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The Prophet's family (his grandparents)

The virtues of his ancestors, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is a descendant of honorable fathers, and they are all masters and leaders, and they have a strong and great place among the Arabs.

1 - Muad

The owner of wars and raids on Bani Ismail, and he did not fight anyone but returned with victory, and he is the father of the Arabs.

2 - (Nazar)

The most beautiful people of his time and most reasonable mind.

3 - Mudr

Beautiful as well, and no one saw him but loved him, and from his aphorisms:

“The best of good is I hasten it, so burden yourselves with what is disliked, and distract them from their desires in that which spoils them, for there is nothing between righteousness and corruption but patience and hiccups: for a time between the fists of the udders of the udder, The hiccups are between the two rings, and Mudr is the first whose make hidaa to camels (Al-Hada’: the singing sound to camels and He was one of the best people with a voice.

4 - (Elias)

In the Arabs, the example of Luqman, the wise in his people, and his wisdom: “He who sows good reaps joy, and he who sows evil reaps regret.”

5- (Fehr)

To him the Quraysh gathered, and what was above Fehr is not called Qurashi, but is called Kinani, and his name is Quraysh, and Fehr was generous looking for the need of the needy and filling it with his money, and he is the sixth grandfather of Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah.

6 - ( Kaab)

He is the eighth grandfather of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him. He used to gather his people on the Day of Al-Urubah, i.e., the Day of Mercy, which is Friday, admonishing them and reminding them of the Prophet’s mission, and informing them that he is from his son and ordering them to follow him.

7 - ( Murh)

He is the sixth grandfather of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the sixth grandfather of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and on another occasion, the lineage of Imam Malik is combined with the lineage of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.

8 - ( Kulab)

His name is Hakim, and it was said: aruh, and he was nicknamed “Killab” because he used to hunt with dogs a lot, He is the third grandfather of his mother's Amanah, peace be upon him. He is the intersection of his father's lineage with his mother's lineage, and it was said: He was the first to name the Arabic months used until now.

9 - (Qusay)

Qusay was the first to kindle the fire of Muzdalifah, and it was kindled so that those who drove from Arafat could see it, and he was the first to rebuild the Kaaba from the Quraysh after Ibrahim, It was said: He was called Qusay because he was kept away from his family and homeland with his mother after the death of his father, He married Rabia bin Haram, and he traveled with her to the Levant. In the pre-Islamic era, Qusai used to veil the house, give water to the pilgrim, and feed him called al-Rifada, A marriage contract is not held except in his home, and a war banner is not held except in it, so his house was a club for the Arabs, rather it is their refuge in all problems, whether these problems are national or personal, and when his death approached, he forbade his sons from drinking wine, and he must have realized its harmfulness, so he forbade the most beloved people to him from drinking it, and Qusay died in the year 480 and lived 80 years.

In it Hudhafa bin Ghanem says:

Your father Qusay was called Majma` by which God gathered the tribes of Fihr, Your father Qusay was called Majma` by which God gathered the tribes of Fihr

He was born around the year 400 AD, his name is Zaid, and he is called a mugama, and with him God gathered the tribes of Quraysh in Mecca after their dispersal, so He brought them to the top of Mecca, and some of them were in the reefs and tops of the mountains in Mecca, so he divided their homes and called a mugama, and this is a great and great work that can only be done by people Fatherly souls and high aspirations.

Among his words that indicate his experiences and his wisdom:

“He who honors a mean person shares with him in his meanness, and he who applauds what is ugly is left to his ugliness, and he who does not honor dignity, he corrects disgrace, and he who seeks beyond his worth deserves deprivation, and the envious is the hidden enemy.” With intense hatred, he was brave and hated vanity and envy.

10 - (Abed Manaf)

His name was al-Mughira, and he was called “Qamar al-Batha” because of his goodness and beauty, and the Quraysh called him al-Fayyad because of his generosity. He is the fourth grandfather of Uthman bin Affan and the ninth grandfather of Imam al-Shafi’i.

11 - (Hashem)

His name is Amr bin Abd Manaf, and it is said to him: Amr Al-Ala because of his high rank, and he is the brother of Abd Shams, and his people prevailed after his father Abd Manaf, and severe famine occurred in the Quraysh because of severe drought that happened to them, so Hashem went to the Levant and bought flour and cakes and presented them to Mecca in The season broke bread and cake, and slaughtered a camel, And he made it porridge and fed the people until he satiated them, so he was called Hashima. He was called: “The Master of Batha,” and Batha is the stream of the valley - and his table was still set up in thick and thin, He was well-to-do and was able to perform the truth and secure the fearful, and he was the first to enact the two journeys for Quraish: the winter journey and the summer journey. In the winter, he would travel to Yemen and Abyssinia, and in the summer to Levant.

The mention of the two journeys in the Noble Qur’an in Surah “Quraysh.” The Almighty said: { {In order for the Quraysh to travel during winter and summer, they should worship the Lord of this house who has fed them from hungry, and made them secure from fear.” (Quraysh: 1 -), Hashem died in Gaza, from the land of the Levant, as a merchant in the year 510 AD.

12 - (Abdul Muttalib)

His mother is Salma bint Zaid Al-Najjariya. Abd al-Muttalib’s name is Shaybah al-Hamd because he was born and had a gray hair, with the hope that people would praise him for him, but it was said to him Abd al-Muttalib because his uncle al-Muttalib buttocks him behind him and he was in a shabby shape due to his poverty, so he was asked: Who is this? He said: My servant, out of shyness from those who asked him, Abd al-Muttalib was the answer to the invitation, and he used to raise birds and beasts from his table in the tops of the mountains, and this is a nice feeling and gentleness with the foreign animal, and therefore he is called: “The Bird Restaurant,” and it is said to him: “The Fayad.” The Quraysh were afraid of calamities, their refuge in matters, their honorable and their master was perfect and efficient, He was the first person to devote himself to worship. If the month of Ramadan entered, he climbed Hira and fed the poor. He lived a hundred and twenty years or more, and the leadership ended with him after his uncle, al-Muttalib. He used to order his children to abandon injustice and oppression, and urged them to behave in good morals, And he forbids them from worldly matters. At the end of his life, Abd al-Muttalib refused idolatry and united God. Daghfl Al-Nasbah said: Abdul Muttalib was white, tall and beautiful in his face, with the light of prophecy and the glory of the king on his forehead, the glory of the king, and it was said that Abd al-Muttalib was the first to be dyed with the black mark bacause of harry of gray hair to him, Ten of his sons circulate with him as if they were a forest lion. And he is the one who uncovered Zamzam, the well of Ismail, and established its watering for the pilgrims, and it was his pride and honor over the Quraysh and the rest of the Arabs. What he used to hear from priests and monks before and after his birth. Abd al-Muttalib's nickname was "Aba al-Harith", because the name of most of his sons was al-Harith.

We make use of the following:

1 - These grandparents are equal on the mother's and father's side. So the pride is on both sides for the prophet - peace be uopn him- .

2 - He inherited handsomeness from grandparents, for beauty and handsomeness were mentioned repeatedly in more than one grandfather, and everyone who used to see the Messenger of God said as if the sun was shining from his face - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

3 - He inherited wisdom, shura and the virtues of deeds from some of his grandfathers, such as his grandfather Qusay.

4 - He inherited Makarem morals from other grandfathers, such as Abdul Muttalib, such as not infanticide and others.

5- He inherited the generosity from his grandfather Hashem. He was giving without fear of poverty.

Related Studies

Grandparents have an important role in a child's life

National Grandparents Day is September 9th

Since August 3, 1978, the day has been dedicated to "honoring grandparents... and helping children realize the power, information, and guidance that seniors can provide." Grandparents can offer all of these things and usually when we think of Grandparents Day, we think of those who celebrate grandparents. I want to think of it this month from my two point of view as a reciprocal relationship, elationships take time and effort, and we need to be intentional. This is true for all relationships, be it friendships or family. In today's fast-paced world, it is difficult for grandparents to find ways to show their special kind of love. It is worth taking the time to think creatively and find ways to enrich the lives of grandchildren. Before we go any further, let's take a look at some stats about grandparents today:

 Parents typically become grandparents between the ages of 49 and 53, and many can spend up to 40 years in this role, because people live longer, grandparents have the opportunity to get to know their grandchildren from infancy to middle age, nearly half of all grandparents in North America live at least 200 miles away from their grandchildren. There are approximately 8 million children under the age of 18 who live with their grandparents or relatives (2.5 million grandparents). Because of life expectancy, families today have the potential to have long-term relationships with multiple generations. The majority of Americans 35 and older are part of a three-generation family and some are part of a four-generation family. Intergenerational relationships within a family context are usually between adult children and their parents (grandparents) and their children (grandchildren). The relationship that grandparents have with their adult children directly affects the relationship with their grandchildren. Most often, parents support their children in developing ongoing and communicative relationships with their grandparents. However, if the adult parent/child relationship conflicts, the grandparent/grandchild relationship may be in jeopardy.

Research identifies the different roles an older person plays in a young person's life

Some of these roles include

family historian

nutrition guide

an example

There are many factors that can influence a grandparent's involvement in a child's life. Some of the factors that can lead to distant or less involved grandparents include:

family diversity

different beliefs


distance distance

Positive relationships are mutually beneficial to young and old. Grandchildren who report close relationships with their grandparents are more likely to participate in activities with them and see the benefits of spending time with their grandparents, and are more likely to be influenced by their own values ​​and beliefs. In turn, grandparents may serve as a source of social support and family history. Seniors can enrich young people's lives by providing continuity between past, present and future as they share memories.

From this previous study, we conclude:

That the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - descended from all good ancestral history (generosity - wisdom as if Luqman of his time - social prestige - hatred of ignorance of Arabs such as infanticide and others) This is other than that his grandfather who embraced him when he was young used to sit him on the same mattress that he was sitting on Which his uncles do not sit on, which affects his personality, and knowledge of good morals does not affect the social standing from an early age

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