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Yunus, page 211يونس صفحة

Updated: 4 days ago

قال تعالي

" وإذا أذقنا الناس رحمة من بعد ضراء مستهم إذا لهم مكر في آياتنا قل الله أسرع مكرا إن رسلنا يكتبون ما تمكرون "

يقول الله تعالى: (وإذ أذقنا الناس رحمة من بعد ضراء مسهم) كالصحة بعد المرض، والغنى بعد الفقر، والأمن بعد الخوف. نسوا ما أصابهم من بلاء، ولم يشكروا الله على الرخاء والرحمة، بل استمروا في طغيانهم ومكرهم، والملائكة يكتبون لهم ما يعملون، ويحصيه الله، ثم يجازيهم الجزاء الأعظم.

إطلالة حول الآية

إذا لاحظت أن القرآن يحدثك عن أشياء محسوسة ليقرب إليك المعنى، فتارة يحدثك عن اللمس، وهنا يحدثك عن الذوق، فهو قريب من النفس البشرية يفهم منه ما لا يفهمه من عالم الغيب. يقول الله -تعالى- في هذه الآية الكريمة أن الإنسان من طبعه أن يدعو من هو أعلى منه، وها هو الله -تعالى- يرفع عنه الأذى إذا أصابه، ونحن نعلم أن البلاء: هو المرض -أو الفقر، أو الضيق، أو الشدة- كل هذه الأشياء لها طعم لا يطيب للنفس، فالفقر هو ألا تأكل ما تشتهيه، وكذلك المرض، فلا تشته الطعام وأنت في شدة الضيق، فإن للرخاء رحماته التي تشتهي بها كل الأشياء المرغوبة، بعد أن تذوق رحمة من رحمات الله -تعالى- في الدنيا، فمن يمكر الناس؟ يمكرون بالله -تعالى- فكيف بالانحراف عن منهج الله، وعن القرب الذي كانوا عليه من الله -تعالى- في أوقات الضيق؟

قال تعالي


Allah says

" وإذا أذقنا الناس رحمة من بعد ضراء مستهم إذا لهم مكر في آياتنا قل الله أسرع مكرا إن رسلنا يكتبون ما تمكرون "
“And when We made people taste mercy after a hardship that befell them, then they have deception in Our signs, Say, “God is quicker to plot. Indeed, Our messengers write down what you plot.”

God Almighty says: (And when We made the people taste mercy after adversity had afflicted them) such as health after sickness, wealth after poverty, and security after fear. They forgot the adversity that befell them, and did not thank God for prosperity and mercy. Rather, they continued in their transgression and deception, and the angels write down for them what they do. And God counts it, then rewards them with the greatest reward.

A view around the verse

If you notice that the Qur’an speaks to you about tangible things in order to bring the meaning closer to you, sometimes it talks to you about touch, and here it talks to you about taste, It is close to the human soul and he understands from it what he does not understand from the world of the unseen. God - the Almighty - says in this noble verse that man is from his nature He calls on someone higher than himself, and here is God Almighty - to remove harm from him if he befalls him, and we know that adversity: it is illness - or poverty, or distress, or hardship. All of these things have a taste that is not pleasant to the soul, for poverty is not eating what you desire, and the same is true of illness, do not crave food when you are in extreme distress, for prosperity has its mercies with which you crave all the desired things, after tasting the mercy of one of the mercies of God - the Almighty - in this world, People plot against whom? they plot against God Almighty - how about turning away from God’s method, and from the closeness they used to have to God Almighty - in times of distress?

Say: God is quicker to deceive

How does God plot what is far from Him after being near? The Almighty says in another verse in the Qur’an: “Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you and if you return, We will return. And We have made Hell a barrier for the disbelievers (8)) That is, if you return to sin, we will return to the punishment directly... May God protect us from deception.

Indeed, Our messengers record what you plot

The angels do not change their condition or change, they are not afflicted with hardship, they do not stop obeying, and they do what they are commanded, therefore, it describes your situation with complete impartiality in terms of ease and hardship

Allah says

" هو الذي يسيركم في البر والبحر حتى إذا كنتم في الفلك وجرين بهم بريح طيبة وفرحوا بها جاءتها ريح عاصف وجاءهم الموج من كل مكان وظنوا أنهم أحيط بهم دعوا الله مخلصين له الدين لئن أنجيتنا من هذه لنكونن من الشاكرين "

“He is the one who guides you on land and sea until you were in the ark and sailed by a pleasant wind and rejoiced in it, a strong wind came and waves came to them from everywhere, thinking that they were surrounded, they called on God, being sincere in religion, If You save us from this, we will be thankful.”

When God Almighty mentioned the general rule regarding the conditions of people, when mercy befalls them after hardship, and ease after hardship, He mentioned a case that supports this, which is: their condition in the sea, when it is severe, and the fear of its consequences. With whatever reasons are made easy for you in it, And he guided you to it.

A view around the verse

Then God Almighty gives us a living example of life’s disturbing events of severity or poverty, such as walking on land or sea in particular and the raging waves on the ship in which you are riding, whether you are a climate migration, Arab forced migration, or even Western forced migration due to wars, seeking a livelihood, or something else, In all these cases, you hope to reach your new home, even if it is temporary, with a good and comfortable life, but as they say, the winds do not always bring what the ships desire, the wind is good and a beautiful breeze, and suddenly the wind turns into a storm, and waves come with it from everywhere, If it had come from one direction, you would have changed your sails and been saved, but it comes from everywhere - may God protect you and us -

They thought they were surrounded

In the noble hadith, suspicion is the most false of hadiths, and what this means is that suspicions are not successful most of the time, and when suspicion prevails over a person, you see him accusing those in front of him: disbelief him, making him a sinner, making him a criminal, and so on, When the natural state comes, far from bad suspicion, a person turns the person in front of him into a lover, whatever he may be. In this horrific situation, suspicion comes with the idea of annihilation of life, It is the most precious thing a person has, even if he says what he says.

They called upon God, sincere in religion to Him. If You save us from this, we will certainly be among those who are thankful

What is this call to devotion? It is a cry of pain, it is sincerity of feelings, it is true and smokeless trust, and why does a person not pray in a state of prosperity in this way? It is the truth of sadness, sometimes feelings of sadness and sadness do not come out of nowhere, but rather a force emerges from you like a genie rebelling against the bottle he is inside, It is a supplication that is answered immediately. They are completely surrounded by the wind. If the supplication had been postponed to them, they would all have died, but it seems that it was answered, If you want to pray a supplication that will not be answered, then you should pray for harm (with strength - see no one but God - good trust - not considering the consequences) You are in a state of turbulent waves - may God protect you - and you are not thinking about whether you will survive or not. You are praying and do not know the result.

Allah says

" فلما أنجاهم إذا هم يبغون في الأرض بغير الحق يا أيها الناس إنما بغيكم على أنفسكم متاع الحياة الدنيا ثم إلينا مرجعكم فننبئكم بما كنتم تعملون "

“And when he delivered them, behold, they were transgressing in the land unjustly, O people, your transgression is against yourselves, enjoyment of the life of this world; then to Us is your return, and We will inform you of what you used to do.”

That is, they forgot that hardship and that supplication, and what they had committed themselves to, so they associated with God those whom they acknowledged that He would not save them from adversity, nor protect them from hardships. But this transgression would come back to haunt them, “Then to Us is your return” on the Day of Resurrection, “and We will inform you of what you used to do.” This is the ultimate warning to them about continuing with their work.

A view around the verse

Didn't I tell you that praying hard will bring you closer to what is hoped for, but when it saves them from the terror of omens and the powerful waves - and it is just an example - then they transgress unjustly on earth, so what is transgression? It is transgression and injustice, so do not limit transgression to wronging yourself with sins, but rather expand the matter to oppressing people and violating their rights, for man is in his nature when he is prosperous He does not think about the consequences, he only thinks about himself, and he does not see anything other than his personal interests in the equation, even if they come at the expense of others.

O people, your transgression is only against yourselves

The supplication was for God, and the transgression was for people and perhaps for the soul, by committing excessive sins without repentance, so God - the Almighty - will correct your outlook on matters. Injustice is the first step towards eliminating you, Whether you wronged yourself by committing excessive sins without repenting and returning to God, or by wronging the people around you, the transgression will be returned to you.

Enjoyments of the worldly life

Scholars say that the word “enjoyment” does not appear in the Qur’an except in the case of a threat, and the common people say that if happiness is a moment, then contentment is a life, the pleasure is short-lived, and it threatens to leave you or you to leave it through death, separation, illness, etc. In all cases, it is one of the pleasures of the world, we have seen in the world of people that this house is only a house for tasting different dishes, as for permanent enjoyment that is not threatened by a disease that spoils the taste, or poverty, or otherwise, Not in this world... If the world lasted for its people, the Messenger of God would be alive and eternal, but it will end and its bliss will disappear, and transgressions and sins will remain as they are.

Then to Us is your return, and We will inform you of what you did

God - the Almighty - makes it clear to you, transgression has a consequence in this world, which is enjoyment for a while, then your life is cut short Returning is not to your home, not to your kingdom, not to your loved ones if they truly love you without any interests, Or those who applaud you until their interests end, but returning here to God - the Almighty - and there is not ordinary news but rather important news and notice that in the afterlife all that matters to you is only news of yourself.

Allah says

" إنما مثل الحياة الدنيا كماء أنزلناه من السماء فاختلط به نبات الأرض مما يأكل الناس والأنعام حتى إذا أخذت الأرض زخرفها وازينت وظن أهلها أنهم قادرون عليها أتاها أمرنا ليلا أو نهارا فجعلناها حصيدا كأن لم تغن بالأمس كذلك نفصل الآيات لقوم يتفكرون "

“The example of the life of this world is only like water We sent down from the sky, and the plants of the earth mixed with it of what people and livestock eat, until when the earth takes on its adornment and is beautified, and its people think that they have power over it, Our command comes to it, day or night, So We made it a harvest as if it had not sung yesterday. Thus We make the signs clear for a people who reflect.”

This proverb is one of the best examples, and it matches the state of the world. For its own sake, its desires, its prestige, and the like, it becomes honorable to its owner, even if it is present for a short time. Then, if it is completed, it disappears from its owner, or its owner disappears from him until when the earth takes on its adornment.” That is, it is adorned in its appearance, so it becomes a delight to the beholders, an amusement to the spectators, and a sign to the discerning, it  began to see a strange sight between green, yellow, white and other things. Our command came to her, day or night, and this proverb is “for a people who reflect,” meaning: they act with their thoughts in what benefits them.

A view around the verse

After this harsh journey with the strong waves of life, which may have passed you by - the important thing is not the example of the sea, but rather the troubles of life - the winds calm down and life returns to its normal course, And whoever plots and worships God with the right of whom he worships, then we return to God and He informs us of what we did on this journey, which was full of troubles, even if it came in a nice form, which is not possible at all... God alerts us to an example of one of the strangest worldly rulings that we have ever heard.

The example of the life of this world is like water that We sent down from the sky, and the plants of the earth were mixed with it, which people and livestock eat

This part of the proverb is endearing to the soul. When seeds are mixed with water and seeing the plant grow is one of the most joyful joys in life, even if you are not one of the farmers. People and livestock eat and rejoice in the provision of God Almighty.

Even when the earth takes on its adornment and is beautified and its people think that they are capable of it

We all agree that decorations only come at the last stage of building and construction. You do not decorate your house - your mosque - your school...etc. except after painting and other things, then you are with that money and your heart's desire in this building and you do not like to see it on the red bricks, so you decorate it in a way that pleases you, and in this case, after completing the decoration, you will be impressed with your work and return from time to time to see what you have done for yourself, even a woman who cooks beautiful food, let it be a decorated cake, takes a picture of it and marvels at her artistic ability to decorate... You are capable now. No one, no matter who, can destroy what your hands have presented, right? The truth is that God - the Almighty - came by the act of (suspicion) Specifically here because it is just a thought, a guess and not a fact, and look at yourself, if things become stable for you one day and everything is under control, look at the day immediately after that, did you wake up like yesterday? You are not sick, you are not tired, you are not in poverty or other problems in life, is your son as what you want, did you give birth, did you have any problems, did you not have any illness? You will not find anything except that your day is not the same as tomorrow for the sole reason that you are not capable of your worldly life.

Our command came to it day or night, and We made it harvest

The harvest is: the bottoms of the crops that the sickle cannot reach, so they remain, which suggests that all the decorations that were the last moment in construction are the beginning of a new stage that you may or may not be in.

As if you didn't sing yesterday

Al-Ghain ( taghn: sung): It is the dense, coiled tree. The dense, coiled tree has become less than the grass... This is life.

Thus We detail the verses for a people who reflect

Thought is not limited to anyone. Rather, there are those who want to empty their brains of thought about the consequences of their actions, and among them are those who think about the consequences of their actions, and thought is honorable among philosophers and among writers, There is a great thing among people if you are a great thinker, and God Almighty wants you to be one of the thinkers, and great thinkers always and forever look at the consequences and the significance of things and do not think superficially like the common people.

A final word on the noble verse

Look at the villages and cities that were removed from the face of the earth by war or because of climate injustice, earthquakes or devastating floods, and return your sight to the noble verse and you will understand that God - the Almighty - warned us against it that it maybe happened.

Allah says

" والله يدعو إلى دار السلام ويهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم "

“And God calls to the abode of peace and guides whomsoever He wills to a straight path.”

God Almighty generalized His servants with invitations to the abode of peace, urging them to do so, and enticing them. He singled out guidance for whomever He wished to draw and select. This is His grace and benevolence, and God singles out for His mercy whomever He wills. This is His justice and wisdom, and no one has an argument against it, after the clarification and the messengers. God called Paradise “the abode of peace” for its safety from all afflictions and shortcomings. This is for the perfection of its bliss, its completeness, its permanence, and its goodness in every respect.

A view around the verse

In this verse, it is as if God Almighty is saying to you: He is calling you from the abode of war in which you are to the abode of peace with Him, Glory be to Him. After the previous verse, God Almighty did not choose Paradise, for example, To tell you to live there or that God Almighty is calling you to it, but He preferred Dar es Salaam to be a refuge for everyone who suffered from such things (genocidal wars - climate injustice - or floods due to the collapse of dams or due to climate change).

He guides whomever He wills to a straight path

What is the relationship after all these horrific scenes? That God guides whomever He wills to a straight path. God knows what He wants from His servants, but perhaps the thinkers who think about the conditions of the people around them are Fine, and may God Almighty grant them guidance to His straight path, for no other reason than for them to think about the consequences. of course, God is Most High and knows best what He wants from His servants.

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