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The first ambassador in Islam

The first ambassador in Islam

The name

Musab bin Omair bin Hashem bin Abd Manaf bin Abdul Dar bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murra bin Kaab bin Fahr bin Malik bin Kenana bin Mudar bin Adnan Al-Abdari Al-Qurashi Al-Kinani.

his birth

The great Companion was born in Mecca in the year 27, before the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina.




He was from a family considered one of the richest in Makkah

His mother

Khannas bint Malik, who was one of the wealthiest of Quraish, was wealthy and powerful, and had a decisive personality

The social status

From the richest, wisest, most beautiful and fragrant youth of Mecca,

His life before Islam

A handsome, beautiful, rich young man, spoiled by his family, and all his requests were answered, He wore the most beautiful, finest and most luxurious types of clothes and was wearing the best and finest perfumes at that time.

his nicknames

The first ambassador in Islam

Musab Al Khair

The story of his conversion to Islam - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction -

After the news of Islam spread in the Quraish and the call of Muhammad that spread like wildfire, Musab bin Omair found something in his heart that drew him towards Islam, and he had heard that Muslims gather in the house of Al-Arqam bin Al-Arqam, He resolved to go to the place where the Muslims meet, and in fact he entered the house of Al-Arqam and heard the Qur’an and declared his Islam, and he came to the house to pray and listen to the Noble Qur’an, He used to meet the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in secret, where he was receiving lessons about Islam and learning some matters of religion to enhance his knowledge of the Islamic religion, Musab bin Umair was not afraid of anyone in Mecca except his mother, for she was witty and possessed of a strong and unique personality, with an opinion and a sound mind.

What did his mother, who has a strong personality, do when she learned about her son's Islam?

Othman bin Talha revealed him when he saw him praying, so he told his people, and his mother knew, so she imprisoned him in the side of the house and he remained imprisoned until he was able to migrate with the Muslims to Abyssinia, and the luxurious foods that he loved, clothes and perfumes were forbidden from him.

We benefit from this part of his biography

1 - The mother is rich and has a strong personality and a disbeliever in the God of Heaven, and it seems that she imprinted on her son the strength of character.

2 - Taking something by force after giving, because of the opposition of thought, does not increase the opponent except clinging to his opinion and insisting on his position.

How his immigrated to Abyssinia?

On the authority of Layla bint Abi Hathma, who said when the Muslims gathered to go out - that is, to Abyssinia - the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to us and said: Musab bin Omair had been imprisoned by his mother and he wanted to go out tonight, and when they lay down, Amer bin Rabiah said: we wait for him and do not close a door without him. When the man calmed down, Musab bin Umair came to us and stayed with us and spent his day even when it was night he went out sneaking, we promised him, so we caught up with him and caught him, so we took him. He said: They are walking on their feet and I am on a donkey for us, Musab bin Umair was the slave of mankind, who had has no strength to walk of his feet, and I saw his feet dripping with blood from tenderness, so I saw Aamir taking off his shoes and he gave it to him, Until we reached the ship, we found a ship that had carried atom, "a perennial herbaceous plant of the Grassroots family", and emptied what was in it. It came from Moore, we dig thr river to Moore " place" Then we dig it from More to Abyssinia, and I used to see Aamir bin Rabi’ah treating Musab bin Umair as tender as he did to his son, He did not have a dinar or a dirham, and we had fifteen dinars.

When they returned from Abyssinia

They heard rumors that the matter had been settled in Mecca and the torture stopped and this was not true, so he returned with those who had returned from Abyssinia, so the Messenger sent him with the twelve Ansar, who were the ones who pledged the first pledge of allegiance to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, to teach the people of Yathrib who had embraced the Noble Qur’an and to pray with them.

The reason for choosing him to be the first ambassador for Muslims outside the first home land of Islam

 Then they sent to the Messenger of God, as a result of disputes between the Aws and the Khazraj in Medina, so he sent the Muslims in Medina to the Messenger of God. We want those who teach the new Muslims in Medina Islam, perhaps it will reconcile between the Aws and Khazraj tribes, so the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - chose Musab bin Omair - may God be pleased with him and his approval - for this task.

 Musab knows the new Muslims in Medina about Islam

 The first meeting with Saad bin Muadh - who has not yet embraced Islam - from the rich of Medina: While Musab bin Omair was talking to them and reciting the Qur'an to them, It's told to Saad bin Muadh about them, so he brought them to his l2mth: (the tool of war) with him a spear, Until he stood on them and said: Why does he come to us in our homes, with this one, the unique, the weak, the stranger, he insults our weak people with falsehood, and invites them to him, I do not see you after anything else, from our neighborhood. " his speach is a kind of threat: never to see him again.

The second time to meet Saad bin Muadh - he has not yet embraced Islam -

 They returned the second one (Musab and the new Muslims) in Bir Mara or close to it, so Saad bin Muadh told them the second, and he promised them a promise without the first threat, when he saw (Assaad bin Zurara: from the notables and rich people of Medina and among the new Muslims) of him, softly he said: O son of his maternal uncle (Saad bin Muadh, the son of the maternal aunt of Saad bin Muadh), listen to what he says, and if you hear an objection, return it to him, and if you hear something good, respond to it, so he said: What does he say? Then Musab bin Umair recited to them, {Ham and the clear book We have made it an Arabic Qur’an so that you may be sane} [Al-Zukhruf: 1-3) Saad bin Muadh said: I only hear what I know, so he came back, God guided him, and Islam did not appear to them until he returned to his people, so he called Banu Abd Al-Ashhal to Islam and revealed his Islam, And he said: Whoever doubts him, whether young or old, male or female, let him bring us a guide from him that we may take him, By God, a matter has come for the necks to grieve, so Banu Abd al-Ashhal converted to Islam when Saad and his supplication, except for those who do not remember, so it was the first role of the Ansar, who embraced Islam as a whole.

What's the people of Bani Al-Najjar do?

They expelled Musab bin Omair and attacked Asaad bin Zarara: the host (Musab bin Omair) in Medina, so Musab bin Omair moved to Saad bin Muadh (who had just embraced Islam) He is still with him supplicating and God guides: at his hands until there is no house left from the homes of the Ansar, except that people will inevitably embrace Islam in it, and their nobles embraced Islam, and Amr bin Al-Jumouh became Muslim, and their idols were broken, and the Muslims were the dearest to its people, and their affairs were reconciled. One day, Musab was sitting with Saad bin Zarara, while he was preaching to the people, he was surprised by the arrival of Usayd bin Hudair, the master of Banu Abd al-Ashhal, in Medina, he is about to explode out of anger at that man: who came from Mecca to seduce his people from their religion, so Musab stood in front of Usaid and was rebellious, but Musab broke out with a bright smile and addressed Usaid, saying: don't you sit down and listen? If you accept our command, accept it, and if you hate it, we will stop what you hate, Usaid said: you're fair. he focused his spear and sat listening, and the fetures of his face began to loosen, whenever Musab went on reciting the Qur'an and explaining the call to Islam, and no sooner had he finished his words until Usayd stood reciting the two testimonies, the news traveled through Madinah like lightning, so Saad bin Muadh came, Saad bin Ubadah followed him, and a number of the nobles of the Aws and Khazraj came after them. And shook throughout the city from excessive Takbeer, In the following Hajj season, the pledge of allegiance to Aqaba came from Yathrib, seventy Muslims, including two women, this was a blessed opening for the Prophet's migration to Medina.

 We benefit from this part of his biography

 Musab bin Omair was distinguished by his calmness and sobriety. when Saad bin Muadh - may God be pleased with him - took him to a clashed with him or was saddened by his way, but instead of that, he was a good listener, who is Musab bin Omair and what did he do in Medina to make the rich people rebel against him? Is it because he was rich and knew how to talk to the rich? Is it his extreme loyalty? Does grace appear on a person in the way he speaks, is slow and wise - and this was the way he often did -? God knows best, except that he created the aforementioned reputation in Medina to Muslims.

 His back to Mecca

And Musab returned to the Messenger of God, bringing him the glad tidings in Mecca. His mother knew that he had come, so she sent to him, O Aq ( didn't do good deeds to his parents orone of them ) come to a country I am in. do you don't start with me. He said: I would not have started with anyone before the Messenger of God, when he greeted the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and told him what he had told him, he went to his mother, and she said: Are you still leaving your first religion? He said: I follow the religion of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, which is Islam, which God has pleased for himself and his Messenger, She said: I didn't thank you for what you have lamented (you enumerated your virtues and cried) once in the land of Abyssinia and once in Yathrib. He said: He said: Flee with my religion if you seduce me, so she wanted to imprison him, so he said: If you imprison me, I will be keen to kill those who attack me, She said: So go on your own, and she started to cry. Musab said: O my mother, I am a good adviser to you, so testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, She said: And the Thawabeb (piercing thought and opinion: penetrating insight, intelligent, sound opinion) I do not enter into your religion, my opinion is maligned, and my mind is weakened, but I leave you for what you are and establish my religion.

We benefit from this part

 At this stage of his life - may God be pleased with him - he took the second honorary title (Musab al-Khair).

Wive and children of the great companion, Musab bin Omair, may God be pleased with him

Musab bin Omair had one wife, and her name was Hamna bint Jahsh, and she was from Bani Asaad bin Khuzaymah, she is also one of the companions and narrators of hadiths, and her mother is Umaima bint Abdul Muttalib, who is the aunt of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and her sister is the mother of the believers Zainab bint Jahsh, Musab bin Omair had one daughter, her name was Zainab bint Musab, and she married Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Abi Umayyah bin al-Mughirah.

The status of the companion Musab bin Omair

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, loved him, praised him, honored him and glorified him. On one occasion, the Messenger saw him and came to him with the skin of a ram (the skin of an animal before it was tanned) The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Look at this man whose heart God has lightened it to him, I saw him between two parents who would feed him with the best food and drink, so he made him the love of God and His Messenger as you see.

his martyrdom

After the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, arrived in Madinah, and confirmed the pillars of his call there, and his victory in the Battle of Badr, and years followed, until the Battle of Uhud came, where the archers on the mountain violated the orders of the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, and they descended from the mountain, where the polytheists, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid, who was a polytheist at that time, carried out an operation to circumvent the Muslims, The ranks of the Muslims were scattered and they were being beaten from far and wide, Musab, the flag bearer, was advancing while reciting the Qur’an. Yes, he was Musab bin Omair, as he was trying to draw the polytheists’ attention towards him away from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and fought fiercely, then one of the polytheists attacked him and cut off his right hand to Musab, in which he was holding the banner, so he held the banner to his left, so that his enemy would attack him with a blow that cut off his left, so Musab bin Omair hugged his banner so that it would not fall, to receive a fatal stab that dropped him as a martyr for the sacrifice of the religion and the nation.

And after the battle is over

And while the Prophet was inspecting the battlefield, his eye fell on Musab bin Omair with his blood on him, so he cried with burning, and ordered to cover him with plant leaves, to bury him, as he only had an old worn-out dress with several patches, and if they covered his head, his feet appeared, and if they covered his feet, his head appeared.

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From this small part of the study we benefit

Each of us has a different mental background, especially if the people of Mecca are not the people of Abyssinia other than the people of Medina, each of them has a specific mental background, which is determined by the trade and culture prevailing in this society, like a piece of music the listeners hear while sitting next to each other, some of them cry, some clap, and some raise their minds or shiver from the same piece of music, May God have mercy on Musab bin Omair, who transformed the Islamic call into a piece of music that delights different ears, especially the rich among them who are difficult to reach with a new idea such as the idea of Islam which has consequences. 

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