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Surah Yunus, page 215

Allah says

" ولو أن لكل نفس ظلمت ما في الأرض لافتدت به وأسروا الندامة لما رأوا العذاب وقضي بينهم بالقسط وهم لا يظلمون "

“Even if every soul that has wronged had whatever is on the earth, it would have been redeemed by it, And they were filled with remorse when they saw the torment, and it was judged between them with justice, and they would not be wronged.”

All “what is on the earth” of gold, silver and other things, so that she may ransom herself with it from the punishment of God, And they were captivated - meaning: those who had wronged - with remorse when they saw the torment - they regretted what they had done, and there was no escape. And it was decided between them with justice, meaning: complete justice, in which there is no injustice or injustice in any way.

A view around the verse

A terrifying verse about the oppressors. You may have oppressed people in your hand today, and you did it with complete ease for the sake of your vile interests. There is no injustice with noble interests, the oppressor never has a generous soul. Rather, he is stingy with goodness, except for himself and those he loves only in this life.

Whatever is on earth it will redeem with it

And who owns everything on earth, and even most people are in unfavorable material circumstances at the end of time except those who have mercy on God, then who is God Almighty intending? Who owns what is on earth? Maybe he means kings and presidents, maybe he means those who have power, maybe and maybe, that is, if he owned two spans of land, they would be of no use to him.

They felt remorse when they saw the torment

Why did they capture Regret? Perhaps because they are not allowed to squawk and raise their voices as they used to in this world, and perhaps so that their followers in this world will not gloat over them, meaning what will be (they are not pleased with remorse) at a time when remorse is of no use.

And he judged between them fairly

Being unjust does not mean that God - the Almighty - deals with injustice, no, no, but with justice, and you deserve what you were threatened with in this world, and you lowered your gaze from it as if it were nothing and treated injustice with all comfort.

And they are not wronged

Something strange is God’s balance in the afterlife (no injustice today). Today is the day of justice, and the oppressor will be exhausted to the point   whoever does not dare to raise his voice with the remorse he feels, may God protect us through His grace, not His justice.

Allah says

" ألا إن لله ما في السماوات والأرض ألا إن وعد الله حق ولكن أكثرهم لا يعلمون "

“Indeed, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, Indeed, God’s promise is true, but most of them do not know.”

He rules over them with his religious and fatalistic rule, and he will rule over them with his penal rule, Therefore, they are not preparing to meet God, and perhaps they do not believe in Him, and conclusive evidence, narrational and rational proofs have been abundant in it.

A view around the verse

Perhaps God - the Almighty - came with this verse after the previous verse, so that no one would feel that he is the king of the world, even the richest of kings has a possession that he cannot exceed, and if he exceeds that, world wars break out, so he teaches you that he alone - Glory be to Him - has possession of the heavens and the earth.

Indeed, God's promise is true

This is a promise, and as you walk through the world of people, you find half-hearted men making promises but not intending to fulfill them in the first place, and some of them intended to fulfill them, but the waves came high - and from them and from them, except that God - the Almighty - never breaks his promises, and He has taught us promises here, and fulfillment there.

But most of them don't know

Most people go through this life oblivious to the afterlife, and perhaps he is the one flipping the coin in his hands, He knows its deception from its integrity with just a glance of the eye, but knowledge about God has another form.

Allah says

" هو يحيي ويميت وإليه ترجعون "

“He gives life and causes death, and to Him you will be returned.”

That is: He is the One who disposes of life, death, and all other types of measures, and He has no partner in that. And to Him you will be returned on the Day of Resurrection, and He will reward you for your deeds, both good and evil.

A view around the verse

Life involves killing and torture, and it includes pardoning some people for not killing, such as someone who pardons the killer of his father or brother...etc. (blood money) Life today also includes what is called cryonics, which is the suspicion of reviving the dead in the West, and it is an incredibly complex science, where they freeze the internal organs of the dead person who was in agreement with one of their companies that works in this business, and after they freeze the organs to the point that the organs are not destroyed, They claim that they will return it to the same body that died (also frozen)...etc. Whatever it is: Will they really be able to revive the dead? They also perform long sleep (The cryogenic sleep), such as sleeping for 6 continuous months without anything happening to their bodies, like astronauts on their long journeys, However, nothing is guaranteed, even if a return to life is guaranteed, which we do not understand by virtue of our religion. Do they guarantee psychological well-being by living in an era other than the era in which he lived? And people other than the people who lived with them, God knows and we do not know, but God - the Almighty - says to the thing “Be” and it will be without refrigeration, severe freezing, heavy machinery and equipment, and the need for fossil fuel worth millions of dollars in order to preserve the members of millionaires.

Allah says

" يا أيها الناس قد جاءتكم موعظة من ربكم وشفاء لما في الصدور وهدى ورحمة للمؤمنين "

“O people, an admonition has come to you from your Lord, “and a healing for what is in the breasts and a guidance and mercy for the believers.”

“And a cure for what is in the breasts,” which is: This Qur’an is a cure for what is in the breasts, from the diseases of desires that arise from obedience to the law, and the diseases of doubts, which are fatal to certain knowledge, If the heart recovers from its illness, and wears the garments of well-being, all the limbs follow it, for they are made good by its goodness, and corrupted by its corruption.

A view around the verse
ما الفرق بين الموعظة والنصيحة؟

الموعظة: نصيحة مغلفة بالعواقب وأنت وما تريد، فهي نوع من أنواع التذكير بالعواقب ليس اكثر

النصيحة: تخرج من القلب الذي يتألم عند العلم بمعصية سيتألم منها غدا ، ويقال ما يخرج من القلب يصل إلي القلب حيث لا مصلحة ولا محاباة ولا ولا ، بل هي خالصة لله تعالي ن ولذا في الحديث ( الناصح مستأمن) أي هو أمين علي ما نصح به وأنه ليس له غرض ولا مصلحة شخصية .

جاءتكم موعظة من ربكم

تذكير بالعاقبة كل من المؤمنين والكافرين والمنافقين

شفاء لما في الصدور

هنا في هذه الدار مظالم لا حصر لها، حروب - نزاعات - مجاعات - عبيد ...الخ لو انتهي الامر علي هذا ويظلم الظالم ثم يتوب أو لا يتوب ، وينتهي الأمر بالمظلوم ظُلم دنيا وظلم مرة اخري بتوبة الظالم يكون شيء مؤسف للغاية ، لكن التذكير بالعواقب وعاقبة الظالم والكافر وحتي المنافق الذي نافقكك خوفا من درجة ايمانك في الدنيا ولم يخاف الله وانت صدقته من مكره ونفاقه ، لتشفي الصدور المتعبة من مرار أحداث الدنيا.

Allah says

" قل بفضل الله وبرحمته فبذلك فليفرحوا هو خير مما يجمعون "

“Say, ‘By God’s grace and mercy,’ in this, let them rejoice. It is better than what they gather.”

The blessing of religion is connected to the happiness of both worlds, and there is no relation between it and everything in this world, which is vanishing and will soon disappear. Rather, God Almighty commanded rejoicing in His grace and mercy, because that is what necessitates the ease and activity of the soul, its gratitude to God Almighty and its strength, and the intensity of the desire for knowledge and faith. The reason for increasing them, and this is a praiseworthy joy.Unlike rejoicing in the desires of the world and its pleasures, or rejoicing in falsehood, this is reprehensible.

A view around the verse

After what God told His servants - those who believe in Him - that an admonition has come to you and a healing of what is in the breasts, it was necessary to bring this verse, After the previous verse, the admonition and healing is for the good qualities and honors that are in the breasts of the Holy Qur’an, which is essentially (the word of God Almighty), so God Almighty says:

Say thanks to God and His mercy

God’s grace upon every human being is countless, starting with the internal and external organs that God has given us, And ending with the healing of the psychological pain in the chest when entering into the battles of life, whether daily or major, that come from time to time, and by His mercy in victory over enemies, whether in small daily battles or in major battles, proxy wars, intercontinental wars, armed conflicts...etc. Even if it comes after extreme despair, you will not attain righteousness until you spend from what you love and from what you love:   (Yourselves - your families - your wealth) Spend what you love and you will attain righteousness, which is a comprehensive name for all types of goodness that you desire.

Let them rejoice

What is this, is joy exclusively due to God’s grace and mercy? Yes, your success in university/master’s/doctorate is pure grace and mercy from God, Your happy marriage, God willing, your children who are good to you, and others are pure grace and mercy from God. Everything you are happy with in this world is from God’s grace and mercy, Is this joy obligatory in these cases? Yes, (the fa came) as a cause and speed at the same time, and it gets in order form.

It is better than what they collect

We collect the entire world in our hands. Some people say about some possessions, if they are small (this is all I own), then your ownership, your possession is the entire world in your eyes, see whether it is a lot or a little, that is, whatever it is, for God’s mercy and grace is better, more comprehensive, and more comprehensive than your small possession. The Times of God - the Almighty - It opens material or moral conquests that were not taken into account. Is it better than your possession or is your possession greater? It is only a correction of the outlook on things.

The last gesture in the holy verse

Is joy in Islam reprehensible or praiseworthy?

The truth is that joy in itself is a neutral thing. You are the one who makes it reprehensible or praiseworthy

The reprehensible joy

What you do is to be arrogant with what God has given you and given you, to be arrogant towards God’s creation with what God has given you, to get married, for example, after an old age and then to be arrogant towards everyone who has not married, and this is pure grace and mercy from God, to be arrogant about your children in front of someone who has no children, to be arrogant about your success in obtaining a doctorate, and to be arrogant toward someone who does not complete his education: this is completely reprehensible joy, The joy that takes you from the state of a loved person to the state of a hated person, like what happened with Qarun....

God Almighty said about Qarun

 إِنَّ قَارُونَ كَانَ مِنْ قَوْمِ مُوسَى فَبَغَى عَلَيْهِمْ وَآتَيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْكُنُوزِ مَا إِنَّ مَفَاتِحَهُ لَتَنُوءُ بِالْعُصْبَةِ أُولِي الْقُوَّةِ إِذْ قَالَ لَهُ قَوْمُهُ لا تَفْرَحْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ الْفَرِحِينَ [القصص:76].

Indeed, Qarun was one of the people of Moses, and he transgressed against them, and We gave him such treasures that their keys would burden a group of those with power, When his people said to him, “Do not rejoice. Indeed, God does not like those who rejoice” [Al-Qasas: 76].

As for praiseworthy joy

It is joy in God’s blessings. God wants you, as a believer, to be unique. People, both believers and non-believers, rejoice and are proud of what they are given, as if they have a right to it, the idea of entitlement, which is pure virtue. God - the Almighty - wants the believers to correct their outlook on life concepts, and among the concepts (the concept of joy) He wants you to be happy, but to be happy without arrogance, you rejoice in God’s grace and return justice to its people. Joy and sadness come from God, and He is the essence of your unification. You are not deserving and others are not deserving, nor any of this nonsense, you are only deprived of God for a while.

Allah says

﴿ فِي بِضْعِ سِنِينَ ۗ لِلَّهِ الْأَمْرُ مِن قَبْلُ وَمِن بَعْدُ ۚ وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ﴾

﴾In a few years. To Allah belongs the matter before and after, and on that day the believers will rejoice.

This is praiseworthy joy. Rejoice, for joy in times of joy by restricting joy to not being arrogant is an act of worship within the framework of acts of worship. And remember (let them rejoice) this is an order.

Allah says

" قل أرأيتم ما أنزل الله لكم من رزق فجعلتم منه حراما وحلالا قل آلله أذن لكم أم على الله تفترون "

“Say, ‘Have you seen what God has sent down for you of provision, and you have given it, so you So you made of it forbidden and lawful. Say, “Has God given you permission, or have you invented something against God.

Meaning the types of permissible animals, which God has made a provision for them and a mercy towards them, “So you have made of it forbidden and lawful.” Say to them - rebuking them for this corrupt statement: “Has God permitted you, or have you fabricated something against God?” It is known that God did not permit them, so he knew that they were inventors.

A view around the verse

God - the Almighty - is the Provider, and one of His bounties and mercy toward His faithful servants is that He narrows the circle of forbidden things, He made the circle of what is permissible much wider so that a person would not fall into distress. Whatever was forbidden to him was something purer than it. God Almighty forbade pork and wine,   Wait for the link below about both - and analyze livestock of all kinds and types, sea meat, birds that are not of prey, and other things out of mercy for people.

The Wine
The Pig' meat
So you made it permissible and forbidden

Whoever says that this is permissible and this is forbidden is God - the Almighty alone - and not humans except scholars. As for you claiming that God forbade, like Israel, what He forbade Himself, and it is not in His law. Whoever restricts himself in permissible matters, God will restrict him. This is stubbornness. Good things are forbidden.

Say, “Has God given you permission?”

There must be permission from God - the Almighty - and from this person who will take permission from God in such a thing. We are merely servants of God and are not worth anything to Him except by the standard of piety and only, This is the most severe type of lying (slandering God).

Allah says

" وما ظن الذين يفترون على الله الكذب يوم القيامة إن الله لذو فضل على الناس ولكن أكثرهم لا يشكرون "

“Those who invent a lie against God will not think of it on the Day of Resurrection,   God is full of bounty to people, but most of them are not grateful.”

“Indeed, God is of great bounty to mankind” and of great benevolence, “But most of them are not grateful.” Either they do not give thanks, Or they may seek help from it against his sins, Or they will be deprived of it and return what God has bestowed upon His servants, there are few of them who are thankful, who acknowledge the blessing, praise God for it, and use it to obey Him, this verse indicates that the basic principle regarding all foods is that it is permissible, except for what the Sharia prohibits, because God disapproves of those who forbid the provision that He has sent down to His servants.

A view around the verse

What do you imagine, lying to God about His law, which God gave to His servants as a mercy and an admonition, such as writing verses that are not found in the Qur’an, or you compose something and attach it to the Qur’an, or like the previous nations that changed God’s verses in His books, slandering God. God - the Almighty - asks an interrogative question and He knows the answer well, but the question is to think about to criticize and pay attention. On the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Judgment, God - the Almighty - will separate between His servants who slander and change His rulings.

God is gracious to people

Doesn’t God Almighty have any favors for you, even if you are in the midst of great distress? God's grace descends all the time from heaven to earth, and even in the midst of adversity, you find someone who comforts you, you find someone who stands by you, you find relative calm and reassurance within you, even if all the waves of problems surround you.

But most people are not thankful

This is a rebuke, from a generous God. Perhaps you said: What is my fault if I was created in an area of conflicts and wars or was born into a problem and grow up in it and it has not been resolved yet? this is God’s choice for you: No soul will die until it receives its provision. If you die, you will know that you have taken your entire provision, and this is what is written for me, and compensation for the rest in a paradise from which millions will be deprived, If you live, it will be a painful history that you carry in your head and that you will pass on to your grandchildren. After a period of time, it will come as quickly as possible, and you are proud. If it were not for this pain, you would not have found anything to tell your grandchildren about, If you die, you die satisfied with God in His destinies. God Almighty said ((May God be pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. That is the great victory (119)) Or live and remember after the scholarship that he was with you and read this simple poetry with me, (He is here, God is here, God is here, in the consciousness and groaning here, when I complain and whine here, and after the grant, I will remember that he was here when no one was here)

Allah says

" وما تكون في شأن وما تتلو منه من قرآن ولا تعملون من عمل إلا كنا عليكم شهودا إذ تفيضون فيه وما يعزب عن ربك من مثقال ذرة في الأرض ولا في السماء ولا أصغر من ذلك ولا أكبر إلا في كتاب مبين "

“And you do not engage in any matter or recite from it any of the Qur’an, nor do you do any work except that We are witnesses over you, when you overflow in it, and what escapes your Lord, the weight of an atom on earth or in the sky, There is nothing smaller than that or greater than that except that it is in a clear book.”

“And you do not do any work, whether small or great, unless We are witnesses over you when you engage in it.” That is, when you begin it and continue to work in it, So watch God in your deeds, and perform them with advice and diligence in them, What escapes his knowledge, hearing, sight, and sight is “the weight of an atom on earth or in the sky, and there is nothing smaller than that or greater except in a clear Book.” That is, his knowledge has encompassed it and his pen has written it.

A view around the verse
And what you are in any matter and what you recite from it from the Qur’an

We are all concerned from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep. There are people who live in their own affairs, and there are people who do not rest until they take care of the people around them, How do they live and keep track of their private lives, even if you wake up and go about your own affairs and problems (you are in a business) or recite the Qur’an, In every state of yours, you are being watched by God Almighty and the angels who are witnesses and follow you after dawn and after afternoon.

And you do any work

God - the Almighty - did not leave us any pause, pause, action, or anything else except under the watchful eye of witnesses and careful census. Have you ever thought about counting God? The science of statistics has special faculties to learn how to count, and whoever graduates will either shine in this field of knowledge or be inactive. Look at statistics, God Almighty says, (God counted him and forgot him) The word - the work - the matter, all of this is written in a book that does not make mistakes and all of humanity from the beginning of Adam until God inherits the earth and those on it, It is a huge, unbelievable and incomprehensible statistic, but we are certain of its existence, and we will see it with our own eyes in the afterlife. God, through His grace, made it clear to our eyes.

Except that We will be witnesses over you when you begin it

The spark of initiation, the moment of intention and subsequent action, you draw, you read, you play, you read the Qur’an, you study...etc. from the beginning, and you are under the eye of divine providence.

And not the weight of an atom on earth or in heaven escapes your Lord

Imagine the size of the encirclement, this is not Big brother watching you. This viewing is the size and width of the heavens and the earth, Do not tell me Mars or tell me that they are there trying on the planet Venus to see if it is suitable for habitation, even after a while, like the planet Mars, They destroyed planet Earth with wars, conflicts and famines, and decided to live in ivory towers, far from the mob and the noise like us, they are not in a place far from the eyes of God - His Majesty.

There is nothing smaller than that or greater than that except that it is in a clear book.”

Should I tell you that it is a statistic unlike any you have heard before?

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