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6054 - 6055 - The Prophet sums up the world in a drawing

6054 – حدثنا صدقة بن الفضل: أخبرنا يحيى بن سعيد، عن سفيان قال: حدثني أبي، عن منذر، عن ربيع بن خثيم، عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال: خط النبي ﷺ خطاً مربعاً، وخط خطاً في الوسط خارجاً منه، وخط خططاً صغاراً إلى هذا الذي في الوسط من جانبه الذي ف الوسط، وقال: (هذا الإنسان، وهذا أجله محيط به – أو: قد أحاط به – وهذا الذي هو خارج أمله، وهذه الخطط الصغار الأعراض، فإن أخطأه هذا نهشه هذا، وإن أخطأه هذا نهشه هذا).
6055 – حدثنا مسلم: حدثنا همَّام، عن إسحق بن عبد الله بن أبي طلحة، عن أنس قال: خط النبي ﷺ خطوطاً، فقال: (هذا الأمل وهذا أجله، فبينما هو كذلك إذ جاءه الخط الأقرب). 

6054 - Sadaqah binAl-Fadl told us: Yahya bin Saeed told us, on the authority of Sufyan, he said:My father told me, on the authority of Mundhir, on the authority of Rabee binKhathaim, on the authority of Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, who said: Theline of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, drew a square, and hedrew a line in the middle coming out of it, and he drew small plans to this onein the middle on his side who is in the middle, and he said: (This human being,and this term of his life is surrounded by him - or: he has surrounded him -and this is the one who is beyond his hope, and these little plans are worldlypleasure, If this mistakes him, another one will gnaw him, If this mistakes him,another one will gnaw him. 

6055 - Muslimtold us: Hammam told us, on the authority of Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Abi Talha,on the authority of Anas, he said: The Prophet, peace and blessings be uponhim, drew lines, so he said: “This hope and this is its term, while it is likethat when the nearest line came to him.” 

From the two noble hadith we take:

1 - A personlives and walks through transverse lines in his life, even though his life goesin length, so you find him entering the money line to live in it for a time ofprosperity, then he thinks about the position and enters it - accidentally -and does not leave it except on the line of marriage, then procreation, thengrandchildren, and so on. line to line behind him - crosswise - He forgets thathope is the only length line he should pay attention to.

2 - While he is busy casually throughout his life,the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - writes for him the line of hope that it is longer than the line of life, then life ends, neitherdid he finish all the transverse lines, nor did he proceed in a natural way, longitudinally and not transversely, as his lifespan is shorter than the line of his hopes in this worldly life.

3 - We all fall into this: we imagine that we will remain for an eternity in this life, and life is accidents and changing and surprising events, we ask God for forgiveness by His grace and not His justice.

4 - As for the saying of the Messenger - may God’sprayers and peace be upon him - if this one makes a mistake, rip him this one,and if this one makes a mistake, pick him up this one - if you are satisfiedwith the money line, and decide to leave it - which is impossible -appearance andcuriosity gnaw at you - then a third and fourth gnaw at you until your termexpires for a line of transverse lines.

5- A strange description of the Messenger of God - one of the most amazing and shortest things that summarizes the world in a drawing

6 - The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was the first to use teaching aids - so to speak - before education scholars knew this concept from the ground up.

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