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8 - The death of Omar bin Al-Khattab

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Omar's last Friday sermon in Medina

Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, may God be pleased with him, mentioned some of what Omar ibn al-Khattab said in the Friday sermon 21 Dhu al-Hijjah 23 AH, which is his last sermon. He said: I saw a dream, which I only see as the presence of my term, (I saw as if a rooster pecked me twice) and people are ordering me to succeed and appoint the caliph after me, God would not waste his religion, nor his caliphate, nor that which he sent his prophet with, If the caliphate is hastened, a consultation will be held between these six, with whom the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died, and he was pleased with them.

Omar's supplication in his last pilgrimage in the year 23 AH

On the authority of Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, may God have mercy on him, that Omar, may God be pleased with him, when he fled from Mina, he bowed to Al-Abtah, Heap a heap of Bathaa" Land with sand and gravel" He threw the hem of his garment over it, then lay down on it, and he raised his hands to the sky and said: “Oh God, I have grown old, my strength become weakened, my people has spread, so take me without wasting or excessive.” Then he came to Medina

Did Farouk ask for martyrdom for the sake of God?

On the authority of Zayd bin Aslam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Umar, may God be pleased with him, who said: “O God, grant me a martyrdom in Your cause, And make my death in the land of your Prophet.” And it came in a narration: “Oh God, killing in your way and death in the land of your prophet” Omar, may God be pleased with him, said: How can that be? He said: God brings it if he wants.

harbingers at the killing of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him -

1 - The dream of Awf bin Malik Al-Ashjai

Auf bin Malik Al-Ashja’i, may God be pleased with him, said: I saw (a rope) hanging from the sky, and that was during the leadership of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, and that the people try to attacked him, And that Omar favored them with three cubits. I said: And what is that? He said: Because he is one of the vicegerents of God Almighty on earth, and he does not fear the blame of a blamer, and he kills as a martyr, He said: So I went to Abu Bakr and narrated it to him, so he said: O boy, go to Abu Hafs and call him to me. When he came, he said: O Auf, tell it to him as you saw it, when I realized that he was one of the vicegerents of God Almighty, Omar said: Does all of this see the sleeper? He told it to him, and when Umar took over, he came to the collector, and he was delivering a sermon, so he called me and made me sit, when he finished the sermon, he said: Tell me your dream. I said to him: Didn't you force me (i.e. prevent him) from it? He said: I deceived you man.

It came in a another narration

He said: Didn't you lie about it? He said: No, but I was ashamed of Abu Bakr, so he narrated it to me, when I cut it, he said: As for the caliphate, I was given what you see, as for not fearing, for God's sake, the blame of a blamer, I hope that he has learned that from me, as for killing a martyr, how can I be martyred when I am in the Arabian Peninsula?

2 - Al-Farooq prevented the captives from residing in the city

Omar, may God be pleased with him, did not allow the captives in the conquered countries to enter Medina, the capital of the Khilafah state, so he used to prevent the Magi of Iraq and Persia, and the Christians of Syria and Egypt from residing in Medina unless they embraced Islam and embraced this religion, this position indicates his wisdom and farsightedness, because these defeated people are envious of Islam, hate it, and are ready to plot against Islam and Muslims, that is why he prevented them from residing in it to ward off evil from the Muslims, but some of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, had slaves among these Christian or Magian captives, some of them were insisting on Omar to allow some of his slaves from among those who were defeated to reside in Medina, to seek help from them in his affairs and deeds, so Omar authorized some of them to reside in Medina, despite his dislike and what Omar expected, and what he had warned of.

3 - Dialogue between Omar and Hudhayfah about fitnah (and the approach of breaking the door)

Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman, may God be pleased with him, said: We were with Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, and he said: Which of you memorizes the hadith of the Messenger of God on sedition? I said: I memorize it as he said. He said: Bring, to God your father, you are bold. I said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: the trial of a man in his family, his money, himself, his children, and his neighbour, is expiated by fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, enjoining good and forbidding evil.” Omar said: This is not what I want, I only want turmoil that ripples like the waves of the sea. I said: what about you and it O Commander of the Faithful, there is a closed door between you and them. He said: will it break the door or open it? I said: No, it is broken! He said: That is more likely not to be closed at all, until the Hour.

Abu Wael Al-Rawi said on the authority of Hudhayfah: Did Umar know whom a the door? Hudhayfah said: Yes, Just as he knows that before tomorrow is tonight, I spoke to him in a hadeeth that is not in error, Abu Wael said: We decided to ask Hudhayfah: Who is the door? So we said to Masruq: Ask Hudhayfah from the door. Masruq said to Hudhayfah: From the door? Hudhaifa said: He is Omar.

Hudhayfah introduced knowledge to Omar, may God be pleased with him

That the impenetrable door is the one that prevents the flow of strife against the Muslims, and keeps it from them, that this will be broken completely, And it will be utterly shattered, and this means that it will not be closed after this until the Day of Judgment, and this is what Umar understood, meaning that strife will remain widespread among Muslims, and they will not be able to remove it, stop it, or eradicate it, and Hudhayfah, may God be pleased with him, does not decide this from him, and he does not anticipate it, for he does not know the unseen. Rather, he heard this from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he comprehended it and memorized it as he heard it, that is why he comments on what he said to Umar, saying: “I told him something that was not in error, I told him a true, authentic hadith, with no errors or lies in it, because I heard it from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. then Omar, may God be pleased with him, knows the truth that Hudhayfah told him, He knows that his caliphate is an impregnable door that prevents the flow of strife among Muslims, and that strife will not invade Muslims during his caliphate, his reign, and his life.

Did Omar know that he would be killed and die a martyr?

Omar, may God be pleased with him, knew from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he would be killed, and God would meet a martyr. Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of God climbed Mount Uhud, with Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, and the mountain shook with them, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, struck him with his foot, and he said to him: “Be firm Uhud, for you have a prophet, a Sediq" has too much honesty", and two witnesses.

The killing of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him:

Amr bin Maymoon said: I am standing (in the line waiting for the Fajr prayer) there is nothing between me and him except Abdullah bin Abbas, in the morning he was injured, when he passed between the two rows, he would say, “Stay straight.” When they were straight, he would step forward and say “Allah is the Greatest, and perhaps he read Surah Yusuf or Al-Nahl or something like that in the first rak’ah, until the people gather, it is only if he says takbeer, and I heard him say: The dog killed me - or ate me, when he stabbed him, Al-Alj flew (Al-Alj :all severely rough men) with a double-edged knife, He does not pass anyone, right or left, except that he stabs him, until he stabbed thirteen men, seven of whom died.

Did the Muslims stand idly by in front of this:

When a Muslim man saw that, a mantle (a two-sleeved garment attached to a head covering) was thrown over him, when Al-Alj thought that he was being taken, he slaughtered himself, Umar took the hand of Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf and presented him - to pray with the people, so whoever follows Umar has seen what I see, and as for the areas of the mosque, they do not know, However, they lost Omar's voice while they were saying: Glory be to God, so Abd al-Rahman led them in a light prayer, and when they left, Umar said: O Ibn Abbas, look who killed me. He went around for an hour, then came and said: The servant of al-Mughirah, He said: Al-Sana’ (referring to the servant of Al-Mughirah bin Shu’bah, Abu Lu’lu’ah Fayrouz) He said: Yes, he said: May God kill him, I commanded to him a favor, Praise be to God who did not make my death in the hands of a man who claims to be Muslim, you and your father - wanting al-Abbas and his son Abdullah - used to love that Al Aloj: captives increased in Medina, Al-Abbas was the most slave of them, so Abdullah said: If you wish, you will do it, meaning: If you wish, we will be killed, He said: I lied - that is, I made a mistake - after they spoke with your tongue, prayed your qiblah, and performed your pilgrimage, He was carried to his house, and we set off with him, as if no calamity had befallen them before that day, Nabidh was brought (what is meant by the aforementioned wine, a date that was discarded in water, i.e. soaked in it. They used to do that, for the sweetness of water) So he drank it, and it came out of his stomach, then he was brought milk and he drank it, and it came out from his wound, so they knew that he was dead.

What is Omar's will before his death?

So we entered upon him, and the people came and started praising him, and he said: O Abdullah bin Omar, look, I do not have any debt, so they calculated it and found it to be eighty-six thousand or so, He said: If the money of the Omar family is fulfilled for him, then pay him back from their money, otherwise, ask about Bani Uday bin Kaab, and if their money is not enough, ask about Quraysh, and do not return them to others, so pay this money on my behalf, and go to Aisha, the mother of the believers, and say, ‘Umar reads peace upon you, and do not say, Commander of the Faithful, for today I am not a commander for the believers, and say, Umar bin Al-Khattab asks permission to stay with his two companions. So Abdullah bin Omar greeted him, asked for permission, then entered upon her and found her sitting crying, He said: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab reads peace to you, and asks permission to be buried with his two companions, so she said: I wanted it for myself, and today I altruistic it over myself, when he came back, it was said: This is Abdullah bin Omar, who has come. He said: Lift me up. Then a man supported him to him and said: What do you have? He said: What do you love, O Commander of the Faithful? I gave permission. He said: Praise be to God. Nothing was more important to me than that. If I die, carry me, then greet me and say: Umar bin Al-Khattab asks for permission, and if he gives me permission, let me in, and if she return me, take me back to the Muslim cemeteries. He said: When he was taken, we took him out and set out to walk, so Abdullah bin Omar greeted, he said: Omar bin Al-Khattab asked for permission, Aisha said: Bring him in, so he entered, and he was placed there with his two companions.

Did he say anything after being stabbed - may God be pleased with him -?

Amr bin Maymoon, may God have mercy on him, said: I heard him say when he was stabbed: {وَكَانَ أَمْرُ اللَّهِ قَدَرًا ، مَقْدُر} [الأحزاب: 38] {And the command of God was fate, predetermined} [Al-Ahzab: 38]

The last moments of Omar's life

This is Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, describing for us the last moments in the life of Al-Faruq, where he says: I entered upon Omar when he was stabbed, and I said: " glad tidings of Paradise, O Commander of the Faithful, you embraced Islam when people disbelieved, and you fought with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when people failed him, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died while he was satisfied with you, and no two people differ in your caliphate, and you were killed as a martyr, Omar said: Repeat on me, so I repeated it, and he said: By God, who there is no god but Him, If I had what is on earth of yellow and white, I would ransom it from the horror of the insider.

And this Othman, may God be pleased with him, tells us about the last moments in the life of Al-Farouq

He says: I am the last of you to make a covenant with Umar. I entered upon him while his head was on the lap of his son Abdullah bin Umar, so he said to him: Put my cheek on the ground. He said: Are my thighs and the ground anything but equal? He said: Put my cheek on the ground, you have no mother, on the second or on the third, then he intertwined his legs, and I heard him say: Woe to me, woe to my mother, if God does not forgive me until his soul is overflowing, this is an example of what the Commander of the Faithful, Umar, may God be pleased with him, used to describe in terms of fear of God Almighty, until the last of his words was supplication for himself with woe if God Almighty did not forgive him, even though he was one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise,

The date of his death - may God be pleased with him -

Al-Dhahabi said: He was martyred on Wednesday on the four or three remaining days of Dhul-Hijjah, the year twenty-three of the Hijrah, and he is the son of sixty-three years according to the correct opinion.

How long was his caliphate?

His succession was ten and a half years and days

Who washed it and prayed for it and buried it?

On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with him: He was washed and shrouded, and the funeral prayer was offered for him, and he was a martyr.

We benefit from the death of the Commander of the Faithful - Omar Ibn Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - the following

1 - The human being is closest to the earth from which he was created, beginning at the end of his life and at the decisive moments of it specifically, when God Almighty says: (From it we created you, to it we will return you, and from it we will bring you out another time) This divine saying indicates what Omar said before his death, “Put my cheeks on the ground and stick my thighs to the ground.

2- Conditions change suddenly, so Omar was a prince for the believers in the near future for the Muslims at that time, and he ended up with an ordinary, weak person who needed and sought God's mercy - How many vocifers in life need to meditate on this? We all shout at things we don't like, and we know with certainty that death is the end of every living person, even kings and presidents.

3 - His killing at the hands of one who favored him by asking his owner to lighten his work for him, and the occurrence of what he was warning about inspires us to those who make workers, a maid, or a child-care worker of a religion other than the religion of Islam, and it is safe for me: property, souls, and children, and life has awakened us to tragedies because of this kind of employment among the rich Muslims, so let those who are good at extrapolating history warn.

4 - Umar ibn al-Khattab died - one of the fairest to the people of starvation. Fill their stomachs in camps to improve their numbers and improve the delivery of supplies to them.

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