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  • The Prophet mosque

    General information about the Prophet’s Mosque 1 - The Prophet Muhammad founded the mosque in the first year of the Hijra, and the Prophet Muhammad personally participated in the construction of the mosque, which was built with mud walls on rock foundations. Palm trunks and fronds were used to construct part of its roof. 2 - In its beginnings, the Prophet’s Mosque was facing the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Which was the first qibla for Muslims, and it had three doors. There was also a shaded area in the background to shelter the poor and passers-by however, the mihrab was moved to the northern side when the qibla was changed to the Kaaba. The southern door was closed and replaced by another door to the north, when the Companions asked the Prophet to support the roof of the mosque with clay, he refused and said, “No, but a rooftop like Moses’ rooftop.” The floor of the mosque was not paved until three years later. 3 - The Prophet’s Mosque was the second mosque built in Medina - which was known as Yathrib before the Hijra. It was preceded by the Quba Mosque. 4- The mosque was built in 632 AD, next to the residence of the Prophet Muhammad - that is, 1441 years ago. 5 - In 1909, the Prophet’s Mosque was the first building connected to electrical power in the Arabian Peninsula. 6- The mosque, in its current state after centuries of expansions, contains the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad and the graves of the two caliphs, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Omar ibn al-Khattab, it also contains the homes of the Prophet's wives, in addition to the Rawda. 7 - Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque may not be a pillar of Hajj or Umrah, but the vast majority of pilgrims and Umrah performers, they do not feel that their visit is complete without visiting it and visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad. 8 - It is one of the largest mosques in the world, with wonderful decorations and advanced technologies, the Saudi authorities have spent billions of riyals on it to restore, maintain, expand and beautify it. The history of the construction of the Prophet’s Mosque The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, purchased the land for his mosque and repaired it for reconstruction. And he participated with the Companions in building it, and he urged them to do so. In Sahih al-Bukhari, it is stated that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, set out from Quba after he had established the mosque there and prayed in it, ((Then he mounted his mount and set off, with the people walking with him, Until I sat on the ground at the mosque of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Medina, and some Muslim men were praying there that day, It was a breeding ground for dates, (what is spread and dried in it) for Suhail and Sahl, two orphan boys, in the quarantine of Asaad bin Zurarah, The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said when his camel sat on the ground in it, This, God willing, is the house. Then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, called the two boys and bargained with them about the place to store the dates ( Al marbud), to take it as a mosque, and they said: No, but we will give it to you as a gift, O Messenger of God, The Messenger of God refused to accept it as a gift from them, so he bought it from them, the built a mosque, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, began moving with them the brick in its building and saying, while he was transporting the bricks, he said: “This is the porter, not the porter of Khaybar, this is the most righteous and purest of our Lord, and He says: O Allah, the reward is the reward of the Hereafter, so have mercy on the Ansar and the Muhajirs)). In another narration by Anas bin Malik may God be pleased with him as well, he said: ((...and he was ordered to build the mosque, so he sent for a group of Banu Al-Najjar and said: “O sons of the Nagar, give me an eighth of this wall of yours.” They said: No, by God, we do not ask for its price except from God, Anas said: There were in it, as I tell you, the graves of the polytheists, and in it there were ruins and in it were palm trees, So the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, ordered the graves of the polytheists to be dug up, then they were destroyed and leveled, and the palm trees were cut down, so they were lined up, they faced the direction of the mosque and made stones on its supports, and they started moving the rocks while they were singing poetry, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was with them: And he says: “O God, there is no good except the good of the hereafter, so forgive the Ansar and the Muhajirs. The virtue of the Prophet’s Mosque 1 - It is a mosque founded on piety from the first day. Allah says ((لا تَقُمْ فِيهِ أَبَداً لَمَسْجِدٌ أُسِّسَ عَلَى التَّقْوى مِنْ أَوَّلِ يَوْمٍ أَحَقُّ أَنْ تَقُومَ فِيهِ رِجالٌ يُحِبُّونَ أَنْ يَتَطَهَّرُوا وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُطَّهِّرِينَ)) [سورة التوبة، آية ١٠٨]. God Almighty said: ((Never establish therein a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day, Is it more deserving that there be men who love to be purified, and God loves those who purify themselves.” [Surat Al-Tawbah, verse 108]. It has been proven from the hadith of Sahl bin Saad, may God be pleased with him, who said: “Two men disagreed during the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the mosque that was founded on piety One of them said: It is the Mosque of Medina, and the other said: It is the Mosque of Quba. So they came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said: “This is my mosque.”), This credit includes his mosque, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Quba Mosque. Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir, may God Almighty have mercy on him, also indicated this Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah - may God have mercy on him - mentioned that the , verse was revealed because of the Quba Mosque, then he said, “But the ruling addresses him and applies to what is more deserving of that, which is the Medina Mosque, This directs what was proven in the Sahih on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, “that he was asked about the mosque that was founded on piety, and he said: This is my mosque.” 2- The superiority of praying in it is equal to a thousand prayers in any other prayer except the Sacred Mosque: He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “A prayer in this mosque of mine is better than a thousand prayers in any other place, except the Sacred Mosque.”   and in some of Muslim’s words from the hadith of Maimuna, may God be pleased with her: ((Except the Kaaba Mosque)) 3 - It is one of the three mosques that you only need to travel to; Because of her great virtue and status before God Almighty: On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said: “Do not set out on a journey except for three, Mosques: The Grand Mosque, the Mosque of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Al-Aqsa Mosque)) 4- Whoever comes to him to learn knowledge or to teach it is like a mujahid in the path of God: He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Whoever comes to this mosque of mine does not come there except for something good to learn or teach, then he is in the position of a mujahid for the sake of God, and whoever comes to it for other than that, he is in the position of a man looking at someone else’s possessions.) 5- It is one of the last mosques of the prophets, so its virtue over other mosques is like the virtue of its Prophet, On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ((I am the last of the prophets, and my mosque is the last of the mosques)) 6 - That there is one of the gardens of Paradise in it, as the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, told us: On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said: ((Between my house and my pulpit is a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and my pulpit is at my basin)) On the authority of Umm Salamah, may God be pleased with her, she said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ((Between my house and my pulpit is a garden from the gardens of Paradise, and the stands of my pulpit are places in Paradise)). 7 - The choice of his city and the place for its construction was from God Almighty, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: ((I was commanded by a town that devours the towns. They say: Yathrib, And it is Medina. It expels people just as a furnace expels impurities from iron.)) And when the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, entered Medina, They took the reins of his camel, saying: Come, O Messenger of God, to numbers, equipment, peace, and protection, He used to say to them: “Let her go, for she has been commanded.” She continued to walk with him until she reached the site of the Prophet’s Mosque. 8 - The center of knowledge and call to God Almighty, and the first school in Islam, and it contains virtuous landmarks, as it contains the prophetic pulpit, And the noble Rawdah, and the prayer place of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and next to it is the Prophet’s Chamber, and the starting point of the Islamic conquests, in addition to other features, and the virtues that confirm the great reward of its increase, Its construction, expansion, maintenance, and service to those who visit it are the guests of God   of visitors, pilgrims and Umrah performers. 9 - The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, built it and his companions participated in it. 10 - The virtue of building and expanding the Prophet’s Mosque is indicated by the hadith of Qatada, may God be pleased with him, who said: The surroundings of the mosque One of the main landmarks surrounding the Prophet’s Mosque is Baqi’ al-Gharqad, which is the main cemetery for the people of Medina since the time of the Prophet, It is currently located at the western wall of the mosque. Hundreds of the Prophet’s companions are resting in Al-Baqi’, the mosque is also surrounded by government buildings, hospitals, luxury hotels, shopping complexes and main roads. The Trustees The Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque are managed by the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque,   But the task of serving and caring for the Prophet’s Mosque is one of the responsibilities of the Saudi royal court, and therefore the Saudi king is called “the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.” The architecture and decoration of the Noble Mosque The mosque is distinguished by its small domes The spokesman for the General Presidency of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, Sheikh Abdul Wahed Al-Hattab, said that there are 250 umbrellas in the courtyard of the Prophet’s Mosque, its purpose is to protect worshipers from rain and stormy weather. He said that each of these umbrellas, equipped with puncturing systems, can protect 800 worshipers from rain and cover areas of 143 square metres,   The Prophet’s Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world, is filled with wonderful decorations and advanced technologies. The Saudi authorities have spent billions of riyals on it to restore, maintain, expand and beautify it.

  • Al-Aqsa Mosque

    Al-Aqsa Mosque and its importance in Islam Al-Aqsa Mosque is the second mosque to be built on earth, and most of the prophets and messengers, peace be upon them, lived around it. Among them: Abraham, Solomon, Zakaria, Jesus, David, and the Virgin Mary, And the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - has a night journey to him, and Al-Aqsa Mosque is all that revolves around the wall, and it is located in the far southeastern corner, The Old City of Jerusalem, featuring the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Qibli Mosque. A large number of nearly 200 monuments of domes, arches, schools, squares, museums and other monuments. Historians disagreed about who was the first to build Al-Aqsa Mosque? Are they the angels, or the Prophet of God Adam peace be upon him or the Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him or the Prophet Solomon peace be upon him There is an opinion stating that the angels may build the Sacred House, so Ibn Hajar mentioned in Al-Fath: The first to build Al-Aqsa Mosque was Adam, peace be upon him, and it was said the angels, and it was said Shem bin Noah, peace be upon him, and Jacob, peace be upon him, said: Likewise: I found evidence supporting the saying of those who said: Adam, peace be upon him. He built both mosques, If we are sure that it was the Prophet of God Solomon who built Al-Aqsa Mosque, When God's Prophet Solomon - may God bless him and grant him peace - built Jerusalem, asked God three things: 1 - Judgment consistent with God's judgment. 2 - A judgment after which there will be no other person. 3 - No one goes to Al-Aqsa Mosque only for the sake of prayer, so he does not go out unless his sins are erased on the day his mother gave birth, that is, all his sins are forgiven for him. A problem in the way of understanding The confusion between the two hadiths, because there are long periods between Abraham and Solomon, History people said: more than a thousand years. And it was said: Abraham and Solomon, peace be upon them, do not renew except what others establish The names of Al-Aqsa Mosque and why is it called by this name? The reason for naming Al-Aqsa Mosque was given this name because of its distance from the Grand Mosque in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, so it is far from it, Bayt al-Maqdis, meaning in the language the Holy House or the Sanctuary, Elijah Mosque: It was said in its meaning: the house of God, and on the authority of Ka’b al-Ahbar that he hated being called Elijah, but rather the holy house of God, and Al-Wasiti narrated it from him. His virtues. The virtues of Al-Aqsa Mosque 1- The first Islamic qiblah: Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first Islamic qiblah. Muslims also continued to pray towards Al-Aqsa Mosque before God Almighty commanded to turn the qiblah to the Kaaba for sixteen or seventeen months 2 - One of the mosques he travels to: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said (Do not travel except to three mosques: Al-Masjid Al-Haram, the two mosques of this Prophet’s Mosque, and Al-Aqsa Mosque. 3- The reward for praying in it: It was narrated that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “A prayer in this mosque of mine is equivalent to a thousand prayers in any other mosque, a prayer in Elia is equivalent to a prayer elsewhere, and a prayer in the Sacred Mosque is equivalent to a hundred thousand prayers elsewhere.” 4 - The second largest mosque on earth: Al-Aqsa Mosque is the second mosque erected on earth after the honorable Kaaba in Makkah Al-Mukarramah. 5 - A night journey came down to him - may God bless him and grant him peace - from Al-Aqsa Mosque, and that was during the journey of Isra and Mi’raj, where the Messenger - Peace be upon him. Peace - transfer from the Sacred Mosque to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.)) 6- Blessings come around the Al-Aqsa Mosque: God Almighty says ([Al-Aqsa Mosque around which We have blessed), that is, it encompasses the entire region of the Levant, and there are two interpretations of it: The verse: One of them is that he is blessed with those who are buried around him from among the good and chosen prophets, and the second: the abundance of fruits and streams of rivers. 7 - Ihram for Umrah from Al-Aqsa Mosque: Umm Hakim bint Abi Umayyah bin Al-Akhnas, on the authority of Umm Salama, may God be pleased with her, that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (Whoever performs Umrah from Bayt Al-Maqdis will be forgiven). ..." And in a narration by Al-Bayhaqi, She said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: (Whoever performs Hajj and Umrah from Al-Aqsa Mosque to Al-Masjid Al-Haram, his previous and later sins will be forgiven, and Paradise will be made obligatory for him When was Al-Aqsa Mosque built? Date of construction There is a conflict in the narratives and opinions about the actual date of the construction of Al-Aqsa Mosque, as the date of its first construction is still unknown, However, the hadiths indicate that it was built 40 years after the construction of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Building the Holy Kaaba, and it came in the honorable hadith of the Prophet: (On the authority of Abu Dharr, he said: I said: O Messenger of God, which mosque was built first on earth? He said: The Sacred Mosque, I said: Then which? He said: Al-Aqsa Mosque, I said: How far between them? He said: Forty years, then wherever prayer catches up with you, pray, for it is a mosque. The gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque Al - Asbat gate It is one of the most important gates of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is located on its northern wall in the far eastern side. Since the Israeli occupiers closed the door to the Moroccans in the far western wall of the Muslims, this door is considered the main entrance for worshipers, especially from outside Jerusalem, due to its proximity to the Lions Gate located in the Noble Sanctuary. city wall. Its entrance is arched, and its height is 4 m, It was renovated during the Ayyubid era during the reign of Sultan al-Malik al-Muzahim Isa in 610 AH / 1213 AD, then during the Mamluk and Ottoman eras, before it was restored again in 1817 AD, This door is the only entrance for ambulances to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in emergency situations, because it is the largest door equal to the ground, and it witnessed the exit of many wounded and martyrs, especially during the three Al-Aqsa massacres. in 1990, 1996 and 2000. The Hetah door It is one of the open doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is located in the northern façade of Al-Aqsa Mosque, specifically within the northern hallway of the Northern Mosque. It was renovated in 1220 AD during the Ayyubid period during the reign of Sharaf al-Din Abu al-Mansur Isa al-Ayyubi, Its southern façade, which is located inside the mosque, consists of a rectangular door with a motorized stone arch, and on it is a wooden door with two leaves, in one of which is a small entrance, and it is preceded by drapes, which are part of the northern gallery as well, Its entrance is a pointed stone arch topped with a row of nine stone cables, the diameter of which increases as we go up to the top of the door, and between the door opening and these cables there are three prominent circular decorations on the center of the opening and its edges. Al - Atm gate It is one of the open gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is also called the Gate of Faisal in relation to King Faisal the First. The construction of this door was renewed during the Ayyubid period in the days of the great King Ibn Al-Malik Al-Adil Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyub in the year 1213 AD, when the northern gallery of Al-Aqsa Mosque was renovated, It is also known to this door by several names, such as the Dudariya Gate, the King Faisal Gate, and the Honor of the Prophets Gate. The southern facade of the door consists of an opening 4 meters high, It has a wooden door with two leaves, preceded by drapes on the southern side, which are part of the northern gallery. It is covered with a cross arch and the entrance to the portico, It is a huge pointed arch, and it is located within the series of arches of the northern gallery. Al - Nazer gate It is one of the open doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is located in the western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque Square. It was rebuilt during the Ayyubid period in the year 1203 AD during the reign of the great King Isa bin Ahmed, It has several other common names, such as Bab al-Habs, due to its proximity to al-Habs in the days of the Ottomans, and Bab al-Majlis, the gate is preceded from the eastern side by square pavilions located within the extension of the western gallery, and covered by a dome raised on three rows of muqarnas, as for the door opening, it is a huge rectangle with a height of 4.5 meters and a width of 2 meters. Above the rectangular opening is a motor arch, topped with a decoration in the form of a small hallway, The vestibule space is separated from the rest of the hallway by pointed arches. On the pillar that rests on the arch of the pointed entrance and the arch adjacent to it of the arcade arches, there is a stone inscription, and the inscription shows the date of construction and the sultan who renewed it during his reign, the door is preceded by a vault covered with a cross vault leading to the path of Bab Al-Nazir, which leads to the valley road. On the southern side of the Qantara is an entrance that leads by a stone staircase, and on the northern side is the entrance to the Munjiyyah Madrasa. Al Waleed gate It is one of the open doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is considered the first door to be constructed in the western wall, starting from the northern side, this was when the western portico of the mosque was established during the era of Qalawun, and at the entrance is a wooden door from the rudder, one of wood. There is a small hole in it to distinguish it from the door, and the door advances from the eastern side, A vestibule knotted with barrel vaults faced by a vault apointed stone, another pointed arch rises to the door, but it is closed. It is one of the open doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is located in the western facade of the Al-Aqsa Mosque square, and it leads to the ablution site (the place of ablution), and for that reason it was called the Gate of Purgatory, and it was renewed during the Mamluk era in the year 1266 AD, by Prince Degheidy, and there are those who believe that it was renewed at the hands of Prince Alaeddin Al-Basri, and the western facade of the door consists of a pointed stone arch, and it is devoid of any decorative architectural element, and it has a wooden door with two leaves, one of which is a small peach tree, and the door is approximately 3.5 meters high, Its width is 2 meters. As for the eastern side of the door, it is a rectangular opening in a stone arch with two layers of stone on it. It is preceded by vestibules covered with a cross vault, and it is part of the western gallery. The chain door It is one of the open doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is also called the Gate of the Prophet David, and it is located in the western facade of the Al-Aqsa Mosque square within the western corridor, as for the first gate, which is called the Gate of the Chain, it is open and is visited by visitors to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as for the other one, it is the Gate of Serenity, and it is located to the north of the Chain Gate, and it is adjacent to it, and the door is not opened except in cases of emergency and extreme necessity, these two doors were renewed during the Ayyubid period in the year 1203 AD, during the reign of Sultan Al-Malik Al-Adil Saif Al-Din Abu Bakr, and there are those who believe that it was during the reign of the great King Jesus, rectangular with a motorized arch on it is a wooden door of two leaves, in one of which is a small peach tree to regulate traffic to Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Moroccan Gate And one of the open gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it is located in the southwestern corner of the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it was called the Mughrabi Gate because it connects to the Mughrabi Quarter, west of Al-Aqsa. Al-Aqsa Mosque on the night of Isra and Mi'raj, as some historians believe that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, From it he also entered Al-Aqsa after the conquest, as Ibn Katheer reported: When Omar entered through the door through which the Messenger entered. It was rebuilt during the Mamluk period, during the reign of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun, who constructed the western arcades between the years 1305AD-1336AD, The door from the western front is knotted with a simple pointed knot. As for the eastern side, it is a rectangular opening, and it is in the form of a motorized arch with a wooden door with one rudder on it, and it leads from the eastern side to passages located within the extension of the corridor, It is composed of two stone arches, and rests on three pillars, and on the center of the middle pillar is a stone decoration in a square shape in the middle of which is a circle, and it is covered by two intersecting vaults, and adjacent to the door from the north side is a small mosque called Al-Buraq Mosque. The Single door It is one of the closed southern entrances in the southeastern part of the wall of the city of Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it was closed in a very elaborate way so that no trace of the door appears from inside the walls of the mosque, It was called the door of the only single and closed that appears to the eye, and it was known to Arab historians as the door of the eye because it leads to the eye of Silwan. The Triple door It is one of the closed gates of the mosque. It consists of three adjacent gates located in the southern wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque wall, 50 meters from the single gate and 80 meters from the double gate. And these gates towering over each other, the width of each of them is 13 feet, and it was known to Arab historians and writers as the gates of the Mihrab of Mary or the door of the Mihrab of Mary, this old door dates back to the era of Adrianus, the builder of Jerusalem in the year 135 AD, and it has been closed since the early nineteenth century AD. The bilateral door It is one of the closed doors of the mosque. It is a door with two closed double entrances. It is located on the southern side of the wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, just behind the imam’s pulpit, as it leads to the bottom of Al-Aqsa Mosque through slanted entrances. It is 80 meters away from the triple gate. It is a very old gate dating back to the Byzantines, and the names of this gate are: Khalde Gate, Old Al-Aqsa Gate, and Gate of the Prophet. The Golden Gate: The Gate of Repentance and Mercy It is one of the closed doors of the mosque, and it is almost the only door on the northeastern side of the wall, had it not been for the presence of a small door called the Funeral Gate, and there are those who believe that the Golden Gate was established before the Islamic conquest of the city, except that nothing remains of that building except the site, and perhaps touches of the general design, and it was rebuilt many times after that, including what was after the Persians evacuated from Jerusalem and the entry of Emperor Heraclius, and the last construction was done in the Umayyad era, and the golden door in fact consists of two doors of mercy and repentance, but their closure is likely to be They were closed during the reign of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi after expelling the Crusaders from Jerusalem, this is for security reasons, and there are those who say that they were closed by the order of Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab for the same reasons, and whatever it is, the outcome is that these doors have been closed for a long time and have not been opened to this day. As for the name of the Golden Gate, Christians called it because they believed that the Lord Christ would pass through it upon his return The Funeral door It is one of the closed doors of the mosque. It is located in the eastern wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. It leads to the adjacent cemetery after praying over it in Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is a small door that is not currently used. Its traces are visible from behind the iron safes used by the Lions Gate guards at the site, but it is likely that it was located south of Bab al-Rahma. In any case, it is possible that two gates with this name have been found in history, as the gate may have been in the past, south of Bab al-Rahma, and then it was transformed in later periods (more correctly, the Ottoman period) To near Al - Asbat Gate. This door was used to take funerals out of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Mercy Cemetery adjacent to the eastern wall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, and it was probably closed by order of Sultan Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi after the liberation of Jerusalem in 583 AH - 1187 AD, to protect the mosque and the city from any possible invasion. UNESCO Resolution: Al-Aqsa is pure Islamic heritage It was adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on October 18, 2016 - During a meeting in the French capital, Paris - a decision denies the existence of a religious association of Jews with Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Buraq Wall, and considers them pure Islamic heritage. October 13, 2016 The resolution was adopted after it was approved at the level of the committees at a meeting in Paris, where 24 countries voted in favor of the resolution and 26 abstained from voting, including France, while six countries, including the United States of America and Britain, opposed the resolution, and two countries were absent, and the resolution was presented by seven Arab countries, Algeria. Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan. And following the issuance of the UNESCO decision in October 2016 The Director General of the organization, Irina Bokova, made statements in which she considered that the ancient city of Jerusalem is sacred to the three monotheistic religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity). Bokova said that the heritage in the city of Jerusalem is indivisible, and that the three religions in Jerusalem have the right to recognize their history and their relationship with the city, the Director-General of UNESCO also warned against any attempt to deny and obliterate any of the Islamic, Christian or Jewish traditions in Jerusalem, because this endangers the site, which contradicts the reasons that prompted its inclusion in the World Heritage List. The Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki rejected Bokova's remarks In a press statement, he described it as "an unprecedented position that constitutes an affront to the will of Member States that expressed their sovereign positions and voted affirmatively to successfully adopt the resolution." Al-Maliki confirmed that Bokova ignored the text of the Palestinian resolution that was adopted, which reflected illegal Israeli practices in occupied East Jerusalem. The spokesman for the Palestinian presidency was Nabil Abu Rudeineh He said that UNESCO's decision constitutes a clear message from the international community that it does not agree with the policy that protects the occupation and contributes to creating chaos and instability. However, the decision sparked widespread anger inside Israel.

  • The sacred Mosque

    The general information about the Grand Mosque It is the most honorable mosque in the entire world, and millions of Muslims from every deep valley make the pilgrimage to it It is the first house set up for people The Kaaba is a large square room with a height of 15 meters. During the era of Ismail, it was 9 meters wide without a roof. The Kaaba's covering is made of pure gold. The prohibition of exposure to the Sacred Mosque or underestimating it The sanctity of violating the Sacred Mosque, whether by killing and shedding blood in it, or by vandalizing its trees by cutting or destroying The sanctity of hunting in it and what was around it. The prohibition of acquiring a snapshot (what is found lying on the ground whose owner does not know) of the Sarcred Mosque. The Sacred Mosque is a security for everything: This was indicated by the words of God Almighty: (Have they not seen that we have made a secure sanctuary), and He, the Almighty, said: (And when We made the House a place of refuge for people and a place of security) The Grand Mosque is located in the country of Hijaz Specifically, in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, located in one of the valleys of the Al-Sarah Mountains, which is considered the most famous Islamic holy city The Kaaba is located in the middle of the Sacred House, which God Almighty mentioned in the Holy Qur’an The first mosque built for people on earth This was indicated by the saying of God Almighty (Indeed, the first house set up for people was the one in Bakkah). The second qiblah for Muslims Considered the second holiest site in Islam, the Prophet's Mosque is one of the oldest and largest mosques in the world. It is considered the most important mosque in the city and one of the most important sites in Islamic history When was it built? The Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) built it in 622 AD. Today, this mosque is considered his final resting place, as he was buried there when he died. Preserving the Sacred Mosque and its survival is a reason for Preserving religion and standing up for people, and this is indicated by the saying of God Almighty: (God made the Kaaba, the Sacred House, a standing stand for people The Sacred Mosque is a guidance for all people This is evidenced by the words of God Almighty: (Indeed, the first house set up for people was the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds) The Qibla of Muslims in the Sacred Mosque God Almighty made the Kaaba in the Sacred Mosque, and this would make it the greatest mosque on earth, because the Kaaba is the qiblah that Muslims turn to during their prayers five times, On the day and night at the very least, as God Almighty said: (We may see the turning of your face in the sky So, We will turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it.) The Hajj It is only to it, and it is thus considered a factor that unites Muslims in all parts of the earth The Sacred Mosque is the first mosque to be visited This is evidenced by the words of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (Do not departure except to three mosques: The Sacred Mosque, the Prophet’s Mosque, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Al-Aqsa Mosque) The purity of the Sacred Mosque This is indicated by the words of God Almighty: (And when We determined for Abraham the location of the House, not to associate anything with Me, And purify my house for those who circumambulate, those who stand, and those who bow and prostrate) As the Sacred Mosque is physically pure from impurities and filthiness, and morally pure from all that is in violation of the Sharia of sins. Al - Hajj as a social miracle The psychology of health and well-being in mass gatherings Participation in mass gatherings can benefit well-being: How does participation in a long-term gathering (such as a pilgrimage event) affect well-being? there are good reasons to believe that such mass events pose health risks. There are risks associated with infectious diseases, moreover, the physical conditions in such events (noise, crowds, harsh conditions) are often detrimental to well-being However, at the same time, psychosocial research indicates that participation in group-related activities can positively affect well-being, and thus we investigated whether participation in a long-term group gathering could indeed bring such benefits, In our research we examined one of the largest mass events in the world - a demanding month-long Hindu religious festival in northern India. Participants (consisting of 416 pilgrims who attended the gathering for a month, and 127 officers who did not) completed measures of self-assessment of well-being and symptoms of ill-health at two time points. the first It was a month before the gathering started Second It was a month after it ended 1 We found that participants in this group event reported a longitudinal increase in well-being compared to those who did not participate. 2 Our data thus suggests that we must reimagine how mass gatherings affect individuals. Indeed, an exclusive focus on risk is misleading and limits our understanding of why such events are so attractive. Importantly, because our research is longitudinal and includes a control group, our work adds strong evidence to the social psychological literature regarding the relationship between participation in social group activities and well-being. The psychological importance of groups Although people are able to live separate and apart from others, they join with others because groups meet their psychological and social needs, although any kind of companionship is appreciated, we prefer those who offer us reassurance and support as well as accurate information. In some cases, we also prefer to join others who are worse off than us. Imagine, for example, how will you respond when the teacher retakes the test and your test is marked with an 85% mark? Do you want to affiliate with a friend who scored 95% or a friend who scored 78%? To maintain a sense of self-worth, people look up and compare themselves to those who are less fortunate. This process is known as downward social comparison. Motivation and performance Groups usually exist for a reason. In groups, we solve problems, create products, create standards, pass on knowledge, have fun, performing the arts, establishing institutions, and even ensuring our safety from attacks by other groups. But do groups always out perform the individuals? Make decisions in groups Groups are particularly useful when it comes to decision making, as groups can draw on more resources than a lone individual can. One individual may know a lot about a problem and possible solutions, but his or her information is far outweighed by the group's combined knowledge. not born Groups not only give more ideas and possible solutions by discussing the problem, but they can also more objectively evaluate the options they generate during the discussion. Before accepting a solution, the group may require that it be favored by a certain number of people, or that it meet some other criteria for acceptance. People generally feel that a group's decision will be better than an individual's. Preventing the infidels from entering the Grand Mosque This was indicated by the words of God Almighty: (O you who believe, the polytheists are unclean, so do not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs). The sanctity of facing and turning away from the qiblah when the need arises This was indicated by the words of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (If one of you sits on his need, he should not face the qiblah, nor turn away from it) Meaning: toilet It is permissible to pray in the Sacred Mosque at all times This is evidenced by the words of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (O sons of Abd Manaf, do not prevent anyone from circumambulating this House and praying at any hour of the day or night, So that the worshiper may pray in it at any time of the night or day without hatred or prohibition for any time. The prayer lines in the Grand Mosque are wrapped around the Kaaba This is unlike other mosques in which the prayer rows are in one direction towards the Kaaba. To build the distinguished engineering architecture of the Grand Mosque. The line of prostration is one of the most important features of longitude lines, and it is the line that when perpendicular to it, The sun is at noon, it is in a state of prostration under the Kaaba, and this line is not fabricated, because it depends on geographical facts, it is half the distance between the east and west of the earth, and it depends on the meridian passing through Makkah Al-Mukarramah, The longitude line that passes the point of east of the old world, the line of longitude that passes the point of east of the new world, and the line of longitude that passes opposite the meridian that passes through Makkah Al-Mukarramah The blessing and multiplying good deeds and bad deeds in the Sacred Mosque We have discussed while we were with the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - which is better, the mosque of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - or the mosque of Jerusalem? The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him-: (One prayer in this mosque of mine is better than four prayers in it, and what a good place to pray, And it is almost impossible for a man to have the share of his horse from the earth, where he sees Bayt al-Maqdis from it is better for him than the whole world - or he said - better than the world and what is in it. Al - Tawaf around the Kaaba The circumambulation around the Kaaba is seven rounds, the greeting of the Grand Mosque, which is unique to it, and not from other that the worshiper may complete and end his prayer; And if people, men and women, pass in front of him. See the desired benefit of circling the Kaaba in groups and its impact on relationships we can only say this is the tip of the iceberg, and what Allah Almighty has hidden from His servants is greater, we return to the rest of the verse. we can only say this is the tip of the iceberg, and what Allah Almighty has hidden from His servants is greater, we return to the rest of the verse. We hope you a blessing journey

  • The prohibition of the gambling

    Wait for the photos Allah says ( يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْخَمْرِ وَالْمَيْسِرِ قُلْ فِيهِمَا إِثْمٌ كَبِيرٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَإِثْمُهُمَا أَكْبَرُ مِن نَّفْعِهِمَا) (They ask you about alcohol and gambling. Say in it great sin and benefits for people and their sin is greater than their benefit) The question is the key to knowledge, and they asked Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - during the time he was among them 1445 years ago about the most important things in their lives at that time (alcohol and gambling), which are the old and the new in every era. Many people ask about them, and within the limits of our limited knowledge - Western countries A full third of its economy is based on gambling, so, if God Almighty had not mentioned (that they are beneficial), the owners of gambling clubs would have been surprised, but God Almighty mentioned that in His Final Book. In this file, we will talk about common, ordinary gambling, and modern gambling, especially children’s gambling... Let’s begin. The religious rooting of the subject Facilitator in language It means gambling, or betting Gambling meaning Playing for a reward, any game that depends on bets, or money, is gambling Before Islam Al-Maysir relied on gambling with camels that could be slaughtered, And the game was played using gambling with glasses and shares, until gambling became with the appearance of coins, with each player taking out money and the winner at the end of the game taking all the money from all players, Hence the reason behind his prohibition Allah says يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لاَ تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِالْبَاطِلِ [النساء : 29] O you who have believed, do not consume your wealth among yourselves in falsehood. [An-Nisa: 29] The Facilitator rule in sunnah On the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - on the authority of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - that he said: Whoever among you swears, And he said in his oath: By al-Lat, let him say: There is no god but God, and whoever says to his companion: Come, I gamble with you, let him give charity) The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: (God has forbidden you wine, gambling, and dice or chess. The jurists agreed on the prohibition of gambling categorically; This is due to the clear evidence for its prohibition, which is as follows: The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said (Whoever plays with dice, it is as if he dipped his hand in the flesh and blood of pig) The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said The gambling was not forbidden except for a great reason and a clear wisdom, and the explanation of the wisdom comes from the prohibition of gambling 1 - Dealing with gambling causes enmity and hatred to spread among people, and wisdom has come explicitly in the Holy Qur’an, as previously mentioned. 2- Dealing with gambling or playing gambling distracts from the remembrance of God Almighty, and distracts the Muslim from his prayers and other things that are beneficial to him. In his religion and his worldly life, as stated in the sequel to the previous verse: 3 - The gambler considers consuming people's money unjustly and unjustly, which Sharia categorically forbids. The forms of facilitator have varied today due to the diversity of civilization, technological progress, the expansion of human horizons, and the emergence of many forms of development, so people compete in sports matches, And horse racing, as well as games via the Internet, and short messages over the phone, and there are those who attributed that even competitions, and games spread on television and radio, which end with giving a prize to the winner, are classified as facilitators. Let's not forget the government run lotteries like Powerball and Mega Millions that make a difference to the government budget. The harmful of gambling Gambling addiction is finally recognised as a behavioural disorder by the World Health Organisation, and thus should be treated with the gravity it deserves. A scratch card on a 16th birthday can, for some, be the start of a corrosive, life-long struggle and we simply must shine a light on the subject. The odds are against you Gambling is economically irrational. why? Because the odds are against you. Every gambling venue has an edge. This is no secret. It is an important point in the list of pros and cons of online gambling as well as land-based casinos. The gambling place always wins, sooner or later. In casino terminology, it is called the "House edge" edge and represents the mathematical advantage that the gambling place has over the players. The result is that, in the long run, the casino gets more money out of you, no matter how much you win. It ensures that a percentage of the money you bet returns to the place over time. You can still win money in games and win money, but over a longer period of time the gambling scene will come to the fore. Loss of money One of the most serious disadvantages of online gambling, or any type of gambling, is that players cannot win all the games without losing a few, just as with a big win in a gambling place, it is also possible to lose money, as mentioned earlier, the gambling venue has an advantage over the players. It is a huge disadvantage for the players, but it does not stop them from gambling, mostly because they realize that, most of the time, gambling is a game of chance, and losing money can turn into a serious problem. Gambling addiction can lead to significant financial losses, especially since people who are addicted to gambling are willing to go to great lengths to get money to continue gambling. They often take out large loans that they cannot repay and in some cases, this may lead them to resort to crime. Addictive One of the biggest disadvantages of online gambling is that players run the risk of developing a gambling addiction. Gambling addiction is a very real impulse control disorder that can cause severe changes in brain function. Those who suffer from this type of addiction often cannot control the urge to gamble, regardless of its impact on their lives. Any gambling activity that has a negative impact on your life is considered problem gambling. In the list of top pros and cons of online gambling, or any gambling game, compulsive gambling is the biggest warning sign. It can affect a person's mental health and lead to: anxiety and mood swings and atypical behaviour. Headache and stomach ulcers and insomnia and muscle pain Depression is also common among gambling addicts It should be noted that some people are more likely to develop a gambling addiction than others. There is a theory that these individuals are more likely to be addicted elsewhere as well, regardless of whether it is due to gambling, alcohol, or even food. Do you know? It can be said that there are negative effects of gambling on the economy as well. Gambling addicts can cost society in general because they may end up dependent on some form of government benefit or need medications and treatments to help overcome their disorder. The effects of gambling addiction Almost 10 million people in the United States suffer from a problem with gambling addiction. Gambling addiction occurs when a person continues to gamble despite negative effects that may affect their finances, relationships, or well-being. Gambling addiction involves a compulsion to seek out gambling, betting, and betting, and the end result can be devastating for the gambler as well as his or her family. People with gambling or shopping problems often hide their problems out of shame and a desire for secrecy. This often delays recovery and treatment and allows gambling addiction to lead to other serious effects, including job loss and failed relationships and severe debt. Problem gambling is often linked to mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Gambling problems don't just affect mental health. People who have experienced gambling benefit greatly from treatment and often also need family counseling and financial coaching for a full recovery. Cost of problem gambling in your community Studies have shown that more than 6 billion dollars are lost every year due to gambling addiction. This problem is far-reaching and can cause individuals and businesses alike to panic and act in ways they would not normally. Gambling addiction also places a severe strain on prison systems, public assistance programs, and legal systems. There are many consequences of gambling addiction that lead to economic costs to society. Some of the risks of community gambling addiction include: High rates of unemployment bankruptcy Fraud and forgery verification Forced home sales Increased alcohol and drug use Poor mental and physical health of individuals and families How does gambling affect the individual and the family? While an addicted person will certainly suffer during a gambling addiction, that person's family will also face challenges. The stress of a problem gambler may lead to irritable behavior, secrecy, and arguments. Calls from creditors and bill collectors corrode relationships. Financial pressures affect the whole family, and strained relationships make the experience difficult even for extended family members, friends, and colleagues. Children of gambling addicts also suffer in many ways Emotional neglect and abandonment (and even physical abandonment) when a parent is consumed with addiction. Nervous and irritable parents may angrily lash out at children, and even if they don't, those children can feel their parents' stress. Children of people with gambling addictions are at a higher risk of developing their addiction later in life. If you can't stop gambling, your life will change forever The effects of gambling addiction are often quite evident. A large number of people who engage in compulsive gambling will use credit cards and debit cards to pay online casinos or gambling establishments. If you engage in a gambling problem, you are more likely to incur debt, damage your relationships, and lose your goals in life. There are many ways an untreated gambling addiction can change your life. Family problems are very common. Almost all gamblers around the world have problems at home with their families due to their addiction. Financial ruin is inevitable People with gambling addiction will take drastic measures to get money to gamble. Many people eventually resort to theft, taking out large loans, or other desperate means that are inconsistent with their personal character. Job loss is very high among gambling addicts. Gambling addiction can lead to absenteeism or distracted going to work. Gambling addiction will interfere with work relationships, promotions and employment. Now: we review some of the modern types of gambling The gambling industry is divided into three main divisions now in the world 1 - Fortune gambling (gambling house) 2 - Horse and dog racing 3 - Lottery Other non-gambling games include the following Playing cards, such as Fool's Poker, Bridge, Basset, Lansquenet, Pique, Place, Teen Patty dice games Although coin toss is not usually played in a casino, it is known to be an official gambling game in some casinos. Fixed odds betting Fixed odds betting and Parimutuel betting often occur in many sporting events and political elections. Many bookmakers offer fixed odds on a number of non-sports-related outcomes, for example the direction and extent of movement of various financial indicators, the winner of television competitions such as Big Brother, and the outcome of elections. The results are in an open market. The parimutuel betting One of the most popular forms of gambling is betting on horse or greyhound racing. Betting may take place through parimutuel pools, or bookmakers may take bets personally. Parimutuel bets pay out at prices set by the support in the betting pools, while bookmakers pay either on the odds offered at the time the bet is accepted; Or on the average odds given by the bookies at the time the race started. 9 - sports betting Team sports betting has become an important service industry in many countries. For example, millions of people play pool football every week in the United Kingdom. In addition to organized sports betting, both legal and illegal, there are many side betting games played by regular groups of spectators, such as NCAA Basketball Tournament Bracket Pools, Super Bowl Squares, Fantasy Sports Leagues with entry fees, winnings, and in-person spectator games such as moundball. virtual sports Based on sports betting, virtual sports are fantasy and never software made sporting events that can be played every time without wondering about external things like weather conditions. 11- Arbitrage betting Arbitrage betting is a theoretically risk-free betting system in which every outcome of an event is wagered so that the bettor will make a known profit upon completion of the event, regardless of the outcome. Arbitrage betting is a combination of the ancient art of arbitrage trading and gambling, made possible by the large numbers of bookies in the market, creating occasional arbitrage opportunities. 12 - Other types of bets One can also bet with another person that The statement is true or false or that a specific event will or will not happen (“a back bet”) within a specified period of time This is especially the case when two people have opposing viewpoints but have strong opinions about the truth or events. Not only do both parties hope to profit from the bet, but they also place the bet to prove their certainty on the issue. There must be some means of defining the issue at hand. Sometimes the bet amount remains symbolic, which indicates that the outcome is the same in principle and is of no financial significance. Betting exchanges allow consumers to step back and take the odds of their choosing. Similar to the stock exchange in some ways, a bettor may want to back a horse (hoping it will win) or put a horse (hoping it will lose), effectively acting as a bettor. Spread betting allows gamblers to bet on the outcome of an event where the pay off is centered on the accuracy of the bet, rather than just a "win or lose" outcome. For example, the bet can be based on the time a point is scored in the game in minutes and every minute away from the prediction increases or decreases the payout. 13 - Staking systems Many betting systems have been created in an effort to "beat the casino" but no system can make a mathematically unprofitable expected value bet profitable over time. Widely used systems include: Cards account Many Blackjack systems exist to track the ratio of ten values to all the others; When this percentage is high, the player has an advantage and must increase the amount of his bets. Keeping track of the cards dealt gives you an advantage in other games as well Accrual column bet A variation of the fixed winnings bet in which the bettor sets a target profit and then calculates the size of the bet that will produce that profit, adding any losses to the target. Fixed profits Bets vary based on the odds to ensure the same profit on each winning selection. Fixed bets A traditional system of betting the same amount on each selection. Kelly Optimal level of betting to increase your future average bank level. Martingale A system that relies on enough bets each time to recover losses from the previous bet(s) until one wins. Third: The modern types of gambling Can you gamble on WhatsApp? Policy: Businesses may not transact in or facilitate gambling, games of skill, or lotteries, including online casinos, sports books, bingo, or poker if it costs money. Bingo with money Bingo Cash is a legit online bingo game you can download and play for free on your iPhone or iPad. You have the option to play free bingo games within the app or compete in cash tournaments where you’ll have to deposit your own money to participate. A sportsbook is the same thing as a bookmaker or bookie: It's a company or individual that accepts bets from individual sports bettors. Sportsbooks accept bets on either side of a sporting event. They're able to afford to do this because of the difference between what a bettor has to wager and what a bettor wins. Lottery a game, often organized by the state or a charity in order to make money, in which tickets with numbers are sold to people who then have a chance of winning a prize if their number is chosen. Slot machines are pretty much the same online as they are in the real world, with the objective of creating lines of matching symbols to score cash prizes.The range of online slots today is incredible, from classic 3-reel games with one or two ways to win to flashy, movie-themed slots with hundreds of ways to win and multiple bonus features such as “free spins rounds” and “picking games” offering instant cash prizes. Blackjack Blackjack, a card game also known as 21, is the most popular gambling game in the world. The game is based on the fact that the total value of the cards that the player owns is 21. If the total is less than 21, the player can choose to draw a card until the value reaches 21, or to a lower value that makes him ask for another card, or to exceed 21 Roullete Roulette is a casino gambling game named after a French game called the little wheel. In this game, players choose to place their bet either on a number, a range that includes several consecutive numbers, or either place a bet on one of the colors black or red, or odd and even. Wikipedia You can know the rest of the games from this link Fourth: The alarming rise of child gambling Following alarming reports that child gambling is on the rise, we examine the methodology behind luring forms of advertising and tell you what to look out for. Following alarming reports that child gambling is on the rise, we examine the methodology behind luring forms of advertising and tell you what to look out for. A UK study from The Gambling Commission revealed that 450,000 children aged 11 to 16 are now betting regularly, with campaigners labelling the issue a ‘generational scandal’. Despite CAP failsafes (UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing) instated for the protection of young people, gambling companies continue to exploit loopholes in legislation, while thinly veiled means of betting slip under the radar entirely. Gen Z are renowned for their culture of instant gratification. Whether it’s immediate communication, news, food, or shopping, they’re all about convenience… convenience is the driver of efficiency, and technology is the vehicle to get them there. It’s no surprise then that large numbers of teens are turning to ‘in-play’ betting apps like bet365 and Betfair in search of instant winnings. Bets can be placed, and stakes withdrawn at the touch of a button. It’s a match made in heaven. Troublingly, 59% of 11 to 16-year-olds have seen gambling advertisements on social media with 24% actively following betting companies, and this pool are said to be three times as likely to spend money on these apps. Sport – particularly football – is becoming increasingly interwoven with live gambling nowadays. You can’t get through a 90-minute match without being bombarded with ‘the tastiest odds’ from Ray Winstone during the half-time ads and even directly before kickoff. It’s becoming so normalised that it’s almost expected of spectators, and that’s a danger for younger generations.

  • The prohibition of the pig meat

    Allah says حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةُ وَالدَّمُ وَلَحْمُ الْخِنْزِيرِ وَمَا أُهِلَّ لِغَيْرِ اللَّهِ بِهِ..) Forbidden to you are dead, blood, the flesh of swine, and what has been dedicated to other than Allah..) The Pig: The animal that is much talked about in both Islam and Judaism, as these two religions consider it completely forbidden among all the heavenly and non-heavenly laws. In this file, we will discuss the pig and its derivatives, which we may not take into account, and perhaps they are forbidden. NB: The file does not prohibit or permit it. It only reviews the health symptoms and side effects of eating pork to find out why God- the Almighty - forbids this animal from being eaten by Muslims... Let’s begin... The hidden dangers of pork Among the foods that inspire a cult-like following, pork often tops the pack, as evidenced by the 65% of Americans eager to name bacon the country's national food. Unfortunately, this popularity comes at a cost. Besides being the most consumed meat in the world, pork may also be one of the most dangerous meats, carrying some important and not well-discussed risks that any consumer should be aware of. 1. Hepatitis E Thanks to a revival of nose-to-tail eating, offal has redeemed itself among health enthusiasts, especially liver, which is prized for its vitamin A content and massive mineral assortment. But when it comes to pork, liver can be a risky business. In developed countries, pork liver is the primary dietary vector for hepatitis E, a virus that affects 20 million people each year and can lead to acute illness (fever, fatigue, jaundice, vomiting, joint pain, stomachache), enlarged liver, and sometimes liver failure and death. Most cases of hepatitis E are surreptitiously symptom-free, but pregnant women can experience severe reactions to the virus including fulminant hepatitis (rapid-onset liver failure) and a high risk of maternal and fetal mortality (4). In fact, mothers who become infected during the third trimester face a mortality rate of up to 25%. In rare cases, hepatitis E infection can lead to myocarditis (inflammatory heart disease), acute pancreatitis (painful inflammation of the pancreas), neurological problems (including Guillain-Barre syndrome and neurogenic atrophy), blood disorders and musculoskeletal problems. , such as high blood pressure. Creatine phosphokinase, which indicates muscle damage, and multiple joint pain (in the form of arthralgia). People with weakened immune systems including organ transplant recipients on immunosuppressive therapy and people with HIV, are more likely to suffer complications from hepatitis E. So, how serious are the pork contamination statistics? In America, 1 in 10 store-bought pig livers test positive for hepatitis E, slightly higher than the rate of 1 in 15 in the Netherlands and 1 in 20 in the Czech Republic. One study in Germany found that about 1 in 5 pork sausages were contaminated. Traditional French figatellu, a pork liver sausage often consumed raw, is a confirmed carrier of hepatitis C ( 13Trusted Source ). In fact, in areas of France where raw or rare pork is a common food, more than half of the local population shows evidence of hepatitis E. Japan also faces growing hepatitis E concerns as pork increases in popularity (15Trusted Source). ). And in the UK? Hepatitis E appears in pork sausages, in pork livers, and in pork slaughterhouses, suggesting possible widespread exposure among pork consumers. It may be tempting to blame commercial farming practices for the hepatitis E epidemic But in the case of pigs, wilder doesn't mean safer. Caught pigs are also frequent carriers of viral hepatitis E. Apart from a complete abstinence from pork, the best way to reduce the risk of contracting hepatitis E is in the kitchen. This tenacious virus can survive the temperatures of rare-cooked meat, making high heat the best weapon against infection ( 19Trusted Source ). To deactivate the virus, cooking pork products for at least 20 minutes to an internal temperature of 71°C (160°F) appears to do the trick (20). However, fat can protect hepatitis viruses from heat destruction, so fattier cuts of pork may need extra time or toastier temperatures Summary Pork products, especially liver, often carry hepatitis E, which can cause serious complications and even death in vulnerable populations. Good cooking is essential to deactivating the virus. 2 - Multiple sclerosis The source of the outbreak? The so-called "pig brain fog" Summary The causative role of pork in MS is far from a closed case, but the unusually strong epidemiological patterns, biological plausibility and documented trials make further research necessary. Summary Undercooked pork can transmit Yersinia bacteria, causing short-term illness and increasing the risk of reactive arthritis, chronic joint disease, Graves' disease, and other complications. Conclusion So, should health-savvy carnivores eliminate pork from the menu? The jury is still out. For two pork problems—hepatitis E and Yersinia—aggressive cooking and safe handling are sufficient to reduce the risk. And due to the lack of controlled, pork-centric research capable of proving causation, other pork red flags emerge from epidemiology - It is a field full of confusion and unwarranted confidence. Even worse, many diet and disease studies group pork with other types of red meat, minimizing any association that might exist with pork alone. these issues make it difficult to isolate the health effects of porcine-derived products and determine the safety of their consumption, however, caution is likely warranted. The sheer scale, consistency, and mechanistic plausibility of pork being linked to several serious diseases makes the chances of a real danger even more likely. And until more research is available, you might want to think twice before going wild on pork. 3. Liver cancer and cirrhosis Summary There are strong epidemiological links between pork consumption and liver disease. If these links reflect cause and effect, one culprit could be N-nitroso compounds, which are abundant in processed pork products cooked at high temperatures. Top 10 reasons not to eat pigs Attention shoppers: stop picking up dead Babes and Wilburs at the grocery store! Here are the top 10 reasons to keep ham off your fork and put delicious, luscious-free alternatives on your shopping list instead. 1.Porking you It's a fact - ham slices, sausage and bacon will go straight to your hips. Eating pork products, which are full of cholesterol and artery-clogging saturated fats, is a good way to increase your waistline and increase your chances of developing deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, asthma and impotence. Research has shown that vegetarians are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and have a 40 percent lower incidence of cancer than meat eaters. In addition, meat eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than pure vegetarians 4. Pigs prefer clay rather than rough Pigs are actually very clean animals. If the pigs are given enough space, they take care not to stain the areas where they sleep or eat. And forget the silly saying "sweat like a pig" - pigs can't even sweat! This is why they bathe in water or mud to cool off. But on factory farms, they are forced to live off their own feces, their own vomit, and even among the carcasses of other pigs. Conditions are so filthy that at any one time more than a quarter of pigs suffer from mange - think of your worst case of poison ivy, and imagine you will have to suffer from it for the rest of your life. 5. The values of family farming Factory farms are pure hell for pigs and their babies. Sow mothers spend most of their lives in small "carrying" boxes, which are too small for the animals to turn around or lie down comfortably. They are pollinated repeatedly until they are slaughtered. The piglets, taken away from their distraught mothers after only a few weeks, have their tails chopped off, their teeth clipped with pliers, and the males castrated—all without painkillers. 6. The manure is blowing in the wind A pig farm with 5,000 animals produces fecal waste comparable to a city of 50,000. In 1995, 25 million gallons of rotting pig urine and feces spilled into a North Carolina river, killing between 10 and 14 million fish instantly. To get around the limits of water pollution, factory farms will often take tons of urine and feces stored in ponds and turn it into liquid waste that is sprayed into the air. This compost-laden haze is carried by the wind and inhaled by the people who live nearby. 7. Bacteria-laden bacon and pork are harmful The extremely crowded conditions, poor ventilation, and filth of factory farms cause such outbreaks in pigs that 70 percent of them will develop pneumonia by the time they are sent to the slaughterhouse. In order to keep pigs alive in conditions that might otherwise kill them and to promote abnormally rapid growth, the industry keeps pigs on a steady diet of antibiotics that we rely on to treat human disease. This overuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of "superbugs," or strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The pork, bacon, and sausage you eat may make the medications your doctor prescribes the next time you get sick completely ineffective. 8. Hell on Wheels More than 170,000 pigs die in transport each year, and more than 420,000 pigs are paralyzed when they reach the slaughterhouse. Transport trucks, which carry pigs hundreds of miles through all extreme weather without food or water, regularly turn over, dumping wounded and dying animals onto the road. These terrified and injured animals are rarely offered veterinary care, and most languish in pain for hours; Some even bleed to death on the side of the road. After an incident occurred in April 2005, Smithfield spokesman Jerry Hostetter told a reporter, "I hate to admit it, but it happens all the time." 10. Ditch the bacon and get Fakin' Save pigs from hell and yourself from bad health by eating fake pork products instead. Stuff a sandwich full of Yves' Brand Vegan Bacon Strips, or toss some Lightlife Smart Bacon slices into a hot skillet — the freezer and health food sections of your local grocery or health food store are stocked with these delicious alternatives and more. Pig derivatives and our daily life Most commercially available marshmallows contain gelatin, a gel-like substance derived from the collagen of the bones of many animals including fish, cattle, and pigs. While much of the gelatin is derived from pig bones, there is no meat in the sweet marshmallow product. Gelatin can cause an unpleasant taste, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, heartburn, and belching. Gelatin can cause allergic reactions in some people. There is some concern about the safety of gelatin because it comes from animal sources. There is no pork or other animal products in any Crest toothpaste. There are artificial colors in all toothpastes. Some vegans avoid them, some don't, make your own call. Does yogurt contain gelatin? Now there is no particular reason why yogurt needs gelatin. A note for vegans - most of the gelatin in food products comes from animals (for example, Danone comes from cattle hides). There are many brands of yogurt that do not contain gelatin, especially organic brands and yogurts that are labeled "all natural. Does chocolate contain gelatin? Kosher gelatin is usually made from a fish source. For example, chocolate and peanut candy can be marked "Kosher D" even if it doesn't contain milk because the non-dairy chocolate was made on machines that also make milk chocolate. Do potato chips contain gelatin Some brands of peanuts, such as dry roasted peanuts, also contain gelatin because the substance helps the salt and other seasonings stick to the nuts. Some flavored potato chips, especially those flavored with cheese powder, can contain casein, whey, or animal-derived enzymes. What snacks contain gelatin? Snacks. Besides the popular fruit-flavored gelatin snacks, gelatin is a common ingredient in other foods such as fruit chews, gummy snacks, gum, marshmallows, and candies. Frosting, ice cream, yogurt, cream pies and chips may also contain gelatin, according to the Gelatin Manufacturers Institute of America. bread goods Cystine is used in many baking products such as bread, to create a more stretchy dough with improved bun flow. Cystine is often made from hair, such as boar bristles. cereal Many cereals are coated with sugar and may also contain gelatin. low-calorie products Gelatin is used in many products, especially in low-calorie products. fruit gum Again gelatin is used in the production of fruit gum. chewing gum Citric acid is used in many chewing gums. It is obtained from animal fats, mostly pork stomachs. instant soup Some of the seasonings in the soup contain traces of bacon. cream cheese In some products, gelatin is used as a thickener chips "Bacon flavor" is used in some branded products to enhance flavor. the juice For the purification of some juices (especially vitamin juice) gelatin is used The links

  • The prohibition of the wine

    Allah says ﴿ ۞ يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْخَمْرِ وَالْمَيْسِرِ ۖ قُلْ فِيهِمَا إِثْمٌ كَبِيرٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ وَإِثْمُهُمَا أَكْبَرُ مِن نَّفْعِهِمَا ۗ ﴿ ۞ They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, “In them is a great sin and a benefit to the people, and their sin is greater than their benefit.” In this file, we will suffice with showing the benefits and magnitude of the harms of alcohol on health, to prove that God - the Almighty - only forbids the evil that spoils people’s lives. The benefits of grapes Cancer prevention Grapes contain many antioxidant compounds known as polyphenols, which reduce the occurrence of tumors in the kidneys, stomach, chest and colon, and can also prevent the individual from developing skin cancer and leukemia. Promoting heart and arterial health Grapes contribute to controlling cholesterol levels in the blood. This is due to the fact that grapes contain cholesterol levels in the blood. The reason for this is because grapes contain polyphenols, which also have anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin K present in grapes also contributes to Reducing blood clotting, which reduces the risk of blood clots Reduce blood pressure: The greatest benefit of grapes is that they contain a high percentage of potassium, which is an essential compound for regulating the functioning of blood vessels and relaxing them. It also works to control blood pressure levels by increasing the excretion of sodium through the urine. And other benefits: So we can get the same benefits from grapes as we get from wine, without side effects Red wine Many public health organizations feel and embrace the need to completely ban red wine along with other alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is present in wine. This simple statement is enough to explain how wine harms the human body. Why do many studies say that low doses of wine are good for health? The researchers say that these conclusions come from flawed study methods, and failed to take into account differences in nutrition, lifestyle, and social factors. Alcohol affects human health in several ways: such as accumulating toxins that negatively affect the body’s organs and tissues - acute poisoning and alcohol use disorders that can cause Social, intellectual and physical disabilities as well as self-harm and violent behavior towards others, binge drinking which refers to excessive drinking on one occasion rather than continuous binge drinking, which can cause side effects such as: The link between drinking alcohol and cancer In one study, researchers found that drinking a bottle of wine per week was associated with a 1% and 1.4% risk of cancer in men and women, respectively. This increase is the same as that which can occur due to smoking 10 cigarettes per week for women or 5 cigarettes per week for men, and the risk is The absolute risk of breast cancer is more than half the risk of cancer in women who drink in moderation but do not cheat. However, the risk of cancer in men is due to tumors in the mouth, throat, oesophagus, intestines and liver. At higher levels of drinking, such as 3 bottles of wine per week, it doubles. The lifetime incidence of cancer is approximately 1.9% in men, but it is 2.5% times closer in women, at 3.6%, of which 2.4% is due to breast cancer. Alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver With wine consumed just like any other alcoholic beverage, alcohol highlights all the other macronutrients on the waiting list. Since the body cannot store alcohol, it must metabolize it all at once, when large amounts of ethanol reach the fatty liver of 90% of people who... They drink more than 45 to 60 ounces of alcohol per day. As drinking continues, the kidney cells die and are replaced by scar tissue that extends to destroy the structure of the liver. This transformation of a healthy liver into disorganized, non-functional fibrous tissue is called cirrhosis, unlike fatty liver, which can be reversed. Within 4-6 weeks of complete abstinence, liver cirrhosis is a permanent change. long term effects Alcohol use can also lead to more lasting concerns that go beyond your mood and health. Some of the long-term effects of drinking alcohol frequently include: Persistent changes in mood, including anxiety and irritability Insomnia and other sleep concerns Weakened immune system, which means you may get sick a lot Changes in libido and sexual function Changes in appetite and weight Memory and concentration problems Difficulty concentrating on tasks Increased tension and conflict in romantic and family relationships The physical effects of alcohol Digestive and endocrine glands Drinking too much alcohol may cause pancreatitis, leading to a condition called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis can activate the secretion of digestive enzymes in the pancreas and cause abdominal pain. Pancreatitis can become a long-term condition and cause serious complications inflammatory damage The liver helps break down and remove toxins and harmful substances (including alcohol) from the body. Long-term use of alcohol interferes with this process. It also increases the risk of alcohol-related liver disease and chronic hepatitis: Alcohol-related liver disease is a life-threatening condition that causes toxins and waste products to build up in the body. Chronic hepatitis can cause scarring or cirrhosis of the liver. When scar tissue forms, the liver may be permanently damaged. sugar levels The pancreas helps regulate how the body uses insulin and responds to glucose. If your pancreas and liver are not working properly due to pancreatitis or liver disease, you may experience low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, and a damaged pancreas can prevent your body from producing enough insulin to use the sugar. This can lead to hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, so if your body cannot manage and balance your blood sugar levels, you may experience greater complications and side effects related to diabetes. Experts recommend avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia. Alcohol use during pregnancy No amount of alcohol is considered safe for pregnant women. That's because drinking during pregnancy not only affects your health. It can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature birth. Babies exposed to alcohol in the womb may experience a range of complications after birth, including: learning difficulties Long term health issues Increased emotional problems developmental concerns Skeletal and muscular systems Long-term alcohol consumption can affect bone density, leading to osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures in the event of a fall. Weak bones may also heal more slowly. Drinking alcohol can also lead to muscle weakness, cramping, and eventually atrophy. Alcohol and Fertility: How Much is Too Much? Because of the potentially devastating outcome of FASD, women who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or at risk of unintended pregnancy should be screened for alcohol use. Women should also be advised not to consume any amount of alcohol, as a 'safe dose' has not been established, and effects on the fetus may begin as early as soon after implantation. . Furthermore, ART should not be offered to women who are unwilling or unable to reduce their alcohol consumption. Women are more likely to become addicted to alcohol if they do not succeed in conceiving after the initial infertility assessment, so ongoing screening for alcohol use should be undertaken throughout treatment . These women on ART should be advised to reduce their alcohol consumption before starting treatment, as even moderate amounts of alcohol may reduce their chances of having a successful live birth. While a moderate level of drinking does not appear to alter outcomes in men, male partners should be advised at least to avoid alcohol a week prior to submitting a semen sample for IVF. Alcohol and Fertility: How Much is Too Much? Because of the potentially devastating outcome of FASD, women who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or at risk of unintended pregnancy should be screened for alcohol use. Women should also be advised not to consume any amount of alcohol, as a 'safe dose' has not been established, and effects on the fetus may begin as early as soon after implantation. . Furthermore, ART should not be offered to women who are unwilling or unable to reduce their alcohol consumption. Women are more likely to become addicted to alcohol if they do not succeed in conceiving after the initial infertility assessment, so ongoing screening for alcohol use should be undertaken throughout treatment . These women on ART should be advised to reduce their alcohol consumption before starting treatment, as even moderate amounts of alcohol may reduce their chances of having a successful live birth. While a moderate level of drinking does not appear to alter outcomes in men, male partners should be advised at least to avoid alcohol a week prior to submitting a semen sample for IVF.

  • The Muslim reforming

    Imam Al-Ghazali, may God have mercy on him Just as the body is not created in the beginning completely, Rather, it is complemented and strengthened through growth and upbringing through food, likewise, the soul is created incomplete and capable of being perfected, but it is complemented by education, refinement of morals, and nourishment with knowledge, and the boy, no matter how neglected at the beginning of his upbringing, came out mostly with poor morals, A liar, an envious, a thief, a slanderer, a coward, a curiosity, a laughter, Rather, he is preserved from all of that with good discipline.” Allah says وَابْتَغِ فِيمَا آتَاكَ اللهُ الدَّارَ الآخِرَةَ وَلا تَنْسَ نَصِيبَكَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا) [القصص: 77]، And seek for what God has given you the abode of the Hereafter, and do not forget your share in this world.” [Al-Qasas: 77] Individual repair mechanisms1 Self - correction - Let the first reform for my son be: reforming yourself, for their eyes are tied to yours, what is good for them is what you do, and what is bad for them is what you leave out. 2 - Drawing lessons from the Qur’an and the Prophet’s biography Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, said: “We will narrate to our children the raids of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Just as we tell them the surah from the Qur’an" 3 - Surround him with good friends Allah says (وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِيِّ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَهُ ولا تَعْدُ عَيْنَاكَ عَنْهُمْ تُرِيدُ زِينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَلا تطِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَنْ ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أمْرُهُ فُرُطاً) [الكهف:28] (And be patient yourself with those who call upon their Lord in the morning, and the evening they want his face, and do not turn your eyes away from them you want the adornments of the life of this world, and do not obey the one whose heart we have made heedless of our remembrance, And he followed his desires, and his matter was excessive.” [Al-Kahf: 28]. The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said - “The parable of a good companion is like that of the apothecary. If he does not love you for his perfume, he will perfume you for his scent, And the likeness of a bad companion is like that of a blacksmith if he does not burn your clothes, It smells of its smoke.” and the hadith was included by al-Tabarani and al-Haythami... classed as hasan. 4- The role of the media The need to establish a body, or an association, that includes a distinguished elite of media specialists, students of Sharia science, at the level of the same society, and other Islamic societies, aim to: establish controls and frameworks that govern and organize what is shown and broadcast through the media, in accordance with the directives of Islamic law, and the requirements of contemporary reality in mediation and moderation, neither exaggeration nor negligence. 5 - The role of the school The one who contemplates the reality of the family today notices without trouble that there is a major imbalance in it, In most cases, it is incapable of raising the individual with the hoped-for Islamic education, especially if we know that the problems of divorce are in many cases, Islamic societies have reached a frightening level, as it has reached more than 25%, and most of them are for trivial reasons, this is due to a failure to correct the path of the family from the beginning of its formation, and among the most important factors for the weakness of family preparation today are the following: 1- Weak care in choosing a husband or wife according to the conditions set by the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. 2- Weakness in educating the spouses about the marital relationship, and the ensuing tasks, responsibilities, duties, and rights of each party over the other. 3- Parents' failure to raise their children, and their lack of a sense of great responsibility towards their children. 4- Weakness of being a good example in front of the children inside the house. 5- The interference of other educational means in the upbringing of children from outside the family, and the weakness of the possibility of controlling them. 6 - The role of the mosque This great educational institution in the Muslim community also suffers from a clear weakness in its required role, it is expected that it will be part of the elements of education due to its importance, and people's relationship with it on a daily basis. 7- Getting him married and forming a good family The one who contemplates the reality of the family today notices without difficulty that it has a great imbalance, and is mostly incapable of raising the individual the desired Islamic education, especially if we know that the problems of divorce in many Islamic societies have reached a frightening level, with a rate of more than 25%, most of them are for trivial reasons, and this is due to a failure to correct the path of the family from the beginning of its formation, and one of the most important factors in the weakness of family preparation today is as follows: 1- Weak care in choosing a husband or wife according to the conditions set by the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. 2- Weakness in educating the spouses about the marital relationship, and the resulting tasks, responsibilities, duties, and rights of each party over the other. 3- Parents' failure to raise their children, and their lack of a sense of great responsibility towards their children. 4- Weakness of being a good example in front of the children inside the house. 5- The interference of other educational means in the upbringing of children from outside the family, and the weakness of the ability to control them. 1- Weakness of appropriate criteria to know the eligibility of those who wish to join the teaching profession. 2- Poor preparation of the teacher, the preparation that makes him able to influence the behavior of the students. Unfortunately, we see teachers and hear about female teachers in improper situations, forms, and behaviors. 3- Poor capabilities and educational environment, especially school buildings suitable for education. 4- Weak family cooperation with the school in an effective manner in reforming students. 8- Reforming this righteous individual in himself (for society) Allah says {يَا بُنَيَّ أَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ وَأْمُرْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَانْهَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَاصْبِرْ عَلَىٰ مَا أَصَابَكَ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ مِنْ عَزْمِ الْأُمُورِ}(لقمان:17). {O my son, establish prayer and enjoin what is right, And abstain from evil, and be patient over what befalls you, for that is of determination of the affairs} (Luqman: 17). Allah says {فَلَوْلَا كَانَ مِنَ الْقُرُونِ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ أُولُو بَقِيَّةٍ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْفَسَادِ فِي الْأَرْضِ}(هود:116). {Had it not been from the generations before you, the first of the remnant, they forbid corruption in the land} (Hud: 116) In The Hadith [Whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand, If he is not able, then with his tongue, and if he is not able, then with his heart. And that is the weakest faith]. The Muslim strives as much as he can to ward off evil, prevent it, and change its energy. If he is not able to remove it, he hates it in his heart, He was not pleased with him, nor did he accept him. This, although it is the weakest of faith, is necessary, because hatred of evil is the first step in striving to denounce it whenever possible. Allah says وَاتَّقُوافِتْنَةً لَا تُصِيبَنَّ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْكُمْ خَاصَّةً ۖ وَاعْلَمُوا أنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ }(الأنفال:25) And an agreement that does not afflict those of you who do wrong exclusively, and know that God is severe in punishment.” (Al-Anfal: 25) Allah says {فَلَمَّا نَسُوا مَا ذُكِّرُوا بِهِ أَنْجَيْنَا الَّذِينَ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ السُّوءِ وَأَخَذْنَا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا بِعَذَابٍ بَئِيسٍ بِمَا كانُوا يَفْسُقُونَ}(الأعراف:165) {So when they forgot what they were reminded of, We delivered those who forbade evil, and We seized those who did wrong with a wretched punishment because they were disobedient.” (Al-A’raf:165) He says peace and blessings be upon him The example of one who is standing on the limits of God and the one who stands within them is like a people who took lots for a ship, so some of them hit the top of it and some of them the bottom of it, so those in the bottom of it were, when they drink water, they pass over those above them. They said: If only we had breached our share, we did not harm those above us, and if they were to leave them as they wanted, they would all perish, and if they take it on their hands, they will be saved, and they will all be saved] (narrated by Al-Bukhari). Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, wanted to convey his understanding to people when he said: “O people, you are reading this verse, O you who have believed, take care of yourselves. He who goes astray will not harm you if you are guided.} and I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: when people see the oppressor, they do not take him by the hand, God is about to blind them with a punishment from Him] (Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi and said: Hassan Sahih)

  • The residual smell of fasting in the mouth

    On the authority of Hammam, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, the scent of the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of God, from the wind of musk, he spurns his desire, his food and his drink, from my fault, fasting is for me and I shall reward it. Al - Khalouf The mouth odor changes due to leaving food during fasting The scientific side of the topic First: the saliva pH? The normal pH range for saliva is 6.2 to 7.6. Eating changes the pH of saliva. There are good bacteria in your mouth. For example, if you eat carbohydrates such as (bread, pasta, etc.), these bacteria are broken down, and the acidity level in saliva decreases. Also, adults have more acidic saliva than children... Now I will tell you the best things. What you do for a balanced pH in saliva. The information When saliva becomes more acidic, the acids in your mouth begin to demineralize (crack) the enamel of your teeth, leading to discomfort when drinking hot, cold, or sugary drinks. How do I know that my saliva is acidic? the persistent bad breath Sensitivity to hot or cold foods or drinks Dental cavities The Parabens in oral products are bad for you Parabens are chemicals used as preservatives in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries for their antimicrobial properties. They inhibit the growth of microorganisms and extend the shelf life of various products, including toothpaste and mouthwash, Initially, parabens were considered safe. However, increasing research indicates that these preservatives can be toxic, irritating, and can cause allergic reactions. Consumers are increasingly aware of products that contain parabens, and they are concerned about the safety of the products. The oral care products Toothpaste and mouthwash have been used on a daily basis for a long time. Because these products are moist, they are at risk of bacterial contamination. Hence, parabens are used to keep these products free from bacteria and fungi. The consumers are now well aware of the adverse effects They are more concerned about the risk of developing cancer. As a result, there is an increasing demand for paraben-free toothpaste and mouthwash in the market. Some of the paraben-free toothpaste brands are himalayan herbals, sarakan toothpaste, and australian tea tree, even Colgate has ignored the use of parabens since July 2016. While the amount of parabens ingested through oral care products is considered minimal, individuals should use their discretion based on their general state of health. The witness You, as a fasting person, refrain from brushing your teeth after the shadow appears on the horizon, and refrain from eating and drinking, which allows you not to change the pH of the mouth from the normal level to unbalanced levels due to 1- Lack of soft drinks, especially soft drinks 2- Lack of sugary drinks 3 - Low use of carbohydrates 4 - Less exposure to parabens found in toothpaste and lotion Which somewhat restores the balance of the mouth's pH And the question: Does God Almighty among the benefits of fasting preserving the oral pH and returning it to a normal state, in addition to improving the gut microbiome due to fasting? Thus improving the health of your body's pH which has countless functions to keep you healthy - of course this post is just a suggestion - not based on more evidence than is available in this file Does the use of miswak invalidate the fast? So the fasting person’s use of the siwak during the day does not harm or affect the validity of the fast, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, urged the nation to use the siwak at all times, and he did not exclude the time of fasting or any other time, so this indicates that it is not harmful to the fast. But if he puts it in his mouth until its sparkle is wet, then takes it out of his mouth, then puts it back into his mouth again, then swallows the wetness that was on the siwak, then it breaks the fast if he does that deliberately. But if he did it by mistake or out of forgetfulness, it does not harm him, just as the mere wetness of the siwak does not harm him. The benefits of miswak A review of the therapeutic effects of using miswak (Salvadora persica) on oral health, the use of miswak is related to health, social and cultural norms and religious beliefs. The World Health Organization has recommended and encouraged the use of these sticks as a tool for oral hygiene in areas where their use is effective and customary. Participation and use of appropriate technology. For optimal oral health and hygiene, miswak can be used alone or as an adjunct to a traditional toothbrush. Hence, the use of miswak should be encouraged and promoted based on scientific knowledge of its many therapeutic effects on oral health, ease of availability, popularity, and low cost. However, achieving optimal effects of miswak (Salvadora persica) depends on its regular use with appropriate and effective techniques. The Links

  • The fasting ( Questions and answers)

    Who should fast Ramadan? Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i reported with an authentic chain of transmission that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: The pen has been lifted from three: from the boy until he reaches puberty, from the sleeper until he wakes up, and from the insane until he wakes up. 2- Puberty: Fasting is not required for the discerning person, and it is valid if he fasts. 3 - Intellect, where it is not required to assign the non-taxable to any of the legitimate costs. 4 - The absence of excuses that prevent fasting or it is permissible to break the fast: and the excuse that prevents fasting: menstruation and childbirth. 5- Knowing that fasting is obligatory: the ignorant person is excused for fasting if he grew up far from Islam and Muslims, the world does not excuse the obligation to fast. 6- Safety from disease When is my fast is valid? The Evidence of entering the month of Ramadan The time during which fasting is valid, so it is not valid to fast on the day of Eid, for example, or the day before Ramadan. Intention As worship is not valid without intention, and the intention is achieved by the determination to fast and the intention of the heart, and it is not required to utter it with the tongue, If the answer is correct. Narrated by Al-Bukhari on the authority of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - who said: (actions are but by intentions, and every person has intentions) Hurry up for breakfast ((People will continue to be fine as long as they hasten to break the fast. Supplication during breakfast: by saying: (The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened, and the reward is confirmed, God willing) Miswak It is desirable for the fasting person to use the Miswak at any part of the day. Whether it is the first day or the end of the day. Suhoor (When he breaks his fast, he says, “The thirst is gone, the veins are quenched, and the reward is confirmed, God willing.” What are the excuses for breakfast? 1 - Inability to fast of old age or severe illness or disease leading to death 2. Long travel whose distance is not less than eighty-three kilometers, provided that travel is permissible, It takes a full day, and it is not permissible to break the fast; due to travel during the day, It is also permissible to break the fast when one is unable to fast, and the distance of travel in which it is permissible to break the fast: and it is now equal to about: eighty-three and a half kilometers, and more whether or not. He did not have a hardship, and he must make up the days that he did not fast at that time, fasting is not required for the incapacitated or chronically ill. Because God Almighty says فَمَنْ كَانَ مِنْكُمْ مَرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ وَعَلَى الَّذِينَ يُطِيقُونَهُ فِدْيَةٌ طَعَامُ مِسْكِينٍ فَمَنْ تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَهُ وَأَنْ تَصُومُوا خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ{ سورة البقرة (184) So whoever of you is sick or on a journey, the same number of other days, and those who are able to do it must pay a ransom by feeding a poor person. So whoever volunteers good, it is better for him, And that you fast is better for you, if you only knew.” Surah Al-Baqarah (184) 4- the pregnancy and lactation If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman is able to fast and does not fear harm to herself or her child, then she should fasting Ramadan and it is not permissible for her to break her fast according to a fatwa from a group of the Companions on that, this is the view of the majority, but if she fears for herself or for her fetus, she may break the fast. 5 - Excessive, unusual hardship If it is difficult for him to fast because of an illness from which it is hoped he will be cured, or he was in a campaign and jihad, or he was afflicted with severe hunger or thirst, and he feared harm for himself, and his ruling is that it is permissible to break the fast and that it is necessary to make it up. 6 Rescue a respected person It is the sanctity of legitimacy as a supervisor of destruction. If the salvation of this soul or part of it is cut off from the saving a soul, He may break his fast, as if he is required to save the soul of someone who has no other savior, and he must make up after that. What are the invalidation of fasting? There are things that invalidate the fast, and you should pay attention to them, including the following: Intentionally eating or drinking Of course: intentionally eating or drinking invalidates the fast, and everything that takes the place of eating and drinking has the same ruling and invalidates the fast, such as: taking fluids intravenously; Because it nourishes the body like eating and drinking. 2- Intercourse or masturbation Intercourse during the fasting period invalidates it during the day and during the hours of fasting, however, this does not mean leaving it, rather it is permissible to have sexual intercourse after breaking the fast at night, provided that they perform ablution after it, Likewise, masturbation is considered one of the things that invalidate the fast, and it is obligatory to break the fast if that happens. 3- Intentional vomiting This means intentional regurgitation of food or drink into the stomach. But if this happened unintentionally, then the fasting person remains as he is without breaking the fast. 4- the menstruation and the childbirth If a woman enters menstruation or childbirth, she is not required to fast. It should be noted that a woman must break her fast even if menstruation began shortly before breakfast. 5- Kidney dialysis During dialysis, blood is withdrawn and then returned to the patient's body along with some substances and foods such as sugars and salts. It has been agreed that dialysis is one of the things that break the fast. The disputed of the in validators The asthma inhalers Which contain medical preparations and oxygen, as the content of the spray reaches the lungs, not the stomach. The enema Suppositories or ointments used to relieve hemorrhoid pain The anesthesia Through the nose, such as inhaling an anesthetic. Some injections such as penicillin or insulin Inserting something into the stomach other than through the mouth Like ear and nose drops, the schools differed in that, some said that it invalidates the fast, while others said: it does not invalidate the fast. The cupping It is the removal of blood through the skin rather than through the veins, and is an alternative treatment that many undergo until now, there is no conclusive evidence that cupping invalidates the fast, except that it is widespread, and that is why it is best to avoid it during fasting times. The teeth medicine The controversy is still based on the blood resulting from dental treatment, as some believe that it invalidates the fast, while others believe that it does not break the fast. In the case of dental treatment and bleeding, be sure not to swallow what is in the mouth. Brushing the teeth with toothpaste or rinsing the mouth is not considered to invalidate the fast. This may cause fasting in the case of intentional ingestion of the oral cavity must do penance The Pregnant and breastfeeding provisions It is not permissible for a pregnant woman to make up for the missed fasts by atonement for sin only, because that is as if the sick person is a transient disease and it disappears, this kind of excuse must be compensated for by fasting, and the penance is not the same. Like a man who underwent surgery during the day in Ramadan, so he broke his fast for a week and God healed him, so he must make up what he owes for his fast after the end of Ramadan. The Provisions of the patient with chronic disease He does not hope for his recovery, that is, that it will continue with him for years or all his life, so he must pay the expiation for fasting, and he must do so. He is not allowed to fast. If the doctor advises him to break the fast, contrary to the doctor's instructions, then he is sinning according to Sharia The ruling on taking atonement for fasting Al-Azhar International Center for Electronic Fatwa said that whoever breaks the fast in Ramadan with a legitimate excuse must make up the fasts of these days, noting that it is obligatory to make up the days of Ramadan with an excuse for those who break the fast, , when the ability to do so is achieved. Fasting or fidyah is better if the state of health, for those who did not fast during the days of Ramadan, they allow the missed fasts, so the ransom is not sufficient Fasting, find out the best way Calculate the number of days approximately for each year in which a pregnancy or breast-feeding occurred, then start by making up two days a week, or one day a week, or fasting the excesses with the intention of making up for them, with the intention of volunteering, such as Mondays and Thursdays of every week, or the three days of each month, or the endowment of Arafat, Or the six days of Shawwal or the day of Shaw`ban, all of which are days of unnecessarily fasting, and it is permissible for you to fast them twice, and do not make up the fasts too much.

  • The physical and mental health benefits of the prayer

    First: the health benefits of prayer Prayer, the worship of God (swt), is one of the five main pillars on which Islam is based. It is the most common ritual oriented towards achieving closeness to Allah (swt) and constitutes a major indicator of being a true Muslim. He uses prayer as a means of seeking solace, forgiveness and peace through supplication for the help of God (swt). It serves as food for the soul. However, the benefits of prayer do not end with the spiritual realm but in fact it includes the physical realm as well, traditional prayers involve many bodily movements and postures, which have been scientifically proven to have medicinal and health benefits. Although Muslims generally perform their daily prayers out of religious duty, modern science has shed light on the physical advantages of offering prayers. Here are just a few of them: Improves blood circulation Different postures during prayer help in improving the overall blood flow in the body. People have a lot of issues when it comes to blood pressure where the blood flow is either too high or too low in a particular area of the body. In these cases, salah movements help regulate blood flow to all parts of the human body. During the bowing position, for example, blood flow is regulated in the upper body and during tashahhud, blood flow is regulated in the lower body. improves digestion; According to scientific studies, salah also aids in the digestion of food. For example, during the state of prostration, which is basically when the men sit with the feet curled under them and the women sit with the feet tucked under them, the posture allows and facilitates digestion. It improves liver function and relaxes the intestines, which in turn facilitates bowel movements in the body. Prayer can also help relieve cases of constipation and overeating. Relieves back pain and joint pain The position of the body during prostration and kneeling helps open and relieve joints. Regular use of joints keeps them healthy and functioning. Moreover, the kneeling position helps relieve pain in the lower back by relaxing the ligaments and muscles (similar to yoga). It also helps relieve pain in the spinal cord and hip joints. By relaxing the spine, back pain and diseases of the spine can also be avoided. Prayer generally relaxes the shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle and hip joints. Cardiovascular health In essence, prayer is also a form of exercise and increases a person's metabolism, which essentially improves overall cardiovascular health. Every salah you offer is like exercising on a daily basis which improves the general functioning of the body organs and regulates gland secretion and blood flow in the body. body yoga According to modern science, yoga is one of the healthiest forms of exercise out there The movements during prayer are similar to the movements found in the field of yoga. Yoga, like Salah, rejuvenates the body's mechanisms in general. It not only aims to maintain the physical fitness of the person, but also improves the mental well-being of the person. Yoga therapy aims to bring harmony in a person's life by bringing together all aspects of his/her life including physical, social, spiritual, psychological etc. and creating a complete circle of harmony. This is exactly what prayer aims to do. Achieving complete harmony and peace within the individual. Prayer also acts as an alternative to stress and anxiety, which yoga also fights against improves digestion; According to scientific studies, salah also aids in the digestion of food. For example, during the state of prostration, which is basically when the men sit with the feet curled under them and the women sit with the feet tucked under them, the posture allows and facilitates digestion. It improves liver function and relaxes the intestines, which in turn facilitates bowel movements in the body. Prayer can also help relieve cases of constipation and overeating. sanitation One of the most prominent benefits of daily prayer is the general cleanliness and purity that the individual achieves. It keeps you in a constant state of purity. Before each prayer, a Muslim must perform ablution, which is the cleansing of the mouth, nose, face, ears, neck, hands, arms, and feet. Staying in a constant state of cleanliness leads to healthier skin and overall hygienic hygiene. It rids you of germs, allergens, and different types of infections and diseases caused by lack of hygiene. This just goes to show the palette of multifaceted benefits offered by prayer that not only serves as nourishment for our souls but for our body as well. The benefits of prayer on mental health Najwa Awad is a psychologist and fellow at the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research Who is passionate about helping Muslims heal, grow and thrive after adversity. She has a private practice, Amana Family Counseling, in which she provides online and in-person counseling to children, adults and families. Najwa also enjoys holding workshops to destigmatize mental illness, address current mental health issues within the community, and promote mental health from an Islamic perspective. Islam provides a general framework for life, and within its teachings one can find many recommendations that promote mental health. Although these tenants are by nature cults, the secondary benefits of maintaining one's wellness through these actions are supported by recent research. As a psychotherapist, I can attest to the importance of spirituality in mental health, and in this article I will discuss three important connections between Islamic practices and mental wellness. Connect and love the ultimate provider. In my clinical practice, I have found that those who have a healthy, loving connection to God can be tremendously resilient in times of stress. When others fail them or the pressure is too much on them, they have a firm belief that God has their supreme interest and will carry them through them. Let us examine some aspects of how a relationship with God differs from any other type of relationship a person can have: Satisfying their basic needs is love and communication. A healthy attachment is essential to growing and meeting one's full potential and building meaningful relationships with others. Some people are blessed with an understanding of a healthy attachment to their loved one; But many individuals go through their lives feeling disconnected from others. In the absence of healthy attachments, humans tend to be at greater risk of isolation, low self-esteem, and unstable moods. permanent connection Why is knowing and embodying positive characteristics important for mental health? Understanding who you are or want to be can contribute to a strong sense of self; Psychotherapists like myself work with clients in session to increase self-esteem, life purpose, and healthy relationships. Falling back on essential health characteristics during times of stress can also be a guide in how to deal with interpersonal conflicts, difficult feelings, and moral doubts. Islam promotes mental health in a relationship with God - the Almighty - life way Mindfulness: Mindfulness is usually associated with Buddhism, but is actually a very important topic in Islam8. While mindfulness has recently emerged in clinical research as having benefits for mental health9, this is a practice that has been discussed (albeit slightly different from mainstream mindfulness). ) by Muslim scholars hundreds of years ago. Muslims follow the beliefs of Islam with conviction, but there are many mental health benefits to following an Islamic lifestyle. The following are some of the many acts of worship that have been proven in the scientific literature to be beneficial for mental health: Zakat: Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. The physical movements of prayer Beneficial to the body and psychologically, there are mental health benefits to being in constant contact with a Greater Power throughout the day 6. It also showed the recitation of the Qur’an Which can be part of prayer, some psychological benefits. There are many aspects of practicing Islam that promote good mental health, and this article only scratches the surface on how spirituality can increase resilience. In my psychotherapy practice, I have found that spirituality can be very effective in reducing risk factors as well as facilitating coping. While these Islamic principles are first and foremost acts of worship, secondary benefits for mental health are evident in the scientific literature. The prayer and the healing Medical and scientific perspective Religious traditions around the world display beliefs in healing through prayer. Examining the healing powers of prayer in a randomized, triple-blind trial. We describe randomized controlled trials on prayer and healing, with one study in each of the different outcome categories. We provide a critical analysis of the scientific and philosophical dimensions of such research. Prayer has been reported to improve outcomes in human species as well as non-human species, to have no effect on outcomes, to worsen outcomes and to produce retrospective healing effects. For several reasons, research on the healing effects of prayer is full of assumptions, challenges, and contradictions that make the subject a scientific and religious minefield. We believe that research has not led anywhere, and that future research, if any, will forever be limited by the scientific limitations that we define. Religious practices have been associated with healing for thousands of years. People pray for good health and relief from disease. Prayer may lead to health and healing through one or more of several mechanisms. We look briefly at these mechanisms. Healing Mechanisms Through Prayer Prayer is a special form of meditation and as such may impart all of the health benefits that have been associated with meditation. To reduce stress and boost a positive mood States different types of meditation have been shown to lead to psychological and biological changes already associated or potentially associated with improved health. Meditation has been found to produce a clinically significant decrease in resting as well as ambulatory blood pressure to reduce heart rate resulting in cardiac and respiratory synchronization to alter melatonin and serotonergic levels to suppress cortical glutamatergic neurotransmission to enhance the immune response Enhanced self-esteem and reduced levels of reactive oxygen species as measured by ultrafast photon emission To reduce anxiety and pain To have a positive effect on the overall and spiritual quality of life in the late stage of the disease. Interestingly, spiritual meditation is superior to secular meditation and relaxation in terms of reducing anxiety, improving positive mood, spiritual health, spiritual experiences, and pain tolerance. Prayer may be underpinned by varying degrees of faith, and thus may be associated with all of the benefits that were associated with the placebo response. Clinically significant treatment gains have been observed with placebo in several disorders, including anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, tardive dyskinesia, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, Parkinson's disease, and even cancer, among a host of other conditions. With respect to the context of prayer and healing, the placebo response is affected by personality traits and behaviors such as optimism, response anticipation, motivational fit (i.e., the degree to which the behavioral ritual of treatment aligns with the subject's motivational system) and the degree of engagement in ritual Prayer may be associated with improvements that result from spontaneous remission, regression to mediocrity, unspecified psychosocial support, the Hawthorne effect and the Rosenthal effect. Spontaneous remission is known to occur in conditions ranging from medical disorders (such as colds and pharyngitis) to psychological conditions (such as depression and mania). Regression to the mean describes improvement that occurs as a result of random fluctuation in disease severity; In clinical trials, because patients are usually pre-selected for severe disease severity, such fluctuations occur in only one direction (ie, toward improvement). Non-specific emotional support provides psychological benefits through interpersonal contact, such as during diagnostic and assessment exercises. Non-specific support can reduce anxiety, depression, pain, and similar combinations. Spontaneous remission and conversion to the mean may occur coincidentally with prayer. Non-specific psychosocial support related to prayer may appear in places of collective prayer. Improvements in all of these contexts are real improvements. The Hawthorne effect refers to the change that occurs as a result of the act of observing or measuring, while the Rosenthal effect refers to the change caused by the observer or the expectation of the evaluator. In relation to the former, the comfortable setting of the study environment or the patient's conscious or unconscious desire to please may result in him reporting fewer symptoms than are actually present. With respect to the latter, the rater's tendency to expect attenuation of symptoms over time may lead to a less significant association with reported symptoms Prayer may have benefits due to divine intervention Although considering such a possibility may seem scientifically outlandish, there is no denying that people, all over the planet, pray for health and relief from symptoms in times of illness. Healing through prayer, healing through religious rituals, healing in places of pilgrimage, and healing through related forms of intervention are deeply rooted traditions in many religions. Let divine intervention act as a healing mechanism through prayer Improve results associated with prayer Cha et al. studied 219 consecutive infertile women, ages 26 to 46, treated with embryo transfer in a laboratory in Seoul, South Korea. These women were randomized into the remote prayer and control groups. Prayers were held by prayer groups in the USA, Canada and Australia. Patients and their providers were not informed of the intervention. The investigators, and even the statisticians, did not know the group assignments until all the data had been collected. Thus, the study was randomized, triple-blind, controlled and prospective in design. Cha et al. found that women who prayed for had an almost twice higher pregnancy rate than those for whom they did not pray (50 vs 26%; P < 0.005). Moreover, women who were prayed for showed a higher rate of implantation than those who were not prayed for (16.3 vs. 8%; P < 0.001). Retrospective benefits with prayer These patients were randomized into prayer groups (n = 1691) and control group (n = 1702) in July 2000. A list of first names of patients in the prayer group was given to a person (details not specified) who said a short prayer (again details not specified) for the well-being and full recovery of the entire group. This prayer was said about 4-10 years or more after the index was accepted. There was no sham intervention. Thus, this study sought to determine whether prayer had a retrospective healing effect Patients in the prayer and control groups were similar in significant sociodemographic and clinical variables. While the mortality rate did not differ significantly between the prayer group and the control groups (28.1 vs 30.2%, respectively), the length of hospital stay and the duration of fever were significantly shorter in the prayer group than in the control group (P = 0.01 and 0.04, respectively). . Some points about this study are worth noting. The differences between the groups were very small, although it greatly favored the patients to whom prayers were offered. The two groups' averages differed by a small margin. Thus, the significance of the results is highly dependent on the outliers that distorted the sample. Thereafter, no attempt was made to compare with unusual biases, such as day of admission and discharge. It is possible, for example, that patients admitted at the end of the week may be screened and treated more slowly, and patients admitted at the end of the week may be kept until the beginning of the following week. Importantly, given the number of patients in each group, there was certainly a lot of overlap in first names. Did Lipovici consider the possibility that prayer, then, could benefit patients in both groups to the point of overlap? Finally, and in a lighter vein, would the results have changed had the author, in the best of ethical research spirits, introduced the experimental intervention (prayer) to the control group at the conclusion of the study? Most seriously, because the data was retrospective, the study could have been repeated many times, with a new randomizer each time. Were the results, then, to remain the same? These and other issues were raised in the periodical correspondence published on the article.

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