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The minor signs: The killing of Othman bin Affan -

Updated: Mar 25

On the authority of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, he said

I set off with the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and he entered an Ansar fence and relieved himself and said to me: “O Abu Musa, control the door, so that they may not enter upon anyone except by permission, A man came knocking on the door, so I said, “Who is this?” Abu Bakr said: So I said, O Messenger of God, this is Abu Bakr asking for permission. He said, “Give him permission and give him good news of Paradise, So he entered and I gave him good news of Paradise. Then another man came and knocked on the door. I said, “Who is this?” Omar said. So I said, O Messenger of God, Omar is asking for permission. He said: “Open for him and give him good tidings of Paradise.” So I opened the door and he entered and I gave him good news of Paradise, then another man came and knocked on the door, so I said, “Who is this?” Othman said: So I said, O Messenger of God, this is Othman asking for permission. He said, “Open it for him and give him good tidings of Paradise in spite of the calamity that will befalls him.”

On the authority of Sa`id, on the authority of Qatada, that Anas bin Malik - may God be pleased with him -

He told them that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - went up to Uhud, and Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman, and he shook with them and said, “Stand firm, Uhud, for upon you is only a prophet, a truthful, and two witnesses.

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