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Surat Ash-Shu'ara 369

Updated: Feb 4

Allah says

لَعَلَّنَا نَتَّبِعُ السَّحَرَةَ إِن كَانُوا هُمُ الْغَالِبِينَ (40) فَلَمَّا جَاءَ السَّحَرَةُ قَالُوا لِفِرْعَوْنَ أَئِنَّ لَنَا لَأَجْرًا إِن كُنَّا نَحْنُ الْغَالِبِينَ (41) قَالَ نَعَمْ وَإِنَّكُمْ إِذًا لَّمِنَ الْمُقَرَّبِينَ (42) قَالَ لَهُم مُّوسَىٰ أَلْقُوا مَا أَنتُم مُّلْقُونَ (43) فَأَلْقَوْا حِبَالَهُمْ وَعِصِيَّهُمْ وَقَالُوا بِعِزَّةِ فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّا لَنَحْنُ الْغَالِبُونَ (44) فَأَلْقَىٰ مُوسَىٰ عَصَاهُ فَإِذَا هِيَ تَلْقَفُ مَا يَأْفِكُونَ (45) فَأُلْقِيَ السَّحَرَةُ سَاجِدِينَ (46) قَالُوا آمَنَّا بِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (47) رَبِّ مُوسَىٰ وَهَارُونَ (48) قَالَ آمَنتُمْ لَهُ قَبْلَ أَنْ آذَنَ لَكُمْ ۖ إِنَّهُ لَكَبِيرُكُمُ الَّذِي عَلَّمَكُمُ السِّحْرَ فَلَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ ۚ لَأُقَطِّعَنَّ أَيْدِيَكُمْ وَأَرْجُلَكُم مِّنْ خِلَافٍ وَلَأُصَلِّبَنَّكُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ (49) قَالُوا لَا ضَيْرَ ۖ إِنَّا إِلَىٰ رَبِّنَا مُنقَلِبُونَ (50) إِنَّا نَطْمَعُ أَن يَغْفِرَ لَنَا رَبُّنَا خَطَايَانَا أَن كُنَّا أَوَّلَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (51) ۞ وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَىٰ مُوسَىٰ أَنْ أَسْرِ بِعِبَادِي إِنَّكُم مُّتَّبَعُونَ (52) فَأَرْسَلَ فِرْعَوْنُ فِي الْمَدَائِنِ حَاشِرِينَ (53) إِنَّ هَٰؤُلَاءِ لَشِرْذِمَةٌ قَلِيلُونَ (54) وَإِنَّهُمْ لَنَا لَغَائِظُونَ (55) وَإِنَّا لَجَمِيعٌ حَاذِرُونَ (56) فَأَخْرَجْنَاهُم مِّن جَنَّاتٍ وَعُيُونٍ (57) وَكُنُوزٍ وَمَقَامٍ كَرِيمٍ (58) كَذَٰلِكَ وَأَوْرَثْنَاهَا بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ (59) فَأَتْبَعُوهُم مُّشْرِقِينَ (60)

Perhaps we will follow the magicians, if they are the ones who prevail. (40) Then when the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh, “Where is there a reward for us if we are the victors?” (41) He said, “Yes, and indeed you are then among those brought near.” (42) Moses said to them, “Cast what you throw.” (43) So, they cast down their ropes and their staffs and said, “By the might of Pharaoh, indeed, we are the victors.” (44) So, Moses threw his staff, and behold, it caught what they fabricate lies (45) Then the magicians were thrown prostrate. (46) They said, “We believe in the Lord of the Worlds.” (47) Lord of Moses and Aaron (48) He said: You believed in him before he gave you permission. Indeed, he is your elder who taught you magic, then you will know I will certainly cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will certainly crucify you all together. (49) They said, “There is no harm.” (50) Indeed, we return to our Lord, We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins if we are the first to believe. (51) And We revealed to Moses, “I delight in My servants. You will be followed. (52) So, Pharaoh sent gatherers into the cities. (53) Indeed, this is a small group, torn apart. (54) And indeed, they are peeve Us (55) and indeed, We are of all wary (56) So We brought them out of gardens and springs (57) and treasures and an honorable abode (58) Thus We made it an inheritance to the Children of Israel (59) so they followed them setting forth (60)

The Interpretation of Imam al-Tabari - may God have mercy on him -

Yunus told me, he said: Ibn Wahb told us, he said: Ibn Zaid said, in his saying: And it was said to the people: Are you gathered? He said: They were in Alexandria. He said: It is said: The serpent’s tail reached beyond the lake that day, He said: and they fled and surrendered to Pharaoh, and it was inspired by him, so he said: Take it, O Moses. He said: Pharaoh was one of the people who followed him, in that he did not place anything on the ground. He said: Then it happened that day under him. He said: And his sending of the serpent was in the red dome.

When the magicians came, Pharaoh made a promise to Moses and a promise to Pharaoh, (They said to Pharaoh, “Do we have a reward?”) We were enchanted before you (If we were the victors) (Moses.

Then they said to Moses: Either you will throw, or we will be the ones who will throw. And he left off mentioning what they said because of the evidence of God’s news about them that Moses said to them: “Throw what you are throwing.”

(Moses said to them, “Throw down what you throw down”) of your ropes and your staffs.

(So ​​they threw down their ropes and their staffs) from their hands (and said, “By the might of Pharaoh,” he says: They swore by the power of Pharaoh, the strength of his authority, and the invincibility of his kingdom, “Indeed, we are the victors.”) Moses.

When the sorcerers threw down their ropes and their staffs. (And when it caught up what they conceive) He says: Then when Moses’ staff disdained what they brought of slander and magic that has no truth but is only imagination (1) and a deception.

When the magicians became clear that what Moses had brought to them was truth and not magic, and that it was something that no one could do except God, who created the heavens and the earth without any origin, they bowed down on their faces in prostration to God, submitting to Him in obedience, acknowledging to Moses that what he had brought to them from God was the truth, and that what they were doing of magic was false.

(We believe in the Lord of the Worlds) whom Moses called us to worship rather than Pharaoh and his entourage.

Lord of Moses and Aaron

Pharaoh said to those who were his magicians and believed: You believed in Moses that what he brought was true before I gave you permission to believe in it. (Indeed, he is your chief one who taught you magic.) He says: Indeed, Moses is your leader in magic, it is He who taught you, and therefore you believed in Him. (You will surely know) when I punish you, the evil of what you did, and the error of what you made of believing in Him. He says, “I will cut off your hands and feet,” contrasting the cutting off of that of you with the cutting off of the hands and feet. That is, I cut off the right hand and the left foot, then the left hand and the right foot, something similar to cutting off the hand on one side, then the leg on the other side, is cutting off from opposite sides.

They said: What you say will not harm us, even if you do it to us and crucify us. (Indeed, to our Lord we will return) He says: To our Lord we will return, and He will reward us with our patience in your punishment of us, and our steadfastness in His monotheism, and disavowal of disbelief in Him.

(We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins.) He said: The magic and disbelief in which they were involved. (That we were the first to believe.) He says: Because we were the first to believe in Moses and to believe in what he brought of the monotheism of God and the denial of Pharaoh in his claim of divinity in this age and our time.

And We revealed to Moses, when Pharaoh persisted in his wrongdoing and refused except to persist in his tyranny after We had shown him Our signs, to take My servants by night. He says: To take the Children of Israel by night from the land of Egypt, Pharaoh and his soldiers are following you and your people from the children of Israel, to prevent you from leaving their land, the land of Egypt.

God Almighty says: So Pharaoh sent to Al-Mada'in to gather his soldiers and his people to him

He said: The magic and disbelief that they were in. (Indeed, we were the first to believe.) He says: Because we were the first to believe in Moses and to believe in what he brought regarding the monotheism of God and the denial of Pharaoh in his claim of divinity in this era and our time.

And We revealed to Moses, when Pharaoh persisted in his wrongdoing and refused except to persist in his tyranny after we had shown him Our signs, to take My servants by night. He says: To take the Children of Israel by night from the land of Egypt. From their land, a sucking land of Egypt.

So Pharaoh sent to Al-Mada'in to gather his soldiers and his people for him

What is meant by fragmentation: the sect and the group remaining from the core of Jabirah, and by fragmentation of everything: its small remnant.

On the authority of Ibn Jurayj, his saying: And We revealed to Moses, “I am pleased with My servants. Indeed, you will be followed.” He said:

God inspired Moses to gather the children of Israel, every four verses, in a house, then slaughter the young sheep, and smite its blood on the doors, for I will command the angels not to enter a house on which there is blood on the door, and I will command them to kill the firstborn of Pharaoh’s family from their lives and their wealth, then bake unleavened bread, For he hastened for you, then took my servants quickly until you reached the sea, and My command would come to you. So he did; When the morning came, Pharaoh said: This is the action of Moses and his people. They killed our firstborn, of our lives and our wealth. So he sent after them one thousand five hundred thousand and five hundred angels, With every king there was a thousand men, and Pharaoh came out in the Great Karsh and said, “These are a small group.” He said, “A piece,” and they were six hundred thousand, two hundred thousand of whom were between twenty and forty years old, He said: Thani Hajjaj, on the authority of Abu Bakr bin Hawshab, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: There were with Pharaoh that day a thousand mighty men, all of them wearing a crown, and all of them being princes on horses.He said: Thani Hajjaj, on the authority of Ibn Jurayj, said: There were thirty kings riding behind Pharaoh, thinking that they were with them, and Gabriel was in front of them, returning the first horses to the last, so he followed them until he reached the sea.

Our firstborn are inspired by ourselves and our money. It may mean that it means: They are angry with us because they are going away from them with the naked jewelry that they had borrowed from them. It may also be because they separated from them and left their land out of hatred for them for that.

On the authority of Ibn Abbas that he recited it: (And indeed, we are all wary.) He said: strong performers.

So We drove Pharaoh and his people out of gardens and springs of water.

Treasures of gold and silver, and an honorable position. It was said: That noble place: the pulpits.

And We inherited those gardens from which We expelled them, and the springs, and the treasures, and the honorable position on their behalf by destroying the Children of Israel.

On the authority of Mujahid: (So they followed them, rising) He said: Moses went out at night and the moon was eclipsed and the earth became dark, and his companions said: Joseph told us that we would be saved from Pharaoh, and he took a covenant from us that we would go out with his bones with us, so Moses went out that night asking about his grave.

He found an old woman whose house was on his grave, so she brought it out for him with her ruling, and her ruling or a word similar to this was that she said: Carry me and take me out with you, so he placed Joseph’s bones in his covering, then he carried the old man on his covering, so he placed it on his neck, and Pharaoh’s horses were full of armor. In their eyes, and it would not go away, it was kept away from Musa and his companions until they disappeared, Al-Qasim narrated to us, he said: Al-Hussein narrated to us, he said: Hajjaj narrated to us, on the authority of Ibn Jurayj, on the authority of Mujahid, his saying: (So they followed them, setting out) He said: Pharaoh and his companions, And Pharaoh's horses were full of strength in their eyes, and they would not leave. They were kept away from Moses and his companions until they disappeared.

And Pharaoh's horses were full of strength in their eyes, and they would not leave. They were kept away from Moses and his companions until they disappeared.

A view around the verses

The people began to gather and said to each other: Perhaps we will follow the magicians if they are the victors. So this implies that they are with the victors, whatever they may be, Not for principle but for the majority, and many people promote the trend, following the general trend.

Magicians: They are basically liars and they know that they are liars, and it is also part of their business that they are slaves of their own interests: so it would have been a deal with Pharaoh, if we had been the victors, Magicians: they are basically liars and they know that they are liars, and it is also part of their business that they are slaves of their own interests: so it would have been a deal with Pharaoh, if we had been the victors, Because Pharaoh knew that they could be bought with money and high positions, he actually bought them, He told them and reassured them of the high positions that awaited them near him, meaning that they would enter the ruling elite.

Moses said to them (Throw what you throw). Is this intelligence from Moses - peace be upon him - or success from God - the Almighty - for the prophets are in their right (intelligence)? Because if he had not started, the people would have been afraid and the scene would have ended in favor of victory and the matter would have ended, but he wanted, through the will of God, for people to see magic before their eyes as if it were real, so that ordinary people would not know the secrets of magic, They imagine that it is real and are afraid of it, and here Moses - peace be upon him - begins to demonstrate the signs that he has, thus invalidating their false claim.

So they threw down their ropes and sticks

Did you notice something with me? Most of their magic is (ropes and sticks). There is nothing better than that, as we see in our world today, for example, who flies without wings...etc. What I mean: that God - the Almighty - could have strengthened His Prophet Moses and his brother Aaron - peace be upon them, With more than just a stick that turns into a snake, but the idea is, we will treat you with the same materials that you use, so that you understand that this is not magic like your magic, for no one will understand this matter more than the people of the craft, those skilled, and the scholars in it.

And they said, “By the might of Pharaoh”

It is said that the worst people (the one who sells his afterlife in this world to others) will actually benefit from high positions. They will certainly have an exaggerated reward, But all of this does not make them support the truth and its people represented by (Moses and Aaron) only until now.

Indeed, we will prevail

They swore a humiliating oath, but had no luck in getting what they wished for

Moses - weak yesterday, who was thrown by his mother out of fear for him, was thrown into the river and reached Pharaoh for this decisive moment. There are decisive moments in life after which we are never the same as we were before them, So Moses will transform from now on from the weak Moses - a hired hand for a few sheep to an old man for the sake of marriage and security for 10 years, or perhaps 8 years, and he is who he is. He is the one who has been accustomed from a young age to living in palaces, so... So... it is as simple as that. get caught: It is said: You catch the ball, so you catch it with all the strength you have for fear that someone else will catch it. Likewise, the stick that turned into a snake devoured all the false magic on the ground, and the fak: the worst lie, the slanderous lie.

Here's a gesture

Someone might say: Why does God - the Almighty - include in the Qur’an, when we are at the end of the twenty-first century, imaginary stories that a sound mind cannot believe? A stick that turns into a snake? Something beyond belief, and we respond to this suspicion with several things:

1 - The miracle must have puzzled the leading scientists who were skilled in the field in which the Egyptians excelled, chemistry and magic, it must be magic, not words like the Qur’an or anything else, otherwise the idea of ​​a miracle would be lost in the first place.

2 - In our religion, Islam: We are commanded to address people according to their rationality - neither less nor more - so can you imagine that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - would address us with such rational words? God - His Majesty - does not address people to the extent of their intellects at this time in humanity’s life.

3 - Magic today in the East and West, its circle has expanded to the point where Arabs immigrate or travel to the West to learn at the hands of skilled magicians in the West, This (the Qur’an) is the book of the end times for Muslims and non-Muslims. If God - glory be to Him - had not mentioned magic, and this is something that is widespread in certain circles in a great way, Some magicians who heard of the Qur’an would say: He does not know magic and did not mention it, and we are more knowledgeable than him - far from it - for everything that afflicts people in our time must find an echo in the Qur’an, Otherwise, the noble verse would not be valid: “We have not omitted anything in the Book.”

4 - Moses was a prophet to the children of Israel (the Jews). The Jews are very materialistic. They love money and hoard it, and they love life to the point that they want to live 1000 years while they are very consuming, 4 - Moses was a prophet to the children of Israel (the Jews). The Jews are very materialistic. They love money and hoard it, and they love life to the point that they want to live 1000 years while they are very consuming. {So pray to your Lord that He may bring forth for us of what the earth grows of its seeds, Qthaa, and garlic.}) (So ​​God showed us openly) These are all requests that, if they indicate anything, indicate what the materialists are doing today in the West and the East equally.

Look at the word (throw)

That is, a sudden occurrence that was not planned for, and they fell not begging Moses to pardon them or save them from fear of the snake or anything else. Rather, on the contrary, they bowed down (to God, Lord of the Worlds) This is astonishing for anyone who sees and hears this position from the Children of Israel (who were enslaved at that time), or from the common Egyptians, or from the ruling elite, Pharaoh’s entourage. What I mean are several points:

1 - The magicians are the most knowledgeable person that what Moses - peace be upon him - brought was not magic like their magic.

2 - Falling down in prostration is an automatic thing - an unconscious mind. The sudden movements are not civilized before, they are just in the moment, and it dawns on their conscious mind: They are not on the right path.

3 - They said: We believe in the Lord of the Worlds, and they did not say in the Lord of Moses and Aaron first, so true, sincere faith is without blemish.

4 - Do not despair of anyone’s faith and go through life casting judgments on people. This is an infidel, this is a hypocrite, and this is knowing hypocrisy. The magicians of Pharaoh were the worst people before this decisive moment in their entire history, they are magicians, they worship an earthly god (Pharaoh) and flatter themselves for high positions, and after a few minutes or perhaps less than hours they were believers, and their faith is better than the faith of all of us. They stood for Pharaoh, and you could not stand for your father who oppressed your brother.

Read with me these scientific lines:
How do major life events change your personality?

In one of the most powerful studies to date, the personality traits of thousands of Dutch adults were followed for several years. There was little evidence that life events such as marriage, childbirth, divorce, or..., Widowhood causes permanent and predictable changes in personality, We agree that when arguments stop and are replaced by threats or implementation of the threat, then the idea for which you were arguing has died. Threats are the title of mental bankruptcy in terms of arguments and proofs with sound logic.

He said, “You believed in him before I gave you permission”

A slap in the face of Pharaoh, a slap in the face of every arrogant person who does not believe in the Day of Judgment (before I give you permission). Its meaning is profound: The psychological pain took everything from Pharaoh until it reached his identity, as if he was saying to them: Have you forgotten who I am?

He is your elder who taught you magic

Accusation without evidence, to punish them without charge, and this is the practice of every oppressor in life.

You will know

Threat, from whom? From the alleged god, but he has authority, power, and brutality.

That is, it is as if they are saying to him: No harm will befall us, or that we do not care what you will do, because our final return to God will turn to Him - Glory be to Him - the Most High - which is a unique type of faith that rises above positions, money, good food, and comfortable living.

God - the Almighty - decreed in Surah Ash-Shu’ara’ that this be the fate of the story of the magicians, even though it came in another surah. What did the Pharaoh do to them? We know of no reason for this other than that God - the Almighty - attaches you to the entire Qur’an and you learn, From here and there, you collect the puzzle pieces that confuse your mind. When you hear a broken story, you keep searching and searching for the main reason until you arrive, right?

Revelation: a hidden notification. God - glory be to Him - revealed to Moses the Prophet, the Word of God - peace be upon him - to walk with My servants (those who believed at that moment and had begun the journey of faith with Moses) Although their story did not appear here in Surah Ash-Shu’ara, it was only abbreviated to the point of ending and consequences, and imagine the revelation, saying to him

(You will be followed)

That is, there is no reassurance for Moses or those with him. Why? What do we gain at the end of the twenty-first century? God - the Almighty - nurtures in His servants a heartfelt worship called (trust) there is another worship called (certainty) and a third worship called (surrender to God in times of adversity). These are worships of the heart in which the limbs have no share, and every person you deal with has a place for you to consider. Your psychiatrist does not care about your good appearance if you are mentally or psychologically disturbed, most likely, the dentist will take care of whether you have your teeth in order or otherwise, and so on. As for God - the Almighty - he does not look at you at all. You are nothing before Him except a heart, either a sound heart loved by God - the Almighty - or a dark heart with which advice is of no use and no kindness enters into it.

But what do we benefit from this in our time?

Where are you in life now? Doctor - teacher...etc. I don't mean that, I just mean what is your position of faith with God - the Almighty - are you in trouble - under the weight of war - in an armed conflict, they took your house, put you under famine...etc. And do you believe God in His promises to the believers?? Do you wait until if you die doing good deeds, you die satisfied with it? What are you satisfied with God, and how is this? If you want to know that God is satisfied with you in your immediate moment, look at your heart: Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the situation that He wanted for you specifically at this time, my dear brother: Faith in God - the Almighty - is indivisible. We love Him when He gives us, and when He takes away, we do not We worship him, He only takes away in order to give, and when he gives, he is astonished. What is the fault of those who died of hunger, oppression, and disease? And what do you know: what bliss they will enjoy in the paradise of eternity. They have completed their mission in this life and you are still alive, tested in all your situations, and you do not know which test you will win and which test you will fail? And remember the words of God Almighty: “And We will test you with evil and good as a trial.” Pharaoh only knows material things. He only knows soldiers, soldiers, military forces, etc. His heart does not soften or relent, even if it is because he understood that this universe has a God who manages it, a God who will intervene at the appropriate time, which is not appropriate for believers, Faith in God has a tax that must be paid, and victory and empowerment has a tax that must be paid from pure blood and pure souls, who are the best of those whom God - glory be to Him - chooses, and leaves behind a group of people in order to believe in the words of God - the Almighty - (Let us see how you work.)


is what is dispersed from something in a chaotic, i.e. disorganized, way. Look at Pharaoh: how he used to see Moses and Aaron - peace be upon them - and those with them of the enslaved children of Israel, the barefoot - perhaps naked - the poor who in a little while will become rich from inheriting the Egyptian elite.

And they are peeve us

Anger is deadly. It raises blood pressure, dilates the pupils of the eyes, makes blood flow to the brain and other things. Look at the situation of Pharaoh and the situation of every arrogant person in this life. He hates the believers in God with the hatred, which is peeve him, God Almighty refused not bring stories from history in Surah Ash-Shu’ara except abbreviated, brief, that does not distort the meaning and fulfills the purpose for which it came, To entertain the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, and to entertain every believer on earth in distress - in anxiety, they placed him in camps on the open borders in which he would never know the taste of freedom, because he is a climate migrant or a poverty migrant, so they closed the cells on him for a while that only God knows. No country wants to admit him, and there is no way he will return to the country he left for the sake of a better life, and most of them are children.

the important is

God brought out the mighty Pharaoh and his entourage from lush gardens and heart-pleasing watery springs, but look at “We brought them out” and they did not leave voluntarily. What is strange is that they left their homes voluntarily for the sake of a handful of feelings, yes, feelings of anger and rage against the few small group, their inevitable fate was waiting for them, and they left behind good things and treasures, and a noble position. Imagine that this is the view of God - the Almighty - at this time in history (a noble position) and God - the Almighty - He owns the land, including what is on it, meaning that he says about the place that Karim then enjoyed all kinds of luxury, glory, and other things.

It doesn't matter what you have today, it doesn't matter who you collect your money from? It doesn't matter that you live on the ruins of others. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that you never know what the future holds for you. Your future, it doesn't matter what you have today, it doesn't matter who you collect your money from? It doesn't matter that you live on the ruins of others. It doesn't matter. The most important thing is that you never know what the future holds for you. Your future, Pharaoh lived his entire life as he wished and died an evil death. The consequence of facing the Lord and the true God. It does not matter whether you lived in a palace or a hut, but what is more important is the page of your deeds tomorrow when you present it to God, What is displayed in it to the public by all people throughout all ages (your heart and the good and evil it contains, and the deeds including good or evil) may God have mercy on us with His mercy and grace, not with His punishment and justice.

Do not build for others, as you do not know who will enjoy this goodness, whether you are poor or rich. Children will spend what you have worked hard and collected throughout your life in a few hours, but you must do the accounting.

Pharaoh and his companions, and Pharaoh’s horses were full of their backs in the eyes of their eyes and would not depart. They were kept away from Moses and his companions until they disappeared. There might be as much as a span between you and your enemy, and God - the Almighty - will save you.

There may be a long distance between you and him, and he may arrive at you with a drone, or a screamer, or something else. The most important thing is: when you go out: what do you intend and what are you doing? The enemies are many and the tracking is coming, coming, We have Muslim brothers everywhere who are persecuted, tortured, and enslaved. The most important thing is that some of them will die, and perhaps you will be next to them and survive. Do you think it is luck? Do you think it's a grant? Or do you know that God - the Almighty - kept you for something that He wants from you? Oh God, teach us what you want from us, and protect us from what worries us and preoccupies us with what you want from us.

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