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308 - Take cotton with musk, and purify yourself with it

[308] حدثنا يحيى قال : حدثنا ابن عيينة عن منصور بن صفية عن أمه عن عائشة أن امرأة سألت النبي ﷺ عن غسلها من المحيض فأمرها كيف تغتسل قال خذي فرصة من مسك فتطهري بها قالت كيف أتطهر قال تطهري بها قالت كيف قال سبحان الله تطهري فاجتبذتها إلي فقلت : تتبعي بها أثر الدم

[308] Yahya told us, he said: Ibn Uyaynah told us on the authority of Mansour bin Safiya, on the authority of his mother, on the authority of Aisha, that a woman asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, about her washing of the menstruation, so he instructed her how to take a bath. He said, “Take a farsh: a piece of wool or cotton: from musk, so you can purify yourself, She said, “How do I purify?” He said, “Purify yourself with it.” She said, “How?” He said, “Glory be to God, cleanse.” So I drew her to me, and I said: Follow the traces of blood with it.

Results indicated that

Musk has inhibitory effects on the growth of study microorganisms Musk contains active substances similar to antibiotic, alkaloids and volatile oils present in them as they have the ability to stop the growth of many microorganisms. The effect of natural musk was higher than the effect synthetic musk, And the microbes were the most sensitive to musk is Bacillus subtilis. As for anti-microbial creams, the effect of the anti-bacterial cream was more effective in their suppression compared to all kinds of musk unlike the anti-fungal cream which gave a negative result.

The conclusion

This study showed that the different concentrations of natural musk have an effective role in inhibiting some of the microbes of this vaginal pathogen, and it has given a positive opposite result to these microbes, and therefore it can be used as a natural antibiotic that reduces side effects on females and the environment.

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