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The fasting ( Questions and answers)

Who should fast Ramadan?

Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i reported with an authentic chain of transmission that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: The pen has been lifted from three: from the boy until he reaches puberty, from the sleeper until he wakes up, and from the insane until he wakes up.

2- Puberty: Fasting is not required for the discerning person, and it is valid if he fasts.

3 - Intellect, where it is not required to assign the non-taxable to any of the legitimate costs.

4 - The absence of excuses that prevent fasting or it is permissible to break the fast: and the excuse that prevents fasting: menstruation and childbirth.

5- Knowing that fasting is obligatory: the ignorant person is excused for fasting if he grew up far from Islam and Muslims, the world does not excuse the obligation to fast.

6- Safety from disease

When is my fast is valid?

The Evidence of entering the month of Ramadan

The time during which fasting is valid, so it is not valid to fast on the day of Eid, for example, or the day before Ramadan.


As worship is not valid without intention, and the intention is achieved by the determination to fast and the intention of the heart, and it is not required to utter it with the tongue, If the answer is correct. Narrated by Al-Bukhari on the authority of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - who said: (actions are but by intentions, and every person has intentions)

 Hurry up for breakfast

((People will continue to be fine as long as they hasten to break the fast. Supplication during breakfast: by saying: (The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened, and the reward is confirmed, God willing)


 It is desirable for the fasting person to use the Miswak at any part of the day. Whether it is the first day or the end of the day.


(When he breaks his fast, he says, “The thirst is gone, the veins are quenched, and the reward is confirmed, God willing.”

What are the excuses for breakfast?
  1 - Inability to fast

of old age or severe illness

  or disease leading to death

2. Long travel

whose distance is not less than eighty-three kilometers, provided that travel is permissible, It takes a full day, and it is not permissible to break the fast; due to travel during the day, It is also permissible to break the fast when one is unable to fast, and the distance of travel in which it is permissible to break the fast: and it is now equal to about: eighty-three and a half kilometers, and more whether or not. He did not have a hardship, and he must make up the days that he did not fast at that time, fasting is not required for the incapacitated or chronically ill.

Because God Almighty says
فَمَنْ كَانَ مِنْكُمْ مَرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ وَعَلَى الَّذِينَ يُطِيقُونَهُ فِدْيَةٌ طَعَامُ مِسْكِينٍ فَمَنْ تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَهُ وَأَنْ تَصُومُوا خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ{ سورة البقرة (184)

So whoever of you is sick or on a journey, the same number of other days, and those who are able to do it must pay a ransom by feeding a poor person. So whoever volunteers good, it is better for him, And that you fast is better for you, if you only knew.” Surah Al-Baqarah (184)

4- the pregnancy and lactation

  If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is able to fast and does not fear harm to herself or her child, then she should fasting Ramadan and it is not permissible for her to break her fast according to a fatwa from a group of the Companions on that, this is the view of the majority, but if she fears for herself or for her fetus, she may break the fast.

5 - Excessive, unusual hardship

  If it is difficult for him to fast because of an illness from which it is hoped he will be cured, or he was in a campaign and jihad, or he was afflicted with severe hunger or thirst, and he feared harm for himself, and his ruling is that it is permissible to break the fast and that it is necessary to make it up.

6 Rescue a respected person

It is the sanctity of legitimacy as a supervisor of destruction. If the salvation of this soul or part of it is cut off from the saving a soul, He may break his fast, as if he is required to save the soul of someone who has no other savior, and he must make up after that.

What are the invalidation of fasting?

There are things that invalidate the fast, and you should pay attention to them, including the following:

Intentionally eating or drinking

Of course: intentionally eating or drinking invalidates the fast, and everything that takes the place of eating and drinking has the same ruling and invalidates the fast, such as: taking fluids intravenously; Because it nourishes the body like eating and drinking.

2- Intercourse or masturbation

Intercourse during the fasting period invalidates it during the day and during the hours of fasting, however, this does not mean leaving it, rather it is permissible to have sexual intercourse after breaking the fast at night, provided that they perform ablution after it, Likewise, masturbation is considered one of the things that invalidate the fast, and it is obligatory to break the fast if that happens.

3- Intentional vomiting

This means intentional regurgitation of food or drink into the stomach.

But if this happened unintentionally, then the fasting person remains as he is without breaking the fast.

4- the menstruation and the childbirth

If a woman enters menstruation or childbirth, she is not required to fast. It should be noted that a woman must break her fast even if menstruation began shortly before breakfast.

5- Kidney dialysis

During dialysis, blood is withdrawn and then returned to the patient's body along with some substances and foods such as sugars and salts. It has been agreed that dialysis is one of the things that break the fast.

The disputed of the in validators 
 The asthma inhalers

  Which contain medical preparations and oxygen, as the content of the spray reaches the lungs, not the stomach.

The enema
Suppositories or ointments

 used to relieve hemorrhoid pain

The anesthesia

Through the nose, such as inhaling an anesthetic.

Some injections such as penicillin or insulin
  Inserting something into the stomach other than through the mouth

 Like ear and nose drops, the schools differed in that, some said that it invalidates the fast, while others said: it does not invalidate the fast.

The cupping

  It is the removal of blood through the skin rather than through the veins, and is an alternative treatment that many undergo until now, there is no conclusive evidence that cupping invalidates the fast, except that it is widespread, and that is why it is best to avoid it during fasting times.

 The teeth medicine

  The controversy is still based on the blood resulting from dental treatment, as some believe that it invalidates the fast, while others believe that it does not break the fast.

 In the case of dental treatment and bleeding, be sure not to swallow what is in the mouth.

  Brushing the teeth with toothpaste or rinsing the mouth is not considered to invalidate the fast. This may cause fasting in the case of intentional ingestion of the oral cavity must do penance

 The Pregnant and breastfeeding provisions

It is not permissible for a pregnant woman to make up for the missed fasts by atonement for sin only, because that is as if the sick person is a transient disease and it disappears, this kind of excuse must be compensated for by fasting, and the penance is not the same. Like a man who underwent surgery during the day in Ramadan, so he broke his fast for a week and God healed him, so he must make up what he owes for his fast after the end of Ramadan.

 The Provisions of the patient with chronic disease

He does not hope for his recovery, that is, that it will continue with him for years or all his life, so he must pay the expiation for fasting, and he must do so. He is not allowed to fast. If the doctor advises him to break the fast, contrary to the doctor's instructions, then he is sinning according to Sharia

The ruling on taking atonement for fasting 

 Al-Azhar International Center for Electronic Fatwa said that whoever breaks the fast in Ramadan with a legitimate excuse must make up the fasts of these days, noting that it is obligatory to make up the days of Ramadan with an excuse for those who break the fast, , when the ability to do so is achieved. Fasting or fidyah is better if the state of health, for those who did not fast during the days of Ramadan, they allow the missed fasts, so the ransom is not sufficient

Fasting, find out the best way 

 Calculate the number of days approximately for each year in which a pregnancy or breast-feeding occurred, then start by making up two days a week, or one day a week, or fasting the excesses with the intention of making up for them, with the intention of volunteering, such as Mondays and Thursdays of every week, or the three days of each month, or the endowment of Arafat, Or the six days of Shawwal or the day of Shaw`ban, all of which are days of unnecessarily fasting, and it is permissible for you to fast them twice, and do not make up the fasts too much.

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