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2 - The first caliph: Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

The Caliph of the Messenger of God Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

The name

He is Abdullah bin Othman Al-Qurashi

his titles

Al - Siddiq, Al - Atiq

Why is it called Al - Atiq?

On the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: (Abu Bakr entered upon the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said: O Abu Bakr, you are God’s freed slave from the Fire. She said: From that day on, he will be named freed) Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi and authenticated by Al-Albani

Social status

He was one of the notables, nobles, and rich people of Mecca, and was of great importance among them

He was famous for

With his chastity before Islam, since he forbade alcohol for himself before the Jahiliyyah, and he did not drink it, neither during the Jahiliyyah, nor after his conversion to Islam.

He travels a lot because of his trade and work, and he used to mix with followers of other religions, especially Christianity.

How did he enter Islam

And he had a close friendship with the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, before Islam, and he knew our master Muhammad and knew his morals and honesty. When our master Muhammad called him to Islam and read the Qur’an to him, he believed in him and believed in his message.

He was the first to embrace Islam from: the free men

After his conversion to Islam, he started calling to Islam with the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, those he mixes with and trusts, a number of the honorable companions embraced Islam at his hands.

Saad bin Abi Waqas

and Abu Obaidah al-Jarrah

And Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam

And Othman bin Affan

And Abdul Rahman bin Auf

and his daughters

Asma, and Aisha

and his son Abdullah

and his wife, and his servant

Did the polytheists torture Abu Bakrfor he's embrace Islam?

Was he subjected to torture for the sake of Islam, as Umar bin Uthman took him and tied him to Talha bin Ubaid Allah al-Taymi in a rope when they embraced Islam? And Nawfal bin Khuwaylid tortured them, and seduced them from their religion, so that is why Abu Bakr and Talha were called (The two consorts)?

The author has some points on this matter:

1. They say that Abu Bakr was prevented by God with his people, and this completely contradicts their saying that he was tortured, just as it contradicts what he said to Ibn al-Daghna: that his people expelled him.

None of them dared to torture someone from another tribe

2 The cobbler said: (We do not know: that the torment occurred except with a slave, (and he is the hireling), and for the one who has no clan to prevent him, And if Abu Bakr is great and obedient, the greats of Quraysh wait for him and do not cut off any matter without him, so how can Abu Bakr be tormented by a group who are not from his tribe?

3. In the words of Ibn Hisham and others: “He was familiar with his people, likable, easy-going, and the men of his people used to come to him and get acquainted with him for more than one thing, And in the words of the alleged expression of Ibn al-Daghnah: (He does not come out like him, do you bring out a man who earns the needy, upholds the ties of kinship, carries everything, entertains the guest, and helps the deputies of the truth) If he had been tortured, he would not have been able to say such words, and God is Most High and All Knowing.

Stories from the Prophet’s migration and Abu Bakr’s company with him:

The Preparing of Abu Bakr for migration

Al-Bukhari - may God Almighty have mercy on him - narrated: On the authority of Aisha - may God be pleased with her - she mentioned the long hadith, And in it: “The Prophet, peace be upon him, said to the Muslims: I have shown the house of your emigration with palm trees between two hurrahs, Those who migrated before Medina, and most of those who migrated in the land of Abyssinia returned to Medina, Abu Bakr prepared before Medina, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: Slow down, for I hope that permission will be given to me. Abu Bakr said: Would you like that for my father? He said: Yes, so Abu Bakr locked himself on the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to accompany him, and fodder for two camels that he had with him for four months.”

The migration time

Ibn Shihab said: Urwah said: Aisha - may God be pleased with her - said: “One day while we were sitting in the house of Abu Bakr, at high noon, someone said to Abu Bakr: This is the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, wearing a mask at an hour when he did not come to us. Abu Bakr said: May my father and mother be ransomed for him, and by God, nothing came of him at this hour except an matter.” She said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came and asked for permission, and he was granted permission, so he entered. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Abu Bakr: Get out of your place, Abu Bakr said: They are your family. May my father be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of God. He said: I have been given permission to go out. Abu Bakr said: Companionship by my father, O you O Messenger of God? The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Yes. Abu Bakr said: O Messenger of God, may my father be sacrificed for you, take one of these two camels of mine, The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said: with price?

The Preparing the family of Abu Bakr for the Prophet's migration journey with Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

Aisha - may God be pleased with her - said: So we prepared them with the best equipment, and we made a table for them in a bag, so Asma bint Abi Bakr cut a piece from her belt, So she tied it to the mouth of the bag, and with that it was called: “The two belts, She said: Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, followed Abu Bakr to a cave in Jabal Thawr, and we stayed there for three nights. Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr stayed with them, He is a young, shrewd boy with intelligence. He gets up from them at the end of the night and spends the night with the Quraysh in Makkah, as if he were staying, He does not hear a matter against them, except that he becomes aware of it, until he brings them the news of that when the darkness mixes.

It was said: This is the she-camel that the Prophet, peace be upon him, took from Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq with the price

She: Al-Quqsa, and she lived a little after the Prophet, peace be upon him, then died in the caliphate of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq.

Amer bin Fahira wipes the footprints

And read: Amer bin Fuhaira, the mawla of Abu Bakr, grazes them with a donation of sheep, and he rests them on them, until an hour of evening passes, and they sleep in Rusl: the group of sheep and camels, until Amer bin Fuhaira shouts at them, in the darkness of the end of the night, and he does that every night of Those three nights.

Rent Kharit (skilled by guiding the way)

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr hired a man from the Banu al-Dail, who was from the Banu Abd Uday, as a charitable guide - and the charitable: skilled in guidance - He entered into an alliance with the family of Al-Aas bin Wael Al-Sahmi, at a time when he was on the religion of the infidels of Quraysh, so he secured him, so they gave him their two camels, and they made a date with him in a cave of Thor, after three nights with their two rides, it became three. And Amer bin Fuhaira and the guide set out with them, and he took them along the coastal road.” [Bukhari: 3905]

Track Suraqah bin Jasham to the Messenger of God and his companion and reach them

Ibn Shihab said: Abd al-Rahman bin Malik al-Madliji, who is the nephew of Suraqah bin Malik bin Ja’sham, told me that his father told him that he heard Suraqah bin Ja’sham say: “Messengers of the infidels of Quraysh came to us, appointing the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr (the blood money of each one of them) whoever kills him or makes him a prisoner, so while I am sitting in one of the councils of my people, Bani Mudlej, a man of them approached, until he stood up to us while we were sitting, and he said: O Suraqah, I have just seen a blackness on the coast - people - that I see Muhammad and his companions. Suraqa said: So I knew that they were them, so I said to him: They are not them, but you saw so-and-so and so-and-so, set off with our eyes, Then I stayed in the council for an hour, then I got up and entered, so I ordered my maid to go out my horse, and it was from behind a hill (a proverb struck to express a suspicious matter, or a plot behind something), so she locked it on me, and took my spear, and I took it out from the back of the house, so I landed with his stab on the ground, until I came to my horse and I mounted it, so I raised it to get close to me, until I got close to them, so my horse stumbled on me, so I fell off it, so I got up and lowered my hand to my quiver, so I extracted arrows from it (small arrows that the people of Jahiliyyah used to write on some of them do, and on some do not, then they put them in a bag or the like), I voted to harm them or not? So the one I hate - that is, not to go away and come back - came out, so I mounted my horse and disobeyed the arrows, drawing near to me, until I heard the recitation of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, while he did not turn around, and Abu Bakr turned around a lot. My horse's hands sank into the ground until they reached the knees, so I backed away from her, then I rebuked her, so she got up, and she could not get her hands out, and when she was standing straight, the traces of her hands were bright dust in the sky like smoke, I swore by the arrows, and what I hated came out, so I called them to safety, so they stopped, so I rode my horse until I came to them, and it occurred to me when I received what I received from them that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, will appear, I said to him: Your people have made blood money for you, and you told them about what the people want for them, and offered them food and other things - they did not take anything from me - and they did not ask me except that he said: hide on us. so I asked him to write a letter of security for me, so he ordered Aamer bin Fuhaira, and he wrote on a piece of leather, then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went on.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari: 3906].

We benefit from this part of the Prophet's migration journey

1- Suraqa is a man as if he is a warrior and he has a deception by which he deceives the closest people to him, as he deceived everyone around him by saying that they are not on the coast at the moment of he ordered his horse to be mounted...

2 - Although he is a deceitful man, when he arrived, he could not harm them, with God’s protection for his Prophet and his companion, because the final invitation is protected by the Lord of the Worlds,

3 - The infidels have some theses, even if they do not believe in the God of Heaven (voting by shares), which is something that suggests that they have an instinctive belief in a power greater than them that can benefit or harm them in critical times.

4 - the Prophet not turning around, and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq turns a lot (Do you know why the lion hunts the gazelle, even though the gazelle is faster than the lion?!! Because the gazelle turns a lot, and the lion does not turn at all) Tukal: ( keep your trust in God) like the lion attiude.

5 - The generosity of the Prophet to give safety to the man who came to ask for them, although it was possible to pray for him and he would die from his moment, for he is a prophet of the seal and this is the Lord of the worlds.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, met Al-Zubayr on the way: “The Prophet, peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr clothed them in white clothes.”

In order for the description found among the Jews in the Torah to apply, how will the Prophet, peace be upon him, enter Madinah with Al - siddiq? and the Muslims in Medina heard of the exit of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from Mecca, so they used to go out every morning to Al-Hara, and they would wait for him until the heat of noon returned them, So they turned one day after they had waited a long time, and returned to their homes. The most fulfilled man among the Jews was on one of their hills, on the fortress of a castle for the Jews, which was supervised by the Jew, after the Muslims who were waiting for him on one of their hills left, for something to look at, he saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his companions, whitewashed, and the mirage would vanish with them ( Meaning: wearing white) mirage fades away from them, the Jew was not able to say in a loud voice: O Arabs, this is your grandfather that you are waiting for - that is, your luck that you are waiting for - so the Muslims rose up to arms, so they met the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, with the back of a free woman.” [Bukhari: 3906] The Jew knew him by his descriptions that are written in their book, and he could not control himself if he shouted from the horror of the surprise, and perhaps the correspondence between reality and the description written by them in the Torah, Al-Bukhari also narrated it on the authority of Aisha - may God be pleased with her - in this group story that shows the story of the migration of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: 3905

The city's reception of the Messenger of God and the friend

1 - The Muslims went out in large numbers to receive their Prophet, including five hundred of the Ansar, so they surrounded the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his companion Abu Bakr, as for inside the city, the voices of the supporters rose while they were chanting, “The Prophet of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came.” So everyone climbed over the houses, just as the boys dispersed in the streets of Medina, calling: “O Muhammad, O Messenger of God, O Messenger of God.

2 - When the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, approached Medina, men, women and children came out chanting: “The full moon has risen on us from the farewell folds, Al-Bara bin Azib, may God be pleased with him, narrated that he said: “The first of the companions of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came to us, Musab bin Umair and Ibn Umm Maktum, so they began to recite the Qur’an to us, then Ammar, Bilal and Saad came, then Umar ibn al-Khattab came at twenty, then the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - came, I did not see the people of Medina rejoicing in something that made them happy, until I saw children saying: This is the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who has come).

3 - Beating the tambourines to celebrate his arrival on the authority of Anas, may God be pleased with him, who said: (The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, passed by a female servant from Banu al-Najjar, and they beat the daff and said: We are neighbors from the Banu al-Najjar, O beloved Muhammad, from a neighbor.

4 - Al-Qushayri mentioned that this was when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came to Medina, as stated in the interpretation of Al-Qurtubi, trying to host him, the whole city had gone out to receive the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - Although the people of Medina were not very rich, each one of them was keen to host the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in his home, whenever the camel of the Messenger of God passed by the door of one of them, he took hold of the reins of the she-camel, and called on the Prophet - upon him be peace and blessings - to stay as a guest with him, and it was the house of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari)

We are satisfied with this part of the Prophet's migration

The witnesses of the invasions with the Prophet
Abu Bakr with the Prophet in the Battle of Badr

Abu Bakr participated in the Battle of Badr in the year 2 AH

and he had famous positions in it, When the Prophet Muhammad was informed of the caravan's survival and the insistence of the leaders of Mecca to fight the Prophet, He consulted his companions about the matter, so Abu Bakr stood up first and said it was better, then Umar bin Al-Khattab got up and said it was better. Courage and valor appeared from Abu Bakr, His son Abd al-Rahman participated in this battle with the polytheists, and when he converted to Islam, he said to his father: You appeared before me on the day of Badr, so I turned away from you and did not kill you.” Abu Bakr said to him: “If you targeted me, I would not turn away from you.

He was among the guards of the Prophet in his arbor

When he arranged the ranks for the battle, he returned to the headquarters, which consisted of an arish on a hill overlooking the battlefield, and Abu Bakr was with him, a group of young Ansar, led by Saad bin Muadh, was guarding the throne of the Messenger of God. Ali bin Abi Talib spoke about this situation and said: O people, who are the bravest people? They said: You, Commander of the Faithful. He said: As for me, I did not dispute with anyone except that I took justice from him, but he is Abu Bakr. We made a shelter for the Messenger of God, so we said: who will be with the Messenger of God, so that none of the polytheists fall for him? By God, no one drew near to him except for Abu Bakr who brandished a sword over the head of the Messenger of God, this is the bravest of people.

Abu Bakr's position on the captives of Badr

The friend and the captives: Ibn Abbas said, when they captured the captives, the Messenger of God said to Abu Bakr and Umar: “What do you see in these captives? Abu Bakr said: O Prophet of God, they are cousins ​​and clans. I see that we take a ransom from them so that we have power over the infidels, so perhaps God will guide them to Islam.

The Battle of Uhud and Hunayn

Abu Bakr proved himself on the day of Uhud and on the day of Hunayn, when the people fled

His succession

The succession of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq lasted approximately two years, three months and eight days

How did he become a caliph for the Muslims?

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died on Monday in the eleventh year of the Hijrah, and when the Companions learned of the news of the Prophet’s death, they gathered for consultation among themselves to nominate a successor to the Prophet, and after talks and consultations, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq pledged allegiance to be the successor to the Messenger of God.

As for the manner or manner in which the pledge of allegiance to Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, took place

When the Lord - may He be glorified and exalted - took His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and transferred him to His Paradise and the abode of His dignity, the Ansar gathered in the Saqifah of Bani Sa’idah in the city of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and wanted to establish the Imamate.

For Saad bin Ubadah

This reached Abu Bakr and Umar, may God be pleased with them, so they went towards the community of the Ansar among the men of the Emigrants, and when they reached them, a dialogue took place between them in the matter of the caliphate, when the affairs of the Ansar were disturbed, so they began to seek the matter for themselves, or to share it with the Muhajireen, so Abu Bakr informed them that the Imamate could only be in Quraysh.

Imam Nawawi said

(As for Ali’s delay, may God be pleased with him, with regard to the pledge of allegiance, Ali mentioned it in this hadith and apologized to Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him. Despite this, his delay does not detract from the pledge of allegiance, as for the pledge of allegiance, the scholars have agreed that for its validity it is not necessary to pledge allegiance to all the people, nor to all the people of the solution and the contract, It is only required to pledge allegiance to those whose consensus is facilitated from the scholars, presidents and notables of the people, As for not defaming him, this is because it is not obligatory for every one to come to the imam and put his hand in his hand and pledge allegiance to him. Rather, he is required, if the people of law and order contract the imam, to submit to him and not to show a disagreement. and he does not split the stick, and this was the case of Ali, may God be pleased with him, during that period before his pledge of allegiance, because he did not appear against Abu Bakr in disagreement, nor did he split the stick, but he was late to appear with him for the excuse mentioned in the hadith, Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Al-Bayhaqi narrated with his chain of transmission to Ismail bin Abi Khaled on the authority of Al-Sha’bi, he said: (When Fatimah fell ill, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq came to her and asked permission for her, so Ali said: Oh Fatima, this is Abu Bakr asking permission for you, so she said: Would you like me to give him permission? He said: Yes! So she gave him permission, so he entered upon her to please her, and said: By God, I did not leave the house, the money, the family, and the clan, except to seek the pleasure of God, the pleasure of His Messenger, and your pleasure, the people of the household, then you are satisfied with it until she is satisfied, then Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, did not accept the Imamate out of concern for it or a desire for it, rather, he accepted it out of fear of a greater fitnah than his failure to accept it, may God be pleased with him and be pleased with him, and when he pledged allegiance, may God be pleased with him, the second allegiance, which is the allegiance of the general public in the mosque of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, He addressed the people in a general sermon.

The Sermon of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him when he assumed the caliphate

As for after, O people, I have been appointed over you, and I am not the best among you. If I do good, help me, and if I do bad, correct me. Truthfulness is a trust, and lying is treason, and the weak among you is strong in my eyes until I remove his illness, God willing, and the strong among you is weak to me, until I take what is right from him, God willing. a people will not let go of jihad in the way of God except that God will strike them with humiliation, Immorality is never common among a people except that God blinds them with affliction. Obey me as long as I obey God and His Messenger. If I disobey God and His Messenger, I have no obedience to you. Rise to your prayers, may God have mercy on you, and he argued with the words of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, (the imams are from Quraysh), so they submitted to that in obedience and returned to the truth obediently, and pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, And they gathered on his leadership, agreed on his succession, and submitted to his obedience, and the dialogue on the issue of succession was interrupted by their meeting on Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him.

We will be satisfied with this much of his assumption of the caliphate

The government appointments - if it will -

he personally initiated the affairs of the judiciary in the state

appointed : Omar Ibn Al-Khattab worked in the judiciary with him

Zaid bin Thabit was appointed to manage writing (mail) affairs.

Abi Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah was appointed to manage the affairs of the Muslim treasury

The position of Abu Bakr towards the apostates

It was an uncompromising stance, without compromising, without concession, an inspiring stance from God, to whom the greatest credit is due - after God Almighty - for the safety of this religion, and it remained on its purity and authenticity, and everyone recognized it, and history witnessed that Abu Bakr stood up to the tyrant apostasy and the attempt to overthrow Islam one by one, the position of the prophets and messengers in their times.

The reasons for Al - siddiq to war apostates and those who refuse to pay zakat

A - That the issue of withholding zakat is not negotiable, and that the Islamic ruling on it is clear, and therefore there is no hope for the Khaleefah of Muslims to give up his determination and opinion, especially after the Muslims supported him, and they were steadfast in his opinion after the clarity of the vision and the emergence of evidence.

B - That it is necessary to seize the opportunity of weakness of Muslims - as they think - And the small number of them leads to a sweeping attack on the city that overthrows the Islamic rule there, and overfllow this religion.

Al-Siddiq's plan to protect The Medina

1. Make the people of Medina stay overnight in the mosque. So that they are fully prepared for the defense.

2. Organize the guards who stand at the gates of the city and spend the night around it, in order to ward off any incoming raid.

3. The guards were appointed by their princes: Ali bin Abi Talib, Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, Talha bin Ubaid Allah, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Abdul Rahman bin Awf, and Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with them.

4. Abu Bakr - may God be pleased with him - sent to those around him from among the tribes that were steadfast in Islam, including Aslam, Ghifar, Muzaina, Ashja’, Juhaina, and Ka’b, ordering them to fight the people of apostasy, so they responded to him until Medina was filled with them, and they had horses and camels that they put at the disposal of As-Siddiq, which indicates the large number of men of these tribes, and the size of her support for Al-Siddiq was great: Juhayna alone came to Al-Siddiq with four hundred of her men, and with them back and horses, Amr bin Murra al-Juhani drove a hundred camels to help the Muslims, and Abu Bakr distributed them among the people.

5. And whoever turns away from the apostates from the city, and slows down his danger; Fight him with books, sending them to the Muslim governors in their territories, as the Messenger of God used to do, urging them to rise up to fight the apostates, and ordering the people to stand with them in this matter.

As for those of them who came close to Medina and became in danger, such as Banu Abbas and Dhubyan

He did not see the need to fight them, despite the harsh circumstances. In which the city of the Messenger of God (PBUH) was living, so it was better to fortify the offspring and children to the fortresses, and the reefs to protect them from the treachery of the apostates, and he prepared for the battle himself and his men.

The people of apostasy failed to conquer Medina

Three days after the return of the apostate delegations, some of the tribes of Asad, Ghatafan, Abs, Dhibyan, and Bakr invaded Medina at night, leaving some of them behind in Dhi Hassi. to be supportive of them, and the guards of the veils noticed this, and they sent the news to Al-Siddiq, so he sent to them to stay in your places, so they did, and he went out with the people of the mosque, so the Muslims followed them on their camels, Until they reached Dhul-Husa (a place), so the Rad'a came out against them (those who stand until the fighters leave the fight and fight) in parts, And they put ropes in them, then with their feet, in the faces of the camels, so the camels of the Muslims fled while they were on them - they crooked them with what they possessed until they entered the city, and no Muslim was killed or injured.

Abdullah Al-Laithi said

And the Banu Abd Manat were among the apostates - and they are the Banu Dhibyan - in that matter, in Dhu al-Qasaa and in Dhi Hasa: We stabbed the Messenger of God what was between us, O servants of God, what Abu Bakr has to inherit from a firstborn if he dies after him, and that is the life of God breaking the back, so would you repeat our delegation in his time? are you don't afraid of the virgin she-camel, and that what they asked of you, you refused, is like dates or sweeter to me than dates, so the people thought the Muslims were weak.

And they sent the news to the people of Dhu al-Qasrah, so they submitted to them relying on those who told them, so Abu Bakr spent his night getting ready, so he mobilized the people, then he went out to mobilize from his night walking, on his right was al-Nu’man ibn Muqrin, on his left was Abdullah ibn Muqrin, and on the rear of the army was Suwayd ibn Muqrin with stirrups and the dawn did not come but an illusion, and the enemy was on one level, they did not hear the Muslims whispering, nor feeling until they put swords on them, so they fought their night, and the sun did not set until they turned their backs.

They defeated most of them, and Habbal - the brother of Tulayha al-Asadi - was killed. And Abu Bakr followed them until he came to Dhu al-Qasaa - and it was the beginning of the conquest - and he placed al-Nu`man ibn Muqrin with it in a number, and he returned to Medina, and the polytheists were humiliated there, so the Banu Dhibyan leapt and frowned upon the Muslims among them, so they killed them every killer, and those behind them did what they did, the Muslims gave honor with Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr swore to kill every murderer among the polytheists, and let them kill in every tribe those of the Muslims who were killed, and more.

We benefit from this part of his biography - may God be pleased with him

1 - Can you imagine that it will be the second day of his caliphate, when people wage war against him (apostasy from Islam and withholding zakat) and this is the beginning of the calamities that befell Islam after the death of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, and it is said, do not ask God to remove obstacles from you, but rather ask Him to strengthen your back, and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq was known for the softness of the heart and its tears when hearing the Qur’an, and when parting with his loyal friend, the honorable Prophet of morals (the Messenger of God), he is the one who stood up as a man to protect Islam from its enemies as a Muslim ruler, there was no equal even among non-Muslim rulers at that time.

2- Going out by himself to stand in front of the enemies face to face, an indication of his courage and his non-compliance in the matter, no matter how hard God may cost him.

General features of the personality of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

1 - as the first to assume the caliphate of Muslims after the Messenger of God as a general hint, we must teach as a kind of pure monotheism to God Almighty, that the main choice was for God Almighty before the Muslims for the personality of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq to be the first caliph among the Muslims, and as usual with God (God does not look at our outward appearances and forms, but rather at what hearts involved in it ) and as the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - used to say about Abu Bakr, when his faith alone is equal to half of the nation: (For something settled in his heart) It is known about the heart of our master Abu Bakr (tenderness and kindness), as he was more than freed the slaves, and he used to read the Qur’an and weep. This, in addition to firmness in mind, was the focus of God’s consideration, not only for Abu Bakr, but also for the Islamic nation, to be placed in the hands of a soft-hearted person who fears for its interest at the same time.

2- It is said that you want to know your position with God, look at what has established you, if you noticed, you would have found that Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him - before his caliphate was a man who loved God and His Messenger and did anything to please them, and after the caliphate: all his concern was not to detract from the Islamic civilization one inch of its lands that were conquered by Islam.

4- The dispute that arose when he pledged allegiance to him - may God be pleased with him - is a natural situation, i.e. friction between people generates discussion and then disagreement, and this is not a normal discussion, but rather a discussion about the emirate, which shines like gold in the eyes of those who are exposed to it, except for those who take it by right, which is that it is an obligation that is not honorable, and Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him and please him - took it by right.

6- Fighting those who refuse to pay zakat and consider them apostates. If only we had Abu Bakr again, because those who refuse zakat are more than not performing the prayer, so you find a person paying taxes and saying, “I do not pay zakat and taxes at the same time.

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Final words

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq died with all his morals, with all his moral responsibility to defend Islam and Muslims, so did the just ruler of Muslims die with him with all morals and defense of Islam without extremism that is out of place, or compassion and mercy for all Muslims, and freed the slaves who fill the east and west right Now? And we understood who are the former to heaven and why?

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