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6805 - No envious except in two

6805 – حدثنا عثمان بن أبي شيبة: حدثنا جرير، عن الأعمش، عن أبي صالح، عن أبي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ : (لا تحاسد إلا في اثنتين: رجل آتاه الله القرآن، فهو يتلوه آناء الليل والنهار، يقول: لو أوتيت مثل ما أوتي هذا لفعلت كما يفعل، ورجل آتاه الله مالاً ينفقه في حقِّه فيقول: لو أوتيت مثل ما أوتي هذا لفعلت كما يفعل).حدثنا قتيبة: حدثنا جرير بهذا
3-5 - Chapter: wishing for the Qur'an and Knowledge. 

6805 - Othman bin Abi Shaybah told us: Jarir told us,on the authority of Al-Amash, on the authority of Abu Salih, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (Do not be envious except in two: A man to whom Allah has given theQur’an, and he recites it during the day and night, and he says: If I were given as he is given, I would do as he does, and a man whom God has given him money, he spends it on its right. He says: If I were given what this was given, I would do as he does. Qutaiba told us: Jarir told us this

The envy of the two men: each other's envy

And envy is: wishing for the demise of the blessing from others

The Exploration of the noble Hadith:  

1 - It was thecustom of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to make Muslims think about big things, not small things, as the West says Think big. In this hadith: The messenger grows Muslims' s mind from envy over a car, a new home, or a gold piece, to what is greater and higher meaning in this life, and perhaps the common people are envious of such things, Only a few unique people are envious of thingsrelated to the philosophy of life or what is beyond this life, and the Messenger likes to always and forever make Muslims different intellectually before doctrinal.

2 - What are the two?

A - A man to whom God has given the Qur’an and he recites it during the day and night, and the recitation is: the recitation of the Noble Qur’an consecutively, i.e., he does not tire or tire of reciting like the one who is travel which he ends travel came to another, whenever he seals, he starts from the first and does not take a truce between them, and reciting the known rulings of the recitation called Tajweed, and standing at the rulings, and standing at the verses ofpunishment to seek refuge from them, and standing at the verses of reward to seek to get rid of them, And other provisions of recitation, not only as we imagine it is just reading, but it refines and improves and encodes everything that is bad into all that is positive, why? the West says: You're what you listen for- and they mean by it: that you listen to a certain music, especially sophistication music, you mean that you are such andsuch a person, where did they get the concept from? from modern psychological studies, so whenever you read words that address the mind at times and tickle the feelings for the love of God and His Messenger at other times, It clears your heart of whispers, grudges, and other afflictions of the heart, and you don't even feel it... God is higher and knows best.

Whoever sees this man says: If I weregiven the same as this, I would do as he does: Here is wish what's in hand of others and not envy in its negative sense, he wants for himself what he saw good in others, B - And a man whom God has given money to spend on his right: money, dear reader, is one of the most beautiful things that a young person runs after before an old one, and spending money on oneself is a special pleasure, and if someone robs you of your money by force, it arouses a grudge in you, thus.. and we all love this, but little who spends money on its right, and what is the right of money?

The money right

1 - The weak, the needy, the helpless, the orphan, the widow, and who has a right to your money, and if your money is not enough for all of these, then it is better to spend on yourself and your family and give your money to them - charity for the poor is charity, and for a relative is charity and a bond.

2 - From the right of money:Release the captive: Do you not see the world changed its state at the end of the twenty-first century: slaves returned in almost every country under relatively new names - cheap labor - and labor without price and other things that are not called by us as Muslims anything but slaves, they have your right in your money, And I hear you say: I do not know how to eat my family, so I can free a slave from among the slaves and put my life at risk, and I tell you who has the right to money if you commit a grave sin during the Hajj or the day in Ramadan, you have the right to free a slave from among the slaves, if you are not able to, then think about 10 days of fasting or other, but if you were able and did not do it and thought about the easiest, then you did not spend the money in its right .

3 -You eat different shapes and sizes - and we all do - did youever think, only once, to apologize to God - come - for the existence of famines, if you did not pay once, then you did not spend the money on its right, Ibn Abbas said: Eat whatever you want and wear whatever you want as long as you are mistaken. two things: extravagance or arrogance. Imagination is the love of appearing rich, superior, He says: (Who sees it) If I were given the same as this one, I would do as he does. Now:who are you? Are you one of those people envious of you? Or are you one of those who wish for what they see in others without wish to loset from them (these two men in particular whose actions came in the hadith) or are you neither this nor that? The Hadih serves as a criterion for determining yourpath from now on.

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