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The handling التدبير

وهو تعليق العتق بالموت، ويعتبر من الثلث، ويصح من كل من تصح وصيته ، وصريحه لفظ العتق والحرية المعلقين بالموت ، ولفظ التدبير وما تصرف منها ، ويصح مطلقا ومقيدا بأن يقول

مثل هذه الصيغ

1- إن مت من مرضي هذا أو عامي هذا ، فأنت حر أو مدبر

2- أو متى شئت فأنت مدبر

فمتى شاء في حياة السيد صار مدبرا إن قال : إن شئت ، فأنت مدبر ، فقياس المذهب أنه كذلك ، وقال أبو الخطاب : إن شاء في المجلس ، صار مدبرا ، وإلا فلا ، وإذا قال: قد رجعت عن تدبيري ، أو قد أبطلته لم يبطل لأنه تعليق للعتق بصفة ، وعنه : يبطل كالوصية ، وله بيع المدبر وهبته ، وإن عاد إليه عاد التدبير ، وعنه : لا يباع إلا في الدين

وإذا دبر شريكا له في عبد

لم يسر إلى نصيب شريكه، فإن أعتق شريكه ، سرى إلى المدبر ، وغرم قيمته لسيده ، ويحتمل أن يسري في الأول دون الثاني وإذا أسلم مدبر الكافر ، لم يقر في يده ، وترك في يد عدل ينفق عليه من كسبه ، وما فضل لسيده ، وإن أعوز ، فعليه تمامه إلا أن يرجع في التدبير ، ونقول بصحة الرجوع ، فيجبر على بيعه ، ومن أنكر لم يحكم عليه إلا بشاهدين ، وهل يحكم عليه بشاهد وامرأتين أو بشاهد ويمين العبد ؛ على روايتين ، وإذا قتل المدبر سيده ، بطل تدبيره .


It is the suspension of emancipation upon death, and it is considered one-third, and it is valid from anyone whose will is valid, and its explicit meaning is the wording of emancipation and freedom suspended upon death, and the wording of management and what is disposed of from it, and it is valid absolutely and restricted by saying

Such formulas as

1- If I die from this illness of mine or this year of mine, then you are free or a manager

2- Or whenever you wish, then you are a manager

So, whenever he wishes during the life of the master, he becomes a manager if he says: If you wish, then you are a manager, so the analogy of the doctrine is that it is so, and Abu al-Khattab said: If he wishes in the council, he becomes a manager, otherwise not, and if he says: I have retracted my management, or I have nullified it, it is not nullified because it is a suspension of emancipation with a characteristic, and from him: It is nullified like a will, and he has the right to sell the manager and gift him, and if he returns to him, the management returns, and from him: It is not sold except in debt

And if he manages a partner for him in a slave

It does not go to the share of his partner, so if he frees his partner, it goes to the manager, and he pays his value to his master, and it is possible that It applies to the first but not the second. If the disbeliever’s manager converts to Islam, it is not left in his hand, and he is left in the hand of a just person who spends on him from his earnings, and whatever is left is for his master. If he is poor, then he must pay the full amount unless he retracts the management, and we say that the retraction is valid, so he is forced to sell it. Whoever denies it, he is not judged except by two witnesses. Is he judged by one witness and two women, or by one witness and the oath of a slave? According to two narrations. If the manager kills his master, his management is invalidated.

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