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Minor signs: Change the gray hair

4212 Abu Tawba told us, Ubayd Allah told us, on the authority of Abdul Karim Al-Jazari, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said:

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “At the end of time, there will be a people who will be dyed black like the huwasl of pigeons, and they will not smell the scent of Paradise.

Al takhadeeb

That is, they change the white hair from gray on the head, and the beard (with black): that is, with black Like pigeons.

That is, like their breasts, they are mostly black, and the origin of the crop is prepared, and what is meant here is its black chest. Al-Tibi said its meaning is mostly like the huwasl of pigeons, because the huwasl of some pigeons are not black, meaning they do not smell (the scent of Paradise): meaning, its scent is found from a distance of five hundred years, as in a hadith, so what is meant is a threat.

Most scholars went to

Dislike of dyeing black

As for Al-Nawawi, he is ferry

It is an undesirable prohibition, and some of the scholars permitted it in jihad but did not permit it in anything else

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