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Surah Al-Falaq

It came down after

Surat Al-Feel, also called Surat Al-Nas

      The name of the two exorcists

     It was called by several names, including:

Surah “Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of Al-Falaq,” and “Surat Al-Mu’awwidha the First,”

  Along with Surah An-Nas, they are called “the two exorcists.”

  Or "the two mishashqatayn"

It named it in the Qur’an and books of the interpretation

“Surat Al-Falaq” There is almost no difference in the ten recitations of the surah, except in Warsh’s reading on the authority of Nafi’ of “Qul I seek refuge” by transferring the hamza movement to the silent lam before it and deleting the hamza.

The surah talks about  God commanded the Prophet to seek refuge in God, his Lord, from the evil of evil creatures that he fears, the times when evil occurs frequently, and the circumstances behind which evil deeds are hidden. So that those who do it would not blame its consequences, God taught the Prophet this exorcist so that he could seek refuge in it. The Surah included the command to seek refuge from every evil, from the night when it gets dark, and from the evil of the witches who blow on knots.

It was mentioned in the reason for the revelation of two Surah of Al-Mu'awwidhatain

What Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti mentioned in his book “Lubbab al-Naqul” regarding the causes of revelation, and al-Bayhaqi reported it in Dala’il al-Nubuwwah on the authority of Ibn Abbas, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace was ill, and he became seriously ill, so two angels came to him, one of them sat at his head and the other at his feet, and the one at his feet said to the one at his head: what do you see? He said: Tub. He said: What is Tub? He said: He magicked. He said: Who performed magic to him? He said: Labid bin Al-A'sam, the Jew. He said: Where is he? He said: In the well of the family of so-and-so, under a rock in a Rakea (a well with water), So they came to the Rakea , drained its water, and raised the rock, then they took the kudiya (the thick part of the earth) and burned it. When the morning came, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Ammar bin Yasser sent of a group of people, and they came to Al-Rakiyah, and their water was like henna water, so they drained the water, then they raised the rock, took out the kerchief, and burned it. In it was a string with eleven knots in it, and these two surahs were revealed to him, so every time he recited a verse, a knot was loosened.

On the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri

 The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to seek refuge from the eyes of the jinn and the eyes of man, so when the two refuges were revealed, he took them and left everything else.

On the authority of Uqba bin Aamir, he said:

 “I followed the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was riding, and I placed my hand on his foot and said: Recite to me, O Messenger of God, Surat Hud and Surat Yusuf, He said: You will not read anything more eloquent in the sight of God than “Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of Al-Falaq,” and “Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind.”

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ 1 مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ 2 وَمِنْ شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ 3 وَمِنْ شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ 4 وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ 5

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of Falaq ( Morning when it breaks from the darkness of the night) 1 From the evil of what He created, 2 And from the evil of darkness (the night when its darkness becomes intense) when it approaches (it enters into everything and encompasses it with its darkness) 3 and from the evil of blowers on knots 4 And from the evil of the envier when he envies.

This includes all that God has created, from humans, jinn, and animals. He seeks refuge in their Creator from the evil that is in them. Then he is specific after what has spread, that is: from the evil that occurs at night, when it appears on people, and many evil spirits and animals spread therein. harmful, that is: And from the evil of witches, who use their magic by blowing on the knots that they tie with witchcraft, {and from the evil of the envier when he envies} and the envier is the one who would love for the blessing to be removed from the envied, so he seeks to remove it by whatever means he can.

some views of the Holy Surah

1 - Life is full of evil people who do not believe in God, and even among those who believe in God are evil people who do not fear God when they envy people for what He has given them, or with magic that they bring to them in their homes, they commit one of the major sins (witchcraft) and believe in themselves to have firm faith in the Lord of the Earth and Heaven, and they do not hesitate to raise their palms of supplication after performing magic for others and ask for what they desire from God.

2 - God Almighty warns us to seek refuge in the Lord of the split: to split something: to split it, and God splits the light of the morning from the darkness of the night, and it is a great matter. We are accustomed to its presence, but physicists know that it is a great matter, And in some countries the sun does not set at all during the months, and this means that the growth hormone is inactive because it only works at night, and of course other hormones and glands.

The witness:

3 - If you seek refuge in the Lord of creation (it requires true faith and trust) that He will protect you from the evil of what He has created, this is not optional. In life there are wars, and in life there are crossings of continents by river or sea with the predatory names it contains, and in the desert there are foxes and bears and others for those who pass by, Just because you are in your position does not mean that there are no fears. Glory be to Him who wrote in His Book (And We will certainly test you with some fear). You must experience fear once or more in your life, each according to the level of your faith, It will happen, it will happen, so here the key is for him to say to you, “Seek refuge in the Lord of Al-Falaq,” and if you and I do not attach importance to the fate of Al-Falaq, then let the scholars know it.

4 - From the evil of what He has created: humans, jinn, predatory animals, and others: what are other things... What we know is that genetic engineering today produces predators from the first amoeba to the dinosaur, but with a living cell (DNA). So, is this among God’s creation? Because the first cell, what they work with is created by God. They call it Mother Nature, and we call it God - Blessed and Most High - of course God is Most High and Most Knowing.

5 - And from the evil of a dark darkness when it approaches: dusk: the night when its darkness becomes intense - and the night approaching: it enters into everything and encompasses it with its darkness, and from the evil of the night, God - Blessed and Most High - motivates us to seek refuge from the evil of the night when it enters. Are we traveling or present? Are we asleep at night or awake?

Does it make any difference? Yes, it makes a difference: while we were traveling: perhaps there were bandits - perhaps we lost our way and deviated to an uninhabited place and passed by predatory animals, and if we were in our house: most sparks occur at night. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - warns us from the first hour of the night after sunset. To cover the pots...the famous hadith, Heart attacks occur for most people who have heart disease in the last hour of the night and near daylight, and whoever wakes up at night disrupts the growth hormone, and the growth hormone is not limited to the growth of children, but for adults this hormone develops muscles, repairs and restores bones, etc. once again, when God says to you (and from the evil of darkness when it approaches), stand within yourself in reverence for the night. May God protect us from the evil of the calamities.

6 - Among the evil of those who blow on knots: I will not tell you about this evil woman who went to the Kaaba with her forbidden money and did not see the Kaaba. It is a famous story because she used to perform magic for people. Why? Because these people only know evil and they chose to let their stomachs grow from what is forbidden and the stomachs of their children and grandchildren, they have power, power, and invincibility, and no security can overpower them because they secure themselves with the dreams of simple people, of course (except those who believe and repent and return the truth to its owners, and far from it, far from it), but I will tell you about someone who is upset with her husband who married her, so she performs magic to him, (Divorce is cleaner and hurts the one who marries her.) Or someone who enslave his divorced woman so that she does not marry after him, or a close friend of her loyal friend who never expects evil from her? Are you this person? Admit, even to yourself, that you have committed a great sin, especially if it was against believers, return the truth to its owners, for it is just a small circle. Before it ends and closes (your official papers and you die), this circle will close on you at the same point at which you began: What do I mean: What did you perform magic on your lifelong friend? with the loss of the situation and confusion in life, and life went well for you? Every heir must drink from the same cup from which others drank, either for himself or for his children. Let those who feel the importance of the matter repent.

7 - And from the evil of an envier when he envies: We forbid transgression, and transgression: exceeding the limit in a certain situation, so jealousy or anger seizes you and you take more than your right, and the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - advised us not to envy because he knows that we are human, It is possible that envy creeps into us when we see someone who is above us in any of the things of the world. Correct the look of envy for us, or say, legalize the look of envy in two hadiths, which are:

First hadith The hadith

 of Ibn Masoud, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: There is no envy except in two cases: a man to whom God has given wealth and who has given him power to destroy it in the truth, and a man to whom God has given wisdom, he judges it and teaches it[1], agreed upon.

The second hadith

Ibn Abi Asim, may God have mercy on him, said in “Al-Ahad and Al-Mathani” (1962): Bakr bin Abdul Wahhab bin Muhammad bin Zaid bin Abi Zaid Al-Uthmani told me, Ismail bin Qais bin S. told us. Ad bin Zaid bin Thabit, Abd al-Rahman bin Muhammad bin Abi al-Rijal narrated to us, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather Haritha bin al-Nu’man, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (There are three inherent characteristics of my nation: pessimism, envy, and mistrust, a man said: What will take them away, O Messenger of God, from what they were in? He said: If you feel envious, ask forgiveness, and if you doubt, do not investigate, and if you are pessimistic, then move on.)

Al-Manawi, may God have mercy on him, said:

“Because envy is present in the soul as if it is innate to it, therefore it is excused for it, and if it indulges in it with its words and actions, it is " Exceeding the limit".

His way out of tira - which is pessimism - is not to turn away from his goal, but rather to be determined and trust in his Lord.

The way out of suspicion is that he does not verify it and does not act according to it, but rather stops cutting and acting according to it. the way out of envy is not to transgress against the envied. End quote.

And God is superior and knows best

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