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  • The minor signs: The spread and woman assistance to her husband in trade

    The Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and companions and grant them peace, said: “Before the Hour is the greeting of the special, the trade will spread until the woman helps her husband in the trade, and relatives will be cut off.” Al-Nasa’i narrated on the authority of Amr bin Taghlib, may God be pleased with him, who said The Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and companions and grant them peace, said: “One of the signs of the Hour is that money will become abundant, and trade will become widespread, the pen appears, and the man makes the sale and says: no, until I consult a merchant of so-and-so, and the scribe is sought in the great neighborhood, but he is not found. As stated in the noble hadith narrated by the two sheikhs on the authority of Amr bin Awf, may God be pleased with him On the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and companions, he said: “By God, what is poverty? I fear for you, but I fear for you that the world will be extended to you as it was extended to those before you, so compete for it as they competed for it, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them. From the previous hadiths we take the following: 1 - Whoever makes trade his concern and preoccupation, such that it distracts him from important tasks and distracts him from duties, God Almighty said: “O you who have believed, let not your wealth nor your children distract you from the remembrance of God, and whoever does that - those are the losers. 2 - We have begun to see the small city whose market, years ago, was confined to one street, now the entire city has become a market, and most of it has turned into commercial complexes, many times the country's need, and what is strange is that merchants are complaining about the stagnation of the market, on the other hand, there is a double increase in the opening of other and new stores. How do we explain this? Its only explanation: that it is one of the signs of the Hour. 3 - You see a single merchant trading in the East and the West, and now he disposes of his money in the East and the West, you see him residing in a country and his financial assets are at the farthest reaches of the earth. Rather, you see him residing in a country and his partners are at the farthest reaches of the world, you see businessmen in Muslim countries and their money in banks in the East, West, North and South. 4- The woman’s participation with her husband in trade, until the woman’s earnings become a burden on her, so she rebelled against the husband, and even abandoned marriage by trade, and some of them sacrificed the family in exchange for work, This is only because of the love of money, which has led to the corruption of many women, and how can this not be the case when God Almighty says: “No, indeed man will transgress * if he sees himself enriched.” 5 - One of the manifestations of the spread of trade is that the merchant does not sell until he seeks advice from the merchants, or the sheikh of the merchants, as they say, This is one of the signs of the Hour, as he, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “And a man makes a sale and says: No, until I seek advice from a merchant from the tribe of so-and-so.” 6 - What is meant by knowledge: knowledge of this world, as God Almighty said: {They know what is apparent from the life of this world, but they are heedless of the Hereafter} [Al-Rum: 7] It was said: What is meant by knowledge is the knowledge of writing and reading. This is an indication of people’s great interest in this world, and their concern for its welfare, but unfortunately at the expense of religion.

  • The minors Hour: the frequent police appearances

    On the authority of Auf bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said “I fear six things for you: the rule of fools, the shedding of blood, selling power, severing ties of kinship, and they take the Qur’an as psalms, and the large number of police” (Sahih Al-Jami’) (I fear for you six things) and in a narration: (Hasten to do six things) Then he mentioned these six signs, and these six signs that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, feared are some of the minor signs of the Hour. And the people took boys who made the Qur’an an gain They compose it, strum it, and entertain the public with it during seasons of mourning and at public parties, there were also many police officers, veils, and guards at the doors of kings, presidents, and ministers, and preventing people from entering them in order to remove a grievance that befell one of them, or something similar, until entry was only allowed to those of high standing and intermediaries, as for others, they will die at the gates - without dignity - and they will not and will not be allowed to enter! If those hijab and police, with good behavior, they may take the file from the owner of the complaint or case in order to present it to the official, and then that file remains locked in a drawer in the official’s office for years, until entering those officials became a difficult and arduous task - and there is no power nor strength except with God - whoever is able to do that has achieved a great achievement, as people say in this time. When Imam Ahmad, may God have mercy on him, was asked about reading with melodies? He said: “It is an heresy, It was narrated on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he mentioned in the signs of the Hour: “For the Qur’an to be taken as psalms, they introduce one of them who is neither the most readable nor the best of them, except so that his singing will enrich them, (The major rulings are like singing, so we must differentiate between improving recitation and beautifying the voice, humility and sadness, he explained that a person in his reading resembles immoral people and songs, and stretches and groans. This is reprehensible and forbidden. (The emirate of fools) That is, their guardianship over slaves due to the violence, recklessness, and foolishness that occurs among them, and the foolish is the plural of foolish, and he is deficient in reason, and this leadership of the foolish was protected by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, exalted from it, and explained to him the nature of the Emirate of the Fools. On the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Ka’b bin Ajra: “May God protect you from the leadership of the foolish.” He said: “And what is the leadership of the foolish?” He said: There will be princes after me who will not be guided by my guidance, and do not heed my Sunnah, for whoever believes their lies and helps them in their injustice, those are not of me and I am not of them, they will not return to my basin, and whoever does not believe their lies and does not help them in their injustice, they are of me and I am of them, and they will return to me at my cistern.” (Al-Targhib wal-Tarhib, they led them to evil, to temptations, and to the abyss, by opening the doors of evil to its door, such as opening the door to adultery, the door to alcohol, the door to theft, and, disrupting the rule according to what God has revealed, corruption on earth, and the mixing of men and women in public places; Such as schools, universities, hospitals, ministries, markets, etc., in order for sedition to spread. (And the shedding of blood) and in a narration: (and in disdain for blood) The frequent killing of the infallible soul and its belittling is one of the minor signs of the Hour. As stated in the hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: “Time is approaching, knowledge is diminishing, scarcity is encountered, and temptations appear, there was a lot of commotion. They said: O Messenger of God, what is it? He said: Murder, murder.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari The police It was mentioned in the hadith of Abu Umamah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “There will be men in this nation at the end of time, or as he said: At the end of time, men will emerge from this nation with whips, like the tails of cows, they growl in the wrath of God, and they depart in his wrath” (Al-Silsilah Al-Sahihah [1893]). Muslim narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “It is about to happen that if you have been there for a long time, you are about to see a people, they will be in the wrath of God, and they will go under the curse of God, and in their hands are like the tails of cows.” (Sahih Muslim [2857]) They are threatened with Hell, as stated in what Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Two types of the people of Hell I have not seen, a people with whips like the tails of cows, with which they beat people with it.” (Sahih Muslim)

  • The minor signs: following the sunan of past nations

    On the authority of Abu Saeed, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said (You will follow the ways of those before you, inch by inch, and cubit by cubit, even if they had entered the hole of a lizard (a reptile), you would have entered it, We said: O Messenger of God; Jews and Christians? The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: So, Who?!) [Narrated by the two sheikhs]. And in a narration on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri - may God be pleased with him - with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet (You will follow the traditions of those who came before you, following the example of Qathh by Qathh (the feather of a bird like the eagle or the falcon, after it has been straightened and prepared to be inserted into the arrow) Even if they entered a lizard's hole, you would have entered it. They said: O Messenger of God, the Jews and Christians? He said: So, Who? Al-Bukhari narrated in the book Al-I'tisam from his Sahih On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: (The Hour will not come until my nation takes the initiative of the generations before it, an inch by an inch and an cubit by an cubit. It was said: O Messenger of God, like a Persian and a Roman? He said: And from among the people except those. As Ahmed and Al-Tirmidhi narrated on the authority of Abu Waqid Al-Laithi (When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out to Hunayn, he passed by a tree belonging to the polytheists called Dhat Anwat, they hung their weapons on it, and they said: O Messenger of God! Make for us Dhat Anawat, just as they have Dhat Anawat, The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Glory be to God, this is as the people of Moses said: (Make for us a god just as they have gods.) By the One in whose my soul in His Hands, you will surely follow the example of those who came before you.” [Al-Tirmidhi said: Hassan Sahih]. The idea lies in the issue of the fates commenting on the ideas of pessimism and optimism, or the birds that they used to fly when they were going to do something. If the bird flew to the right, they would do the thing, And if he flew to the left, they would not do this thing, and God Almighty has replaced the idea of (tirah or pessimism) with the idea of istikharah, so the Messenger of God Ali forbade them, so that they do not make victory in battles dependent on seeking blessings from a designated tree. This is polytheism to God in His power over His servants, and it is forbidden, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. In a narration by Muslim (disagreed with the Magians) ( the magians those who worship the fire) (Whoever imitates a people is one of them) [Abu Dawud] It was proven on the authority of Omar, may God be pleased with him, that he said (Beware of the dress of non-Arabs) [Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar authenticated it in Fath al-Bari (10/286) The shaving which is forbidden On the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them both: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, forbade qaza’. When it was said to Nafi’: What is qaza’? He said to shave part of the boy’s head and leave part of it.

  • The minor signs: The plague of Emmaus

    A contagious disease whose name raises panic and arouses feelings of anxiety, and it was called - as we see in history books - the black disease, the plague, and we mention and remember it as evidence of the prophecy of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - when the news came from heaven that a human catastrophe would befall his nation and his followers, wiping out many of them. The timing In the eighteenth year of the Hijra, it was the first plague that occurred in Islam, in a town called: Emmaus, and groups of prominent Companions died because of it, among them are Muadh bin Jabal, Abu Ubaidah, Yazid bin Abi Sufyan, and Sharhabeel bin Hasna, Abu Jandal Sahl bin Omar and his father, and Al-Fadl bin Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, may God be pleased with them all. The great companion Auf bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, explained to us the news of the prophecy, at the time it was said, and the circumstances that accompanied it, Awf, may God be pleased with him, says: I came to the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - during the Battle of Tabuk while he was wearing a leather dome, He said: “Prepare six things before the Hour: my death, then Jerusalem will be opened then, two deaths will be taken from you like sheep's shears, then the money will increase until a man is given one hundred dinars, He remains dissatisfied, and then there is a strife, and no Arab house remains without entering it, then there will be a truce between you and the Banu al-Asfar, but they will betray you and attack you under eighty targets, under each target are twelve thousand) Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Here we see that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - told of six signs He spoke after him, and all of them are signs of the Hour. As for his death, peace and blessings be upon him, it was in the eleventh year of the Hijra, as for the conquest of Jerusalem, it was at the hands of the Rightly Guided Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - in the year fifteen AH. And then “the two deaths” that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - informed about their arrival and occurrence. And the bottom line The staying is a licence, and the leaving is a licence Whoever is in the epidemic and is infected, there is no benefit in his going out, and by going out he transmits the disease to healthy people, whoever is not injured will be permitted to go out for treatment, provided that all people do not go out, someone must remain to care for the sick. This malignant disease has claimed the lives of many people, Most of them were great Muslim conquerors, and Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, dealt with this affliction with the utmost caution, as he and those with him did not enter the Levant, He also tried to remove the healthy from the land of the epidemic, and he also took full responsibility after this epidemic ended, He traveled to the Levant and supervised the solution of problems and the management of the consequences of this crisis, and his reference and guide in everything he did was Islamic law, He understood it, worked hard and implemented it, and he ordered and directed the governors accordingly, thus, he became an example for all princes and rulers after him on how to confront and manage crises.

  • Minor signs: the conquest of Jerusalem

    Saladin Al-Ayyubi and the conquest of Jerusalem His birth Commander Yusuf bin Ayoub Al-Duwaini Al-Takriti, or what became known as King Al-Nasser Saladin, in The Iraqi city of Tikrit in the year 532 AH, corresponding to the year 1138 AD His family An ancient Kurdish family. Some historians believe that their lineage goes back to Ayoub bin Shadi bin Marwan, a native of the Armenian city of Dwayne, Saladin was born on the night his father left Tikrit Citadel when he was its governor. Who are the Kurds? They are an ethnic group that lives between Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. They do not have a country where the majority of the Kurds are Sunni Muslims, including Shiites, and from other religions other than Islam, such as Yazidis, Yarsanis, Jews, and Christians. The character of the leader Saladin Al-Nasir Saladin had a strong personality and a sound decision, far from emotions, which earned him the trust of his uncle Asad al-Din Shirkuh, who began to rely on him in many of his battles that he fought under the banner of the leader, Nur al-Din Zengi, especially those they fought in Egypt against the rebellious Fatimid vizier and the Frankish Crusaders. The strategy for liberating Jerusalem 1- Building a strong, unified state The Islamic unity that the Zengids had worked on for years became vulnerable to loss, so God Almighty brought Saladin to continue the path, Before him, Imad al-Din al-Zenki first worked to unify the Levant, starting with the conquest of the Emirate of Edessa, The Turkish city of Urfa, which was one of the strongest Frankish emirates, gained the sympathy of the people and their resentment towards its negligent rulers, After his death, his son Nur al-Din assumed power to continue the liberation project. Nur al-Din began to consolidate his rule in the north, especially Aleppo, He marched to the east and south, approaching the region of Jerusalem, but he did not confront the Franks due to the lack of preparedness of his armies, He recovered the Islamic cities, castles, and fortresses in the Levant from the hands of the tampering princes, and his authority was established in the Levant and northern Iraq, Then after that, it was necessary to annex Egypt and unify it with the Levant. At this time, “Egypt was under Fatimid rule, but it was on the verge of falling, after several battles and sieges in an alliance between the Fatimid minister Shawar and the Franks against Asad al-Din Shirkuh, the latter was appointed by the Caliph of the Fatimid state, Minister of Egypt, and after him Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, his nephew, who later became ruler of Egypt after the death of the last caliph of the Fatimid state, (1171 AD - 567 AH) and annexed it to the Zengid state. The Zengid state Or the Zengid Emirate, or the Atabeg State, They are known in short and in popular discourse as the Zengid or Atabeg, It is an Islamic emirate founded by Imad al-Din al-Zenki in Mosul, and it later extended to include the entire Euphrates peninsula and the Levant, and then reached Egypt. Nur al-Din al-Zengi prepared the armies to fight the Crusaders He regained more than one of their cities, but he died before heading to Jerusalem, for Saladin to come and finish what the Zengids had started before him, Saladin had to unite the Islamic Front first before fighting the Crusaders due to the disagreement and conflict between the Zengid princes after the death of Nur al-Din Mahmoud, he concluded a truce with Raymond, Count of Tripoli, the guardian of Jerusalem at the time, a truce lasting 10 years, 10 months, and 10 days, Saladin set out to unify the Islamic Front, which, due to the discordant political circumstances at that time, required him to wage battles against the discordant Zengid princes, a period of 33 months, so that Egypt and the Levant become one body again. 2- Building a Muslim army with sound doctrine After the unification of the Islamic states, Saladin and his companion, the distinguished judge, moved to build a Muslim generation with a pure faith, through the construction of Islamic schools, which adopts the approach of the Sunnis and the community to eliminate the Shiite sect, whose remnants of the Shiite Fatimid state were still in Egypt, The word Jerusalem and jihad have become two words that all Muslims and preachers repeat as they prepare the nation for a great day. 3- Taking advantage of the conditions of the Kingdom of Jerusalem The last Crusader king died and the kingship passed to his sister, who married a French nobleman and became king, He was reckless and light as a king. He was not basically qualified to hold that position, especially in that particular period when the Islamic Front was witnessing the rise and it had a brave leader like Saladin. The crusaders breaking the truce: twice The first time When Arnat (Reynold Chatillon), Prince of Karak, allied with the Daoists (Knights Templar) they planned together to destroy the Muslim home. They wanted to demolish the Kaaba and exhume the grave of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, but they were arrested by the Egyptian forces to take them back to Egypt. The second time When there was a Muslim trade convoy, they plundered their money, slaughtered them, and took captives from them. Thus, the Battle of Hattin took place. 4- The battle of Hattin (Rabi’ al-Thani 25, 583 AH corresponding to July 4, 1187 AD) The opportunity had come for the Muslims. Saladin felt that he had sufficient forces, favorable conditions, and an appropriate military climate, so it was time for war, Saladin imposed the battle on them in a place and time. The difference between him and the Crusaders was that Saladin was the one who made the plan, while the Crusaders differed among themselves, had several heads, each of them holding a different opinion, and the king among them was weak, thus, Saladin's plan succeeded in luring them out of Ain Saffuriyya to come to him, which meant that they would not have access to water in addition to the summer heat, they walked for a long time until they reached Mount Hattin, where the Ayyubid army was blocking them from the water (Lake Tiberias). Thus, victory was the Muslims' ally in this battle. 5 - The plan to conquer Jerusalem after the Battle of Hattin The Muslims won the battle, and the time had come to conquer Jerusalem, but before that, Saladin preferred to exploit the Crusaders’ diaspora, He first rushed to conquer the cities of the Levant coast to weaken the Crusaders, as these cities constituted a point of strength for them that was the link between them and their role in the West, Remaining under their rule means that the European West will, at any moment, send Crusader armies to the ports of the Levant, The Islamic military forces participating in the Battle of Hattin were still with Saladin, which helped him control these coastal cities and ports. 6- Media campaign Before the conquest of Jerusalem, Saladin was also keen to carry out a media campaign to all parts of the Islamic world with the aim of mobilizing Muslims for jihad, this caused the Muslims to become determined to wage jihad, this caused the Muslims to become determined to wage jihad 7 - Launching the decisive attack on the city Saladin then decided to launch a decisive attack on the city, Some engineers pointed out that the weakest gate in Jerusalem is St. Stephen's Gate, which is located on the northern side of Jerusalem, Then the Islamic armies entered Jerusalem and the Crusaders began announcing surrender, (Rajab 27, 583 AH, corresponding to October 2, 1187 AD), Saladin allowed the Crusaders to go out, and they went out in a peaceful procession without anyone obstructing their way.

  • The minor Signs: The Prophet’s death

    The Messenger's mission As he - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (I and the Hour have been sent like these, and he joins his index and middle fingers) His saying, peace be upon him: (Enumerate six things before the Hour: my death .....) The death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Auf bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, said: I came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, during the Battle of Tabuk, He was in a dome made of leather, so he said: (count six before the Hour: my death, then the conquest of Jerusalem, then two deaths take hold of you like the aqass of sheep: a disease that takes hold of animals, causing something to ooze from their nostrils and they suddenly die, then the money increased until the man was given one hundred dinars and he remained discontented, then there will be a trial, and no Arab house will remain without entering it, then there will be a truce between you and the Banu Al-Asfar, then they will betray you and come to you under eighty targets, under each target twelve thousand.) Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

  • The requirements of:There is no god but Allah

    No God except Allah the gateway to Islam No No, the negation: a letter that does something that is not God Everything that is taken as a deity, whether rightly or wrongly, and is used for anything other than God according to some people in ancient myths. except An exception formula that proves beyond doubt Allah taught the causal essence that is necessary to exist, which combines the attributes of divinity, and therefore it is not permissible for anyone to be called by it It is a sentence consisting of 4 words (1 - No - 2 - God - 3 - Except - 4 God). However, most of the people living on Earth could not say it. Is it because it is difficult to say on the tongue? Is it because it is in a language other than their mother tongue? No, all of these reasons are weak Even the Arab rhetoricians who are famous for their good eloquence, oratory, and reciting poetry in Dar al-Nadwa in the Quraish tribe and elsewhere, they memorized and recited poetry by heart, sometimes in a thousand verses, some of them refused to say it, why? Because they know its true meaning and that it has consequences, do we, as Muslims today, say it correctly... Let us review this together... Is it necessary to have its effects on the Muslim? Or is it a sentence said once and it's over? 1 - It's a bridge of the Hereafter Qantara: A curved bridge built over a river And in Al-Bukhari, from the hadith of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: If believers are saved from Hell, they will be imprisoned in a bridge between Heaven and Hell, they redress the grievances that existed between them in this world, until, when they are pure and refined, they will be allowed to enter Paradise. Call it Qantara (resolving grievances). Did you say there is no god but God from your heart? why did you wrong so-and-so? Is it true for God and His Messenger? Or were you doing it for the sake of (the ego) and some of it was the flood? Hold yourself accountable because tomorrow you will not be able to lie to the bridge and you will not even lie to yourself. 3- Th concept of the bankruptcy And in Sahih Muslim, from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Do you know who is bankrupt? They said: The bankrupt among us is the one who has no dirham or property. So he said: The bankrupt of my nation, who will come on the Day of Resurrection with prayer, fasting, and zakat, will come cursing this man, slandering this man, eating this man’s money, shedding this man’s blood, and beating this man, This is given from his good deeds, and this is from his good deeds, if his good deeds are finished, before he fulfilled his duty, he took some of their sins and they were cast upon him, then he was cast into the Fire. Imagine that you are a Muslim and you brag about saying there is no god but God, and you feel in yourself that you are better than a Christian, a Jew, or any person who outwardly adheres to another religion, and he hides his conversion to Islam, while you are penniless. Yes, this is according to the text of the hadith of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. He will conquer the Day of Resurrection, and with him acts of obedience that will reach mountains, but: The cursing: cursing and insulting. The defamation: exposing yourself to obscene speech and committing indecency. Eating this money: Among the unlawful consumption of money (embarrassment) is what is taken by the sword of modesty, so it is invalid. And this bloodshed: Even if by a look, a hint, a word, or a deceit, you caused the death of one person, just one person, and you had other good deeds such and such. 2 - The sanctity of your Muslim brother He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Everything of a Muslim is forbidden to another Muslim, his blood, his property, and his honor, blood: do not kill him briefly, in stages, such as poisoning him or harming his body, or kill him, or say a word that will cause him to be killed. His money You take it from him through embarrassment - or you force someone to take it from him in devious ways - or you steal it from him in a partnership or otherwise. His honor to say something about him that he does not do, even if it is for you to stand by him until he stops doing what he is doing, do not be a thorn in his back and an aid to the devil against him, O Muslim... And remember that God may guide one man through you... Continue, for you are a good memorizer. The resolution of grievances And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Whoever has wronged someone regarding his honor or something, let him forgive him today before there is no dinar or dirham, If he has done a good deed, it will be taken from him in proportion to what he wronged, and if he has no good deeds, then some of his companion’s bad deeds will be taken and charged to him. agreed. Let him ask him to free himself from his transgress today. 3-Do not cheat people On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - passed by a container of food, so he inserted his hand into it and his fingers got wet, He said: (What is this, owner of the food?) He said: He was struck by heaven, O Messenger of God. He said: (Did you not place it above the food so that people could see it? Whoever cheats is not of me) Narrated by Muslim. We benefit from the following hadith: - If you are a seller of a commodity, not only a Muslim will buy from you, but the righteous and the immoral, the Muslim and the non-Muslim will buy from you, even if you are selling in a foreign (Western) country and you are a Muslim. The person of the earthly religion, the atheist, and others will buy from you... The hadith is clear: Whoever deceives us is not one of us (we deceived those of us (Muslims). Yes, but generalize to everyone because the speech is in general, and God knows best, do not limit the example of the hadith (cheating in food) to the fact that it is the only type of cheating. Rather, cheating in exams - rather, cheating is for someone who believes you and you lie to him...and look at the next hadith about betrayal. 4- The betrayal On the authority of Sufyan bin Asad Al-Hadrami - may God be pleased with him - he said: I heard the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - saying: “It is a great betrayal to tell your brother a story he is beleive you , and you are a liar to him.” Narrated by Abu Daw Imagine if you have never done that: you are talking to your brother (and see: your brother did not mention the Muslim, perhaps your brother in humanity, or your brother from your mother and father, or one of them, by saying that he believes you completely sincerely, and deep inside you are deceiving him for any reason, it does not matter. You are definitely not in a war because war is a deception, but outside of the war, you are a soldier for “There is no god but God” and you have the right to soldier. 5 - The hypocrisy What he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The signs of a hypocrite are three: If he tells a lie, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is entrusted he betrays it.” [Narrated by Imam Al-Bukhari in his Sahih. There is no explanation for the hadith but there is a scale on which you can weigh your saying (there is no god but God from your heart) or do whatever you want and be labeled with whatever you want with betrayal once, deception once, cheating once, or neglect of a person like you. He believes you and you deceive him another time. And you believe in the end that you are saying it sincerely from your heart. ? What do we benefit from saying there is no god but God? 1 - Entering Islam through it The story of the polytheist who said: There is no god but God, and then the companion Osama bin Zaid killed him in battle, thinking that he said it out of fear, the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - reprimanded him and said: (O Osama, you killed him after he said there is no god but God). What is meant here is that whoever says “There is no god but God” has entered Islam, and no one enters Islam except with it, and the scholars have unanimously agreed on that. 2- The highest-reword work It was stated in the authentic hadith: (Then a card is taken out on which I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, and he says: Bring your weight, and he says: O Lord! What is this card with these records? It is said: You are not wronged, so the records are placed on one scale, and the card is on one scale, the records became scattered, the cards became heavy, and nothing is heavy with the name of God Almighty.) 3 - Freedom from polytheism Allah says ﴿ إِنَّهُ مَنْ يُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ فَقَدْ حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ الْجَنَّةَ وَمَأْوَاهُ النَّارُ وَمَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ مِنْ أَنْصَار ﴾ [المائدة: 72 “Indeed, whoever associates anything with God, God has forbidden Paradise to him, and its abode is the Fire, and the wrongdoers will have no helpers.” (Al-Ma’idah: 72) 4 - The deserving of the intercession of the Messenger of God “The two Sahih books” on the authority of Abu Hurairah, with a chain of transmission traceable to the Prophet: Who is the happiest person with your intercession, O Messenger of God?   He said: (Whoever says: there is no god but Allah sincerely from his heart) 5- The key to calling messengers Allah says (وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ مِن رَّسُولٍ إِلاَّ نُوحِي إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنَا فَاعْبُدُون) (And We did not send before you any messenger, except that We have revealed to him: There is no god but Me, so worship Me.) 6 - The best talk He - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (Faith is seventy-four, the best of which is saying there is no god but God.) 7- Indoctrination of the dead And he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, as in “Sahih Muslim”: (Teach your dead that there is no god but God) 8 - The call to God (its content: there is no god but God) There is no god but God, the first thing to be called for, and the efforts of the preachers of Islam are united to spread and achieve it, May God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said to Muadh: “Let it be the first thing you call them to the testimony that there is no god but God. The first duty of slaves is to unify the worship of God, Lord of the worlds. 9- Every time you say it: a good deed On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoever says there is no god but God alone, with no partner, to Him belongs the dominion and to Him is praise, and He has power over all things. Whoever says it ten times in the morning, a hundred good deeds will be recorded for him, and a hundred bad deeds will be erased from him, He had what was worth a neck, and he kept it with it at that time, until the evening, and whoever says the same in the evening will have the same.” (Narrated by Ahmad). 10. Get out of the fire On the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said: “He who says there is no god, and in his heart there is a grain of goodness in his heart, And whoever said there is no god but God and in his heart a weight of Barah, will come out of the Fire of goodness, and whoever says there is no god but God and in his heart an atom’s worth of goodness will come out of Hell.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari) Barah: (a piece of zero or something else on one side of the camel’s nose to humiliate him) 11.Whose last words were (enter Paradise) He said - may God bless him and grant him peace - whoever’s last words are “There is no god but God” will enter Paradise. Narrated by Abudaw. 12 - There is no god but God, the infallibility of wealth and blood He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Whoever says: There is no god but God and disbelieves in what is worshiped other than God, his wealth and blood are forbidden, and his reckoning is with God.) narrated by Muslim. In the end Now: Have you read the previous words and perhaps memorized them apparently so that you can say them tomorrow in absent? We are in a great distance between saying there is no god but God, and we exalt our souls (ego) when we quarrel, envy, or hate. It is said in psychology If you want to know a person truly: make him angry or sad, or make him write and read what he wrote. These three things, and perhaps others, reveal the identity of their owner: What you do when you get angry or sad, dear Muslim, is the truth of your religiosity, it is the truth that there is no god but God, and the extent to which you venerate it in your heart. Oh God, we hope that we are witness with there is no god but God, by its right and deserving, and make it pure from our hearts.

  • The revelation

    The revelation from the perspective of Islam The revelation in language It is informing in secret that the matter is thrown into the soul in a secret way, or it is writing, or it is a gesture and a quick signal, and revelation in the linguistic sense has several types, which are as follows: What is meant by revelation in legal terminology? It is the word of God Almighty that He sends down to one of His prophets, and this is in the case that revelation means inspired. However, if revelation means inspiration, then it is for God Almighty to know, one of his prophets and informs him of a legal ruling or similar stories and news that were mentioned in the Holy Qur’an or the Sunnah of the Prophet, It is worth noting that the difference between the linguistic and conventional meaning of revelation is the same as the difference between general and specific, as revelation is a general language that includes all types of information in secret, revelation is a specific term that is limited to what God Almighty inform one of His prophets. Some verses of the Qur’an that are related to the subject of revelation Allah says وَمَا كَانَ لِبَشَرٍ أَن يُكَلِّمَهُ اللَّـهُ إِلَّا وَحْيًا أَوْ مِن وَرَاءِ حِجَابٍ أَوْ يُرْسِلَ رَسُولًا فَيُوحِيَ بِإِذْنِهِ مَا يَشَاءُ) And it is not for a human being that God should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil, or He sends a messenger and reveals by His permission whatever He wills. Allah says (وَأَوْحَىٰ رَبُّكَ إِلَى ٱلنَّحْلِ أَنِ ٱتَّخِذِى مِنَ ٱلْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا وَمِنَ ٱلشَّجَرِ وَمِمَّا يَعْرِشُونَ) (And your Lord inspired the bees to take from the mountains are houses, and from trees, and from what they erect.) Allah says وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَىٰ أُمِّ مُوسَىٰ أَنْ أَرْضِعِيهِ ۖ فَإِذَا خِفْتِ عَلَيْهِ فَأَلْقِيهِ فِي الْيَمِّ وَلَا تَخَافِي وَلَا تَحْزَنِي ۖ إِنَّا رَادُّوهُ إِلَيْكِ وَجَاعِلُوهُ مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ And We inspired the mother of Moses to breastfeed him, If you fear for him, throw him into the river and do not be afraid or sad, we will return him to you and make him one of the messengers. From these verses, without going into their interpretation, it appears to us that revelation comes in multiple ways, the bees came to him with inspiration casting into oneself, like Umm Musa, is not a prophet, according to scholars, In a way of speaking in awe or otherwise, God knows best. The types of revelation Innate inspiration Such as the revelation to the mother of Moses - peace be upon him - where God Almighty said: (And We revealed to the mother of Moses to breastfeed him) The Instinctive inspiration Like the revelation of God Almighty to bees, where God Almighty said: (وَأَوحى رَبُّكَ إِلَى النَّحلِ أَنِ اتَّخِذي مِنَ الجِبالِ بُيوتًا وَمِنَ الشَّجَرِ وَمِمّا يَعرِشونَ) (And your Lord inspired the bees, “Take houses in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect.”) The quick reference Like the revelation of Zechariah - peace be upon him - where God Almighty said: (So he came out to his people from the mihrab, So He revealed to them, “Say Subhanahu morning and evening.” The Satan's whispering Where God Almighty said: (Indeed, the devils inspire their friends to dispute with you.) God Almighty’s command to the angels: Where God Almighty said: (When your Lord revealed to the angels, “Indeed, I am with you, so strengthen those who believe.”) God Almighty commanded the angels Where God Almighty said (إِذ يوحي رَبُّكَ إِلَى المَلائِكَةِ أَنّي مَعَكُم فَثَبِّتُوا الَّذينَ آمَنوا) (When your Lord revealed to the angels, “Indeed, I am with you, so strengthen those who believe.”) God Almighty's saying (فَلَمَّا قَضَى مُوسَى الْأَجَلَ وَسَارَ بِأَهْلِهِ آنَسَ مِن جَانِبِ الطُّورِ نَارًا قَالَ لِأَهْلِهِ امْكُثُوا إِنِّي آنَسْتُ نَارًا لَّعَلِّي آتِيكُم مِّنْهَا بِخَبَرٍ أَوْ جَذْوَةٍ مِّنَ النَّارِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَصْطَلُونَ* فَلَمَّا أَتَاهَا نُودِيَ مِن شَاطِئِ الْوَادِ الْأَيْمَنِ فِي الْبُقْعَةِ الْمُبَارَكَةِ مِنَ الشَّجَرَةِ أَن يَا مُوسَى إِنِّي أَنَا اللَّـهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ* وَأَنْ أَلْقِ عَصَاكَ فَلَمَّا رَآهَا تَهْتَزُّ كَأَنَّهَا جَانٌّ وَلَّى مُدْبِرًا وَلَمْ يُعَقِّبْ يَا مُوسَى أَقْبِلْ وَلَا تَخَفْ إِنَّكَ مِنَ الْآمِنِينَ) (When Moses had fulfilled the term and was traveling with his family, he found that on the side of the Mount, A fire. He said to his family, “Remain still. I have witnessed a fire, perhaps I will bring you news from it, or an ember of fire, when he reached it, he was called from the right bank of the valley in the blessed spot of the tree, Indeed, O Moses, I am God, Lord of the worlds* And throw your staff, then when he saw it shaking as if it were a demon, he turned away, And he did not turn back. O Moses, come forward and do not be afraid, for you are among the believers.) The revelation through a messenger What is meant by the Messenger is Gabriel - peace be upon him - and he used to come in two cases: For both of them: Gabriel - peace be upon him - used to come in the form of a well-known person, He also included a picture of the companion Dihya al-Kalbi - may God be pleased with him - Or in the image of an unknown person. Second: Gabriel - peace be upon him - used to come in the image in which God Almighty created hi on it, and he came to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in this state twice, One of them is in the first days of revelation, and the other is in the journey of Isra and Mi’raj. Jingle the bell Rather, he hears a noise and a clang, and an unusual spiritual state overwhelms him, until when the king fulfills his Lord’s message, he returns to his usual state. Al - Salsalh: The clear sound of thunder with a reverberation.

  • the envy

    (It is distress due to the abundance of blessings upon the servants of God Almighty) (Envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes wood) The envy in language Wishing the blessing to disappear from others He envied his neighbor He hated God's blessing upon him, and wished that it would be removed from him, or that it would be taken away from him The envious one whose nature is envy, whether male or female. The plural is: envious. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ((Do not envy one another, do not quarrel with each other, do not hate each other, and do not turn your back one another and do not sell to one another, and be - servants of God - brothers, a Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, does not let him down, does not lie to him, and does not despise him, piety is here - and he points to his chest three times - according to the man of the evil that degrades his Muslim brother, everything of a Muslim is forbidden to another Muslim: his blood, his property, and his honor)). narrated by Muslim. The hadith tells us several prohibitions and some commands First: The prohibitions: 1 - Do not envy one another: that is, do not envy one another, even though people have preferred one another over another. The Messenger forbade them from infecting each other with envy. 2 - Do not argue: he uncovered the hidden thing: he provoked it and extracted it - It is when a person increases the price of a commodity that he does not want to buy so that someone else will hear him and increase the price, In this sense, it is forbidden. It is a type of verbal manipulation to increase the value of the commodity, It is possible for the dispute to be material (commodity) or it may be moral, (A person, a job, or something else) Anything tangible, and some people flinch to draw attention to something whose value is not that high. God knows best. 3 - Do not hate: hatred: intense hatred - abhorrence. An order from the Messenger that your hatred for anyone should not bring you to the extent of hatred, after which it is not good. Either you oppress him, disparage him, backbite him, or spread gossip among people about him, tempting them to harm him. 4 - Do not turn your back one another: that is, give each other your backs, and it is a metaphor for not meeting faces due to hatred, enmity, or something else. 5 - Do not sell some of you to sell others: that is, do not sell the commodity to anyone, and another buyer comes and raises the price because he liked the commodity, so he takes it from the first one and gives it to the one with the highest price. Second: The orders 1 - The first thing you must keep in mind (the Muslim is the brother of the Muslim: not his enemy) 2 - He should not be unfair to him: My brother, as you leave the house, you say one of your supplications when leaving (O God, I seek refuge in You from being unjust or being wronged) Why do you receive your rights from your brother and want him not to wrong you, to be unfair in the balance, and this is the balance of morals, not the balance of vegetables and fruits. 3 - Do not let him down: abandon his help. It is possible for you to hate a person and be a Muslim like you for a good reason, or not for something you understand, unless your soul tells you not to help him, open doors of sustenance for him that will help him. If you open certain doors for him, you will help him. 4 - And do not lie to him: Do not lie to your brother, for lying results in loss, be honest, it will only cost you an unreal loss, as for lying, it will cause you real loss when people find out about your lie. 5 - And do not despise him: Do not belittle anyone unless he does things that disgrace him, you are not better than him in anything, we are all superior to each other in things Everything is forbidden to another Muslim: his blood, his property, and his honor The types of envy There are two types of envy: blameworthy envy and praiseworthy envy First, reprehensible envy What is meant by reprehensible envy is that a person sees a blessing for another person, but he hates that and wishes that that blessing would be removed from him and transferred to him, this type of envy is condemned and forbidden by God in His Book, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - warned us against it in his pure Sunnah. The levels of reprehensible envy Forbidden envy has levels that we mention below first level That a person loves for the blessing to disappear from others, and for it to be transferred to him, and therefore he seeks by all forbidden means to harm him in order to achieve his goal, and this rank is prevalent among envious people. Second level That a person loves the disappearance of a blessing from others, even if this blessing is not transmitted to him, and this level is extremely insidious, but it is below the first level. Third level If he is unable to obtain the same, he would like this blessing to be removed from others so that the disparity between them does not appear. Second: Praiseworthy envy (Ghbtah) What is meant by praiseworthy envy is that a person sees a blessing on others, so he wishes to have the same without hating it or wishing it would be removed from that other person. This type of praiseworthy envy is called envy or competition, and it may also be called jealousy, It is known that competition is in doing good deeds and seeking the afterlife, Something that God urged us to do in His Book and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in his purified Sunnah. Allah says {سَابِقُوا إِلَى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا كَعَرْضِ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ أُعِدَّتْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ ذَلِكَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمٌِ} (الحديد، 21) {Race to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose breadth is as wide as the heaven and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers, that is the bounty of God. He gives it to whomoever He wills, And God is the Possessor of great bounty} (Al-Hadid, 21) Allah says {وَفِي ذَلِكَ فَلْيَتَنَافَسِ الْمُتَنَافِسُونَ} (المطففين، 26) {And in this, let the competitors compete} (Al-Muttaffifin, 26) And speaking of Al - Ghbth Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: (There is no envy except in two cases: A man whom God taught the Qur’an, and he recites it throughout the night and during the day, A neighbor of his heard him and said: I wish I had been given what so-and-so was given, so I did the same as what he does, and a man to whom God has given wealth will destroy it in truth, A man said: I wish I had been given the same as what so-and-so was given, and I had done the same as what he does.) Do not begrudge those in front of you if you fall into the circle of envy He - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “If you feel envious, do not transgress it...” Hadith Some people may be envious, but they are not satisfied with envy, rather they seek to harm the envied person by harming him with his words, or by seeking to remove him from his position, or striving for something that is harmful to himself, his body, or his religion. This comes from the perspective of envy, He combines envy and injustice. He wrongs him more than his envy of him, if he envies him for a job, health, knowledge, or anything else, He sought to remove this great blessing, striving to remove it from the envied unjustly and aggressively. We ask God for wellness. If it is proven that it is possible for it to happen, and from believing souls, the problem does not lie in envy alone, but rather in the harm it causes to the envied, for your own comfort, then harm him. Transgression is transgression and injustice, and the Messenger has commanded you (do not oppress one another). The eye (It is said that the eye does not like to see someone better than it) An organ and sense of sight The people of the house and the country Or the spy It is said that a man has eyes, meaning he often suffers from eye enevy The Symptoms of the eye and envy Infection with the evil eye or envy cannot occur except by the decree and destiny of God Almighty, We see many people who always imagine that every accident or distress that befalls them is from the evil eye and envy, so they confuse that with the illnesses, depression, or other things that afflict them, therefore, the believer must have a good opinion of God Almighty, rely on Him as he should, and know that everything that befalls him is according to the power and decree of God Almighty, If all the people gathered together to harm him with something that God had not prescribed for him, they would not be able to do so, If envy truly affects a person, there may be symptoms such as distress, lack of obedience,   Anxiety, etc., but a person may actually have a disease, so he should consult doctors and take the causes and treatment. The difference between evil eye and envy The difference between them in terms of the main reason is that The evil eye: is caused by admiration, approval, and pride, while envy: is caused by hatred, the wish to remove blessings from others, and hatred. Generality and specificity: Envy is more general than the evil eye. Every curser is an envier, but not every envier is a evil eye. The Impact on others and the source Envy and the evil eye share the same effect. So that the two cause harm to the envied and the eyes, but the source is different, as the source of the eye is the squinting of the eye’s gaze, and it may affect inanimate objects, money, crops, and other things that are not enviable in the first place. A person may infect himself The treatment Whoever sees something that he likes should remember God Almighty and say: God willing, there is no power except in God, God bless, or he should pray and say: O God, bless him, so that the eye can be averted from it, since the eye falls on the eyes sometimes without the choice of the one who cares, it is safe to always remember God when he sees God’s blessings on others. The treatment for the eye is to ask the person who has the eye if he knows him to wash himself with water, and he must respond to him It was mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet that Sahl bin Hanif was taking a bath, and Amer bin Rabia saw him and was impressed by the extreme whiteness of his skin. He said: (By God, I have never seen anything like today, nor any skin hidden.) As soon as he said that, Sahl fainted, so the Companions brought him to the Messenger of God and said to him: (O Messenger of God, do you have a son in Sahl who does not raise his head?) The Messenger of God said to them: (Are you accusing anyone?) They answered him with what Amer bin Rabia said, so the Messenger called him and said to him: (Why should one of you kill his brother, do you not bless him?) Then he ordered him to wash, so Amer washed his hands, face, elbows, knees, the tips of his feet, and the inside of his garment in a bowl, then he was poured onto a plain, and there was nothing in him, the best thing that people can avoid is to commit to obeying God Almighty, and to mention Him frequently, And memorizing the morning and evening remembrances, and asking God for well-being, especially the legal ruqyah. Here are some supplications and remembrances Reading Surah Al-Fatihah, it is healing, God willing. Maintain reading Ayat Al-Kursi. Maintain reading Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad, and Al-Mu'awwidhatayn, and repeat them. Read the legal ruqyah, and memorize the morning and evening remembrances . Read the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah. Reading Surah Al-Kafirun. Reading the Almighty’s saying: (We said, “Do not be afraid. Indeed, You are the Most High, and cast what is in Your right hand. You will seize what they have done.” Indeed, they have created the plot of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he comes), and praying with this supplication: (In the name of God, I promote you from everything that harms you, from the evil of every soul and eye.) A lion, in the name of God I recite ruqyah for you, and may God heal you.) Helping to meet one's needs is to be discreet, and not to tell people about the virtues of God Almighty, except by trusting them. Blowing your nose when reading, as the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to do.

  • The rely on God

    The trust in language The dependence on others in a matter and term: the heart’s reliance on God Almighty to seek benefit and ward off harm from matters of this world and the hereafter (The Knowledge and Wisdom of Ibn Rajab) Al-Jurjani, may God have mercy on him, said: Trust in what is with God, and despair of what is in the hands of people. They said about the rely on God Saeed bin Jubair, may God have mercy on him, said: “Putting your trust in God is half of faith.” Trusting God is the work of the heart Allah says ( وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى الْعَزِيزِ الرَّحِيمِ . الَّذِي يَرَاكَ حِينَ تَقُومُ . وَتَقَلُّبَكَ فِي السَّاجِدِينَ} [الشعراء:217-219] (And put your trust in the Mighty, the Merciful, the one who sees you when you stand up. And your turning among those who prostrate.} [Al-Shu’ara’: 217-219] Allah says ﴿ وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى الْحَيِّ الَّذِي لا يَمُوتُ ﴾ “And put your trust in the Living One who does not die” A man came to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace and said, “O Messenger of God, should I send my she-camel and put my trust, or should I tie it up and put my trust?” He said, “Rather, tie it up and put your trust” The reasonable concept Ibn Abi Al-Dunya narrated on the authority of Muawiyah Ibn Qurrah, who said: He met Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him A group of people from Yemen said: Who are you? They said, “We are the trustworthy ones, He said: “Rather, you are the ones who rely on each other, The trustworthy person is the one who is throw grain into the ground and relies on God Almighty.” - Whoever's concern is the world, God will separate his affairs for him and place his poverty before his eyes, nothing comes to him from this world except what was written for him, and whoever has the Hereafter as his intention, May God gather his affairs for him, place his wealth in his heart, and the world came to him willingly. On the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever is beset by misfortune and rely it on people, his poverty will not be filled, and whoever is beset by misfortune and rely it on God, then God will bring him provision soon or later.” Allah says {الَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ النَّاسُ إِنَّ النَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُواْ لَكُمْ فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَاناً وَقَالُواْ حَسْبُنَا اللّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ} [ال عمران:173] {Those to whom the people said, “Indeed, the people have gathered against you, So fear them, and it will increase their faith, and they will say: “Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.” [Al-Imran: 173] Who has the right to help from God Almighty? On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (There are three rights that God owes their help: Mujahid in the name of God, And the clerk who wants to perform, and the married man who desires chastity) [Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi] We benefit from the following hadith: 1 - God - the Almighty - did not announce His assistance to some of His servants except in specific situations among them is far from this hadith (God helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother) 2 - Helping the fighter in his path - Glory be to Him - and jihad has many types, the most prominent of which is fighting in the path of God, the least of which is honoring one’s parents or teaching or learning the religion. God has the right to help you as long as you strive for it. 3 - He who wants to get married for no reason other than because he wants to turn himself from forbidden things, If immorality occur, God Almighty has the right to help him. 4 - A creditor who owes a debt to someone else and intends to repay his debt, no to exploiting people and not paying the debt they owe. God has the right to help him when he sees his intention. The characteristics of the trustworthy The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Seventy thousand of my nation will enter Paradise without reckoning, they are the ones who do not ask for ruqyah: ((The spell is pronounced by the sick person, and if it is written and attached to him, it is an amulet.) They do not seek ironing, nor are they pessimistic, and they put their trust in their Lord.” Allah says {فَإِنْ تَوَلَّوْا فَقُلْ حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ لا إِلهَ إِلَّا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وهو رب العرش العظيم} [التوبة: 129] {Then if they turn away, say: Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but Him, In Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Great Throne} [Al-Tawbah: 129] If they hold a high position in society, or turn their backs on you after taking over your matter, and yet they often come together to harm you, and you are on the right: you have the right at this time to throw your burden on God - the Almighty - You say the content of this verse is like a supplication to protect you from their plots, God willing, and in the purified Sunnah it is permissible for you to say it several times, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Taking control They either turn their back on you as a metaphor for not supporting you again in life or a decision to hurt you, or they take a position that allows them to hurt you. Allah says {وَإِنْ جَنَحُوا لِلسَّلْمِ فَاجْنَحْ لَها وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ} [الأنفال: 61]. {And if they incline to peace, then incline to it, And put your trust in God} [Al-Anfal: 61]. The verse urges us that people may harm you, but there comes a point when you are not completely healed from the pain of their psychological and perhaps physical wounds, but they ask for truce and peace with you, so God Almighty commands you: If they do, then should you incline towards peace because it is good, and at that time you may expect treachery from them again, as God Almighty commands you: to move towards peace and in this time with fear, trust in God. You do not see the results, but rather you see some of their introductions, and the end is unknown. It is known that this supplication is said seven times in the evening and morning remembrances (God suffices me, there is no God but You, Lord of the Great Throne), because it seems that life is never devoid of enemies. Allah says {* قالَتْ لَهُمْ رُسُلُهُمْ إِنْ نَحْنُ إِلَّا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ وَلكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَمُنُّ عَلى مَنْ يَشاءُ مِنْ عِبادِهِ وَما كانَ لَنا أَنْ نَأْتِيَكُمْ بِسُلْطانٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ * وَما لَنا أَلَّا نَتَوَكَّلَ عَلَى اللَّهِ وَقَدْ هَدانا سُبُلَنا وَلَنَصْبِرَنَّ عَلى ما آذَيْتُمُونا وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ} [إبراهيم: 10-12) {* Their messengers said to them: We are but human beings like you, but God bestows favor upon whomsoever He wills of His servants, and it is not for us to bring you any authority except by God’s permission, And in God let the believers put their trust* Why should we not rely on God when He has guided us to our paths, and we will certainly be patient over what you have harmed us, and in God let those who trust put their trust.” [Ibrahim: 10-12] We benefit from the noble verse When facing enemies There is an ongoing dialogue between the Messengers and their families, and the Messengers’ families are accused of being human like them, so why do they deserve to be messengers from God, as they are not angels, for example, or of another race. From humans. And their famous saying: Let us be patient with what you have harmed us, and in God, let the believers put their trust. Take the messengers out of the story and put yourself how much the dialogue ended when there was a clash between you and the people. It did not end in your favor, and harming your opponent began at that time. It is prescribed for you to trust in God, so let it be your motto and let us be patient despite what you have harmed us. When misfortunes and distress come God Almighty said: {قُلْ لَنْ يُصِيبَنا إِلَّا ما كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنا هُوَ مَوْلانا وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ} [التوبة: 51 {Say: “None will happen to us except what God has ordained for us. He is our Master. And in God let the believers put their trust.” [At-Tawbah: 51] The prayer for leaving the house (In the name of God, I put my trust in God. Oh God, I seek refuge in You from slip away or make someone to slip away,going astray or astray someone, or I become unjust, or do unjust to someone, or I become ignorant, or i ignorant to someone. In Sunan Abu Dawud, on the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “If a man leaves his house and says: In the name of God, I trust in God, there is no power nor strength except in God, It will be said then: You have been guided, and you are sufficient, you protected, and the devils departed from him, Then another devil says to him: How can you have a man? “He has guided, sufficed, and protected”? The types of the calamities The first type of misfortune There is no competition between you and God-like misfortune - your little son opened the window and fell out of it, and you took all the possible reasons. This is a direct disaster from God upon you, or money wasted on a project, while taking all precautions. The second type of misfortune Between you and the calamity is an adversary, that is, someone befalls you, a calamity such as when you are on your way with your young children, and a drunk driver causes an accident, God forbid, with one of your children. He dies.. This is between you and this disaster (Driver: drunk) If some pessimism seeps into the souls (trust in God) In the Sunan, on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: “Pessimism is a polytheism, pessimism is a polytheism, pessimism is a polytheism, Ibn Masoud said: There is no one other than us, but God takes him away with trust. We benefit from the noble hadith Extreme fear of a certain thing is a form of polytheism, that is, taken with God, God (what scares you) is like someone who wears bracelets so that he does not get sick, and it is very expensive, People accept and buy it for fear of cancer or something similar, or like those who are afraid of a black cat, on the 13th of a certain year, or panic about a specific month. The fruits of trust in God That is why he was the master of the trustworthy, the master of the brave. In the two Sahih books, on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the best of people, He encouraged the people, and the people of the city were terrified one night and went out towards the sound, The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, received them and was informed of the news, He was riding a horse that belonged to Abu Talha, naked, and around his neck was a sword,   And he says: “You did not panic, you did not panic.” Then he said: “We found it as a sea.” You must to know that there is a test for the trust God Almighty will not allow you to say in front of yourself and in front of people that you depend on Him without experiencing this trust, which is (all people have abandoned you). In this case, you feel the value of trust, understand yourself, and inform people. Even if they were your witnesses, on the day the testimonies are given, they will bear witness against you that you were truly trusting in God. The levels of trust in God Almighty First rank (reliance with fear) Allah says (( فأوجس في نفسه خيفة موسى)) ((He felt within himself the fear, Moses)) Internal fear may change some of the body's physiology, but it does not appear on the limbs like something that makes the heart anxious. Second rank (obtaining part of the trust) Allah says قَالَ رَبِّ إِنِّي قَتَلْتُ مِنْهُمْ نَفْسًا فَأَخَافُ أَنْ يَقْتُلُونِ وَأَخِي هَارُونُ هُوَ أَفْصَحُ مِنِّي لِسَانًا فَأَرْسِلْهُ مَعِيَ رِدْءًا يُصَدِّقُنِي إِنِّي أَخَافُ أَنْ يُكَذِّبُونِ He said, “My Lord, I have killed a person among them, so I fear that they will kill me, and my brother Aaron is more eloquent than me in speech, so send him with me as a supporter that will confirm me. Indeed, I fear They will lie me. Some disclosure of fears, not for that matter, but to ask for help from God Almighty. The third place (confirmation from God Almighty) Allah says لَا تَخَافَا إِنَّنِي مَعَكُمَا أَسْمَعُ وَأَرَى (46( Do not be afraid, for I am with you, hearing and seeing (46) The fourth rank Psychological courage Allah says ( فَلَمَّا تَرَاءَى الْجَمْعَانِ قَالَ أَصْحَابُ مُوسَى إِنَّا لَمُدْرَكُونَ (61) قَالَ كَلَّا إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ (62 (And when the two groups saw each other, Moses’ companions said, “Indeed, we will overtake each other, (61) He said, “No. Indeed, with me is my Lord. He will guide me.” (62)

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