Allah says
" وقال فرعون ائتوني بكل ساحر عليم "
And Pharaoh said, “Bring me every knowledgeable magician.”
“And Pharaoh said,” opposing the truth that Moses brought, and defeating his leaders and his people: “Bring me every knowledgeable magician,” that is, one skilled in magic, proficient in it. So he sent to the cities of Egypt those who brought him all of magicians, of all kinds and classes.
A view around the verse
The Pharaoh (the president of Egypt) began to feel that the weak become strong (Moses, peace be upon him, who was raised in his lap) and that the carpet (the carpet of arguments and proofs with which he laughed at the children of Israel for years had ended) In the face of arguments and proofs from two men (noble prophets) who had weak signs in the face of the oppression of Pharaoh.
his answer was
Bring me every knowledgeable magician: material things again, power - oppression - knowledge - authority - money, temptations upon temptations, (The temptation of authority “come to me” - the knowledge of “every knowledgeable sorcerer” “money” that he will bestow on them from his own money) In order to prove his right to the king of Egypt.
Allah says
" فلما جاء السحرة قال لهم موسى ألقوا ما أنتم ملقون "
“When the magicians came, Moses said to them, ‘Throw down what you throw down.’”
To defeat Moses, “Moses said to them, ‘Cast what you are throwing.’” Whatever you want, I will not assign anything to you. This is because he is certain of his victory, indifferent to them and what they bring.
A view around the verse
The decisive moment came, and Moses may have been afraid, but his fear was not severe, as he had learned for certain from previous times with God - the Almighty - Since there is certainty in his heart and mind and his trust in God, he hastened to throw what you are throwing. What is the meaning of this? That is, throw your arguments on the ground, And I'll be the last ramen, why? Let the people first be impressed by what you will do, then the signs of God (weak in your view) will catch up with what you lie to the people, Although magic is chemistry or any science, it is based on lying, deception, and following people's news in order to reveal the unseen or change the unseen.
Allah says
" فلما ألقوا قال موسى ما جئتم به السحر إن الله سيبطله إن الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين "
When they threw it, Moses said, “what do you bring of magic, God will nullify it. God does not correct the work of corruptors.”
“And when they cast” their ropes and sticks, it was as if they were snakes running, but despite its greatness, “God will abolish it. God does not reform the work of corruptors, Likewise, every corrupt person who does a deed, deceives, deceives, or deceives, his work will be invalidated and vanished, If his work becomes popular at some point, it is doomed to decline and destruction.
A view around the verse
It will nullify it
Certainty in God, one of the most beautiful things you hear from the prophets (strength) despite apparent weakness, there was only his brother with him and only him, and yet their command was vast in authority that would eliminate the tyranny of the Pharaoh shortly.
Certainty and determination to implement God’s commands, no complacency, no abandonment, no retreat, or forgetting what Pharaoh did to the children of Israel.
God does not correct the work of spoilers
Who is the spoiler? The corruptor is the one who spoils people’s condition and not his own condition, so his corruption extends to people, as sorcerers spoil people’s lives and separate a person from his wife and other corruptions in people’s lives, God does not approve of the work of corruptors, an indication that there are people for whom God - the Almighty - corrects their works, and who are they then? Perhaps you have one characteristic that God loves in you, so all your work will be perfect in front of God' Eye, Even if it was all corrupt with just one characteristic, so never deny yourself, no matter how many sins you commit, to have a characteristic and a relationship with God, for tomorrow the meeting will be with Him alone - Glory be to Him.
Allah says
" ويحق الله الحق بكلماته ولو كره المجرمون "
So the magicians submitted when the truth became clear to them. Pharaoh threatened them with crucifixion and the cutting off of hands and feet, but they did not care about that and remained steadfast in their faith. As for Pharaoh, his people, and their followers, none of them believed, but rather they continued blindly in their tyranny.
A view around the verse
God - the Almighty - is the Truth, and we see in the world of people that the man/woman who loves the Truth: It is not possible for him to fall into falsehood, and if he does, he will quickly emerge. This is in the world of people, so what we care about is one of His names worthy of their meanings. His name (The Truth - Glory be to Him -) is never worthy of the truth.
Even if criminals hate it
The criminal: someone who transgresses the law of the country in which he lives, but the criminal here is a crime against the divine law, and the criminal does not love the law and does not love the truth at all, rather, it is falsehood and loves falsehood, so the truth will emerge, even if some people’s veils cover it for a while
﴿ فَمَا آمَنَ لِمُوسَىٰ إِلَّا ذُرِّيَّةٌ مِّن قَوْمِهِ عَلَىٰ خَوْفٍ مِّن فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَئِهِمْ أَن يَفْتِنَهُمْ ۚ وَإِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ لَعَالٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَإِنَّهُ لَمِنَ الْمُسْرِفِينَ﴾
“And none believed in Moses except an offspring from his people out of fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, That He might tempt them. Indeed, Pharaoh is arrogant in the land, and indeed, he is among the extravagant.
That is: young men from the Children of Israel who were patient in the face of fear, when faith was firmly established in their hearts, “For fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs lest they tempt them” from their religion, “and indeed, Pharaoh is high in the land” meaning: he has oppression and dominion in it, so it is right for them to fear his tyranny, Especially “and indeed, he is among the extravagant,” that is, those who transgress the limits, in transgression. The wisdom - and God knows best - in the fact that only an offspring of his people believed in Moses, is that the offspring and the youth are more accepting of the truth and are quicker to submit to it, Unlike the sheikhs and the like, who were raised in disbelief, they - because of the corrupt beliefs that remained in their hearts - are further away from the truth than others.
A view around the verse
The Pharaonic confrontation that took place on earth ended in vain, even though he had 3 great temptations (Knowledge, chemistry, power, money) and Moses won only with his brother, and of course, with the victory of God Almighty for them.
Only an offspring of his people believed in Moses
The offspring: the descendants of a person, that is, a small group of people, and so are all followers of the prophets except Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his followers will number in the billions until the Day of Judgment, And the offspring who believed for Moses were from his people, so who were Moses’ people? They are the children of Israel, but Moses raised in the presidential palaces - the palaces of the kings - why this transformation? I want and you want and God does what He wants. Do not say, “This is an infidel and this is a believer,” and the West is an infidel, We have found from the events of the world what made the West more believers than the East, even if they do not conform to our outside, for they own the inside (where God looks: the hearts) and we care about the outside (the outer appearance) what God does not look at at all.
On the afraid of Pharaoh and his entourage lest they be tempted
They are right. They are just a small group. They spent their entire lives in oppression. One time, they rose up against the weakness and rose up and said that Pharaoh is not Lord, And that there is another God who runs the universe. What is strange is that God - the Almighty - did not do good to them throughout the period of their weakness while they believed in Him. It is strange about God - the Almighty - that in the world of people it is said: Man is made to love those who are good to him, and God has a different matter. The more a person becomes weak, the more he becomes attached to him. Strange, isn’t it? Glory be to Him - and temptation: it is the Pharaonic worldly torment with a corrupt elite that only loves its immediate interests, and an entire people is lost.
And Pharaoh was powerful in the land
Read it again, (on earth) God - the Almighty - did justice to Pharaoh by saying that he is (high), but on earth, but the sky has another matter.
And he is one of the extravagant
Extravagance: extravagance and excess, including extravagance in money or food, or even in the worst use of power or otherwise, and the extravagant are brothers of the devils according to the text of the Qur’an, and They were given a bad outcome in all their circumstances, and the Pharaoh was one of the extravagant.
Allah says
" وقال موسى يا قوم إن كنتم آمنتم بالله فعليه توكلوا إن كنتم مسلمين "
“And Moses said, ‘O my people, if you believe in God, Then put your trust in Him if you are Muslims.”
And Moses said, advising his people to be patient, and reminding them of what they could seek help for in that. He said: “O my people, if you believe in God, then perform the duty of believing in God.” Then put your trust in Him, if you are Muslims.
A view around the verse
Moses - peace be upon him - seems to have been somewhat articulate with the help of his brother who was more eloquent than him (Harun). Despite simple verses in the face of the oppression of the Pharaoh, his word over their heads did not change or replace.
So he commanded them to put their trust in God - the Almighty - if they are believers, and if you are Muslims, and Islam here means: submission, There is worship of God in times of adversity, just as there is worship of prosperity. Rather, it is better in the sight of God. It is called (surrender to God in times of adversity), and it is a forgotten worship in people’s world.
Allah says
" فقالوا على الله توكلنا ربنا لا تجعلنا فتنة للقوم الظالمين "
“They said, ‘In God we put our trust. Our Lord, do not make us a trial for the unjust people.’”
So they said, “We will comply with that.” In God, we put our trust. Our Lord, make us not a trial for the wrongdoing people.
A view around the verse
Faith rose in the hearts and the words of Moses - peace be upon him - ignited the souls with exaltation and exaltation over weakness and exaltation over injustice, pain, poverty, need and want, The meanings of faith will not be elevated and the great meanings in this life will be elevated except when hunger dies. It does not die with satiety, but with transcendence over it, Hunger is not just hunger for food, but hunger for valuable meanings. In this life, you do not see the meaning of life as it really is except in hardship, but in prosperity it is (adornment) We know that we are the ones who have beautified our world, but its true face is a very ugly face.
Our Lord, do not make us a trial for the unjust people, “And save us, by Your mercy, from the disbelieving people.”
A request and a hope, in a little while it will be answered, but not now. Why?: A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count. God - the Almighty - has a timing and we have a timing. No matter how weak you are, you are required to rise up, and when you rise up, you will experience the idea of the waters.
God Almighty said
( فَلَمَّا فَصَلَ طَالُوتُ بِالْجُنُودِ قَالَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مُبْتَلِيكُم بِنَهَرٍ فَمَن شَرِبَ مِنْهُ فَلَيْسَ مِنِّي وَمَن لَّمْ يَطْعَمْهُ فَإِنَّهُ مِنِّي إِلَّا مَنِ اغْتَرَفَ غُرْفَةً بِيَدِهِ ۚ فَشَرِبُوا مِنْهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا مِّنْهُمْ)
(When Taloot separated with the soldiers, he said, “Indeed, God will test you with a river, So whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoever does not taste it then it is of me, except he who scoops a scoop with his hand. Then they drank from it, except a few of them.)
Will you drink or you didn't drink? Drinking a little water here means getting out of a severe crisis, whether personal or public, such as wars. It means getting out with the least loss of faith, to not lose your faith in God completely or run after the world and abandon what is required of you, such as steadfastness on the battlefield, If you are in a war with an enemy, the tests of faith are painful. Whoever wishes, let him believe, and whoever wishes, let him disbelieve.
A view around the verse
Allah says
" وأوحينا إلى موسى وأخيه أن تبوآ لقومكما بمصر بيوتا واجعلوا بيوتكم قبلة وأقيموا الصلاة وبشر المؤمنين "
“And We inspired Moses and his brother to make houses for your people in Egypt, And make your homes a qibla, and establish prayer, and give glad tidings to the believers.”
When the situation became difficult for their people, from Pharaoh and his people, and they were keen to tempt them from their religion, “to stay for your people in Egypt in houses,” meaning: order them to make houses for themselves, in which they can hide themselves. “And make your homes the Quiblah: direction ,” that is, make them a place where you can pray, since you are unable to perform prayers in churches and public places, “And establish prayer,” for it is a help in all matters. And give good tidings to the believers of victory and support, and the demonstration of their religion, for with hardship there is ease, and with hardship there is ease. And if the distress becomes severe and the matter is difficult, God will grant him relief and expand it.
A view around the verse
And We inspired Moses and his brother, “Make houses for your people in Egypt.”
In the ruins of the children of Israel, the oppressed, who worked in servitude to Pharaoh and his entourage, that is, they set up beehives across the length and breadth of Egypt. The beehives are hexagonal in shape, and the hexagonal shape is the largest geometric shape that leaves no room for spaces.
And make your homes a qibla
A Qiblah: for the believers. Whoever falls psychologically or financially will find a place in your homes
And establish prayer
You and all the people in Egypt are oppressed and not oppressed, by the way. Among the strange people of Egypt (the Pharaohs: believers) were two things:
1 - The command to pray: These are commands, commands, commands, and they do not see victory with their own eyes, and it is not performing the prayer, but rather establishing the prayer, and prayer as you know and we know: It is a connection between the servant and his Lord. Only this prophetic sentence summarized the books of scholars. As much as you have a relationship with prayer, as much as you have a relationship with heaven, as much as you miss the sky, as much as you lose the divine support for you, O oppressed person, I hear you saying: but I am not oppressed, Perhaps, but millions of deprived and vulnerable people, people of famine, people of war and conflict, slaves and others, our world is full of evils, If God has honored you by keeping away from weakness, then do not accept the weakness of others, even if the minimum is supplication and not a shred of faith after that.
Allah says
" وقال موسى ربنا إنك آتيت فرعون وملأه زينة وأموالا في الحياة الدنيا ربنا ليضلوا عن سبيلك ربنا اطمس على أموالهم واشدد على قلوبهم فلا يؤمنوا حتى يروا العذاب الأليم "
“And Moses said, ‘Our Lord, you have come to Pharaoh and his people with adornments and wealth, In the life of this world, our Lord, let them stray from Your path, “Our Lord, destroy their wealth and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment.”
When Moses saw the cruelty and abandonment of Pharaoh and his chiefs, he prayed against them, and Aaron believed in his supplication, and said: “Our Lord, you have brought adornment to Pharaoh and his chiefs,” with which they adorn themselves with various types of jewelry, clothes, ornate houses, luxurious boats, and servants, And “great” wealth in the life of this world, our Lord, that they may stray from Your path. Indeed, their wealth, they seek help in straying from Your path, so they go astray and go astray. I destroy it for them: either with destruction, that is, measure it. So they will not believe until they see the torment “Lim.” That, out of anger at them, as they dared On the prohibitions of God, and they corrupted the servants of God, and turned away from His path.
A view around the verse
And Moses said, “Our Lord, You have come to Pharaoh and his people with adornments and wealth.”
Did I not tell you: The world has an ugly face and we are the ones who adorn it? Pharaoh and his entourage adorned their lives with decorations that cannot be avoided, and money, and we agreed that there are four temptations in life, Rarely does anyone survive them except those who have mercy on God (the temptation of money, beauty, knowledge, and power) According to the text of the verse here (adornment), then beauty were gathered at Pharaoh and his entourage as well, and the four temptations were combined.