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Surah Yunus, page 216

Allah says

" ألا إن أولياء الله لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون، الذين آمنوا وكانوا يتقون "

“Indeed, the guardians of God have no fear nor will they grieve, those who believed and pious”

He said: “Indeed, there is no fear for the saints of God,” as they faced him from the fears and terrors that were before them. And they do not grieve over what they have done before, Because they did not advance anything but good deeds, and if they had no fear nor did they grieve, security, happiness, and abundant goodness were guaranteed to them, which only God Almighty knows.

A view around the verses

I will shortly attach to you a file on the characteristics of the Guardians of the righteous, but here we will talk in general: who is the Guardians? A close relationship and God loves you and takes you as a guardian. He will not hand you over to your enemies, but we see in life people who died in wars and people under persecution in prisons and detention centers and people and people, so why does the guardian (God Almighty) not defend them? The truth is we do not know but the Guardian means lover, friend or supporter, who is the guardian of whom in this verse? God - the Almighty - is the guardian, and in the supplication: O guardian, take care of me. They used to say to the naughty children in the past, “Do not come except to your guardian, and you committed a crime at school. Are you afraid when you are in the company of your guardian, Guardianship is not an honor but an obligation, meaning that you are constantly occupied with him and for him, year after year, until all your hearing, sight, and speech are for the one you are in charge of (God Almighty) And just as we saw people who were tempted in their religion and persecuted, we find people who were protected by God. We believe, and God knows best, the secret is in the heart, not in outward deeds or your memorization of the Qur’an or or, but as our master Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction - distinguished from the entire nation (his heart and only) A tender heart that cannot bear to see someone being tortured. It cannot bear the deceit of a Muslim at all - and on top of that - he walks among the people, accepting the thoughts of slaves, freeing them from slavery one by one with his own moneyو And as they say (whoever walks among the people willingly, God will find him in the midst of dangers). Look around you in any area where there is armed conflict or wars. You will find that the people who have the greatest security for the greatest period of time are those who accept their thoughts. Of course, God knows and we do not know.

They have no fear, nor do they grieve

Fear comes with the future with the unknown, and sadness comes with the past that has ended, and in the Qur’an there is a verse that tells you not to do these two, (Fear for the future, or sadness for the past, or rather sorrow for the past, which is the most severe type of sadness for the body, is a pathogen... God Almighty says,

﴿ لِّكَيْلَا تَأْسَوْا عَلَىٰ مَا فَاتَكُمْ وَلَا تَفْرَحُوا بِمَا آتَاكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ﴾ [ الحديد: 23]

) So that you may not grieve over what you have missed, nor rejoice in what He has given you,   And God does not like every arrogant and proud person.” (Al-Hadid: 23)

Scientists say about it (it is the key to mental health). Now look: For the common people, God commands them not to do these two, (Fear for the future and sadness for the past) As for God’s guardians, He is the one who himself (Glory be to Him) takes care of that... Be a guardian of God and He will be yours, and God is sufficient as a guardian, and God is sufficient as a helper.

Those who believed and were pious

This is the sum of their characteristics and the matter is over. If that were the case, then most of the believers are guardians, right? But the reality of the situation is that believers are in a category and God’s friends are in a higher category, so what is the quality of their faith? What is the quality of their piety? The idea of your faith in God does not pass without testing, without problems, without an internal earthquake like the earthquake of the believers during the days of the Messenger of God’s presence among them, When they said on the tongue of the Qur’an (...and they shook until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When will God grant victory?”) Claiming faith in the tongue is absolutely useless with God, Do you know how many billion people live on planet Earth alone? No matter their number, do you know how many of them are believers in God (Muslims) One third in front of two thirds, one third Muslim and two thirds disbelievers in Islam and the Lord of Islam, who in our religion is the true God and the true religion. Can you imagine that simply inheriting the religion with your ID card? Just as other Christians, Buddhists, or others inherited their religion, Have you become a believer? No, by God, faith must have an internal earthquake in order for you to doubt the sincerity of faith: Is God present in your life? And when you believe in Him in this extreme state of your internal earthquake in a calamity that befalls you, this is where your faith is determined. Before that, it was just a period of experience for the practical part. As for piety: Piety can only be determined by testing as well. He who does not have the favorable circumstances of religious family and good company does not have the same conditions as someone who does not have that at all and fears God, Who knows that? Are they your friends in the mosque, the factory, and the library? No, no, but He is God - the Almighty - so do not say about yourself that you are one of God’s guardians, ever, Because the one who determines that is God - Glory be to Him - and He alone has no partner with Him in determining that?

Who are the righteous guardians of God? See this file:

Allah says

" لهم البشرى في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة لا تبديل لكلمات الله ذلك هو الفوز العظيم "

“For them is good news in this life and in the afterlife, there is no changing the words of God, that is the great victory.”

As for the good news in this world, it is: good praise, affection in the hearts of believers, good dreams, and what the servant sees of God’s kindness to him and His facilitation of the best deeds and morals, and distract him from the bad morals, as for the afterlife, the first is the good news when their souls are taken, as God Almighty said: And in the grave, there is good news of God Almighty’s satisfaction and eternal bliss. And in the afterlife, there is full good news of entering the Gardens of Bliss and being saved from the painful torment.

A view around the verse

Al-Bushri: A word said when happy, and it is a word in itself that makes whoever hears it happy, so what if it were one of the angels? What if it was true and not metaphorical? Many people have good tongues and are good at sweetening people’s minds, so they often say “give good news” during difficulties and calamities, but here is the truth, for these faithful, pious guardians (they have good tidings in this worldly life - scholars say: it is the hour of death: separation is difficult, not only the separation of loved ones, but also the separation of possessions. Imagine that today you have the keys to your apartment - your car, etc., and tomorrow you go without anything with you to meet God - the Almighty - The moment of separation requires good news of a better future than the one you left, right?

And in the afterlife

They also have another good news, perhaps sitting with the prophets and our master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and being next to God, yes, in the highest paradise, and perhaps the angels preaching good news to them, That their livelihoods change and change until they do not know how to count them, as stated in Surat Al-Baqarah and elsewhere, and God is Most High and Most Knowing of what He intends from His signs for His servants.

There is no changing the words of God, that is the great victory”

What is the meaning of “There is no altering” of the words of God - in this situation - and God knows best: that whomever God makes a guardian other than the believers, you will never be able to place him in this category,   Therefore, he concluded the verse by saying that it is a victory, not an ordinary victory, but rather a great victory, and who can describe its greatness, God Almighty, and Himself?

Allah says

" ولا يحزنك قولهم إن العزة لله جميعا هو السميع العليم "

“And do not be saddened by their saying, ‘All glory belongs to God. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.’”

That is: Do not be saddened by the words of those who deny you, by which they reach the point of slandering you and your religion, for their words do not console them, And it will not harm you in the slightest. “Indeed, glory belongs to Allah alone.” He gives it to whomever He wishes, and withholds it from whomever He wishes and He - the Almighty - hears your words and the words of your enemies regarding it, and He knows that in detail, so be content with the knowledge and sufficiency of Allah, for whoever fears Allah is sufficient for Him.

A view around the verse

And do not grieve you, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the state of his honorable life, and do not grieve you either, O loyal and pious believer, because of their words and their mockery of you, your religiosity, and your piety, and that you may be a guardian of God - the Almighty - without them, All glory belongs to God, and what this means is that when people hate someone, they begin to enumerate his faults and begin to try to belittle his value, whether he is honorable or lowly. So remember, if you are placed in this situation, that all glory belongs to God, As for us humans, if we are believers, make yourself aware that you will not find a believer except in his lack, humiliation, or fault, and perhaps all of them come together. This is what God intended for His faithful servants, and remember that He - Glory be to Him - is the Hearer of what is going on around you, and what is going on in your chest, and He is All-Knowing. Breasts.

Allah says

" ألا إن لله من في السماوات ومن في الأرض وما يتبع الذين يدعون من دون الله شركاء إن يتبعون إلا الظن وإن هم إلا يخرصون "

“Indeed, to God belongs whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on earth, and those whom they call upon besides God are not followed by partners,   they follow nothing but conjecture, and they only lie.”

Everyone is God’s angels, subjugated, managed, and not worthy of any worship. They are not partners with God, in all respects, That is why he said: “That is, he who avails nothing against the truth,” even though they say falsehood and falsehood. If they are honest, that their deities are partners to God, so let them show from their descriptions what is worthy of an atom’s weight of worship, for they will not be able.

A view around the verse
Indeed, to God belongs who is in the heavens and who is on earth

Imagine the heavens as wide as they are, and how many angels inhabit them? the jinn and humans are on Earth on 6 continents or more, Perhaps the planet Mars, when it is populated, is within the sky because it is a planet floating in this vast universe, All of these and any living creature that moves with its legs under any sky or over any earth is the special property of God Almighty.

Those whom they call upon other than God are not followed by associates. They follow only suspicion

We may have said previously that in the noble hadith: (Indeed, suspicion is the most false of hadiths): The young man thinks that he will not grow old, the old man thinks that he will not die, and the bride thinks that she will not get married, The sick person thinks that he will not be cured, and this is how life is. There are people who claimed to God for a partner - Glory be to Him, the Most High - for that, whether this partner is tangible like statues worshiped other than God, or people who are worshiped instead of God, or a scientific robot who is worshiped instead of God, or someone who died and was worshiped instead of God after his death - for your information, all the previous examples are worshiped in the world instead of God, God - the Almighty - tells us that they follow suspicion, that is, a mere doubt that there is a partner with God - Glory be to Him - so do not be like them, for doubt is just a suspicion and is never certain.

They only whisper

Khars: a lie - slander

Allah says

" هو الذي جعل لكم الليل لتسكنوا فيه والنهار مبصرا إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يسمعون "

“It is He who made for you the night that you may rest therein, and the day as a giving sight, Indeed, in that are signs for a people who listen.”

And “It is He who made for you the night that you may rest therein” in sleep and rest because of the darkness that covers the face of the earth. If the light had continued, they would not have read and would not have rest, God made “and the day a sight” meaning: luminous, with which creation can see, so they can go about their livelihood and the interests of their religion and their world.

A view around the verse

This is as it should be but it is not. How old are you now? Are you over forty? Was your previous life healthy, moving, exercising, eating healthy, worshiping God...etc If you did not do this and life punished you with several diseases, would you bear the consequences of what you did to yourself? We sing that God - the Almighty - created a cosmic system with perfect creation and formation, and this is a truth in which there is no nonsense, but do we respect this cosmic system, that God - the Almighty - created the geometry of life so that people sleep at night and made it a dwelling place (it comes from dwelling and tranquility) the day was created to move, work, be active, etc. Why? If you knew the extent of the deterioration of the condition of living organisms in the seas and oceans due to the artificial lights near the beaches, to know that our breathing and the lungs of the Earth are not the forests as some claim, but rather the oceans, and the safety of their deep beings, and that the moon was ordained by God Almighty, That it revolves around houses is like a natural thing that replaces the artificial one that destroys crops and seed.

Indeed, in that are signs for a people who listen

Here is a pause. Perhaps it would have been better - I ask forgiveness from God - to see rather than hear. Why does God Almighty choose the word “hearing” to conclude the verse? Perhaps because the circuit of hearing is stronger and larger than the circuit of vision, and perhaps the picture explains part of the meanings and the video explains more than that, but in the first and last it is not an eyewitness, Rather, hearing is stronger and greater. Perhaps you have heard about whales committing suicide, or the death of thousands of frogs on the beaches in an incomprehensible phenomenon, or, or, Let us all know that we must use the manufacturer’s catalog and not the one affiliated with the workmanship. In the link below you can read this scientific topic. and God is superior and knows best .

Allah says

" قالوا اتخذ الله ولدا سبحانه هو الغني له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض إن عندكم من سلطان بهذا أتقولون على الله ما لا تعلمون "

They said, “God has taken a son. Glory be to Him, He is the Rich, To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth, do you have any authority in this matter or Do you say about God what you do not know?

“Glory be to Him,” meaning: He distanced himself from what the oppressors say, in attributing shortcomings, to Him is great exaltation, then he proved that. So if he is rich in every way, then for what purpose should he take the child? His need for a child is incompatible with his wealth, so no one takes a child except because of a deficiency in his wealth.

A view around the verse
They said, “God has given birth to a son”

As we agreed upon two-thirds of the earth, it seems that part of these two-thirds decided that God Almighty has a son.

Glory be to Him, He is the Rich

Why do we like to have children? So that they may be a source of honor for us in times of humiliation, wealth in times of poverty, adornment in times of prosperity, and pride among people, All of these things and others are a lack of something in ourselves. We complement our shortcomings with our children. God is not only rich, rather, he is the only rich whose wealth does not disappear or someone overpowers him and takes away his wealth or something else.

Do you have any authority to say about God what you do not know?

Do you have evidence that the Creator of the universe had a son? Or do you say about God without evidence what you do not know?

Allah says

" قل إن الذين يفترون على الله الكذب لا يفلحون "

“Say: Those who invent lies over the God will not succeed.”

 meaning: they will not achieve what they seek, nor will their goal be achieved. But they enjoy their disbelief and lies in this world for a little while, then they turn to God and return to Him, and the severe punishment will make them taste because they disbelieved. “And God has not wronged them, but it is their own souls that they wronged.”

A view around the verse

Slander: The most severe type of lying. Can you imagine telling a lie until you believe it and attach it to God Almighty? And you imagine that you will reap goodness. Those who invent lies about God will never reap goodness.

Allah says

" متاع في الدنيا ثم إلينا مرجعهم ثم نذيقهم العذاب الشديد بما كانوا يكفرون "

“Enjoyment in this world, then to Us is their return then We will make them taste the severe punishment because they disbelieved.”

A view around the verse
The enjoyment in this world

We said previously that the word “enjoyment” in the Qur’an comes from pleasure, and pleasure is momentary and not permanent, yet its consequences come for years and years. As the common people say: If happiness is a moment, then contentment is life, and enjoyment is just a moment of happiness, and life passes by in a strange way. How old are you now? Have you felt how all this life has passed? did you imagine reaching this age? It is a life in which pleasures are merely moments and the rest is completed with satisfaction, and the afterlife is the eternity and it contains the eternity of pleasure and the eternity of you personally and the eternity of your loved ones.

Then to Us is their return

Do you know when your father is angry with you and he is harsh and oppressive? Do you like to meet him in the evening, no matter how much you go outside his house? Why? Because he is angry, and God has the highest ideal: Would you like to meet him when he is angry or to meet him when he is satisfied? then We will make them taste the severe punishment because they disbelieved

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