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6804 - I wish I had someone to Guard me until I fell asleep

6804 – حدثنا خالد بن مخلد:حدثنا سليمان بن بلال: حدثني يحيى بن سعيد: سمعت عبد الله بن عامر بن ربيعة قال:قالت عائشة،أرق النبي ﷺ ذات ليلة، فقال: (ليت رجلاً صالحاً من أصحابي يحرسني الليلة). إذ سمعنا صوت السلاح، قال: (من هذا). قيل: سعد يا رسول الله، جئت أحرسك، فنام النبي ﷺ حتى سمعنا غطيطه. قال أبو عبد الله: وقالت عائشة: قال بلال ألا ليت شعري هل أبيتنَّ ليلة – بواد وحولي إذخر وجليلفأخبرتالنبي ﷺ
3-4 - Chapter: The Prophet's saying: I wish such and such.

6804 - Khalid bin Makhlad told us: Suleiman bin Bilaltold us: Yahya bin Saeed told me: I heard Abdullah bin Amer bin Rabi’ah said:Aisha said, The Prophet, peace be upon him, fell asleep one night, and said: (Iwish a righteous man from among my companions would guard me tonight). As we heard the sound of the weapon, He said: (From this). It was said: Saad, O Messenger of God, I came to guard you, so the Prophet, peace be upon him, slept until we heard his snoring.

Abu Abdullah said: And Aisha said: Bilal said: I wishI had such and such Did you spend the night - in a valley, and around me Azkharand Galilee, and you informed the Prophet, peace be upon him?

The exploration of the noble Hadith: 

1 - One of the strange wishes of theMessenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - is that he sleeps at nightwithout worry or insomnia!!! This is the head of the Islamic state - in today'sexpressions, he is afraid to sleep and he is the Messenger of God without guards, He is truly a great messenger who teaches the nation after him how the presidents and kings are - not for fear of losing property, but for fear of losing religion.

2 - Among the Companions were men who stood in the way of advocacy before they were asked, and before they chose,what the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said whathe said until (they heard the sound of weapons).

3 - The weapon of (Saad) andhow do you know what Sa`d is? Sa`d, who died and seventy 70,000 angels fromheaven attend his funeral, who is 37 years old.

4- TheMessenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - slept on this nightuntil the sound of his sleep was heard.

5- May God's mercy be upon Saad - God's mercy be uponSaad - may God be pleased with him and satisfied him.

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