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  • Imam ( Al - Nisa'i)

    Intolerance is one of the worst things that can afflict a person. So he turns from sane to reckless in an instant, and the ignorant thinks that he is a scientist, and the one with insight loses his insight, and if it spreads among a people, it makes them not recognize the people of virtue for their excellence, and they do not put the scholars in their position, as happened with Imam al-Nisa'i, the well-known hadith teller, in his ordeal that sealed his life. Tariq Abu Al-Saad (Egyptian writer) The name He is Abu Abd al-Rahman Ahmad ibn Shuaib ibn Ali ibn Sinan ibn Bahr Bandinar al-Nisa’i Nicknames The proven imam Sheikh Al-Islam Talking critic updated Judge And one of the imams of the noble hadith The owner of the minor and major Sunan, known as the women's Sunan Birth Born in 215 AH The Foundation He was born in the town of Nisa in the ancient country of Khorasan, which is located at the present time in Turkmenistan, Located between Iran and Afghanistan now, little is known about his beginnings in his hometown, which indicates that he grew up in a family of modest education and status. The education He sought knowledge and hadith at a young age He traveled to several countries, including Khorasan, the Hijaz, Iraq, the Levant, and the Arabian Peninsula, and settled in Egypt We have drawn from the seas of science with understanding, mastery, insight, criticism of men, and good authorship When he settled in Egypt, the custodians traveled to him, and there was no peer left in this regard. Narrated about him, Abu Bishr al-Dulabi and Abu Jaafar al-Tahawi and Abu Ali al-Nisaburi And many others Some of the elders who learned on their hands Isaac bin Rahwiya And Hisham bin Ammar And he heard from Qutayba al-Baghlani the hadeeth His worship Description of worship at night and day And perseverance in the pilgrimage and jihad It was said that he was attributed to something of Shiism They said, and he entered Damascus, and its people asked him to narrate to them something of the virtues of Muawiyah, and he said, Is it not enough for Muawiya to go head to head in order to narrate his virtues? so they stood up to him and started stabbing his testicles until he was expelled from the congregational mosque, so he walked from them to Mecca and died there, In this year and his grave therein, this is what al-Hakim narrated on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ishaq al-Asbahani on the authority of the sheikhs. He was Shafi'i It did not prevent him from going against the opinion of al-Shafi'i sometimes, and the end of the matter, as Ibn Al-Atheer sees, and given this busy scientific life; He was still high among the people of his time, until his student, Abu Bakr bin Al-Haddad, said: “I was satisfied with him as an argument between me and God Almighty.” the political and social life of his time Al-Nasai was born after Abdullah bin Tahir bin Al-Hussein took over the Emirate of Khorasan, and established the Tahirid state, and before Al-Mu’tasim took over, Muhammad ibn Harun al-Rashid ruled the caliphate for three years, at a time of intense rivalry and fanaticism reprehensible, what was between the Arabs and the Persians, what forced al-Mu'tasim to resort to the Turkish soldiers, transferring the seat of government and caliphate to Samarra; To escape from the hell of the Arabs and flee. His stay in Egypt in this period; Ahmed Ibn Tulun was the ruler of Egypt, and he established an independent state in it, and eliminated sedition and disobedience movements, which made Egypt safe and reassuring, so An-Nasai tended to live in it, and he took a house for himself in Zuqaq al-Qandil, which is an old neighborhood of Fustat, next to the Amr ibn al-Aas Mosque, where the elite of the people live, this neighborhood was known at the time of al-Nisa’i, but now it has vanished, so al-Nisa’i settled in Egypt, and it was a good place for him. They said about him Al-Hafiz Ibn Taher said “I asked Saad bin Ali Al-Zanjani about a man who trusted him, and I said: An-Nasa’i has weakened it. He said: My son, Abu Abd al-Rahman has a condition for men that is more severe than the condition of al-Bukhari and Muslim, I said: He is honest, He softened a group of men from Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim. Al-Suyuti, may God have mercy on him, said about him An-Nasa'i is the innovator of the third century and He has a very important scientific career, in addition to his abundant and multiple knowledge production, with which he enriched the cultural and religious life of his time. Al-Daraqutni said He was the most knowledgeable of the sheikhs of Egypt in his time, and he knew them from the correct from the weak from the narrations and the most known the men, when he reached this amount, they envied him, so he went out to Ramla, He was asked about the virtues of Muawiyah, but he held back from him, so they beat him in the mosque, so he said: they took me out to Mecca, so they took him out while he was ill, and he died in Mecca, a martyr along with the virtues he was endowed with, he was granted martyrdom at the end of his life. He died in Mecca in the year 333. His death (killed by the mob) Al-Hafiz Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdul-Ghani bin Nuqtah said In his restriction and from his handwriting I quoted and from the handwriting of Abi Aamer Muhammad bin Sa’dun Al-Abdari Al-Hafiz: Abu Abd Al-Rahman Al-Nisa’i died in Ramla, the city of Palestine, Monday, thirteen nights of Safar in the year three hundred and three, and he was buried in Jerusalem, and Ibn Khalkan said that he died in Sha`ban of this year, and that he only classified the characteristics in the virtue of Ali and the people of the house, because he saw the people of Damascus when he came to it in the year three hundred and two, that they had an aversion to Ali, and they asked him about Muawiyah, and he said what he said, so they examined him in his testicles, and he died. Thus, Ibn Yunus and Abu Jaafar Al-Tahawi mentioned that he died in Palestine, In a travel of this year, and he was born in the year fifteen or fourteen and approximately two hundred according to what he said, so he was eighty-eight years old. The links

  • Al - Kandi

    The Century: (185-256 AH / 805-873 AD) Why is Al - Kandi considred as an encyclopedic? Because he was, like most scholars of his time, an encyclopedic, as he is a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and philosopher in addition to being a musician. Physics and chemistry and medicine and mathematics and astronomy and music and psychology And reasoning He worked hard to introduce Arabs and Muslims to ancient Greek philosophy The Full name Abu Yusuf Yaqoub bin Ishaq bin Al-Sabbah bin Imran bin Ismail bin Muhammad bin Al-Ash’ath bin Qais Al-Kindi The Nicknames Arab philosopher Al-Kindi is considered the first Muslim Itinerant philosopher The Jobs The founder of Arab Islamic philosophy, as many say about him Doctor Scientist philosopher Music Owner of a school in translation from the Syriac and Greek languages (the origins of the rolls for science at the time) into the Arabic language His relationship with the caliphs of his time He was close to the Abbasid caliphs who were contemporary with them, especially al-Mu’tasim: who invited him to be a tutor for his son. Al-Ma’mun (the Abbasid caliph at that time) appointed al-Kindi, accompanied by al-Khwarizmi, at the House of Wisdom Institute, His main task was to translate the most important Greek philosophical books into Arabic. In the year 833, Caliph al-Ma'mun died and Caliph al-Mu'tasim came, who in turn admired al-Kindi, And summoned him to be an educator for his son, Ahmed. And the scholar's relationship remained good with the caliphs until the advent of the caliph al-Mutawakkil in 847. The Nationality Iraqi The place of birth Iraq - Kufa - He was born in Kufa in the house of the sheikhs of the Yemeni Kinda tribe the father His father, Ishaq Ibn al-Sabah, was the ruler of Kufa during the era of the Mahdi and Rashid caliphate. At the beginning of the ninth century, Jacob al-Kindi was born, who grew up in the city of Kufa, He received his initial education there. After the death of his father, he moved with his mother to the city of Basra, where he completed his education until he decided to leave for Baghdad to complete his education. his life When he was living in Kufa with his rich family after the death of his father, the governor of Kufa, who left him and his brothers a lot of money. The education It is said that he completed memorizing the Qur’an and many of the noble hadiths of the Prophet when he was fifteen years old. His mother's role in his life He traveled with his mother to Basra Jacob wanted to learn more of the sciences that existed in his time, so he decided to travel with his mother to Basra to learn the science of speech, and this science among the Arabs was comparable to the science of philosophy among the Greeks. Al-Kindi spent three years in Basra, during which he learned everything he needed to know about theology, Then he moved with his mother to a house in Baghdad to increase his culture and knowledge, for Baghdad in the Abbasid era was a sea of various different sciences. His scientific life in Baghdad - He began by going to the (Bayt al-Hikma Library) which was established by Harun al-Rashid and flourished during the reign of al-Ma'mun's daughter, and he spent whole days there reading translated books from Greek, Persian and Hindi, Then he began to study the Syriac and Greek languages under the hands of two teachers who used to come to his house to teach him in order (so that he could read books that had not been translated in their original languages). - He was able to master these two languages ​​after two years, and he began to achieve his dream, forming a team of his own, and became the owner of a school in translation that relies on the beautiful method that does not change the translated idea, but makes it easy to understand and free from looseness and weakness. - He established in his house a library comparable in size to the Al-Hikma Library, so people began to go to his house for learning and his library for reading, and he became famous in the country when he was only twenty-five years old, Caliph al-Ma'mun invited him to him, and they became friends from then on. Al-Kindi developed a new curriculum for sciences, in which he reconciled religious sciences with secular sciences, developing a curriculum that establishes the use of mathematics in many sciences, as mathematics is a basic science that includes geometry, logic, arithmetic, and even music, our genius philosopher used mathematics and the Greek musical scale invented by Pythagoras to set the first scale for Arabic music called the musical notes. Why was his era fraught with ideological tension? Because of the problem of creating the Qur'an The domination of the doctrine of retirement And the spread of Shiism The areas in which he excelled Books on logic He presented and discussed the views of Ptolemy, which he mentioned in his book Almagest, He also spoke on logical proof and the five voices, and wrote a treatise on guarding against the deceptions of the sophists Al-Kindi expanded in medicine He wrote more than twenty-five theses in it, in which he talked about food, deadly medicine, medicines that cure harmful odors, hemoptysis, dog bites, and symptoms caused by phlegm, and in stomach ache and gout and the sections of fevers and treatment of the spleen, and he has a treatise on making food without its ingredients and another on how the brain works and a third on poisons and others, He has a book, "A Message in the Value of the Benefit of the Medical Industry," in which he explains how to use mathematics in medicine and pharmacy, and sets a scale that allows doctors to measure the effectiveness of medicine. in the field of mathematics Al-Kindi introduced the Indian numbers to the Middle East and wrote 12 books on arithmetic. He talked about the composition of numbers and unification in terms of number, added quantity, numerical tricks and the science of their inclusion. He also wrote four volumes, entitled "A Book on the Use of Indian Numbers", which contributed significantly to the dissemination of the Indian numbering system in the Middle East and Europe. in engineering, Al-Kindi wrote about the axiom of parallelism, and in one of his mathematical works he tried to prove with the philosopher's thought the refutation of the idea of the eternity of the world, by proving that infinity is a mathematically and logically absurd idea. As for the field of chemistry Al-Kindi and Jabir bin Hayyan founded the perfume industry, and Al-Kindi conducted extensive research and experiments in combining plant scents by converting them into oils, Al-Kindi denied the possibility of extracting precious metals, such as gold, from base metals in a letter he called "A Book on Invalidating the Case of Those Who Claim the Workmanship of Gold and Silver. in the field of music Al-Kindi suggested adding the fifth string to the oud, and developed a musical scale that is still used in Arabic music, consisting of twelve notes. Al-Kindi has fifteen theses in music, There are only five of them left, and he is the first to introduce the word "music" into the Arabic language, and from there it moved to Persian and Turkish. He suggested adding the fifth string to the lute, He excelled the Greek musicians in the use of metres. He also recognized the therapeutic effect of music, and tried to cure a quadriplegic boy with music. He was a pioneer in cryptanalysis and cryptography and devising new methods of hacking using his mathematical and medical expertise, al-Kindi was a pioneer in cryptanalysis and cryptography, He is also credited with developing a method by which differences in the frequency of occurrence of letters can be analyzed and exploited for decoding, discovered in a manuscript recently found in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul, Entitled "Manuscript on Decoding Encryption Messages", in which he explained the methods of cipher analysis, encryption and statistical analysis of messages in Arabic. The Supernatural Al-Kindi believed that the goal of metaphysical concerns in studying the nature of existence and explaining the basic phenomena in nature, the levels of existence, the types of entities that exist in the world, and the relationship between them, is to know God. For this reason, al-Kindi distinguished between philosophy and theology, because they both discuss the same topic. Subsequent philosophers, notably Al-Farabi and Avicenna, strongly disagreed with him on this issue, arguing that metaphysics is concerned with the nature of existence and, therefore, is concerned with the nature of God, Al-Kindi's understanding of metaphysics centered around the absolute oneness of God, which he saw as a singular attribute of God alone. In this sense, everything described as "one" is, in fact, "one" and "many" at the same time, for example, the body is one, but it also consists of many different parts. A person may say “I see an elephant,” which means that he sees one elephant, but the term elephant refers to a type of animal that contains a number of this animal. Therefore, God alone, the One, is absolute oneness, with no plurality in it. This indicates a very deep understanding, and the denial of describing God in any description that can describe others. Al Kandi writings 241 books distributed over 17 fields of knowledge However, many of these works have been lost, and only 50 of his works remain The philosopher wrote more than 20 philosophical books in which he talked about natural and supernatural, monotheism and the first sensible, active and passive things from the first naturals, and demonstrating the compatibility between natural theology and philosophy. Why did al-Kindi leave work in the House of Wisdom (the huge Baghdad library) When al-Mu'tasim succeeded his brother al-Ma'mun, al-Mu'tasim appointed him as his children's educator. But with the accession of Al-Wathiq and Al-Mutawakkil, Al-Kindi's star in the House of Wisdom fell. There are several theories, to explain why this happened, some have suggested that this is due to competition in the House of Wisdom, and some said that the reason was Al-Mutawakkil's strictness in religion, so that Al-Kindi was beaten, and his books were confiscated for a while. What he experienced in his life as well The informants, including the two scholars Muhammad and Ahmed, were the sons of Musa bin Shaker, the astronomer, they tried to discredit Al-Kindi in front of the Caliph Al-Mutawakkil, and when they succeeded in reaching their goal, After they managed to provoke the caliph al-Mutawakkil against al-Kindi, the caliph al-Kindi struck and legalized his huge library and gave his precious books to the sons of Moses. This condition of al-Kindi remained until the last days of the caliph al-Mutawakkil, then Musa's sons returned to Al-Kindi his books after the "Al-Jaafari River" incident. After that, Al-Kindi was isolated from the surroundings of the caliphs who succeeded in ruling. his death Al-Kindi died in 873 AD at the age of 70 in the city of Baghdad alone during the reign of Caliph Al-Mu'tamid. They said about him Henry Corbin, a researcher in Islamic studies, said: Al-Kindi died alone in Baghdad in 259 AH / 873 AD, during the reign of Caliph Al-Mu'tamid Felix Klein Franke points out There are several reasons for the loss of Al-Kindi's works after his death. Apart from Al-Mutawakkil's religious extremism, countless books were destroyed by the Mongols when they invaded Baghdad. In addition to a more probable reason, which is that his writings are no longer accepted among the most famous later philosophers, such as Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina. Guillaume Cardano The Italian is among the twelve geniuses who are said to be the first-class people in intelligence and knowledge, and whom no one else has come out to people since the beginning of the world. Al-Qafti hated in the news of the wise said Abu Yusuf al-Kindi, who is famous in the Islamic community for his exploration of the arts of Greek, Persian and Indian wisdom, specializes in the rulings of the stars and the rulings of all sciences, the philosopher of the Arabs, and one of the sons of its kings, and Abu Ishaq bin Al-Sabah was a prince over Kufa for the Mahdi and Al-Rashid, and his grandfather, Al-Ash’ath bin Qais, was one of the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Ibn Abi Osaiba in the layers of doctors Yaqoub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi was of noble origin, Basri. His grandfather was the ruler of the provinces of Banu Hashim, and he settled in Basra and his estate there. He moved to Baghdad and there he was polite, and he was a scholar of medicine, philosophy, arithmetic, logic, morphology, geometry, the nature of numbers, and the science of stars, and there was no philosopher in Islam other than him. In his compositions he followed the example of Aristotle, and he has many combinations in the arts of science. He clarified the problem, summarized the difficult, and simplified the difficult. Related studies What is polymath? Even the definition of "polymath" is a matter of debate. The term has its roots in ancient Greek and was first used in the early 17th century to mean someone with “a lot of learning,” but there is no easy way to tell how advanced these teachings are and how many disciplines. Most researchers argue that to be a true polyglot you need some kind of formal acclaim in at least two seemingly unrelated areas. We made some pauses 1 - As the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said - the best of the centuries (the first three) of his honorable mission, and these men on whose biography the greatness of Islam was born are the ones who give Islam a special flavor, They are not only specialized scholars, but also encyclopedic scholars. The word may be derived from the Greek civilization, but it was first transmitted to the Arabs, and al-Kindi is a model for the encyclopedic Arab world with an Islamic background. 2 - Life has never been smooth and comfortable for anyone, as it is said that you are happy at time, times are miserable, and this Kandi finds what he finds until he dies alone - may God have mercy on him - after this unique scientific momentum 3 - May God Almighty restore its glory and supremacy to Baghdad, along with all the countries conquered by Islam since the first centuries of the Muhammadan message. 4- A person has no choice in whether he is born rich or poor, but the greatest choice is whether he is important or not. 5 - Compensation by God - the Almighty - always and forever, for the calculated woman who has gone outside the framework of a life full of bounties to a life of struggle, not financially, but rather a struggle (Single mother) Heaven's dispatches come with gifts that the mind does not expect. 6- Note: He used the mathematical method in various fields, even using it in music. Today, some Western countries - I think Korea - give mathematics lessons in the evening, compulsory for all school years, and when they were asked why: they answered: Mathematics makes you know how to think. الروابط

  • Abdullah Ibn Abbas

    The name He is Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashem bin AbdManaf bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Kaab bin Loay, bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kenana bin Khuzaimah bin Madrakah bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan His titles He was a scholar and orator the scholar of the nation the jurist of the age the imam of interpretation the translator of the Qur’an he was called the sea; the sting of his knowledge His Lineage to the Messenger of God – The Cousin of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace His lineage meets him with his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim, a distinguished companion, His lineage rises to the Prophet of God, Ismail, peace be upon him, the wife of the Messenger of God, the Mother of the Believers (Maymoona: his aunt). his birth Narratives differed about the year in which Ibn al-Abbas was born; The statement of the words is as follows It was narrated on the authority of Amribn Dinar that he was born in the year of the Hijrah, which means that he was He was ten years old at the time of the death of the Prophet, and what supports this is what Ibn al-Abbas narrated: (The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, died when I was ten years old). It was said that his birth was three years before the Hijrah, that is, in the year in which the siege was imposed on the Muslims, In the reefs of AbiTalib, and what supports this is what Al-Zubayr bin Bakkar narrated that Ibn Al-Abbas was thirteen years old when the Prophet died. It was narrated that he was born five years before the Hijrah, meaning that he was fifteen years old at the time of the Prophet’s death, This view was supported by IbnKathir. His upbringing - may God be pleased with him and make him satisfaction – The Birth of Abdullah Bin Abbas Abdullah Bin Abbas grew up in a blessed family His aunt, Mother of the Believers, was Maymoona, and on one of the nights he spent in her room he prayed Behind the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Prophet made him stand beside him, However, Ibn Abbas went back, and when the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - had finished, he asked him about the reason for that, Ibn Abbas answered, saying: “Is anyone equal to you, and you are the Messenger whom God sent you and revealed to you the Qur’an?” The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - smiled and prayed for him for goodness and righteousness. Did Abdullah bin Abbas immigrate immediately after his conversion to Islam? Abdullah bin Abbas - may God be pleased with him - and his mother did not emigrate, Although they converted to Islam before the conquest, They were not able to do so until after his father announced his conversion to Islam, so he emigrated with his father, but they encountered the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - In the Al-Juhfa area on his way to the conquest of Makkah, they returned to witness the conquest with him, This was in the eighth year of the Prophet’s migration, and therefore his migration is the year of the conquest and not immediately after his conversion to Islam Why is he one of the most narrators of the Messenger of God? Ibn Abbas was distinguished from his peers; When he was young, he adhered to the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and took it from him, He received hadiths narrated from him, and sought them out from the people of knowledge and the great Companions, may God be pleased with them. His marriage - may God be pleased with him He married three women Zaraa or Zahra bintMusharrah Al-Kindi, ShumailabintJanada Al-Zahraniah, and Umm Walad his sons Al-Abbas, Muhammad, Al-Fadl, Abd Al-Rahman, Ubayd Allah, Lubaba, Ali, and Asma. Who narrated the companion Abdullah bin Abbas hadith? Abdullah bin Abbas narrated on the authority of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - a number of hadiths because he had been with him for nearly thirty months, He also narrated on the authority of many of his companions, including: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Ali bin AbiTalib. Muadh bin Jabal, Abdul Rahman bin Auf. Abu SufyanSakhr bin Harb. Abu Dhar. Ubayy bin Kaab. Zaid bin Thabit The physical traits God endowed Ibn Abbas with simplicity (abundance and increase) in the body, perfection in creation, and physical beauty, He was white to yellowish, long, bright in face, and he meant by bright face, i.e.: bright and luminous in the face. The Personal Traits of Abdullah bin Abbas I knew from Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - many qualities that bestowed upon him, A high position and a great stature, and the following is an explanation of some of those qualities: Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - was known for his good manners with the people of knowledge, this returned to him with blessings. He was a firm devotee in his worship, crying a lot for fear of God Almighty He made the intention to go to perform Hajj on foot, but his eyesight was injured and he did not do so, He regretted that and said: “I do not regret anything that I missed except that I did not perform Hajj on foot.” He was also known for his reflection on the verses of the Noble Qur’an, and his reflection on the meanings and connotations Among his great qualities that are known about him; Loyalty, as he granted Abu Ayyub al-Ansari - may God be pleased with him - money to pay off his debts, and endowed him likewise with him; In honor of him for the beautiful thing he did with the Messenger - peace be upon him - when he emigrated to Medina. Ibn al-Abbas was also famous for his patience in the face of calamities and trials, seeking reward from God Almighty. He was well-aware of people's natures, and aware of the methods of dealing with them, and thus people's love for him increased. He was patient, forbearing, wise, eager to show the grace and blessings of God upon him The mental characteristics of Abdullah bin Abbas 1 - Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - was keen since his childhood to seek knowledge and learn it, so he made a great effort for that, And he was humble in that, and he only took the hadith of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - right after it was proven to be true. 2- He was a companion of the scholars, one of the Companions He stayed in their homes without caring about any harm or danger that might befall him on the way. 3 - Some of the Companions singled out receiving knowledge from them; As Omar bin Al-Khattab, Ali bin AbiTalib, and Abi bin Kaab. 4 - His fame for the depth of deduction and his deduction of deep meanings from the texts, to the extent that Omar Ibn Al-Khattab called him a diver. 5 - Ibn al-Abbas was also quick to understand, with strong memorization, and he understood all that he heard from scholars in their gatherings, He was also known for intelligence and acumen, although he was a contemporary of a number of those who were famous for them, and he was known for his foresight, wisdom, and judgment in all matters. 6 - His opinion agreed with the opinion of Caliph Omar - may God be pleased with him - in many situations, and he disagreed with Ali bin AbiTalib in some matters and won the Caliph’s admiration for it. 7 - Ibn al-Abbas completed the memorization of the Noble Qur’an before he was ten years old Among the reasons that made Ibn al-Abbas a scholar and jurist The supplication of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - to him; He said: (Oh God, give him understanding of the religion and teach him t2weel) T2weel: Disbursing the word from its apparent meaning to another possible meaning for evidence. His position - may God be pleased with him at the state The position of Ibn Abbas' rejection of the mandate when Ali bin AbiTalib - may God be pleased with him - took over, the caliphate called Abdullah bin Abbas to it, And when he came to him, he commanded him: “Go, for you have I appointed you on Levant.” But Ibn Abbas did not accept that for fear that Muawiyah bin AbiSufyan would be blamed at him, He punishes him with the killing of Uthman, may God be pleased with him, and he asked the Caliph I have to write to Muawiyah and keep him as an prince over Syria, swear his oath and prepare him. But Ali bin AbiTalib also refused that. His jurisprudence Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - took the fatwa during the era of Omar and Othman, may God be pleased with them, and due to his great knowledge of jurisprudence, he was one of the seven jurists, The fatwa was transferred to them after the death of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, as Ibn Abbas was the reference to the Companions in the event of their disagreement on a matter, It should be noted that he did not express his opinion on any issue, Unless he did not find an explanation for it in the texts and what was reported on the authority of Abu Bakr and Omar, may God be pleased with them The evidence for the jurisprudence of Ibn al-Abbas What is contained in the jurisprudence books of opinions attributed to him and not others, as he was the only one to rule on a number of issues, IbnHazm - may God have mercy on him - reported that Abu Bakr bin Al-Khalifa Al-Ma’mun, One of the imams of knowledge and hadith collected the fatwas transmitted from Ibn Abbas and they were in twenty books. Ibn Abbas used to encourage people to ask about matters of religion, then he asks them what he said to make sure that their understanding is correct. He was also keen on guiding them to the ways and methods by which they memorize knowledge; In order for them to be able to convey him to others, and his statements in that: “Remember this hadith and it will not escape you, for it is not like the Qur’an, a memorized collection, If you do not study this hadith, it will escape from you, And do not say that one of you spoke yesterday, so I do not speak today, rather it happened yesterday, and it happened today and tomorrow.” Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him A little bit of interpretation of the Qur’an from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, then from the Companions, may God be pleased with them, then what he had of knowledge of the Arabic language, eloquence. Then the interpretation is appropriate; it is meant by interpretation in the sense of speech, based on the strength of the law Sometimes he would refer to the sayings of the People of the Book by looking deeply into them, in order to take from them what corresponds to the truth And attributed to him is the interpretation of Tanweer al-Maqabis, whose novels revolve only on the road to al-Suddi al-Sagheer, However, it is true that this interpretation is not attributed to him. Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with him - did not want to narrate a lot of hadiths from the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace Following this on the path of Umar ibn al-Khattab, who forbade people from narrating a lot of hadiths from the Messenger, and prevented some of the repeaters from the novel; This is for fear of lying against the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and for fear of abandoning the Holy Qur’an, That is why Omar Ibn Al-Khattab decided to write down the Sunnah of the Prophet, but he changed his opinion at the end of the matter. And with Abdullah's keenness not to narrate a lot of hadiths However, he was one of the six companions who remembered a great deal on the authority of the Prophet, in addition to Abu Hurairah, Jaber bin Abdullah, Abdullah bin Omar, Anas bin Malik, and Aisha bintAbiBakr, may God be pleased with them The entirety of his life - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction He lived a long and dignified life, and moved between Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Madinah and Taif, He participated in the conquest of Egypt and North Africa, Because of him, God guided thousands of Kharijites after several debates in which he proved the truth, He was the first soldier in the conquest of Constantinople during the reign of Caliph Muawiyah bin AbiSufyan. They said about him Ibn Abbas received the best remembrance and praise from the companions and followers Obaidullah bin Utbah said about him “He has surpassed people in qualities, for he was distinguished by his knowledge, jurisprudence, forbearance and lineage.” He also said about him “I have not seen anyone who was more knowledgeable of what preceded the hadith of the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - than him, Nor by the judgment of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman from him, I have no understanding of his opinion, and I have never seen a beggar ask him except that he finds knowledge at him.” Ataa said about him “I never saw the full moon but mentioned the face of Ibn Abbas.” Ibn Masoud said about him The best translator of the Qur’an, Ibn Abbas. Ubayy bin Kaab said “This will be the ink of the nation, endowed with intellect and understanding.” The Mother of the Believers, Aisha - may God be pleased with her, said about him Teach the people, the proof Al-Hasan said about him “Ibn Abbas was in a position of Islam, and he who taught the Qur’an was of a high rank.” Abu Bakr As-Siddiq said: Omar Ibn Al-Khattab used to authorize Abdullah Ibn Abbas to attend with him the assembly of the elders of Badr because of his intelligence and acumen, And he orders him not to speak until they do, and after he speaks, he asks them about their inability to do what Ibn Abbas came with at his young age, Some of the senior immigrants objected that they had children who could attend with them, so the Commander of the Faithful said to them: "That's the boy of elderly, He has a questioning tongue, and a mind heart The death of Abdullah bin Abbas The narrations differed in determining the year in which Ibn al-Abbas died - may God be pleased with him, It was said that she was in the sixty-eighth year of Hijrah It was said in the sixty-fifth year It was also said in the seventy, seventy-first, or seventy-fourth However, it is agreed that his death was in Taif, and it should be noted that his death, he had been ill for eight days. It was said He was seventy-one years old at the time, and it was narrated that when his funeral took place, a great white bird came, He did not enter between his shrouds and did not come out of it, and when he was placed in the grave it read the verse: : يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ (27) ارْجِعِي إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً (28) فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي (29) وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي (30) O you reassured soul (27) Return to your Lord satisfied and well-pleasing (28) So enter among My servants (29) and enter My Paradise (30) The Links

  • Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

    the name He is: Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Hussein Bahaa al-Din al-Balkhi - in Persian: Jalal al-Din Muhammad Balkhi - Born in Balkh, Afghanistan, on Rabi` al-Awwal 6, 604 AH, corresponding to September 30, 1207 CE. Some of his followers believe he was born in a small town called Wachsh in present-day Tajikistan, at that time, Balkh was part of the Khorezm Khorasan Empire. Also known as Mevlana: Jalal al-Din Rumi A scholar in jurisprudence and Hanafi jurisprudence in controversy and many different sciences Poet - known for his excellence in jurisprudence and Islamic sciences According to others, he is the author of the well-known book Al-Masnawi (in Sufi Persian (leaving the world and classification), as Arab historians say.). And the owner of the Mawlawi command is attributed to (Mawlana) Jalal Al-Din. his family Married to the ruling house of Khwarezm. His mother, Momina Khatun, daughter of the Khwarazm Shah, Aladdin Muhammad. His father was Bahauddin, A boy named Sultan Al-Arifin because of his vast knowledge and knowledge of religion, law and mysticism. his upbringing He moved with his father to Baghdad, at the age of four, where he was brought up in the Al-Mustansiriya School where his father resided, and it was not long after he lived there. His father traveled extensively and stayed in some countries for long periods while he was with him. In the year 623 AH We take advantage of this part of his biography the next A house in which knowledge rarely leaves its children without learning or being educated with a wide culture, and that noble lineage inherits the pride of the soul that makes religiosity a sublime thing, especially if it is linked to an abundance of knowledge. He settled in Konya during the reign of the Seljuk Turks. Known for his prowess in jurisprudence and other Islamic sciences, Jalal ad-Din studied in Konya (in Turkey) in four schools. From Nishapur he traveled with his family and there was the title of Jalal al-Din, then they continued traveling to the Levant and from there to Mecca, to perform the Hajj. After that, they continued to Anatolia and settled in Kerman for seven years where his mother died. And from Nishapur he traveled with his family, whom his poet Asrar Nima presented to him, which affected the young man and was the impetus for his immersion in the world of poetry and spirituality. and mysticism, His father went to Konya, the capital of the Seljuks at the invitation of Alaeddin Keykubad (Governor of Anatolia) and they settled there where the father ran its school. The beginning of his relationship with Shams al-Din Tabrizi When he arrived in Konya, he communicated with the Persian poet, Shams al-Din al-Tabrizi, looking for someone to find the best company with, He found his way in Rumi, and the two friends did not separate since their meeting until the rapprochement between them remained a motive for the envy of many against him. Then Tabrizi was assassinated, and his killer was not known, and he said that Shams al-Din al-Tabrizi heard a knock on the door and left and has not returned since then. We benefit from this part of his biography Religion, any religion that needs a companion, for steadfastness in it requires the companionship of the lover, and friendship for the sake of God Almighty is one of the purest companionship that if you get it, do not spend it for nothing, so perhaps if you go you will not return. The person continues to search for a soul mate, throughout his life, perhaps someone he meets in a spouse, and it may be in the form of a friend. Unless you find him/her as if you own the world. But sperating is written on the children of Adam. Dear reader Those who mourn in the shadow of God Almighty - Imagine that you are walking on a sunny path with an umbrella that protects you from the heat of the sun. Imagine: He is God - He is the protector who protects you from the pain of grief, so does He leave you sad while you turn to Him sincerely - and if that happens and sadness reaches your depths, then know that it leads you to something great, that it only makes you sad to make you happy after that, From the depth of contradictions, blessings flow. Sadness is the impetus for creativity, as sadness reaches the depths of the soul, from which all polytheism with God Almighty turns away, and God remains without a partner for Him, generating in the soul a radiance that its owner has not experienced. Before, perhaps if joy came to him, he would not have reached with God the state he reached at the time of sorrow. Al-Roumi mourned the death of Tabrizi deeply Leaving behind poems, music and dances, it turned into a collection called Diwan Shams al-Din al-Tabrizi, or the Great Court, Jalal ad-Din was a Muslim who believed in the tolerant teachings of Islam, but he was able to attract people of other religions and sects because of his flexible and tolerant thinking, His method encourages endless indulgence in all beliefs and ideas, Al-Rumi moved to public works in preaching and teaching in the school, and during this period Al-Rumi went to Damascus and spent four years there, Where he studied with the elite of the greatest religious minds of the time, over the years of Jalal ad-Din's development in both. And aspects of knowledge and the aspect of gratitude. his marriage Rumi married Gohar Khatun, with whom he had a son (Sultan Walad and Alaeddin Chalabi) (His son is Amir al-Alam Shalabi, and his daughter is Malika Khatun) When his wife died, he remarried and had children Tolerance mixed with the water of faith, love, and mysticism, which is: a distinct style of self-discipline and transcendence in the spirit, and correcting behavior made him a person of different natures that different religions love. his thoughts He was inviting positive thinking He urged goodness, charity, and the achievement of things with love For him and his followers, all religions are good and true in their concepts, so they treat Muslims, Christians and Jews equally, like all Sufis, Rumi believed in monotheism with his love for God Almighty, and this love takes away from man, and man's task is to find him and return to him. We take advantage of this part of his biography God said (Except he who comes to God with a sound heart) Everything has a purpose and goals. Your goal in life is to get to know God and your goal is to reach heaven, right? But this verse taught us that the ultimate goal when meeting God is - Who we do not know when we reach it (getting a healthy heart) is safe from hate - envy - cheating - hate - harm ... are the transactions. Everything is real and imagined. As for the reality of religions (their essence), the love of the Creator is the benefit of creation, and it is the same meaning of the love of God - the Most High - when you love someone, you want to do him good. If you love God, how can goodness reach Him through His servants, whether they believe in Him or not, why? Because man is the race of man anywhere: It is fixed on the love of those who do their best, if you do good to God's creation, then you believe in the essence of faith, and if you hate and hurt, then you are mired in formalities, the core is still suspended until you reach the core and look at it Beginning of Sufism (year 642 A.H. and around) From this point of view, the idea of circular dance developed, which reached the level of rituals, and Rumi encouraged listening to music in what Sufis call hearing while a person revolves around himself, for Mawlawi, listening to music is a spiritual journey that takes a person on an upward journey through the soul and love reaches perfection, and the journey begins with a circulation that expands love in a person, His selfishness disappeared to find the right path to perfection. When ambition returns to reality, it returns more mature and full of love, to be a servant of others without discrimination or self-interest. After that, he left the world, classification, teaching and Sufism, worked with mathematics, listened to music, composed and sang poetry, His Sufi poetry and books, most of which were written in Persian and some in Arabic, left a wide impact on the Islamic world, especially on Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Bengali and Turkish culture, until his death, Rumi used to give sermons and lectures to his students, acquaintances, and society, and put most of his thoughts in books at the request of his students, spiritual music, according to him, helps the aspirant to know God and become attached to Him alone to the point that the aspirant dies and then returns to reality in a different way. The way of his worshiping Rumi used music, poetry and dhikr as a sure way to reach God Almighty We benefit from this part of his biography Jalal Al-Din Al-Roumi was influenced by his upbringing in the West, to transform his idea into a product. The idea of Jalal al-Din Rumi (the journey to God and the attainment of perfection) so he turned it into a dance that filled the horizons of his time and our era, and if this indicates anything, then this indicates that beautiful ideas do not die with the death of their owner. There are human participants perhaps spiritual, they are not material at all, including (music - sports - smile), they are universal languages, so if you sit down to enjoy music next to someone who has a language that is not yours. It is difficult for you to learn it, perhaps you and he cried at the same time, when you hear music because you were affected by its tones or rejoiced in it, so you were happy (this is a unique common human matter) The jurist scholar who combined the sciences of the world and the sciences of religion (Jalal al-Din al-Rumi) This jurisprudence, and that is why the lovers of different religions gathered around him during his life and after his death. Such a mentality is rare in a time like this. After Rumi's death, his son Sultan Walad transferred his father's teachings to disciple behavior, which came to be known as the Mevlevi Order. This method has spread throughout the Islamic world, and has found wide resonance in the Western world in the modern era. his writings Six volumes of Mathani Usually, Rumi's works are categorized into several categories, namely, usually, Rumi's works are categorized into several categories, namely the quatrains, The Divining Double Meanings in Museum Seven councils and messages from the platform, and indeed after his death, his followers and his son Sultan Walad established the Sufi order, which was famous for its dervishes and their spiritual circular dance known as grace and distinctive dance. They are poems in the Persian language, which some Sufis call the Persian lathe. It is considered by many to be one of the most important books of Sufi poetry, and Hussein Ali Mahfouz mentions that Al-Roumi wrote it., He owns the manuscript of the precious Arabic version (his book Masnavi) At the request of his disciples, Rumi puts his thoughts and principles into a book he calls the Masnavi, which he weaves using chains of everyday stories, Qur'anic instructions, and wisdom. From his experience, he weaved a precious book full of deep meanings chosen with care and attention. The Great Diwan or Diwan Shams Tabrizi Which he wrote on the anniversary of the death of his dear friend and the source of his inspiration on the path of Sufism and poetry. He wrote more than forty verses and fifty prose poems, a system that the contemporary Iranian world has counted, bediuzzaman and Fuzanfar, he is also mentioned in the Istanbul edition. Among the sayings of Jalal al-Din al-Rumi are the following You saw the picture but missed the meaning. This is how I would die in the love I have for you as pieces of clouds dissolve in the sunlight. Raise the volume of your speech, not the volume of your voice, the rain that sows flowers, not the thunder. You are looking for God and here is the problem, how do you search for Him while He is in you? If your light comes from the heart, you will never be lost. (And in 2007 in the modern era) BBC rated it The most popular poet in the United States. Some of his works have been translated into many languages of the world and have received very wide responses The death of Jalal al-Din al-Rumi In the year 672 AH on December 17, 1273 AD His coffin was carried by five bored people to a tomb next to his father's grave. He called his followers this night for wedding and they still celebrate this night until now. He was buried in the city of Konya, and his tomb has become a shrine to this day. One last benefit We all claim that we are close to God, and that a person who is close to people is close to God - whom people love is evidence of God's love - and you and I, my Muslim brother, do people really love you or do they do interests that bring you together with them, and if your interest in them ends, love ends. He said The Almighty - ( إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سيجعل لهم الرحمن ودا ) (Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, the Merciful will make for them affection.)

  • The messages of the prophet to the kings

    The peaceful transformation between the Quraish and the Muslims in the sixth year of the Hijra was the reason that the Holy Prophet devoted himself to the universality of Islam, When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, wanted to write to the kings and princes, he was told: They do not read a book unless it is sealed, so take a silver ring on which is engraved (Muhammad is the Messenger of God) The inscription had three lines, with the word “God” at the top of the circle, and in the middle the word “Messenger" At the bottom is the word (Muhammad), and this respects the political protocol at that time, - If the expression is correct - the letters of the “Prophet”, may God bless him and grant him peace, were not dated, If there is no approved or agreed-upon date among the Arabs, and with historians agreeing that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, began sending letters, returning from Hudaybiyyah, there is a confusion in the narratives that mentioned the date of their sending. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, gathered his companions, then he said to them after the praise and the tashahhud: “As for what follows, I want to send some of you to the kings of the non-Arabs, Do not disagree over me as the children of Israel disagreed over Jesus, son of Mary, the Companions said, O Messenger of God, we will pay for you whatever you want. So send us wherever you wish. 1 - The caesar’s letter (King of Rome) Dihya bin Khalifa Al-Kalbi, may God be pleased with him, carried the message to him, (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad bin Abdullah to Heraclius, the Great of Rome, Peace be upon whoever follows the guidance. As for what follows, I invite you with the call of Islam. Be safe. May God reward you twice, If you take over, you will bear the sin of all the Arians, thus Allah says (قل يا أهل الكتاب تعالوا إلى كلمة سواء بيننا وبينكم ألا نعبد إلا الله ولا نشرك به شيئا ولا يتخذ بعضنا بعضا أربابا من دون الله فإن تولوا فقولوا اشهدوا بأنا مسلمون) آل عمران ـ ) (Say, O People of the Book, come to a common word between us and you, we should not worship anyone but God and not associate anything with Him, and don't not take one another as lords other than God, If they turn away, then say, “bear witness that we are Muslims.” (Al Imran) Lords: obey them as the Lord is obeyed The Arians It is a Christian doctrine and one of the sects that no longer exists at the present time. It is attributed to Arius (ca. 250 - 336), One of the priests of Alexandria, whose teachings, different from other sects, revolve around the relationship of the hypostases of the Holy Trinity to each other, and the nature of these hypostases. The Hercules replied To Ahmad, the Messenger of God, whom Jesus announced from Caesar, King of the Romans: Your letter came to me with your Messenger, and I bear witness that you are the Messenger of God,   We find you with us in the Gospel. Jesus, son of Mary, told us about you, and I called on the Romans to believe in you, but they refused, and if they had obeyed me, it would have been better for them (And I wish that I were with you so that I could serve you and wash your feet. The discourse analysis How humility will make you the greatest person ever Truly humble people are able to give us this kind of gift because they see and accept their strengths and limitations without defense or judgment—an essential dimension, according to researchers, of humility, and one that cultivates a strong compassion for humanity. Notice 1 - From Muhammad bin Abdullah to Heraclius, the great Roman 2 - Reminder of reward and punishment: words that only people who have a heavenly book understand 3- It is interesting to note the reference in Al-Muqawqis’s letter (from Muhammad Abdullah) Perhaps Al-Muqawqis was one of those who said that Jesus was the son of God, so this word came to emphasize that the messengers and prophets, peace be upon them, are servants of God and not their sons. (Al-Harith bin Abi Shamar, “The prince of Damascus”) Al-Harith bin Abi Shamar: Al-Ghassani, one of the princes of Ghassan on the outskirts of the Levant. His residence was in the Ghouta of Damascus. The Messenger of the Messenger of God: (Shuja’ bin Wahb) An overview of the people of Damascus at that time The Ghassanids are a branch of the Azd tribe who lived in Yemen for a long time, and their lands were irrigated from the Ma’rib Dam, When that dam collapsed, they were forced to leave Yemen, and they camped in the Levant and took control of part of its lands, They ruled there, and ended up forming the Ghassanid state, which ruled those lands under the influence and sovereignty of the Roman Caesars, When Islam came, it removed their system, and their government ended, after thirty-two kings ruled in the Golan, Yarmouk, and Damascus regions. (The message text) “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, to Al-Harith bin Abi Shimr, peace be upon those who follow guidance, and believe in God and be truthful. I call on you to believe in God alone, who has no partner, and the kingdom will remain yours, And believe in God and be truthful. I call on you to believe in God alone, who has no partner, and the kingdom will remain yours. (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) And in some narration The message was devoid of the Basmala and from the Messenger of God to Al-Harith bin Abi Shimr, Instead of In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, to Al-Harith bin Abi Shimr, In a dialogue between Shujaa (messenger of the Messenger of God) and Al-Harith (the prince of Damascus) In the book of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace: Shuja’ said: I came to him while he was in the Ghouta of Damascus, When I approached him, I went to his chamberlain, and I found him busy that day preparing accommodations and kindnesses for Caesar, He came from Homs to Elijah, and I stayed at his door for two or three days and said to his chamberlain, “I am the messenger of the Messenger of God to you, He said: do not reach him until he comes out on such-and-such a day, and his chamberlain - and he was a Roman, his name was Mary - asked me about the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - what he calls for, so I would talk to him, and his heart would soften until he was overcome with tears and he would say: I read the Gospel, and I find the character of this particular Prophet. He said: Al-Harith went out one day and placed the crown on his head So he gave me permission to do so, so I handed him the letter of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and he read it. Al-Harith was annoyed by what he read at the end of the book and threw it aside. He said: Who will take away my kingdom from me? I am going to him, and if he were in Yemen, I would come to him and meet the people. He remained sitting and showing off until the night, and he ordered the horses to be shod, He ordered the army to be prepared immediately to display his military strength before the Prophet’s ambassador, to frighten and intimidate him, and in order to show himself as a defender of Caesar’s king, He took the initiative to write a letter to Caesar informing him of his intention to invade the Messenger of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and then he said: Tell your friend what you see. Prince Al-Ghassani’s message reached Caesar at the time when Dihya Al-Kalbi was the ambassador of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to the Romans in Caesar’s council, Caesar was interviewing him and asking him about the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) regarding his character and religion, Caesar was annoyed by the hasty initiative of the Ghassanid ruler and wrote to him preventing him from going to the Messenger of Islam, asking him to meet him in the city of Elijah, he said: The letter came back while I was staying, so he called me and said: When do you want to go out to your friend? I said: Tomorrow. He changed Caesar's positive attitude, this is the position of his client: the negative Ghassanid ruler, following the proverb that says people follow the religion of their kings, so he immediately rushed to honor me, so he ordered me a hundred mithqals of gold, and the Roman chamberlain secretly provided me with an allowance and clothing, and said: Read to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, my greetings, and told him that I follow his religion. Shuja’ said, so I came to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and told him, and he said: “His kingdom has perished.” I read it in peace, I told him what he said, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: He spoke the truth, but the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was not satisfied with this diplomatic position, which did not reflect an honest reality, so he said: His kingdom was destroyed. That is, his kingdom will soon disappear. Al-Muqawqis, The coptic king, Egypt By the Messenger (Haatib bin Abi Balta’a) The copts: A word of Greek origin meaning the inhabitants of Egypt, and today what is meant by them are: Egyptian Christians. The Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, sent him to Al-Muqawqis, the great Copt in Egypt, and Hatib says about this meeting I said to Al-Muqawqis Before you there was a man who claimed to be the Most High Lord, so God punished him in the hereafter and the first, and took revenge on him and then took revenge on him, So consider others and do not let others consider you. Al-Muqawqis did not get angry. rather, he responded to me in the same way as a wise man who has experienced the world and its battles and understood life as an expert. Al-Muqawqis said (We have a religion that we do not abandon except for what is better than it. So I said: We invite you to the religion of God “Islam”), for the Prophet - Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - called people, the most hostile to him were the Quraysh, his enemies were the Jews, and the closest to him were the Christians. In my life, the good news of Moses about Jesus is nothing but the good news of Jesus about Muhammad, Our call to you to the Qur’an is nothing but the same as your call to the people of the Torah to the Gospel, and every prophet who meets a people is his nation and they must obey him, You are one of those who realized this Prophet, and we do not forbid you from the religion of Christ, but rather we command you to do so. Al-Muqawqis said We will look into what you say. He gathered his patriarchs, and they advised him to gather them with the new ambassador of the new Prophet, Hatib says: He invited me to that meeting and confronted me with words, saying: I am asking you, so I would like you to understand about me. I said: Come. He said: Tell me about your friend. Is he a prophet? I said: Yes, he is the Messenger of God. He said: Why did he not leave where they took him out? I said: Issa, son of Mary, do you not bear witness that he is the Messenger of God? He said: Yes I said to him: What is the matter with him since his people took him and wanted to crucify him? Did he not pray against them that God should destroy them since God raised him to the lowest heaven? He said: You are a wise man who came from a wise man, and he sent a letter to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, including good manners of speech and good expression, and glorification of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, sent guards with Hatib to secure him to the border. The situation analysis Cost of compliance: Several studies have found that warning labels are more likely to be ineffective if the cost of compliance is high, Reducing compliance costs is a very effective way to increase security, but it is essential to understand where viewer costs arise. If the goal is important, If the goal is important, there will be little compliance. In this case, the warning strategy is to provide an alternative way to achieve the goal or alternative goal. Al - Negus, king of Abyssinia The bearer of the message (Amr bin Umayyah bin Khuwaylid, nicknamed Abu Umayyah) When Amr bin Umayyah, may God be pleased with him, came to the Negus, he found a door in his palace, When Amr bin Umayyah, may God be pleased with him, came to the Negus, he found in the palace a small door through which the Ethiopians entered as if they were prostrating before the Negus, When Amr saw that, he turned his back and entered, The Abyssinians were upset in their meeting with the Negus until they approached him and said to the Negus, “This man did not enter as we entered. He said: What prevented you from entering as they entered? He said: We would not do this to our Prophet, even if we did it to someone we would do it to him Al-Najashi said: His claim was true, leave him. They said to the Negus: This man claims that Jesus is a slave! Al-Najashi said: What do you say about Jesus? Amr said: The word and spirit of God. Al-Najashi said: Jesus could not do otherwise. Then Amr bin Umayyah said: O Ashama! I must say and you must listen, it is as if you are more gentle with us than we are, and as if we are more trustworthy in you than you are, Because we never thought good of you except that we obtained it, and we never feared you for anything except that we hoped for it, We have taken the evidence against you from within you. The Gospel is between us and you, a witness that does not reject, and a judge that does not unjust, And in that position there is goodness and attaining credit. Otherwise, you are in this illiterate prophet like the Jews were in Jesus, son of Mary, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, dispersed his messengers to the people, directing one man to Khosrau, another to Caesar, and another to Muqawqis. He requested you, just as he had not requested them, And he gave you security over what he feared for them, for the goodness of the past and the reward that awaits. Al-Najashi said I bear witness to God that he is the faithful prophet whom the People of the Book await, And the good news of Moses about the donkey rider is like the good news about Jesus about the camel rider, and the eye is not better than the news. Khosrau, King of the Persians - currently Iran - The Messenger ( Huthafah) He arrived in Persia and asked permission to enter after informing the king’s entourage of the message he was carrying, Khosrau, King of Persia, authorized Abdullah to enter and invited the nobles of Persia to attend the council, Abdullah entered the king with the simplicity of a Bedouin, wearing a cheeky cloak, but he was tall in stature and seemed to show the pride of faith and the nobility of Islam. The King of Persia invited one of the people of Al-Hirah to read the book to him, and he began reading: “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, to Chosroes the Great of Persia, Peace be upon whoever follows guidance...” When Khosrow heard this much of the message; He became angry because the Messenger of God had started himself, so he pulled the letter forcefully and tore it up without knowing what it contained, he then ordered Bin Hudhafa to leave the council, Bin Hudhafa left the council without knowing what would be done to him. Will he be killed or will he be released, but he soon said to himself: “By God, I do not care in what condition I will be after I have fulfilled the letter of the Messenger of God, Then he mounted his mount and departed, and when Khosrau calmed down, he ordered him to be brought, but his men found no trace of him anywhere, Bin Hudhafa returned to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so he told him what had happened to Chosroes, and the Prophet said: “May God tear apart his kingdom, Khosrau wrote to his deputy in Yemen ordering him to send two men to this man in Hijaz, meaning the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to bring him to him, the two men sent to Taif arrived, There they asked about the Prophet, and they learned that he was in Yathrib. They continued until they reached the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, then they informed him of Khosrau’s message to him so that he would go with them so that he would not perish. The Prophet smiled and said: “Go back to your camps today and come tomorrow.” the next day The two men went to the messenger and then said: “Have you prepared yourself to go with us to meet Khosrau? The Messenger said to them: “You will not meet Chosroes after today, for God killed him, as his son took power over him on such-and-such night in such-and-such month, the two men were astonished and went to the representative of Yemen to tell him what the Messenger of God was saying after he confirmed his statement, When the representative of Yemen (Badhan) learned what happened, he said: “If what Muhammad said is true, then he is a prophet, and if it is not, then we will see an opinion about it, then he soon learned of the killing of Khosrau at the hands of his son Shiroyeh, so Bazan announced his conversion to Islam and the Persians who were with him in Yemen. The situation analysis Some people really aren't afraid of anything. Understanding why reveals how the rest of us approach terrorism: we respect fear. They are comfortable admitting their fear, they over-prepare without over-reacting. Fearless people don't spend time worrying about the worst-case scenario — they prepare for it. They make a plan and have a backup plan. They overprepare without overreacting, obsessing, or ruminating. And others of course. King of Bahrain Al-Mundhir bin Sawi Al-Abdi The official envoy to him (Al-Alaa bin Al-Hadrami) He is Al-Alaa bin Abdullah bin Imad bin Akbar bin Rabi’ah bin Malik bin Awif Al-Hadrami. He was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, and one of the writers of revelation. The Prophet sent him as an ambassador, a prince, a tax collector, a mujahideen, and a leader., The message of Islam was carried to the king of the Bahrain region by the Persian Al-Mundhir bin Sawa, in the seventh century AD, corresponding to the eighth year AH. (O Munther, you are of great intellect in this world, so do not belittle the Hereafter. This Magianism is an evil of religion, marry in it what he is embarrassed to marry, and they will eat what he is reluctant to eat, and in this world you will worship a fire that will consume you on the Day of Resurrection, I am not devoid of reason or opinion, so see if we should not trust him who does not lie in this world, and should we not trust him who does not betray, and should we not trust him who does not lie? If this is so, then this is the illiterate prophet who, by God, no rational person can say: I wish that what he commanded he forbade or what he forbade he commanded, Al-Mundhir said: I looked at this that is in my hands and found that it was for this world rather than the afterlife, and I looked at your religion and saw that it was for the afterlife, and the world, what prevents me from accepting a religion that contains the wish of life and the comfort of death? Yesterday I was amazed by those who accepted it, and today I was amazed by those who rejected it and the part of the veneration of the one who brought it is that he venerates his Messenger. The situation analysis 1 - Great leaders value people equally and treat people fairly 2 - Why should a leader be rational? Your role as a leader of a decision-making or problem-solving meeting will require that you have an understanding of the rational decision-making process. This process provides an organized arrangement and keeps participants' attention focused on the problem. Jaifar and Abd al-Nabi al-Julandi (King of Oman) By (Amr bin Al-Aas) “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad bin Abdullah to Jaifar and Abd my son Al-Julandi, peace be upon those who follow guidance. As for what follows: I invite you both to Islam. Peace be upon you, for I am the Messenger of God to all people. To warn whoever is alive, and the word against the disbelievers is valid, and if you acknowledge Islam, I wish you would, and if you refuse to acknowledge Islam, then your kingdom will pass away from you, and my horses will roam your court, and my prophethood will appear over your kingdom, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad bin Abdullah to Jaifar and Abd my son Al-Julandi, peace be upon those who follow guidance, as for what follows: I invite you to Islam, embrace Islam, for I am the Messenger of God to all people. To warn whoever is alive, and the word against the disbelievers is valid, My horses will appear in your courtyard, and my prophecy will appear on your kingdom, Ubayy bin Ka’b wrote, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sealed the letter. Amr's conversation with Abd Amr said: Then I went out until I ended up in Oman, and when I arrived there, I went to a slave, and he was the most intelligent of the two men and the easiest in character, so I said: Then he said to me: What are you calling for? I said: I invite you to God alone, with no partner, and to renounce what has been worshiped other than Him, and to bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, He said: o Amr, you are the son of the master of your people, so what did your father do, for we have an example in him? I said: He died and did not believe in Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and I wished that he had converted to Islam and believed in him, and I was of the same opinion until God guided me to Islam. He said, “When did you follow him?” I said: soon, He asked me: Where was my Islam? I said: At the Negus, and I told him that the Negus had converted to Islam, He said: So what did his people do with his kingship? I said: Accept it and follow it. He said: And the bishops and monks followed him, I said yes. He said: Look, Amr, what you say. There is no trait in a man more scandalous than a lie. I said: You did not lie, and we do not make it permissible in our religion, Then he said: I do not see that Heraclius knew about the Negus’ conversion to Islam? I said: Yes. He said: How did you know that? I said: The Negus used to pay him a sum of money, and when he converted to Islam and believed in Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said: No, by God, if he had asked me for a single dirham, I would not have given him, Heraclius heard what he said, and his brother Yanaq said to him: Will you allow your servant not to pay you a tax and owe a new religion?! Heraclius said: A man desired a religion and chose it for himself, what should I do with him? By God, had it not been for my longing for my kingdom, I would have done as he did, He said: Look what you say, Amr. I said: By God, I believe you. Abdul said: So tell me what he commands and forbids? I said: He commands obedience to God Almighty, forbids disobedience to Him, and commands righteousness and maintaining family ties, He forbids injustice and aggression, adultery and drinking alcohol, and the worship of stones, idols, and the cross, He said: How good is this that he is calling for. If my brother were following me, we would ride until we believe in Muhammad and believe in him, But my brother is too proud of his property to abandon it and become a sin, I said: If he converts to Islam, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, will make him king over his people, He took charity from the rich and gave it back to the poor. He said: This character is good, and what is charity? I told him what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, had imposed on the wealth of alms, until it came to camels, He said: O Amr, are you taken from the cattle of our livestock that graze trees and draw water? I said: Yes, and he said: By God, I do not see my people, in the distance of their home and the large number of them, obeying this, . He said: I stayed at his door for days while he reached his brother and told him all my news. Then he called me one day and I entered upon him, so his assistants took my hand and said: Leave him, so I was sent, so I went to sit, but they refused to let me sit, so I looked at him, and he said: Speak of what you need, so I handed him the letter sealed, So he opened his seal and read it until he reached the end, then he handed it to his brother and he read it the same way as he had read it, except that I saw that his brother was more delicate than him, Then he said: Don't you tell me about the Quraysh, how they did? I said: Follow him, either he desires religion or he is oppressed by the sword, He said: Who is with him? I said: People desired Islam, chose it over anything else, and knew with their minds, even though God had guided them, that they were astray, I do not know of anyone remaining in this embarrassment except you, and if you surrender today and follow him, horses will trample you and destroy your greenery. So, you will be safe, and he will use you over your people, and the horses and men will not enter upon you, He said: Leave me this day and come back to me tomorrow. So I returned to his brother, and he said: O Amr, I hope that he will submit to Islam if he does not believe in his kingship, Until the next day I came to him, but he refused to give me permission, so I went to his brother and told him that I had not reached him, so he led me to him, He said: I thought about what you called me to do, and I was the weakest of the Arabs if I had a man in my hand and his horses did not reach here, And if his horses reach it, they will engage in fighting that is not like the fighting of someone who meets him, I said: I am leaving tomorrow. When he was certain of my exit, his brother went alone with him and said: We are not in what has appeared to him, and everyone who was sent to him has answered him, In the morning, he sent for me, and he and his brother all converted to Islam, and they believed the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and put a distance between me and the charity and the ruling between them. They helped me against those who disagreed with me. Hawdha bin Ali (King of Al-Yamamah), Riyadh - currently Saudi Arabia The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, sent him to Hawdha bin Ali, the owner of Al-Yamamah, and to Thumamah bin Uthal Al-Hanafi, who were the leaders of Al-Yamamah, in the year six or seven AH, When Salit Ali Hudha was presented with the letter of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, sealed, he took it down, greeted him, and read the letter to him, “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, from Muhammad, the Messenger of God, to Hudha bin Ali, peace be upon those who follow guidance and know that my religion will be revealed to the utmost level of fear and hoof, so submit to yourself, and I will grant you what is under your hands.” When Salit read the letter to him, he said to him: Oh, behold, you have become subjected to a great obstacle and souls in the Fire, but the master is one who enjoys faith and is then provided with piety, If a people are happy with your opinion, they will not fear it. And I command you to do good that is enjoined and forbid you from doing something that is forbidden. I command you to worship God and forbid you to worship Satan, In worshiping God is Paradise, and in worshiping Satan is Hell. If you accept, you will obtain what you hoped for and believe what you feared, but if you refuse, then between us and you will be the unveiling of the veil and the horror of the rising, Then Hoda said: O Salit, I am blackened by your blackness, I would be honored by it, and I had an opinion with which to test matters, but I lost it, so its place in my heart is air, which has given me a space in which to return to my opinion, so I will answer you with it, God willing and Hudha wrote to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace: “How tender and beautiful is what you call for, and I am a national poet and their orator, and the Arabs fear my place, so assign me some matter to follow you, He granted Salit a prize and covered him with garments woven from Hijr. He presented all of that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he informed him of that and handed over his letter to him, When the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, learned of what was in it, he said: “If a piece of earth (i.e., a stone) had asked me, I would not have done it. He would have destroyed what was in his hand.” After the conquest of Mecca Gabriel, peace be upon him, came and said to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he had died. So he, may God bless him and grant him peace, informed his companions and said: “As for the Yammah, a liar will come out with it and prophesy, and he will be killed by it after me, Someone said: “O Messenger of God, who will kill him?” He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “You and your companions,” and it was like that.

  • The seal of the prophets

    The seal of the Prophets (Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace) The Messenger Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - has been the seal of the prophets and messengers for 1442 years, and there will be no messenger or prophet after him until the Day of Resurrection, Here are the evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah... Let us begin, with God’s blessing - the Almighty - The linguistic meanings of the Seal The seal: a notch on the back of the neck The seal of everything: the last The last of the prophets, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the seal of the prophets The Seal of the Kingdom: It is an example of preciousness and honor. He concluded his work: he completed it, completed it, finished it, reached its end Seal with red wax: seal tightly White stamp A blank seal: He gave absolute authority First: The Holy Qur’an Allah says (مَّا كَانَ مُحَمَّدٌ أَبَا أَحَدٍ مِّن رِّجَالِكُمْ، وَلَكِن رَّسُولَ اللَّهِ وَخَاتَمَ النَّبِيِّينَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيماً)، «سورة الأحزاب: الآية 40» (Muhammad was not the father of any of your men, but the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets and God is Ever-Knowing of all things.” (Surat Al-Ahzab: Verse 40) Allah says وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ ۚ أَفَإِنْ مَاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انْقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَىٰ أَعْقَابِكُمْ ۚ وَمَنْ يَنْقَلِبْ عَلَىٰ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَنْ يَضُرَّ اللَّهَ شَيْئًا ۗ وَسَيَجْزِي اللَّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ Muhammad is nothing but a messenger; messengers have passed away before him, If he dies or killed, you turn on your heels, nothing will harm God, and God will reward those who are thankful. There are implications in the verse 1- Muhammad, despite his high status before his Lord, is just a human being and a messenger like the messengers who came before him. - It is necessary to remain steadfast in the religion after death or even not seeing it, Like our situation now, and the generations before us and the generations after us, he is considered unseen for us, just as God - the Almighty - Like the angels, we are commanded to believe in the unseen. 3 - Steadfastness in religion despite the vicissitudes of individual life. Each one of us has a form of gratitude to God, and God will reward those who are thankful. Allah says ﴿ وَإِذْ أَخَذْنَا مِنَ النَّبِيِّينَ مِيثَاقَهُمْ وَمِنكَ وَمِن نُّوحٍ وَإِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمُوسَىٰ وَعِيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ ۖ وَأَخَذْنَا مِنْهُم مِّيثَاقًا غَلِيظًا﴾ And when We took from the prophets their covenant, and from you and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus, son of Mary, and We took from them a solemn covenant. Second: The noble hadiths The hadith of intercession On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, in the hadith of intercession on the Day of Resurrection, It is a long hadith, in which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, mentioned people asking for intercession from the prophets, one after the other, to intercede with God - the Almighty - in the reckoning between the people, due to their long standing without being judged until the people reach Jesus - peace be upon him - Say to them: What do you think if there was something in a container with a seal on it, would he be able to remove what was in the container until he removed the seal, They say: No. He says: Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the seal of the prophets. Hadith of Abu Hurairah I was sent to all of creation, and prophethood was sealed with me Including the hadith of Abdullah bin Amr Where he said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came out against us One day he was like saying goodbye and said: “I am Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet - three times - and there is no prophet after me On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, he said The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, revealed the curtain and the people were in rows behind Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, and he said: “O people, nothing remains of the glad tidings of prophethood except the good vision that a Muslim sees. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Indeed, like me and the prophets before me, Like a man who built a house and made it beautiful, except for the place of a brick in a corner, So the people started going around it and marveling at it and saying: Would you please put the brick? He said: I am the building block and I am the Seal of the Prophets.) On the authority of Muhammad bin Jubair bin Mutim, on the authority of his father, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: I am Muhammad and I am Ahmed and I am the Eraser through whom disbelief is erased by him, I am the one who will gather people at my heels, I am the one who will end- and the One who will Aqab: after whom there is no prophet. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: ((I was favored over the prophets in six ways: I was given comprehensive words and I was supported by terror, and spoils were permissible to me and the earth has been made for me a place of worship and purification, I was sent to all of creation, and the prophets were sealed with me. Anas bin Malik said that the Messenger of God said “The message and prophethood have been cut off, and there is no messenger or prophet after me, He said: This was difficult for the people, so he said: “But bring good tidings.” They said: O Messenger of God, what are the good tidings? He said: “The vision of the Muslim man is part of the parts of prophecy.” The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, warned us against those claiming to be prophets after him On the authority of Jabir bin Samra, he said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saying: There are liars at the hands of the Hour, so beware of them On the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, he said The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “The Hour will not come until thirty liars, men, come out, all of them lying about God Almighty and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. Ibn Kathir says “God Almighty told in His Book and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the Sunnah transmitted from him that there will be no prophet after him, so that they may know that everyone who claims this position, after him, he is a liar, a fool, a misguided charlatan.” The links

  • The Battle of Banu Qaynuqa

    The date The Battle of Banu Qaynuqa occurred less than a month after the Muslim victory in the Battle of Badr. The Muslim siege of the Jews in their fortresses began on Saturday in the month of Shawwal in the second year of the Hijra, The siege continued for two weeks until the Jews came under Muslim rule, and that was when the crescent of Dhul-Qi'dah appeared. The background of the invasion Within Medina, there were three Jewish tribes Banu Qaynuqa tribe Banu Nadir tribe And the Banu Qurayza tribe In the north of Medina, there is a huge Jewish community, the Khaybar community The Messenger of God established a treaty with the Jews and they repeatedly tried to violate these treaties and to break the covenant, and they spoke a lot of bad things, not only about, (The Companions, not only on the authority of the Messenger of God, but on the authority of the Lord of the Worlds) they spoke greatly in these words, but the Messenger was restrained and controlled as much as possible to prevent the companions from direct clashes with the Jews, because the situation in Medina was not stable, but after the victory of the Messenger and the Muslims at Badr, He returned, raising his head with pride, strength, and courage, there is no doubt that this terrified most of the Arabian Peninsula, but the reaction of the Jews was strange, In particular, the reaction of the Banu Qaynuqa was extremely violent In Sunan Abu Dawud, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: “When the Messenger of God attacked Quraysh on the day of Badr, He arrived at the city and gathered the Jews in the market of Banu Qaynuqa, He said: “O Jews, submit to Islam before something like what happened to Quraysh befalls you, They said: O Muhammad, do not be deceived by yourself because you killed a group of Quraysh, They were fools who did not know how to fight, If you had fought us, you would have known that we are the people, and that you would not have met anyone like us, this is a clear and explicit declaration of war by the Jews, and a clear and clear violation of the provisions of the treaty that stipulates stopping the war between the two sects, rather, it makes it obligatory for the Jews to support the Muslims in their war against those who invade Medina, Whether from Quraish or from others, these are the beginnings of major divisions within Al - Medina, they declare that they are ready to fight the Messenger, threatening him with that, put all of this together with the positions of the Jews during the two years preceding this position of continuous denial, And false claims against Muslims, against the verses of God, and the words of the Beloved, when the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa said these words, God revealed clear verses about that clarifying the relationship between Muslims and Jews.: During the coming period, God Almighty said: ( قُلْ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا سَتُغْلَبُونَ وَتُحْشَرُونَ إِلَى جَهَنَّمَ وَبِئْسَ المِهَادُ} [آل عمران:12 (Say to those who disbelieve, “You will be defeated and gathered into Hell and evil is the resting place} [Al Imran: 12 It was the real reason for the siege of Banu Qaynuqa That a Muslim woman went to one of the Jewish goldsmiths, the Jews tricked her in the market into revealing her face, but she refused to do so, one of the Jews held her clothes at her back so that when she stood up, her private parts would be exposed. The Jews laughed at that, and one of the Muslims who were in the market supported her, He killed the Jew who did that to her, The Jews became angry because of this, so they killed the Muslim, and when the Prophet - peace be upon him - learned of the news, He besieged the Jews in their fortresses for fifteen nights, until they surrendered and came under his rule. When will the siege on Banu Qaynuqa be lifted? Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul interceded and urged him to do so, claiming that they were his loyalists, the Prophet left them when he saw his insistence on this and evacuated them to the Adhraat region of the Levant, the Muslims seized their money, and they had no lands. Because they were just goldsmiths in the city's markets. The position of Ubadah ibn al-Samit towards the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa The great companion Ubadah ibn al-Samit had a great position in the Battle of Banu Qaynuqa, He disavowed the Jews even though many of them were loyal to him, He chose to be in the side of God and His Messenger, and the words of God Almighty were revealed about him: (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لا تَتَّخِذُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالنَّصَارَى أَوْلِيَاءَ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ وَمَنْ يَتَوَلَّهُمْ مِنْكُمْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْهُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ) (O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies, some of them are allies of others, and whoever of you is allies them, then he is one of them, indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.) These verses were revealed about Banu Qaynuqa: {قَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ آيَةٌ فِي فِئَتَيْنِ الْتَقَتَا فِئَةٌ تُقَاتِلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ وَأُخْرَى كَافِرَةٌ يَرَوْنَهُمْ مِثْلَيْهِمْ رَأْيَ الْعَيْنِ وَاللهُ يُؤَيِّدُ بِنَصْرِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَعِبْرَةً لأُولِي الأَبْصَارِ} [آل عمران:13) {Indeed, there has been a sign for you in two groups has met, one group fights in the way of God and another group is infidels, they see them as they see with their own eyes, and God supports whom He wills with His victory, Indeed, in that is a lesson for those with insight.} [Al Imran: 13] Because the Jews' insight was completely obscured, they did not understand these verses and did not care about them, this was the situation between Jews and Muslims, and the matter did not stop there, but rather the matter escalated. The evacuation of Banu Qaynuqa Choosing the appropriate timing for the decision. The Messenger of God did not take this serious and strong stance with the Jews, not after being completely reassured of the economic and military strength of the Muslims, the Muslim army relies entirely on its members, It does not depend on external aid, nor on any aid from outside the Muhajireen and Ansar. The Islamic market has become present and strong while trade was previously in the Bani Qaynuqa market, the water also became the property of Muslims, whereas it had previously belonged to the Jews, we all know the story of Rumah Well. While Abdullah bin Abi bin Salul, the leader of the hypocrites, relied on the Jews for his protection, this situation qualified the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to take the decision to go to war easily. The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not tolerate the Jews at all after their stance towards Muslim women And with the Muslim man who was killed, and what the Jews did was a clear violation of the treaty concluded between them and the Messenger of God, If the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, remained silent about the Jews’ violation of the treaty time after time; The Jews will undoubtedly increase their arrogance and enter another stage of mockery of the Islamic State and the dignity of the Islamic nation, the strength of the relationship between Jews and hypocrites. They do not differ from Muslims in their names and appearance, However, they deal with the Jews with the utmost fervor and force, This is because they conceal disbelief and reveal Islam, the Jews took advantage of this relationship in the days of the Messenger of God and after his days, and until our time now and until the Day of Resurrection, a strong and certain relationship between the Jews and the hypocrites, this is what God told us in His book in a very clear and amazing way.

  • The reconcile of Al - Hudaybiyyah

    the reconcile of Al Hudaybiyyah negotiations The vision of the prophets is true The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - saw a vision in his dream while he was in Medina. This vision can be summed up that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - saw that he had entered Mecca with his Muslim companions in ihram, the performing Umrah, he brought the sacrificial animal to the House to sanctify it, the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - gave the good news to his companions, and they rejoiced with great joy. The reason why Muslims planned their departure to Mecca was Their longing to visit the Sacred House of God, after gaining power on earth and demonstrating their power to the people, they longed to see their homes, their religious sanctuary, and their Qiblah, what awakened this longing in their souls was the vision that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - saw and told them about, It is their entry into the Sacred House of God with their heads shaved and their hair cut short, Muslims have agreed on one opinion, which is to go to the House of God Almighty, intending to perform Umrah, there was nothing else, so the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - gathered the Bedouins and informed them of his intention, and he did not want war with the Quraysh, so some of them and others responded to him. They did not respond, then, may God bless him and grant him peace, he left Medina at the head of one thousand and four hundred of the honorable Companions, may God be pleased with them, seventy camels walked in front of them, then left with only the traveler's sword, He gave many directions in front of him to prove to everyone that he only went for Umrah, and in the ally, and in ihram, and in ihram with all the companions. The first messenger from the Prophet Muhammad to the Quraysh. 1 Kharash bin Umayyah Al-Khuza’i However, the Quraish met him with repulsion. So they tortured the camel and tried to kill him, but the Ahabish (people of Abyssinia) had not prevented them, Then the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - called Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - He appointed him to go to the Quraysh, but he apologized for going and directed the Messenger of God to him, On a man whom the Quraysh considered dear to them, namely Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him. 2 - Othman bin Affan Othman went to Abu Sufyan and other leaders of the Quraish, When Othman went to Mecca, he met him (Aban bin Saeed bin Al-Asi: from Quraysh) He went with him to them and hired him to deliver his message. Then they said to Othman: “If you want to circumambulate the Kaaba, then circumambulate, Othman, may God be pleased with him, said to them: “I would not do so until the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, circumambulated it, The pledge of Al - Ridwan What is the reason for Muslims to pledge allegiance to the Messenger of God (the Pledge of Ridwan at this time)? A rumor reached the Muslims that Othman bin Affan - may God be pleased with him - had been killed, so the Messenger of God decided to fight them, He called on the Muslims to pledge allegiance to him under a Samra tree, so the Muslims gathered and pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, Some of them agreed to die, some of them decided not to flee, and they did not fail to pledge allegiance to the Messenger of God, Except for Al-Jadd bin Qais, and the Messenger of God placed his other hand for the hand of Othman, may God be pleased with him, It was called the Pledge of Ridwan, with this name because God Almighty said about them: {لَّقَدْ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ يُبَايِعُونَكَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَةِ فَعَلِمَ مَا فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ فَأَنزَلَ السَّكِينَةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَثَابَهُمْ فَتْحًا قَرِيبًا} {God was indeed pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree, So He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility upon them and rewarded them with an imminent victory.} thus, the Muslims prepared to meet the Quraysh, until news reached them that Othman was alive and not killed, this fulfilled the intention of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - not to fight and shed blood. The Quraysh began to worry, so they sent Urwa bin Masoud to find out about the Muslims Then he informed the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - that the Quraysh had prepared to fight him, they pledged not to enter the Messenger and the Companions to perform Umrah rituals in Mecca, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him - gave him a harsh response: He asked about it and ignored his response. After Urwa saw the love of the Companions for the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - He returned to Quraysh with a specific message: “O people of Quraysh, I have come to Chosroes in his kingdom and Caesar in his kingdom and the Negus in his kingdom, and by God I have never seen a king among his people like Muhammad among his companions, I have seen people who would never surrender to anything, and he has presented to you a plan of guidance, so accept it, I am an advisor to you.” The Quraysh did not agree with him, they agreed to return him this year and to allow him to return in another year. Quraysh sends Suhail bin Amr to make reconcile Why did the Quraysh resort to reconciliation? The Quraish sent fifty horsemen to the place where the Muslims had descended to attack them, The army guard, Muhammad bin Maslama, caught them and captured them, except for their commander, who fled and took them to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - who pardoned them, This is to preserve the sanctity of the month, and to confirm the principle with which it emerged, which is peace and non-fighting, Then the Quraysh became certain that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - He did not want war and fighting, so they sent Suhail bin Amr to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and they agreed on peace and its terms. Some provisions of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah? The terms of the Hudaybiyyah Treaty between the Muslims and the Quraysh were written and the Messenger of God accepted them, even though the Muslims saw that they were unfair to them, The contract included the following clauses: to stop fighting between Muslims, and the Quraysh for ten years, and there will be no war, theft, betrayal, or shackles between them, the betrayal is that someone from the Quraysh comes to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his guardian does not know about him, He must return it to them, and whoever of the Muslims comes to the Quraysh should not return it to the Muslims under any circumstances, every tribe is free to join their contract, so whoever wants the covenant of the Muslims can enter into it, and whoever wants the covenant of the Quraysh can enter into it, Khuza’a entered the Muslim era, and Banu Bakr entered the Quraysh era, that Muslims return to their homes without performing Umrah this year, They will enter it next year, carrying no weapons with them except the sword in its sheath. The related studies Some qualities that lead you to greatness You have to see whether it is in our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, or not? A native Be honest, reliable, trustworthy and always the same person. brave Develop courage in the face of risks - and bad results Determination and boldness make great leaders react unwaveringly. Communicate with enthusiasm, empowerment and encouragement; Remember that everyone can make a positive contribution. fearless If you are brave in your thinking and bold in your actions, you can accomplish anything. Humble Leading with humility means serving others, taking ownership of your mistakes and failures, and being open to learning Inspiring Leading with intuition and intelligence gives everyone around you room to grow Great leaders listen. When you listen to others, you learn from them. We always seek to be guided by truth and reason; Be a champion of equality and fairness.

  • The first sermon of the Messenger of God in Medina

    This is the text of the sermon Which the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, delivered a sermon on the first Friday prayer he performed in Medina in Bani Salem bin Awf: “Praise be to God, I praise Him, I seek His help, I seek His forgiveness, I seek His guidance, I believe in Him and do not disbelieve in Him, and I am hostile to whoever disbelieves in Him, I bear witness that there is no god but God alone, with no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger whom He sent with guidance, light, and admonition, over a period of messengers, a lack of knowledge, misguidance of the people, and a cessation of time, the Hour is near and the term is near. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger has guided them, and whoever disobeys them has gone seduce and too far astray, I advise you to pious God, for it is the best thing a Muslim can advise a Muslim to do, then to encourage him to the Hereafter and command him to piety to God, beware of God from Himself. There is no better advice than that and no better remembrance than that, and that fear of God for whoever acts upon it with reverence and fear of his Lord is a true help in what you seek in the matter of the Hereafter, whoever reconciles his affairs with God in secret and in public, not intending to do so except for the sake of God, it will be remembered for him in his immediate affairs and a reserve after death, when a person lacks what he has given, and there is nothing else, he wishes that there was a long time between him and it, God Himself warns you, and God is Compassionate toward His servants, and He who is true to His word and fulfills His promise, there is no going back from that, for He Almighty says: {مَا يُبَدَّلُ الْقَوْلُ لَدَىَّ وَمَآ أَنَاْ بِظَلَّمٍ لّلْعَبِيدِ} (قلله: 29) {What I said, it cannot be changed and I am not unjust to my slaves.} (Qullah: 29) So pious God in your present and future affairs, in secret and in public, for whoever pious God will have his sins expiated and his reward will be increased, and whoever fears God has achieved a great victory, and if he fears God, it protects his hatred and anger, If you fear God, your faces will be brightened, your Lord will be pleased, and your rank will be raised, take your luck and do not neglect God. God has taught you His Book and shown you His way so that you may know those who are truthful and He knows the liars, so do good as God has done good to you and be hostile to His enemies and strive for the sake of God as He deserves to strive. He has chosen you and named you Muslims so that whoever is destroyed will be destroyed with clear evidence, And whoever lives lives with clear proof, and there is no power except with God, so remember God often and work for what comes after today, for whoever reconciles what is between him and God, God will protect him from what is between him and people, this is because God destroys people but they do not eliminate Him, and He rules over people but they do not rule over Him. God is Greatest and there is no power except in God Almighty. We note that 1 - The Messenger of God did not mention the people of Mecca in it, nor did they mention their stubbornness, their insistence on disbelief, their harm to Muslims, and their conspiracy to kill him. 2 - He limited his sermon to urging Muslims to be pious, and reminding them of God Almighty. This is, in truth, the ultimate goal of politeness and the ultimate goal of a prudent person, If he had been other than the Messenger of God, he would have been angry and enumerated their faults, because they were the ones who failed him, persecuted him, and expelled him from the country he loved and it was an obstacle in the way of conveying the message of his Lord, and God Almighty spoke the truth when He said: {And indeed, you are on a great morals} (Al-Qalam: 4). 3- We see the men of the parties using in their speeches the ugliest words and the most heinous insults for trivial reasons, yet they claim to be leaders and gentlemen who spread knowledge and civilization and seek reform and freedom. The related studies The importance of remembering the consequences The great thing about triggers – a trigger reminder is anything you put “in your way” to remind you to do something. The best motivators are related in some way to the behavior you want to produce, for example, if you want to remember to take something to work that you wouldn't normally do, you can place it in front of the door so you have to. Pick it up to get out of your house. For a lot of tasks, the best reminders are ones that are completely automated—you set them up and then forget about them, trusting the trigger to show up when you need them.

  • The son of Adam will grow up and two will grow with him:

    قال الليث: حدثني يونس وابن وهب: عن يونس، عن ابن شهاب قال: أخبرني سعيد وأبو سلمة. 6058 - حدثنا مسلم بن إبراهيم: حدثنا هشام: حدثنا قتادة، عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه قال:قال رسول الله ﷺ: (يكبر ابن آدم ويكبر معه اثنتان: حبُّ المال وطول العمر). رواه شُعبة، عن قتادة. Al-Layth said: Yunus and Ibn Wahb told me: On the authority of Yunus, on the authority of Ibn Shihab, he said: Saeed and Abu Salamah told me. 6058 - Muslim bin Ibrahim told us: Hisham told us: Qatadah told us, on the authority of Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “The son of Adam will grow up and two will grow with him: love of money and longevity). It was narrated by Shubah, on the authority of Qatada

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