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The Prophet circumambulated the tribes in order to support him

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, continued to call for Islam, and he used to go out to the markets near Mecca and proclaim: “O people, say there is no god but God, and you will succeed.

In Dhul-Qi`dah, the tenth year of the Prophethood

 the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, returned to Mecca to resume presenting Islam to the tribes and individuals, and as the season approached, people used to come to Makkah on men, and on every lean camel, coming from every deep valley to perform the Hajj, and to witness benefits for them, and to mention the name of God in information days, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, seized this opportunity, He came to them from tribe to tribe, offering them Islam and calling them to it, as he had been calling them since the fourth year of his prophecy, and he began asking them from this year - the tenth - to shelter him and support him and prevent him until he reached what God had sent him with.

In the fourth to tenth year of the prophecy, he presented himself to several tribes, including him

Al-Zuhri said: He was among those named for us from among the tribes to whom the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came and invited them and offered himself to them: (Banu Aamer bin Sa’sa, Muharib bin Khasfa, Fazara, Ghassan, Murra, Hanifa, Sulaym, Abbas, Banu Nasr, Banu Al-Bakka, Kinda, Kalb, Al-Harith bin Ka’b, Uthrah, and Hadhrama, none of them responded)

The tribes that he presented himself to - may God bless him and grant him peace
Kinda tribe

  She refused him: that is, she refused his invitation

dog tribe

They did not accept him

Tribe: Banu Hanifa

None of the Arabs had a more egregious response to it than Banu Amir. They said: If we pledge allegiance to you on your command, then God gives you victory over whoever opposes, shall we have the matter after you? Thus, the Arab tribes refused to listen to his call, yet he did not hesitate to inform them.

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[but unfortunately

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From this study we conclude

6 years of the life of the final Messenger: Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not feel discouraged, and the number of Muslims almost stopped. Only individuals, not groups or tribes, give him immunity, and he does not stop and does not feel discouraged, and he basically did not learn how to never surrender at the hands of Life Coaching - If the expression is correct - it is a right and a divine revelation not to give up, leave, or feel discouraged from working - may God’s blessings be upon Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him

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