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The first Friday sermon in Al - Madinah

This is the text of the sermon that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, delivered on the first Friday prayer he prayed in Medina in Bani Salem bin Awf:

“Praise be to God, I praise him, I seek His help, I seek His forgiveness, I seek guidance from Him, I believe in Him, and I do not disbelieve in Him, And I enmity with those who disbelieve, and I bear witness that there is no god but God, alone, who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, He sent him with guidance, light, and admonition over a period of time from the Messengers, a lack of knowledge, a misguidance from people, an interruption of time and an approaching hour, and near the end of life, whoever obeys God and His Messenger has been guided, and whoever disobeys them has been deceived and he went astray and went far astray, and I advise you to fear God, for it is the best thing that a Muslim advises a Muslim to do, then he urges him to the hereafter and orders him to pious God, so beware of God himself, and there is no better advice than that, nor better than that in remembrance, and that the pious of God for those who act upon it with fear and dread from his Lord is a true helper in whatever you desire of the Hereafter, whoever rectifies what is between him and God in his affairs in secret and in public, he does not intend to do so except for the sake of God, and a treasure after death when a person lacks what he has offered, and there is no other than that he would like to have a long distance between him and it, and God Himself warns you, and God is merciful to His servants, and He who spoke the truth and fulfilled His promise, there is no alternative to that, for He, the Almighty, the Most High says: {The saying with me is not altered, and I am not unjust to the servants.} so fear God in your immediate and future affairs, in secret and in public, for whoever fears God, He will atone for his sins and magnify his reward, and whoever fears God has won a great victory, and that fear of God guards against his hatred and ward off his wrath, and that God-fearing whitens faces, pleases the Lord, and raises his rank, take your luck and don't waste the side of God, God has taught you His Book and His way for you, that He may know those who are truthful and that He may know the liars, so do good as God has done good to you, and they returned to his enemies, and struggled for the sake of God in the right of striving against Him. He chose you and named you Muslims, may he who perishes be perished on the basis of clear evidence, and that he who is alive may perish on the basis of clear evidence, and there is no power except with God, so make frequent remembrance of God and work for what is after today, for it is he who reconciles what is between him and God, God protects him from what is between him and the people, because God judges people and does not judge him, He is owned by the people, and they are not possessed by him, God is greater and there is no power except with God the Great.

This is the first sermon delivered by the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, in Medina on the first Friday. We note that:

 1 - The Messenger of God did not mention in it the people of Mecca, nor what was their stubbornness, their insistence on unbelief, their harm to the Muslims, and their conspiracy to kill him.

2 - Limiting his sermon to exhorting Muslims to piety, and reminding them of God Almighty, and this is in truth the purpose of etiquette and the end of what the dreamer of the halim reaches, even if he is not the Messenger of God to provoke him to anger and the number of their shortcomings, because they are the ones who let him down, and they persecuted him and expelled him from the country he loved, and he was an obstacle in the way of conveying the message of his Lord, and God Almighty has spoken the truth when He said: {And you are of a great character} (Al-Qalam: 4).

 3- We see the men of the parties use in their sermons the ugliest words and the most heinous insults for trivial reasons, yet they claim that they are leaders and masters who spread science and civilization and seek reform and freedom.

 4 - The right to citizenship was not mentioned in it due to religious pluralism, as it will shortly be a constitution for the newly emerging state.

5 - From the content of the sermon, it is clear to you that jihad will be the slogan of the next stage. The word jihad was repeated more than once, it is obedience to God and distance from disobedience to Him.

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 From this part of the study we conclude

The Prophet mentioned the consequences of not obeying God in the first Friday sermon in Medina to be in the conscious mind. He also mentioned more than once the importance of jihad, and he mentioned that we have an intellectual approach different from that of many (cultural pluralism) What exists in the city’s society is represented in the fact that we have an afterlife in which we will be held accountable for our worldly deeds, and that whoever fixes what is between him and God, God fixes what is between him and people. And other reminders of the short-term or long-term consequences...of course, God is higher and knows best.

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