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  • The Conversion of the Qibla

    The PDF file for this topic with Arabic langue, please for: To learn about the importance of the Grand Mosque: Please for: To learn about the importance of Al-Aqsa Mosque: Please for: Al - Qiblatain Mosque General information The changing the Qiblah from ....... to .......? From Jerusalem to the Kaaba In which year of Muhammad’s message Did the changing of the Qiblah occur? At noon on Tuesday, the middle of the month of Shaban, in the first year of the blessed Prophet’s migration, that is, thirteen years after the Prophet’s mission, the qiblah of the Muslims shifted from the Holy House to the Holy Kaaba. The Scientists' quotes Imam Abi Hatem The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, liked to face the Kaaba, so God revealed the verse to him, and he turned his face toward the Kaaba. This was mentioned by Ibn Kathir, citing Mujahid, Al-Dahhak, Al-Suddi, and Qatada Another matter they mentioned is: the command to head to the Kaaba; Until the Jews protest that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, agreed with them in their qiblah, and he is about to agree with them in their religion. What did the Jews do about changing the qiblah? It happened that God Almighty ordered His Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to face Jerusalem in prayer, and he remained in that position for about a year and a half in Medina. Then God diverted him from this qiblah to facing the Kaaba, and the Jews said: Muhammad longed for his father’s country in Mecca, and he wanted to please his people, the Quraysh, and if he had remained steadfast in our qiblah, we would have hoped that he would be the Prophet, which will come at the end of time, and from here their hope of annexing Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - was cut off, so they declared their hostility towards him, and he had clashes with them and stories mentioned in history books, What is the name of the mosque in which the qiblah was turned? The place where the qiblah was changed is Beni Salem Mosque Some historical information about the Banu Salamah Mosque (the Mosque of the Two Qibla) the Mosque of the Two Qibla is considered one of the mosques in which the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - prayed, It is called the Bani Salama Mosque, and sources mention that Bani Sawad bin Ghanam bin Ka’b, from the Bani Salamah Khazraj tribe, were the ones who established it during the reign of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, It was later rebuilt by the governor of Medina, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, in the year (87 AH - 706 AD), and renewed by Al-Shuja’i Shaheen Al-Jamali in the year 893 AH, and during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the architecture of the mosque was repaired in the year (950 AH - 1943 AD).It was built in the past and was made up of the building materials of the time, which were mud, fronds, and palm trunks. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Hujaili, professor of history and researcher in the history of Medina, says: about the mosque and its importance: “The Qiblatain Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in the city. It was built since the migration of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - when he visited one of the Ansar tribes.” Did the Jews choose Jerusalem as their qibla by God Almighty? The Children of Jerusalem did not make it a qibla according to a revelation from God, but rather by choice, according to what the investigators mention, the aforementioned hadith indicates that the rock they are facing was not commanded by God in particular, as the true qiblah is the first house established for the people in Mecca. Abu Dawud narrated in Al-Nasikh and Al-Mansukh on the authority of Khalid bin Yazid bin Muawiyah, who said: The Jews did not find the Qiblah in the Torah, but the Ark of Tranquility was on the rock, When God was angry with the children of Israel, He exalted them, and their prayer to the rock was based on their advice. . And in Al-Baghawi when interpreting the Almighty’s saying (And make your homes quibla) Ibn Jurayj narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with them both - that he said: The Kaaba was the qibla of Moses and those with him, and Al-Zamakhshari and Al-Baydawi agreed with it. Al-Nasafi said in his interpretation of this verse: Make your houses mosques facing the Qiblah, which is the Kaaba, and Moses and those with him used to pray towards the Kaaba, To which qibla did Muslims pray in Mecca before the qibla to the Sacred House was imposed? It was said: There was no specific qiblah, as all directions are qiblah according to what some have understood from the Almighty’s saying: (And to Allah belongs the East and the West, so wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah) (Surat Al-Baqarah: 115) Even if there is a tendency to turn to the Kaaba because it is the Holy House for the Arabs, He is the trace of our master Abraham, to whom God said in one of the Meccan surahs: (Then We revealed to you, “Follow the religion of Abraham, He turns away from polytheism” (Surat An-Nahl: 123), according to what the general meaning of the word indicates. As the biography narrated, the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - chose to worship in the cave of Hira; Because it overlooks the Kaaba. And it was said: The qibla of Muslims in Mecca was the Kaaba first, according to the Almighty’s saying: (And We did not make the qiblah that you were facing) (Surat Al-Baqarah: 143) that is, We moved you in Medina from Jerusalem to the Kaaba, which is the qibla that you were facing before, This stipulated that the qibla in Mecca was the Kaaba, but that was for a period. After the Prophet arrived in Medina: Was his prayer facing Jerusalem or the Kaaba? Which most scholars agreed with because it was revelation As narrated by Ibn Jarir al-Tabari on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, migrated to Medina and the Jews, most of them face the Holy House. God Almighty commanded them to face the Holy House. The Jews were happy because they thought that he had received him following their example, Although it was at the command of his Lord, he faced it for seventeen months, and he loved to face the Qiblah of Abraham. Al-Tabari also narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said: The Prophet loved to turn to the Kaaba, and he would pray to his Lord (As Gabriel advised this when he said to him: I wish that God would turn my face away from the qiblah of the Jews, so Gabriel said to him: I am only a servant, so call upon your Lord and ask Him.” He was looking at the sky and it descended, (We may see the turning of your face in the sky, so We will certainly give you a direction that you will be pleased with, so turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it” (Surat Al-Baqarah: 144) this is what the public is like, as Al-Qurtubi said What is the prayer that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - prayed with two qublas? The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, visited Umm Bishr bin Ma’rur after Bishr’s death, when the time for the noon prayer came, he led his companions in prayer with two rak’ahs, then he was ordered to turn to the qiblah, so he turned to bow for the third rak’ah, this mosque was called the Mosque of the Two Qibla. Because the conversion was revealed in it first. It was in Bani Salamah - with a kasra on the lam in Al-Zarqani’s explanation of Al-Mawahib, and it was seized in an interpretation. Some of them said that prayer is  Alasr, citing as evidence the narration of Al-Baraa bin Azib in Al-Bukhari in the Book of Faith: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, prayed the first prayer he prayed, the afternoon prayer, that is, heading to the Kaaba, but this indicates that she prayed with two qiblahs, and the most likely thing is that she prayed with one qiblah, which is the Kaaba, It was the first complete prayer after turning to the Kaaba, and the claim that the noon prayer was performed with two qiblahs remains uncontested, Ibn Hajar said in the Book of Faith  The investigation is that the first prayer he prayed in Banu Salamah was when Bishr ibn al-Baraa ibn Ma’rur died It is noon, and the first prayer he prayed in the Prophet’s Mosque with the new qibla was the afternoon prayer. Who is the man who conveyed the news to the Muslims turning the qiblah while they were praying? His name was said Abbad bin Bishr bin Qayzi His name was said to be A Abbad bin Nahik The people he told were the Banu Haritha and they were praying the afternoon prayer, and based on the saying that the prayer that the Messenger was praying and he was converted into it was the afternoon prayer, the news of it could be quickly transmitted to a group of others, the Banu Haritha, who were still praying. The Qur’an that brought the story of turning the qiblah ۞ سَيَقُولُ السُّفَهَاءُ مِنَ النَّاسِ مَا وَلَّاهُمْ عَن قِبْلَتِهِمُ الَّتِي كَانُوا عَلَيْهَا ۚ قُل لِّلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ (142) وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِّتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا ۗ وَمَا جَعَلْنَا الْقِبْلَةَ الَّتِي كُنتَ عَلَيْهَا إِلَّا لِنَعْلَمَ مَن يَتَّبِعُ الرَّسُولَ مِمَّن يَنقَلِبُ عَلَىٰ عَقِبَيْهِ ۚ وَإِن كَانَتْ لَكَبِيرَةً إِلَّا عَلَى الَّذِينَ هَدَى اللَّهُ ۗ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُضِيعَ إِيمَانَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِالنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ (143) قَدْ نَرَىٰ تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ ۖ فَلَنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبْلَةً تَرْضَاهَا ۚ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ ۚ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ ۗ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ لَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ ۗ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا يَعْمَلُونَ (144) ۞ The foolish people will say, “What has turned them away from their Qiblah, which they used to follow. Say, “To God belongs the East and the West, He guides whom He wills to a straight path (142) and thus We have made you a moderate nation that you may be witnesses over the people, and the Messenger will be a witness over you. And We have not made the qiblah that you used to face, except that We may know who follows the Messenger from those who turn on his heels, even if it is a great, except for those whom God has guided, and God would not waste your faith. Indeed, God is Most Compassionate and Merciful to people. (143) We may see the turning of your face in the sky, so We will certainly give you a qiblah that will please you, so turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it, and those who were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Lord, and God is not unaware of what they do (144) The honorable hadiths that brought for the story of changing the qiblah It is proven in the two Sahihs on the authority of Anas The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to pray towards Jerusalem, Then it was revealed: “We see the turning of your face in the sky, so, We will turn you to a direction that pleases you, so turn your face toward the Sacred Mosque.} [Al-Baqarah: 144], Then a man from Banu Salamah passed by while they were kneeling in the dawn prayer, they had prayed a rak'ah, so he called out: Indeed, the qiblah has turned, so they turned as they were towards the qiblah. Ahmed bin Hanbal narrated on the authority of Mrs. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “The Jews do not envy us for anything as they envy us for Friday, to which God guided us and they strayed from it, and to the Qiblah to which God guided us to it and they went astray from it, and according to our saying, behind the Imam, Amen, and according to the Jewish habit of arrogance and selfishness stemming from the well-known unbridled racism, In them they loved to have every glory, whether in religious or worldly glory, just as God placed prophets in them and made them kings. Allah says, ((And when Moses said to his people, “O my people, remember the blessings of God upon you when He placed prophets among you, and He made you kings and gave you what He had not given to anyone else...)) The lessons learned from shifting the Qibla 1 - Choosing Al-Aqsa Mosque initially to be a qibla for Muslims: a warning to the Messenger that Al-Aqsa Mosque has its status and holiness, so this status and holiness must be preserved for it. 2 - It contains a reference to the transfer of leadership and imamate in religion from the Children of Israel, to those whose homeland was the Levant and Jerusalem, to the Arabs whose homeland was Hijaz, The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is one of the descendants of Ishmael, His father Abraham - peace be upon them - participated in building the house, unlike the prophets of the Children of Israel, they are descendants of Isaac - peace be upon him. 3 - The rituals of Hajj are connected to the Sacred House and the Holy Kaaba, so it is appropriate for the prayer to go to the House, In which and around which rituals are performed. 4 - Al-Qurtubi said: He ordered it to be done facing the Kaaba from one who turns on his heels, meaning from one who apostatizes from his religion because when the Qiblah was turned, some Muslims turned away, and some people became hypocrites, that is why he said: Even if it is big, that is: converting it. 5 - (And for every nation We have made a ritual to mention the name of God, For what He has provided for them of livestock.) every nation has a sacred place in which it can worship with all kinds of worship like prayer, Hajj, sacrifice, etc. 6 - God Almighty said ((Indeed, the first House established for mankind was the one in Mecca; blessed and a guidance for the worlds)) the narratives say that it was placed during the days of Adam, peace be upon him, and the prophets used to perform Hajj to it, the role of Abraham - peace be upon him - was to highlight his outdated features, or it was swept away by floods, as the expression is understood In the Almighty’s saying: (And when Abraham raised the foundations of the House and Ishmael) (Surat Al-Baqarah: 127) and the Almighty said: (And when We made for Abraham a place for the House) (Surat Al-Hajj: 26) That is, the house that was previously known in history, or that will be built after that, is permissible. 6 - A warning to the Messenger not to covet the faith of the Jews. 7 - Returning the call to its origin, which is its universality based on the foundations of Abraham, without distinction between the sons of Isaac “the Jews” and the sons of Ishmael “the Arabs” (Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian لاut he turned away from polytheism and was a Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists.” (Surat Al Imran: 67) 8 - Insinuating that Mecca must return to Islam, as it is the qibla of Muslims, and that its people should strive until the house submits to the Muslims, and it is good news of the victory of the Messenger over the Quraysh, And extracting the House from them, to purify it from idols and make the religion pure for God. 9 - The believers’ success in the exam, and they obeyed God’s command when He directed them to Jerusalem, when he directed them to the Sacred House, in all of that their approach was: We hear and we obey, the Jews, polytheists, and hypocrites failed the test. When the Jews faced their Qiblah, they did not follow him and believe in him. When he faced the Sacred Mosque, they said: He left the qibla of the prophets, and they knew in their books that the Kaaba is the qibla of Muslims but they denied it. 10 - The close connection between the two qiblahs and the two mosques. Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first qibla and the third of the Two Holy Mosques. 11 - Answering the supplication of the father of the prophets, Abraham - peace be upon him - He called upon Al-Khalil, peace be upon him, by saying: “So make the hearts of the people yearn toward them.” [Ibrahim: 37] God Almighty said: And when We made the House a reward for the people and secure.” [Al-Baqarah: 125].

  • The conceptual Skills and Islam

    What are conceptual skills? Conceptual skills are the abilities that allow an individual to better understand complex scenarios and develop creative solutions. From a management perspective, these skills offer the ability to approach complicated workplace situations in a variety of different ways. The types of conceptual skills Here are some common types of conceptual skills you can learn with an example of their uses in the workplace: 1 - Decision-making skills Decision-making skills involve the ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Whether you interact with coworkers or manage issues within a project, being able to make effective decisions at all levels can increase your success as a manager.To develop these skills, you can practice attention to detail, analytical skills and resourcefulness. Excellent team members and conceptual thinkers can often identify problems that may affect the organization before they become apparent to everyone, which may require them to make a decision that leads to long-term benefits for the company. Islam perspective for decision making Islam never neglects anything that benefits a Muslim in life unless it provides him with what benefits him in this matter, and among the conceptual skills is: (the skill of decision-making). For decision-making in Islam, there is something that will be mentioned shortly, which is something that a Muslim, no matter how high his social rank, should not neglect. 1 - Istikhara Sahih Al-Bukhari, on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Sulami, said: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - used to teach his companions to seek istikharah in all matters, as he teaches them a surah from the Qur’an, he says: If one of you is concerned about a matter, let him perform two rak’ahs that are not obligatory, then say: O God, I seek advice from you with your knowledge, and I ask You for Your power, and I ask of Your grace, for You have power and I cannot, and You know and I do not know, and You are the Knower of the unseen. Oh God, if You know this matter - then you name it specifically - it is better for me in my present and future affairs - he said: or in my religion, my livelihood, and the outcome of my affairs - so ordain it for me and make it easy for me, then bless it for me. Oh God, even if You know that it is bad for me in my religion, my livelihood, and my outcome - or he said: In my present and future affairs - so turn me away from it, and ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, then make me content with it. 2- Consultation with experienced people Allah says وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ {آل عمران:159) And consult them in the matter (Al Imran: 159) 3- Supplication Prayer Its the believer's weapon --------------------------------- 2 - Interpersonal skills Interpersonal skills can involve many abilities associated with interacting with other people. To define interpersonal skills, it's helpful to understand which practices can help you become an accomplished leader. Here are some common traits of professionals with advanced interpersonal skills: The ability to motivate others An effective leader can use motivation to increase employee satisfaction and productivity while setting a good example of the expectations of all team members within an organization. Professionalism in your role: Professionalism involves acting with honesty and integrity while holding yourself to the highest standards in these areas and creating examples for other members of the team to follow. An innovative approach Conceptual and interpersonal skills increase innovation and allow you to develop new and improved solutions for customers, re-design procedures or implement new systems to improve functionality and productivity. Islam perspective for interpersonal skills If you knew that two-thirds of Islam consists of dealing with others, which is called the jurisprudence of transactions, whether this other is a Muslim or a non-Muslim, whether he is a People of the Book or any other earthly religion, and only a third is for acts of worship. In a little while you will learn how the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - motivated his companions to do something in order to support this religion. 1- Motivation by practical example - When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ordered us to dig the trench, a rock appeared to us in some part of the trench where we could not take shovels, so we complained about this to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he came and took the pick and said: In the name of God, so he struck a blow and broke a third of it and he said: God is great, I have been given the keys to Syria, and by God I will see its red palaces at the hour. Then he struck the second, cutting off the other third, and said: God is great, I have been given the keys of Persia, By God, I see the palace of Al-Mada'in white. Then he struck the third time and said: In the name of God, then he cut off the rest of the stone and said: God is great, I have been given the keys to Yemen, and by God, I can see the gates of Sana’a from where I am at this moment. Directed by Al-Nasa'i 2 - Motivation with praise On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “The most merciful of my nation to my nation is Abu Bakr, the most ardent of them in the command of God is Omar, and the most sincere of them in modesty is Othman, The most knowledgeable of them in the Book of God was Ubayy ibn Ka’b, and the most influential among them in knowledge of the religious duties was Zayd ibn Thabit, and the most knowledgeable of them about what was permissible and what was forbidden was Muadh ibn Jabal, Indeed, every nation has a trustee, and the trustee of this nation is Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, who said this is a good and authentic hadith. 3- Set examples using previous role models On the authority of Khabbab bin Al-Art, he said: “We complained to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was leaning on his cloak in the shade of the Kaaba, so we said: will you not seek victory for us, will you not pray for us? He said: It was before you, a man would be taken and dug for him in the ground, so he puts him in it, then a saw is brought and it is placed on his head and it is cut into two halves, and he combs with iron combs what is between his flesh and bones, so what will turn him away from his religion? By God, this matter will be completed until the passenger travels from Sana’a to Hadhramaut, fearing no one but God, and the wolf is on his sheep, but you are in a hurry.” Sahih Al-Bukhari 4- The nthusiastically with the bliss of Paradise Sunan Al-Bayhaqi, on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, told him that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - remained for ten years following the pilgrims to their homes during the seasons, In Majnah and Okaz, and their homes in Mina: “Who will shelter me and support me until I convey the messages of my Lord, and to Him is Paradise?” --------------------------------- 3 - Technical skills Technical skills refer to a measurable skill or trait related to the subject of your work or industry. To succeed in a leadership role, you can work to fully understand your industry and what each member of the team does to further the goals of the organization.However, it also helps to develop technical skills in other areas that apply to multiple fields. This may include the ability to market and sell the organization's products or services. Mastering most technical skills requires experience and training. Islam perspective for Technical skills 1 - Urge for land reconstruction Allah says ۞ وَإِلَىٰ ثَمُودَ أَخَاهُمْ صَالِحًا ۚ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مَا لَكُم مِّنْ إِلَٰهٍ غَيْرُهُ ۖ هُوَ أَنشَأَكُم مِّنَ الْأَرْضِ وَاسْتَعْمَرَكُمْ فِيهَا فَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ ثُمَّ تُوبُوا إِلَيْهِ ۚ إِنَّ رَبِّي قَرِيبٌ مُّجِيبٌ (61) And to Thamud, their brother Salih, he said, “O my people, worship God. You have no god other than Him, He produced you from the earth and made you to reconstruction therein, So seek His forgiveness, then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is Near, Answerer (61) The noble verse told us about a people in previous nations: We talked about a people who increased in architecture to the point that made their civilization known among the nations around them that they were superior in construction to others: then one of them speaks to them, who is not a king, because he is a noble prophet of God, and he speaks to them about not worshiping anyone but God alone, as if he is saying to them: Do not worship your money or your power, and do not be impressed by what you have achieved, why, because he is the one who gave you the resources in the environment and gave you the minds and physical strength, so you inhabited the earth until it became a reconstruction, so seek His forgiveness and repent to Him, From here we know that the Qur’an did not blame the previous nations for building, rebuilding, and reconstruction, but rather blamed them for worshiping other than God, and God is Most High and Most Knowing. 2- Encouraging professionalism in mastering work The hadith of Abu Ya’la Shaddad ibn Aws, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: God has prescribed the beneficence for everything, If you kill, then kill well, and if you slaughter, slaughter well, and let one of you sharpen his blade and make his sacrifice rest. --------------------------------- Now: You can imagine that Islam does not conflict with any of the principles of administration, but it has its own approach to that

  • The Honoring of the parents

    The PDF with Arabic language, please for: Allah says (وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا، إما يبلغن عندك الكبر أحدهما أو كلاهما فلا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريما) (الإسراء:23). (And your Lord has decreed that you should not worship except Him and to be benefactor to the parents either one or both of them will reach adulthood by you, So do not say a word to them, nor rebuke them, but speak to them a nice word” (Al-Isra: 23). Allah says (ووصينا الإنسان بوالديه حملته أمه وهنا على وهن وفصاله في عامين أن اشكر لي ولوالديك إلي المصير) (لقمان:14) (And We have enjoined upon man concerning his parents. His mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and its weaning is in two years: Give thanks to Me and your parents, for me the destination.” (Luqman: 14) 1 - God - the Almighty - is God the Creator - in His heavens. The Most High commands the son to honor his parents. Why? God - the Almighty - did not recommend anything to anyone except the weak, such as (orphans, women, and here the elderly), so take God’s commandment seriously, my son. 2 - Your mother’s fatigue with you during her pregnancy must be matched by your fatigue in her old age, and the mother has a special guardianship from God - the Almighty - in this verse and from the Messenger in a hadith that will come in this file -. 3 - God Almighty linked gratitude to God with gratitude to parents, and perhaps you are a person who is not grateful to God Almighty for the bad circumstances you are going through, so it will be worse with your parents, we all know the benefits of gratitude on your mental health, you (the grateful one). The idea of thanking your parents and thanking God is the idea of complying with God’s command, then your mental health comes second. The rule of honoring parents Righteous judgment In Al-Muhalla by Ibn Hazm and Sharh Muslim by Al-Nawawi: (The scholars agreed on that honoring one’s parents is obligatory, and that disobeying them is one of the major sins, and that is unanimously agreed upon.) One of the deeds that is equivalent to jihad for the sake of God A man came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asking his permission to engage in jihad, and he said: Do your parents a live? He said: Yes, he said: In both of them, struggled. the narrator : Abdullah bin Amr | Updated: Muslim | Source: Sahih Muslim | Page or number: 2549 | Summary of the hadith’s ruling [Sahih] | Graduation: Narrated by Al-Bukhari (3004) and Muslim (2549). we take from the noble Hadith the followings: What is strange about the noble hadith is that it equates honoring one’s parents with fighting jihad for the infidels. Why? Perhaps because the parents are old and their requests are many, as are the children, in accordance with the words of God Almighty: ( ومن نعمره ننكسه في الخلق أفلا يعقلون ( 68 ) سورة يس (And whomsoever We alive him until he reached centenarian age, We turn him down in creation. Will they not have reason? (68) Surat Yasin) where God Almighty likened the people to long-lived people (according to the classification of scholars: those who reach the age of 100 years or more) they go back in their behavior like children, as he likened them to a vessel upside down on its mouth, that is, they go back to what they started with, and therefore their requests go back like children, (turned off the light for me - brought me water - etc. Perhaps both or one of them were sick and needed special care, the situation is more severe for a young man in the prime of his life, or even a married man who is responsible for a wife and children, the matter requires striving (i.e. making every effort) to meet their demands without resorting to shouting at them, or at the very least, the “F” word, which is air coming out of the mouth that expresses anger. Perhaps because the elderly are more so sensitive than the young, little makes them cry and sadden them like children, all the same, so fighting oneself is like fighting the infidels, as the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. They are the key to heaven for the son When Muslim narrated it on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (humiliated his nose by force, then humiliated his nose by force, then humiliated his nose by force, It was said: Who, O Messenger of God? He said: Whoever meets his parents when he grows up, one or both of them, and then does not enter Paradise.) God Almighty places His contentment in the contentment of the parents, and His discontent in their discontent The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (The Lord’s satisfaction lies in the parent’s satisfaction, and the Lord’s displeasure lies in the parent’s displeasure) Dear son: Are you good in your dealings with God - the Almighty - and are you not afraid of His punishment in this world before the afterlife? After a little while, you will learn that the punishment for not honoring one’s parents is a precedent punishment, that is, you will be punished with it here in this life before death. If you have done wrong in your relationship with God, do not miss your relationship with your parents, perhaps you will be saved in both, with a sincere prayer from a good father or mother. The father's freedom to dispose of his son's money The hadith of Jabir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him: (A man said: O Messenger of God, I have money and a son, and my father wants to seize my money, so he said: You and your money belong to your father) Al-Tirmidhi said in his explanation of the hadith  This is acted upon according to some of the scholars among the Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and others, who said:   The father's hand is spread out over his child's money, and he takes whatever he wants, and some of them said: He does not take from his own money except when there is a need. Your longevity is linked to your blessings to your parents Ahmad narrated in Al-Musnad on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Whoever loves to have his life extended and his livelihood is increased, let him honor his parents and maintain his ties of kinship.) Dear son: They prolong life in the West with huge sums of money: Transhumanists, but they do not guarantee happiness with long life. If you want both, then you have to take the vocabulary in the HADITH one by one, especially honoring one’s parents. When did you reward one of your parents for what they did to you when you were young? This was reported by the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he said: (A son does not repay his father unless he finds him owned, buys him, and emancipates him.) The hadith of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - is like a prophecy for this era in which we live. The numbers of slaves are increasing and they are of many types today - it is not the subject of the file - but they are no less than 10 million people across the world, most of whom are women and children, So, if one day - may God protect you and protect us - you happen to find one of your fathers owned by a human being and free him from this slavery) then you will reward him like this, and the hadith about it is an indication of the difficulty of achieving this in normal situations, so honoring your parents is easier than all of this. Do you have to honor your non-Muslim parents? Imam Muslim narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Musab bin Saad on the authority of his father Saad bin Abi Waqqas: Verses from the Qur’an were revealed in it. He said: Umm Saad swore, That you should never speak to him until he disbelieves in his religion, and that you should not eat or drink. She said: You claimed that God commanded you to take care of your parents and I am your mother and I command you to do this. He said: She stayed for three days until she fainted from the effort, then a son of hers called Amara stood up, He gave her water, so she started praying against Saad, and God Almighty revealed this verse: (And if they strive for you to associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them, And be kind to them in this world, and follow the path of him who turns to Me. Then to Me will you return, and I will inform you of what you used to do.” (Luqman: 15) These are the names of the daughter of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with them both. Her mother, who was an infidel, came to her and said: (My mother, who was a polytheist during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to me and asked for a fatwa; The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, I said: She is willing. Should I wean my mother? He said: Yes, pray for your mother, The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, I said: She is willing. Should I connect with my mother? He said: Yes, connect with your mother, And the Almighty’s saying was revealed: (God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you on account of religion, They did not expel you from your homes so that you would treat them kindly and be just, God loves those who are just.” (Al-Mumtahina: 8). Being kind to the unbelieving parents continues even after their death  In the hadith, Ali may God be pleased with him, came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: Abu Talib died, so he said: Go and see him. He said: He died as a polytheist? He said: Go and show him, and when I showed him I went back to him and he said to me: Take a bath.) We take from the above the following: Dear son: Life is full of differences. Perhaps you are a believer and the son of an unbeliever - God forbid - and perhaps you are a disbeliever in God and the son has the strongest faith in God - also - may God protect you - whatever it is, blessing your non-Muslim mother or father, whether during his life or burying him upon his death, or after his death is permissible in Islam. The benefits of honoring parents 1 - He who is loyal to his parents will have his prayers answered, God willing In a novel, it says that some people applied to them, The door of a cave with a large rock, and they were unable to get out of it, so the earth became narrow for them with all its spaciousness, and they had no one left to save them except to pray for the good of their deeds, one of them called on his Lord to release them, and this person was righteous to his parents, so the rock moved away. 2- An increase in lifespan and a blessing in life On the authority of our noble Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: “Nothing can avert judgment except supplication, nothing increases one's lifespan except righteousness.) 3 - An increase in sustenance when a Muslim wins the satisfaction of his Lord and the supplications of his parents for him. He is successful in his deeds, and sustenance comes to him from every side. It is one of the best deeds in the sight of God Almighty. It was narrated on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud that he said: (I asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace: Which deeds are most beloved to God? He said: Pray at its appointed time. I said: Then what? He said: Then honor your parents. I said: Then what? He said: Then jihad for the sake of God. He said: Tell me about them, and if I had asked for more, it would have increased for me) [Sahih Muslim]. Honoring parents after their death A questioner asked: O Messenger of God, is there anything left of honoring my parents that I can honor them after their death? He said: “Yes, praying for them, asking forgiveness for them, enforcing their covenant after them, honoring their friend, and maintaining ties of kinship that cannot be connected except through them.” Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with them both, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Among the most righteous acts of righteousness is a man’s relationship with his father’s family after he is appointed as a guardian.) His saying, may God bless him and grant him peace, to the questioner who asked him: Is there anything left of honoring my parents that I can do to them after their death? He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Yes, praying for them and asking forgiveness for them, and enforcing their covenant after them, and maintaining the ties of kinship that cannot be connected except through them, and honoring their friends.

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  • Sharing foods and drinks

    The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was brought a drink, and he drank, and on his right was a boy, And to his left were the old men, and he said to the boy: If you permit me, I will give those, He said: I would not prefer my share to anyone over you, O Messenger of God, So he twisted it in his hand. Narrator: Sahl bin Saad Al-Saadi | Updated: Al-Bukhari. From the noble HADITH we can took some points: 1 - The boy’s brilliance and intelligence. He is eloquent in his speech and is not afraid in the presence of the elders, and if this indicates anything, it indicates brilliance since childhood. 2 - The Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - practiced etiquette that is common in our days, in the era of prophecy, when he asked the boy to give the elderly people first, this is what is generally accepted. Whoever taught the Messenger of God the etiquette, was good of the characteristic of the Arabs, as the Messenger of God used to say (I have come to perfect the good morals), meaning that they had good morals and the Messenger came to perfect them? Finally: The sheikhs: We did not hear that one of them slapped the boy’s cheek, or scolded him harshly, or said to the Messenger of God why you silent about him. Rather, the matter went smoothly that we have not seen in our time, He who said (the owner of the right has a say) is right, meaning he has the right to raise his voice or otherwise, and the boy does not want to be influenced by drinking the drink directly after the mouth of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, out of blessing and mercy. Now look at this scientific saying The etiquette rule is: Studies on chimpanzees suggest that sharing food releases oxytocin in both the giver and the receiver, which facilitates bonding. "The release amplifies emotions, and creates a feedback loop. The greetings When you greet someone, you acknowledge their presence. Most people do this automatically and barely notice they're doing it. But failing to offer a greeting to someone you know can easily cause hurt feelings and misunderstandings – you are failing to acknowledge their existence in your presence. Little can be considered more offensive than patently ignoring someone, as this strikes to the heart of the most basic of human needs, inclusion and social interaction, If someone who usually greets others in a friendly way does not one day, those other people may feel snubbed or think that person is behaving oddly. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as being preoccupied or distracted, being late for an appointment and rushing, or even forgetting their glasses and not being able to recognize someone they know. The conclusion Who taught the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, the etiquette of sharing food and gatherings, and that the young should ask permission for the rights of the elders? It is the etiquette of the Prophet, it is the Islamic etiquette that has mercy on our young, no prohibition is committed against our elders, and the Messenger of humanity taught the humanity with this situation how to respect the children, no matter how young they are, because that is what makes them adults after a while, with their actions and high self-esteem is rarely known by the educators, life coaching and the like.

  • Does hair extensions really etiquette

    First: what's the religion talk about it? Muawiyah: He said on the pulpit - and picked up a strand of hair that was in the hand of my guard, where are your scholars? I heard the Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- forbid something like this. And he says: You have destroyed the children of Israel when their women took like this, and in it Abu Hurayrah: On the authority of the Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- God cursed al-Wasila and al-Mustasila, In it are names: A woman came to the Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- She said: I married my daughter, then she complained, and her head was torn off, and her husband is urging me with it. Shall I cut her hair? The Prophet -[may God bless him and grant him peace]- cursed the Wasalh and Al - mustasalah. Al - Waslh (coiffure and the like) She is the one who extension her hair or the hair of others with another hair, whether from her or from others Al-Mustalilah She is the one who requests that this be done with her permission and consent The jurists agreed On the inviolability of extension hair with human hair The jurists differ about extension with non-human hair To the explanation of the noble Hadith In understanding what Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan narrated when he performed Hajj once, and he delivered a sermon to the Muslims with a lock of hair in his hand, Then he said: Where are your scholars? I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbid something like this, and say: but the children of Israel perished when their wives took these. The Contemporary jurists They differed about the ruling on a woman’s use of a wig: is it a type of forbidden attachment, or just putting hair on the head does not mean connecting, and is there no sanctity in it? Fatwas of the Permanent Committee for Issuing Fatwas in Saudi Arabia - Fatwas of Sheikh Ibn Baz To the sanctity of using a wig, whether it was used for an excuse or not, because in their opinion it falls under the absolutely forbidden link. Most of the contemporary jurists, including Dr. Al-Qaradawi, the Fatwas of the Islamic Network, and Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, have stated that This wig is not different from the hair extensions that were discussed in the authentic hadiths of the Prophet and forbade it. For a woman to use a wig, the following conditions must be met: 1- There is an urgent need to use it (such as a case of complete or partial baldness). 2. It should not be made of human hair. 3. The hair should be pure. 4. That there is no fraud or deception in the use of the discourse. So, based on this, it is permissible to use a wig, if the hair is synthetic and pure. As for wigs made of natural hair, it is not permissible to use them based on this opinion. Is it permissible for a woman to use a wig made of her natural hair cut from her? I am often asked by some women about the ruling on making a wig from the hair that they have cut. we previously talked about the views of the jurists on the use of natural hair, and we explained how the jurists agreed on the prohibition of connecting hair with natural hair for the dignity of humans and the prohibition of benefiting from its members. among his companions to be blessed. The human hair Human hair is a popular choice for hair extensions. however, real extensions are expensive and will only last for about six months. After this time, the real hair extensions will need to be replaced. The benefits of choosing a human hair extension product are that the hair will look just like your hair. The shade and texture can match and human hair extensions can be dyed just like your real hair. Untangling where your hair extensions really come from? China is the biggest exporter and importer of human hair and harvests huge amounts from its own population, as Emma Tarlo discovered on a three-year quest to untangle what happens to hair once it is no longer attached to our heads. at the top end of the market is "virgin" hair - hair that has never been chemically treated - and "remy" hair, which has been cut or shaved directly from a donor. "People don't want to be haunted by the ghosts of the people from whom the hair has come. There is still a 'yuk' factor to the whole idea of buying and wearing other people's body parts," she says. The whole supply chain is shrouded in secrecy from beginning to end. "All over Asia, long-haired women will save the hair that comes out when they comb or wash it and once they've got a few years' worth they'll sell it to the pedlars who go around these neighbourhoods calling out for hair, All this hair gets amassed, passed from trader to trader, until it ends up in hair-untangling workshops in parts of Bangladesh, India and more recently Myanmar - countries where wages are low and people need work. The synthetic Hair Extensions Hair extensions made out of synthetic hair cost less than those made with real hair, but will not look as natural. These extensions will also not last as long, will not perfectly match the color and texture of your own hair, and require different care than your natural hair. Taking care of synthetic hair extensions is more time consuming because they can’t be washed and treated with the same products as your real hair. You also can’t use heat from blow dryers, curling irons, or straighteners, as these will damage the extensions. Second: Does the hair extensions ruin your natural hair? an added weight to your scalp, which is precious and delicate already, causing major stress on your follicles from the strain of all that weight from your hair extensions - this is where hair extensions can ruin your hair. The tension from wearing hair extensions can lead to traction alopecia: which is a type of alopecia caused from when pressure has constantly been put on the roots which has damaged your hair follicles. The most damaging factor of hair extensions is the application - if it's not done correctly by someone who is specialised in the particular type of hair extensions you're getting, you could end up with less hair than you started with. However, it's not always the hairstylists fault because if you're not taking the time to do your own research in how to apply hair extensions from home such as clip ins or a halo, you yourself could cause some serious damage to your hair. Hair extensions - lovely for the confidence boost but detrimental for thin, damaged hair. Why? adding for the previous talk, Hair extensions can also be damaging to the external hair shaft. If you want to go against advice in avoiding hair extensions all together look at temporary styles such as clip ins or halos. Do not go down the road of permanent extensions like tape or wefts because this will be an all-day, all-night strain put on your head which in turn will not help at all with fixing your hair loss or traction alopecia. You want to purchase hair extensions for your hair that you can remove everyday and give your scalp a breather and time to recover. Third: Some of the Problems Only Girls With Extensions Will Understand 1. They take some getting used to. Whether you get clip-ins, tape-ins, glue-ins, keratin bond, pre-bonded, sew-in, or a weave, the subtle feeling of having something in your hair is as annoying/similar to being subtly strangled by a turtleneck sweater. 2. Synthetic hair extensions are affordable but can look cheap when they don't blend into your hair. Synthetic hair doesn't contain moisture like real hair does, so it won't shine naturally — instead, it has a super-shiny, unnatural sheen to it. They also don't blend in as seamlessly, can get tangled easily, and can't be styled and re-styled. But if synthetic strands are all you can swing or if you just want to wear them for one night and don't want to break the bank buying fake hair, make sure you get a color that matches your real hair undetectably. 3. Human hair extensions are $$$$$. Since they're made of real human hair and you can do everything you can do with your own hair — like wash, dry, curl, and repeat — wefts (or portions) of fake hair are going to be a pretty penny. Think $250 and up. That said, if you're going to invest in extensions you're going to constantly wear, human hair is the way to go. Your head and neck tend to get hot. Your scalp isn't used to the amount of hair you just added onto your existing strands, so you can find your head overheating, thanks to your new 'do. They make your scalp itchy. The strip of tape-in extension or glue-in piece attached to your hair can rub against your scalp, itching it. And then when you go to scratch the itchy spot, you have to be careful you don't accidentally tug on the bundle of hair included in the extension with your fingers, or else it will pull and hurt. High ponytails/top knots are a thing of the past. Your extensions are placed in a way so they lie flat, so putting your hair up in a ponytail could result in this: You now have to either braid your hair every night before you go to sleep, or wear a tied silk scarf on your head to keep your extensions from not getting mangled while you toss and turn, It turns out that while this is annoying to do, it's actually the most comfortable way to sleep, since you avoid little tiny glue balls or strips of tape from stabbing your scalp in the night. Now: It's time to answer the first question: Are hair extensions really an etiquette? I ask you some questions We do not prohibit or permit the use of hair extensions. Scientists have fulfilled that, it is just a rational thought 1- Is it etiquette to be the reason for forcing another woman to shave her hair for the sake of your beauty? Is this consistent with the well-known Islamic principle (no harm, no harm)? 2- Do you know that the enormous amount of money you pay for your hair extensions only crumbs reach the woman with the original hair who is forced to shave it for you? 3 - The most important question is, if you have not had any luck with what you have done previously, is it harmful to your original hair, as mentioned above, by giving you - may God protect you - traction alopecia? Is this approved by scholars to beautify you for a short period of time? The choice is in your hands, after what the eminent scholars have said - which we have summarized in this file - to the maximum extent - either choose sustainability and help the strong over the weak (those who are enslaved under the oppression of the need for money, especially in Asia), and among them are those who are forced to shave because they need to work, so do not take even a few dollars. Or choose temporary beauty for a while. From a point of view far from religion: We do not imagine that civilizations will be built on the destruction of others, and God is Most High and Most Knowing, and we leave the matter to the eminent scholars to decide on it.

  • The nails and the etiquette

    The pure Sunnah has established some qualities for a Muslim male/female and called them the qualities of common sense, as if whoever does not practice them has departed from common sense. Modern medical science has proven the importance of each one of them individually, and here we will discuss them (trimming nails), so what is mentioned in the Sunnah and what is mentioned in medicine. ? Finally, is it etiquette or not? The short nails “They don’t get in the way like at the gym or when cooking.” First: The noble sunnah On the authority of Abu Hurairah, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said: The fitrah is five or five of the fitrah: circumcision, hair private parts removal, trimming the nails, plucking the armpits, and trimming the moustache. Second: The medical issue The foot nails Everyone knows that nails accumulate dirt and have a higher chance of spreading infection One of the benefits of cutting nails is that they help prevent diseases. Here are some of the health benefits of nail clipping ( especially in foots) in grown toe nails this is the most seriousmedical condition caused by not trimming your nails regularly. Ingrown nails also called onychocryptosis can be painful and unpleasant. When you have large nails, they tend to puncture the skin. Some people have curved nails and the corners or sides of them grow into tender flesh. The result is pain, swelling and can sometimes turn into infection. Aches and pains can make the toe very sore. If your pain is unbearable or severe, see a doctor. Your doctor can relieve you of the pain. bacterial infection Taking care of your nails isimportant if you do not want to pick up infections. If you always wear shoes or socks, toenails can increase bacteria build-up because your feet are unable to breathe while weating. So try to trim your nails to get rid of infections. make sure not to wear dirty socks as it can lead to toenail infections. Good hygiene Beautiful nails give an impression of goodhygiene and maturity. If you do not cut your nails regularly, there are chances of getting fungal infections. The health benefits of clipping your nails regularly can also help you get rid of ringworm. It is referred to as athlete's foot and is a red, itchy rash. It usually occurs between the toes with white patches of skin veering away. These wet spots can also affect the nails by making them look yellow. If ringworm gets under your toenails, it can cause fungal infections. So it is better to trim your nails to get rid of them. nail injury If you don't cut your nails, you're already doing damage. Sometimes nails cut in this way may not cause injury if you accidentally hit them hard against the door. It definitely can cause bruising. It can be painful and it takes several months for the dark blood mark to disappear. So in order to avoid any nail deformity, cut your nails regularly. The benefits of clipping your nails can protect you from nail damage. The Hand nails It’s more hygienic as dirt won’t get stuck underneath Long nails trap dirt underneath them more easily than short ones. Even if they appear clean, they might harbour invisible bacteria that’s invisible to the naked eye. Despite thoroughly washing your hands with soap, there might still be germs hiding in hard-to-reach crannies, and this can result in potential infections. Everyday things like texting, cooking, and putting on contacts become more fuss-free Ladies with long talons would know the pain of trying to do the simplest, everyday tasks. Typing on a keyboard, opening containers, and even fiddling with buttons and zippers can prove to be difficult with those nails in the way. And constantly poking yourself in the eye when you’re trying to put on or remove your contacts? Ouch! Our nails are primarily meant to protect our fingers, not to render us helpless. Life gets a lot easier when your fingers are properly functional - you’ll be surprised by just how much time you’ll save on the little things with short nails. nail polish chips and scratches will be less noticeable Because long nails have more surface area and are also more eye-catching, any nail polish chips and scratches will be instantly made more obvious - which can be embarrassing if you’re going on a first date or attending an important business meeting. On the other hand, those boo-boos will be less noticeable - and less prone to occurring - when your nails are well-trimmed. They’ll be stronger, healthier, and less prone to breakage As we all know, shorter hair that undergoes regular trims tends to be healthier and stronger than long hair, and the same can be said for fingernails. What’s more, long nails tend to bend and get caught on things more easily, resulting in brittleness and breakage as time goes by. Third: The beauty issue It's trendy The rise of short nails, short nails have emerged as a popular trend in recent years, challenging the notion that longer nails are the epitome of beauty. Celebrities and influencers have been seen sporting short nails on red carpets and social media, further fueling the trend's popularity. This shift in preference is attributed to the practicality and modern aesthetic that short nails offer. Gone are the days when long, claw-like nails were the only option for making a fashion statement. Short nails have taken the spotlight, proving that less is more. With the rise of short nails, a new wave of creativity has swept through the nail art community, showcasing the endless possibilities and styles that can be achieved with shorter lengths. Short Nails Can Still Sport Innovative Designs “Bright and bold colors still look incredible on shorter nails,” Knight tells TZR. Just because the real estate is smaller, doesn’t mean you can’t experiment with your manicure. The expert has been seeing emerald green, neon yellow, and classic reds pop up all over social media for shorter lengths. As for the shape, she suggests oval or squoval as these looks are classic and elongate the fingers while still letting the colors and designs do the talking. For Which Type of Nail is The Maintenance Cost Higher? The maintenance cost of nails is always high. Especially when it comes to long ones. Because they obviously need more products. And we all know how expensive nail products can be.However, they are quite necessary for keeping your nails prim and proper. In conclusion As you have seen, making the decision to trim your nails, whether fingernails or toenails, is very important for your health and general hygiene. On the other hand, you are able to perform your daily tasks without fear of breaking a nail or controlling the speed of your performance, such as writing text messages, for example, but not limited to, a Muslim woman must have a practical personality, not an adornment placed in a frame that cannot be touched. God Almighty wants the Muslim woman to have her personality prevail over her appearance, just like the Japanese woman - she is one of the most practical women and cares about her appearance, but it is in harmony with simplicity, and the matter is (characteristics of nature) equally for men, it is general cleanliness, staying away from outdated customs, and other benefits. Finally, of course, you read that it has become a modern trend again in 2023 and here we say that God - the Almighty - does not want the Muslim woman to be under the influence of trends and not to have her own trend designed by the Lord of the Worlds. and God has the all knowledge and doing the best.

  • Does modesty cloth matching with the etiquette?

    In a little while, we will learn about the opinions of people from here and there about modest clothing and its effect on the person wearing it and on the person who is conversing with or looking at it and its effect also on society as a whole, but here we will suffice with saying:God Almighty chose for the women of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to wear the hijab, and they are in the position of first women in society, as it is said in the society of kings and presidents (the first lady), and they are in a position where they are looked at, their clothes and the way they speak, as role models... It is not a random choice - Praised be to God - but it does not refine the instincts (men's instincts only), but rather it has goals higher than that, even though this is the key... Let us see some of the effects of the hijab on the person and society, then summarize everything that was mentioned in a few words. Fashion, as ever, is reflecting the world around it, for better or for worse. Onwards and upwards? With hemlines, it’s a little more complicated than that. first: What Men really think about Modesty men are attracted to women’s bodies. Yes, you will get a lot of attention for dressing in an immodest manner, however, I never want my message to be confused with saying that we need to keep our bodies covered because men can not control themselves. They most certainly can. In this crazy sex-obsessed world, there are actually men who keep their minds clean and pure. In all reality, God says it can be done, and it can. Men of God fight a battle every day that we know little about. The least we can do is understand and be a help to them in this fight and not a hindrance. Men of God are looking for women of God who know their value is above rubies, and will teach their daughters the same principles. Second: Some reasons for wearing modest clothes 1 - Personal Safety of Women The hijab is like a seat belt. Will it prevent you from always being harmed by the reckless actions of others? No. But it can decrease that risk. In the same way, Islam teaches women to take their safety into their own hands, rather than relying on the goodness of men. 2 - Spiritual Fulfillment Despite all these benefits, there is so much more to a woman’s choice to dressing modestly than avoiding unwanted sexual advances and improving your self-esteem. In reality, it brings a much deeper meaning to your relationship with the Divine and commitment to something much greater than yourself and the temporary material worl as a dedication is to God, and not to the whims of culture and the fashion industry. Third: exploring the Psychology of Clothing on Career Success Enclothed cognition was first discussed in a 2012 study by Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky who studied the impact of a group of random people wearing a white lab coat. When participants were told the lab coat belonged to a doctor they performed better on cognitive tests than participants that were told the lab coat belonged to an artist. So the expression dressing for the job you want may actually have its merits. Additionally professor of psychology Abraham Rutchick found in 2015 that people who wore a suit or blazer to work felt more powerful and confident leading to better decisions and the ability to take on negative feedback better. There is a reason we were encouraged to still get dressed for work during pandemic lockdowns and working online, it puts you in a ‘work’ frame of mind and helps with focus. Formal clothing can reduce the ability to interact socially so depending on your role you may want to experiment with styles that still build your confidence but also appear approachable to clients, employees or students. There is a reason most law enforcement agencies transitioned to a dark navy or royal blue over the last decade or so. That colour balances authority, respect and trust allowing them to maintain control and issue direction where required in certain situations while still being approachable to those in need of police assistance or protection. Finally, Is there a connection between modest dressing as a cultural and political issue? and modesty as a trend? At a time of heightened tensions around how a multicultural society can live in harmony, fashion is experimenting with the aesthetic of covered woman, which has itself become a kind of visual shorthand for Islam. “I think there is a link,” says Reina Lewis, professor of cultural studies at the London College of Fashion, who has written widely about modesty and fashion. “I’m seeing longer sleeves and hemlines, higher necklines, and more fabric. Not just more cover, but more volume, so it obscures the body’s shape.” In the end, we can only stop at some points 1 - As I read above, the Islamic hijab or the way Islam chooses women’s clothing is not obstinacy, but rather a mercy towards men, because God Almighty knows the instincts in men and what immodest clothing arouses in their souls. 2 - As I also read above: The style of formal clothing, for example (here modest), affects the way you speak with respect, affects your professional performance, and affects the respect of those who talk to you while you are wearing this type of clothing, If this indicates anything, it indicates that the Muslim woman is protected - this is how it should be - no one transgresses his boundaries with her and she is not exposed to rape or anything else - Islam does not open the door to such things in the first place. 3 - I think you know the relationship between clothing and politics: For example, the famous President Donald Trump had girls behind him in his election campaign wearing the same hat that he wears, It is an unofficial declaration of his adoption of issues such as feminism and others, and also the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, when she ran, had girls in her election campaign, they wear white clothes, and she wears a white suit every time, a reflection of the idea of peace that she espoused, what I mean by this proposal: Islam is not only for the mosque, but it is a way of life inside the mosque and on the university campus, and in the arena of joys and sorrows alike. Islam has a dress code for all occasions, not in colors, but in modesty as a basis and then choices based on certain criteria. 4 - The comfortable clothes that you feel comfortable in, such as casual or sports clothes, reflect the way you deal with those around you. In Islamic clothing, you must wear wide, loose clothes, It is not transparent and does not stick to the body. What does God Almighty want from the personality of a Muslim woman? Does he want her personality to surpass her beauty? 5 - Finally: Not all of us are religious by nature, even if we are Muslims in name or deed, but there is no doubt that pleasing God in life and not just in the life of a Muslim is a psychological comfort before it is religious. What do I mean? I mean, we need a God. In difficult situations, we look for someone higher than us, these difficult situations may simply be psychological situations that our souls cannot bear, and the idea of pleasing God keeps you away from psychological illnesses that begin with a feeling of guilt and perhaps end with the idea of suicide. And the last question: Does modest clothing simulate etiquette? Yes, but the etiquette of the elite depends on her mind and not on the shape of her body, which in turn is reflected in the personality of the serious, religious Muslim woman, and behind her are many men.

  • Eating with 3 fingers

    Eating with three fingers in the Sunnah On the authority of Ka'b bin Malik - may God be pleased with him - he said: I saw the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - eating with three fingers, and when he finished he licked them. narrated by Muslim On the authority of Anas - may God be pleased with him - he said: When the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - ate food, he would lick his three fingers, He said: He ordered us to lick the bowl, and he said: “You do not know in which of your food the blessing lies.” narrated by Muslim. Some pauses for the previous Hadiths 1 - This is the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - eating with his honorable hands, and he urges Muslims to eat with his hands. Whoever taught him the etiquette of some types of food, they are eaten with the hand, such as chicken or bread, and in etiquette they are called finger foods. And whoever knew - may God bless him and grant him peace - that it has countless benefits, to the point that some restaurants in the West serve the idea of food by hand. May God’s blessings be upon you, my Messenger. God has taught you what you did not know, and we are learning from you after 1445 years. Thank you, Messenger of God. A word to new mothers Have mercy on your child: unless we learn it, teach it to your children and refine the method to be consistent with general eating etiquette (of course we are talking about Muslim etiquette). It is possible that you can look for finger foods untisels like silicone fingers and this the least of faith - if so to speak - to put in your child’s hand and teach him to eat with his hand so that he can benefit from the list of benefits that we will mention after a wile in this file. Now: With the proven scientific benefits of eating with three fingers on the right hand Eating with a spoon or with your hands? Find out what's best for your health Eating with hands has its good old history in India. Not only was it an integral part of our traditions, but it was also the simplest way to eat. Nowadays, there are still many people who still eat with their hands. With flashy and luxurious cutlery taking over our traditions, most people find eating with spoons more convenient. But did you know that eating with your hands has its own list of health benefits? Increases blood circulation Eating with your hands is a great exercise that helps with blood circulation. Be it mixing your food together or shaping bites of dal and roti, using your hands gets your joints and fingers moving, which is the equivalent of any hand exercise. It helps you maintain the proportion of food Eating with your hands is a relatively slow process than eating with a spoon. Thus, you not only spend more time chewing food, but you also eat less than you would normally eat with a spoon. contact with food Eating food with hands has been an ancient tradition in our Indian culture. In those times, people not only used their hands to eat but also used to sit on the floor while eating meals. Although it has evolved to include luxury cutlery and dining tables, eating with one's hands still holds a special relationship with each of us. Eating with our hands not only makes us feel nostalgic but also makes us form a connection with what we eat. Better digestion Our hands, stomach, and intestines are home to certain bacteria that are said to protect us from disease. Eating with our hands helps these bacteria enter our bodies and protects our digestive system from exposure to harmful bacteria. Make sure to wash your hands well with soap and water before sitting down to eat meals. May prevent type 2 diabetes Eating with spoons and cutlery is associated with speed of eating which has been linked to blood sugar imbalance in the body. This may lead to type 2 diabetes. According to a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, people with type 2 diabetes were more likely to eat fast and use cutlery, compared to people without the condition. It has already been proven that eating with your hands slows down the eating process and thus prevents you from developing type 2 diabetes. Provides healthy bacteria Many healthy bacteria live in the skin of the hands. These healthy plants can protect the body from the attack of other destructive bacteria that invade the external environment. Eating with our hands can therefore help boost our digestive system's natural immunity against environmental bacterial germs. However, make sure to wash your hands properly before eating and also trim your nails. Prevents burning the tongue Your hands can also act as temperature sensors. When an individual eats with a fork, they may not realize how hot the food is because it goes directly from the plate to their mouth. In contrast, when you touch food while eating it with your hands, the nerve endings of your fingertips transmit the temperature reading to the brain, thus preventing you from burning your tongue. The nerve endings on our fingertips can physically stimulate digestion, lighting up our brains and signaling to our stomachs that we’re about to eat, meaning you’ll have a heightened experience of taste, textures, and smell. It's natural Eating with your hands is a common practice in many cultures, especially Indian, because Indian cuisine seems like the most natural thing to do. Now imagine having dal and roti with fork and knife? Or trying to eat a non-vegetarian bone-in delicacy with a fork? It's completely impractical. Hence, hands are preferred over fine cutlery. A new study has found that babies who use their fingers to eat during the weaning process are less likely to become obese than those who are spoon-fed pureed foods Dear Muslim who follows Islamic etiquette: 1 - You follow a forgotten Sunnah of your Messenger Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - which the West follows today in the most expensive and famous restaurants that have begun to adopt this idea (eating with the finger) and not with a fork and knife. 2 - Do not forget to remind others of it while you enjoy its benefits, because by doing so you are reviving a forgotten Sunnah of the Messenger of God. 3 - Infants who have just started eating, mother, do not forget to wash your hands and then feed him with your hand, based on the Sunnah of your Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace. Note What is silicone? Silicone is a type of synthetic polymer that is more heat resistant compared to organic polymers. It is widely used and commercialised in many industries including personal care, coating, automotive, electronics, chemicals, etc. due to its durability, easy to manufacture, and stable over a wide range of temperatures. Most silicone products can withstand up to 260°C. You should not confuse “silicone” with “silicon” because they are not the same. Silicon is used to manufacture semiconductors in electronics whereas silicone does not conduct electricity. Rubber silicone (Polysiloxane) is the form of silicone that is commonly used in kitchenware. FDA compliant The FDA recognised silicone as safe to use as food-grade materials (food-grade silicone) in 1979. It is advisable to buy only FDA-approved silicone utensils. The FDA inspects the manufacturing process and post-production of silicone kitchen utensils to ensure that they are safe for preparing food.

  • The yawning

    On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said “God loves sneezing and hates yawning, so if one of you sneezes and praises God, every Muslim who hears it should say, May God have mercy on you, and as for yawning, it is from Satan, so if one of you yawns, let him stop it as much as he can God Almighty hates yawning, so if one of us yawns too much, it is Sunnah for him to stop it as much as he can, The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, does not like to yawn, but wants us to stop it as much as possible, and researches these days gives us some benefits to the yawning to enhance the capabilities of our minds, so do we want it or leave it for the sake of our brains? Let's start: The pro of yawning Yawning regulates brain temperature and thus improves mental efficiency - Biologists have discovered a surprising relationship between the length of time mammals yawn and how large and complex their brains are. They think it may also be a sign of increased cognitive ability. It appears that the duration of a yawn may be related to cognitive ability. - It describes / feeling tired or hot The Cons of yawning Yawning means you are bored Yawning means that you expel excess carbon dioxide, which has built up because you started breathing slower because you were so bored that you wanted to die. Yawning is contagious - If you are in a meeting and the guy next to you yawns but it doesn't happen in secret, you also yawn (and this may disrupt the meeting) Escape of the soul from the body Some ancient cultures believed that when men or women yawned, the soul was trying to escape, and that the act of covering the mouth helped prevent the soul from leaving the body. Now: Why do you think that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace: orders us to fight yawning as much as we can? As you saw in the above context, research indicates many benefits to enhance the capabilities of our minds by yawning, and in some of them it says that it works as a screensaver for your brain to reduce its temperature, and this yawning lasts for 6 seconds at the latest, so why does the Messenger- peace be uopn him - guide us to the opposite? ? In fact, we do not know exactly this, but some pauses are possible: 1- The Islamic religion includes the whole of life, so the Prophet could not ignore etiquette, even a small one, that surrounds our life from every aspect, from the small to the great. 2 - That it is not considered high manners in some cultures, and that whoever does that would be tantamount to lack of taste if the person who yawns is hosting people. 3 - As we have seen above, in some cultures it may be considered tantamount to the exit of the soul, and perhaps the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - wanted us to move away from the bad habits that are disputed. 4 - Religions came only to fight customs, especially the bad ones, why? Perhaps because the Islamic religion is a global religion, and not specific to a specific region, so its supporters will be spread among people and have the same behavior, so people, especially Muslims among them, will be superior to socially undesirable habits. 5 - Also: Perhaps the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - wants us to fight yawning while we are among people as common tastes, and in the most general case, a person among us lives among people and does not live alone, so he gets used to practicing the good thing while he is alone as he is among people.

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