The legitimacy of Eid prayer
The Eid prayer is a legitimate prayer, and its legitimacy has been proven based on what is stated in the Book of God, the Sunnah of His Prophet, and the consensus of the nation. God Almighty said: (Pray for your Lord and sacrifice)
the prayer mentioned in the verse is intended for the Eid prayer, as is known from the scholars of interpretation, and Imam Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas - may God be pleased with them -: (I witnessed the Eid with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman, May God be pleased with them, they all prayed before the sermon.)
The conditions for the obligation and validity of Eid prayer
The conditions for the obligation of Eid prayer: The conditions for the obligation of Eid prayer were stated by many scholars regarding its ruling
Hanifis say
The obligation of Eid prayer, and the intention of it falling between the obligatory and the Sunnah.
They stipulate that the Friday prayer is obligatory, as the Friday prayer should be: the imam and the homeland, in the community and masculinity, freedom, its necessity, residence and physical safety.
While the Hanbalis went on to say that the Eid prayer is sufficient and obligatory
The conditions for the stability of its obligation in the country, and the number of obligatory Friday prayers
They went on to say that it was a specific year. So they stipulated that they should confirm her Sunnah, and Friday prayer should not be obligatory, and they added the condition that the Muslim does not care about performing the Hajj obligation.
The Shafi’is said: It is a confirmed Sunnah for every responsible person: adult, male and female, resident and traveller, free and slave.
The conditions for Eid prayer
The conditions for the validity of the Eid prayer according to the Hanafi school of thought, such as the conditions for it being obligatory and the most important
The imam, the country, the group, and the time. As for the Hanbalis, they specified the time and the sect only. As for the Malikis and the Shafi’is, they only need time, In addition to the above, what is required for each of them is the validity of prayer, purity, facing the Qiblah, and covering the private parts.
The Sunnahs of Eid prayer
What is prescribed in Eid prayer is prescribed in all other prayers, sayings and actions, in addition to the Sunnah in several other matters, as follows::
Continuing the reading in the two rak'ahs of the Eid prayer by not separating the takbir from the reading.
The bathing before Eid prayer
Choose the best clothes
Eating dates before going to prayer is special for Eid al-Fitr
Going to pray on your feet
Going one way and coming back another
Takbir all the way to the worshiper in a slightly loud voice, (special for Eid al-Adha)
The call to prayer by saying: “Prayer is comprehensive.”
It is not prescribed for the call to prayer or the iqamah
How to perform it?
Eid prayer According to the four schools of thought
Eid prayer is two rak'ahs in a public square
Takbir (first rak'ah)
Then he says six more takbirs, and raises his hands to his shoulders at each takbir., He places the right on the left, between every two takbirs, and God remembers them, and those takbirs are before seeking refuge and reading.
It is disliked to omit these takbeers, or to increase or decrease them
If he begins to seek refuge with God before reciting the takbirs, he should recite them all and make amends for them
If the imam begins to recite Al-Fatihah without the person praying behind him completing his takbirs,He does not attend it due to the loss of its place, so the worshiper is obliged to follow his imam in prayer.
If the imam neglects the takbirs or omits them, those behind him follow him in that. Then read Surah Al-Fatihah and Surat Al-Fatihah.
2 - The second rak’ah
The praying person says five takbirs in the second rak’ah, except for the ihram takbir,
Regarding how he enters the first rak’ah, it is Sunnah for the imam to recite Surat Al-Qamar in the second rak’ah, or to read Surat Al-Ghashiya.
3- After performing the prayer
The imam sat lightly after performing the prayer, looking at the people. He addresses them and reminds them of the Eid and its provisions
Al Hanifiyyah
The first: Intention, then reciting the opening supplication
2 - He raises the hands three times, separating them with a short pause, saying: Glory be to God, praise be to God, there is no god but God, and God is great, then I seek refuge in God, and reading Surat Al-Fatihah, one of the surahs of the Qur’an, and it is permissible to read Surat Al-A’la.
3- The second rak’ah is performed, starting with the Basmalah, then reciting Al-Fatihah, Then another surah, preferably Surah Al-Ghashiya, then three takbirs are performed before bowing.
4 - Then he addresses the people after finishing the prayer in two sermons.the first begins with nine takbeers, the second with seven takbeers, and a short session between the two sermons.
This is evidenced by what was narrated by the companion Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him: (The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to go out on the day of Fitr, Eid al-Adha comes to the prayer area first when he starts the prayer and then goes, He stands in front of the people, makes the people sit in their rows, preaches to them, advises them, and orders them.
The first: In the first rak’ah, the takbir is recited with seven takbirs along with the takbir al-Ihram before reciting, The second: Five takbeers in the second, except for the takbeer by standing, It is not prescribed to raise the hands when pronouncing the takbeer except during the takbeer in ihram, and the takbir does not make any difference. .
3- The sermon is performed after the prayer by opening it with the takbir, And sitting at the beginning and middle of it, and remembering the rulings of the Eid.