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The major signs: Two great classes fighting

This hadith was narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, and its wording is in Al-Bukhari:

The Hour will not come until two great groups fight, there will be great killings between them, and their call will be one, and until nearly thirty liars quacks will be sent, all of them claim to be the Messenger of God, and until knowledge is taken away, earthquakes increase, and time draws near, seditions will appear, chaos will increase, which is killing, and until money increases among you, it will overflow until the owner of the money will care about who will accept his charity, until he offers it and the one who offers it to him says, “I have no interest in it, until people compete in lofty buildings, and until a man passes by a man’s grave and says: I wish I were in his place, and until the sun rises from the west, when it rises and the people see it, that is, they all believe, that is when faith does not benefit a soul who had not previously believed or gained good through its faith, and the Hour will come, and the two men will spread their garment between them, neither pledging their allegiance to it nor folding it and the Hour will come, and the man has finished milking his milk and will not feed it and the Hour will come while he paint his basin and not be given water in it and the Hour will come, and he has raised his meal to his mouth, but he will not eat it.

The two great categories have two opinions
First opinion

What is meant by the two sects is what happened during the era of the Companions between Ali, may God be pleased with him, and those who opposed him, as Ibn Hajar and Al-Aini said Al-Aini said in Sharh Al-Bukhari:

His saying: Two groups, meaning two groups: the group of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God Almighty be pleased with him, and the group of Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, may God be pleased with him, His saying: I called them - and it is narrated - their call, and what is meant by the call: Islam is based on the most correct opinion, and it was said: What is meant is the belief of each of them that he is on the right and his companion is on falsehood, according to their diligence. And there is a miracle for the Prophet. Al-Daoudi said: These two groups are, God willing, the owners of the camel, according to Ali bin Abi Talib, That Talha and Al-Zubair pledged allegiance to him, so he related to that, and Talha and Al-Zubayr claimed that Al-Ashtar Al-Nakha’i forced them to go to Ali, may God Almighty be pleased with him... Accordingly, the hadith does not refer to contemporary battles

Hadiths have been proven regarding the occurrence of wars and frequent killings at the end of time

Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

The Hour will not come, So much commotion. They said: What is the commotion, O Messenger of God? He said: Murder, murder, some scholars have mentioned that wars in the end times will be fought with swords, Hadith: The Hour will not come until the Romans descend on Al-Amaq or at Dabiq.

Then an army of the best people on earth will come out to them from Medina on that day

When they lined up, the Romans said: Leave between us and those of us who were taken captive so we can fight them, The Muslims say: No, by God, we will not leave you alone with our brothers, so they fight them, and a third are defeated, and God will never repent to them, A third of them will be killed, and they will be the best martyrs in the sight of God, and a third will be freed, never to be tempted, they conquered Constantinople, and while they were dividing the spoils, they hung their swords on the olive trees when Satan shouted at them: Christ has succeeded you among your families and they leave, this is false. When they come to Syria, they leave, and while they are preparing for the fight, they straighten the ranks, When the prayer was established, Jesus, son of Mary, would come down and lead them, and when the enemy of God saw him, he would melt Just as salt dissolves in water, if it is left, it will not dissolve until it is destroyed, but God kills him with his own hand and shows them his blood on his spear.

It was stated in this hadith that they hung their swords on olives

It is understood from it that they had swords, and that they fought with ancient weapons, but it does not deny anything else, the issue is a matter of disagreement among contemporaries and is difficult to decide upon without an explicit text because it is part of the unseen, in which nothing can be confirmed except through revelation.

A benefit

The war at the end of time is almost primitive with swords, mules, donkeys, etc. The end of the twenty-first century began with these signs, as American Marines used mules in the wars, Due to its ability to endure and cling to its legs on rugged rocks - Arabia - And also Afghanistan because its nature is very rugged, therefore, mules are very important in such wars, and perhaps hands needed to intertwine with weapons, or unequal wars, so Muslims are forced to wage war with swords again. and God is superior and knows best.

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