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The reasons for the killing of Othman bin Affan and his siege

The reasons for his death - may God be pleased with him -
1 - The slander of the Kharijites to remove Amr ibn al-Aas from the Army

The reason for this was that Amr bin Al-Aas, when Othman isolated him from Egypt, appointed Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sarh, the reason for that was that the Kharijites among the Egyptians were besieged by Amr ibn al-Aas, oppressed with him, and could not speak ill of a caliph or an emir, they were still working on it until they complained about it to Uthman. To remove it from them and appoint someone who is softer than him over them, and this did not stop their habit until he removed Omar from war and left him to pray, and he appointed Abdullah bin Sa’d bin Abi Sarh in charge of the war and the tax, then they sought between them with gossip, and it happened between them, until there was an ugly talk between, them, so Uthman sent and collected for Ibn Abi Sarh all the labors of Egypt. Its revenues, its war and its prayers, and sent to Amr saying to him: There is no good for you in standing with those who hate you, so come to me, so Amr ibn al-Aas moved to Medina, and in his soul from Uthman was a great matter, and a great evil, so he spoke to him about what was his matter with the same, and they argued about that, and Amr ibn al-Aas was proud of his father over Abu Uthman, and that he was dearer than him, so Othman said to him: Leave this, for it is a pre-Islamic matter. And make Amr bin Al-Aas to turn people against Othman, and there was a group in Egypt who hated Uthman and spoke foul words about him and resented him for deposing a group of the most elite of the Companions, and taking over him without them or someone who was not fit for the governorship, and the people of Egypt hated Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sarh after Amr bin Al-Aas, And Abdullah bin Saad worked for them by fighting the people of Morocco and conquering the Berber countries, Andalusia and Ifriqiya, a group of the sons of the Companions grew up in Egypt, urging people to warn him and denounce him, and the greatness of that was attributed to Muhammad bin Abi Bakr and Muhammad bin Abi Hudhayfah, until they mobilized about six hundred riders to go to Medina as Umrah performers in the month of Rajab; To deny Uthman, they marched to it under four companions, He commanded everyone to Abi Amr bin Badil bin Warqaa Al-Khuza’i, Abd Al-Rahman bin Udays Al-Balawi, Kinana bin Bishr Al-Tujibi, and Sudan bin Hamran Al-Sakuni, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr came with them, and Muhammad bin Abi Hudhayfah settled in Egypt, inciting people and defending them. Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sarh wrote to Uthman informing him of the arrival of these people, The people went to Medina, denying him the status of Umrah performers. When they approached Medina, Othman to Ali bin Abi Talib ordered him to go out to them. To return them to their country before they enter Al - Madinah.

2 - Ammar bin Yasser's instigation of Othman for something in himself - may God be pleased with them both -

And it is said: Rather, he delegated people to them, so he delegated Ali, may God be pleased with him, so he sent him and the group of nobles went out with him, and ordered him to take with him Ammar bin Yasir, Ali said to Ammar, but Ammar refused to go out with him, so Othman sent Saad bin Abi Waqqas to go to Ammar to incite him to go out with Ali to them, but Ammar refused all the rejection, and abstained the most, and he was angry at Uthman because of his discipline for him on a matter, and he beat him for that, and that was because he insulted Abbas bin Utbah bin Abi Lahab, So Uthman disciplined them, so Ammar conspired against him for that, and he incited people against him, but Saad bin Abi Waqqas forbade him from that, He blamed him, and he did not abandon him, did not return, and did not remove him, Ali bin Abi Talib went to them while they were in Al-Juhfa, and they were venerating him and exaggerating his affairs, He rebuked them and rebuked them and cursed them, but they blamed themselves again and said: this is what you are fighting the prince for, and protesting against him. It is said that he debated with them about Othman, and asked them: What do they resent against him? They mentioned things:

From which he had a fever

And he burned the Qurans

And he completed the prayer

And he passed the states events

He left the great Companions, and gave the Umayyads more than the people, and others

To respond to these allegations, we will devote a special article to it 
How did Uthman - may God be pleased with him - face these slanders?

It was narrated that Othman addressed the people with all of this in the presence of the Companions, and he made them cite them as witnesses for him. And it is narrated that they sent a group of them, and they witnessed this sermon of Othman, when the excuses were cleared and their ailments were removed, and there was no doubt left for them, a group of the Companions advised Uthman to discipline them, so he forgave them and left them, may God be pleased with him, He returned them to their people, so they returned disappointed from whence they came and did not obtain anything of what they had hoped and aimed for.

Ali's advice Othman by saying a sermon in front of the people - may God be pleased with them both -

Ali returned to Uthman, and told him that they had turned back from him and heard from him, and he advised Uthman to address the people in which he apologized to them for what had happened from the effects of some of his relatives, and he testifies to them that he has repented of that, and repented of continuing the way he was in the biography of the two sheikhs before him, and that he does not deviate from it, as it was the case in the first six years, Othman listened to this advice, and he met it with hearing and obedience, and when it was Friday and he delivered a sermon to the people, he raised his hands during the sermon, and said: O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and repent to You, O Allah, I am the first to repent of what I did, He made his eyes weep, so all the Muslims wept, and people felt a great deal of tenderness for their imam, and Uthman made the people testify of himself with that, and that he adhered to what the two sheikhs, Abu Bakr Umar, may God be pleased with them, used to do, and that he opened his door for anyone who wanted to enter it, and he did not prevent anyone from doing so, and he went down and prayed with the people, then entered his house and appointed whoever wanted to enter upon the Commander of the Faithful for a need or a question or a question, and no one was prevented from that for a period.

Ali's advice to Othman to appease the people in a sermon - may God be pleased with them both -

Al-Waqidi said: Ali bin Omar told me on the authority of his father, he said: Then Ali came to Othman after the Egyptians had left, and he said to him: Speak words that people hear from you and testify against you, and God bears witness to what is in your heart of inclination and repentance, for the country has been in labor for you, and there are no other riders who will come from Kufa, and you will say: O Ali, ride to them. Others come from Basra, and you say: O Ali, ride to them. If I don't, I will sever your ties of kinship and belittle your right?! He said: So Othman went out and preached the sermon in which he was removed, and he taught the people of himself repentance, so he stood up

Othman's sermon - may God be pleased with him - appeased the hearts that turned against him

So he thanked God and praised him for what he deserved, then said: as for what follows, O people, by God, he who criticizes something that I do not know is wrong, and I did not come to anything except that I know it, but my reason have gone astray, and I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: He who erred, let him repent, and he who erred, let him repent, and not persist in perdition, He who persists in oppression is further from the road, I am the first to preach, I seek God’s forgiveness for what I have done, and I repent to Him, for like me he removed and repented, so if I descend, let your nobles come to me, By God, I will be like slave, if he's own he is patient, and if he is freed, he is thankful, and there is no way for God except to Him. He said: The people separated for him, and whoever wept cried, Saeed bin Zaid stood up to him and said: O Commander of the Faithful, God is God within yourself, so complete what you said, When Othman went to his house, he found a group of the most senior people there, and Marwan bin Al-Hakam came to him, He said: Do I speak, Commander of the Faithful, or shut up? Uthman's wife - Naela bint Al-Farafsa Al-Kalbiyyah - said from behind the veil: Rather, be silent, by God, they would have fought him, and he said an article that he should not deviate from, He said to her: What are you and that? By God, your father has died, and it is not good for him to perform ablution. She said to him: Leave the remembrance of the fathers. She obtained judgment from his father, so Marwan turned away from her, And he said to Uthman: O Commander of the Faithful, shall I speak or remain silent? Othman said to him: Rather, speak. Marwan said: May my father and mother be sacrificed for you! I wish that this article and you was impenetrable, you were the first to accept it and help it, but you said what you said when the belt reached the doctors, and behind the torrent Zabi (example: hit for the matter if it became severe until it exceeded the limit) and when he gives the humiliated plan to the humiliated, and God will establish a sin from which he seeks forgiveness, it is better than a repentance that you fear for, and that if you wished, you would have resolved to repent and not decided for us to sin, a group of people gathered at the door like mountains. Othman said: Go out to them and speak to them, for I am ashamed to speak to them, He said: So Marwan went out to the door while the people were riding one after the other, so he said: What is your business? It is as if you have come to plunder. Faces are deformed. Every person takes the permission of his friend, Isn't it who I want? You came wanting to wrest our possessions from our hands, get out of our hands, but by God, if you shoot us, something will happen to you that will displease you, and you will not be thankful for its stupidity. Go back to your homes, By God, we are not helpless over what is in our hands. He said: So the people returned, and some of them left until he came to Ali and told him the news.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib's position on Othman's article - may God be pleased with them both

Ali came angry until he entered upon Uthman and said: Are you not satisfied with Marwan and I am not satisfied with you except by diverting you from your religion and your mind? and your likeness is like a howdah camel that walked wherever it left, By God, I see that he will supply you and then not export you, and I will not return after this place of mine to admonish you. When Ali came out, Naila came to Uthman and said: speak or shut up? He said: Speak. She said: I heard Ali say that he does not return to you, and you obeyed Marwan wherever he wished, He said: What do I do? She said: You fear God alone, who has no partner, and you follow the Sunnah of your two companions before you, for when you obey Marwan, he kills you, and Marwan has no power, prestige, or love with God, So send to Ali and fix him, for he is related to you and he does not disobey. He said: So Othman sent for Ali, but he refused to come to him, and said: I informed him that I am not returning, He said: Marwan heard what Naela had said about him, so he came to Othman and said: Should I speak or be silent? He said: Speak. He said: Naela is the daughter of Al-Farafsa, Othman said: Do not mention it with a letter, or your face will be worse for you. By God, it is more sincere to me than you. He said: Stop Marwan.

Second: His siege - may God be pleased with him -

When what happened on Friday happened, and the Commander of the Faithful, Uthman, was wounded while he was at the top of the pulpit, and he fell unconscious, and he was carried to his house, the matter worsened, those rude people coveted him, and forced him into his house, oppressed him, and surrounded him besieging him, and many of the Companions stayed in their homes, a group of the sons of the Companions walked to him on the orders of their fathers. Among them are Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, and Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr - who was the prince of the house - and Abdullah bin Omar, and they became unfair to him, and they struggled without him so that one of them could reach him, and some people accepted him in the hope that they would answer one of what they asked, They had asked him to either isolate himself or hand Marwan bin al-Hakam over to them, and no one thought that he would be killed, except what was in the soul of those who rebelled against him.

Who was leading the people in prayer when Othman was cut off from the mosque?

Othman - may God be pleased with him - did not go out to him except for a little at the beginning of the matter, then he stopped altogether at the end, and he used to lead the people in these days, Al-Ghafiqi bin Harb, the siege lasted more than a month. And it was said: forty days. Al-Waqidi narrated that Ali also prayed, Abu Ayyub led them in prayer, and Sahl bin Hanif led them in prayer, and Ali used to gather them together, and he was the one who led them in prayer after that.

Othman bin Affan's appeal - may God be pleased with him - to Muslims with his exploits in the early days of Islam, Imam Ahmad said: Bahz narrated to us, Abu Awana narrated to us, Husayn narrated to Amr bin Jawan, he said: Al-Ahnaf said: We set out for pilgrims, so we passed through Medina, and while we were in our house, a man came to us and said: people in the mosque. So I and my companion set off, and there the people gathered in groups in the mosque. He said: so I went through them until I stood up to them, and then I found Ali bin Abi Talib, Al-Zubayr, Talhah, and Saad bin Abi Waqqas. He said: It was not faster than when Othman came walking, He said: Here Ali? They said: Yes. He said: Is Zubair here? They said: Yes. He said: Is Saad here? They said: Yes. He said: I adjure you by God, besides whom there is no god except God, do you know that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Whoever buys the burial ground of Bani So-and-so, God will forgive him. So I sold it and came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I said: I have bought it. He said: “Put it in our mosque and pay it for you, They said: Yes. He said: I adjure you by God, besides whom there is no god. Do you know that the Messenger of God except God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him? He said: Who will buy the well of Rumah? So I sold it for such-and-such, and I came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, I said: I have bought it - meaning the well of Rumah - He said: Make it a drink for the Muslims, and you will be rewarded for it? They said: Yes. He said: I adjure you by God, besides Whom there is no god but God, Do you know that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, He looked at the faces of the people on the day of the Al-Usra Army and said: Who will prepare them? May God forgive him, so I prepared them so that they would not lose a shoe or a headband? they said: by God, yes. He said: O God, bear witness, O God, bear witness, O God bear witness. Then he left. And narrated it. Al-Nisa'i from a fortified hadeeth

Another narration

Abdullah bin Ahmad said: Ubaidullah bin Omar Al-Quwariri told me, Al-Qasim bin Al-Hakam bin Aws Al-Ansari told me, Abu Ubadah Al-Zarqi Al-Ansari told me, from the people of Medina, Anzaid bin Aslam, on the authority of his father, who said: I witnessed Uthman on the day he was confined to the funeral home, and if a stone was thrown, it would not fall except on the head of a man, so I saw Othman more honorable than the peach (a small door within a large door) that is next to the shrine of Jibril, and he said: O people, is Talhah among you? Then he said: O people, is Talhah among you? Then he said: O people, do you have Mutlaha? So Mutlaha bin Ubaid Allah got up and Othman said to him: Don't I see you here? I did not think that you would be in a group of people, hearing my last call three times and then not answering me, I adjure you by God, O Talhah, remember the day you and I were with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, In such and such a place, none of his companions were with him except me and you, He said: Yes - and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to you: O Talhah, there is no prophet who does not have with him one of his companions a companion from his nation with him in heaven, and Othman bin Affan, this - I mean - my companion in heaven? . Talha said: Oh God, yes. Then he left and they did not take him out.

Another narration

Abdullah bin Ahmed said: Muhammad bin Abi Bakr Al-Muqdami told us, Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Ansari narrated to us, Hilal bin Haq told us, on the authority of Al-Jariri, on the authority of Thumama bin Hazn Al-Qushayri, He said: I witnessed the house on the day Uthman was injured, so he looked at them and said: Call for me your two companions who accused you of me, so they called him, and he said: I adjure you by God, do you know that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he came to Madinah, the mosque was fed up with its people, and he said: Who will buy this piece of land with his own money and be like Muslims in it, and he will have something better than it in Paradise? I bought it with my own money and made it among the Muslims, but you are preventing me from praying two rak’ahs in it! Then he said: I adjure you by God, do you know that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he came to Medina, there was no well in it except for the well of Rumah. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Whoever buys it with his own money, his bucket in it will be like the buckets of Muslims, and he has a better one in heaven? So I bought it with my own money, and you are preventing me from drinking from it, then he said: Do you know that I am the owner of the Al-Usra Army? They said: Oh God, yes. It was narrated by al-Tirmidhi on the authority of Abdullah bin Abd al-Rahman al-Darimi, Abbas al-Duri and more than one, Al-Nasa’i transmitted it on the authority of Ziyad bin Ayyub. All of them are on the authority of Saeed bin Amer, on the authority of Yahya bin Abi Al-Hajjaj Al-Manqari, on the authority of Saeed Al-Jurairi. Al-Tirmidhi said it is good.

Another narration

Imam Ahmad said: Abd al-Samad told us, al-Qasim - meaning Ibn al-Fadl - told us, Amr bin Murra told us, on the authority of Salim bin Abi al-Jaad, he said: Othman called for men from among the companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, among them was Ammar bin Yasir. He said: I am asking you and I would like you to believe me. I adjure you by God. Do you know that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to influence Quraysh over all the people? and Bani Hashem affects the rest of the Quraysh? The people remained silent, and Uthman said: If I had the keys to Paradise, I would give them to Banu Umayyah so that they would enter from the last of them. So he sent for Talha and Al-Zubayr, Othman said: Shall I not tell you about him - meaning Ammar - I came with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, taking my hand and we were walking in the bath until he came to his father and mother and he was being tortured, Abu Ammar said: O Messenger of God, is life like this? The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him: "Be patient." Then he said: “O Allah, forgive the family of Yasir, and I have done so, Ahmad was unique to it, and none of the authors of the books narrated it

Another narration

Imam Ahmad said: Ishaq bin Suleiman told us, I heard Mughirah bin Muslim Abu Salama mentioning on the authority of Matar, on the authority of Nafeh, on the authority of Ibn Umar that Uthman supervised his companions while he was besieged and said: why are you killing me? For I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: It is not lawful to shed the blood of a Muslim except in one of three cases: A man committed adultery after his marriage, he must be stoned, or he was killed intentionally, he must be executed, or he apostatized after his conversion to Islam, he must be killed, . By God, I did not commit adultery during ignorance or Islam, and I did not kill anyone to restrain myself from it, I have not reverted since I converted to Islam. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. It was narrated by al-Nasa’i, on the authority of Ahmad ibn al-Azhar, on the authority of Ishaq ibn Sulayman.

Another narration

Imam Ahmad said: Affan told us, Hammad bin Zaid narrated to us, Yahya bin Saeed narrated to us, on the authority of Abi Umamah bin Sahl bin Hanif, he said: I was with Uthman in the house and he was confined, he said: We used to enter an entrance when we entered it, we heard the words of those on the floor, He said: So Othman entered one day for a need, and he came out to us, discolored, and said: They would threaten me to kill me earlier. He said: We said: Allah suffices them, O Commander of the Faithful. He said: He said: Why do they kill me? For I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: It is not lawful to shed the blood of a Muslim except in one of three cases: a person who disbelieves after converting to Islam, or commits adultery after becoming married, or kills a person without a person. By God, I never committed adultery during ignorance or Islam, and I never wished in exchange for my religion since God guided me to it, I did not kill a person, so why do they kill me? . It was narrated by the people of the four Sunnahs “from the hadith of Hammad bin Zaid, on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed, on the authority of Abu Umamah - Zad Al-Nasa’i: And Abdullah bin Amer bin Rabia - they said: We were with Othman. So mention it. Al-Tirmidhi said: It is good, and Hammad bin Salamah narrated it on the authority of Yahya bin Saeed, so he narrated it.

Another narration

Imam Ahmad said: Qattan told us, Yunus - meaning Ibn Abi Ishaq - narrated to us on the authority of his father, on the authority of Abi Salamah ibn Abd al-Rahman, he said: Ashraf Uthman was from the palace and he was surrounded, so he said: I adjure God who witnessed the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the day of Hira, When the mountain shook, he kicked it with his foot, then said: Live in Hira, there is nothing upon you but a prophet, a friend, or a martyr, and I am with him, Men sought him. He said: I adjure God who witnessed the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, on the day of the allegiance of Radwan, when he sent me to the polytheists to the people of Mecca, he said: "This is my hand, and this is Ya'd'Uthman." So he pledged allegiance to me? Men sought him. He said: I adjure God who witnessed the Messenger of God, Peace be upon him. He said: Who will make this house in the mosque expand for us with a house in Paradise? So I bought it from my money and expanded the mosque with it? Men adjure to him, He said: I adjure God who witnessed the Messenger of God on the day of the Al-Usra army. He said: Who spends today a receptive expense? . So I prepared half of the army from Mali? Men adjure to him, and I chant by God, the scene of Rome whose water is sold to the wayfarer, so I bought it from my money, so I made it permissible to the wayfarer? He said: So he sought men for him. Narrated by Al-Nasai, on the authority of Imran bin Bakkar, on the authority of Khattab bin Othman, On the authority of Isa bin Yunus bin Abi Ishaq, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather, Abi Ishaq Al-Subaiba.

And in a narration

They asked him to isolate his deputies from the regions and appoint over them whomever they wanted, and if he did not isolate himself, to hand over to them Mamrwan ibn al-Hakam, so they would punish him as he forged his book to Misr on Uthman, Uthman feared that if he handed him over to them, they would kill him, and he would be a reason for killing a Muslim, and he did not do what deserved to be killed because of it, and he apologized for retaliation for what they said, He is a weak old man. As for what they asked him to take off himself, he would not do that, nor would he take off a shirt that God had made him wear, and he would leave the nation of Muhammad to run against one another, and he said to them in what he said: And what is the matter to me, if every time you hate a prince, you remove him, and whenever you are satisfied with him, he is his guardian? And he said to them as he said: By God, if you kill me, you will never love each other after me, and never pray together, and never fight an enemy together after me. And he was right, may God be pleased with him, in what he said.

Ibn Jarir mentioned that Uthman, may God be pleased with him

When he saw what these Kharijites of the people of the cities did, besieging him in his house and preventing him from going out to the mosque, he wrote to Muawiyah in Sham, and to Ibn Aamer in Basra, And to the people of Kufa, asking them to send an army to expel them from the city, so Muawiya sent Habib bin Maslama, and assigned Yazid bin Asad Al-Qasri in an army, and the people of Kufa sent an army, and the people of Basra an army, and when they heard that the armies had gone out to them, they determined the siege, so the armies did not approach the city, Until the killing of Othman, may God be pleased with him, came to them.

Ibn Jarir mentioned that Uthman summoned Al-Ashtar Al-Nakhai

And a pillow was placed for Uthman in an alcove of his house, so he supervised the people, and Uthman said to him: O Ashtar, what do they want? He said: They want either of you, To isolate yourself from the ruler, or to restrict yourself to whom you have beaten, flogged, or imprisoned, or they will kill you.

mam Ahmed said

Abd al-Rahman bin Mahdi told us, Muawiya bin Saleh told us, on the authority of Rabia bin Yazid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Qais, that Al-Nu’man bin Bashir told me, he said: Muawiyah wrote a letter with me to Aisha, so I gave her his letter, and she told me that she had heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say to Othman: Perhaps God will give you a shirt, and if someone wants you to take it off, do not take it off three times, Al-Nu'man said: I said, O Mother of the Believers, where were you from this hadith? She said: O my son, by God, I have forgotten him. It was narrated by al-Tirmidhi from the hadeeth of al-Layth, on the authority of Muawiyah bin Saleh, on the authority of Rabia bin Yazid, on the authority of Abdullah bin Amer, on the authority of Al-Numan, on the authority of Aisha. Then he said: This is a strange hadeeth, And Ibn Majah narrated it from the hadith of Al-Faraj bin Fadalah, on the authority of Rabia bin Yazid, on the authority of Al-Numan, so Abdullah bin Amer was dropped.

Imam Ahmed said

Yahya bin Ismail told us, Qais narrated to us, on the authority of Abu Sahla, on the authority of Aisha, who said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Call some of my companions for me.” I said: Abu Bakr? he said no, I said: Omar? he said no " . I said: Your cousin Ali? he said no " . She said: I said: Othman? He said: "Yes." When he came, he said: Step aside. So he made his left and the color of Othman change, when it was the day of the house and he was confined to it, we said: O Commander of the Faithful, will you not fight? he said no ; The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, entrusted me with a covenant, and I am patient with him. Ahmed singled him out.

And Muhammad bin Aath Al-Dimashqi said

Al-Walid bin Muslim told us, Abdullah bin Lahia told us, on the authority of Yazid bin Amr, that he heard Abu Thawr Al-Fahmi say: I came to Othman, and while I was with him, I went out, and then there was a delegation of the people of Egypt, they returned, so I went to Othman and informed him. He said: How did you see them? I said: I saw evil in their faces, and Ibn Udays al-Balawi was upon them. Ibn Udays ascended the pulpit of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, He prayed with them on Friday and Othman missed his sermon, so I went to Othman and told him what he had done about them, and he said: He lied, by God Ibn Udays, and had it not been for what he mentioned, I would not have mentioned that, I am the fourth of four in Islam, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, married his daughter to me, then she died, so he married his other daughter to me, By God, I did not commit adultery, nor did I steal during ignorance or Islam, I have not transgressed or wished since I converted to Islam, nor have I touched my private part with my right hand since I pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I collected the Qur’an during the time of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and not a Friday comes to me except that I freed a slave on it since I converted to Islam, except that I cannot find it on that Friday, so I collect it on the second Friday, Narrated by Yaqoub bin Sufyan, on the authority of Abdullah bin Abi Bakr, on the authority of Ibn Lahia. He said: I hid ten things with my Lord, so he mentioned them.

How long did his siege last - may God be pleased with him -?

The siege lasted from the end of Dhul-Qi'dah to Friday the eighteenth of Dhul-Hijjah

Othman's vision and its indication that his death is approaching - may God be pleased with him

When it was a day before that, Uthman said to those with him in the house from the sons of the Muhajireen and the Ansar - and they were close to seven hundred: Among them are Abdullah bin Omar, Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, Al-Hassan, Al-Hussein, Marwan, and Abu Hurairah, He was created from his freed slaves, and if he had left them, they would have prevented him, so he said to them: I swear on the one who has a right to restrain his hand, And to go home. He has a large number of notable companions and their children. And he said to his slave: Whoever sheaths his sword is free. So the fighting cooled from within the house, and heated from outside, the matter became severe, and the reason for that was that Othman saw in a dream a vision that indicated that his death was approaching, so he surrendered to God’s command, hoping for His promise, and longing for the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, And let him be the best of the two sons of Adam, as he said when his brother wanted to kill him: I want you to bear my sin and yours, so you will be among the inmates of the Fire, and that is the recompense of the wrongdoers [Al-Maa’idah: 29] . And it was narrated that the last one who came out of Uthman’s house after he decided that they should leave, Al-Hassan bin Ali was wounded, and the commander of war against the people of the house was Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, may God be pleased with them.

Abu Jaafar Al-Razi said

On the authority of Ayoub Al-Sakhtiani, on the authority of Nafeh, on the authority of Ibn Omar that Othman, may God be pleased with him, began to tell people that he said: I saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream, and he said: “Oh Othman, break your fast with us.” So he became fasting and killed from that day.

Said Saif bin Omar

On the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Ziyad bin Anam, on the authority of a man who said: Katheer bin al-Salt entered upon him and said: O Commander of the Faithful, go out and sit in the courtyard so that he sees your face, for if you do that, they will be deterred. He laughed and said: O katheer, I saw yesterday as if I entered upon the Prophet of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, And Abu Bakr and Umar were with him, so he said: “Go back, for you are not fasting with me tomorrow.” Then Othman said: By God, the sun will not set tomorrow - or such-and-such - except that I will be among the people of the Hereafter. He said: So Saad and Abu Hurairah put down their weapons, and they went until they entered Othman.

Musa bin Uqba said

Abu Alqama - Mawla of Abd al-Rahman bin Awf - told me Ibn al-Salt, he said: Othman bin Affan fell asleep on the day he was killed, so he woke up and said: Were it not for people saying: Othman made a wish, I would have spoken to you. He said: We said: May God fix you, tell us, so we do not say what people say. He said: I saw the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in this dream of mine, and he said: “You are witnessing Friday with us.”

Ibn Abi Al-Dunya said

Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Qurashi told us, Khalaf bin Tamim told us, Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Muhajir al-Bajali told us, Abd al-Malik bin Umair told us, Katheer bin al-Salt told us, he said: I entered upon Uthman while he was besieged, and he said to me: O Katheer, he only saw me killed on this day. He said: I said: May God grant you victory over your enemy, O Commander of the Faithful, He said: Then he repeated it to me, so I said: Is there a time for you on this day, or was something said to you? He said: No, but I stayed awake this past night, and when it was dawn, I fell asleep, and I saw what the sleeping person sees, the Messenger of God, May the peace and blessings of God be upon him, and Abu Bakr and Umar, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says to me: “O Uthman, do not detain us, for we are waiting for you.” He said: So he was killed on that day.

From the above we made several stops

1 - It is not a shame for a person to be (gentle) to the last drop of his life, even with the ugliest people who wish him evil, was it Uthman's fault - may God be pleased with him and make him satisfied? that he forgave those who besieged him and did not take them by force? until the end was at their hands, of course not, he wanted to meet God with a sound heart, and they wanted to seize the world, and stain their hands with one of those whom heaven was waiting for.

2 - Their appeal to God and the multiplicity of His virtues - may God be pleased with him - were not appropriate when people revolted, and when people revolt they are blind, the situation could have another way to solve it, but there are no predestined destinies. We only represent our destinies, but they have been written since eternity.

3 - Seeing him in a dream on the night of his martyrdom - may God be pleased with him - that he breaks his fast with the Messenger of God and his companions, This suffices him, for those who doubt the sendings of heaven after sealing the last message, these are the mercies sent from heaven to earth for those who deserve it at the time that God Almighty estimates - will we also question his sincerity - may God be pleased with him? this is heaven's testimony of his innocence from God's wrath upon him, even if humans were angry.

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