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6806 - The prohibited " wishing"

 3-6 - Chapter: What is disliked from wishful thinking:

First: The Qur'an {قال تعالي ( ولا تتمنَّواما فضَّل الله به بعضكم على بعض للرجل نصيب مما اكتسبوا وللنساء نصيب مما اكتسبن واسألوا الله من فضله إنَّ الله كان بكل شيء عليماً}  

The Almighty said: (And do not wish for a dream by which God has favored some of you over others. The man shall have a share of what they have earned, and the women shall have a share of what they have earned, And ask God of His bounty, for God is All-Knowing of everything.

The exploration to the verse:

In His saying, the MostHigh, the Lord, Blessed and Exalted be He, tells us that God - the Most High -prefers some years over others, some months over others, and some peopleover others, so He chooses from them messengers and prophets,  Men are preferred over women in some thingsand women are preferred over men in some things - such as in some cases of inheritance - so there is no absolute preference, then there is no favoritism. However, there are women who are socially oppressed for the place they live or for something that happened to them in their life, so they turn against their instinct and wish for something other than the one for whom it was created, You wish to become a man when you see the dignity and care that a man takes in everything, and theories follow Western theories and movements for the sake of fairness to women. And in one verse, God Almighty summarizes this non-cold warand says to you, O woman, “No, no,” you wish for what God has bestowed on men over you in terms of strength, health, and so on, and you wish you had created a man from the beginning, Or you wish that if you wanted to change the gender, then he says to look in your society, you will not find real equality between the sexes in wages and other things, and this is imposed in Islam because the man is responsible for the costs of living for the woman in all her cases and she is not charged with work or other than things that do not contradict her nature Giving and preventing in Islam have constants. Giving is an assignment, not an honor. 

2 - The verse tells you that if your work is wasted in this world and you take a lower wage than a man in the work, and if you are in the same job, you compete with him for it, then in Islam the matter is different, so that what a man gives (for men a share of what they earned and for women a share of what they earned) the wages are equal.

3 - then the verse tells you that if you want an increase in something in which the man is preferred over the woman, turn to God - come - with supplication, and we have walked through life and seen the women of a society with high culture, work and others, and if you look back in her life, you will find that she was wronged by a man who was a motive behind her success. God compensates - just don't wish the opposite of your nature.

4- Do not forget that the verse began with the forbidding (no), because this kind of wishing is forbidden in Islam.

Finally: Withdraw the general meaning of the verse and you will find: It is a general rule, whether you are a man or a woman and you find in life someone who is better than you in something, so do not wish him the demise of this blessing from his life, rather wish God your wish and ask him of His great bounty.

and God is superior and knows best .

second: The Hadiths:

6806 – حدثنا حسن بن الربيع: حدثنا أبو الأحوص، عن عاصم، عن النَّضر بن أنس قال: قال أنس رضي الله تعالى عنه: لولا أني سمعت النبي ﷺ يقول: (لا تتمنَّوا الموت). لتمنَّيت 6807 – حدثنا محمد:حدثنا عبدة، عن ابن أبي خالد، عن قيس قال: أتينا خبَّاب ابن الأرتِّ نعوده وقد اكتوى سبعاً، فقال: لولا أنَّ رسول الله ﷺ نهانا أن ندعو بالموت لدعوت به. 6808 – حدثناعبد اللهبن محمد: حدثنا هشام بن يوسف: أخبرنا معمر، عن الزُهريِّ، عن أبي عبيد، اسمه سعد بن عبيد، مولى عبد الرحمن بن أزهر : أن رسول الله ﷺ قال: (لا يتمنَّى أحدكم الموت، إمّا محسناً فلعلَّه يزداد، وإما مسيئاً فلعله يَسْتَعْتِبْ). 

6806 - Hasan bin Al-Rabi` told us: Abu Al-Ahwas told us, on the authority of Asim, on the authority of Al-Nadr bin Anas, who said: Anas, may God be pleased with him, said: Had I not heard the Prophet ﷺ say: (Do not wish for death). I wished 6807 - Muhammad told us: Abda told us, on the authority of Ibn Abi Khalid, on the authority of Qais, he said: We came to Khabbab Ibn Al-Art, to return to him, and he had been stung seven wih fire, He said: Were it not that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, forbade us to pray for death, I would have prayed for it. 6808 - Abd Allah told us, Bin Muhammad: Hisham Bin Youssef told us: Muammar told us, on the authority of Al-Zuhri, on the authority of Abi Obaid, whose name is Saad Bin Obaid, the mawla of Abd Al-Rahman Bin Azhar: That the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (None of you should wish for death, either he is a good-doer, perhaps he will increase, or an abusive person, perhaps he will be reprimanded).

In exploration to the hadiths in this regard:

1 - In life there are desperate moments, critical situations and problems at times when a person has no power, even though God tasks every soul with what it is capable of. However, despair exists in life, and with moments of extreme despair People’s paths are divided, including: A - Whoever quickly returns to his faith in God, he who is satisfied with God’s predestination will surely give him something better than what he took from him.

b- Those who disbelieve in God and life and all beliefs and ask for death, and among those who ask for death by supplication only, and among them are those who commit suicide, and among them are those who ask what the West neglects today with merciful death so that he or those around him who support his decision do not feel a sense of torture.

That is, what was your destination in the event of calamities - may God protect you from them in general and in detail - but this is only in Paradise, just remember that this wish (merely wishing for death is forbidden in Islam)

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