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  • The Friday prayer

    First: The merit of Friday The first Hadith His saying (may God bless him and grant him peace) The best day on which the sun rises is Friday, In it Adam was created, in it he was entered Paradise, and in it he was expelled from it” (Narrated by Muslim). The second Hadith On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) who said: Whoever takes a bath and then comes to Friday prayer, prays what is decreed for him, then listen until he finishes his sermon, and then prays with him, he was forgiven for what was between it and the other Friday, and the virtue of three days.” (Narrated by Muslim). The third Hadith On the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) said: the five daily prayers, Friday to Friday, and Ramadan to Ramadan, expiation for what is between them if he avoids major sins.” (Narrated by Muslim). The forth Hadith On the authority of Hudhayfa bin Al-Yaman that the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) said: God strayed from Friday those who were before us, and it was for the Jews on Saturday, It was for the Christians on Sunday, so God brought us, so God guided us to Friday, so He made Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and likewise they will follow us on the Day of Resurrection, we are the other people of the world, and the first ones on the Day of Resurrection will be judged for them before the creation.” (Narrated by Muslim). The fiftieth Hadith On the authority of Al-Nu’man bin Bashir, he said, “The Messenger of God used to recite on the two Eids and on Fridays, glorifying the Name of your Lord, the Most High.” Meaning: Surah Al-A’la, And did the hadith of Al-Ghashiah come to you, “The meaning: Surat Al-Ghashiah?” He said: If Eid and Friday meet, on one day, he recites them also in the two prayers” (Narrated by Muslim). The sexist Hadith The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday, on it Adam was created, on it he descended, on it he repented, and on it he died, on it the Hour will come, and there is no animal that is not except it listening, on Friday, from the morning until the sun rises in twilight of the hour, except for the jinn and mankind, and there is an hour in which a Muslim slave does not come while he is praying, He asks God for a need but He will give it to him. Ka’b said: That is every day every year? I said: Rather, every Friday. He said: Ka’b recited the Torah and said: the prophet is honest, Abu Huraira said: Then I met Abdullah bin Salam and spoke to him in my sitting with Ka’b, Abdullah bin Salam said: I know what hour it is. Abu Huraira said: I said to him: So tell me about it. Abdullah bin Salam said: It is the last hour of Friday, so I said: How is the last hour of Friday when the Messenger of God said that a Muslim slave does not encounter it while he is praying, and that hour he does not pray in it? Abdullah bin Salam said: didn’t the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) say: “He who sits in a gathering awaiting prayer?” he is in prayer until he prays? He said: I said: Yes. He said: It is that.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood). The seventh Hadith One of your best days is Friday, so pray more for me on it, for your prayers represent before me. They said, “Oh, Messenger of God.” He said, so they said, O Messenger of God, how do you offer our prayers to you when you threw? He said: They say yes. He (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “God, the Blessed and Exalted, has forbidden the bodies of the prophets on land .” (Narrated by Abu Dawood). Second: The Jurisprudence and the rulings on Friday prayer What is the ruling on Friday prayer? An individual obligation on every sane, settled adult Muslim who has no excuse for abandoning it. And what indicates about that Saying God Almightyيَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓاْ إِذَا نُودِيَ لِلصَّلَوٰةِ مِن يَوۡمِ ٱلۡجُمُعَةِ فَٱسۡعَوۡاْ إِلَىٰ ذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِ وَذَرُواْ ٱلۡبَيۡعَۚ) [الجمعة: 9]. O you who have believed, when the call to prayer is called from the day of the Friday, seek to the remembrance of God and leave off the sale) (Al-Jumu`ah: 9). His saying (may God bless him and grant him peace)“People will stop leaving the Friday prayers, or God will seal their hearts, then let them be among the unwary.” (Narrated by Muslim). Q: On whom is Friday prayer obligatory - and who is not? The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said- (Friday is a right and obligatory for every Muslim in a group except for four: a slave, a woman, a boy, or a sick person), based on this hadith, it can be said that the Friday prayer is obligatory for everyone who fulfills the following conditions: Muslim The male sane adult sound free Q What is the number of Friday prayers held? The opinions of the four imams varied regarding the number of Friday prayers held, and the following are their sayings The first saying Friday prayer is held by three people, and this is the doctrine of Abu Hanifa The second saying It meets with a number of people in the village, and does not meet with three and four people, and this is the doctrine of the Malikis. The third saying The Friday prayer is held by forty people, and this is the Shafi’i school of thought, and it is well-known on the authority of Imam Ahmad. Q What are the conditions for the validity of Friday? The timeIt is not valid before its time or after its time, like the rest of the obligatory prayers, and its time is like the time of the noon prayer. To be attended by a group It is not valid from a single, and at least of group: three. The settlementIt is residing in a built-up village that does not leave it in summer or winter, and does not leave it in summer or winter, as for the people of the deserts and the nomadic tents it is valid from them and is not obligatory upon them, Before the two sermons The Prophet's sedulity of them. Q How is the Friday prayer? Friday prayer is two rak'ahs in which the recitation is recited out loud, and it is Sunnah to recite in the first rak'ah - after Al-Fatiha - Surat Al-Jumu'ah, And in the second - after Al-Fatihah - Al - Munafiqun, or he reads Surat Al-Ala in the first, and in the second Al-Ghashiyah. (narrated by Muslim). Q What are the two sermons and what is their ruling? The Ruling on two sermons The two sermons are obligatory, and they are a condition for the validity of Friday prayer If most of the audience understand Arabic spoken in Arabic; In order to learn the Arabic language, and not to violate the guidance of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace. Although most of the attendees do not understand Arabic There is nothing wrong with delivering it in other languages, for the original sermon is education uidance is not just uttering, taking into account mentioning the verses in Arabic - if possible - then translating their meaning. Q Are there completion for the sermon? The Friday sermon has no pillars, rather it is achieved by what the name of the sermon is known as the sermon as custom, but from the perfection of the sermon, the preacher should come up with the following: Praise God The two witnessPrayers for the Messenger of God Read something from the Qur’anThe sermon Q What are the desirable of the two sermons? The sermon on the pulpit The preacher's greetings be upon the people upon his ascent Separate the two sermons with a light sitting shortens them Du'aa between them The prohibitions in the Friday prayer 1- It is forbidden to speak while the imam is delivering the sermon on Friday Because he (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) said: “If you say to your freind on Friday: “Listen” and the imam is delivering the sermon, so you have made a Lagho: useless talk. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari). he hates to him cross people's necks Unless he is an imam, or he crosses an empty place that he does not reach without that. didn't delay until after the sermon The Muslim should hasten to the Friday prayer and be early in it, If he delays the prayer and reaches kneeling with the imam, In the second rak’ah, complete it with a Friday prayer, and if he does not catch up with the second rak’ah, then he should complete it at Dhuhr, Likewise, whoever misses Friday prayer for sleep or something else, then he prays it at noon prayer meaning: four rak'ahs . He, peace and blessings be upon him, said: whoever goes to Friday prayer in the first hour, it is as if he sacrificed a camel, and whoever goes in the second hour, it is as if he sacrificed a cow, and whoever goes in the third hour, it is as if he sacrificed a horned ram, and whoever goes in the fourth, it is as if he sacrificed a chicken, and whoever goes in the fifth, it is as if he is near an egg issues In Jummah prayers From sunnah The Sunnah is for the pulpit to have three levels, following the pulpit of the Messenger of God One call to prayer is prescribed if the imam sits on the pulpit, as it was in the era of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and Abu Bakr and Umar - may God be pleased with them both, Because the possibility of knowing the time has begun is easy, so the reason for the legality of the call to prayer of Othman - may God be pleased with him - was denied, as he used to call the city market to teach people that the time had entered If the worshiper is present and the imam is delivering the sermon, he prays two light rak’ahs before sitting down; because the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “If one of you comes on Friday while the imam is delivering the sermon, let him pray two rak’ahs, and pass them both.” (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah). The Sunnah prayers are two rak'ahs. As narrated by Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with him, he said: “The Messenger of God used to pray two units of prayer after Friday in his home” (Narrated by the group), or four; As the Prophet said: “Whoever among you is praying after Friday, let him pray four” (Narrated by Muslim). And the best prayer in his home. If the Eid and Friday meet, then it is more cautious to pray the Eid and Friday prayers, If he prays the Eid, he must at least pray Dhuhr, and it is permitted for the people of distant cities, if they pray the Eid, not to return to the Friday prayer, On the authority of Iyas bin Abi Ramlah Al-Shami, he said: “I witnessed Muawiyah asked Zaid bin Arqam: I attend two Eid together with the Messenger of God? He said: Yes, he prayed the Eid prayer at the beginning of the day, then he made a concession on Friday, and said: Whoever wants to gather, let him gather.”It is Sunnah for Friday prayer to be a Sunnah before the call to prayer, but it is mustahabb for an absolute voluntary prayer before the call to prayer. He said: “Whoever takes a bath on Friday and purifies himself with whatever purification is possible, then he anointed him with some of his oil, or touched the perfume of his home, then went away, and did not differentiate between two, and he prayed what was written for him, and when the imam came out, he listened, he will be forgiven for what happened between him and the other Friday.” (Narrated by al-Darimi). It is not part of the Sunnah what is called the Friday surah, where the worshipers sit before the Friday prayer and listen to a reader reciting to them some verses of the Qur’an, Until the Friday prayer is called, or collective chants and remembrances are heard on loudspeakers The Psychological and social benefits of Friday prayerRecent research confirms that the positive social life of man It benefits his health more than diet and exercise, and lowers the risk of diseases such as heart attack, dementia, and even the common cold. New research came from the University of Exeter in Australia, where scientists found that staying within the same group, and working within a group, whether at work or at home, has a significant healing effect on diseases. After a long observation, Professor Alex Haslam from the University of Exeter says that man has been accustomed to social life and to live in groups since the beginning of his creation, These groups are an integral part of his personality and even determine his health and mental destiny.Published in the Journal of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, scientists have found that a social life filled with cooperation, love, and fraternity can protect a person from heart attack and sudden death and prevent dementia and memory problems. Published in Aging and Society shows that the stronger a person's connection to the surrounding group is, and the greater the cooperation between them, the greater the effect in the prevention of dementia. Dr. Catherine Haslam from the aforementioned university has found that the person who lives in isolation has many diseases, while the one who lives in a group and carries out his daily activities and cooperates with others, And he feels that he belongs to a group, he is less prone to diseases, and she says that we must recognize the role that the group plays in protecting our mental and physical health, and this method is much cheaper than any medicine and has no side effects and is pleasant!

  • The Zakat


  • Al - Hajj as a social miracle

    Allah says ...وَأَتِمُّوا الْحَجَّوَالْعُمْرَةَ لِلَّـهِ Note: Complete, is it possible for a person or a worshiper to start something and not complete it to the fullest? And why does God command Muslims in the imperative form (complete) We thought it was only religious, but it seems that God - the Most High - wants Muslims to have psychological well-being after completing Hajj and Umrah. Read this scientific statement: The scientific part of the topic The psychology of health and well-being in mass gatherings Participation in mass gatherings can benefit well-being: How does participation in a long-term gathering (such as a pilgrimage event) affect well-being? there are good reasons to believe that such mass events pose health risks. There are risks associated with infectious diseases, moreover, the physical conditions in such events (noise, crowds, harsh conditions) are often detrimental to well-being However, at the same time, psychosocial research indicates that participation in group-related activities can positively affect well-being, and thus we investigated whether participation in a long-term group gathering could indeed bring such benefits, In our research we examined one of the largest mass events in the world - a demanding month-long Hindu religious festival in northern India. Participants (consisting of 416 pilgrims who attended the gathering for a month, and 127 officers who did not) completed measures of self-assessment of well-being and symptoms of ill-health at two time points. first It was a month before the gathering started Second It was a month after it ended 1 We found that participants in this group event reported a longitudinal increase in well-being compared to those who did not participate. 2 Our data thus suggests that we must reimagine how mass gatherings affect individuals. Indeed, an exclusive focus on risk is misleading and limits our understanding of why such events are so attractive. Importantly, because our research is longitudinal and includes a control group, our work adds strong evidence to the social psychological literature regarding the relationship between participation in social group activities and well-being. The psychological importance of groups Although people are able to live separate and apart from others, they join with others because groups meet their psychological and social needs, although any kind of companionship is appreciated, we prefer those who offer us reassurance and support as well as accurate information. In some cases, we also prefer to join others who are worse off than us. Imagine, for example, how will you respond when the teacher retakes the test and your test is marked with an 85% mark? Do you want to affiliate with a friend who scored 95% or a friend who scored 78%? To maintain a sense of self-worth, people look up and compare themselves to those who are less fortunate. This process is known as downward social comparison. Motivation and performance Groups usually exist for a reason. In groups, we solve problems, create products, create standards, pass on knowledge, have fun, performing the arts, establishing institutions, and even ensuring our safety from attacks by other groups. But do groups always out perform the individuals? Make decisions in groups Groups are particularly useful when it comes to decision making, as groups can draw on more resources than a lone individual can. One individual may know a lot about a problem and possible solutions, but his or her information is far outweighed by the group's combined knowledge. not born Groups not only give more ideas and possible solutions by discussing the problem, but they can also more objectively evaluate the options they generate during the discussion. Before accepting a solution, the group may require that it be favored by a certain number of people, or that it meet some other criteria for acceptance. People generally feel that a group's decision will be better than an individual's.

  • The provisions of the Umrah

    The umrah is defined in the language Intention and visitation, and Sharia scholars define it as visiting the Sacred Mosque in Makkah once in a lifetime or more, to perform Special rites such as the ihram, talbiyah, circumambulation and saa’i. Between Safa and Marwa shave or cut And so on with the intention of getting closer to God Almighty. The virtues of Umrah The virtue of Umrah is that it eliminates poverty Saying, peace be upon him: Follow up between Hajj and Umrah; They banish poverty and sins just as the bellows banishes the impurity of iron gold and silver, and there is no reward for an accepted pilgrimage except Paradise.” The expiation for sins As the Holy Prophet said: (Umrah to Umrah is an expiation for what is between them) To fill needs and respond to Du'aa The Holy Prophet said: “Al-Hajjaj and Al-Ammar are God’s delegation. He called them and they answered him, and they asked him and he gave them.” It is a good hadith. The rule of Umrah Who said it is obligatory? The scholars agreed on the legitimacy of Umrah in Islam, but they differed as to its obligation, as Imam Ahmad and Al-Shafi’i believed that what was mentioned is obligatory. In the hadith on the authority of Abu Razin al-Aqili, he came home. The correct hadith is that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: It is God’s duty on His servants, I met my father, an old man who could neither perform Hajj nor perform Hajj, Should I perform Hajj for him? The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to him: Hajj on behalf of your father and make Umrah Who said it's a sunnah As for Imam Malik and Abu Hanifa and their followers, they see that it is a non-obligatory Sunnah. The Prophet was asked about the obligation of Umrah, and he said: His saying, peace be upon him, when Jabir asked him: “Is Umrah obligatory?” He said: “No, and if you perform Umrah, it is better.” The Types of Umrah Umrah is of two types, the single Umrah and the tamattu’. The Single Umrah It can be performed on any day of the year, without time restrictions, and it is characterized by one life, He forbids it in the adjacent times, and in this single Umrah, the pilgrim has the choice between shaving his hair and shortening it. The Umrah of the enjoyment It is performed in the months of Hajj only, and Umrah performs complete ihram, In times apart, default is not a duty to shave. The umrah conditions There are six conditions for Umrah: Islam And mind and freedom and puberty and physical capacity and physical ability If the pilgrim is a woman, it is stipulated that she has a Mahram with her, such as her husband, father, son, or brother. The pillars of Umrah The scholars are unanimously agreed that the Umrah has three pillars, which are the ihram, the circumambulation of the House, and the pursuit between Safa and Marwah. what is left one of hat? The pillars are a pillar or one of them, so he does not have an Umrah. The Umrah duties Ihram from the meeqaat if the meeqat is between it and Makkah, or it is permissible for those who are in the sanctuary. Second: The stripping of stitches in relation to for the man. Third: shaving or shortening. These are the duties of Umrah, whoever leaves something of them must blood on it. The Umrah mustahabb Umrah has many mustahabbs, and it is desirable for the pilgrim to perform it as much as possible. It is recommended before entering ihram Trimming nails, shaving pubic hair, and washing And after ihram It is desirable for a man to say the Talbiyah and raise his voice. It is desirable during Tawaf Kissing the Black Stone, reciting the dhikr and praying And in the pursuit is desirable The climbing Al-Safa, jogging between the two green flags, and a lot of dhikr. Bathing in any way, trimming the mustache and nails, removing armpit hair, applying perfume to the body only without the garment The first pillar of Umrah (Ihram) Wearing the ihram clothing (thobe + dress, and it is better for them to be white, new, and washed, just as it is Sunnah to wear shoes The way a man wears the ihram dress The pilgrim in ihram takes off his clothes and puts on the lower garment and the robe, and there is nothing wrong with wearing other clothes, provided that it is not sewn. And it the sewn What is sewn to show the shape of the body, and it is forbidden to enter ihram for men, according to the consensus of the jurists loincloth What is hidden from the navel to the knee And what is cast on the back, chest and shoulders, and it is mustahabb to wear it. If a pilgrim in ihram wears a hijab, then it covers his private parts, and it is sufficient for him, and it is Sunnah for him to enter the Izar under his right hand, and he is lying on his left shoulder, and it is also desirable for the Izar to be white, clean, fresh or washed, and he does not like to wear it dyed. It is permissible for the muhrim to wear a garment above the shoulders, on condition The Sunnah for the Muhrim is to put the cloak on both of his shoulders and to place the two ends on his chest. This is the Sunnah, and it is what the Prophet, peace be upon him, did. If he wants to do the Tawaf Al-Qudum for Hajj and Umrah, he should Idtba'a So he placed the middle of his garment under his right armpit, and its ends on his left shoulder, and uncovered his right shoulder especially in the case of the arrival circumambulation, that is, the first thing that Makkah offers for Hajj or Umrah If he finished circumambulating He adjusted the robe and put it on his shoulders and prayed the two rak'ahs of circumambulation. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: None of you prays in a single garment that does not carry anything of it on his shoulders, and its validity is agreed. The Sunnah is to cover his shoulders with a robe after the arrival circumambulation and before the two rak’ahs of the circumambulation, He would have done it, peace be upon him, and for this hadith, even if he puts on the cloak and does not cover them at the time when he is sitting or eating or talk to his brothers there is nothing wrong with it, but the Sunnah if he wears the cloak is for it to be on his shoulders and his limbs: on his chest As for the money belt And it is: what you keep alimony on. The jurists of the four schools agreed on the permissibility of wearing it. Because it is not deprived of the text and the meaning, And for his need. To save alimony, it is permissible. Conclusion of what Al-Albani narrated on the authority of the mother of the believers, Aisha: God please her. When I was asked about that to the Mahram, she said: (There is nothing wrong with him until he is sure of his expenses). The correct wearing of the Izar for the ihram (7 conditions) The jurists differed in the ruling on holding the Izar for Muharram; And that 1- It is not permissible to link one of its two ends to the other Hanafi and Maliki sayings Al - Hanifia They said that it is not permissible to tie the Izar for the ihram, and the Hanafis have indicated that whoever does that is wrong and there is no blood on him Al - Malkikiah They said that he must ransom if he benefits from his clothes, or wears him for a long time. as a whole day; Because this period necessitates benefit, otherwise there is no ransom for him 2 - The permissibility of tying the Izar for the ihram, if it is not proven otherwise than the opinion of the Shafi’is and Hanbalis 2- It is permissible to tie the Izar for the ihram, if it is not fixed otherwise The opinion of the Shaafa’is and Hanbalis, because it is from what is needed to cover the private parts, and because there is no text on the authority of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - to prevent it, In addition, the loincloth knot is not in the meaning of what was stipulated to prevent it, such as shirts and pants, and this is what Ibn Hazm and Ibn Taymiyyah chose as well. 3- Fixing the izar with the taqah The taka is a tape that is attached to the pants, and it is made of fabric or rubber, The majority of Hanafi, Shafi’i, and Hanbali jurists have gone to the permissibility of fixing the loincloth with a taqah. Because it remains an Izar The contrary to the Malkiah Some of them went on to say that this is not allowed, because the loincloth: becomes stitched with the taka. 4- Fastening the lower garment with a rope or belt or the like The jurists differed regarding the ruling on tightening and securing the lower garment with a rope, or otherwise, on two opinions as follows: Al - Gmhor The majority of Shafi’i, Hanbali, and Maliki jurists are of the opinion, the permissibility of securing the lower garment with a rope, or the like, and the Hanbalis stipulated that the rope should not be tied, but inserting some of it into some, and the Malikis stipulated that In addition to wearing a rope especially for work Al - Hanfiah They said that it is not permissible to fasten the lower garment with a rope, or the like. 5- Fastening the robe with a clip It is permissible for the pilgrim in ihram to clip his robe with a clip, and the clip is: a tool made of wood or metal, to which something is fixed and held, Like paper, or hair, because the robe is not counted with a sewn clasp, rather it remains a robe, except that it is clasped, as for clasping the robe to make it look like a sleeveless shirt, it is not permissible, this was indicated by Ibn Uthaymeen. 6- Fasten the loincloth with a button or a pin All the jurists went to the inadmissibility of buttoning the loincloth with buttons, or the like, like pins, with closely spaced loops; This is because it becomes like a stitch; If the pilgrim in ihram does that, he must pay the ransom. Because the far apart buttons are what is needed in covering the private parts. 7- Divide the lower garment into two halves The jurists prevented the Muharram from splitting his lower garment into two halves, making two tails for him, and wrapping each half on one of the legs until it becomes as a garment, or for the pilgrim in ihram to wear his lower garment after slitting it at the waist, then slitting it from the front, from the back, he ties this one over this one, and he ties this one over that one until it becomes like a pair of pants, this is because these two methods: in slitting the loin cloth, make it sewn and require a ransom. The scholars went to the permissibility of wearing pants and slippers for the one who did not find the lower garment, the robe and the sandal, and a ransom is not required of him, according to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He said: I heard the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, delivering a sermon at Arafat: Whoever cannot find sandals, let him wear khuffs, and whoever cannot find a loincloth, let him wear trousers. for the Muharram, Narrator: Abdullah bin Abbas | The narrator: Al-Bukhari | Source: Sahih Al-Bukhari. Hadith of Ibn Omar Then he told, peace be upon him, during the farewell pilgrimage on the day of Arafah, when he addressed the people, that whoever does not find an izar; let him wear pants, and whoever does not find two shoes; So let him wear the slippers. The way a woman wears the ihram dress The woman who performs Hajj or Umrah wears her usual clothes that cover all her body from the hair of her head to her feet, and she only uncovers her face, and her palms, and she should not crowd men, and her clothes should be wide that does not show the details of the body and does not draw attention, and white is desirable. It is forbidden for her to wear two things in ihram The first one It is forbidden to wear a garment that touches perfume And the second Wear the niqab and gloves When narrated by Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said: (The woman in ihram does not wear the niqab and does not wear gloves). Ihram prohibitions They are: prohibitions that are prohibited for one or both sexes. Because of the ihram, the Sharia prohibited some permissible cases of ihram. For many provisions, including: - Reminding the muhrim of the worship that he performs. He humiliates and lacks God Almighty, and teaches souls to differ concerning Him, and the condition of living between austerity and luxury, according to the methodology of the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - promoting the principle of equality of people; There is no difference between rich and poor in Hajj demonstrating the Muslim's desire to complete physical acts of worship. To the details Definition of the prohibitions of ihram The forbidden: in language It is the noun of the object of prohibition, and the plural of prohibitions; It is forbidden. First: the prohibitions common to men and women 1 - Argument The debauchery and debauchery argument is Deviating from obedience to God Almighty, and committing sins, and the strictest prohibition is in the state of ihram, For a Muslim to argue with his friend until the one who is forbidden to make him angry is what leads to anger and resentment. He - the Almighty - said: (There is no debauchery or arguing in Hajj) and the prohibition of arguing; That is, the prohibition of everything that is appointed by him abuse of morals or dealings What is needed in enjoining good and forbidding evil is not considered prohibited debate. What follows It does not invalidate the pilgrimage with it, but it detracts from his reward as much as he argues, quarrels, and gets angry. The Standing Committee was asked: If a man gets into some argument with his companions in Hajj, is his argument valid? and is it sufficient, even if it is an obligatory argument? She replied: His argument is valid, and it suffices him for the obligatory prayer, but his reward for it decreases according to the amount of reprehensible argument that he had. 2 - The nail pen It is forbidden to cut nails for the pilgrim in ihram, except for an excuse such as breaking them, or the like, so it is permissible to remove them, and there is no ransom for it according to scholarly consensus. what it entails Either fasting for three days or slaughtering a sheep Or take out three saas: food distributed among six poor people; For every poor person, half a saa’. 3- Removing the hair of the head If what was harmed was the hair of the eye, it is permissible to remove it, and there is no ransom for it according to the majority of jurists from the Shafi’i, Hanafi, and Hanbali schools. As for The Malikis said that there is a ransom for that. what it entails Either fasting for three days or slaughter a sheep Or take out three saas: food distributed among six poor people; For every poor person, half a saa’. Sa`a: plural of Sa`a; It is a type of scale The Perfume It is forbidden to use perfume, such as musk, oud, campho and saffron for both sexes during the state of ihram. Whether use it It is forbidden to perfume one's clothes, slippers, or shoes, or to perfume one's body, all or part of it,to say the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (And do not wear anything of clothing that has been touched with saffron or wars: kind of perfum). Among the issues related to medicine are the following Wearing dyed clothes that have a good smell It is forbidden to wear dyed clothes that have a good smell, according to the agreement of the jurists, except that it is washed and the smell of perfume disappears from it. to say the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace -: (Do not wear a garment that has been touched with wars or saffron, unless it is for washing Impersonation, including Perfume It is forbidden to wear perfume, including perfume, which is forbidden without necessity, and upon him is the ransom according to the Shaafa’is, The Malikis, the Hanbalis, as the Hanafis, and they see that there is no ransom for the eyeliner, Unless the perfume in the eyeliner is more than twice, otherwise it is charity. Anointing the hair and body with perfume It is forbidden for the pilgrim in ihram to anoint his body, hair, or beard with perfume or anything else. Of oil or melted wax, whether it is a lot or a little Eating or drinking perfume = It is forbidden for the muhrim to eat or drink perfume, or what has been mixed with perfume; Little was it, or a lot, and the jurists distinguished between eating the good that was added to the cooked, and others,; If the good was added to the cooked and gone It had no taste or smell left, It is permissible to eat it according to the Shafi’is, Hanbalis, and Hanafis. As for the Malikis, they elaborated on that. They said that it is permissible to eat it with the survival of its smell or color if its eyes are gone, but if the perfume is added to the uncooked, then the Shafi’is, Hanbalis, and Malikis went to the sanctity of eating it. While the Hanafi difference is that the perfume is added to the uncooked; between food and drink; If the perfume is predominant in what is eaten, then it is forbidden, and if it is predominant, then there is nothing on the forbidden unless the smell of perfume remains, in which case it is disliked, as for the drink, if the perfume is predominant, then there is blood in it, and if it is overwhelming, then it is charity, unless it is drunk repeatedly; In that blood. smelled the perfume and carried it It is hated to smell the Muharram perfume, or carry it according to the agreement of all the jurists, and the Maliki and Hanafi scholars hated staying in a place that smells aromatic Whether he intended to smell it, or not, as for the Shafi’is and Hanbalis, they said that it is forbidden. If he intends to smell perfume, it is like someone who puts a rose on his nose, but if he does not intend to smell it, then there is no prohibition on him Wars: It is one of the types of perfume that was famous in Yemen Idkhir: It is a type of plant that has a pleasant smell what it entails Either fasting for three days Or slaughter a sheep: or take out Three saas: food distributed to six poor people; For every poor person, half a saa’.

  • The fire seas

    Allah says وَإِذَا الْبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتْ (6) And behold, the seas caught fire (6) Allah says ( وَإِذَا البحار فُجِّرَتْ ) (And when the seas exploded) They are meanings that were almost impossible in the past to imagine, just by imagining, water, ocean water that is in a hall of fire, something surprising, as the seas whenever you go down to great depths, they are very cold because they are far from the sun’s rays, but the Qur’an proves to us that on the Day of Resurrection the seas (fire will ignite) or explode (we will detonate like bombs). The Depths below - ring of fire There is another world beneath the surface of the ocean. Come join us, as we explore the depths below, flashes of orange and red in pitch black. Lava seeps out of fissures and rolls across the ocean floor. Earthquakes roar and roar as tectonic plates crash into each other, we are at the edge of the Pacific basin. Being one of the most geologically active places on earth, scientists have named the area, the name "Ring of Fire". The movement of tectonic plates has created an almost continuous chain of oceanic trenches and chains of volcanoes stretching for twenty-five thousand miles. But most of them remain hidden away from the surface of the water. In fact, 75% of the volcanic activity on Earth takes place in the ocean. But the effects of all this activity aren't just being felt in the Pacific basin. Earth's oceans and geology are interconnected global systems that can affect us all. Tsunamis can be generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. And, as we've seen, its effects can be devastating. Undersea volcanoes produce chemicals and heat that affect the ocean environment, we need to better understand these "natural" inputs as we increasingly introduce our own man-made pollutants. We have only recently begun to explore the hundreds of volcanoes rising from the ocean floor that make up the Ring of Fire. over the past few decades, Many expeditions have been made to the basin of the western Pacific Ocean. Using state-of-the-art mapping tools and robotic devices, researchers have learned more about the geological activity at these sites and the marine life that thrives on hydrothermal vent systems. Learning new things often leads to more questions, which means there's still a lot to discover. This is a video...if you like to watch

  • Why is it not allowed to shake hands between men and women in Islam?

    The aim of this file: not to verify the legal order, but to reach scientific studies that support the preference of not shaking hands for religious reasons First: the religious subtraction Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi saw it The permissibility of shaking hands when forced and safe from sedition, as if a man starts and extends his hand, but a woman does not have the right to initiate it. It is better for a Muslim man or woman to refrain from shaking hands in any case, because those who say that it is forbidden are the majority of the nation, and they have strong evidence, It is possible for the compelled of them to imitate those who said that it is permissible in the narrowest limits. Before entering into the research and discussion, I would like to extract two images from the field of dispute. The first: the prohibition of shaking hands with a woman if it is associated with sexual desire and pleasure on the part of one of the two parties: the man or the woman, or if there is fear of temptation from behind it in most cases, This is because blocking the pretext for corruption is obligatory, especially if its signs appear, and its causes are prepared. what confirms this is what the scholars mentioned, that if a man touches one of his female tissues, or is alone with her, which is from the permissible section in the first place, it moves to the circle of inviolability if desire is stirred, or sedition is feared, (See: Al-Ikhtiyar Li’l-Mukhtar in Hanafi Fiqh 4/155), especially with the case of the wife’s daughter, mother-in-law, father’s wife, or breast-feeding sister, who do not have in their souls what the mother, daughter, sister, aunt, aunt, or the like. The Conclusion Forbidden in one word For a handshake between the sexes if it is accompanied by lust and enjoyment, or if it is feared that this will happen, then there is no disagreement about its prohibition on the difference between the scholars, Scholars differed concerning what is forbidden and permitted, and the majority of scholars, including the four schools, or rather the eight, are on the prohibition without distinguishing between embarrassment, or anything else. or lust or something else. Second: the scientific subtraction The initial study Social chemical signals are part of human behavior, but how chemical signals are transmitted from one individual to another is unknown. To ask whether a handshake is used to sample specific social chemical signals, we secretly filmed 271 subjects within a structured greeting event either with or without a handshake. We found that humans are most likely to switch between the sexes after shaking hands They Sniff Their Right Hand, and Selectively Increase This Behavior After a handshake, subjects increased their right-handed handshake sniffers by more than 100%. In contrast, after shaking hands, the two sexes sniffed their left hand the subjects increased the sniffing of their left, non-shaking hand by more than 100%, smearing participants with a non-observable odor significantly altered the effects, thus validating their olfactory nature. Thus, handshakes may functionally serve active but subliminal social chemical cues, which likely play a large role in ongoing human behavior. Second study Oxytocin levels rise with holding hands, and hugging - especially together with a therapeutic massage. The cuddle hormone makes us feel close to each other. Sociologists have shown in many studies over the years that supportive touch can have good results in a number of different areas. Consider the following examples: If a teacher touches a student on the back or arm, that student is more likely to engage the class. The more athletes in the Big Five or hug their teammates, the better their game. Touch makes patients love their doctors more. If you touch a bus driver, he will most likely let you board for free. If the waitress touches the customer's arm or shoulder, she may get a larger tip But why does a friendly or supportive touch have such comprehensive and positive effects? What is going on in our brains and bodies that explains this magic? deep skin To understand this, we'll start from the outside - with the skin. It's our largest member, covering about 20 square feet, and is about the size of a twin mattress. If someone touches you, there is pressure pressing against your skin at the point of contact. Beneath the skin are pressure receptors called pachynotic corpuscles, says Tiffany Field, a leading touch researcher and director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami in Florida. The signals of the basinian corpuscles go directly to an important nerve bundle deep in the brain called the vagus nerve. The vagus is sometimes called the "wanderer" because it has branches that run all over the body to several internal organs, including the heart. The vagus nerve slows down the heart and lowers blood pressure. Field describes studies in which subjects were asked to perform something stressful, such as public speaking or taking a timed math test. The subjects' partners were also part of the experiment, hugging or holding hands when the researchers asked them to do so. "They found, in fact, that people who were given this stressful task, if they were holding hands or cuddling, had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates, indicating that they were less stressed," Field says.

  • Why is the testimony of a woman half of a man?

    According to a study published on the North American Menopause Association website (NAMS), a woman's memory is not constant throughout her life, it decreases suddenly after menopause, but middle-aged women have better memories than men, but differently from men. The second study In another study published in the journal JNeurosci, it was found that women remember things differently than men. And her emotional memory is greater than that of a man, That is, you are affected emotionally and greatly while remembering the event, because the memory of the woman during her testimony depends on the type of recollection The commenting All this confirms that the presence of another woman while giving testimony will have a good impact on the quality of the testimony and the accuracy of the information that she will provide..because the second woman Often times she will not have the same emotional effects on herself. This enables the judge to make intersections between the testimony of the first woman and the testimony of the second woman in order to find out the truth. The third study The University of Pennsylvania conducted a major study of 949 male and female brains. Researchers found that women are better than men at multitasking thinking because they use both parts of the brain as they are for issues that need to be focused, on one issue the man is superior to the woman because he uses only one part of the brain, as scientists at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School say, from the results of this study, Dr. Robin Gore says: The results were shocking when we saw these amazing differences between the brains of males and females, But they are complementary to each other, but what is important is that women have a higher capacity than men for social tasks while men are distinguished by their superior ability to work that requires specific focus, such as command and control. We conclude from the following Since a woman uses her emotions while remembering, and since a woman suffers from memory problems immediately after menopause, and since a woman uses both halves of her brain to remember, which means she can focus less, for the sake of all of this, God eases the burden of shahada on a woman and her honor by allowing her to seek advice from another woman to complete the shahada, In order not to be controlled by men, he made this obligatory, i.e. the testimony of a single woman is not accepted. Except in special cases, such as the testimony of the wife against her husband and cases of chastity and honor, so do we say after these facts that Islam insulted women and degraded them?

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