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307 - Not wearing perfume at the time of the death of the husband, except in

 [307] حدثنا عبد الله بن عبد الوهاب قال : حدثنا حماد بن زيد عن أيوب عن حفصة قال أبو عبد الله أو هشام بن حسان عن حفصة عن أم عطية عن النبي ﷺ قالت كنا ننهى أن نحد على ميت فوق ثلاث إلا على زوج أربعة أشهر وعشرا ولا نكتحل ولا نتطيب ولا نلبس ثوبا مصبوغا إلا ثوب عصب وقد رخص لنا عند الطهر إذا اغتسلت إحدانا من محيضها في نبذة من كست أظفار وكنا ننهي عن اتباع الجنائز قال رواه هشام بن حسان عن حفصة عن أم عطية عن النبي ﷺكُسْتِ أظْفارٍ»، وهو نَوعٌ من الطِّيبِ والعُطورِ، حتى يَتطيَّبَ الموضعُ وتزولَ الرائحةُ الكريهةُ

Kusb azfar: which is a kind of perfume, so that the place would be lubricated and the unpleasant smell would disappear.

[307] Abdullah bin Abdul Wahhab told us, he said: Hammad bin Zaid told us on the authority of Ayyub on the authority of Hafsa, he said Abu Abdullah or Hisham bin Hassan on the authority of Hafsa on the authority of Umm Atiyah on the authority of the Prophet ﷺ, She said, "We used to forbid mourning for a dead person over three, except for a husband, four months and ten, We do not apply kohl, do not apply perfume, and do not wear dyed clothes, except for a asb dress, and it has been permitted for us at the time of purity, if one of us takes a bath from her menstruation, in a brief description of kusb azfar, and we used to forbid following funerals. Hisham bin Hassan narrated it, on the authority of Hafsa, on the authority of Umm Attia, on the authority of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

From the hadith, we take several points

1 - Not mourning for a dead person - no matter how much the degree of kinship and love is more than three days - except for the husband - in which there is no recreation for the soul, as some villages and customs in many Arab countries may wear black for a whole year, which makes the whole year mourn, and if God forbid another dies, the sorrows will continue and will not be interrupted.

2 - Except for the husband: 4 months and 10 days, 100 full days: for this reason, you do not miss it in relevant studies.

3 - No eyeliner, no perfume, or colors, in order to be coveted by one of the men, and a protection for the deceased husband.

4 - But she is permitted when purifying herself from menstruation - which is an exception - to purify the place of menstruation with some types of perfume to remove the bad smell, after menstruation, it is contrary to some of the customs of the pre-Islamic period, or to some of the customs of the Arab tribes.

The related studies

Recent studies have proven that a man's water contains 62 types of protein and that this water differs from one man to another, as every man has an imprint in his wife's womb, If she marries another man immediately after the divorce, the woman may develop uterine cancer by entering more than one different fingerprint in the womb, scientific research has proven that the first menstruation after a woman’s divorce removes from 32% to 35%, the second menstruation removes from 67% to 72% of her, while the third menstruation removes 99.9% of the man’s fingerprint, and here the uterus has been purified from the previous imprint, and he was ready to receive another imprint. As for the waiting period of the deceased, research has proven that the woman whose husband passed away due to her grief for him and the depression that falls on her, this increases her imprinting, and they said that she needs a fourth cycle in order to remove the imprint permanently.

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