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The secret of choosing the Arabian Peninsula for the Muhammadan message

The Arabian Peninsula andMecca in particular are the choice of God - the Almighty - to become the homeland of the final message of his religions directed to the earth, and you are an expert that the earth today at the end of the twenty-first century containsnearly 4000 earthly religions, and every religion has a specific homeland, andit has pioneers who go to the place of foundation to worship or take blessingsor otherwise, so one of the first goals for Mecca to be the homeland of Islam,thus, every religion has homeland establish from

Now the secret to choosing Arabia

Beforewe begin, before you know someone, before you know a company, a country, youmust ask what is going on around it. You do not emigrate to a Western country -it is not a forced migration - and you do not know anything about this country!It is necessary to know what is going on inside the country and what are yourborders inside and around this

country, now what was going on around theArabian Peninsula at that time?

Who was ruling the world at that time?

Two countries: the Persians and theRomans, and behind them Greece and India.

The Persians were: a fire worshiper

Rum: People of the Book (on Christianity)

But their state was mired in dissolution; Where the life ofdestitution and decadence, and economic injustice as a result of taxes, inaddition to the colonial spirit, and their dispute with the Christians ofLevant and Egypt, and their reliance on their military power, and theirmanipulation of Christianity according to their ambitions and whims.

The Greece and the peoples of Europe

It was living a barbaric life, worshiping idols, and sanctifying the forces of nature, as well as being immersed in myths and verbal legends that are of no use in religion or this world.

As for the rest of the peoples in India, China, Japan and Tibet

She believed in Buddhism, a pagan religion that symbolized its deities with many idols, built temples for them, and believed in the transmigration of souls.


It was isolated from those civilizational conflicts and deviations, due to its distance from civilization and a life of luxury, which reduced the means of moral decay and military and philosophical tyranny throughout it, It was - and despite its deviation - was closer to human instinct, and called for the acceptance of the true religion, in addition to the benign tendencies of its people such as help, generosity, chastity, honor, honesty and loyalty.

This is in addition to the unique location of the Arabian Peninsula; As its geographical location was a middle ground between those sunken and lost nations, this reality and location made it qualified to spread goodness and carry it to all peoples easily.

Thescientific secrets of choosing the Arabian Peninsula Or Mecca in particular 

The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said -

((The Kaaba was khshaa by the water, so the earthwas spread out from it))

God has spread the earth: He has spread it,extended it for habitation and construction.

Al-Khasha: a piece of thick earth, It is narrated from him - may God’s prayers andpeace be upon him - that he said: ((The earth was spread out from Makkah, soGod - the Most High - extended it from under it, so it was called Umm al-Qura)).

And both Ibn Abbas and Ibn Qutayba - may God bepleased with them all - mentioned that Makkah al-Mukarramah was called Ummal-Qura; because the earth was spread from under it; Because it is the oldestland.

The scientific talk about the location of Mekkah 

Sciencecomes in the late twentieth century; To assure us that our earth was completelysubmerged in one of the stages of its creation with water, then the will of God- the Most High - wanted to crack the bottom of this overwhelming ocean with anumber of earthly eclipses, from which a violent volcanic eruption emerged thatkept throwing millions of tons, of lava above the bottom of this immersiveocean; to be a mountain chain above that bottom, the first peak that emergedfrom it above the water was the first land known to the earth, and it was inthe form of a small volcanic island similar to many volcanic islands, whichfill the Earth's oceans today, such as the islands of Japan, the Philippines,Indonesia and Hawaii, and this first island was the land of Mecca. With thecontinuation of volcanic activity, this primary volcanic island gradually grew,By the process of daho - that is: addition and growth through successivevolcanic eruptions - until the land formed in the form of one continent, knownas the "mother continent" Thenthe will of God - Glory be to Him - wanted to tear this mother continent apart, by a network of earthly fissures and eclipses, which have torn it apart to the seven continents known to us today, and which have continued to creep apart, until it reached its current conditions, and it is still creeping to this day, until an end that only God knows, In all cases, starting with the land, which is one continent, and after its disintegration into the seven continents, and their remaining closer to each other than their current conditions, Mecca remained the center of the land, and the seven continents are still moving slowly to an end that only God knows, preserving the centrality of Mecca.


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