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  • [910] Eating on the day of breaking the fast and before going out

    [910] حدثنا محمد بن عبد الرحيم حدثنا سعيد بن سليمان قال: حدثنا هشيم قال: أخبرنا عبيد الله بن أبي بكر ابن أنس عن أنس قال: كان رسول الله ﷺ لا يغدو يوم الفطر حتى يأكل تمرات، وقال مرجأ بن رجاء حدثني عبيد الله قال: حدثني أنس عن النبي ﷺ ويأكلهن وترا [910] Muhammad bin Abdul Rahim told us, Saeed bin Suleiman told us, he said: Hashim told us, he said: Obaidullah bin Abi Bakr bin Anas told us, on the authority of Anas, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not go out on the day of Eid al-Fitr until he had eaten some dates, Marja bin Raja said: Ubayd Allah told me: Anas told me on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he used to eat them as an odd number of times. And look Eating dates early in the morning gives your body the much needed boost of energy. Moreover, consuming these in the morning helps in killing intestinal worms, dates also helps in cleansing the vital organs and improves heart and liver health. The presence of antioxidants give your skin and hair a natural luster. The links

  • [911] Eating on the Day of Sacrifice

    [911] حدثنا مسدد قال: حدثنا إسماعيل عن أيوب عن محمد عن أنس قال: قال النبي ﷺ من ذبح قبل الصلاة فليعد فقام رجل، فقال هذا يوم يشتهي فيه اللحم وذكر من جيرانه فكأن النبي ﷺ صدقه قال وعندي جذعة أحب إلي من شاتي لحم فرخص له النبي ﷺ فلا أدري أبلغت الرخصة من سواه أم لا [911] Musaddad told us, he said: Ismail told us, on the authority of Ayyub, on the authority of Muhammad, on the authority of Anas, he said: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said Whoever slaughters before the prayer, let him repeat it. then a man got up and said, this is a day when he desires meat, He mentioned it from his neighbors, and it was as if the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, believed him. He said, “I have a trunk, It is more beloved to me than two meaty sheep, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, permitted it to him, I do not know whether the permission was communicated to anyone else or not.

  • [912] Eating on the Day of Sacrifice

    [912] حدثنا عثمان قال: حدثنا جرير عن منصور عن الشعبي عن البراء بن عازب رضى الله تعالى عنهما قال خطبنا النبي ﷺ يوم الأضحى بعد الصلاة، فقال من صلى صلاتنا ونسك نسكنا فقد أصاب النسك ومن نسك قبل الصلاة فإنه قبل الصلاة ولا نسك له، فقال أبو بردة بن نيار خال البراء يا رسول الله فإني نسكت شاتي قبل الصلاة وعرفت أن اليوم يوم أكل وشرب وأحببت أن تكون شاتي أول ما يذبح في بيتي فذبحت شاتي وتغديت قبل أن آتي الصلاة قال شاتك شاة لحم قال: يا رسول الله فإن عندنا عناقا لنا جذعة هي أحب إلي من شاتين أفتجزي عني قال: نعم ولن تجزي عن أحد بعدك [912] Othman told us, he said: Jarir told us, on the authority of Mansour, on the authority of Al-Sha’bi, on the authority of Al-Bara bin Azib, may God Almighty be pleased with them both, that he said: the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, addressed us on the day of Al-Adha after the prayer, and he said: Whoever prays our prayer and performs our ritual prayer has fulfilled the ritual, and whoever performs ritual prayer before the prayer, for it is before the prayer, and we do not sacrifice it.” Abu Burdah bin Nayyar, the maternal uncle of Al-Bara’, said, “O Messenger of God, I sacrifice my sheep before the prayer, and I knew that today is a day of eating and drinking, and I loved that it was my sheep, the first thing to be slaughtered in my house, so I slaughtered my sheep and had lunch before I came to pray, He said: Your sheep is a meat sheep. He said: O Messenger of God, we have a goat for us, it is dearer to me than two sheep. Will you spare me? He said: Yes, and it will not be sufficient for anyone after you.

  • [913] The going out to the prayer place without a pulpit

    [913] حدثنا سعيد بن أبي مريم قال: حدثنا محمد بن جعفر قال: أخبرني زيد عن عياض بن عبد الله بن أبي سرح عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: كان رسول الله ﷺ يخرج يوم الفطر والأضحى إلى المصلى فأول شيء يبدأ به الصلاة ثم ينصرف فيقوم مقابل الناس والناس جلوس على صفوفهم فيعظهم ويوصيهم ويأمرهم فإن كان يريد أن يقطع بعثا قطعه أو يأمر بشيء أمر به ثم ينصرف قال أبو سعيد فلم يزل الناس على ذلك حتى خرجت مع مروان وهو أمير المدينة في أضحى أو فطر فلما أتينا المصلى إذا منبر بناه كثير بن الصلت فإذا مروان يريد أن يرتقيه قبل أن يصلي فجبذت بثوبه فجبذني فارتفع فخطب قبل الصلاة فقلت له غيرتم والله، فقال أبا سعيد قد ذهب ما تعلم فقلت: ما أعلم والله خير مما لا أعلم، فقال إن الناس لم يكونوا يجلسون لنا بعد الصلاة فجعلتها قبل الصلاة [913] Saeed bin Abi Maryam told us, he said: Muhammad bin Jaafar told us, he said: Zaid told me on the authority of Ayyadh bin Abdullah bin Abi Sarh on the authority of Abi Saeed Al-Khudri, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to go out on the day of al-Fitr and al-Adha to the prayer place, and the first thing he would start with was the prayer, then he would leave and stand in front of the people, and the people sit in their rows, and he exhorts them, advises them, and commands them, Then he goes away. Abu Saeed said, "People did not stop at that until I went out with Marwan, who was the governor of Medina, for the sacrifice or the fast-breaking, and when we came to the prayer place, If a pulpit was built by Katheer ibn al-Salt, then if Marwan wanted to ascend it before he prayed, I pulled his clothes on, So he rejected me, so he got up and preached before the prayer, so I said to him: You have changed, by God, Abu Saeed said: What you know is gone, so I said: What I know, and God is better than what I do not know, so he said that the people did not sit for us after the prayer, so I made it before the prayer.

  • [914] The walking and riding to the feast and praying before...

    [914] حدثنا إبراهيم بن المنذر قال: حدثنا أنس عن عبيد الله عن نافع عن عبد الله بن عمر أن رسول الله ﷺ كان يصلي في الأضحى والفطر ثم يخطب بعد الصلاة [914] Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir told us, he said: Anas told us, on the authority of Ubaid Allah, on the authority of Nafi’ On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar that the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, He used to pray at Al-Adha and Al-Fitr, then give a sermon after the prayer.

  • [916] The walking and riding to the feast and praying ....

    [916] قال وأخبرني عطاء ان ابن عباس أرسل إلى بن الزبير في أول ما بويع له إنه لم يكن يؤذن بالصلاة يوم الفطر إنما الخطبة بعد الصلاة [916] He said, “Ata’ told me that Ibn Abbas was sent to Ibn Al-Zubayr In the first time he was sold, he did not call for prayer, On the day of al-Fitr, the sermon is after the prayer.

  • [915] The walking and riding to the feast and praying before the

    [915] حدثنا إبراهيم بن موسى قال: أخبرنا هشام ان ابن جريج أخبرهم قال: أخبرني عطاء عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: سمعته يقول إن النبي ﷺ خرج يوم الفطر فبدأ بالصلاة قبل الخطبة [915] Ibrahim bin Musa told us, he said: Hisham told us that Ibn Jurayj told them, he said: Ataa told me on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, he said: I heard him say that the Prophet, peace be upon him He went out on the day of al-Fitr, so he began to pray before the sermon

  • [917] The walking and riding to the feast and praying before the sermon without the adhan or iqaamah

    [917] وأخبرني عطاء عن ابن عباس وعن جابر بن عبد الله قالا لم يكن يؤذن يوم الفطر ولا يوم الأضحى [917] Ataa told me on the authority of Ibn Abbas and on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah they said he did not call the call to prayer on the day of al-Fitr or the day of al-Adha.

  • [918] The walking and riding to the feast and praying before the sermon ..

    [918] وعن جابر بن عبد الله قال: سمعته يقول إن النبي ﷺ قام فبدأ بالصلاة ثم خطب الناس بعد فلما فرغ نبي الله ﷺ نزل فأتى النساء فذكرهن وهو يتوكأ على يد بلال وبلال باسط ثوبه يلقي فيه النساء صدقة قلت لعطاء أترى حقا على الإمام الآن أن يأتي النساء فيذكرهن حين يفرغ قال إن ذلك لحق عليهم وما لهم أن لا يفعلوا [918] On the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, he said: I heard him say that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, got up and started to pray Then he addressed the people after that, and when the Prophet of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, finished, he came down and went to the women and reminded them while he was leaning on Bilal’s hand, And Bilal spread his dress in which the women throw alms, I said to Ata'a: do you really see that the imam should now come to the women and remind them, when he finished, he said that they had the right to do so, and they had no right not to do so.

  • [919] The sermon after Eid

    [919] حدثنا أبو عاصم قال: أخبرنا ابن جريج قال: أخبرني الحسن بن مسلم عن طاوس عن ابن عباس قال شهدت العيد مع رسول الله ﷺ وأبي بكر وعمر وعثمان رضى الله تعالى عنهم فكلهم كانوا يصلون قبل الخطبة [919] Abu Asim told us, he said: Ibn Juraij told us, he said: Al-Hassan bin Muslim told me, on the authority of Tawoos, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said I witnessed the feast with the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman, may God Almighty be pleased with them, they were all praying before the sermon

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