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  • 300 - It's sweat, not menstruation

    [300] حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف قال : أخبرنا مالك عن هشام بن عروة عن أبيه عن عائشة أنها قال : قالت فاطمة بنت أبي حبيش لرسول الله ﷺ يا رسول الله إني لا أطهر أفأدع الصلاة ، فقال رسول الله ﷺ : إنما ذلك عرق وليس بالحيضة فإذا أقبلت الحيضة فاتركي الصلاة فإذا ذهب قدرها فاغسلي عنك الدم وصلي [300] Abdullah bin Yusuf told us, he said: Malik told us, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwah, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, that he said: Fatima bint Abi Habeish said: to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, O Messenger of God, I am not purer so I leave prayer, The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: It is only a sweat, not a menstruation, And if it goes away its time, wash off the blood and pray. We benefit from the noble Hadith The hadith is clear, that istihaadah as the scholars of Sharia call it, it is not possible to pray on time, but it is describing the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - it is not bad blood like menstruation, but it is sweat mixed with blood, and it is pure and has its legal rulings - which is not in place here - The witness With this part of the study that you will read below, you will learn that the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the illiterate who neither reads nor writes, taught mankind modern sciences, He is the one who described blood as mere sweat, which is surprising, but the study "in our hands" explains that clearly to us... I leave you with this part of the study. A Curious Case of Sweating Blood Hematohidrosis also known as hematidrosis, hemidrosis, and hematidrosis is a condition in which capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands rupture, causing them to exude blood; it occurs under conditions of extreme physical or emotional stress.Various causative factors have been suggested by Holoubek, like component of systemic disease, vicarious menstruation, excessive exertion, psychogenic, psychogenic purpura, and unknown causes.Acute fear and intense mental contemplation are the most frequent causes, as reported in six cases in a study, In our case, no causative factor was identified, One hypothesis proposed for etiopathogenesis of hematohidrosis, as suggested by some authors,[7] is that multiple blood vessels present in a net-like form around the sweat gland constrict under pressure of stress. As the anxiety passes out, the blood vessels dilate to the point of rupture. The blood goes into the sweat glands, which push it along with sweat to the surface, presenting as droplets of blood mixed with sweat. ( for the rest of study, look at the link below) The links

  • 308 - Take cotton with musk, and purify yourself with it

    [308] حدثنا يحيى قال : حدثنا ابن عيينة عن منصور بن صفية عن أمه عن عائشة أن امرأة سألت النبي ﷺ عن غسلها من المحيض فأمرها كيف تغتسل قال خذي فرصة من مسك فتطهري بها قالت كيف أتطهر قال تطهري بها قالت كيف قال سبحان الله تطهري فاجتبذتها إلي فقلت : تتبعي بها أثر الدم [308] Yahya told us, he said: Ibn Uyaynah told us on the authority of Mansour bin Safiya, on the authority of his mother, on the authority of Aisha, that a woman asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, about her washing of the menstruation, so he instructed her how to take a bath. He said, “Take a farsh: a piece of wool or cotton: from musk, so you can purify yourself, She said, “How do I purify?” He said, “Purify yourself with it.” She said, “How?” He said, “Glory be to God, cleanse.” So I drew her to me, and I said: Follow the traces of blood with it. ANTAGONISTIC EFFECT OF MUSK ON DIFFERENT ORGANISMS Results indicated that Musk has inhibitory effects on the growth of study microorganisms Musk contains active substances similar to antibiotic, alkaloids and volatile oils present in them as they have the ability to stop the growth of many microorganisms. The effect of natural musk was higher than the effect synthetic musk, And the microbes were the most sensitive to musk is Bacillus subtilis. As for anti-microbial creams, the effect of the anti-bacterial cream was more effective in their suppression compared to all kinds of musk unlike the anti-fungal cream which gave a negative result. The conclusion This study showed that the different concentrations of natural musk have an effective role in inhibiting some of the microbes of this vaginal pathogen, and it has given a positive opposite result to these microbes, and therefore it can be used as a natural antibiotic that reduces side effects on females and the environment. The link

  • 290 - Make up for what the pilgrim makes up except that you do not perform Tawaf

    [290] حدثنا علي بن عبد الله قال : حدثنا سفيان قال : سمعت عبد الرحمن بن القاسم قال : سمعت القاسم يقول : سمعت عائشة تقول خرجنا لا نرى إلا الحج فلما كنا بسرف حضت فدخل علي رسول الله ﷺ وأنا أبكي قال : ما لك أنفست قلت : نعم قال إن هذا أمر كتبه الله على بنات آدم فاقضي ما يقضي الحاج غير أن لا تطوفي بالبيت قالت وضحى رسول الله ﷺ عن نسائه بالبقر [290] Ali bin Abdullah told us, he said: Sufyan told us, he said: I heard Abd al-Rahman bin al-Qasim said: I heard al-Qasim say: I heard Aisha say: We went out only to see Hajj, and when we were in Saraf: place, I menstruated, and the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, entered upon me while I was crying. He said: What is wrong with you: Your menstruation has come? I said: Yes. He said that this is something that God has written for the daughters of Adam, Make up what the pilgrim makes up, except that you do not circumambulate the House, she said, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sacrificed cows on behalf of his women. We benefit from the noble Hadith 1- Observance of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - for the psyche of Lady Aisha in her Menstruation is a characteristic of mentally healthy men, that is the woman in this period is not in her high psychological state. 2 - Menstruation is something that God decreed for the daughters of Adam due to great wisdom. No one can get rid of it during Hajj and Umrah unless she has a period that does not stop or special circumstances. As for normal circumstances, there is no need for her to change her hormones. 3 - Sacrifice of cows - Permissibility of eating its meat ... We have a pause with it, God willing, in another hadith 4 - The study that is in your hands, dear reader, indicates that physical purity is like purification from (menstruation, postpartum, and unpleasant odors) One of the things that bring groups closer together, perhaps the reason for the prohibition in circumambulating a menstruating woman is that God Almighty preserves the spirit of the group, cohesive and strong. How Purity Divides Us A study of moral values reveals issues related to purity can determine how close—or how far—we want to be with someone in social and political circles. Purity is the moral foundation that drives people apart—and a glue that keeps them together, a new study suggests The study led by USC researchers, combined computer science, moral psychology and sociology of networks research techniques to determine how five basic moral concerns—care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion and purity/degradation—may widen or narrow the social distance between people. The researchers believe the study, published this month in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, is one of the first investigations combining big-data social network analyses with more traditional behavioral experiments. “Concerns about purity could have to do with physical purity, like disgust or cleansing, but also a kind of spiritual purity — things like treating the body like a temple instead of a playground, resisting our lower carnal desires in favor of a higher, divine nature,” Graham says. “It has a spiritual-moral dimension to it, but it’s not necessarily explicitly religious.” The link

  • 291 - 292 - Laying off and anointing the head of the Messenger of God while she was menstruating

    [291] حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف قال : حدثنا مالك عن هشام بن عروة عن أبيه عن عائشة قالت كنت أرجل رأس رسول الله ﷺ وأنا حائض [291] Abdullah bin Yusuf told us, he said: Malik told us, on the authority of Hisham bin Urwah, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, she said, I used to brush and anoint the head of the Messenger of God ﷺ while I was menstruating [292] حدثنا إبراهيم بن موسى قال : أخبرنا هشام بن يوسف ان ابن جريج أخبرهم قال : أخبرني هشام عن عروة أنه سئل أتخدمني الحائض أو تدنو مني المرأة وهي جنب ، فقال عروة كل ذلك علي هين وكل ذلك تخدمني وليس على أحد في ذلك بأس أخبرتني عائشة أنها كانت ترجل تعني رأس رسول الله ﷺ وهي حائض ورسول الله ﷺ حينئذ مجاور في المسجد يدني لها رأسه وهي في حجرتها فترجله وهي حائض [292] Ibrahim bin Musa told us, he said: Hisham bin Yusuf told us that Ibn Juraij told them. He said: Hisham told me on the authority of Urwah that he was asked, “Does a menstruating woman serve me or a woman approaches me while she is junub, Urwa said, “All of this is easy for me, and all of that serves me, and there is nothing wrong with anyone in that.” Aisha told me that she was It means laying off and anointing the head of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, She was menstruating, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was next to him the mosque, He lowers his head to her while she is in her room, and she steps it down while she is menstruating. In the two hadiths there are several points 1 - Contrasting with the Jews, because the Jews in the days of the Messenger did not deal with menstruating women and those who were junub at all until they became pure, religiously 2 - Being gentle with a woman and being considerate of her feelings during menstruation, for she is not impure, for a believer is not impure. 3- The good relationship between a man and a woman in Islam, where the man (here the Messenger) allows his wife to comb his hair and paint it for him, It is very rare among men and women to do so. 4 - An indication of its clean odor- may God be pleased with her - because the Messenger of God is surrounded by angels and angels are harmed by what harms humans, so if her smell is not pleasant the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace keep away from her and this is not what the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - did.

  • 294 - She lay with him in the velor while she was menstruating

    [294] حدثنا المكي بن إبراهيم قال : حدثنا هشام عن يحيى بن أبي كثير عن أبي سلمة أن زينب بنت أم سلمة حدثته أن أم سلمة حدثتها قالت بينا أنا مع النبي ﷺ مضطجعة في خميصة إذ حضت فانسللت فأخذت ثياب حيضتي قال أنفست قلت : نعم فدعاني فاضطجعت معه في الخميلة [294] Al-Makki bin Ibrahim told us, he said: Hisham told us on the authority of Yahya bin Abi Katheer on the authority of Abu Salamah that Zainab bint Umm Salamah told him, that Umm Salamah told her, she said while I was with the Prophet, peace be upon him, lying in a garment, “a black or red garment with flags” when I menstruated, I slipped and took my menstruation clothes. He said: you menstruated, I said: Yes, so he called me, and I lay with him in the velour.

  • 295 - I and the Prophet ﷺ wash from one vessel

    [295] حدثنا قبيصة قال : حدثنا سفيان عن منصور عن إبراهيم عن الأسود عن عائشة قالت كنت أغتسل أنا والنبي ﷺ من إناء واحد كلانا جنب وكان يأمرني فأتزر فيباشرني وأنا حائض وكان يخرج رأسه إلي وهو معتكف فأغسله وأنا حائض [295] Qabeesah told us, he said: Sufyan told us, on the authority of Mansour, on the authority of Ibrahim, on the authority of Al-Aswad, on the authority of Aisha, she said, I and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him wash from one vessel, I and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to wash from one vessel. we both got impurity, He used to order me to wear clothes that hide the lower part of the body, so he would touch me while I was menstruating, He used to bring his head out to me while he was in seclusion, and I would wash it while I was menstruating.

  • 297 - if he ﷺ wants to have direct with one of his wives,order her to wear Ezar

    [297] حدثنا أبو النعمان قال : حدثنا عبد الواحد قال : حدثنا الشيباني قال : حدثنا عبد الله بن شداد قال : سمعت ميمونة كان رسول الله ﷺ إذا أراد أن يباشر امرأة من نسائه أمرها فاتزرت وهي حائض ، ورواه سفيان عن الشيباني [297] Abu al-Nu’man told us, he said: Abd al-Wahed told us, he said: al-Shaybani told us, he said: Abdullah ibn Shaddad told us, he said: I heard Maymoona was the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, If he wants to direct with one of his wives order So she went to wear Ezar: clth the hide the lower body, when she was menstruating, and Sufyan narrated it on the authority of Al-Shaibani

  • 315 - We were menstruating with the Prophet and he did not order us to make up the prayers

    [315] حدثنا موسى بن إسماعيل قال : حدثنا همام قال : حدثنا قتادة قال : حدثتني معاذة أن امرأة قالت لعائشة أتجزي إحدانا صلاتها إذا طهرت فقالت أحرورية أنت كنا نحيض مع النبي ﷺ فلا يأمرنا به أو قالت فلا نفعله [315] Musa bin Ismail told us, he said: Hammam told us, he said: Qatadah told us, he said: Muadhah told me that a woman said to Aisha, one of us gives half the reward for her prayer if she becomes pure, Aharuriya said: We used to menstruate with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, so he did not order us to do it, or she said, “We do not do it.” Haruriya: a group of Kharijites attributed to Harura near Kufa, because they held their first meeting and arbitration with it when they disagreed with Ali, and they had strictness in religion until they rose from it.

  • Give charity, for I saw that you are most of the people of Hellfire

    3 - رج رسول الله ﷺ في أضحى أو فطر إلى المصلى فمر على النساء ، فقال : يا معشر النساء تصدقن فإني أريتكن أكثر أهل النار فقلن وبم يا رسول الله قال تكثرن اللعن وتكفرن العشير ما رأيت من ناقصات عقل ودين أذهب للب الرجل الحازم من إحداكن قلن وما نقصان ديننا وعقلنا يا رسول الله قال أليس شهادة المرأة مثل نصف شهادة الرجل قلن بلى قال : فذلك نقصان من عقلها أليس إذا حاضت لم تصل ولم تصم قلن بلى قال : فذلك من نقصان دينها 3 - On Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out to the prayer place and passed by the women, He said: O women, give charity, for I have shown you to be most of the people of Hellfire, You curse too much and cover up the good company, what I saw of deficient in intellect and religion: go out the mind of a firm man from one of you, they said, What is the deficiency of our religion and our reason, O Messenger of God? He said: Isn't the testimony of a woman the same as half the testimony of a man? They said yes, He said: That is a deficiency of her intellect, Is it not if she menstruates and does not pray and does not fast: They said, “Yes.” He said: This is from the deficiency in her religion. We take from the hadith several topics 1 - Women are commanded to give alms rather than men, and this is a specific matter because, as the Messenger described them, most of the people of Hellfire, and that is for the things they do with their husbands who have a great right after God Almighty and after the parents are upon them, they curse a lot: “It is the cursed, so that the circle of goodness from God Almighty doesn't reaches wwho's cursed him, Therefore, if the one who curses him does not deserve this curse, he will return to her, the other thing that women do: they cover me with goodness, with the first mistake: a man makes a mistake about them. 2 - Then the Messenger says something strange about women: that they are deficient in intellect and religion, and the strangest thing is that - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - even though he described them as such, but He said in his praise of what covers me this slander: (They go with the mind of a firm man) In this detail in a related study at the end of the topic - do not miss it - 3 - As usual for some arguing women, I heard the words of the Messenger and did not stop asking, so one of them said: And what is the deficiency of our intellect and religion)? So the response of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was as stated in the hadith - 4 - It is also not hidden from a sane person that some women have their menstrual cycle up to 14 days of the month for some health conditions, which means that their worship is less than that of men. Related Studies Why is the testimony of a woman half the testimony of a man? Does God - Glory be to Him - belittle a woman and make her testimony half that of a man? In other words, makes her testimony before the testimony of two men in any question of life, which has a definite fate for someone in court or otherwise? The truth is that this statement is not true, after a while you will find the scientific answer in your hands, until we reach that, let us explain the verse: God Almighty says (فَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُونَا رَجُلَيْنِ فَرَجُلٌ وَ امْرَأَتَانِ مِمَّنْ تَرْضَوْنَ مِنَ الشُّهَدَاءِ أَنْ تَضِلَّ إِحْدَاهُمَا فَتُذَكِّرَ إِحْدَاهُمَا الْأُخْرَى) [البقرة: 282] (And if they are not two men, then a man and two women from among the martyrs you approve of, lest one of them go astray and remind one of the other) [Al-Baqarah: 282] God Almighty warns us that if you do not find two men at the time of martyrdom, we will take the testimony of one man and two women, But not any two women, but rather (those whom the martyrdom is pleased with: they are righteous) What does this mean? That is, they know justice and sincerity, and they take into account that sincerity is originally - to God Almighty - to the scientific explanation Initial study According to a study published on the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) website, a woman's memory is not constant throughout her life, it suddenly decreases after menopause, but middle-aged women have better memories than men, but differently than men. The second study In another study published in the journal JNeurosci, it was found that women remember things differently than men. And her emotional memory is greater than that of a man, That is, she is affected emotionally and greatly while remembering the event, because the memory of a woman during her testimony depends on the type of remembrance. feedback on the second study All this confirms that the presence of another woman while giving testimony will have a good impact on the quality of the testimony and the accuracy of the information you will provide, because the second woman often will not have the same emotional effects on herself, This enables the judge to make intersections between the testimony of the first woman and the testimony of the second woman in order to find out the truth. The third study The University of Pennsylvania conducted a major study on 949 male and female brains. Researchers found that women are better than men at thinking about multiple tasks because they use both parts of the brain as well as for issues that need to focus on a single issue, a man prefers a woman because he uses only one part of the brain, say scientists at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. From the results of this study, Dr. Robin Goure says: The results were shocking when we saw these amazing differences between male and female brains, but they are complementary to each other, but what is important is that women have a higher ability than men for social tasks .. while men are distinguished by their superior ability to work that requires specific focus such as driving and control. We conclude from the following Since a woman uses her emotions while remembering, and since a woman suffers from memory problems immediately after menopause, and since a woman uses both halves of her brain to remember, which means her ability to focus less, for all of this, May God ease the burden and honor of a woman's testimony by allowing her to seek advice from another woman to complete the shahada and not to be controlled by a man, he made this command mandatory, i.e. do not accept one woman's testimony, Except in special cases such as the wife’s testimony against her husband, and cases of chastity and honor. Should we say after these facts that Islam insults and degrades the woman? The links

  • 301 - 302 - What do we do in the dress that hit with menstruation?

    301] حدثنا عبد الله بن يوسف قال : أخبرنا مالك عن هشام عن فاطمة بنت المنذر عن أسماء بنت أبي بكر أنها قالت سألت امرأة رسول الله ﷺ فقالت : يا رسول الله أرأيت إحدانا إذا أصاب ثوبها الدم من الحيضة كيف تصنع ، فقال رسول الله ﷺ : إذا أصاب ثوب إحداكن الدم من الحيضة فلتقرصه ثم لتنضحه بماء ثم لتصلي فيه [301] Abdullah bin Yusuf told us, he said: Malik told us on the authority of Hisham, on the authority of Fatima bint Al-Mundhir, on the authority of Asma bint Abi Bakr, that she said, woman asked the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and she said: O Messenger of God, what do you think if one of us gets blood on her dress from her menses? The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: If one of you gets blood from the menstrual cycle, rub it, then sprinkle it with water, and then pray in it [302] حدثنا أصبغ قال : أخبرني ابن وهب قال : أخبرني عمرو بن الحارث عن عبد الرحمن بن القاسم حدثه عن أبيه عن عائشة قالت كانت إحدانا تحيض ثم تقترص الدم من ثوبها عند طهرها فتغسله وتنضح على سائره ثم تصلي فيه [302] Asbagh told us, he said: Ibn Wahb told me, he said: Amr ibn al-Harith told me on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Qasim, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Aisha, she said: She said, "One of us was menstruating, then she would rub the blood from her dress when she was pure, then wash it and sprinkle over the rest of it, then pray in it." The general meaning of the two Holy Hadiths To rub the place of the blood if the blood has dried on it, and if it does not dry out, then wash the place with water and pump the water on the rest of the garment and pray in it ... To the details The number is not required to remove impurity

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