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The effect of reciting the Qur’an on the human soul

Ibn Ishaq said: And Muhammad bin Muslim bin Shihab Al-Zuhri told me that it happened: that Abu Sufyan bin Harb, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, Al-Akhnas bin Shariq bin Amr bin Wahb Al-Thaqafi, An ally of Banu Zahra, they went out one night to hear from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while he was praying at night in his house, so each of them took a seat in which to listen, and everyone did not know the location of his companion, so they listened to him, until when dawn came, they dispersed, and the road gathered them together, so they blamed each other, and they said to each other: do not go back, for if some of your fools saw you, you would have caused something to happen to him, then leave. even if it was the second night, each man of them returned to their council, so they stayed listening to him, until, when dawn came, they dispersed, and the road gathered them together, and they said to each other the same as what they said the first time, then they left. even if it was the third night, each man took his council So they stayed listening to him, until, when dawn came, they dispersed, and the road gathered them together, so they said to each other: We will not leave until we pledge not to return: So they made a pact on that, then they dispersed.

Brief analysis of the story

Abu Sufyan bin Harb, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, and Akhinis bin Tariq bin Amr bin Al-Wahhab Al-Thaqafi: These are the masters of the Quraish and not slaves, what prompted them to sneak up to hear what the Messenger says? Is it curiosity why people, slaves and the oppressed enter this new religion? perhaps, but this talk does not enter the mind, these are notables of the people, and the meaning of their infiltration so that notables like them do not know that they are gone, then what is the magnet in this case? the Qur’an is the word of God, and it addresses the mind directly with words that the poor, the rich, the people of social status and the marginalized understand, the learned understand and the ignorant understand, therefore, he addresses all human souls in an incomprehensible way, so the dignitaries came disguised in the dark to hear in secret what they could not hear in public.

The subsequent study talks about the effect of listening to the Qur’an on the brain

Then on the whole body physiologically, and I remind you of His saying (False False Corner): (frontal cortex is lying fault), the forelock is the front of the head called the prefrontal cortex, which modern science has proven responsible for decision-making and rational thinking base so that you can create something as big as lying and forgetting In front of the brain that hears the Qur’an and the whole body is affected by it, and God is Most High and All-Knowing.

 Second: The effect of reciting the Qur’an on human emotions

Center for Modern Language and Human Sciences, University of Malaysia Pahang, Liburaya Tun Razak, 26300 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia Abstract: This paper presents works related to human emotion influenced by the recitation of the Qur'an. The recitation of the Noble Qur’an is governed by a variety of rules called “Tajweed rules”. There are many factors that influence human emotions such as heart rate variability and the behavior of internal and external breathing of the human body.

Emotions control students' attention, influence their motivation to learn, modify the choice of learning strategies, and influence the self-regulation of learning. Furthermore, emotions are part of students' identity, and they influence personality development, mental health, and physical health. From an educational perspective, emotions are important because of their impact on learning and development, but the emotional well-being of students should also be considered an important educational goal in its own right.

The Qur'an is a masterpiece and has set its own unique standards and style. He possesses an incomparable style and is striking from a literary perspective. It also addresses all human beings, and its clear and understandable language makes it attractive to every reader or listener

Emotions are an unstoppable and uncontrollable aspect of the human mental state. Some bad situations cause stress and lead to various suffering. One cannot avoid the situation but can have awareness when the body feels tension or any other emotion (Sharma and Kapoor, 2014).

The Physiological factors are measured to determine emotional state

nternational Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2018, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2018HRMARS54 It seems out of one's mind. Besides, listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran can relax and calm an upset mind. Thus, this repentance can be used as a therapeutic tool in some cases (Salam, Wahhab, and Ibrahim, 2013).

It should be noted here that the Qur'an contains 10 different styles of recitation. This refers to the placement of diacritics on words and how certain words are pronounced. Some students do this task and memorize the Qur'an in all different styles of recitation, which requires close attention to where the difference in pronunciation is so that they are not confused with each other due to how accurate they are at times.

Verses in the Qur’an often rhyme with their rhythm, giving an interesting effect to the listener. Moreover, as one reads, he is supposed to sing it rather than just read it. In fact, the very practice of intonation pushes the reader into a lyrical tone while pronouncing the words of each verse. The effect of this research will present the importance of reciting the Qur’an on human emotions, and the recitation of the Qur’an in the term “reading and listening” will affect the emotions of the listener or reader with the subject of recitation, such as punishment, hell, heaven and the type of recitation. (Tajweed rules) moderately slow or fast and the effect of recitation on the variability of heart rate and breathing behaviour.

Recitation and Emotion

The Qur'an appears to be full of verses that emphasize relaxation and the way to achieve calm and full of stories about people in stressful situations with specific strategies they overcame. This issue led the World Health Organization to advise Muslim countries at the 1998 Regional Mental Health Summit in the Eastern Mediterranean region to prepare a booklet containing Quranic verses related to mental health.

Quran therapy in many societies

  People in stressful situations deal with the stress of using prayers and attending religious rituals, and scientific evidence has shown their positive effects on mental health. associated with all aspects of health and disease; It guides the habits of daily living and is a source of support, strength and improvement. The spiritual dimension of human existence is one of the four dimensions of the holistic approach, and likewise the biological, psychological and social aspects are of importance.

In the technique of listening, reading and watching the text of the Noble Qur’an, the subject of the Noble Qur’an can include the whole body. The whole process will be controlled by the brain, as a result during this practice the whole body will get relaxation/refreshment, tiredness, boredom and tiredness will be finished. This physiological biofeedback method saves groceries for the soul. Hence this medium can be used in hospitals for mentally disturbed and depressed patients, to relax soldiers, to energize students, to calm industrial workers, and to entertain passengers in buses and planes.

In Arabic, all letters have a distinct sound that affects the meaning of the word

A thick letter or word will have a deep meaning and a lightly pronounced letter or word will have a light meaning. The use of sounds in the Qur’an plays a rhetorical role and this Bible has an incomparable symphony through which sounds are used to influence meanings and convey messages. It affects the whole world when accompanied by a warm, beautiful and attractive voice One of the most beautiful, most attractive and natural type of music is the spiritual music of Quran recitation which is emphasized to be recited in a beautiful voice and in the best quality, Based on research evidence, attention to the spiritual dimension of care will lead to dramatically different outcomes than physical, psychological, and social ailments. Additionally, participation in religious and spiritual rituals is associated with better health outcomes, such as increased life expectancy, reduced cardiovascular disease, and reduced risks of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicide.

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