of the Trench Battle And he was the one who advised the Messenger to dig the trench when the parties came, and in it the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Salman is among us, Ahl al-Bayt.” He used to make wicker with his own hands and eat from its price, and the Messenger made a brotherhood between him and Abu al-Darda’, and a group of scholars narrated from him. Where the armies of the parties came to Medina under the leadership of Abu Sufyan, and this is what put the Muslims in a perplexity of their affairs, the armies of the parties are large, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - feared the Muslims from the danger of confrontation, so he gathered his companions and consulted him, Salman al-Farisi indicated to the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to dig a trench in the open side of Medina to prevent them from the polytheists, when he said to him: “Oh, Messenger of God! If we were in the land of Persia, if we were surrounded, we would have a trench against us.” The Muslims dug the trench and the trench was a great line of defense in the face of the forces of the parties, Which could not cross the trench and enter the city, the Muslims won a great victory, thanks to God Almighty. His death - may God be pleased with him He died in the year 35 AH. It was said: 34. He was buried in the cemetery east of Baghdad. He has a shrine opposite the Diwan of Khosrau, which is visited so far and is known as the shrine of Salman Pak, which is a Persian word meaning pure, It was said: He lived 150 years, and it was said: more than that, and he is one of the Arabs. The death of Salman Al-Farisi at the conclusion of what came from the story of Salman Al-Farisi. It is worth mentioning that Salman Al-Farsi died during the era of the caliphate of Othman bin Affan - may God be pleased with him, He had a bundle of musk, so he brought some water and put the musk on top of the water, then ordered his wife to spread it around him, and asked her to leave him alone in the room and go out, and when she returned to him, his soul had ascended to its creator, and his wife tells the story of Salman al-Farisi on the day of his death, saying: “When death came, he called for me, “When death came, he called for me, and it is in an attic that has four doors, He said: "Open these doors, for today I have visitors, and I do not know from which of these doors they enter me, then he called for a hold, and said: Put it in Tur, then throw it around my bed, I looked at him, and if he had taken his soul, it was as if he was sleeping on his bed.” And God knows best. We can benefit from his story - may God be pleased with him - 1 - What compels a young man at the beginning of his life to flee from his father, the owner of the village (a small village) in his people, and the owner of prestige and opinion until Salman works himself - may God be pleased with him (the ruler of the fire). Such positions are only given to the honorable people. 2 - Why did he say to his father, “at the religion of Christianity is better than our religion, and as the parents usually say, but the religion of your fathers and grandfathers is better, why is it different from the way of thinking of his people? He is from an ancient family with money and religious prestige? Is he a thinker? 3 - Imagine that he leaves his father and lives with a monk who is not following the religion of his forefathers, and what leads him to understand noble morals? Where he reported on the man who used to collect alms and not give them to the poor, Is Salman al-Farsi working in the political field or in the religious field and informing the relevant authorities, was he not afraid of the oppression of this person who collected money for his own? 4 - Imagine one of the children of ancient families carrying his bag on his back and passing from place to place in search of the god of heaven, and he enters a religion other than his religion until he changed his religion three times, and why did God - the Most High - leave him searching for him for such a long time without directing and guiding him? Does God - the Most High - love those who worship Him with conviction, research and deliberation? Or conquer and write the name of his Islamic religion ink on paper? 5- Why, when he reached Medina, did he not look for the Messenger of God at first, and why did he forget? Has God forgotten? we don't know (He does not go astray or forget) My dear brother: God - the Most High - is among His Names that He is kind: He watches you closely: you are close, and you do not feel Him, and he finds in you one of the good qualities that he will never leave you alone , but rather temporary tests and he will fix your whole work for you with this result that he like, So what are the qualities that God loves in the unbeliever in him until this moment (Salman)? I think his support for the right to report the thief, and the diligent search until he reached Medina as a slave after he was one of the guardians of the fire in his country, 6 - His search for the characteristics of the Prophet and his experiences of him - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that he is a man of inquiry and does not take speech for his reasons without researching and thinking and making a decision based on this thinking, and you, dear Muslim: Are you a Muslim by ID or by the truth that you searched for by yourself, I remind you that Each of us has two births, one when we emerge from our mothers’ wombs, and another on the day we get to know God. 7 - The idea of the trench, as if the Prophet, in his consultation with the Companions, was a brain storming act, until each of the Companions came up with an idea and eventually agreed on the idea of the trench that Salman al-Farisi came up with. Difference is a mercy and not a sect, to differ in your thinking, in your religion and then come with me, you have increased me in strength and not a sect. 8- The title of Salman - peace be upon him (Mula of the Messenger of God), where the Messenger says about him (Salman is from us, Ahl al-Bayt) The Messenger said: It was narrated by Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak (3/598), and Al-Tabarani (6/261) from the path of Katheer bin Abdullah Al-Muzani, On the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, laid the line of the trench in the year of the war of the parties, until it reached Al-Madhahj, and he cut for each ten forty cubits, so the immigrants protested: Salman is from us, and the Ansar said: Salman is from us. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: He mentioned it. This is because his honorable lineage, which he gave up voluntarily to search for God, was replaced by God - the Most High - with the title of Mawla of the Messenger of God (and Salman is from the family of the house) Allah says: ( O Prophet, say to those in your hands of the prisoners, If God knows something good in your hearts, He will bestow upon you what was taken from you, and forgive you, and God is Forgiving, Mercifull (70) Related Studies What we know about a growth mindset A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence can be developed. Students with a growth mindset know that they can become smarter by working hard, using effective strategies, and helping others when needed. It contrasts with a fixed mindset: the belief that intelligence is a fixed trait that is set in stone at birth. why does it matter? Students' beliefs about intelligence have important consequences for how they experience school and how they respond to setbacks and adversity. When students have a fixed mindset, school can be a threatening place because they may be anxious about proving their ability or avoiding "looking stupid". This can lead students to avoid challenges and give up when they are struggling. But when students have a growth mindset, they may experience school as an exciting place for growth, and embrace challenges as opportunities to develop mastery. why does it matter? Students' beliefs about intelligence have important consequences for how they experience school and how they respond to setbacks and adversity. When students have a fixed mindset, school can be a threatening place because they may be anxious about proving their ability or avoiding "looking stupid". This can lead students to avoid challenges and give up when they are struggling. But when students have a growth mindset, they may experience school as an exciting place for growth, and embrace challenges as opportunities to develop mastery. What we know about the concept of growth through scientific research Students' different interpretations of school and learning lead to differences in performance Researchers recently examined the relationship between tenth graders' mindsets and performance on a national achievement test in Chile. Top 20% on the test, while students with a fixed mindset were four times more likely to score in the bottom 20% Flexible and grows stronger through effort, trying new strategies, and asking for help when necessary. Researchers have also learned that we can encourage students to adopt a more growth mindset by changing the way we interact with them. In multiple studies with thousands of students across the country, researchers have found that students who take these programs gain more course credits, higher grades, and higher grades on standardized tests. We benefit from the following study It seems that the companion Salman al-Farsi had a growth mindset. Note: He entered into three religions, and this does not mean that whoever changes his religion has a growth mindset, nor that anyone must change his religion, but the idea of ​​searching and traveling from country to country in order to search for What he is looking for - which is the only way to learn at that time - indicates a growth mentality and God knows best

  • The restraint in the prophet's life

    The restraint is the master of morals On the day of Hunayn, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, favored people in division, So Al-Aqra' bin Habis gave one hundred camels, and he gave aayinh the same, and he gave it to some of the nobles of the Arabs, he favored them in division, and a man said: By God, this division is not justified in it, and it is not intended for the sake of God, I said: By God, I will inform the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I came to him, I told him, and he said: Who is just, if God and His Messenger are not just? May God have mercy on Moses, he was more harmed than this, so he was patient. The companion is the one who met the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, believing in him and died on that, the people of Nahrawan are not like that, and as for their leader, Dhul-Khuwaisira, even if he saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he was a hypocrite, and this is evidenced by his attitudes towards the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the two Sahihs, Abu Saeed al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, said: While we were with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he was swearing an oath, Dhul-Khuwaisira came to him, He is a man from Banu Tamim, so he said: just. He said: Woe to you, and who will be just if I am not? He said: I will be disappointed and lost if I am not just. Omar said: O Messenger of God, give me permission to do so, so I will strike his neck, He said: Leave him, for he has companions one of you belittles his prayer with theirs, and his fasting with theirs, they read the Qur’an but it does not go beyond their throats, they pass through the religion as an arrow passes through the shooter. From the previous hadith and the subsequent study, we deduce some points The Prophet was the most disciplined people. This does not mean that everyone who dealt with him - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was dealing in a good way, but there were likes of Khweisra who dealt with bad manners, accusing the Messenger of something that does not include (injustice), which is an attribute that cannot be found in a leader, nevertheless, he remains self-disciplined - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and does not depart from the praiseworthy morals. The study indicates that Those who control themselves are happier, more engaged in relationships, successful in academic achievement, and more than that, the relationships of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - The relations of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - were all successful, and only the hypocrites and polytheists hated him. Research has also consistently shown that higher TSCs are associated with positive life outcomes such as higher academic achievement, and better health, and more interpersonal success, less bad adaptive modifications. As such, self-control has been heralded as an evolutionary trait to ensure adaptation and survival. A man’s prayer or worship does not indicate his true Islam by the text of this hadeeth, but as it is said (Only nations have morals as long as they remain, and if their morals are gone, they are gone), especially in quarrels or personal interests. Why are people with high self-control happier? The effect of trait self-control on happiness through organizational focus Abdullah bin Al-Harith, may God be pleased with him, said: “I have not seen anyone who smiled more than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, If this indicates contentment with everything, no matter what great events happen, and contentment is higher than happiness, and if happiness is a moment, then contentment is life, as it is said in the Arabic proverb, Background: While self-control is often associated with positive life outcomes such as higher academic achievement and better health, recent insights reveal that people with high trait self-control (TSC) may experience greater life satisfaction or happiness. Self-control is defined as the ability to change and regulate dominant response tendencies that lead to the inhibition of unwanted behaviors, while reinforcing desirable behaviors to support the pursuit of long-term goals. As a basic principle of self-control, it involves the trade-off between enjoying instant gratification and achieving long-term goals Although people with a higher TSC are clearly more successful in life, are they also happier? One can imagine that constantly self-regulating according to morals, norms, and social expectations would lead to a boring, mundane, miserable life, to support this speculation, emotion regulation research has shown that individuals with a high incidence of ALS actually experience less momentary affect, inhibited expression of spontaneity and extraversion, as well as limited daily emotional intensity. TSC helps people to experience happiness to the fullest in life. The linksتراقيهم/

  • Bilal's Azan" call for prayer" in Mecca and the nostalgia

    Al Madinah crying in response to Bilal bin Rabah's call to prayer Bilal went to Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, saying to him: O Caliph of the Messenger of God, I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: The best deed of a believer is jihad in the cause of God. Abu Bakr said to him: What do you want, Bilal? He said: I wanted to bind for the sake of God until I die. Abu Bakr said: and who makes the call to prayer for us? Bilal said, with his eyes overflowing with tears: I do not call the call to prayer for anyone after the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Abu Bakr said: Rather, stay here and call for prayer for us, Bilal, Bilal said: If you have freed me to be yours, then let it be what you want, and if you have freed me for God Leave me and what you freed me for wha you freed me for, Abu Bakr said: rather, I freed you for God, O Bilal, travel to the Levant, where you want, and remain Mujahd. He say about himself - may Allah pleased with him I could not bear to stay in Medina after the death of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and if he wanted to call the call to prayer, he came to: I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, his tears choked him, He cried, so he went to Sham and went with the Mujahideen, and after years Bilal saw the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream, saying: What is this distance, Bilal?! Isn't it time came for to visit us? So he woke up sad, so he rode to Madinah, and came to the grave of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and began to weep over it and roll over it, so Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein came and kissed them and embraced them, and they said to him: We desire that you make the call to prayer at the time of dawn, so he actually went up to the roof of the mosque, When he said: God is great, God is great ( Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar) Al - Madinah shook, and when he said: I bear witness that there is no god but God, its trembling increased, when he said: I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the women came out of their homes, and no day was seen crying more and weeping than that day. Some pauses on this story Women leave their homes longing to hear the voice of Bilal bin Rabah (Women are affected by feelings and nostalgia more than men) We find in a neuropsychological study at the bottom of the talk about the relationship between music and nostalgia that extends to the teenage years, and there is an article on the call to prayer in Turkey that says the text First: the article on Turkey's Azan (The call to prayer in Anatolia has an old story that still tells its chapters until now; in the time of the Ottoman Empire, the muezzin had been educated for three years. Researchers emphasize the Ottoman sultans’ interest in the following: the issuance of the call to prayer; through the “adhan institution” which was located inside the governor’s palace, and the fragrant and fresh sounds were chosen, and then the most prominent specialists, then called it “Bash the Muezzin” The muezzin to teach. They have appropriate lessons in the thresholds, they are trained on, and the best people to vote are those who are chosen after that in honor of the call to prayer, they were studying the Maqamat: the science of improving the voice (i.e. the sound), intonation and its removal from dissonance. This sound could be from the larynx, a musical instrument, or a computer. Second: An article on teenage music and its impact on nostalgia As I wandered through my twenties, I noticed a strange phenomenon: The music I loved as a teenager meant more to me than ever before—but with each passing year, new songs on the radio sound like raucous nonsense. On the objective level, I know this makes no sense. I can't seriously assert that Ludacris "Rollout" is technically superior to Katy Perry's "Roar," however I appreciate every second of the first and dismiss the second as a paplum shriek. If you listen to the top 10 songs of 2013, I get a headache. If I listen to the top 10 songs of 2003, I will be happy, Third, the religious analysis Measure yourself when you go to the sanctuary in Makkah, then you hear the call to prayer in a beautiful voice, then you return to your country, and there are those who raise the call to prayer in the same way as Makkah, what happens to you immediately: “Tears, then remember the first moments in which you were in Makkah, when you heard this call to prayer for the first time, This is a neural nostalgic music. The study talks about the extent to which music is related to the cerebral cortex, neural changes, and its relationship to memory, especially in the early years of life, let's analyze this in the story, the companions were the oldest of them when the message was 40 years old, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and the rest are younger than that, Witness: The first time the Companions heard the call to prayer, it is certain that many of them were in their early twenties, such as Ali bin Abi Talib, Zaid bin Haritha and other companions--may God be pleased with them all, This means that they hear the Maqamat of Bilal bin Rabah and sing it with the call to prayer in a sweet voice, and they enter into a circle of nervous nostalgia linked to memory as they remember the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he was among them and Bilal calling for prayer. What is nervous craving? Why do we love the music we heard as a teenager? Researchers have discovered evidence that our brains associate us with music we heard as teenagers more strongly than anything we hear as adults — a connection that does not weaken as we age. In other words, music nostalgia isn't just a cultural phenomenon: it's neurotic. No matter how our tastes are otherwise evolved, our brains may still be occupied by those songs we acquired during the high drama of adolescence. Music lights up the sparks of nervous activity in each person. But when young, the spark turns into a fireworks display. Between the ages of 12 and 22, our brains undergo rapid neurological development - and it seems that the music we loved during that decade has entered our lobes forever. When we make neural connections to a song, we also create a powerful memory trace that becomes laden with heightened emotions, This is thanks in part to the abundance of growth hormones at puberty. These hormones tell our brains that everything is so important — especially the songs that make up the soundtrack of teenage dreams. To understand why we associate with certain songs, it's helpful to start with the brain's relationship to music in general. When we first hear a song, it stimulates our auditory cortex and transforms the rhythms, melodies and harmony into a coherent whole. But memories are meaningless without emotion—aside from love and drugs, nothing stimulates an emotional response like music, Brain imaging MRI studies show that our favorite songs stimulate the brain's pleasure circuit, which releases an influx of dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and other neurochemicals that make us feel good. The more we like the song, the more we experience neurochemical bliss, flooding our brains with some of the same neurotransmitters that cocaine then chases after. Do you think that this study is similar to the position of our master Bilal bin Rabah - when he called for the call to prayer after years, and the city burst into tears, and you are aware that crying means sadness over something that has passed and longing for it at the same time, may God bless our master Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and may God be pleased with him His honorable companions and their land. The links

  • Azan story of Abi Mahdhurah

    Azan story of Abi Mahzora - may God be pleased with him and approval him, after returning from the Battle of Hunayn Muslims and the Messenger are in a state of great sadness, as the invasion was like an earthquake, almost killing Muslims from inside and outside, And the Holy Qur’an reproaches the Companions for one of their actions, as the Almighty said: ويوم حنين إذ أعجبتكم كثرتكم فلم تغن عنكم شيئا وضاقت عليكم الأرض بما رحبت ثم وليتتم مدبرين" (التوبة)And on the day of Hunayn, when you liked your many, It availed you nothing, and the earth became narrow for you with its vastness, then you turn around.” (At-Tawbah) We benefit from the noble verse In times of distress and sorrow the world is almost dark, even if the lights are in all its corners, and the earth narrows with its extension, not only are large numbers (reasons) a cause of victory, but there are two main pillars of victory: , in personal or public battles (taking the reasons - God's blessings) The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, was busy organizing the army after his return from Hunayn, and washing troubled souls from the severity of failure. at this time: A voice rises among the people, paradoxically imitating the call to prayer that Bilal was raising. (Listen to the story on the tongue of Abu Mahdhurah - may God be pleased with him and be pleased with him) Abu Mahdhurah says to him: I went out in a group - meaning: with the polytheists after the conquest of Makkah, With the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I went out with a group of people, so we were on the path of Hunayn, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, closed from Hunayn, so we met him in some way, so the muezzin of God’s Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gave the call to prayer with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, So we heard the muezzin's voice while we avoiding him and begain shouted, telling him and mocking him, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, heard the voice and sent it to us, until we stood in front of him, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Which of you whose voice I heard has risen? Then all the people pointed at me and believed, so he sent all of them - let them go - and imprisoned me. He said: Get up and then give the call to prayer, I did nothing more hated to me than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, nor what he commanded me to do, So I got up in the presence of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, gave me the call to prayer and said: Say: Allah akbar, Allah akbar ( God is great) I bear witness that there is no god but God, I bear witness that there is no god but God, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God - low voice - then he said to me: Go back and raise your voice, and say: I bear witness that there is no god but God, I bear witness that there is no god but God, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, Live on the prayer, live on the prayer, live on the success, live on the success, God is great, God is great, there is no god but God, then he called me when I finished Azan, so he gave me a bag containing some silver, then he put his hand on the forelock of Abu Mahdhurah, and then he commanded it - that is, he passed his honorable hand - over his face twice, then twice on his hands, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: God bless you and I said: O Messenger of God!: commanded me to make the call to prayer in Makkah. He said: I ordered you to do it, and everything that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from hated, was gone, and that returned out of love for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I came to Atab bin Usayd, The worker of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Makkah, I established the call to prayer with him, according to the order of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace). The words of Abi Muhtdorh, may God be pleased with him, ended. And he continued to call the call to prayer in Mecca until he died in the year fifty-nine, so the call to prayer remained with his son, and his son was born in Mecca, and it was said: the call to prayer remained in his offspring until the time of Imam al-Shafi’i. Abu Mahdhurah al-Jumahi, may God be pleased with him, says: “When the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family - returned from Hunayn, ten people left Mecca and we sought them out, I heard them call to prayer, so we made the call to prayer, mocking, The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: “I heard in these peoplecall for prayer of a person with a good voice, so he sent to us, and we call to prayer man by a man, and I was the last of them, when I called, he said: “Come.” He sat me in his arms, So he took off my turban and wiped my forehead, then said: “Oh God, bless him and guide him to Islam, He blessed me three times, then said: “Go and give the call to prayer at the Sacred House. Some pauses about the story Sadness filled the souls after the defeat in the battle with the feeling that they were with the great number and could not be overcome by the great number of them, and the lesson for the Muslims is the strength from God Almighty, since there is no favoritism for Muslims even if they support God and His Messenger, whoever errs will be held accountable, The Messenger ordered Bilal bin Rabah to call to prayer, because his voice was soft to soften hearts, and as the Messenger used to say to him (Give us comfort with it O Bilal), and he meant - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. peace (prayer) Words and behaviors are interpreted differently by individuals, depending on their values and cultures. After all, it is a person's culture that determines their attitudes and how they work, and this is what we noticed from the behavior of my father, who was warned before he entered Islam (mockery) from Bilal bin Rabah which known for his dewy voice, something that cannot happen to someone like Bilal - may God pleased him- but it is a sign (I am present). An attempt to analyze the response of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, from a psychological perspective He says: (I heard the good voice in these people) Then he orders him to call to prayer, but before the call to prayer a number of somethings: He wiped his chest and hair to soothe him, and broke the thorn of mockery Teach him the call to prayer: Pay attention: he did not tell him that you were mocking one of the great companions and that you were not good at memorizing the call to prayer in the first place (he did not) He did not admonish him for the mockery: Note: The great companion says that he came to a group of young men from Mecca and he was their tenth, He says about himself - may God be pleased with him and be pleased with him: (At this time, I did not like the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I joked with my friends about the call to prayer of the muezzin by repeating what Bilal was saying) Is it hidden from the Messenger who loves him and who does not love him? Yes, he knows (a deep understanding of the psychology of youth), yet he did not address Abi Muhdorah with a warning word of admonition. And see this study How to deal with insults 1 - Make eye contact will stop immediately The Messenger’s reaction: (from the owner of the dew voice, then talking to him directly) 2- Say firmly: Stop, remember that your strength scares the barrier and makes it feel like a coward The Messenger’s reaction (As for you, young people, go back: and stay Abi Mahdorah in your place) 3 - Take charge of the situation The Messenger’s reaction: He was the one who solved the problem. He did not leave it to any of the Companions, despite the defeat of Hunayn, which rises above the chests, until the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – came. 4- Keep communication to a minimum He wiped his hair and forehead and called for him. Just remind myself and you that Muhammad, the illiterate prophet, who neither reads nor writes, does the best that modern psychology - may God bless him and grant him peace - does Analysis of the position of the great companion Abu Mahdhurah - may God be pleased with him - They say that empty utensils make noise, so were his utensils empty - may God be pleased with him and please him - no, on the contrary, but a haunted talent and I'm not saying that he has talent (his voice is Nada beautiful) Insults directly affect a person's feelings, self-esteem, pride, identity and vanity. Therefore, no matter why, how, or when the insult occurred, the fact of the matter is that it will leave a scar. People distort what they see in order to weaken the people they don't like. They act as if they are the smartest person in the room. When insecure people feel threatened by the possibility that other people are smarter than they are, they will feel irrationally challenged. Even if they don't actually know what they're talking about, They will put on a show in the hope that their dazzle will deceive the crowd . Needless to say, they will dismiss your contributions as irrelevant or convey information they already knew. I leave you to analyze the personality of the great companion - may God be pleased with him - in the light of the previous lines - but before your judgment: Remember that he was a Muslim who had just entered Islam at that time, He even says about the Messenger of God, peace be upon him. (He does not love him) - and after that he became the muezzin of Makkah until he died - may God be pleased with him and be pleased with him - The links led by someone who chooses talents well and does not suppress them.الماجن/قصة-المؤذن-أبي-محذوره-العجيبةالأحراش/

  • The economic blockade in Mecca

    The Siege duration Three years Some clauses of the exclusionary siege 1 - Not to marry any of their women to Banu Hashim, and not to marry them. 2 - They should not buy anything from them or sell them anything, whatever its kind. 3- Not to meet with them on any matter. 4 - To be one hand against Muhammad and his followers. 5 - Spreading spies and informants on the Hashemites so that no one brings them food. 6 - They warned everyone coming to Makkah Al-Mukarramah against dealing with Muslims, and they were threatening anyone who tried to sell Muslims something by looting his money. The Quraysh found that Muslims are increasing day by day, and the policy of torture and persecution has not deterred them from their faith, and that the immigrants of Abyssinia enjoy the protection of its king, and the Muslims of Mecca are openly praying since Omar embraced Islam, and the Messenger of God abstained from Banu Hashim for that so, the Quraysh thought of a comprehensive confrontation with which they would confront Muhammad, his companions and those who supported them, so they agreed to boycott the Banu Hashim, so that they should not marry them, nor marry them, nor sell them anything, nor do they buy anything from them until they hand Muhammad over to them and they kill him, and they wrote this in a newspaper known as “Al-Muqata’a newspaper” They hung it in the hollow of the Kaaba, to ensure its implementation, and they took covenants between themselves to abide by the implementation of what was stated in the newspaper. The Banu Hashim and Banu Abd al-Muttalib, their Muslim and their unbeliever, except for Abu Lahab, insisted on supporting and protecting Muhammad, and in the face of this boycott, they were forced to leave Mecca and seek refuge in the corridors of Abu Talib in Jabal Abu Qubais. (One of the mountains surrounding Mecca) Quraysh surrounded them and they could not leave it except during the sacred months. Eyes were on the Banu Hashim and did not leave food or sale to reach them - except that they beat them to it and bought and Abu Jahl used to call out to the merchants who came to Mecca not to sell any of their trade to Banu Hashim and buy it from them. Double its price, so if one of Bani Hashim went out to buy food or something else, the merchant doubled the price of the commodity, He can't buy it, and he goes back to his children without food while they are crying out for hunger, the siege was prolonged on the Messenger of God and Bani Hashim, and they spent all they owned and had nothing left of money or food. Mrs. Khadija's spending Khadija spent all she had Spending Abu Talib (uncle of the Prophet) Although even though he is a polytheist and not a Muslim he spend all he has What did they eat after they spent everything they had? they almost perished from starvation, so they had to eat the leaves of the trees and everything they thought would stop them. Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, says: he was one of the besieged. I went out one night to urinate, and I heard clanking under the urine. If a piece of the skin of a dry camel was, I took it and washed it, then burned it, ground it and dried it with water, so I made three strong with it, one of them said, “One night I trampled on something wet, so I lifted it to my mouth and swallowed it, so I don’t know what it is until now. And carry the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and those with him The trouble of this boycott with patience and steadfastness, and the Qur’anic verses were sent down to increase their stability and demand them to be patient and defy the siege and boycott, and that did not deter the Messenger from spreading his call, He used to go out during the seasons of Hajj and trade, inviting all of the Mecca delegation to Islam Some of Unbeleivers: these people criticized the Quraysh for their position on Banu Hashim and admired the steadfastness of Muhammad and his companions, so they approved of Islam and embraced it, and this was contrary to what the Quraysh wanted from the boycott. Uncovering the cloud and a practical test of the Prophet’s sincerity And God wanted the terrible ordeal to end, the distress to be revealed, and the Muslims to pass the trial successfully, so Gabriel informed the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the Muqata’ah, what the Quraish had written had been eaten by the termite, all of the words of estrangement and injustice in it, and only the names of God remained in it, So the Prophet informed his uncle Abu Talib of this, and he went to Quraish, and he told them what the Prophet had said, and he said: If he was truthful, you knew that you were unjust to us, and cut off our ties of kinship, and if he was a liar, you would have pushed him to kill him. The coinciding with the rise of five men of Quraysh Hisham bin Amr Zuhair Ibn Umayyah And the restaurant bin Adi and Abu al-Bakhtari bin Hisham And Zam`ah Ibn al-Aswad They blamed their people for what they had done to Banu Hashim, and they agreed to revoke the paper, so Zuhair circumambulated the House seven times and called out to the people of Makkah to eat food and wear clothes, and Banu Hashim, It is perished, neither can it be sold nor bought from them, and by God, I will not sit until this unjust, sever newspaper is torn The Opposition to not lifting the siege Abu Jahl, so the four companions of Zuhair got up and agreed with him on his opinion and said: They do not agree with what was written in the newspaper and do not approve of it. Abu Jahl said This is a matter that was decreed during the night, and for advice from other than this place was sought So the Al - Mutam got up to split the newspaper and found it on the picture that the Messenger had told them about. The termite had eaten it all, except for the names of God. Thus, Banu Hashim and Banu al-Muttalib left, from the reefs, they returned to Mecca to live their normal lives, but the Quraish continued to persecute and torture them, and their exit from the siege was in the tenth year of the mission. Termite: a yellowish-white insect similar to an ant, which appears in the spring and lives in large colonies, and eats wood and grains, and the like. The termite ate some leaves. Some benefits of the blockade 1- Despite the harshness of the siege and the severity of its impact on Muslims, it brought good to them and Islam, as the Arab tribes reprimanded Quraysh, With Bani Hashim, it did not happen that an Arab tribe with one of its bellies took this strange behavior. 2 - The attitude of the wonderful challenge that the Muslims took had a great impact on attracting some members of these tribes to Islam. 3 - As for the Quraysh, they were humiliated in the eyes of Muslims after all their attempts to undermine Islam and Muslims failed 4 - It seems that the Arabs knew early on the meaning of social isolation and the deep psychological damage it causes to the psyche of those who are exposed to it, but they neglected the fact that abundance is a strength, no matter how severe it is, as it is said: ( the ordeal that pervades: includes) 5 - Always and forever there are gallant people who carry the meaning of masculinity and flogging to break the siege or force some people in every time and place, and this is what the five heroic men who were not Muslims at the time did, but it is the authentic Arab chivalry which may be covered with dust and rust sometimes in this case (for a full three years), but they dusted it off and got up and stood as men. 6- Why did God put such an ordeal for the first Muslims on whose arms he will build the building of Islam and its main foundations? It is necessary to test what you have learned in theory. This is how we learned in life, and the practical test is more traumatic than just putting a few words on paper, isn't it? But (just an opinion) the matter is more than that, perhaps because Islam is a strange beginning and will return to being strange, as Al-Sadiq Al-Masduq told us. Do you not see with me the famines that specifically afflict the Muslims? Related Studies Advantages and disadvantages of small group communication Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Communication Every group communication aims to achieve a common goal. Thus, group members communicate to achieve their individual and common goals. However, each group discussion or communication has its advantages and disadvantages, For example, the benefits of small group communication are superior performance, greater member satisfaction, greater civic engagement, more learning, more creativity, and enhanced cultural understanding, and so on. In contrast, the disadvantages of small group communication are more time, energy and resources, conflict, social hangouts, blaming shared mistakes, sleeping members, and trouble scheduling. From the previous study, we conclude That the Muslims (believers) who have endured the economic siege with ease and without boredom, only indicates their original metal before their conversion to Islam and which Islam has refined, and there is no doubt that God - the Most High - with this tremendous test, what many people cannot bear now, as if we are watching a movie tape and say after it, it is impossible, this happens, this is an exaggeration, and we understand about God - the Most High - that He is Gentle- that is, He enters mercy in the midst of torment, so Muslims' proximity to each other during this period will form strong bonds that will not be broken by interests after that, Create between them a strength that supports endurance more and more. Why: Because why does my neighbor in the siege endurance while I am less staunch than him? On the third hand: when I see nobles, merchants and rich people like Mrs. Khadija, I feel embarrassed, and when I see a polytheist who is not a Muslim sitting with me in the siege (Abu Talib), I feel embarrassed and a strength that increases my endurance more and more, This is how life taught us that if misfortunes spread, they would be included, and increased intimacy between them. God relieved the distress of the beloved people of Yemen from the siege of deadly hunger, and provided them with men from the east or the west, it does not matter, the most important thing is to relieve their anguish.

  • The Red Lion's Battle

    Date (8 Shawwal / 3 Hijri) The eighth of Shawwal of the third year of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the place Al-Rawha’, thirty-six miles from Medina Does it an independent invasion? Many historians said that the Muslims were not actually defeated in the Battle of Uhud, because they were defeated in the Battle of Uhud Mountain, but they chased the polytheists in Hamra al-Assad, So the polytheists fled to Mecca. The Battle of Hamra al-Assad was not an independent battle in itself, but was an extension of the Battle of Uhud, which took place between the Muslims and the Quraishites and their allies. The reason: After the defeat of Uhud, the Muslims felt afraid to go out to meet them again, and among the frightened was Safwan bin Umayyah, the man who demanded to return to Medina, While the opinion of the majority was refusing to go back, at that time some launched a propaganda war, which was that the Messenger of God would throw his companions to destruction, but this war did not move a finger in the heart of the Muslim army, and the aim of this war was to stop Muslims from continuing their chasing infidels. Its purpose The departure of the Muslim army to Hamra al-Assad represented a strong declaration that Muslims are not a force to be reckoned with and that they have the ability to gather their forces and repel the aggression of the aggressors at any time. The events of the Hamra al-Assad battle began the next morning of the Battle of Uhud, on the eighth of Shawwal, when the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - called out to his companions that no one would go out with us except those who witnessed the fighting, Abdullah bin Abi bin Salul wanted to go out with the Prophet, but he categorically refused that, and when the Companions who witnessed the Battle of Uhud heard the Prophet’s call, they went out and responded to their wounds, He was very tired, and they said, “Hear and obey.” So He descended among them. God's saying ( الَّذِينَ اسْتَجَابُواْ لِلّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ مِن بَعْدِ مَا أَصَابَهُمُ الْقَرْحُ لِلَّذِينَ أَحْسَنُواْ مِنْهُمْ وَاتَّقَواْ أَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ}، (آل عمران: 172( (Those who responded to God and the Messenger after they had been afflicted with ulcers, for those of them who do good and do piety a great reward.” (Al Imran: 172) We take advantage of this part 1 - The saying of the Messenger (No one will go out with us except those who witnessed the fighting) is an explicit declaration that whoever goes out is among the true believers who are relied upon in adversity 2 - After they had sores: the wounds they wounded yesterday in the battle of Uhud festered, and certainly the physical pain needs rest, comfort, and drinking hot liquids, this is really reasonable, but God's will is that they come out with their blood, pus, and psychological defeat factors that tickle their feelings, to meet the enemy on the second day directly. Why? The football players have coaches from Live Coaching, and they found that the players play a match for an hour or a quarter in full fitness, and then their performance drops to zero, and they knew that this was the reason for their defeat, after that, the training ran around the stadium for an hour, except for a continuous quarter, and then an additional 10 minutes, and they were very tired, and 10 minutes became 20 minutes on the second day until they reached their perfect performance, at the time of the match, God - the Most High - teaches the Muslims how the will is at the last grain of sweat, the effort increases, so that they are not less than horses in their race. 3 - Why did the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - refuse to took Abdullah bin Abi Salul go out with him? although He needs every person to fights with? Or at least: increase the number in order to intimidate the polytheists. The truth is that he was the one who spread the word in the Battle of Uhud that the Messenger died, and in fact you are also an expert in dealing with great problems and weak souls at the time of defeat, and physical strength among the Arabs early on, and victory in battles is all that they possess - do not bring them anyone in their midst to shake the soul, which may be fragile from the inside as a result of defeat, on the other hand, put yourself in the place of the Messenger, He knows with certainty that he is a hypocrite, and the Muslims know, but they do not speak, and so does the Messenger, but I wonder what the special feeling of the Messenger at that time was, to gather the Muslims together, , organizes the ranks and demands allegiance, and this comes with a yellow smile. I am with you, Messenger of God - this is among the trials of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. See the appendix to the verse (For those among them who do good and pious Allah will have a great reward) It is not for any of them, but for the doers of good among them, the pious in performance while wounded, doing the best of what he has, charity and piety at this critical stage of their history, which They build it with glory in return for a great reward, and who says great? God Almighty, then he is a reward on the level of God, The Battle details The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – expected in his place, as he expected that the polytheists would return to Madinah to conquer it again, because the polytheists when they blamed and argued and said to each other: “You didn't do anything, you hit their stinger, alone, then you left them, there are heads left of them to gather for you, so come back, we will eradicate them, Whoever did not come out in the midst of one, they were injured among you, and our army was tired, but the army of the polytheists refused to respond to the opinion of Safwan, they settled themselves on returning to Medina to eradicate the Muslims, and while they were preparing to return to Medina, Ma`bad bin Abi Mu`bad Al-Khuza`i caught up with them: and he declared his conversion to Islam, and he came to the Messenger of God, advising that he was afraid of their evil. At that time, the Messenger of God commanded him to follow them, despite the dangers that surround Muslims, However, the Messenger of God has refused to return to Medina again. He had met the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - before he went to the polytheists, the Prophet commanded him to join the army of the polytheists, so he would let them not fight the Muslims. Ma`bad went to Abu Sufyan and waged a psychological war against the polytheists and told him that the Muslims had come out with a great army wanting the polytheists, and that this army was burning against the polytheists in order to defeat him, and when Abu Sufyan and the army of the polytheists learned, with this, they preferred safety and resolved to withdraw to Mecca, and before the withdrawal, Abu Sufyan sent with a ride from Abd al-Qais to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that the Quraysh would return the ball to the Muslims, and that they had resolved to eradicate the Muslims, so when the delegation informed the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - about that, he came down. He, may God bless him and grant him peace, stayed in this city for three days, after which he returned to Yathrib, and he was accompanied by Abu Azza al-Jumahi, that man who was released by the Messenger of God on the day of Badr without ransom, He had stipulated at that time that he would not stand in front of the Muslims again, but he did not keep his covenant with the Messenger, and he fell into his hands on the day of Uhud, so he ordered this time to kill him. Almighty saying: (Those who were told by the people that the people have gathered for you, so fear them, and it increased them in faith. The result of the invasion: The Quraishites fled and were unable to seize or enter the Muslim lands. The natural situation is that whoever pursues is the victor and whoever flees is the loser, in this battle despite the victory of the Quraish side, according to historians, However, Muslims are the ones who follow them even outside the country, and this has only one meaning, which is that both groups were similar and almost with the same strength.

  • Al-Ifk incident ( The defamation)

    The Prophet used to cast lots among his wives before every battle, so whoever of them would go out, she would accompany him, and the arrow of the Mother of the Believers, Aisha, went out in the battle of Bani al-Muslaq. When the Messenger finished the conquest, the army prepared to return, then Lady Aisha wanted to relieve herself, then she returned to find herself losing a necklace, and when she went to look for it, the (army) rode walked, and they carried the howitzer. on the camel, and they did not doubt the lightness of the howdah, as Aisha was slender and light in weight. Lady Aisha came back, and sat in her shrine, waiting for someone to ask about her, so she fell asleep. Then the companion Safwan bin Al-Mu'attal noticed her. I am commanded to be late for the army to clear the roads and inform the army if the enemies want to surprise them from behind. So he came to Aisha and got to know her, and he made her camels, so they rode, and they joined the rest of the army. How did the news reach Aisha - may God be pleased with her and her satisfaction - Aisha said, “We came to Madinah, so I complained when I came a month ago, and the people are overflowing with sayings of those who say of the owner of Ifk incident, I do not feel any of that, and which is doubts me about my pain I do not know from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the kindness that I saw from him when I complained, but the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, would enter upon me, He greets and then says, How are you? Then he leaves, and that terrifies me, and I do not feel evil, until I came out when I was recovery, and I went out with Umm Mistah before the mana’s, and the place of our stool and we were hurt to be at our homes, and we used to only go out from night to night, and that was before we took the kenaf: stooling place, close to our homes, She said, and we commanded the first Arab affair in the wilderness, she said, so I and Umm Mistah went away, and she is the daughter of Abi Rahm bin Al Muttalib bin Abd Manaf, and her mother is bint Sakhr bin Amer, the aunt of Abu Bakr Al Siddiq, and her son, Mistah bin Athahah bin Abbad bin Al-Muttalib, and Umm Mistah and I came before my home when we finished our affairs, so Um Mistah stumbled in her scarf and said, “Unfortunate is Mistah.” I said to her, “What a bad thing! you curse a man who witnessed Badr, she said any Hantah: A little girl, and you did not hear what he said, she said, and I said what he said, so she told me what the people of Alifk said. We take from the above 1 - A whole month in a closed society (Arabs) and a few tribes know each other, and the chaste did not know what was going on around her, something surprising, but it is the mercy of God - the Mighty and Sublime - she was sick - may God be pleased with her and satisfy her - and if she knew before that, her illness might have increased and she Originally it did nothing. ( The mercy of God is near benefactors) 2- She was accustomed to the tenderness of the Messenger of God for her in her illness, which is the only thing that she felt strange. 3 - The height of negligence of what is happening, her defense of Mistah - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction - because he witnessed Badr as a sign of her heart that does not know the problem and does not know hatred, it is really a sound heart. She said, "I became more ill than mine, and when I returned to my home, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to me and greeted me. Then he said, How are you doing? I said to him, “Do you permit me to go to my parents?” She said: “I want to be sure of the news from them.” She said, “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gave me permission, so I said to my mother, O mother, what are the people talking about? She said: O my daughter, it will be easy on you, by God never a woman has been lightenen before man, he loves her because she has co-wives, except that they are many over her. She said, and I said, Glory be to God, or did people talk about this? She said, so I cried that night, Until the morning, I did not have tears and I did not sleep, then Iam crying in the morning, she saidز 4- How are you: How are you, despite the great event, the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - did not lose his morals as if he was applying the principle (the accused is innocent until we prove his guilt). 5 - The Prophet, a polite wife who knows that she did not do what was said about her, sought her permission, because she would not come out of marital nakedness even in the darkest of circumstances. 6 - Look at the bereaved mother in her daughter: Be easy on yourself, my daughter, and show me the wisdom of the Arab woman (a woman has never been a woman who loves her and she has co-wives, but they are many over her) as if she caught the secret from the beginning and trusts her daughter. 7 - She began to cry because of the poisonous words of people, and she was oppressed, How many people have their tongues like the bite of a snake, and I wish it was in the truth but rather in falsehood. When you hear the middle of the story wait until to know the end of it. Questioning the Companions The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called Ali bin Abi Talib and Osama bin Zaid when the revelation took hold, asking them and consulting them about the separation of his family, she said, As for Osama, he referred to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, with what he knows of the innocence of his family, and by the one who knows them in himself, Osama said, “Your family, and we do not know anything but good.” As for Ali, he said, “O Messenger of God, God has not restricted you and the women other than her are many. Ask the maidservant to be truthful, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called Barira and said, Oh Barira, have you seen anything that bothers you? Barira said to him, “By the One who sent you with the truth, I never saw anything about her that I had to frown upon, except that she is a young woman who sleeps on the dough of her family, so the domesticated one comes and eats it, she said, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, stood up from that day, asking for an excuse from Abdullah bin Abi Salul, while he was on the pulpit, He said, “O Muslims, who will excuse me from a man whom I have heard of harming my family? By God, I knew nothing about my family but good, and they mentioned a man about whom I knew nothing but good, and he did not enter upon my family except with me, she said, so Saad bin Muadh, the brother of Banu Abd al-Ashhal, got up and said, “Oh, Messenger of God, I will excuse you, If he was from the Aws, his neck would be struck, and if he was one of our brothers from the Khazraj, you commanded us, so we did your command, She said, so a man from Al-Khazraj got up, and Umm Hassan was his uncle's daughter from his thigh, and he is Saad bin Ubadah, and he is the master of Al-Khazraj, she said, and he was a righteous man before that, but the Jahiliyyah tolerated him, so he told Saad: You lied, For God's life, do not kill him, nor can you kill him, and if he was one of your people, you would not like him to be killed, So Usayd bin Hudair, who is the cousin of Saad, got up and said to Saad bin Ubadah: You lied to by Allah, so we will kill him, you are a hypocrite arguing about the hypocrites, She said, the living creatures, the Aws and the Khazraj, raged until they were about to fight, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was standing on the pulpit, she said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, kept lowering them until they fell silent and she remained silent, and she said, “So I cried all day. 1 - This beloved Muhammad - this is the Messenger of God, the beloved of God - and the revelation was delayed for a whole month to vindicate the most beloved of people to him, and his heart is wracked with pain, and the strange thing is that he did not divorce her without investigating the matter, but rather she narrated and waited - the morals of a prophecy. 2 - Look back at this paragraph once more and you know how the eastern man is overcome by rushing into such matters by killing or torture or at least by divorce. Did the Messenger of Humanity hear from them for you? No, rather, he hears and collects speech and filters it, if you will, and asks men and women alike why? Because women are always jealous and believe that a woman is loved by her husband, separating her from this loving husband. . 3- .... Until the two lives fight (who is present from my qibla: the Aws and the Khazraj) erupted. A, two ribes revolted against a woman in whom a Qur’an was revealed that will be recited until the Day of Resurrection. She said, “My parents became with me and I cried for two nights and one day, tears did not rise for me and I did not sleep until I thought that crying broke my liver, so between us my parents were sitting with me and I was crying. We have to greet and then sit down crying with me, she said, while we were on that, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, entered upon us, greeted us, and then sat down, she said, and he has not sat with me since it was said what was said before her, and he has remained for a month, and nothing is revealed to him about my affairs by thing, She said, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sat and then said: as for what follows, O Aisha, he informed me about such and such, and if you are innocent, then God will acquit you, and if you have committed a sin, then seek God’s forgiveness and repent to Him, If the servant confesses and then repents, God will forgive him. She said, when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, finished his speech, my tears diminished until I felt a drop of it, so I said to my father: Answer the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, about what he said, my father said, by God, I do not know what to say to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I said to my mother: Answer the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I said, as I am a young girl, and I do not read much of the Qur’an, by God, I knew that you had heard this hadith until it settled in yourselves and you believed in it, If I tell you that I am innocent, do not believe me, and if I confess something to you, and God knows that I am innocent of it, you will believe me, By God, I do not find an example for you and me except for Abu Yusuf when he said: ( Beautiful patience, and God help me for what you describe) Then I turned and lay on my bed, and God knows that I am innocent at that time, and that God will prove my innocence for two nights, weeping, and do not don't sleep, and I think that sadness breaks my liver, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - enters, After a month, he spoke to Aisha for the first time, after he did not say anything to her except how you are to her. She was sick, and after his article to ask forgiveness for your sin, look at her polite reaction as well: 1 - He reduced my tears, the tears remain uninterrupted until he investigates the matter and until the confrontation begins. she looked at her father, answer the Messenger of God and he refused, she looked at her mother: she refused, so you spoke as if you were reading her words, you feel that her voice is loud, and she says, while she is close to childhood to youth, (a young slave girl, I do not read much from the Qur’an, by God, I knew. You heard this hadith until it settled in yourselves and you believed in it. You have an order, and God knows that I am innocent of it so that you can believe me, for by God I do not find an example for you and me except for Abu Yusuf when he said: So patience is beautiful, and God helps for what you describe) Thus, with all this boldness and confidence, the Messenger of God left her and did not slap her in the face because she speaks in the presence of adults, not only in age but also in standing. Yes, he is your messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace. 2 - Then I turned and lay on my bed: What is this force, they might kill her, they might hurt her more than that, and she is young, why not be afraid? (Trust in God - come - (and I am innocent at that time and that God will justify me with my innocence) but by God, I did not think that God revealed about my matter and a revelation recited for my affairs in myself was too despicable for God to speak about me, but I had hoped that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would see in sleep a dream in which God would clear me, By God, by God, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not take his seat, nor did any of the members of the household go out until it was revealed to him, so he took what he used to take from al-Barahah, to the extent that he would descend from it from the arak like a camel on a winter's day from the weight of speech. So he took what he used to take from al-Barahah, to the extent that he derives from it from the arak like a( jaman( : it is made of silver in the shape of pearls, and it is on a winter's day from the weight of saying, the one who was revealed to him she said, “Recite about the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was laughing.” The first word he spoke was that he said, “O Aisha, God has healed you.” She said, “My mother said to me, get up to him, So I said, By God, I will not srand to him, I do not praise but God Almighty. She said - But by God, I did not think that God revealed about me a revelation that would be recited for me in my soul: Look at God’s action: a young woman - a Quraysh Arab, an illiterate who neither reads nor writes, do not be deceived by clothes or words, and wait until God judges, and He is the best of judges. 2 - She was an imagined dream that the Prophet (and the vision of the prophets is true), but she did not imagine that the Qur’an would be recited until the Day of Resurrection. 3 - The Messenger of God was pleased while laughing. Why did God Almighty torture his beloved Muhammad? Psychological discipline for a whole month? Do you know Confucius, the sage of China, what he says: To hear me I may remember, but to involve me I hardly forget, or, as he said, the experience is the best evidence, isn't it? If my words were theoretical, it was not live meat, the Arab diet would not have erupted, but the experience, as it is said, is the best evidence, but the best evidence for what? This is what you will know in the next paragraph. And God Almighty sent downز Those who came a group of you with falsehood The ten verses, then God revealed this in my innocence. Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq said, and he used to spend on Mistah bin Uthathah because of his kinship with him and his poverty, and by God I never spend on Mistah anything after what he said about Aisha what he said, so God revealed ( And the people of merit among you do not turn back to his saying did you not love that God forgive you, He is Forgiving, Merciful) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq said, “Yes, by God, I would love for God to forgive me.” So he went back to the spending that he was spending on, and said, “By God, I will never take it away from him,” Aisha said, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked Zainab bint Jahsh about my matter, and he said to Zainab, “What do you know or see?” She said, “Oh, Messenger of God, protect my hearing and my sight, By God, I only knew good. By God, I knew nothing but good. Aisha, who was one of the wives of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said she was competing with me, so God protected her with piety. She said, and her sister Hamna started fighting for her, she perished among those who perished. Ibn Shihab said, “This is what reached me from the hadith of these men, then he said Urwa, Aisha said, By God, the man to whom it was said what was said should say, Glory be to God, for by the One in Whose hand is my soul, I have never uncovered a female’s body, She said then he was killed after that in the way of God. Imagine all this great event for the sake of a sentence that does not exceed a line (God admonishes you that you should never return to the same if you are believers) This is a questioning of your faith (if you are believer). Studies related to psychology with some comments: Why do people spread rumors If you pay attention, the main function of rumors is to understand something that is not already clear. Rumors help explain a world-baffling element. In the soda rumor she opened, tensions between groups of people were frightening and confusing. "Why do bad things happen?" This confusion opens the door to rumors that people can cling to to at least give them an idea of why the world works the way it does People spread rumors when there is uncertainty. When we don't already have a solid understanding of how or why things happen in the world, rumors start to spread. If you can imagine being in middle school again, imagine what would happen if one of your classmates stopped going to school one day, all of a sudden. There is a lot of uncertainty out there, So people are likely to develop and spread rumors as a way to deal with what happened. In fact, a 1955 field experiment did just that: Researchers strategically pulled a student out of a classroom without explanation. Not surprisingly, rumors spread as students tried to make sense of the situation. Which is exactly what happened, when Lady Aisha and the companions Safwan bin Al-Muta’al came back to catch up, the believers doubted 2 - People spread rumors when they are anxious Uncertainty often generates anxiety - we like to have a clear sense of the world, and we get anxious when we feel uncertain - and anxiety itself has been associated with the spread of rumours, some research has shown that more anxious people are more likely to spread rumours, and another great experience made some students especially anxious about the upcoming interview. students who were made to feel more anxious spread rumors more quickly than less anxious students in the control group, research has also shown that "dread" rumors (i.e. rumors of something bad happening) spread more than "wish" rumors (like rumors of something good happening). This is the case for rumors circulating online and rumors circulating in person. And this is what happened, beginning with the spread of sedition through Abd Allah ibn Abs Salul, the chief of the hypocrites. You must search for who benefits from this rumor. . 3 - People Spreading Rumors When the information is important as much as you might be eager to talk about the rumors you've heard about the company you work for, I probably don't care that much. The reason is that it is not relevant to me. On the other hand, I'll be excited to talk about some other rumors that are more important to me. In fact, Alport and Postman's "Basic Law of Rumors" that they developed in 1947 was that spreading rumors depends on both the ambiguity of the situation and the significance of the rumour. Across a whole host of studies, people are more likely to spread rumours. When information is most important to them. This is a closed society - an Arab society - oriental - rather a society of prophecy, the Islamic call will be blown out of its door if the Messenger of God and himself did not investigate the issue. For people to spread a positive rumor about them. If someone was part of a rival group, people were more likely to spread negative rumours. What is important is that people spread rumors strategically to gain the respect of others. The social situation. What do you know about the social situation? Look at Abdullah bin Abi Salul, the chief of the hypocrites: He would have assumed the position of chief of the Arabs before the advent of the Messenger of God, and the people left him and gathered around the Messenger of God. Does this not stir up grudges and grudges, a third and fourth time, and until the end of time, when you hear A rumor, first of all, who is the beneficiary, who brought out the rumor, and why.

  • Theorizing about the messages of the Messenger of God to kings and princes

    Before we mention the books of the Prophet, peace be upon him, to kings and princes, it is worth taking a look at state of the Roman Empire (present-day Italy) Persia (now Iran) The wars were between the Roman Empire and the Persians. In the year 621 AD The Persian armies were victorious and seized the Levant, Egypt and Asia Minor, a year before the Hijrah, and the Persians - now Iran - were threatening Constantinople at that time, (Istanbul) Finally, Heraclius appeared (King of the Romans: Italy) and insisted on restoring the glory of his state and in the time of migration (year 622 AD) The Roman Emperor was chasing raiders from Asia Minor, and in the second episode of his incidents, his armies marched into the heart of Persia (Iran) itself, during the three years in which Heraclius was restoring the glory of the empire, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was in conflict with the Quraysh, and this was followed by the siege of Constantinople (Istanbul) by the Persians, who was half a year before the siege of the city in the battle of the parties (July 626 AD) and in the third battle and to Heraclius his previous victory, so he won a complete victory, on the first of December in the year 626 AD in (the Battle of Nineveh), and thus the armies of the Persians (the Iranians) were defeated and dispersed. On the twenty-ninth of this month Chosroes fled to the capital of his kingdom, and in February of the year 628 AD his son (Sheroeh) killed him and seized the throne and concluded a peace treaty with the Roman Emperor, provided that the borders of the two countries remain as they were before, and around this time the Prophet, peace be upon him, was the treaty of Hudaybiyah was concluded with the leaders of Quraysh, and in the spring of this year Heraclius went out to visit Jerusalem When the Messenger of God returned from the Treaty of Hudaybiyah He saw the rapid conversion of individuals and tribes, and found that the time had come to spread the call to Islam outside the Arabian Peninsula, so he chose his messengers for that purpose, one of the Muslim merchants who had previously moved to those countries whose kings he wanted to invite to Islam, who knew their customs. We take advantage of the following 1 - The conflict between civilizations, from the beginning of history until God Almighty inherits the earth and those on it, a year of life that does not change, we find the Persians and the Romans, the kings of the world, fighting over bringing the great civilizations under their banner, such as Egypt and Constantinople (currently Turkey), they reached it or not, the result does not matter, except that the experience is always an honor for kings. . 2 - The Messenger, until the time of the Hudaybiyah Treaty, a year before the conquest of Mecca and the end of the Muhammadan message, was also in a clash of civilizations - if the expression is right - In the Arabian Peninsula, the Islamic civilization that brought nothing but good for humanity, in addition to the Arabian Peninsula, in which people ate the rights of the weak, and they eat dead meat and other vices, so it is polite, pure, and the best condition of people, until the building of a civilization with its full human standards recognized by it, and it begins to wrestle with Arab civilization in the Arabian Peninsula, And around it, and indeed, many of them dominated and many entered Islam, which is a sign of the emergence of civilization. why? Because as it is said: one of the differences between culture and civilization, that culture is local, if it moves to a place other than where it originated, then it is a civilization. 3- Here, after things have stabilized to a certain extent after the conquest of Mecca, and since Islam is a global religion and not a local (for the Arabian Peninsula or the Arabs) The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - began to correspond with kings and princes. This is how political rulers do after the stability of their civilization, to try to assimilate civilizations, which turned them to enter into a general consensus or an agreement not to fight, at the very least. Related studies Religion and Power: Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond Monarchy, and especially the sacred aspects of the office of monarch, have long fascinated scholars in a variety of fields such as history, religious studies, or area studies, monarchy (or any kind of absolute power) and its close relationship to religion and its use for the purpose of legitimizing power seems to be an almost universal concept in human history, among the oldest civilizations that displayed the phenomenon of god-kings were Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. So it is all the more surprising that the ancient Egyptian monarchy is ignored - To a lesser extent - and the ancient monarchy in Mesopotamia in comparative studies of the phenomenon of divine or sacred kingship. الروابط

  • The Brotherhood between immigrants and supporters

    The brotherhood is It is a bond that brings together Muhajireen and Ansar. So that each of my emigrants becomes a brotherhood with each of my supporters separately, and this brotherhood is based on faith, and documenting love, affection, support, and consolation with money and belongings. After the immigrants left Mecca for Medina, several problems occurred to them, including: (Exile and separation from family and homes, and leaving most of their money in Mecca) which led to the deterioration of their economic conditions, In addition to the health and physical effects that occurred to them as a result of the sudden transition to another environment; This led to the emergence of diseases among them, such as fever and others,When reviewing the names of these companions, we find that this brotherhood did not give weight to tribal considerations or class differences, as it brought together the strong and the weak, the rich and the poor, the white and the black, the free and the slave, and thus this brotherhood was able to triumph over the fanaticism of the tribe, race, or land, to replace it with the bond of faith and religious brotherhood. the Messenger make brotherhood between Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf (al-Muhajiri) And Saad bin Al-Rabee (Al-Ansari), may God be pleased with them. Saad offered his brother half of his money to take it, but he gave him a choice between one of his two wives in order to divorce her for his sake, so Abd al-Rahman thanked him for his favor and praised him for his generosity, then he asked him to guide him to the markets of the city, and it was not a short time before Abd al-Rahman bin Awf was able to be among the owners of money and wealth. the Messenger of God, make brotherhood between Abu Bakr and Kharjah bin Zuhair And between Omar bin Al-Khattab and Atban bin Malik And between Abi Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah and Saad bin Moaz And between Zubair bin Al-Awam and Salama bin Salama bin Waqsh And between Talha bin Obaidullah and Kaab bin Malik And between Musab bin Amir and Abu Ayoub Khaled bin Zaid And other names reached 90 companions - may God be pleased with them all. Many Ansar asked the Messenger To divide the agricultural lands between them and their brothers among the immigrants, but the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - wanted this consolation to take place, Without harming their property, he advised them to keep their lands while involving their immigrant brothers in the harvest. The reaction of immigrants to the generosity of the supporters They said to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: O Messenger of God, we have not seen a people upon whom we have offered the best consolation in a few, nor the best in giving in many of them, we have thought that they will take all the reward. Their sacrifices and noble stances were a reason for praising God for them by saying: { والذين تبوءوا الدار والإيمان من قبلهم يحبون من هاجر إليهم ولا يجدون في صدورهم حاجة مما أوتوا ويؤثرون على أنفسهم ولو كان بهم خصاصة ومن يوق شح نفسه فأولئك هم المفلحون } ( الحشر : 9 ) {Those who settled in the abode and the faith, before them, they love those who migrated to them, and they do not find in their hearts a need for what they have been given, and they affect themselves even if they have severe poverty, And whoever is saved from his own miserliness, it is they who are the successful.” (Al-Hashr: 9) And the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - preserved this merit for the Ansar, so he praised them by saying: If the Ansar had walked through a valley or a gorge, I would have walked in the valley of the Ansar, Narrated by Al-Bukhari, and he explained his love for them by saying: “The Ansar only loves a believer, and only a hypocrite hates them; Whoever loves them, Allah will love him, and whoever hates them, God hates him.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari. He prayed for their children and offspring to be righteous, and he said (O Allah, forgive the Ansar, the sons of the Ansar, the wives of the Ansar, and the offspring of the Ansar) Narrated by Ahmad, He preferred to sit among them throughout his life, and said: (If it were not for the migration, I would have been one of the Ansar) Narrated by Al-Bukhari, thus, we can see the greatness of this generation that was raised by the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace. Related studies Loving others can be very difficult sometimes The common phrase to refer to those people who continually find ourselves challenged in love is "an extra blessing needed." But even people we generally like can sometimes be difficult to love. The main reason we have difficulties loving others is sin, the common phrase to refer to those people who continually find ourselves challenged in love is "an extra blessing needed." But even people we generally like can sometimes be difficult to love, the main reason we have difficulties loving others is sin, our sin and the sin of those we try to love. Humans are fallen creatures. Apart from God and his power, we are selfish, Loving ourselves comes more naturally than loving others. But love is not selfish. She seeks the best for others (1 Corinthians 13:5; Philippians 2:3), fighting our own selfish and sinful tendencies and dealing with the selfish and sinful tendencies of others can make love a chore. From this part of the previous study we conclude Loving others without preconditions is very difficult, but they must do good to us, as it is said (man is made to love those who do good to him) Here, in the story of brotherhood between the Muhajireen and the Ansar, it was not just charity, but sharing in money and crops from agricultural lands, altruism, and sublime morals, It is natural for Muslims to love each other in this unique way that we may not have heard about in the entire history of Islam except in this moment in time, many Muslims are now killing each other in the name of sectarianism. The link .

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