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9 - How Othman bin Affan take over the succession of Muslims?

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Why did Omar refuse to appoint a successor to him, as the did Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq?

He refrained from appointing Othman bin Affan, who was almost his assistant, and his argument for that, He does not want to bear the consequences of the caliphate, alive and dead.

Who signed the choice of the Shura Council?

Before his death, Omar Ibn Al-Khattab chose a Shura Council composed of:

Othman bin Affan from the Umayyads

Ali bin Abi Talib from Bani Abdul Muttalib

Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam is from Bani Abd Al-Azza and is affiliated with Abd Al-Muttalib

Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf was from the Banu Zuhrah clan, the mother of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the son-in-law of Uthman

Saad bin Abi Waqqas was also from Bani Zuhrah

And Talha bin Ubaid were from Bani Taym, the clan of Abu Bakr

On the women's side

His mother, the aunt of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace

A careful reading of the selection of these companions informs us of the following facts

- All of them are immigrants. That is, the Quraishites are among the first companions, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died while he was satisfied with them, and they are among the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise.

- They represent the centers of power in the city in terms of influence, ability and fame, as evidenced by Omar's description of them as: "people's presidents and leaders, and he said: “This matter will only be with you.” “I do not fear for you if you are steadfast, but I fear for you your differences among yourselves, and people will differ.

- His mother’s appointment as one of the members of the Shura Council, and she is at the same time (the aunt of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) is a pause of contemplation from the people of the collars that claim women are equal to men, so he chose her - according to our understanding of the personality of our master Umar - It is not favoritism - but it seems that he appreciated her mind, and it also seems that those honorable companions who were agreed upon, did not deny him his choice, an indication of the sound mind that everyone agrees on.

Omar bin Al-Khattab organized the way the council worked before his death

The period for which they receive an order

Three days

If the Shura Council is divided into three groups of two people

Consultation must resume, and if there is a majority, they must follow it.

But if the meeting is divided into two equal groups of three people

Priority is given to the group in which Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf is, and this means giving this companion a pivotal and prominent role.

What was the expectation of Omar for the coming to the Emirate of the Believers?

Umar ibn al-Khattab expected that the choice in the Shura Council would be in favor of Uthman ibn Affan or Ali ibn Abi Talib, both of whom are descendants of Abd Manaf and the circumcision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Rather, he indirectly directed Muslims in Medina towards them. It seemed at first glance that competition would take place between them, and that the remaining members of the Shura Council would be voters only.

From what Omar said - may God be pleased with him in the right of the two great companions

Othman bin Affan

He criticized Othman bin Affan for his love of his family and his people, and he feared that if he took over the caliphate, he would carry Bani Abi Muait on the necks of people, "and if he had done it, they would have killed him.

Ali ibn Abi Talib

He described Ali as a man who had a sense of humor, and he feared that if he took over the caliphate, he would carry the sons of Abd al-Muttalib over the necks of people, but at the same time he emphasized his confidence in his ability and integrity in judgment.

And his saying: If they were tied to Al - Aglh

Al - Aglh “the loss of the hair from the front of the head,” the path was followed by them.

It seems difficult to accept these narratives

Because Umar ibn al-Khattab himself chose the members of the Shura Council for being among the most prominent public figures, which raises the question about the criticisms attributed to him against them, and in fact it is a task that affirms Umar's commitment to what has been accomplished in limiting the caliphate to Quraysh among the first immigrants.

When did the consultations begin?

The Shura Council held its first meeting based on the desire of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, before his death, but its members differed among themselves. Because they were all aspiring to power, and did not reach a result, and the second meeting was held after the death of Omar, may God be pleased with him.

What did Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf do, whom Omar chose when people disagreed?

The accounts of the sources indicated that the members of the Shura Council did not agree on one of them, and they fell into a real impasse from which they could not get out except with the initiative of Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, may God be pleased with him, who removed himself from the framework of competition and the field of choice, except that he stipulated that they leave him the freedom of choice, and he took an oath of allegiance from them to whomever he chooses, and gave them a covenant: “Not to incline to whim, to prefer the truth, to strive for the nation, and not to favor a relative.

Who specifically consulted Abdul Rahman bin Auf?

Abdul Rahman Ibn Auf, may God be pleased with him, consulted

1 - Companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.

2 - And who met Al - Madinah of the princes of the soldiers, and the nobles of the people.

3 - Then he went in disguise that no one knew him, and he consulted the general Muhajireen, the Ansar and other weak people.

4 - Everyone pointed at him with Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, then he was convinced that the faces of Quraysh, its generals, and the leaders of the soldiers wanted Othman bin Affan as their successor.

The reason behind choosing Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him -

And the choice of Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, is that the Quraysh have grown tired of the severity of Umar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, and demanded that this severity be replaced with leniency, and that the siege and restrictions be lifted from it.

Was Ali Ibn Abi Talib satisfied with this result in favor of Othman Ibn Affan - may God be pleased with them both?

Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, believed that he was more appropriate to assume the position of caliphate due to his kinship to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his attachment to him, but he felt that he was governed by the course of events, especially with the role entrusted to Abd al-Rahman bin Awf, may God be pleased with him, the husband of the sister of Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, from his mother, who had an influence on Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, belonging to the same clan, and it is mentioned that Al-Abbas bin Abd Al-Muttalib, may God be pleased with him, the uncle of the Prophet and the uncle of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, was afraid that the caliphate would once again slip out of the hands of his clan, so he advised Ali not to participate in the Shura Council, but Ali, who hated disagreement, preferred to make an effort with Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, and it seems that he succeeded in that, was it this matter that changed the character of shura, or did it indicate the fear of Abd al-Rahman bin Auf that he would see the continuation of the vacuum without reaching a result as long as the ambitions were great?

Does Shura lost its character as complex?

The council lost its character as a direct election body, if it delegated to Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, may God be pleased with him, to choose on his behalf and in his name, and the election turned into an appointment by one person from the members of the Shura Council and became restricted on the other hand, he was open to what Abd al-Rahman, may God be pleased with him, would do in terms of consultations. This companion resorted to consulting the Muslims, and surveyed the opinion of the people of Medina, the leaders of the soldiers who flocked to the city, and the nobles of the people; In order to know who the nation would like to meet after Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, and since the issue was Quraish from its inception, it was clear that people’s consultation ultimately meant Quraysh’s consultation.

In fact, the extensive consultations that took place inside and outside the Shura Council, and the external contacts that surrounded the council body, were far from the Shura in form and content.

There were, then, two competing currents linked to precedent in Islam and blood ties:

The first: The clan of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who were closest to Ibn Abi Talib (their candidate).

The second: Qurashi is related to the ability to better represent the Quraish - and therefore close to the Umayyads - and Othman bin Affan was (their candidate)

The concept of the house that was put forward to distinguish Othman bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Talib was interpreted in the broad sense - the meaning of the house of Abd Manaf - and not in the narrow sense of the house of Bani Hashim, and this was suitable for the majority of the companions who feared from a narrow interpretation of the concept of the house that hereditary ownership would be established at their expense in favor of Hashemite House.

How was Othman bin Affan chosen as the caliph of the Muslims?

The sources narrate that on the third day - and in light of the signs of division among the Muslims, which he feared would worsen - Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf decided to settle the matter, and in the Prophet’s Mosque and in front of a gathering of immigrants, supporters, soldiers’ leaders, and representatives of the regions, He called Othman bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Talib and asked them respectively if, after their election, they would follow the biography of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Abu Bakr and Omar, and avoid carrying their relatives on people’s necks, and they answered as the following:

Ali Ibn Abi Talib - may God be pleased with him - said

that he will exert his effort and energy seeking the help of the trustworthy and powerful from Bani Hashim and others, and he added that he should strive as much as possible: “I do not hold God’s covenant and covenant on what I do not realize and no one realizes, who can bear the biography of the Messenger of God, but I walk from his biography with what diligence reaches him from me, As far as I can and as far as I know.

As for Othman bin Affan

He declared his agreement with Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf’s condition, saying: “Oh God, yes.” On God’s covenant and covenant, and the strictest that he took upon his prophets, that I do not contradict the biography of the Messenger of God, Abu Bakr, and Umar in anything, and I do not fall short of it than what Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf and the companions of the Shura pushed. And the general public to pledge allegiance to him.

The Reactions to the choice of Othman bin Affan

The choice of Othman bin Affan Khalifa sparked mixed reactions among the members of the Shura Council and outside it, which can be linked to the roles played by its owners in the overall developments of sedition after that, and the political picture of the Islamic society, which was divided into five categories, became clear as follows:

The first category (loyal to Ahl al-Bayt in general and Ali ibn Abi Talib in particular)

Its members opposed the decision of the Shura Council, as Ali bin Abi Talib showed from the outset his lack of confidence in the composition of this council, whose opinions of most of its members tended to be unfavorable, and He complained about this to Bani Hisham: “If your people obey you, you have never been commanded.” He added: Abd al-Rahman bin Awf and Saad bin Abi Waqqas do not contradict each other, and Abd al-Rahman bin Awf is the son-in-law of Othman bin Affan, one of them does not contradict its owner, so Abd al-Rahman Uthman takes charge of it, Or Othman Abdul Rahman. And he feared that Uthman’s guardian would trade it, and if they did, he would find me where they hate.” In addition, he was suspicious of the positions of Talha and al-Zubayr, and because of his lack of confidence in Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, he refused to give him the task of choosing except after he swore to him not to follow passion, and not to affect anything but the right, and not to belong to the kin, and not to the nation, as he met with Saad bin Abi Waqqas and implored him not to digest his right to succession, He accused the Quraysh of dictating to digest the rights of the family of the House and to exclude him from power, an accusation that reflects Umar ibn al-Khattab's point of view regarding the chances of each member of the Shura Council to assume power, “Ali is the most deserving of people, but the Quraysh cannot tolerate him, and if he were their ruler, he would seize them with the bitterness of truth, and they would not find any concession with him, and if he did, he would break his allegiance, and then they would fight, nevertheless, Ali pledged allegiance to Uthman immediately, or after hesitation.

The second category

We mention among the personalities of this category Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, Al-Miqdad bin Amr, Abu Dhar Al-Ghafari, and Ammar bin Yasser. The narrations that reviewed their positions were replete with clear Shiite and Abbasid leanings, It is noted that these personalities will play a prominent role in the sedition through their strict opposition to the policy of Othman bin Affan.

The third category (loyal to Othman bin Affan)

It consisted of members of the Shura Council and the generals of Bani Umayya; Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam pledged allegiance to Othman bin Affan immediately, and so did Saeed bin Abi Waqqas, Abdullah bin Omar Othman pledged allegiance, respecting the decision of the council members. As for Talha bin Ubaidullah, he pledged allegiance to Othman immediately or after hesitation in protest against the Shura Council’s haste in electing a caliph for the Muslims. He had returned to Medina and seclude to his home.

The fourth category (whose members supported the decision of the Shura Council to choose Othman bin Affan)

Although the narrations varied in clarifying the reasons for this support, they limited them to those with special interests. We mention among them: Al-Mughirah bin Shu’bah, and some of the relatives of Uthman bin Affan, such as: Abdullah bin Abi Rabia, Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sarh, and Abdullah bin Masoud, the most prominent leaders of the readers.

Fifth category (General Muslims)

Those who are in line with the decision of the Shura Council with the aim of continuing public life.

Final words

1- God knows best where he places his message: The Eye of Monotheism for God Almighty - teaches us that choosing in the first place is the choice of God - come - for Muslims, It cannot be imagined that God, the Exalted, would leave the first generation of Muslims without interfering, because it is their forearms that will build the foundations of this religion, which has spread throughout the globe.

2 - Just an opinion: If Ali Ibn Abi Talib - may God be pleased with him - was more deserving of the caliphate than Othman bin Affan - may God be pleased with him - then God Almighty would have made for the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - males who live, so they are the first in the caliphate. Prophethood, which is what God Almighty did not allow.

3 - The differences of Muslims in this early period of the life of Islam is a natural situation, as there are no people with each other except that there is friction and the emergence of personal interests, and Muslims before they are Muslims are people.

May God have mercy on Othman - the rich, generous - soft- soul whatever he did after that, his generosity in raising an entire army from his own money for the benefit of the Muslims (the Al-Usra Army) - will be explained in the biography of our master Othman, may God be pleased with him and please him, in the next article, God willing.

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