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4 - The death of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

The last thing Abu Bakr said was the Almighty

{تَوَفَّنِي مُسْلِمًا وَأَلْحِقْنِي بِالصَّالِحِينَ}

{Take me dead as a Muslim and join me with the righteous}

The narrators differed about the cause of the death of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him - on several sayings.

Some of them said that

He died from the effect of a poison that the Jews had placed for him a year before his death. It was said that the Jews had poisoned him in rice, and it was said in Harira, “flour cooked with milk or fat,” which is soup. He and Al-Harith bin Kalda ate and said to Abu Bakr, “We ate poisoned food.” Al-Tabari narrated that he died of a fever he had contracted after taking a bath during a very cold time.

Abu Bakr's illness

Abu Bakr - may God be pleased with him - took a bath on a very cold day, and as a result he fell ill with a fever, and he remained ill for fifteen days, and the fever was so severe that he could not go out to pray, and he was ordering Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - to lead the people in prayer.

On the authority of Aisha, Mother of the Believers, may God be pleased with her, she said

When Abu Bakr's illness became severe, I wept and he fainted, so I said: He whose tears are still masked, he who sheds tears is buried, So he woke up and said: Not as you said, my daughter, but: as Almighty said:{And the stupor of death brought the truth. That is what you deviate from.} Then he asked about the day of the death of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and Aisha told him that it was Monday, and he asked her about this day of his, and she told him that it was Monday, so he wished he would be arrested on it, and asked her about the shroud of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - She answered him that the Prophet was shrouded in three new white Yemeni garments, without a shirt or a turban, so he commanded - may God be pleased with him - to wash his garment and to shroud it in it along with two new garments, And he said: The living is more in need of the new than the dead, but it is for the time and the pus.

The Sermon of Abu Bakr before his death

When Abu Bakr felt that his term was approaching, he gathered the people and addressed them. He mentioned his condition and the approach of his term, then he relinquished the caliphate of the Muslims and ordered them to choose their successor from among them. He said: and God has released your oaths from my oath, and has loosed my knot from you, and your command has been returned to you, so command whom you loved, then they came to him and asked him to choose the best for them, so he took the covenant from them if he chooses to be satisfied, then make a treaty with him, then he said to them: “So give me time so that I can see for God, His religion, and His servants.” Then he asked Othman, so he came to him, so he took advice from him, and he referred to him as Umar ibn al-Khattab, He said: Write. Then Othman wrote his will to Umar bin Al-Khattab, and people came to him and said: “What do you say to your Lord when you have appointed Umar as caliph over us? He said: “I say: I appointed the best of your family over them as caliphs.

The advice before Omar succeeded - may God be pleased with him

Abu Bakr, in his illness in which he died, pledged allegiance to Umar ibn al-Khattab, the caliphate contract after him, and when he wanted the contract for him, he invit

Abdul Rahman bin Auf

He said: Tell me about Omar. He said, O successor of the Messenger of God: By God, he is better than your opinion of him from a man, but he is tough. Abu Bakr said: That is because he sees me as tender, and if the matter had led to him, he would have left much of what he is O Abu Muhammad, you have sympathized with him, and he saw me when I got angry with a man about something, he showed me contentment with him, and if he show me hardship for him, do not remember, O Abu Muhammad, anything of what I said to you. He said: Yes.

Then he called Othman bin Affan

He said: O Abu Abdullah, tell me about Omar. He said: you know him best. Abu Bakr said: On that, Abu Abdul Rahman. He said: by God, I know about him that his secret is better than his public, And there is none like him among us. Abu Bakr said: O Abu Abdullah, do not mention anything I mentioned to you. He said: I do. Abu Bakr said: If I had left him, I would not have become your enemy, and I do not know that he might have left him, and the best thing for him is that he not take over anything from your affairs, and I wish I was devoid of your affairs, and I was among those who preceded you. O Aba Abd Allah, do not remember what I told you about Omar’s affair, nor what I called you for

And entered upon Abu Bakr Talha bin Obaidullah. And he said

You appointed Umar as caliph over the people, and I saw what the people cast upon him while you were with him, so how about he if he is alone with them, and you meet your Lord and he asks you about your people, abu Bakr said: He was lying down. They made me sit down. So they sat him down. He said to Tulayha: “By God, will you separate me, or by God, will you frighten me? If I meet God, my Lord, He asked me, I said: Did you appoint the best of your family as caliph over your family? Abu Bakr supervised the people from his enclosure, and Aslama bint Amis was holding him, with tattooed hands, and he says: « Will you be satisfied with whom I appoint over you? by God, I have left no effort of opinion, I don't have any kinship over you, and I appointed Umar ibn al-Khattab as successor, so listen to him and obey, so they said: And we heard and obeyed.

Al-Waqidi said

Abu Bakr invit Othman only

He said to him in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. This is what Abu Bakr bin Abi Quhafa entrusted to the Muslims. As for after » Then he passed out and left him. Othman wrote: “As for what follows, I appoint Umar bin Al-Khattab over you, , and I will give you something good, then Abu Bakr woke up and said: “Recite to me.” Type : and he said, " I see you, I was afraid that people would disagree if I died in my trance, He said: Yes. He said: May God reward you with good on behalf of Islam and its people, and Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, endorsed it from this place.

What did he order his daughter Aisha at the time of his death - may God be pleased with them both?

To return what he has to the Muslims’ treasury, and he said: “And there is nothing left with us from the spoils of the Muslims, except for this Abyssinian slave, this camel is the animal from which it draws its water, and this velvet. If you die, send them to Omar, when Umar found out about that, he wept and said: “May God have mercy on Abu Bakr, for he was tired after him.

How long he tooks time in which the Muslims were in under his charge ?

Two years, three months and ten nights

How old was he when he died?

He died at the age of sixty-three years after Maghrib on Monday the twenty-second of Jumada al-Akhirah in the thirteenth year of migration

He was buried the night when he died

Omar Ibn Al-Khattab prayed for him, and said Takbeer four times in the mosque of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, between the grave and the pulpit, and his son Abd al-Rahman, Umar, Uthman and Talha entered his grave and placed his head on the shoulders of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, they attached his grave to the grave of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and made his grave flat like his grave, Aisha and the women mourned for him, but Umar forbade them to weep, but they refused, He said to Hisham bin Al-Walid, “Enter.” So he brought out the daughter of Abi Quhafa to me, so Umm Farwa bint Abi Quhafa, sister of Abi Bakr, went out to him, He did to her with a whip, so the wailing dispersed when they heard that.

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