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5 - The second Caliphate: Omar bin Al-Khattab

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Before we talk about his caliphate - may God be pleased with him - we must get to know his personality as a human being before he was a Muslim -

The first to be called the Commander of the Faithful, the Companions were calling Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq as the successor of the Messenger of God, and after Umar assumed the caliphate, Omar was announced as the successor, the successor of the Messenger of God, So the companions agreed to change the name to the Commander of the Faithful, he was one of the companions of Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Messenger of Islam. He is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise, and among the scholars of the Companions and their ascetics.

Let's begain

Omar bin Al-Khattab bin Nufail Al-Qurashi Al-Adawi - may God be pleased with him -

It was said that the first person with whom the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, called him, was the first to be called the Commander of the Faithful.

his mother

Hantama bint Hashem bin al-Mughirah al-Makhzumiyeh his birtn, omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - was born four years after the greatest evildoer, that is, thirty years before the honorable prophetic mission, and it is reported that he was born thirteen years after the Year of the Elephant.

His physical attributes

Biographers and historians said that he was tall, stature, left-handed: he wrote with his left hand, hairy, bald head, very red.

Who is dearest to Islam?

His conversion to Islam was the beginning of a new way in the public worship of God Almighty, which was reported from the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - that he said in it: (Oh God, honor Islam with the most beloved of these two men to you, By Abu Jahl or Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, so the most beloved of them to God was Omar Ibn Al-Khattab.

His social position in society

He was one of the nobles and wealthy of Quraish

His religion before Islam


One of his attributes before Islam

booze addict

After his conversion to Islam

He was one of the furthest people from drinking wine and the most hated of it. He calls upon God and says: “Oh God, make clear to us in wine a clear explanation, until the Almighty said: ( O you who have believed, it is only wine, facilitator, and Idols and arrows, an abomination from the work of Satan, so avoid it, that you may be successful, Satan only wants to create enmity and hatred between you through wine and gambling, And he hinders you from the remembrance of God and prayer, so will you not opt out?” [Al-Ma’idah: 90-91]. Omar, may God be pleased with him, said: We are done, we're done.

Was Omar really killing the girls alive before Islam?

The first woman Omar married - may God be pleased with him - was Zainab bint Mazoon, the sister of Uthman and Qudamah, and she bore him Hafsa, Abdullah and Abdul Rahman the Great, as stated in the beginning and the end by Ibn Kathir: He told Al-Waqidi, Ibn Al-Kalbi, and others, that Umar married Zainab bint Maz`oon in the pre-Islamic period, the sister of Othman bin Maz`oon, and she bore him Abdullah, Abd al-Rahman al-Akbler and Hafsa, may God be pleased with them, the birth of Hafsa was five years before the mission, as it was mentioned in Al-Mustadrak and others on the authority of Umar, may God be pleased with him, who said: Hafsa and Quraysh were born to build the house five years before the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was sent, and for this reason she is the eldest of Umar’s daughters, and he did not kill her alive, so why should he be kill alive someone who is younger than her?

His hatred of Muslims before his conversion to Islam

He was one of those who resisted the call of monotheism that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, came with, and persecuted those who believed in it from the Banu Uday bin Ka’b, Ibn Ka'b, so he was among those who were harmed by Umar's conversion to Islam, the closest of people to him, His sister Fatima, her husband Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail, and the mother of Saeed Fatima bint Ba’ajah, Among those who narrated Omar’s torturing them was the slave girl of Bani al-Mu’amel while they were alive from Bani Uday bin Ka’b, so Omar would beat her till he became bored, He said: I apologize to you, that I left you nothing but bored.. So Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq bought her and freed her.

The second position and (The beginning of his thought in Islam)

What was narrated on the authority of Umm Abdullah bint Abi Hathma, who said: By God, we will travel to the land of Abyssinia, and Amer bin Rabi’ah bin Ka’b has gone on some of our needs, When Omar Ibn Al-Khattab came until Ali stood - while he was on his side - she said: We used to suffer from him a calamity that hurt us and hardened us. She said: so He said: It's to go, Umm Abdullah. She said: I said: Yes, by God, we will go out in God's land, you have harmed us and oppressed us, until God makes us a way out. She said: He said: May God be with you, and I saw in him a tenderness that I did not see before, then he left, and he was saddened - as I see - our departure. She said: So Amer came with his need, so I said to him: O Abu Abdullah, If you saw Omar earlier, his tenderness and sadness for us, he said: Do you hope for his conversion to Islam? She said: I said: Yes, he said: The one you saw does not become Muslim until the donkey of Al-Khattab surrenders.

The first story

And another story is narrated about the reason for his conversion to Islam - may God be pleased with him - which is what Imam Ahmad narrated in his Musnad, he said: Abu Al-Mughirah told us, he said: Safwan told us, he said: Shuraih bin Ubaid told us, he said: Omar said: I went out to meet the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and found him he had preceded me to the mosque, I got up behind him, listening to what the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was saying, the dialogue that took place between him and himself after hearing the Qur’an from the Messenger of God, so he opened Surat Al-Haqqah, So I became astonished at the composition of the Qur’an, so I said: By God, this is a poet. So the Messenger of God recited: {Verily, it is the speech of a noble Messenger (40) and it is not the saying of a poet. Little do you believe.} So I said, a priest, so the Messenger of God (Nor does the saying of a priest, little of you remember (42) a revelation from the Lord of the worlds...) Omar Ibn Al-Khattab said, “Islam fell in my heart at every site.” Excluding the previous hadith: Al-Haythami said: “Al-Tabarani narrated it in Al-Awsat and its narrators are trustworthy, However, Shuraih bin Ubaid did not realize Omar.” His death - may God have mercy on him - attributed him to Ahmed as well.

The second story

Omar went out one day, wearing his sword, wanting Muhammad, so Naim bin Abdullah met him on the road, and when he knew his destination, he said to him: By God, you have been deceived, O Omar, do you see Bani Abd Manaf? letting you walk on the ground when you killed Muhammad, and it is better for you to rise up your family first, for your sister Fatimah and her husband, Saeed Ibn Zayd, have embraced Islam, Omar immediately went to them and they had Khabab bin Al-Arat teaching her the Qur’an. When they heard his voice, Khabab hid and Fatimah hid the paper they were reading. Omar asked her about what he heard about their get out of their religion, He left the religion of the fathers, followed Muhammad and brutalized his sister's husband, so his sister got up to stop him from her husband, so he hit her and slit her head: He stroked her head until blood flowed from her head, and she said: Yes, we have embraced Islam and are safe, so do what you want. When he saw what he had done to his sister, he regretted and asked her to give him the paper they were reading to see what Muhammad had come and swore to her by his gods that he would not harm it, so she coveted his Islam, And she said to him, "You are unclean because you are a polytheist, and only those who are purified can touch it." So he got up and took a bath, and she gave him the scroll, and when he read a face from it, he said: How good and honorable these words are, and when Khabbab heard that from him this, He came out of his hiding place and said: "By God, Omar, I hope that God has singled you out for the call of His Prophet, Yesterday, I heard him say, “Oh God, support Islam with Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham, Yesterday, I heard him say, “Oh God, support Islam with Abu Al-Hakam bin Hisham, or with Omar bin Al-Khattab, then Allah, Allah O Omar, so he asked him about the location of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he told him, He told him that he was with his companions at Al-Safa in the house of Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam, So he went to them and knocked on the door, and a great companion looked at the door gap, and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab found him gloating his sword, Hamzah said: Then, O Messenger of God, if he wants something good, we will do it for him, And if he wanted evil, we killed him with his sword, so the Messenger took him from the compound of his robe and pulled him tightly and said: What brought you, O Ibn Al-Khattab? By God, I do not see that it ends until God brings you down a catastrophe, Omar said, O Messenger of God, I came to you to believe in God and His Messenger and what came from God, so the Messenger of God say Allah Akbr, and the Muslims say Allah Akbr.

The story of his Islam loud it out:

And Omar’s conversion to Islam was a good beginning for Islam and Muslims. Omar asked the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, are we not on the truth, O Messenger of God, whether we die or live? He said: Yes, by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, you are upon the truth, whether you are alive or dead. Omar said: So why hide? by Him who sent you with the truth, you will be expelled.” So the Messenger of God and the Muslims came out behind him in two rows, one with Hamza and the other with Omar, And they have a lot: the dust of the road that their feet stirred up when walking - as if it were heavy with flour, so they entered the Sacred Mosque, and the Quraysh looked at them with gloom, Neither salit: raunchy of them, nor a wise man, would dare to approach two rows in which these two were, and the Muslims prayed around the Kaaba in front of the eyes of the Quraysh, from that day on, they became a visible force, and the Meccan society became two sects, a Muslim sect and another polytheistic group, and that is why the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, nicknamed Umar as al-Faruq, because God differentiated by him between two covenants in the Islamic message, the appearance of the Muslims in Makkah and the public practice of their rituals around the Kaaba was a pain in the throat of the Quraysh, as I was afraid that its youth would be tempted by this religion, and they would be attracted to it in particular, and that its rituals have become practiced in front of them, so the Quraysh deliberately harmed the Muslims of the Kaaba, disregarding its sanctity, this abuse did not prevent Muslims from covering the Grand Mosque and praying in it.

His Jealousy

Al-Bukhari narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah who said: “While we were with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he said: “While I was sleeping, I saw me in Paradise, If a woman performs ablution next to a palace, I said: Who is this palace for? They said: To Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, so I mentioned his jealousy, I gave my back to the place)) Umar cried and said: From you jealous, O Messenger of God?!” (Bukhari, Hadith: 3680).

We benefit from the following story of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

1 - The one who has one of his relatives or children who is not a believer (unbeliever) or has little faith in comparison with him. Shame on you that you despair of his/her religion or belief in God, and remember the story (If the donkey of Omar became Muslim) and also remember that as God Almighty said (Do not guide the one you love, but God guides whom He wills) You are a cause, not a result.

2 - Omar Ibn Al-Hattab was frightening to Muslims, because of his physical characteristics that indicate strength, and he was also loud in voice - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction.

4 - Opposites met in Omar until he embraced Islam (violence and hardship “his story with his sister and her husband” and the tenderness of his heart upon hearing the Qur’an, It is said that there is a period in the life of each of us called "earthquake" during this period your being is squeezed between contradictions and you do not know to settle on any of them, like the period of adolescence.” Even if the matter is resolved between you and yourself, you announce what you have reached and this is your nature.

5- He was a polytheist (multiple gods) for 26 years of his life, and the Muslims around him were numerous and no one could harm him because he was not a Muslim, not only because he was strong, If this happens now, someone who was not a Muslim or a believer in the midst of the crowd of believers, they will utter him with all the strength they are given, otherwise they will care if he dies in disbelief and they forgot that God guides one man through you, among the Muslims: some people throw children outside the houses of God, even when they grow up, they decide not to step into it and not to enter it. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best agent in Muslims who have come close to claiming divinity.

6 - Of course, whoever lives on something usually dies on it, look at the number of battles he entered into after he embraced Islam, He, may God be pleased with him, was pleased with him, strong in structure, strong in courge, What he did against the Muslims in the pre-Islamic era, he did in the interest of the Muslims after Islam.

The agreement of the Qur’an with the opinion of Omar bin Al-Khattab in more than one place

Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was distinguished by a great deal of faith, abstraction and transparency, and he was known for his intense jealousy for Islam and his boldness in the truth, He was also characterized by reason, wisdom, and good opinion, and the Holy Qur’an came, agreeing with his opinion in many situations, the most prominent of which like: His saying to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - O Messenger of God, if we took the standing place of Abraham as a prayer place: Then the verse was revealed (And take the standing place of Abraham as a prayer place) [Al-Baqara: 125] and his saying, O Messenger of God, that your women enter upon them, the righteous and the immoral, so if you order them to veil themselves, so the verse of Hijab was revealed: (And if you ask them for things, ask them from behind a veil) [Al-Ahzab: 53] and what he said to the wives of the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace), who were united over him in jealousy: (Perhaps his Lord, if he divorces you, will replace him with better wives than you) [Al-Tahrim: 5] So it's revealed, Perhaps the descent of the revelation in accordance with the opinion of “Umar” in these situations is what made the Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) say: “May God make truth on Omar’s tongue and heart.” Narrated by Ibn Omar: “No matter ever descended upon the people, so they said about it, and Umar bin Al-Khattab said about it, except that the Qur’an was revealed as Omar, may God be pleased with him, said.

The Caliphate of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him -

The Commander of the Faithful, “Umar ibn al-Khattab,” was sworn allegiance to the Muslims on the day following the death of “Abi Bakr al-Siddiq” [22 Jumada al-Akhira 13 AH: 23 August 632 AD].

The first sermon of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him -

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of God and his family and companions. As for after:

The narrators differed about the first sermon that Omar delivered when he was appointed caliph, and some of them said: He ascended the pulpit and said: Oh God, I am severe, so make me soft, and I am weak, so give me strength, and I am stingy so ةake me generous, And in a narration that he said: God has afflicted you with me, and He has afflicted me with you after my friends, By God, nothing of your order will come to me, followed by someone without me, If he is not absent from me, then perform it on behalf of the people of the part - meaning the sufficiency - and the trust, By Allah, if they do good, I will do good to them, and if they do bad, we will punish them.

It was narrated that when the caliph was appointed, he ascended the pulpit and almost sat down In place of Abu Bakr

And he said: God would not have seen me consider myself worthy of Abu Bakr’s council, Then he descended a step or two, then he thanked God and praised Him, then said: Recite the Qur’an and you become acquainted with it, and act upon it, and you will be among its people, weigh yourselves before you are weighed, and beautify yourself for the greatest display on the day when you will be presented to God, not a single secret of yours will be hidden, He did not reach the right of a right to be obeyed in disobedience to God, Indeed, I have lowered myself from God’s wealth in the position of an orphan’s guardian: If I became self-sufficient, I would be chaste, and if you lack, you eat according to favor. These narratives can be combined, That Omar, may God be pleased with him, delivered his sermon in front of a group of people, and some of them memorized it unless others memorized it.

The establishment of diwans during the era of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

1 - Creation of divans (and put it in the fifteenth year of migration)

Diwan word

Arabized Persian, meaning record or table, although the word has a broader content in the Arabic language, as the diwan becomes synonymous with the administrative apparatus entrusted with carrying out the administrative, financial and military actions of the state, this word is also applied to the place where the state records are kept, and then it came to be called to the places where the members of the administrative apparatus sit, as for the era of Omar, it did not transgress during the era of Omar, may God be pleased with him, its first meaning; So the Diwan is a record in which those who were obliged to give from the army and others were counted, and in front of each name the bid of its owner was mentioned.

The reason for the creation of diwans

Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, came to him with money from Bahrain, and Omar, may God be pleased with him, said to him: What did you bring with it? He said: Five hundred thousand dirhams, so Omar made it more, He said: Do you know what you are saying? He said: Yes, one hundred thousand five times. Omar said: Is it better? He said: I do not know, so Omar, may God be pleased with him, ascended the pulpit, and he praised God and praised him, then he said: O people, a lot of money has come to us, so if you wish, we will all be your measure, and if you like: we counted for you, then a man stood up to him and said: O Commander of the Faithful, you have seen the non-Arabs, they write a diwan for them, so you write a diwan for us.

How do Muslims accept the idea of divans?

Al-Jahiz mentioned that when Umar, may God be pleased with him, put the Diwan down, Abu Sufyan bin Harb and Hakim bin Hizam, may God be pleased with them both, stood up to it, They said: “O Commander of the Faithful, there are books like the books of Bani Al-Asfar. If you do that, the people will rely on the books and leave trade and livelihood.” Omar said: “The spoils and Muslims have increased.

The divans were in different languages

The Diwan of the Levant was in the Roman language. Because he was from the Roman kingdoms, the Diwan of Iraq was in Persian; Because he was from the kingdoms of the Persians, so their matter was still ongoing until the time of Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, So the Diwan of the Levant was transferred to Arabic in the year eighty-one Hijri. It is known that this Diwan remained completely unrelated to the Diwan of Umar, may God be pleased with him (Al-Ata’) who later entered the army office, and it is mentioned that the Egyptian court was written in Coptic, and this office is handled by Coptic employees.

When Omar Ibn Al-Khattab consulted the Muslims in establishing the Diwan

Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said to him: “You divide every year what you collect of money, and don't hold anything from it. Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, said: I see a lot of money following the people, and if they are not counted until it is known who took from whom did not take, I was afraid that the matter would spread, so Al-Walid bin Hisham bin Al-Mughirah said to him: O Commander of the Faithful, I have come to Syria and I have seen its kings writing down a book and recruiting an army, write down a diwan, and recruit a soldier, so he took what he said, so he called Aqeel bin Abi Talib, Makhramah bin Nawfal, and Jubair bin Mutim, and they were from the lineage of Quraysh, so he said: Write the people on their houses, so they wrote, so they started with Banu Hashim, Then Abu Bakr and his people followed them, then Umar and his people over the caliphate, when Umar looked at him, he said: By God, I wish it was like this, but start with the kinship of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the closest and the closest, until you put Omar where God put him.

The Diwans were not only in the Madinah

- The diwans, which are the records of giving, were not all present in the city, but rather each diwan was kept separately by the governor of the country or tribe in which it was imposed for the people of giving, the office of Himyar was with the governor of Yemen, and the office of Basra was with its governor, the office of each emirate is with its ruler, so that every Muslim now collects his donations from the country in which he is, as each governor became responsible for delivering the gifts to his companions in his state, and Omar, may God be pleased with him, was delivering gifts to his companions in and around the city.

Types of divans created by Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

1 - The Giving Divan

Al-Tabari specified the year “15 AH / 636 AD” as the date for the compilation of the Diwan by Umar, may God be pleased with him. He said: “In this year, Omar enjoined the Muslims, wrote down the collections, and gave gifts according to the previous one, while Al-Baladhuri determined the year “20 AH / 641 CE.” He mentioned, when Omar unanimously agreed to write down the Diwan, and that was in Muharram in the year twenty...but all the narrations agree on an essential point, and it is that the large flow of money to Medina from the conquests of the cities, was the reason that called for Omar, may God be pleased with him, to put the Diwan.

2- The collection Divan

Al-Mawardi distinguishes between the Diwan al-Ataa, which was established by Umar, may God be pleased with him, and the Diwan al-Jabiya, and warns against confusing the two, as for the collection and collection of funds, this matter took place in it after the emergence of Islam in the Levant and Iraq, as it was before.

3 - The House of Money

Omar, may God be pleased with him, established the treasury, and it did not exist during the reign of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, nor during the reign of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, as their policy stipulated the distribution of what comes from the fifths and zakat money to the city to those in it, and Omar refused at first to deviate from this policy, when one of the Muslims said to him: “Oh, Commander of the Faithful, if you had left a number in the treasury, it would have been, He said: A word that Satan cast on your mouth, and God protected me from its evil, and it is a trial for those after me. Rather, I prepared for them what God and His Messenger commanded us: obedience to God and His Messenger, for they are our equipment with which we have led to what you see, So if this money is the price of one of you's debt, you will perish.

The resources of the treasury were numerous, including zakat, alms, tribute, tithes, and kharaj, and the latter was of great importance, especially after the caliph’s decision to keep the agricultural lands, In the hands of their local owners, which contributed to providing an environment conducive to stability in the conquered countries, and these financial sources were being registered in the Bait Al-Mal under the supervision of a device delegated by the Caliph for this task, foremost among them was the first official who became known as the “owner of the house of money.” The distribution process took an organized form that went beyond a gift or reward to stable salaries or to a tender, in addition to the funds carried by the caliph’s order in projects with general characteristics.

The solidarity for all groups of society with Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

The first who impose a money for a newborn in Islam

A caravan of merchants came to Medina, and they went down to the Musjd, Omar said to Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf: Can we guard them tonight from theft? so they guarded them and prayed, so Omar heard a boy crying, so he went towards him and said to his mother: Fear God and do good to your boy. Then he returned to his place, and he heard his crying again, He went back to his mother and said the same to her, so when it was at the end of the night he heard his crying, so he came to his mother and said: Woe to you! I see you a bad mother to her son, why do I see your son not confessing since tonight? she said: O Abdullah - while she did not know him - you have made me sleepy since tonight. I am teaching him to wean, but he refuses, He said: Why? She said: Because Omar is only imposed to wean, He said: and how for him? He asks about the boy's age, she said: Such and such a month. He said: Woe to me! Don't rush him. So he prayed the dawn prayer, and the people could not heared how much he had recited because of the overwhelming weeping. When he delivered the salutation, he said: what a misery for Omar! How many Muslim children were killed? Then he commanded a caller, so he called out: Don't rush your children from weaning, for we impose an obligation on every child born in Islam.

The Solidarity with foundlings

He, may God be pleased with him, used to say: “If he brings a foundling, he will be given one hundred dirhams, and he will be given a provision that his guardian takes every month, As much as he would fix it, then he would transfer it from one state to another, and he would recommend them well, and he would make their suckling and spending from the treasury hous.

Enforce to the slaves to eat the same food as the free

On the authority of Abi Ubaid and others, that Omar said - while he took the meddy in one hand and the installment in one hand - and they are two Arabic measures: I have enjoined for each Muslim soul every month a measure of wheat, two parts of vinegar, and two parts of oil, A man said: And the slaves? Omar said: Yes, and the slaves. Then he ascended the pulpit, praising God, and then said: We have granted you your gifts and your provisions every month, and in his hands was the pipe and the ruler, so he moved them, then said: Whoever detracts from them, Allah will do such-and-such for him and supplicate for him.

Establishing a supply house (and food along the road between Makkah and Madinah)

He built (the flour house) and made in it flour, stalks, dates, raisins, and whatever he needed; He appoints the one with whom the road is cut off with him, and the guest descends at the age of the caliph, and he placed in the paths between Mecca and Medina what is suitable for those who are interrupted by it, He is carried from water to water until he reaches the place he wants.

His dealings with the People of the Book ( Solidarity )

Here is Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, passing by one, one day at the door of a group of people with a beggar asking, a blind old man, and he struck his arm “between the elbow and the shoulder” from behind him, and said: which people of the book are you from? He said: A Jew. He said: Why do I turn you to what I see?! He said: I ask for tribute, need and age, Omar took him by the hand and took him to his house. So he gaves him something from what was in his house, then he sent for the treasurer of the treasury, and he said: Look at this man and his likes. By God, we did not do justice to him, if we ate his youth and then let him down when old, {Alms are only for the poor and the needy} [At-Tawbah: 60]. And the poor are the Muslims, and this is one of the poor people of the Book. and put out from him the tribute, and the like.

The living to the lepers

Al-Baladhuri also narrates that Umar “passed at the entrance to Al-Jabiyyah - from the land of the Levant - by a lepers among the Christians, and he commanded that they be given alms, and that sustenance be served on them.”

Some of his other achievements - may God be pleased with him -

The worship

the first to gather people for Taraweeh prayer.

He is the first to make the caliphate a shura among a specific number.

the first who extended Al-Masjid an-Nabawi.

The first to give prizes for memorizing the Holy Quran.

The first to the last station of Abraham.

People gather on four takbeers in the funeral prayer.

Related studies

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“We wanted to know whether we could link personality descriptor words to body shape in predictable ways,” explains Hu. “That is, do people look at a person’s body and make snap judgments about whether the person is lazy, enthusiastic, or irritable?”

The Psychology of Getting More Done (In Less Time)

According to research by Janet Polivy, our brain fears big projects and often fails to commit to long-term goals because we're susceptible to "abandoning ship" at the first sign of distress, additional research in this area (surrounding the Zeigarnik Effect) suggests that we're prone to procrastinating on large projects because we visualize the worst parts and thus delay in getting started.What do our brains prefer to do instead? According to researcher John Bargh, your brain will attempt to "simulate" real productive work by avoiding big projects and focusing on small, mindless tasks to fill your time.

You can complete the two studies via the links below, but the last words:

1- There is no doubt that our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was one of the highly productive people in a short time, 10 years, and he came out to the Muslims with all this momentum, productivity, and life that became somewhat luxurious at the end of his reign because of the conquests... This is one of the great things.

2- The external appearance of our master Omar, and his loud voice affected his personality throughout his life, so that people were afraid of his appearance only before he spoke.

3 - What we benefit from his entire biography - which will not end in this file - is that on a personal level he has an open mentality and seeks to learn and progress, which is unreasonable for a person whose background is (ignorance) Islam is about personalities who have no knowledge, personalities taught in universities, their behavior and personalities.

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