Al surah
It is a Meccan surah and it is said that it is a Medinan surah
The number of its verses
Its arrange
And it's the last
Between the surahs of the Qur’an in the thirtieth part
It was called by several names, including:
Surah “Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind”
And “Surat Al-Mu’awwidha the Second”
Along with Surah Al-Falaq, they are called “the two exorcists.”
“The two shards”
It was called “Surat An-Nas” in the Qur’an and books of interpretation.
The surah talks about God commanded the Prophet Muhammad to seek refuge in God, Lord of mankind, from the evil of obsessiveness, and many prophetic hadiths were mentioned in its virtue, so the Prophet used to recite these two refuges when he went to bed, He blows into his hands and wipes the front and back of his body with them, and orders them to be recited after every prayer, just as the Prophet urged them to be recited three times in the morning and evening along with Surat Al-Ikhlas.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ 1 مَلِكِ النَّاسِ 2 إِلَٰهِ النَّاسِ 3 مِنْ شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ 4 الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ 5 مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Say I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind 1 the king of mankind 2 God of people 3 From the evil of the deceitful whisperer 4 He who whispers in people's hearts 5 from the Jinn and the people.
This Surah includes seeking refuge with the Lord of people
their Owner, and their God, from Satan, who is the origin and substance of all evil, and whose temptation and evil is that he whispers into the hearts of people, making evil good for [them], showing them it in a good form, activating their will to do it, making good detestable to them and discouraging them. And he shows him to them in a form other than his own, and he is always in this state, whispering and whispering, meaning: he delays when the servant mentions his Lord and seeks help to repel Him. So he should [seek help and] seek refuge and hold fast to the Lordship of God for all people.
And all of creation is subject to lordship and dominion
Every animal is taken by its forelock and by His divinity for which He created them, and it will not be fulfilled for them except by repelling the evil of their enemy, who wants to cut them off from it and come between them and it, and wants to make them from His party so that they will be among the companions of the Blaze, and the obsessive person, just as it is from the jinn, is from humans, and that is why he said: {of jinn and people}
Some points about the verses
1 - Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind”: This is divinity, for we are all oppressed under divinity: God is Lord - He created - He gave life - He created the universe - He created the sun and the moon. He brought out the basic system on which scientists build every new day until they imagine that they were invented from the beginning, they say Mother Nature, and we say the first cause (God Almighty). God is the Lord of all people, even designer children, for they are composed of a living cell, DNA & RNA.
2 - The King of people: The world has many kings all over the planet Earth, and perhaps in 2030 there will be other kings on the planet Mars, but God - the Almighty - proves to Himself in His Final Book that He is the king of all people, Arabs and non-Arabs. Whoever lives on one planet or another is the king of people. Everyone.
3 - The God of people: that is, the one who truly deserves worship. The earth today is full of gods and there is no power or strength except in God, and the one who truly deserves worship is God - the Almighty -.
4 - One of the evils of obsessive thoughts is the deceitful one: the accursed Satan who becomes less and less in himself at the mention of God
5 - From Jinn and people: We learned from life experiences that the devil from the jinn deceives the remembrance of God, and the human devil never deceives depending on whether he is a woman whose plot is great or a man whose plot moves mountains.
6 - The last glimpse in the Holy Surah: If you see evil from me one day, do not turn me into a human devil, and I will not turn you into a devil, for devils were created from fire, and we were created from clay, so creation is different, We are mixed with good and evil, so do not demonize anyone, do not declare anyone a disbeliever, and do not claim that anyone is a hypocrite, even if you have 100 pieces of evidence. Do not be a god to the people in yourself, for you and I are merely servants of God, Blessed and Most High.
Juz Amma has ended, and the Qur’an is concluded with it
Our Lord, accept from us that You are the Hearing, the Knowing, and accept our repentance, O our Lord. Indeed, you are the Most Merciful.