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7 - Islamic conquests during the era of Omar bin Al-Khatta

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

The Factors of the success of the conquests during the reign of Amr ibn al-Khattab

There are many reasons and factors that led to the success of the conquests during the era of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him -, including:

1 - high morale in the ranks of the Muslim army, knowing the goal for which they are fighting, and their love for martyrdom more than life, faith and belief in the Muslim army, and the association of their militarism with the established religion.

2 - Not submitting to whims and personal greed, and striving to seek the pleasure of God Almighty.

3 - Their courage, and this is all because it was for the sake of God Almighty, in addition to their tolerance and humanity, which made others believe in them.

4 - Omar's policy of equality, justice, security, freedom, and consultation, which was prepared for what came after that of jihad and conquests.

The Damascus conquest

Damascus was conquered during the reign of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - in the fourteenth year of Hijra, in the month of Rajab, and it came on the authority of Ibn Ishaq, that was after the Muslims marched to it with their Emir Khaled, so they stationed until God Almighty granted victory to them, so Damascus opened peace after they besieged it for fourteen months, the reconciliation took place on Sunday in the middle of the month of Rajab after the Muslims met with the Romans led by Bahan, and fierce fighting took place between them, after which the Romans were defeated, which forced them to enter Damascus and close the doors on them, so the Muslims besieged it until it was opened, and the Romans paid tribute to them, and that was after Khaled heard of the rise of the Romans by holding a party for the owner of Damascus, he prepared the stairs to enter them in the evening, Some of the honorable companions climbed the wall, opened the door for the rest of the army, and Khaled entered them and agreed with them on reconciliation, and wrote about that to Omar - may God be pleased with him.

The conquest of Homs and Baalbek

The conquest of Homs and Baalbek was after the conquest of Damascus, where Abu Ubaidah - may God be pleased with him - marched with twelve thousand, It was conquered by peace at the end of the fourteenth year of the Hijrah, and it was said: Homs was conquered in the fifteenth year, Abu Ubaidah - may God be pleased with him - went to Homs after he conquered Baalbek, Homs was one of the bases of Heraclius, and he used to send his soldiers from there to fight the Muslims in the south, and from there he runs his military operations, and when Abu Ubaidah reached it, the enemy forces confronted him, so Abu Ubaidah sent a force led by Khaled, then they entered it after the enemy turned their backs. The Muslims besieged the people of Homs, and when their conditions worsened, they feared for themselves, they agreed to come down under Islamic rule by peace; Which includes their payment of tribute, and the protection of Muslims for them, their property, and their places of worship, Homs was one of the most important conquests in the Levant, and Abu Ubaidah wrote to Umar - may God be pleased with him - with the conquest of Homs and said to him: and the most numerous, collected and extracted, and the easiest of them to conquer the Muslims.

The Conquest of Jordan

All of Jordan was conquered by force at the hands of Sharhabeel ibn Hasna, except for Tiberias. Peace was opened by order of Abu Ubaidah, and in the fifteenth year of the month of Rajab, the battle of Yarmouk was between the Romans, who numbered more than a hundred thousand, and the Muslims thirty thousand, so the Muslims defeated them after they killed seventy thousand of the Romans, one of its effects was the exit of Heraclius from Antioch to Constantinople.

The opening the Jerusalem

Jerusalem was conquered in the sixteenth year of the Hijrah, after Amr ibn al-Aas wrote to Omar - may God be pleased with them both - to consult him on the matter of Jerusalem, so he left the matter to him, so he started with the battle of Ajnadayn, which was a prelude to the conquest of Jerusalem in the fifteenth year, and Artaboun, the Roman commander in Jerusalem, distributed his soldiers to Ramla and Elijah, which are eighteen miles away from Jerusalem, In preparation for any move by the Muslims, the plan of Amr ibn al-Aas was to occupy the Romans in Palestine so that he would be victorious in Agnadeen battle, Then he and those with him devoted themselves to the conquest of Jerusalem, then Amr - may God be pleased with him - occupied the Romans in Ramla and Elijah by sending Muslim forces to fight them, and he ended his battle in Ajnadayn, then besieged Elijah for three days, and then began throwing arrows at them, and that situation lasted eleven days, until Abu Ubaidah and Khalid came, which made the people of Elijah terrified of that, and besieged them for four months until they despaired of what they were in, so they decided to surrender, and Umar came and received the keys from them.

In the year 15 AH

Al-Farouk Omar sent the leaders of the Islamic armies to the ruler of Jerusalem to hand them the keys to the city of Al-Aqsa after he wanted peace. Its ruler, Patriarch Sophronius, refused to hand over the keys to any of the leaders, "Amr bin Al-Aas, or Sharhabil bin Hasna, or Abu Ubaidah Amer bin Al-Jarrah, the patriarch separated what he summarized for the three companions, saying; we have read in our books descriptions of those who receive the keys to the city of Jerusalem, and we do not see these descriptions in any of your leaders, so they sent to Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, and asked him to come to receive the keys himself, Omar responded to the invitation and came with his boy, and they took turns riding the animal and letting it rest once, and when they approached the outskirts of the Levant and near Jerusalem, they met a land wet by rain and torrential rain in Wadi Emwas, the honorable companion Abu Ubaidah Aamer bin Al-Jarrah addressed Al-Farouq, may God be pleased with him, saying: O Commander of the Faithful, do you put your feet in mud and wear this patchwork? These people are Caesars and kings, and they love appearances, this is a place of honor and dignity for the Muslims by receiving the keys to Jerusalem. Our master, Umar bin Al-Khattab, did not pay attention to what the Secretary of the Nation (Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah) said, rather, he responded to him with some sharpness and a little threat: we were humiliated, so God honored us with Islam, so if we seek glory in other than Him, God humiliates us, and the Commander of the Faithful determined to move forward as he was, and the boy walked, then took turns with him until the commanders and commanders of the army said, we hope that Omar's shift will be on the mount when he enters the ruler of Jerusalem, and we feared that it was the boy's seizure, so what they were warning happened, and the boy entered riding while the Commander of the Faithful was walking on his feet, and when they arrived, Sophronius looked at Umar and his robe while he was leading the beast to his boy, so he handed him the keys of Jerusalem and said to him: You, whose descriptions we have read in our books, enter walking and his boy riding, and in his dress seventeen patches. And at that time, after Umar bin Al-Khattab received the keys to Jerusalem, he fell down prostrating to God, and he spent his night crying, and his tears did not dry up, and when he was asked about the reason for his crying, he said: I cry because I am afraid that the world will open up to you, and you will deny each other, and then the people of heaven will deny you.

The conquest of Egypt

Amr ibn al-Aas headed with his army consisting of three thousand and five hundred fighters to Egypt after the stability of the situation in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula in the twentieth year of the Hijrah, and it was under Byzantine rule, and he marched his army through the sea coast until he reached the city of Crimea, and fought and defeated those in it, and took control of their camps, then the battle of Ain Shams, which was on the way to their liberation of Egypt, took place, and Amr ibn al-Aas and those with him were victorious, and he sent to Omar asking him for supplies, He sent him reinforcements, and he marched with his army until he reached the fortress of Babylon, and God Almighty conquered it, and its people agreed to peace and pay tribute, and that was a great conquest and victory for the Muslims in Egypt, and Amr bin Al-Aas sent to Omar telling him to open Egypt, then he opened Alexandria, which was the end of the regions affiliated with Egypt, so they accepted peace after their siege and came under Islamic rule.

The Basra conquest

And that was in the fourteenth year when Omar Shuraih bin Amer was sent to Basra, so he marched to Al-Ahwaz and was killed there, so he sent to them another leader called Utbah bin Ghazwan Al-Mazni, so he conquered Al-Abla, then the Euphrates, then conquered Basra.

The Nahound conquest

The non-Arabs, the Persians, and the bracelets gathered to fight the Muslims, and when Omar reached that age, he gathered the Ansar and the Muhajireen, and consulted them on that, so he sent Al-Nu`man bin Muqrin, and if he was injured, then Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman would be in his place, and after him Jarir bin Abdullah Al-Bajali, and he asked for support from the people of Kufa and the people of Basra, and they gathered two leagues before Nahawand, and fought them until God Almighty gave them victory.

The Opening of Tester

The King of Hormuzan came under the rule of Omar, so he sent him to Medina, and when he entered it, he wore the crown and the brocade, and he wore his Ajami costume, so he entered Omar while he was in the mosque, Al-Hurmuzan fell when they told him that he was Umar, and Umar said to him: “If you do not become Muslim, I will kill you.” So he asked for water before that, and a cup of wood was brought to him, but he refused to drink from it, then Umar offered him Islam until he became Muslim.

Fares cities

Among the Persian cities that were conquered during the reign of Omar; The city of Istakhr under the leadership of Uthman bin Abi al-Aas al-Thaqafi, then they conquered the province of Ardashir and it is called Istakhar the first, then Isfahan was conquered

The conquest of Sous

This was under the leadership of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari after he besieged its people

The conquest of Burqa

When did Barqa open? After Amr Ibn al-Aas - may God be pleased with him - conquered Alexandria, he headed west to Cyrenaica, so he conquered it in peace, and that was during the reign of Caliph Umar Ibn al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - in the year 21 AH.

The conquest of the Romans

What countries were taken from the Romans during the era of Omar? During the reign of the Commander of the Faithful, Umar ibn al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - the Muslims were able to conquer the whole of the Levant and liberate it from Roman rule, and the Muslims were penetrating into the lands of the Romans without any significant resistance. Qinnasrin and Antioch until he reached Tarsus.

Other cities opened during the time of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab

There are many other cities that were opened during the time of Caliph Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - Including: the conquest of Tikrit and Mosul:

And the two were under the rule of a man called Al-Antiqat, so Umar - may God be pleased with him - ordered Abdullah bin Al-Mu'tam to fight them, and he had five thousand fighters with him, so he descended to Tikrit and defeated its people, then he walked until he reached Mosul, so its people surrendered, so he reconciled them to tribute.

The results of the Islamic conquests and their effects on the world

The Islamic conquest had many effects on the whole world, including: lifting the economic burden from the people, giving them religious freedom, establishing security and order, reform in all aspects of life and its development, Likewise, progress in trade, agriculture, economy, culture, and science, transforming the Muslim people of those countries into energies for good, and from enemies to friends who participate in making civilization, in addition to not forcing the people of those countries to convert to Islam, expelling the Romans and ending them from the Levant, and the elimination of the Persian Empire, and their jihad in Egypt, North Africa and the islands of the Mediterranean, Prosperity of Islamic countries, and Muslims feeling of strength, security and prosperity.

The reason for isolating (Khalid bin Al-Walid)

The Commander of the Faithful, Umar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, explained the reason that made him dismiss Khalid bin Al-Walid, may God be pleased with him, from commanding the army, when he said: What I dismissed was treason, but I was afraid that it would be said:

He is the maker of victory

Or for fear that people will be fascinated by it

The reason for this is that Khalid, may God be pleased with him, was not defeated in any battle he fought, neither in ignorance nor in Islam, then Umar, may God be pleased with him, appointed Abu Ubaidah, may God be pleased with him, as the leader, and he is the trustworthy of this nation, and his courage and position are well known, and he is more ancient than Khalid and the oldest emigration from him, and God did not disappoint Omar’s insight in him, for Omar, may God be pleased with him, was successful in choosing him. In addition to this, Khalid, may God be pleased with him, continued to practice what he used to practice, but under the leadership of Abu Ubaidah, and Abu Ubaidah used to know his place for him, seek help from his opinion, and assign him tasks that he saw as more important to him.

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