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  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 340

    Allah says أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ سَخَّرَ لَكُم مَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَالْفُلْكَ تَجْرِي فِي الْبَحْرِ بِأَمْرِهِ وَيُمْسِكُ السَّمَاءَ أَن تَقَعَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِالنَّاسِ لَرَءُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ (65) Did you not see that God was harnessed for you on the ground, And the rituals are running in the sea with its command and holding the sky to fall on the earth, Except with his permission ۗ God is the people of the Compassionate Merciful (65) (65) Did you not see that God subjected to you, O people of the earth, of animals and beasts, that is all for you to behave in what you want from your needs, (And the sky is grabbed to fall on the earth) He grabs the sky with his ability to fall on the ground except with his permission. And the meaning of his saying: (To fall) not to fall. A view around the verse Have you not seen that God has subjected to you everything that is on earth? Most of what is on earth has been subjected to man, starting with many animals, even the non-domesticated ones. Some people can domesticate them and even put them with them in their homes for gorillas, falcons, snakes, and others, Passing through the mountains, you can carve them and use them to carve the most luxurious palaces, hotels, etc., and even reach reclaimed lands and other things. And the ships sail through the sea at His command. Ships actually run at the command of God - the Almighty - and if they are attacked by a tsunami or huge waves, no matter how high quality they are, they cannot stand in front of the sea and its waves. the famous ship Titanic has challenged the crew of its makers that it is the best ever and that it cannot be damaged, It sank 20 minutes after it took off. Ships move at the command of God, and if He wanted them to stop, He presented them with all kinds of reasons, such as intercepting ships as a form of water bullying, stealing what was on them and sabotaging them, or shooting at them to seize what was on them, or forcing them to change things. Its path, otherwise it explodes for political reasons, so the astronomy takes place by order of God, and God is All-Knowing. And He prevents the sky from falling on the earth except by His permission We live under God's mercy and grace. It is said that the sky is raised on pillars and the invisible pillars are Earth's gravity, so any imbalance in this gravity becomes high and below us like astronauts in spacecraft, the sky is held by the command of God, and if it were to fall, it would consume us forever, but it is a mercy from God - the Almighty - until the day the earth will be other than the earth, and the heavens will be like that. Indeed, God is Kind and Merciful to people The torment of eradication is not inflicted by God - the Almighty - on this nation, but instead He is Compassionate and Merciful, and compassion and mercy, if they come together, would be merciful to people for the sake of bowing old people, pastured livestock, and infants, so what about the calamities that befall Muslims, especially frequent ones, and great calamities, including wars? Disputes, including climate change and migration due to it, Some of them are forced migration, some are earthquakes, etc. How can God be compassionate and merciful to people in such situations? God knows: But do you like failing the exam at the end of the year? Of course not. If I told you that you failed and you were completely sad, then I told you that you only took one subject and you failed it only, would you be happy? We are in a place of intense testing for believers, but easy for unbelievers, so if you fail in the subject (the world and what it contains) Then you succeeded at the end of the year (the afterlife with its eternity), for God did not wrong you, but rather honored you. This is one thing. As for the other: the lifespan of this nation ranges from sixty or so, up and down, as for the infidels, they are trying to extend their lifespan beyond 300 years or more, according to their claims, The conditions of the previous nations were like this, so if a person disbelieves in God - may God protect him for 6 years, then worships Him for another 240 years, then returns to God, then he is safe (the previous nations). As for us, our lives are short, and the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace, says, “I am amazed at the one who was sent to me.” Paradise in chains, He smiled - may God bless him and grant him peace. Then the Companions said: What are the chains, O Messenger of God? He said: Calamities. If it were not for the calamities, we would not have been able to meet God. If it were not for the calamities, He would not have granted us - God willing - By talking alone with God - had it not been for the misfortunes, we would have enjoyed the world only and never wanted to leave it like the infidels... Indeed, He is Most Compassionate and Merciful to people - glory be to Him - Allah says وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَحْيَاكُمْ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُحْيِيكُمْ ۗ إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَكَفُورٌ (66) He is the one who greets you and then dies you and then revives you ۗ The human being is atonement. The son of Adam is for ingratitude to the blessings of God that he has bestowed upon him from his good creation, and his harnessing of what he subjected from what is on earth, righteousness and sea, And his destruction left him by holding the sky to fall on the ground by worshiping other gods and clubs, and his individualism left him with worship and sincerity of monotheism, And his saying: (For every nation, we have made it a ritual) He says: Every group has some people who have been empty of you, he made us a familiarity and a place that they are used to worshiping me, and the elimination of my servants, and a work that requires it, The origin of the descending in the words of the Arabs is the usual position that a man gets used to and is familiar with good or evil; It is said: So and so -and -so -called so -and -to -do: He wants a place to cover and familiarize it with good or evil, Rather, the rituals of Hajj were named, so that people would be repeated to the places where the Hajj and Umrah works operate. A view around the verse God - the Almighty - summarized the cycle of human life before immortality, either in Paradise or in Hell, in the line (life followed by death followed by resurrection), followed by eternity. Indeed, man is an unbeliever: that is, he does not disbelieve once but rather repeatedly, and over and over, and indeed the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace. Talk about the end of time: temptations abound, and tribulations vary, to the point of leaving the wise person confused. He - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Between the Hour there is a trial like the parts of a dark night, in which a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever in the evening, and a believer in the evening and will be a disbeliever in the morning. one sitting in it is better than one standing, the one who stands in it is better than the one who walks, and the one who walks in it is better than the one who seeks.” And in a narration: “Run in deeds as a means of temptation” (Narrated by Abu Dawud, and its origin is in Muslim) and in another narration: “He sells his religion for an offer from this world.” Allah says لِّكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ جَعَلْنَا مَنسَكًا هُمْ نَاسِكُوهُ ۖ فَلَا يُنَازِعُنَّكَ فِي الْأَمْرِ ۚ وَادْعُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ هُدًى مُّسْتَقِيمٍ (67) For every nation, we have made you forget it. for every nation, we have made you Nusk: shed the blood of the sacrifice in it, Do not take advantage of you in the matter ۚ and call to your Lord ۖ You may be straight. (67) On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he says: Eid. Others said: He meant him: slaughtering him, slaughtering him, and the blood of their thief. N Mujahid, his saying: (They are silent) He said: The blood of the guidance is shed. The bloodshed days of slaughter in Mina, because the rituals in which the polytheists had argued the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, were the bloodshed of blood these days, However, they had argued with him in the bloodshed, which is the blood of the sacrifices of cattle, as God had told them in Surat Al -Anam. However, those were not rituals. As for those that are rituals, they are gifts or victims. That is why we said: I meant in this place in this place, which is the characteristic that we described. A view around the verse Every nation has its own law, different from other nations. Although the religion is one and calls for the same things, such as the oneness of God - belief in the Last Day and others, the rituals came according to the need and ability of people across nations, so their ritual worship was longer and greater due to their long lives. By God He is higher and knows best. Doesn't snatching with you in the matter The speech is from our Master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - but look at the word of God - the Almighty - (snatching). God - the Almighty - did not use this word often in the Karan, as far as I know this place and the place (He takes away dominion from whomever He wills). What do I mean? I believe that the religion king - if so to speak - It is extremely difficult to reach a certain position in the religion and then have it taken away from you. It is a desire and you cannot give it up comfortably. The infidels and polytheists were disputing with Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the message and they wanted to take it away from Him. And call to your Lord. Indeed, you are on a straight path When people try to take away something they own from someone, they have one of two actions: (Either they try to take away their right as well, or they surrender to their opponent and abandon the whole matter.) Here, after this dispute with the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - the command came to call for the Messenger of God, that is, do not let their dispute with you make you surrender - this is a direct command from God - Blessed and Most High, - Invite to your Lord, then follow (Indeed, you are surely guided rightly.) - It is as if their dispute shook the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in the matter of the call, So the affirmation was that you may be on a straight path, meaning stand firm and complete your calling... A final gesture in the noble verse This is a life lesson and a life coaching lesson - if so to speak - but it is more than 1000 years old: If someone disputes with you about something, instead of surrendering, stand firm and dispute your rights from him, if you are the one who is on the right and your opponent is on the wrong, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Allah says وَإِن جَادَلُوكَ فَقُلِ اللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ (68) And if they argue with you, say God, know what you do (68) The Almighty says it to his Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: And if you argue with you, Muhammad, these polytheists in God in Nusk, say: God knows what you do and we do. As: Al -Qasim told us, People of polytheism: As for what God has sacrificed with his right (say God, know what you do) to us our deeds and your deeds. A view around the verse With conflict comes argument, and here you adhere to the right (dispute), but I have to argue, so stop arguing with fools, who will never be satisfied with you no matter what you do, those who see their interests and after that will argue with everything they can so that their logic is correct, so throw the ball in their court so that they will shut up (so tell them: God knows best what you do) Allah says اللَّهُ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فِيمَا كُنتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ (69) God rules between you on the Day of Resurrection in what you are in it. May God spend among you on the Day of Resurrection in what you were in the matter of your religion disagree, so you know, then polytheists who are right. Allah says أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۗ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ فِي كِتَابٍ ۚ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ يَسِيرٌ (70) Did you not know that God knows what is in the sky and the earth ۗ That is in a book ۚ That is for God, it is easy (70) On the authority of Al -Awza’i, on the authority of Abda bin Abi Lababa He said: God knows what the Creator and what creation is are working, then he wrote it, then he said to his Prophet: (Did you not know that God knows what is in the sky and the earth, because that is in a book that God has?) Rather, this means: that the book of the pen that God has commanded to write in the preserved tablet is what is on God that goes, meaning here. And this second statement is more important to interpret that, and that his saying: (That is to God, it is easy) ... A view around the verse We talked previously about the quality of God’s statistics that you will not find in any of the best statistics agencies, and it seems that it is digital - of course this is just an example of trying to imagine the matter, God Almighty says, for example, but not limited to: (On the Day when every soul will find the good it has done brought forth), meaning that God - God Almighty - He personified deeds in the form of persons that will be embodied on the Day of Resurrection, and of course this type of enumeration is for all of humanity, from its beginning to the inheritance of the earth and those on it, A kind of unique statistic that has no equal. Of course, God is Most High and All-Knowing. Allah says وَيَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا وَمَا لَيْسَ لَهُم بِهِ عِلْمٌ ۗ وَمَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ مِن نَّصِيرٍ (71) And they worship without God, It is not revealed by Sultan, and there is no knowledge of them with them, and there are no persons from the victor. The Almighty says his mention: And these polytheists worship God without him, unless he descends most of his praise for them as an argument from heaven in a book of his books that he sent to his messengers, they are gods that are suitable for their worship, so that they would not have been that God has authorized them to worship them, and what they do not have known to be gods and what the persons of the persons of support say, And the disbelievers of God who worship these idols from helper supported them on the Day of Resurrection, , so he will save them from the torment of God and pay them punishment if he wants to punish them. Allah says وَإِذَا تُتْلَىٰ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُنَا بَيِّنَاتٍ تَعْرِفُ فِي وُجُوهِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا الْمُنكَرَ ۖ يَكَادُونَ يَسْطُونَ بِالَّذِينَ يَتْلُونَ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِنَا ۗ قُلْ أَفَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِشَرٍّ مِّن ذَٰلِكُمُ ۗ النَّارُ وَعَدَهَا اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ (72) And if our signs are followed by them, they are aware of the faces of those who disbelieve the denunciation, they are almost medieving with those who recite our signs ۗ Say: I will tell you about the evil over that, the fire is the promise of God who disbelieved, and the misery of the destiny (72) (Known in the faces of those who disbelieved in denial) It turns out in their faces what the people of faith deny God from their change, to hear them with the Qur’an. And his saying: (They almost medieving those who recite our signs) They are almost oppressed by those who recite the verses of the Book of God from the companions of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, because of the intensity that you hate to hear the Qur’an and recite them. Some of them were mentioned that he was saying The polytheists said: By God, Muhammad and his companions are the evil of God’s creation! And God said to them: Say: I tell you, O people, this saying is human beings from Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, you, polytheists whom God has promised the fire. A view around the verse And when Our verses are recited to them as clear signs, they recognize evil in the faces of those who disbelieve. We said in a previous explanation that the face in Islam has great value and worth. The biggest evidence is that it is mentioned in the Qur’an in more than one place, and none of the body parts are mentioned in a place of dignity except the face and the heart, and the face in psychology = identity - the expressions of heartfelt feelings appear on it, and slips appear on the tongue that express what is going on in the mind. Here in this noble verse, God Almighty shows us this truth, (You will recognize in the faces of those who disbelieve “the abominable) It is a sign of what is going on in their minds and their feelings towards this Qur’an and towards the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. They are almost oppressing those who recite Our verses to them It is said: This is what we know, and God knows what the breasts hide. Whoever teaches them the signs of God arouses their anger to the utmost extent, to the point where they want to harm them, so does God - the Almighty - He is the first teacher of psychology in humanity for more than 1000 years. Of course, this is an example of approaching and standing before this Qur’an and bearing witness to it ( ما فرطنا في الكتاب من شيء ) (We have not neglected anything in the Qur’an) Allah says قُلْ أَفَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِشَرٍّ مِّن ذَٰلِكُمُ ۗ النَّارُ وَعَدَهَا اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۖ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ (72) Say: I will tell you about the evil of that, the fire, And God promised them who disbelieved, and the misery of the destiny (72) This is the best thing, there are people who will never hear you, because you are as if you spoke yourself, and they will not understand or listen to a listening ear, rather, they hear to rub, argue, or harm, It is nothing but the fire that purifies them from these ads ... God bless us and you.

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 338

    Allah says وَيَسْتَعْجِلُونَكَ بِالْعَذَابِ وَلَن يُخْلِفَ اللَّهُ وَعْدَهُ ۚ وَإِنَّ يَوْمًا عِندَ رَبِّكَ كَأَلْفِ سَنَةٍ مِّمَّا تَعُدُّونَ (47) They will hasten your punishment, but God will not break His promise, and indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count (47) God Almighty mentioned him talking about the polytheists rushing the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to torment, then he talked about the amount estimated for the day according to him, then he followed that with his saying: And if there is a town to which I gave dictates while it was unjust, then he told about his giving dictates to the people of the unjust town, he refrained from treating them with torment, so it was made clear by that that what he meant when he said: (And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you consider.) He denied haste about himself, describing it as being patient and waiting. Allah says وَكَأَيِّن مِّن قَرْيَةٍ أَمْلَيْتُ لَهَا وَهِيَ ظَالِمَةٌ ثُمَّ أَخَذْتُهَا وَإِلَيَّ الْمَصِيرُ (48) And from any town to which I have given command, and she was an oppressor, then I took it, and to Me is the final destination (48) The statement regarding the interpretation of the Almighty’s saying: {And how many is from a town to whom I have granted respite while it is unjust}. God Almighty says: {And how many is from a town with which I have granted respite} He says: I have granted them respite and delayed their torment, while they are polytheists with God and disobey His command - and that was their injustice with which God, glory be to Him, described them - so I did not hasten. With their torment, This is also the case with those of the polytheists of your people who seek Your punishment, and if I grant them respite to their terms that You have postponed for them, then I will punish them and fight them with the sword, then to their fate after that, so their pain is a punishment for the sins they have committed. Allah says قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّمَا أَنَا لَكُمْ نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ (49) Say, O people, I am to you only a clear warner (49) God Almighty says in his mention of his Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: Say, O Muhammad, to the polytheists of your people who argue with you about God without knowledge, following from them every seeking devil: (O people, I am to you only a clear warner.) I warn you of the punishment of God that He will inflict on you in this world, and His punishment in the Hereafter is that you should pray to Him clearly. He says: I will make that clear to you and reveal it, so that you repent of your polytheism and beware of what I warn you about, I have no power for you other than that. As for hastening or delaying the punishment that you are urging me to do, that is not up to God, and I cannot do it, then he described his warning and glad tidings, but there was no mention of the good news, and when the warning was mentioned regarding an action, he knew that the good news was different from it. Allah says فَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَرِزْقٌ كَرِيمٌ (50) So as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them is forgiveness and an honorable provision. (50) He said: And those who believe in God and His Messenger and do righteous deeds, from among you, O people, and from among others (for them is forgiveness) (And generous provision) He says: and good provision in Paradise. As Al-Qasim told us, he said: Al-Hussein told us, He said: Thani Hajjaj, he said: Ibn Jurayj said, his saying: (For those who believe and do righteous deeds will have forgiveness and an honorable provision) He said: Paradise. Allah says وَالَّذِينَ سَعَوْا فِي آيَاتِنَا مُعَاجِزِينَ أُولَٰئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْجَحِيمِ (51) And those who seek in Our signs turn away from God, and those who seek Our signs turn away from God The correct statement about this is to say: They are two famous recitations, each of which has been recited by scholars among the reciters, and they are close in meaning. This is because whoever is incapable of the signs of God, then God has been incapable, and among God’s miracles is the inability to perform the signs of God, and to act in disobedience to Him and contrary to His command, one of the characteristics of the people to whom God revealed these verses was that they used to slow people down in believing in God and following His Messenger, and they defeated the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, thinking that they would incapacitate him and defeat him. Allah says وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ مِن رَّسُولٍ وَلَا نَبِيٍّ إِلَّا إِذَا تَمَنَّىٰ أَلْقَى الشَّيْطَانُ فِي أُمْنِيَّتِهِ فَيَنسَخُ اللَّهُ مَا يُلْقِي الشَّيْطَانُ ثُمَّ يُحْكِمُ اللَّهُ آيَاتِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ (52) We did not send before you any messenger or prophet unless he wished Satan made his wish, so God cancels what Satan throws, Then Allah will precise His signs. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise (52) It was narrated on the authority of Al-Hussein bin Al-Faraj. He said: I heard Abu Muadh say: Ubaid informed us. He said: I heard Al-Dahhak say in his saying: (Unless he wishes) he means by wishing recitation and reading, Because the verses that God Almighty said that He governs, there is no doubt that they are the verses of His revelation, so it is known that what Satan cast into is what God Almighty told him that He abrogated that from it and invalidated it. Allah says لِّيَجْعَلَ مَا يُلْقِي الشَّيْطَانُ فِتْنَةً لِّلَّذِينَ فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ وَالْقَاسِيَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۗ وَإِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ لَفِي شِقَاقٍ بَعِيدٍ (53) To make what Satan casts a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease, and their hard hearts are and indeed, the wrongdoers are in far-off dissension. (53) So that He may make what Satan throws a trial, for two groups of people, to whom God does not care, and they are those who {in whose hearts is a disease} that is: weakness and complete lack of faith and firm belief, so that the slightest suspicion that comes to them affects their hearts, so if they hear what Satan has cast, doubt and doubt enter within them, and it becomes A temptation for them, {And their hearts are hard} meaning: the hardened ones, in which neither rebuke nor remembrance affects them, and they do not understand about God and His Messenger due to their hardness. So, when they hear what Satan has delivered, they make it an excuse for their falsehood, and they argue over it and oppose God and His Messenger, and for this reason He said: {And indeed the wrongdoers are in discord. far} Dissent from God, opposition to the truth, and opposition to it, is far from the truth. What Satan throws will be a temptation for these two groups, and it will reveal what is in their hearts, of the malice lurking in it. As for the third group, it will be a mercy towards them. Allah says وَلِيَعْلَمَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّكَ فَيُؤْمِنُوا بِهِ فَتُخْبِتَ لَهُ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۗ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَهَادِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِلَىٰ صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ (54) And so that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, Then they believe in Him, and their hearts are humbled before Him. Indeed, Allah is the Guide of those who believe to a straight path. (54) God Almighty says: And so that the people of knowledge of God may know that what God has revealed of His verses that He has established for His Messenger, and has abrogated what Satan has cast into it, is the truth from your Lord, O Muhammad. He says: Then they believe in it. He says: Then their hearts submit to the Qur’an, And you submit by believing in it and acknowledging what is in it. Indeed, God guides those who believe in God and His Messenger to the intentional truth and the clear truth, by abrogating what Satan has cast in His Messenger’s wish, so the plot of Satan and his casting of falsehood on the tongue will not harm them (and that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord) He said: meaning The Quran. Allah says وَلَا يَزَالُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فِي مِرْيَةٍ مِّنْهُ حَتَّىٰ تَأْتِيَهُمُ السَّاعَةُ بَغْتَةً أَوْ يَأْتِيَهُمْ عَذَابُ يَوْمٍ عَقِيمٍ (55) And those who disbelieve are still in doubt about it, Until the Hour comes to them suddenly, or will the torment of a devastating Day come to them? (55) Abu Al-Sa'ib told me, he said: Abu Idris told us, he said: Al-A'mash told us, on the authority of a man, on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, in his saying: (The punishment of a destructive day) he said: the day of Badr. Ibn Abd al-A'la told us, he said: Ibn Thawr told us, on the authority of Muammar, On the authority of Qatada, his saying: (The punishment of a destructive day) On the authority of Qatada, in his saying: (The punishment of a destructive day) he said: It is the day of Badr. On the authority of Ubayy ibn Ka'b. This second saying is more appropriate in interpreting the verse, because there is no reason to say: They will remain in doubt about it until the Hour suddenly comes to them, or the Hour comes to them; This is because the Hour is the Day of Resurrection, and if the infertile day is also the Day of Resurrection, then what it means is what we said about repeating the mention of the Hour twice with different wording, and that is meaningless, If that is so, then the more correct of the two interpretations is the one with the most correct meaning and the most similar to what is known in discourse, which is what we mentioned. In its meaning. So the interpretation of the words: And those who disbelieve are still in doubt about it, Until the Hour comes to them suddenly and they are subjected to a barren torment, or the torment of a barren day comes to them, so they do not look at it until the night and do not delay it until the evening, but they are killed before the evening.

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 337

    Allah says " أذن للذين يقاتلون بأنهم ظلموا وإن الله على نصرهم لقدير " “Permission is given to those who fight because they have wronged, and God is able to help them.” At the beginning of Islam, Muslims were prohibited from fighting the infidels, and were commanded to be patient with them, due to divine wisdom. When they migrated to Medina and were harmed, and they gained immunity and strength, they were permitted to fight, As God Almighty said, “Permission is given to those who fight,” meaning that they were prohibited before, so God permitted them to fight those who fight them. He only permitted them, because they were wronged, by preventing them from their religion and harming them against it. A view around the verse Permission came, patience ended, patience has limits, and permission came for jihad. My brother make jihad by any way is possible, but why? Because the homes were destroyed, or the children were orphaned, or the wives were widowed and only? no, rather, because our lives are short and our deeds cannot be sufficient for the rest of our lives, nor are they sufficient for the deeds of the believers who have lived more years than us (previous nations), and jihad, as you know: If one good deed is worth ten good deeds, then one good deed is equal to 700 good deeds in Jihad, and God adds to whomever He wishes according to the degree of sincerity.... But perhaps you are not in a place of war or armed conflict... etc. What should you do and what should you strive for? In a little while, I will attach a link for you about actions equivalent to jihad for the sake of God. As for the mujahideen who defend land and honor, they are of the highest ranks, which is what is called combat jihad. Why did he authorize them? Because they were wronged And God is able to victor them Why doesn't he support them now? Why do we not deserve victory now, why is it so late? 1 - Have you reached the point of internal earthquake? What is an internal earthquake? God Almighty says: “Or did you think that you would enter Paradise when there would come to you the example of those who passed away before you? Misfortune and adversity touched them, and they were shaken until the prophet said: And those who believe with him, when will God grant victory? Verily, God’s help is near) Do you want to enter Paradise? Paradise is surrounded by calamities, but this calamity is more terrible than any other calamity. Is Paradise one level? No, do you know the value of the Mujahideen in Paradise? They will have a hundred degrees alone. See: until the believers say? No, no, but the Messenger and those who believed with him say, Your Messenger was quaking internally, and you may have heard of the phenomenon of a broken heart. I do not mean a broken heart in reality, but I mean that the word earthquake is (a crack from within). However, if you are resourceful, God will give you more until you exhaust your effort, for God does not burden a soul with more than it can bear. 2-You are not ready No, I am ready for victory. No, not physically or psychologically. Preparing for victory is to accept it with eagerness. Before the war, you would have accepted it by gloating over the opponent and the enemy, right? Believers are not gloating, as this is one of the characteristics of hypocrites. However, if you want the Sunnah of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - he entered and conquered Mecca after being expelled from it for years, His back is bent, almost reaching the back of the animal he is riding on. He is God’s victory, helping whomever He wants, whenever He wants. 3- Those around you do not believe in your case What is my fault? Your issue must be an issue of public opinion in order for you to achieve a clear victory. Everyone feels that your issue must be resolved, and you must be victorious over your enemies. 4- This does not provide sufficient reasons for victory Perhaps you did not put in the effort. You are striving, yes, we understand that, but you did not strive. What is the meaning of jihad then? It is to pour out all your effort, sweat, fatigue, patience, and lack of help - God provides for those who have no help, until the one who has tricks are astonished. 5- Your bad deeds are equal to your enemy Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - used to say: We do not achieve victory through our faith, but rather we achieve victory through the evil deeds of our enemies. If they are equal, then victory is due to the one who is numerous and strong... Perhaps you say: We are believers, and they are not, so are you a philanthropist who is proficient in what you do? God loves those who are benefactors. Indeed, God is with those who do good, even if your opponent or infidel does more than you in any of the matters of this world and there was no one among the Muslims who would equal to him, for all Muslims have sinned, but you must devote your effort to what you do well. Link to actions that are equivalent to jihad Allah says " الذين أخرجوا من ديارهم بغير حق إلا أن يقولوا ربنا الله ولولا دفع الله الناس بعضهم ببعض لهدمت صوامع وبيع وصلوات ومساجد يذكر فيها اسم الله كثيرا ولينصرن الله من ينصره إن الله لقوي عزيز " “Those who were expelled from their homes unjustly unless they say, ‘Our Lord is God, If God had not pushed people against one another, the silos would have been demolished, And prayers and mosques in which the name of God is frequently mentioned. and God will victor those who victor him. Indeed, God is a Powerful, Mighty.” Then he mentioned the description of their oppression and said: “Those who were expelled from their homes” meaning: they were forced to go out, with harm and strife “unjustly” except “their sin for which their enemies took vengeance upon them, “And had God not repulsed people one by another” so that God would repel the harm of the disbelievers from the mujahideen in His cause, “the silos, the prayer halls, and the mosques would have been demolished, that is: these great temples of the sects of the People of the Book would be demolished, the temples of the Jews and Christians, and the mosques of the Muslims “in which the name of God is remembered” meaning: in these temples “the name of God is frequently mentioned” in which prayers are performed, the books of God are recited in it, and the name of God is mentioned in it, in various forms of remembrance, this indicates that the countries in which tranquility was achieved in worshiping God, and whose mosques were built, and in which all religious rituals were performed, are among the virtues and blessings of the mujahideen. A view around the verse Those who were expelled from their homes unjustly unless they say, “Our Lord is God.” They were taken out against their will, because they could not say no. They were taken out before they could carry what they really needed. They were taken out while leaving the walls on which memories were hung, and they are going to the unknown that only God knows, and all of this is because they are Muslims who say (God). Do you know, O Muslim, you who were displaced from your home, How are Muslims around the world? We are not well at the end of the twenty-first century in India Who are the Rohingya? How many are there? One of India's many ethnic minorities. Rohingya Muslims represent the largest percentage of Muslims in Myanmar, and the majority of them live in Rakhine State, north of Myanmar, and they are about a million people, and as an investigation conducted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) showed, even those who are thinking about returning in the future may not be able to do so. , with villages being destroyed to make way for government facilities. What kind of violence were the Rohingya exposed to? Most of what is known about the Rohingya crisis is gathered through interviews and information collected on the Bangladesh border from people fleeing across it. Last February, The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights published a report in which refugees told stories of gang rape, mass killings and brutal beatings. More than half of the women interviewed reported that they had been victims of sexual violence. In China The Uighurs are Sunni Muslims What types of torture were they subjected to? Shootings, arrests, and long prison sentences until 2017 A series of police files, obtained by the BBC in 2022, revealed China's use of these camps described the routine use of armed officers and a shoot-to-kill policy for those trying to escape. It was the most controversial government project - which has been met with protests from human rights organizations - is the indefinite detention of up to a million Uyghurs in “political training centres, these are heavily fortified buildings that have been likened to re-education camps during the era of Mao Zedong. “Re-education” of Uyghurs in China Thousands of Uyghur Muslims in China's Xinjiang region have reportedly been detained in so-called re-education camps where they were forced to abandon their cultural and religious identities. The arrests are part of China's efforts to influence population policies, whom Beijing considers vulnerable to committing acts of violence. Police actions against Uyghurs continue outside the camps, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, when Islamic practices including fasting and visiting mosques are restricted. Countries most affected by climate change 2023 Chad - Sudan - Somalia - Republic of the Congo - Afghanistan and others, all of which are Islamic countries The conditions of migrants stranded at Europe's borders. Bosnia and Herzegovina a country still reeling from the fratricidal war of the 1990s, has also been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and is struggling to respond to the influx of thousands of people seeking to reach wealthy countries in Western Europe by crossing from Bosnia to Croatia. Mufti of the Islamic community in Bosnia, Husein Kavazovic, called on Wednesday for better treatment of migrants, describing the situation as “shameful” for the country and the rest of Europe. Hundreds of migrants stranded in Bosnia in freezing weather, Hundreds of migrants and refugees in Bosnia remain stranded and roofless in freezing conditions in Bosnia after their tent camp burnt down and authorities have been unable to agree on an organized response to the emergency situation. The migrants and refugees from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East including many from the wars in Afghanistan and Syria, were supposed to move on Tuesday from the Lipa camp in the northwest of the Balkan nation to a former army barracks in a town some 300 miles away, Instead, they spent about 24 hours in buses, before being told to disembark on Wednesday afternoon and return to the empty camp.The Lipa camp already lacked basic facilities such as running water and heating. But at least its inhabitants had some sort of shelter from the snow and the ice covering the ground, and from the freezing wind blowing from the Balkan Mountain range. ولولا دفع الله الناس بعضهم ببعض لهدمت صوامع وبيع وصلوات ومساجد يذكر فيها اسم الله كثيرا Had God not pushed people against one another, it would have been destroyed Silos, synagogues, prayer halls and mosques in which the name of God is often mentioned. Jihad was initiated to defend homelands, displacement, humiliation, and expulsion from homes and homelands A view around the verse And God victor those who victor Him But we are very weak. Do your best and you will only cost what you can. But as a writer in the West says (Die Empty), he wrote a book bearing this name: the content of this book is that when a person dies, he says: I wish I had done such-and-such, I wish I had taught people such-and-such, I wish I had made an effort in such-and-such, so the writer says: Do it now, not when you die, exerting effort is an Islamic value called jihad, and it is not of Western origin. We agreed that jihad has several types. Take one or more for yourself and link to them and wait for God’s victory for you. whoever helps God in one of the Muslims’ crises, God will victor him in a hardship that he is going through, with His Almighty permission, at a time when he senses - Glory be to Him - that you have completely emptied your bucket. God is powerful and mighty Why does God - the Almighty - end this verse with this statement that He, Glory be to Him, the Most High, is (Powerful and Mighty)? This fits what was stated in the noble verse, for God is strong and at your back, so do not bow down, He is dear: and you are also dear to your faith in Him, even if they try to humiliate you in various ways. You are the victor, but he wants to see all the good from you, only that you are a believer and that events will never shake your faith. أعداحوالي مليون شخ Allah says " الذين إن مكناهم في الأرض أقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة وأمروا بالمعروف ونهوا عن المنكر ولله عاقبة الأمور " “Those who, if We empower them in the land, they will establish prayer, and give zakat and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and to God is the outcome of all matters.” Then he mentioned the sign of someone who supports him, and by it he knows that whoever claims that he supports God and supports His religion, and does not have this description, then he is a liar. He said: “Those who, if We establish them in the land,” that is, We make them possess it, and make them rulers over it, without anyone disputing with them, without anyone disputing. “Establish the prayer” at its appointed times, They defined it, its pillars, and its conditions, in Friday prayers and congregational prayers. “And give the zakat” that they owe, in particular, and on their subjects in general. They gave it to its people, who are its people. “And they enjoined what is right,” and this includes doing what is good according to law and reason, from the rights of God and the rights of human beings. A view around the verse Who, if We empower them on earth You will be empowered. You will be empowered. Keep your head high. You will not be empowered until you are afflicted. God has people. If He loves them, He tests them. If they are patient, He chooses them. If they are satisfied, He select them. And at the end of the affliction stage, you will become chosen by God - the Almighty. They established prayer, paid zakat, enjoined what was right and forbade what was wrong We agreed that establishing prayer is in yourself and not in your body, in your soul and not in your personality, and they took out of their wealth a known right, for the beggar and the deprived according to the amount that God Almighty determines, but a moment please: Read again (they established prayer) they - themselves - are able. They did not impose it by law or by abuse. They enjoined what is right and forbade what is wrong There are three basic circles of faith: enjoining what is right and forbidding what is evil. You should not enter one circle before you devote your effort to the previous circle, perhaps if you do not have coercive power under the law, meaning that you are the guardian, you are not allowed to overlap in circles. As narrated by Muslim in his Sahih that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand, and if he is unable, then with his tongue, and if he is unable, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith. The first circuit (by hand) First-degree relatives such as children, brothers, parents, grandparents, etc The second circle (with the tongue) Acquaintances, friends, and perhaps second-degree relatives The third circle (with the heart) Common Muslims are disobedient, and there is not a shred of faith after this And read this story about our master Omar bin Al-Khattab - may God be pleased with him - Omar bin Al-Khattab went out one day and saw the light of a fire, and Abdullah bin Masoud was with him. He followed the light until he entered the house and found a lamp in a house, so he entered, and that was in the middle of the night, Then he saw an old man sitting with a drink and a singer in his hands, and he did not notice until Omar attacked him and said: I have never seen a more uglier sight than an old man waiting for his death. so he raised his head to him and said: Yes, O Commander of the Faithful, what you have done is worse. You spied, and spying was forbidden, and you entered without permission. Omar said: You spoke the truth, then he came out, biting his garment, crying, and said: I will be bereft of his mother’s life if his Lord does not forgive him. We find that this man was hiding from his family, so he would say, “Now Omar has seen me,” and he would follow in. The sheikh abandoned Omar’s gathering for a while, and while Omar was sitting after that, he came to him, almost concealed, until he sat in the backs of the people, Omar saw him and said to Ali, “This sheikh.” He was brought and told, “Answer.” So, he stood up, thinking that Omar would discipline him with what he saw from him. Omar said: He came closer to me, and he continued to bring him closer until I made him sit next to him. Then he walked over to him and swore that he had not told any of the people about what he had seen, not even Abdullah bin Masoud, who was with him, The sheikh also answered him in his ear and said: I, by the One who sent Muhammad with the truth as a messenger, did not return to him until I sat in this assembly of mine. Then Omar raised his voice to say “Allahu Akbar,” and what people know is why he said “Allahu Akbar.” Just remember ((God is the outcome of all matters)) Allah says " وإن يكذبوك فقد كذبت قبلهم قوم نوح وعاد وثمود " “And if they deny you, then the people of Noah, Ad, and Thamud had denied you before them.” I did not hasten them with punishment, but rather gave them respite, until they continued blindly in their transgression, and increased in their disbelief and evil. “Then I seized them” with torment, “the Mighty and Powerful” seized them. “So how could he be evil?”So let him consider them, these liars, lest what befalls them for they are not better than them, and they have no books or innocence in the books revealed by God. And how many tormentors and destroyers are like these, and for this reason he said: Allah says ﴿ وَقَوْمُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَقَوْمُ لُوطٍ﴾ “And the people of Abraham and the people of Lot” Interpretation of verses 42 and 44: God Almighty says to His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: And if these polytheists deny you, then you are not the first messenger to lie, and they are not the first nation to deny its messenger, The deniers, so I did not hasten them with the punishment, but rather I gave them a delay, until they continued blindly in their transgression, and increased in their disbelief and evil. {Then I seized them} with torment, the Almighty, the Powerful, {So how was he? Nakir} - that is: denouncing them for their disbelief, and denying them how he was, was the most severe of punishments, and the most horrific examples, for some of them drowned him, and some of them were seized by a cry, and some of them were destroyed by the sterile wind, and some of them were caused by the earth, and so on. Allah says ﴿ وَأَصْحَابُ مَدْيَنَ ۖ وَكُذِّبَ مُوسَىٰ فَأَمْلَيْتُ لِلْكَافِرِينَ ثُمَّ أَخَذْتُهُمْ ۖ فَكَيْفَ كَانَ نَكِيرِ﴾[ الحج: 44] And the companions of Midian - and Moses denied, so I gave hope to the disbelievers, Then I took them. But how could this abominable thing (Al-Hajj: 44) Interpretation of verses 42 and 44: God Almighty says to His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: And if these polytheists deny you, then you are not the first messenger to lie, and they are not the first nation to deny its Messenger { I did not hasten them with the punishment, but rather gave them a delay, until they continued blindly in their transgression, and increased in their disbelief and evil. {Then I seized them} with torment as the Mighty and Powerful had seized - meaning I denounced them for their disbelief and denounced them as to how he was. It was the most severe of punishments. Allah says " فكأين من قرية أهلكناها وهي ظالمة فهي خاوية على عروشها وبئر معطلة وقصر مشيد " “Therefore, if there is a town that we have destroyed that was unjust, then it is empty, On its thrones, and a broken well, and a palace built.” “How many towns” we have destroyed” with severe torment and worldly disgrace. “And they were unjust” because of their disbelief in God and their denial of His Messengers. Our punishment of them was not an injustice on our part. “For they are without their thrones” meaning: their homes are in ruins. Its palaces and its walls has fallen on its thrones. It has become desolate, after it was once full, and desolate after it was inhabited by its people, And a broken well and a palace built. “And how many wells, over which people used to crowd, for their drinking and the drinking of their livestock. Its people were lost, and there was no coming or going from it. And how many palaces, whose people labored over it, constructing it, raising it, fortifying it, and decorating it. Then when God’s command came to them It was of no use to them, and it became empty of its people. They have become an example for those who consider it, and an example for those who think and consider. A view around the verse Who destroyed the village? God, with what? earthquake? Is the earthquake natural or caused by climate injustice? Who are the destroyed in the village? God? Destroy the righteous and leave the unbelievers? This is not the action of God, but rather raising the ranks of those who died in Islam. This is the action of the infidels, tyrants, and servants of the world, but you may have heard about the tsunami in Indonesia, which was a tourist village where celebrities and millionaires wreaked havoc, It has been destroyed from the ground up with all those in it. This is the action of God - the Almighty - but we do not believe in a village whose people are Muslims being destroyed by the command of God, in which they enjoin good and forbids evil, and the faces of Muslims shine in it for long hours for the sake of God, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Allah says " أفلم يسيروا في الأرض فتكون لهم قلوب يعقلون بها أو آذان يسمعون بها فإنها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور " “Have they not traveled through the earth and had hearts with which to understand or ears to hear with it, the eyes are not blinded, but the hearts in the breasts are blinded.” That is why God called His servants to travel through the earth, to consider and consider. He said: “Have they not traveled through the earth” with their bodies and their hearts, “so that they may have hearts with which to understand” the signs of God and to contemplate with them sites of His lessons, Intentional blindness: This blindness is harmful to religion, the blindness of the heart to the truth, so that it does not see it just as a blind person does not see visible things. As for blindness of sight, its goal for worldly benefit. A view around the verse Did they not walk in the land? Walking here, traveling and traveling from one country to another, and God knows best So, they will have hearts with which they can reason with You are certainly an expert that they have found mental neurons in the heart, which reason like the human mind, so trust your feelings. As they say: the heart is the core of feelings, and it turns out that the heart contains mental neurons, so the strong, overflowing feelings that you feel towards someone, whether love or hate, are feelings based on Mental base, It is not in vain. Now: God Almighty rebukes us because we travel from our homelands to other people’s homelands, and we do not take the mind in our hearts seriously, and we do not take into account what is going on around us. Or ears to hear Likewise, you are aware that the circle of hearing is more comprehensive and larger than the circle of sight, whether for the blind or normal people. Also, it is not normal hearing, but rather listening, and in listening there is all good. When God - the Almighty - spoke to you about the Noble Qur’an, he did not tell you to hear to the Qur’an, but rather to listen the Qur’an, In the art of talking between people, listening well is a sign of high morals and something that endears people to you. Here, listening is (listening) to the wisdom of an unbeliever or a believer, it does not matter. Listen to the natural voice and hate speech from people, you have never been accustomed to living among them because of what you wear, what you carry with you, because of your different nature. Listen and take what benefits you. It does not blind the eyes, but it blinds the hearts in the breasts As for blindness in sight, it can be cured, either by a surgical operation that removes some of the blurring if the vision is very weak, or by a Bionic eye, or by hearing from those close to them in every small and large matter, but the problem is in the heart, which is affected by (Amah" with the ha) (not blindness with the ya). As for the Amah: Agnosia: It is the lack of intelligence, the loss of sensory perception, It is as if God - the Almighty - wants to expand the circle of our knowledge through understanding with the heart and mind and hearing with the ear in conscious ways. We do not live in order to relax and listen to music in a tourist resort in the East or West, and this is the end of our bag as we come from the trip. Pain: Is It All in the Brain or the Heart? This "heart brain" is composed of approximately 40,000 neurons that are alike neurons in the brain, meaning that the heart has its own nervous system. In addition, the heart communicates with the brain in many methods: neurologically, biochemically, biophysically, and energetically. The vagus nerve, which is 80% afferent, carries information from the heart and other internal organs to the brain. Signals from the "heart brain" redirect to the medulla, hypothalamus, thalamus, and amygdala and the cerebral cortex. Thus, the heart sends more signals to the brain than vice versa. Research has demonstrated that pain perception is modulated by neural pathways and methods targeting the heart such as vagus nerve stimulation and heart-rhythm coherence feedback techniques. The heart is not just a pump. It has its neural network or "little brain." The methods targeting the heart modulate pain regions in the brain. These methods seem to modulate the key changes that occur in the brain regions and are involved in the cognitive and emotional factors of pain. Thus, the heart is probably a key moderator of pain. What is meant by this scientific statement. That the heart carries a small, mobile human mind, and has 40,000 mental neurons, and God - the Almighty - proved this medical scientific fact 1446 years ago in less than a line, in half a verse. The Links

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 336

    Allah says " حنفاء لله غير مشركين به ومن يشرك بالله فكأنما خر من السماء فتخطفه الطير أو تهوي به الريح في مكان سحيق " “One who adheres to God, not associating partners with Him, and whoever associates others with God, It is as if he fell from the sky and the birds snatched him up, or the wind blows it into a deep place.” He commanded them to be “true to God,” turning toward Him and worshiping Him, turning away from everything else, “not associating partners with Him, that is, he falls from it, “so the birds snatch him up quickly, or the wind blows him to a deep place,” meaning, far away. Likewise, the polytheists do. Faith is in the position of the sky, preserved and elevated. And whoever abandons faith, is in the position of one who falls from the sky, He is vulnerable to pests and afflictions. either bird snatch him or tear him apart. Likewise, if a polytheist abandons adherence to faith, the devils seize him from all sides and tear him apart And take away his religion and his worldly life. Or a severe gust of wind will take him and raise him into the layers of the atmosphere, then throw him, after his limbs have been severed, into a very far place. A View around the verse Al - Hanifiyyah The inclination from polytheism to monotheism, and the inclination from worshiping idols or multiple gods to God - alone, with no partner. And whoever associates anything with God, it is as if he had fallen from the sky and been snatched up by birds or carried by the wind to a deep place. It is an example that if you imagine it in your imagination, you will not like it at all. Imagine yourself in an airplane and falling, or opening the door during flight for any malfunction - God forbid, if you fall from it and an eagle snatches you while you fall, for example, Something hideous, or the wind is so strong that it takes you to a deep place, and these are two frightening examples, and so is the idea of ​​disloyalty and the idea of ​​associating others with God with another god, a truly frightening idea, but it is not here, but there is in the afterlife, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Another gesture Your Hajj must be for God and with lawful money and lawful food, and even if you associate God with God - may He be glorified and exalted - before you come for Hajj, So think a thousand times before you do that in his house - Glory be to Him - Glory be to Him. There is an article that I would like you to read if you like, entitled: Do we as Muslims associate partners with God while we do not realize it? The link Are we associate with God, and we do not feel? ( Allah says " ذلك ومن يعظم شعائر الله فإنها من تقوى القلوب " “That and whoever venerates the rituals of God, it is from the piety of hearts.” That is: that which we have mentioned to you, of glorifying its sanctities and its rituals. What is meant by rituals: the visible signs of religion, including all rituals, as God Almighty said, indeed, Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the rituals of God, and among them are gifts and offerings to the House. It was previously mentioned that the meaning of venerating them, honoring them, performing them, and completing them to the best of what the servant is able to do. Among them are gifts, so, glorifying them, by approving and approving them, and making them perfect in every way. Glorifying the rituals of God comes from piety of hearts. The one who glorifies them is proves his piety and the soundness of his faith, because glorifying it is subordinate to glorifying and honoring God. Allah says " لكم فيها منافع إلى أجل مسمى ثم محلها إلى البيت العتيق " “You will have benefits in it for a specified period, then its place will be transferred to the Ancient House.” “For you in it” meaning in gifts “benefits for a specified time” This refers to marketed gifts, of the body and the like, whose owners benefit from them, by riding, milking and the like, which does not harm them, for an appointed time” is a decreed, temporary, which is slaughtering it, if it reaches its “place” It is the "Old House", meaning the entire forbidden place, "Mina" and other things. When it is slaughtered, they eat from it, offer sacrifices, and feed the poor wretch. Allah says " ولكل أمة جعلنا منسكا ليذكروا اسم الله على ما رزقهم من بهيمة الأنعام فإلهكم إله واحد فله أسلموا وبشر المخبتين " “And for every nation We have appointed a ritual that they mention the name of God at, for what He has provided for them of livestock, and your God is one God, to Him they have submitted, and give good tidings to those who hide.” That is: And for each of the previous nations, we have appointed a ritual. Meaning: So, race toward good deeds and hasten to them and let us see which of you is best in deeds. The wisdom in God making for every nation a ritual is to establish His remembrance and turn to thank Him, that is why he said: “to mention the name of God over what He has provided for them of livestock, for your God is one God.” Even if the types of laws differ, they all agree on this principle, which is: the divinity of God, and singling Him out for servitude, and he left polytheism with Him. That is why he said: “Submit to Him” meaning: submit and submit to Him and not to anyone else, for Islam is the path to reaching the abode of peace, and give good tidings to the hidden ones of the goodness of this world and the hereafter. And the hidden one: submissive to his Lord, surrendered to His command, humble toward His servants. A View around the verse ولكل أمة جعلنا منسكا ليذكروا اسم الله على ما رزقهم من بهيمة الأنعام And for every nation We have appointed a ritual for them to mention the name of God over what He has provided for them of livestock Every place has a special sanctity, especially places attributed to God - the Almighty - and especially if they are associated with ritual devotional occasions for a religion, So we should thank God for this blessing and mention God’s name over it, but why? He answers a study published by the BBC newspaper. Read with me: Do humans have a ‘religion instinct’? Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist who studies the brain in light of religious experience, has spent his career following this hunch. “If you contemplate God long enough,” he writes in How God Changes Your Brain, “something surprising happens in the brain. Neural functioning begins to change. Different circuits become activated, while others become deactivated. New dendrites are formed, new synaptic connections are made, and the brain becomes more sensitive to subtle realms of experience. Perceptions alter, beliefs begin to change, and if God has meaning for you, then God becomes neurologically real.” Religious experiences, he tells me in his Pennsylvania-area office, satisfy two basic functions of the brain: self-maintenance (“How do we survive as individuals and as a species?”) and self-transcendence (“How do we continue to evolve and change ourselves as people?”). Newberg and his team take brain scans of people participating in religious experiences, such as prayer or meditation. Though he says there isn’t just one part of the brain that facilitates these experiences – “If there’s a spiritual part, it’s the whole brain” – he concentrates on two of them. فإلهكم إله واحد فله أسلموا Your God is one God, so submit to Him Let us all know: Our God is one and has no partner. This is what He commanded us, and we, praise be to God, are Muslims. May God continue to bless us with His blessings and let us die while He is satisfied with us. And give good tidings to those who are hidden The person told him: he submitted, humbled himself, and humbled himself before him. He was reassured and calm Allah says " الذين إذا ذكر الله وجلت قلوبهم والصابرين على ما أصابهم والمقيمي الصلاة ومما رزقناهم ينفقون " “Those who, when God is mentioned, whose hearts fear and are patient over what befalls them, and those who perform prayer and spend from what We have provided them.” Then he mentioned the characteristics of the hidden ones, saying: “Those who, when God is mentioned, whose hearts tremble,” meaning out of fear and veneration, so they abandoned forbidden things, out of their fear and reverence for God alone. “And those who are patient over what befalls them, “From calamity, hardship, and all kinds of harm, they should not be displeased with any of that. Rather, they were patient, seeking the face of their Lord, anticipating His reward, and anticipating His reward.” And the one who establishes prayer”. A View around the verse These are the characteristics of those who are Mukhbeteen: one who is humble, and reassured to the rules of God When God is mentioned, their hearts become fearful You, you: How do you worship God? I mean, out of fear or love, or both. Welcome to the bird of the sky that has two wings, one wing containing hope and the other wing containing fear, If one of the wings dominates the bird, its balance will be disturbed and it will fall from where it does not want to fall. We are the same bird, so one wing should not dominate the other. It is said: One of the benefits of the patience 1 - The Maturity You are not the same person before patience. You are never the same person after patience. You have changed. Quantitative leaps have taken you to rise and elevate you and rid you of the filth and love of this world that astonishes the afterlife. 2- The strength and firmness of the mind A light mind is not one of the characteristics of a person who is loved by people, but a firm mind is loved, listened to, and people love to sit with him. It is said: If you find a man who is silent among men: So, sit next to him, as he imparts wisdom. 3- It teaches you imagination If you search for yourself via Google or any other search engine about the benefits of imagination, you will find what you cannot count, and patience makes you think about the future in a bright way, even in the darkest circumstances, you find yourself dreaming of a better tomorrow than today, so do not ask who you are today, but see if tomorrow will be like yesterday? Every king was just a screaming newborn, every great building was just a drawing on paper. Pregnant and breastfeeding women were patient until their children grew up, and the builder was patient until his building hugged the clouds. Patience is an integral part of life. This is the tip of the iceberg in the value of patience. And those who pray We all perform the prayer, and only a few of us perform the prayer. You will not extract honey from the bees until the bee pinches the flowers and extracts the nectar from them, and your honey does not come out except with the establishment of prayer, and you will not come out of the prayer better than what you entered it until after you establish it, and establish it in yourself and not in your body, To say “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great), to exult, and to praise with a conscious heart, for you will only gain from your prayer what you have understood, and after that there will be unparalleled athletic movements. Prayer is a connection between the servant and his Lord, connect with Him today, He connected with you tomorrow. Today you are among your loved ones. Tomorrow you will be alone with no other lover to hope for. And of what We have provided them they spend One of the perfections of God’s Gentleness- the Almighty - is that He said and always says about spending (from what We have provided with) and sustenance comes in many types, shapes and sizes. So, there is the sustenance of knowledge and its spending: educating people, and There is the provision of money: and its spending: paying its due and increasing “charity”, and there is the provision of power, authority, intercession, etc.... spend Bilal and do not fear decrease from the One who possesses the Throne, no one takes anyone’s livelihood, and no soul will die until it receives its livelihood. Allah says " والبدن جعلناها لكم من شعائر الله لكم فيها خير فاذكروا اسم الله عليها صواف فإذا وجبت جنوبها فكلوا منها وأطعموا القانع والمعتر كذلك سخرناها لكم لعلكم تشكرون " “And the livestock We have made it for you among the rituals of God, for you therein is good, so mention the name of God over it, stands and if it is necessary to the south of it, eat from it and feed the contented person, And the poor, thus We have made it subservient to you that you may be grateful.” This is evidence that the rituals are general, in all the prominent figures of religion. It was previously mentioned that God said that whoever performs his rituals great, it is from the piety of the hearts, and that among his rituals are camels and cows, according to one of the two opinions, so they become great and fattened, and they become good. “You will have goodness in it, “That is: for the Mahdi and others, such as food, charity, benefit, reward, and reward.” So mention the name of God over it.” That is, when slaughtering it, say “In the Name of God” and slaughter it. “Standing, by standing on her four legs, then tying her left hand, then slaughtering it, It is permissible for the one who slaughters the animal to command from his sacrifice. “And feed the contented and the poor.” That is: the poor who does not ask, be content and self-sufficient, and the poor who asks, each of them has a right to them. But He humbled it for you and made it subservient, out of mercy for you and kindness to you, so praise Him. Allah says " لن ينال الله لحومها ولا دماؤها ولكن يناله التقوى منكم كذلك سخرها لكم لتكبروا الله على ما هداكم وبشر المحسنين " “God will not have their flesh nor their blood, but he attains piety from you, and he also subjugates it to you, that you may glorify God for what He has guided you and give glad tidings to the benefactors.” And his saying, “God will not attain their flesh nor their blood,” meaning: it is not intended to slaughter them only. Nor will God attain any of their flesh or blood, for He is the Rich, the Praiseworthy. Rather, He is attained by sincerity in them, seeking reward, and good intentions. So the doers of good will have good tidings from God, with happiness. This world and the Hereafter, and God will do good to them, just as they did good in worshiping Him and His servants. “Is there any reward for good except good?” “For those who do good, goodness and more.” A View around the verse God will not attain their flesh or blood, but He will attain the piety from you After the idea of ​​spending, God Almighty reminds you, O forgetful person: He will not eat with you and will not eat from your sacrifice - Glory be to Him - but those who attain this are people of piety. Thus He has subjected it to you so that you may glorify God for having guided you Glory be to God, you find a child in the desert walking with a camel a kilometer away, and this heavy camel, in size, weight, and value in life, does not interfere with the child moving it as he wants, and other animals, if you saw them, you would wish that the ground swallowed you better like a snake, and you cannot snort it except with difficulty and risk.. Why harness some animals, Lord? May you glorify God, for God is great, God is great, God is great for what He has guided us, and we want more of your great grace, O Lord, and congratulations to the pilgrims of the Sacred House of God. And give good news to the benefactors The doers of good are in the eyes of God and His care and love for them. The benefactors are those who are proficient in their work, that is, no matter how small, large, despicable, or honorable their work is, they are doing work that no one can repeat what they neglected or add to it. Imam Al-Ghazali, may God have mercy on him, says a wonderful comprehensive word. (My face darkens when I see the work coming out from under the hand of the infidel, perfect and good, and coming out from under the hand of the believer, weak and disfigured.) What do you do in your life: Are you a maker in a factory of sturdy and well-made Swiss watches, or in a factory of Chinese children’s toys that you play with once and it gets ruined? You are what you do, what you master, and what you improve. In the past, Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said: The value of a person. what is good at, so, where are you regarding the benefactors of worship? Even if it is to a bird, The benevolence has been written over everything... so be a benefactor, for God will send you exclusively good tiding. Allah says " إن الله يدافع عن الذين آمنوا إن الله لا يحب كل خوان كفور " “God defends those who believe. God does not love every traitorous and ungrateful person.” This is news, a promise, and good news from God to those who have believed, that God will protect them from every calamity. He will protect them - because of their faith - from all the evils of the infidels, the evils of the whispers of Satan, the evils of themselves, and the evils of their deeds, and He will bear for them, when calamity descends, what they cannot bear. A View around the verse God defends those who believe where and when? Scientists say: You will not empower until you are tested When will God defend you? Are you working as a soldier in a certain country? It is the soldier, my brother. It is God's soldier. If you are a loyal soldier, the King of Kings will reward you for this loyal soldier one day. Do not look under your feet, for life is built on patience, built on your endurance, and built on your nervous flexibility, I mean the extent of the adaptation that you do, not like the frog that remained in the heat until it died, no, no, but excuse me for this simple and meaningful example, but rather like cockroaches - forgive me - Cockroaches are insects that have not been extinct for millions of years. they have experienced storms, volcanoes, tsunamis, invasive species, epidemics, and other changing environmental influences, and they do not change or change, and for knowledge they have great benefits in this life... God Almighty, He will defend you whenever you do what you did to him and you do not look at the result at all. rather, you work and work and work hard without expecting anything in return, which is stressful on the soul, but its outcome is good. God does not love every ungrateful traitor That is, a lot of betrayal, a lot of disbelief You want God to defend you in your absence, in a problem, in a request, in a calamity that has befallen you. Do not be an infidel, do not be a traitor, for God does not love every ungrateful traitor, and He linked it to defending you in one verse. The links Do humans have a ‘religion instinct’? (

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 335

    Allah says وَهُدُوا إِلَى الطَّيِّبِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ وَهُدُوا إِلَىٰ صِرَاطِ الْحَمِيدِ (24) And they were guided to good speech, and they were guided to the path of the Praiseworthy (24) The Almighty said: (And they were guided to good speech) Ibn Abbas said: It is testimony that there is no god but God. Ibn Zaid said: There is no god but God, and God is great, praise be to God, and glory be to God, Al-Suddi said: That is, the Qur’an. It was said that it is the saying of the people of Paradise: Praise be to God, whose promise we have fulfilled (Al-Zumar: 74 (And they were guided to the path of the Praiseworthy) to the religion of God, which is Islam. “And the Praiseworthy” is God who is praised in His actions. A view around the verse Good to say, are you the one with good words? What is a good saying? It is the one that does not contain obscenity, insults, cursing, and is positive and does not frustrate anyone or despair anyone, enough is enough, what is all this? All I wanted to tell you is that this world is only for idle talk, cursing, and other bad words, and if you are not one of those who speak obscenely, then you are undoubtedly a tester. There are people whose tongue is better than honey and they do not tell or speak except with hope and making others happy, In this life, they experienced people's injustice, hatred, and hostility, and even those among them changed their condition and did not resemble the same person they used to be. As for the heaven It is a guidance to good speech, and a guide to the path of the Praiseworthy, which praises you for the simple food and drink for which you praise Him, and He praises you for your gratitude, your prayers, and every good deed you do, If you search the world of people, you will not find anyone who will praise you for all your good deeds. Rather, some of them will say to you: You are not sincere, and some of them will say: As for the Praiseworthy (Allah) SWT, the little and the big praise you for. - Allah says " إن الذين كفروا ويصدون عن سبيل الله والمسجد الحرام الذي جعلناه للناس سواء العاكف فيه والبادي ومن يرد فيه بإلحاد بظلم نذقه من عذاب أليم " “Indeed, those who disbelieve and turn away from the path of God and the Sacred Mosque, Which We have made for people alike, those who devote themselves to it and those who enter it for just a pray, and whoever rejects it by turning away from the truth through injustice, We will make him taste a painful punishment.” God Almighty tells us about the heinousness of what the polytheists who disbelieve in their Lord are doing, and that they have combined disbelief in God and His Messenger with turning away from the path of God and preventing people from believing, and also preventing them from the Sacred Mosque, which does not belong to them or their fathers. Rather, the people in it are equal, those who reside in it and those who come to it. Rather, they prevented from it the best of creation, Muhammad and his companions. A view around the verse Those who disbelieve and turn away from the path of God This is complex disbelief. He did not disbelieve and contented himself with the matter. On the contrary, he was repelled from the path of God with songs and parties at times and with people doubting their religion at other times, by impoverishing people and humiliating them at times, and at times, at other times, poverty is a hostage to disbelief, so the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace, linked them together in the noble hadith (O God, I seek refuge in You from poverty and disbelief) And the Sacred Mosque, which we made for the people, whether those devote themselves to it or those staying in it for prayer only There are sacred places in this life. You may have more than one valuable property. Let us assume an apartment and a chalet on the sea and another chalet in ... for the winter, but you prefer a house on a farm you own in the distant countryside. Your preference for something means that it means a lot to you, the houses of God on earth are mosques, and there are mosques that are better than mosques and are sanctified by the sanctity of God - the Almighty - especially the Sacred House and the Holy House, Because they are what you travel to, and it is for all people, the noble as well as the weakest, they are all equal before God, and the lesson is piety. You are outside the mosque, and you see the ranks and you see the people bragging about each other, you fight for lineage, honor, money, and position, and inside the mosque you forget all of this behind you and enter with bare feet and stand, prostrate and kneel politely, knowing that he will not save you, except for the one before whom you stand sincerely, and this is the mosque (the Sacred Mosque: whether for the one who secludes himself or for the one who enters as a visitor once and returns to it other times). Whoever responds into it with injustice, We will make him taste a painful punishment Any type of disbelief in God will taste a painful physical torment, and God is Most High and Most Knowing, even if it is prolonged. Allah says " وإذ بوأنا لإبراهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي للطائفين والقائمين والركع السجود " “And when We appointed to Abraham the place of the House, that you should not associate anything with Me, and purify My House for those who circle around, those who stand and those who kneel and prostrate.” God Almighty mentions the greatness and majesty of the Sacred House and the greatness of its builder, who is the friend of the Most Merciful, and He said: “And when We prepared for Abraham the place of the House,” meaning: We prepared it for him, and We sent it down to him, He made a portion of his descendants among its inhabitants, and God commanded him to build it. He built it on fear of God and founded it on obedience to God. He and his son Ismail built it and commanded him not to associate anything with it, by devoting his deeds to God, and building it in the name of God. “And purify my house” meaning from polytheism and transgressions, and from impurities, and adding the Most Merciful to Himself, for His honor and grace, and for His love to be greater in the hearts. A view around the verse It is said that every person has a share of his name, and every place has a story behind it, a story from the stories of time. It is said that I built this house with my blood, money and sweat, I built it throughout my life, brick by brick, and behind the Sacred House: the story of the burning story, the story of a noble prophet, Abraham, peace be upon him - who lived his whole life until he reached eighty years of age and perhaps more to build this house, (The Sacred House) with his son Ismail the sacrifice after the end of the story of the slaughter, the completion of the blessing and the end of the affliction with the good response to all the trials that Ibrahim Al-Khalil - peace be upon him - went through, God - the Almighty - knew the location of the House to Abraham, who is said to have been the first to build it on earth, whatever it was, so now Abraham and his son Ishmael - peace be upon them - are the ones who will build the Sacred House. Do not associate anything with Me Do you know why Abraham was called Hebron? It is said that love for God and devotion to Him permeated every cell of theirs, and Hebron is pure in love. Likewise, like a sponge when it drinks water, every part of it is absorbed. This, O Lord, is the one to whom You say (not to associate anything with Me) Sincerity is the highest thing in our religion. There is no peak of the hump of religion (jihad: it bears fruit except with sincerity) and no prayer is accepted except with sincerity. No, no, no, so it is said that Medina denies hypocrisy and hypocrites, In the Prophet’s era, and in one of his narrations, a man pledged allegiance to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and then he was struck by a fever, so he came and said: Take my pledge of allegiance to me, and he said: “Indeed, Medina denies its evil, That is, the hypocrisy in it, it seems that the matter also includes the Sacred Mosque, meaning that evil, polytheism, and the polytheists are removed from it, and God is Most High and Most Knowing - and of course this is what should be - And purify My House for those who circle around, those who stand, and those who kneel and prostrate Who cleans the mosque? Ibrahim, peace be upon him, himself? Yes, what is required is clear from God - the Almighty - it seems that in this religion the quality of humility must be evident in all situations of your life, no matter how high your status is, Those who circumambulate, bow, and prostrate must stand in a purified place to pray and remember God, which is what was, is, and will be until God inherits this place, before humans became desolate, before the Day of Resurrection, was inhabited by wild lions, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Allah says " وأذن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجالا وعلى كل ضامر يأتين من كل فج عميق " “And announce to the people the Hajj, and they will come to it walking, and upon every lean she-camel they come from every deep valley.” “And proclaim the Hajj among the people,” meaning teach them about it, invite them to it, and convey to those near and farthest, its obligation and its virtue. For if you invite them, they will come to you as pilgrims, as men, that is, as walking on their feet out of longing, “And upon every lean camel,” that is, a lean camel that completes its tasks and its victories and continues on its way until it reaches the most honorable of places. From every deep valley, meaning from every far country, Al-Khalil, peace be upon him, did so, and then after him his son Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. They were invited to perform the Hajj to this House, and they continued and repeated it forever. What God promised happened. The people came to him, , men and riders from the east and west of the earth. Then he mentioned the benefits of visiting the Sacred House of God. A view around the verse He announced to the people the Hajj An invitation, or call it the media of the stage, or call it social media. This is the truth and not the metaphor, they did not have strong media except the words of poets in praise and blame, or climbing a mountain so that the sound could reach in all directions, or public meetings in places where the elite gather, like social clubs now, Perhaps other than that, it was God’s command - the Almighty - to Ibrahim Al-Khalil to teach people that Hajj is an obligation of faith for everyone who knows the sky. They will come to you walking and every weak camel To this day, someone walks on his feet for 6 continuous months until he reaches the place of Hajj from the original place where he lives, and this is not the principle (so what will God do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe) but God - the Almighty - shows us how much some people long for this house to the point that, while He is completely sincere, He comes to the house on foot, or even out of poverty, he rides on a camel that is fat and weak, unable to walk. They come from every deep valley In Hajj: a unique historical human image that will never be forgotten by anyone who sees it once in reality. These colors, races, and dialects, they mix with each other in one crucible, so they rise above positions, money, prestige, power, and everything until you find the honorable next to the weak, uttering words that are the same, the king and the president are never different from the subordinates in it, and you find those who come from the Alps, those who come from Russia, and those who come from Africa and Asia, they are all deep valleys, but Mecca is considered the closest thing to the center of the Earth. Allah says " ليشهدوا منافع لهم ويذكروا اسم الله في أيام معلومات على ما رزقهم من بهيمة الأنعام فكلوا منها وأطعموا البائس الفقير " “So that they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of God, on known days for what He provided them with livestock They ate from it and fed the miserable poor" “That they may witness benefits for them,” meaning that they may obtain, in the House of God, religious benefits, from virtuous worship, and worship that can only be done in it. And worldly benefits, from earning money: This is one of the religious and worldly benefits, that is, to mention the name of God, when slaughtering gifts, to thank God for what He has provided them with, , and make it easy for them. So, when you slaughter it, “then eat of it and feed the needy and the poor.” That is, the very poor. A view around the verse To see the benefits for them In a little while you will find some of the worldly benefits of the idea of ​​extreme crowding, such as Hajj. But now we will talk about the religious benefits: What happens to your psyche when you perform Hajj? When you take off the brands, when you put on clothes that you cannot wear on your normal days in your country depending on your social status, what happens to you as you mutter the same words to those next to you, What do you remove from yourself, what is truly and honestly going on inside you, have you recognized God in this situation, or is your mind still occupied with this world? With the children you left behind, the money, the position, and the wife, you will certainly find many benefits that will change you from the inside before the outside. The most important thing is that you do not return from the trip with many gifts and forget to gift yourself a soul that longs for the sky more than the earth. Here's a little pause The people of famine - the people of wars and conflicts who gathered together for a food hospice, despite the critical circumstances: they enjoyed themselves, as the Muslims closed their homes on themselves individually and were consumed by loneliness and cried behind the doors due to the treachery of time, you are alone, but God is with you and has brought you together until a time when God makes a way out for that. So read carefully what human gatherings mean, and encourage each other, perhaps it will be salvation. And they mention the name of God on known days There are holy days in this life, and if you are happy in your marriage, you celebrate a wedding anniversary every year that has its own rituals, as well as the birthdays of your children, And to God - the Almighty - holidays other than the feasts, days close to God - the Almighty - which are the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. We will not talk about their virtue, for they have goodness in them, and the scholars have sayings all that concerns us here is that they are holy days to God Almighty - so if we approach them, let us prepare for something great. For what He provided them with livestock, they ate from it and fed the miserable poor The entire world - with the exception of a few - slaughters livestock for food, drink, holidays, vows, and other things other than the name of God - the Almighty - but these days, Muslims all over the world are well prepared for the Day of Sacrifice, It is a day beloved by God - the Almighty - because his name is often mentioned throughout the earth and he feeds the poor, orphans and the needy. So, they ate from it: This is an order if you do not have any disease that prevents you from doing so and feed the miserable: a miserable life: a deplorable life, and it is an unhappy life. Now read the benefits of gatherings in large numbers Note: Complete, is it possible for a person or a worshiper to start something and not complete it to the fullest? And why does God command Muslims in the imperative form (complete) We thought it was only religious, but it seems that God - the Most High - wants Muslims to have psychological well-being after completing Hajj and Umrah. Read this scientific statement: The scientific part of the topic The psychology of health and well-being in mass gatherings Participation in mass gatherings can benefit well-being: How does participation in a long-term gathering (such as a pilgrimage event) affect well-being? there are good reasons to believe that such mass events pose health risks. There are risks associated with infectious diseases, moreover, the physical conditions in such events (noise, crowds, harsh conditions) are often detrimental to well-being However, at the same time, psychosocial research indicates that participation in group-related activities can positively affect well-being, and thus we investigated whether participation in a long-term group gathering could indeed bring such benefits, In our research we examined one of the largest mass events in the world - a demanding month-long Hindu religious festival in northern India. Participants (consisting of 416 pilgrims who attended the gathering for a month, and 127 officers who did not) completed measures of self-assessment of well-being and symptoms of ill-health at two time points. first It was a month before the gathering started Second It was a month after it ended 1 We found that participants in this group event reported a longitudinal increase in well-being compared to those who did not participate. 2 Our data thus suggests that we must reimagine how mass gatherings affect individuals. Indeed, an exclusive focus on risk is misleading and limits our understanding of why such events are so attractive. Importantly, because our research is longitudinal and includes a control group, our work adds strong evidence to the social psychological literature regarding the relationship between participation in social group activities and well-being. The psychological importance of groups Although people are able to live separate and apart from others, they join with others because groups meet their psychological and social needs, although any kind of companionship is appreciated, we prefer those who offer us reassurance and support as well as accurate information. In some cases, we also prefer to join others who are worse off than us. Imagine, for example, how will you respond when the teacher retakes the test and your test is marked with an 85% mark? Do you want to affiliate with a friend who scored 95% or a friend who scored 78%? To maintain a sense of self-worth, people look up and compare themselves to those who are less fortunate. This process is known as downward social comparison. Motivation and performance Groups usually exist for a reason. In groups, we solve problems, create products, create standards, pass on knowledge, have fun, performing the arts, establishing institutions, and even ensuring our safety from attacks by other groups. But do groups always out perform the individuals? Make decisions in groups Groups are particularly useful when it comes to decision making, as groups can draw on more resources than a lone individual can. One individual may know a lot about a problem and possible solutions, but his or her information is far outweighed by the group's combined knowledge. not born Groups not only give more ideas and possible solutions by discussing the problem, but they can also more objectively evaluate the options they generate during the discussion. Before accepting a solution, the group may require that it be favored by a certain number of people, or that it meet some other criteria for acceptance. People generally feel that a group's decision will be better than an individual's. Allah says " ثم ليقضوا تفثهم وليوفوا نذورهم وليطوفوا بالبيت العتيق " Then let them make up for their dirt, and they will fulfill their vows and circumambulate the Ancient House.” “Then let them complete their frivolity” meaning complete their rituals and remove the dirt and harm that befell them during the state of ihram, “and fulfill their vows” which they made obligatory upon themselves, such as Hajj, Umrah, and gifts and let them circumambulate the Ancient House, meaning: the ancient one, the best of all mosques. And the freed one: the one over whom the tyrants ruled. This is an order to circumambulate, especially after the command to perform its rituals in general, because of its virtue and honor, and because it is the intended destination, and what comes before it is a means to it. And perhaps - and God also knows best - for another benefit, which is: Tawaf is permissible at all times, whether it follows a ritual, or on its own. Allah says " ذلك ومن يعظم حرمات الله فهو خير له عند ربه وأحلت لكم الأنعام إلا ما يتلى عليكم فاجتنبوا الرجس من الأوثان واجتنبوا قول الزور " “And whoever venerates the sanctities of God, that is better for him in the sight of his Lord, and cattle have been made lawful to you, except for what is recited to you, so avoid abomination from idols and avoid false speech.” What we have mentioned to you of these rulings, and what they contain of glorifying, honoring the sanctities of God, because glorifying the sanctities of God is among the things that are beloved of God and that are close to Him, because of its greatness and honor, God rewarded him abundantly, and it was good for him, in his religion, in this world, and in the afterlife, with his Lord. And God’s sanctities: everything that has sanctity, and He has commanded to be respected, of worship or otherwise, such as all rituals, such as the sanctuary and ihram, such as gifts, and such as the acts of worship that He has commanded. God's servants do it. “Avoid abomination” that is, filthy impurity. Of the idols” meaning equals, which you have made gods with God, for they are the greatest types of abomination. It seems that “from” here is not to indicate the gender, as many commentators have said, but rather it is for separation, and the impurity is general in all forbidden and forbidden things. So it is forbidden from them in general, and from the idols, which are some of them in particular. “And avoid false speech,” meaning: all forbidden words, for they are false speech.

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 334

    Allah says " وكذلك أنزلناه آيات بينات وأن الله يهدي من يريد " “Thus We have sent it down as clear signs, and that God guides whom He wills” That is: Likewise, when we have detailed in this Qur’an what we have detailed, we have made it clear, clear verses that indicate all beneficial requirements and issues, but guidance is in the hands of God. Whoever God wants to guide is guided by this Qur’an, and makes it his imam and role model, and is illuminated by its light. And whoever God does not want to guide, If every verse came to him, he would not believe, and the Qur’an would not benefit him at all. Rather, it would be evidence for him. A view around the verse Likewise, God Almighty willed that the Qur’an is full of clear verses, and what is the meaning of the verse? It is a clear sign that you are not confused about the matter, suppose you are walking in the desert, your cell phone is out of charge, and no one is with you, and you find a road with two turns, and you want a specific destination, where do you go, right or left? If you do not find a sign on this or that road that tells you where to go, you have one of two things before you. Either you surrender to death, or you enter into a series of right and wrong until you reach... is not it? Now: The Qur’an has answers to major questions in this life. You came to life and found that there are many gods who claim to be the true God, and you heard or read the Qur’an, and of course every god has evidence for this claim, either a miraculous book or a coercive power, or messengers, or all of these things together. You refused to let the true God be hidden, and so you said about his wrath, the wrath of nature. Look in the Qur’an, you will find it full of distinguishing signs in the field of physics - mathematics, “the atomic number of the iron,” and full of psychology, “God is All-Aware, And God is All-Aware of souls and what is contained in the breasts, signs in language, rhetoric, grammar, etc. God - the Almighty - spoke the truth when He said in His Book (We have not neglected anything in the Book) and you yourself still doubt its existence, And you keep saying: Where are these verses? There are many verses in the universe that indicate that He is the One. For example, but not limited to, the existence of one electron in every nucleus from the atom to the galaxy, and the color of my blood. I am an Easterner, like the color of your blood, and you are a Westerner. Doesn’t that indicate oneness? The one source!!! And God guides whomever He wants The idea of ​​saying (God has not guided me yet) is not a popular idea. Why? Because God does not favor anyone, neither are you the son of so-and-so nor are you from a religious family. You and you are with God - the Almighty - (and all of them will come to Him individually on the Day of Resurrection). If the calculation is individual, then why do you think that guidance is collective by lineage, for example? There are two famous types of guidance that we all memorize, but the remembrance benefits the believers: (guidance by significance and guidance by assistance) The guidance of significance Reading - You read and write: Then read and read the news of the nations, and if you do not do that, then you are responsible - Verses of the Readable Universe (Call it what you want: the real anger of nature, not the artificial one such as rain showers or artificial earthquakes - what you have come up with is a little higher... etc.) The guidance of aid ( والذين اهتدوا زادهم هدى وآتاهم تقواهم .) [ محمد: 17] God Almighty says (And those who are guided, He has provided them with guidance and given them piety.) [Muhammad: 17] The beginning is from you, and the help is from God, but the beginning must be from you, the search for God, and they say in psychology: What you search for will search for you, isn’t it? God Almighty says it in another way (I am as good as my servant thinks of me) Allah says " إن الذين آمنوا والذين هادوا والصابئين والنصارى والمجوس والذين أشركوا إن الله يفصل بينهم يوم القيامة إن الله على كل شيء شهيد " “Those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Magians, and those who associate, God will decide between them on the Day of Resurrection. God is Witness of all things.” God Almighty tells about the sects of the people of the Earth, from those who were given the Book, from the believers, the Jews, the Christians, the Sabians, the Magians, and the polytheists, that God will gather them all on the Day of Resurrection and separate them with His just judgment, It includes every unbeliever, from the Jews, the Christians, the Magians, the Sabians, and the polytheists. “Clothes of fire are cut out for them,” meaning: He makes clothes of tar for them, and fire is lit in them, May torment engulf them from all sides. Hot water will be poured over their heads, melting the meat, fat, and intestines in their bellies, due to the intensity of his heat and the greatness of his command. A view around the verse Religious groups, religious minorities, a dominant religion and a non-dominant religion, whatever the categories mentioned in the Noble Verse. (Jews - those who left their religion for another - fire worshipers - polytheists who worship multiple gods) God will separate them on the Day of Resurrection, and why does He not separate them here so that the problem ends, the debates end, and the religious conflicts between religious minorities ends? If God did that, the idea of ​​the Day of Resurrection would cease, which cannot happen. If God did that, the idea of ​​choice would cease. Your choice, you are chosen, It is said that whoever has the choice or is confused, you have ideologies (intellectual approaches) and religions before you, and you are not forced at all in your heart (unless his heart is at peace with faith) even if they force you into long-term camps, with your heart between your hands you know your Lord, and then you choose the religion you want and the God you worship. Can you imagine? That you will worship God (who is worthy of worship), whom you have never seen once in your life and will never see. Is there not another day and meeting with Him, and the matter has ended until this world? This, for my age, is very bad in measuring people, do you think that you will make mischief in your life, oppress, kill, harm, and go on with your life as you want, and then come to enjoy with God the rest of your eternity in the after separation on the Day of Resurrection is one of the basics of human nature. You take an exam after studying for a full year, and the result comes out after a while. This world is the period of study, and the grave is the exam paper on which you will answer what you studied in this world, but the afterlife is the result of the exam. Life? This is, according to my age, the ugliness of people, the most ugliness, God is a witness over all things That is, He - Glory be to Him - is not unaware of what happens in religious debates, nor what happens between conflicts between religions and who has right and who has wrong, but He does not intervene to resolve all these disputes. You are the one entrusted with that. Why? What did your father do to you when you were young? He raised you and taught you right from wrong from his point of view, right? Did he go to school with you? Did he study with you all your studies? Did he take the exam for you? No, rather he told you: If someone bullies you while I am not with you, you must rely on yourself, you must think quickly and take useful decisions and implement them immediately and in the moment? Did your father tell you that when you were young? Why do you want God - the Almighty - to make your decisions? To think for you? To carry out your quick decisions or school for you? Stand up and take the reins of your responsibility and know that He is a witness over everything - Glory be to Him - and He will tell you a statistic that you will not find comparable to in all the international statistical bodies that you know or even do not know, Look at the verse (God has counted him and forgotten him...) Allah says أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَسْجُدُ لَهُ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَن فِي الْأَرْضِ وَالشَّمْسُ وَالْقَمَرُ وَالنُّجُومُ وَالْجِبَالُ وَالشَّجَرُ وَالدَّوَابُّ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنَ النَّاسِ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ حَقَّ عَلَيْهِ الْعَذَابُ ۗ وَمَن يُهِنِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِن مُّكْرِمٍ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَفْعَلُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۩ (18) Have you not seen that to God, whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on earth prostrates to Him, And the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people, and many are deserving of punishment. And whoever God insults, He has no one to honor. Indeed, God does whatever He wills. (18) Mujahid said: Its prostration transforms its shadows, and Abu Al-Aliyah said: There is no star, sun, or moon in the sky that does not fall in prostration when it sets, and then does not depart until permission is given to it, then it takes the same right until it returns to its rising. Its prostration was said to mean obedience, for there is no inanimate object except that it is obedient to God, submissive to Him, praising Him, as God Almighty told us about the heavens and the earth (they said, “We came willingly”) ..... (And whoever God humiliates), meaning God humiliates him, there is no one to honor him. Meaning, whoever God humiliates, no one will honor him. (Indeed, God does what He wills.) That is, He honors and humiliates. Happiness and misery are by His will and desire. A view around the verse Didn't you see? No, Lord, I did not see. When you find that you did not see, please stand for it for a few seconds, because from now on you will look at things from God’s perspective. To God, whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on earth prostrates to Him Those in the heavens (the angels) and perhaps another creation that we do not know, and those on earth (the Muslims), who are about a third of the earth. And the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people. As for people, praise be to God that many people prostrate to God, and He increases their status, while some people prostrate to some kings in the world, like prostrating prone on the ground to the Japanese Emperor and others - may God protect us - As for the sun - the moon - the mountains - the trees - the animals We do not know how they prostrate, but we trust God completely and completely, with no doubt that they do. And many are deserving of punishment Why? Because they prostrate in humiliation, to things other than God, and whoever loves something besides God - and all things other than God, will inevitably be tortured by it... This is God’s will. And whoever God insults, He has no one who honors him Whoever humbles himself to God increases his elevation among His creation, and whoever submits and lowers his head to the ground in submission to God, God will honor him in this world and the hereafter, and whoever does the opposite will be arrogant, God will humiliate him, and whoever transgresses, God will humiliate him, and whoever transgresses against God’s creation by forcing them to worship Him or prostrate to Him - God will humiliate him. God does whatever He wants Not favoritism, be sure of that Allah says ۞ هَٰذَانِ خَصْمَانِ اخْتَصَمُوا فِي رَبِّهِمْ ۖ فَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا قُطِّعَتْ لَهُمْ ثِيَابٌ مِّن نَّارٍ يُصَبُّ مِن فَوْقِ رُءُوسِهِمُ الْحَمِيمُ (19) ۞ These are two opponents who disputed about their Lord, so, as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire are cut out for them, and boiling water is poured over their heads. (19) Ibn Abbas and Qatadah said: The verse was revealed regarding the Muslims and the People of the Book, so the People of the Book said, “We are more deserving of God and more prior to the Book than you, and our Prophet is before your Prophet.” And the believers said, “We are more worthy of God, we believe in our Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and your Prophet, and in the Book that God has sent down, and you know our Prophet and our Book, and you disbelieve in it out of envy. This is their dispute in their Lord. Mujahid, Ata bin Abi Rabah, and Al-Kalbi said: They are all believers and disbelievers, of whatever religion they are. (These are two adversaries who have disputed over their Lord.) Turning to them, the believers are adversaries and the rest of the five are adversaries Hammam bin Munabbih said: Abu Hurairah told us: He said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Heaven and Hell argued, and Hell preferred the arrogant and the transgress, she said to Paradise, “what is the matter with me? Only the weak, fallen, and deceived people will enter me.” God Almighty said to Paradise, “You are only My mercy. I have mercy through You on whomever I wish of My servants.” And He said to Hell, you are only My torment. I punish through you whomever I wish of My servants, and each of you has its own fill. As for the fire, it will not be filled until God places His foot in it, and you say, “Never, never,” and there it will be filled and some of them will turn toward each other, and God does not oppress anyone of His creation. As for Paradise, God Almighty creates a creation for it. Then God Almighty explained what the two opponents have, saying: Allah says What is in their bellies and skins will be melted with it (20) It is said that the lard and the fat are melted by fire. If you melt them, they are melted, meaning it is melted by the hot water that is poured from above their heads until the fat and entrails (and skins) in their stomachs fall out, that is, its heat roasts their skins, and they soften. Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abi Tawbah told us, Abu Taher Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Al-Harith told us, Abu Al-Hasan Muhammad bin Yaqoub Al-Kisa’i told us, On the authority of Abu Hurairah, on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, he said, “The boiling water is poured on their heads and penetrates the skull until it reaches their stomach, so what is in his stomach oozes out until it passes from his feet, which is the melting pot, then it is returned to how it was.” Allah says " ولهم مقامع من حديد " “And they have iron maqam'a ” maqam'a: A piece of wood or iron with a crooked head. In the hand of the harsh and severe angels, it strikes them and oppresses them. A view around the verse Allah says " كلما أرادوا أن يخرجوا منها من غم أعيدوا فيها وذوقوا عذاب الحريق " “Whenever they wanted to get out of grief, they will be returned therein and taste the torment of burning.” The torment will not abate from them, nor will they look back, and it will be said to them in rebuke: “Taste the torment of burning,” meaning: the burning of hearts and bodies. A view around the verse Allah says " إن الله يدخل الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار يحلون فيها من أساور من ذهب ولؤلؤا ولباسهم فيها حرير “God will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will adorn themselves with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their clothing there will be silk It is known that this description does not apply to non-Muslims, who believe in all the Books and all the Messengers. “They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold,” meaning they will wear gold bracelets on their hands, both their men and women, And their clothing therein is silk. So they were blessed with that, including the types of delicious food included, the word gardens, and the mention of the flowing rivers. The rivers of water, milk, honey, and wine, and the types of clothing and luxurious jewelry. This is because they were guided “to good speech,” the best and kindest of which is the word sincerity. Then all the good sayings, which contain remembrance of God, or kindness to the servants of God. ...... A view around the verse Gardens under which rivers flow Here in this life there are floating hotels in the middle of the water, in Dubai, and throughout Europe, so what is new? Not everyone can enjoy this. On the Day of Resurrection, the poor will be the first people to enjoy Paradise, and there are infidels who will not enter Paradise in the first place unless God wills. This is one, but the other: Are these floating hotels not afraid of a tsunami? Don't be afraid of climate change, don't be afraid of a blue whale? Do you feel safe? Don't her feelings get hurt by scenes she doesn't want to see, such as being naked in front of someone who wants to cover himself or for loved ones? And did and did and did? Does he feel happy while his neighbors are under the weight of wars and armed conflicts? Paradise: all that is in it is peace. You only hear greetings, greetings, and no one speaks to you except in jest, not mixed with lies. (Whenever they are provided with it, they will say, “This is what we were provided with before.”) In paradise: neither a tsunami nor a blue or red whale threatens your psychological and physical peace, In Paradise, you will meet God and His Messenger, calm yourself down, and love life again after losing its highest meaning in this world. They adorn themselves with bracelets of gold and pearls Bracelets, why did God Almighty not talk about Necklaces? God knows, and we do not know, but the people of Paradise - may God bless us and you - Without the precious stones that we all know and know nothing about, God chose (gold and pearls), and gold came to Earth from the action of meteorites that struck the planet Earth, It was formed after a full 200 years. As for natural, uncultivated pearls, they are seashells and catching them is extremely difficult. What do I mean? I mean: The jewelry in Paradise is sustainable jewelry - if so to speak - so there is an allergy to gold, whether in food, drink or clothing, as for pearls, they are for clothing, and the rest of the precious stones that the kings here and other wealthy people in the world sing about, such as red rubies and others, are just the gravel of Paradise, the earth is furnished with them. Their clothes are silk Paradise is for men and women equally, and gold and silk are forbidden for Muslim men in this world, and you are aware that studies have proven to reduce fertility in men, as for in Paradise, there is no fear of wearing silk clothes, except that natural silk is a sustainable fabric, as it comes from the silkworm. I mean: all fabrics in Paradise are sustainable, you are an expert that if synthetic fabrics are not rotated and worn over and over again, some of them last up to 100 years until they decompose, and they end up on the shores of some rivers in the continent of Asia in particular, (Because it is the country that produces the most clothing because it is the cheapest in the world, and all international brands are manufactured there) These fabrics end up in the mouths of sea turtles and fish, and they die and die, and the wheel of life moves on randomly, God does not love it, as He said in His Holy Book (Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what people’s hands have earned). For more about the bliss of heaven, please download this PDF

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 333

    Allah says " ذلك بأن الله هو الحق وأنه يحيي الموتى وأنه على كل شيء قدير " “That is because God is the Truth, and He revives the dead, and He is Able to do all things.” “That” is the One who created the human being from what has been described to you and revived the earth after its death. “That God is the Truth,” meaning the Lord who is worshiped, to whom worship is not due except Him. and worshiping Him is the truth, and the worship of anyone other than Him is invalid. and that He gives life to the dead,” just as He began creation, and just as He revived the earth after its death. “And that He has power over all things,” as I bear witness to you of the marvelousness of His power and the greatness of His workmanship. What I bear witness to you. A View around the verse In the previous verses, we talked about the formation of man from the beginning of creation, and the formation of the fetus, and we saw the greatness of the Creator manifested in this matter, then the Lord - Blessed and Most High - tells us - In this verse, God is the truth, and after the truth there is nothing but error, and we have seen that part of the completeness of the oneness of God - the Almighty - is that the creation of the earth and its revival is like a woman’s womb before and after marriage, we have seen that the greatness of creation and the oneness of God - glory be to Him - are embodied in the stages of human formation, and although all of its components are known and God - the Almighty - has revealed the secret of its components, the West, to this day, with all the modern technologies, They did not succeed in creating a human being except through living cells such as RNA, and they played with its components with CRISPR scissors and other technologies to create designer babies - and others - so God bless the best of creators. And he revives the dead In the West today they claim to revive the dead in a very complex way, the method of freezing, but not to the point where the organs are damaged. God - the Almighty - revives the dead in the simplest ways: 1 - Be and it will be (The story of how He revived this earth after its death: a story visible to everyone) 2 - Striking an organ in which life is still just the pulse of a dead being (the story of the cow: We said, “Hit it with some of it.”) 3- He gives the ability to some of his prophets to do this, such as our master Jesus, peace be upon him These are things that are impossible for the human mind to imagine, especially at times in history when it was impossible for this to happen, and to this day if you follow the very complex method, In which millionaires pay their money and they do not know any confirmation of it until today, the biggest thing they know is cryogenic sleep for a period of time ranging from 6 months and more... You can research the science of cryogenic sleep yourself if it interests you. The most important thing is that God - the Almighty - had not told us about 1446 years ago, He is the one who revives the dead and provided humanity with examples of that, as stated above. We would say that the advanced West today is ahead of God - the Almighty - in anything - God forbid and no - But refuting proofs from more than 1,000 years of human progress is the greatest evidence of the unity and existence of God. Allah says " وأن الساعة آتية لا ريب فيها وأن الله يبعث من في القبور " “And the Hour is coming, of which there is no doubt and God raises those from the graves.” “And the Hour is coming about which there is no doubt,” so there is no reason to rule it out, and God will raise up those from the graves and reward you for your deeds, good and bad. A View around the verse Here the Mawla - Blessed and Most High - tells us something strange, which is the end of the universe, the end of life, and the beginning of the afterlife, and what is strange about that? What is strange is that God - the Almighty - less than a few verses ago told us about the formation of a child, and here he tells us about coming out of the graves to be judged, so he summarized the entire life between birth, death and reckoning. And the Hour is coming, there is no doubt about it We, as Muslims, believe this because it is our firm belief that there is another day of accountability for actions in this world. Do you really believe that? We all believe that in theory, But He regulates our daily rhythm. no injustice, envy, or hatred will ever bring the believers together at the Hour. Rather, souls will be divided into believers, unbelievers, and hypocrites, they flatter the believers that they believe in this out of fear of themselves and not of God Almighty. And God resurrects those in the graves Modern science has proven that the tailbone or coccyx, which is a bone at the end of the spine, does not disappear or wear out underground, and because of this, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us that: As in Al-Bukhari, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: There are forty between the two blows, then God sends down water from the sky and they sprout as plants sprout. There is nothing in man that does not decay except one bone, which is the tailbone, from which creation will ride on the Day of Resurrection. Allah says " ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم ولا هدى ولا كتاب منير " “And among the people are those who argue about God without knowledge, guidance, or an enlightening Book.” The aforementioned argument is of the imitator, and this argument is of the desired Satan, the one who calls for heresies. So, he said that he “argues about God,” meaning he argues with the messengers of God and their followers with falsehood in order to refute the truth with it, “Without true knowledge and no guidance,” meaning: not following in this debate anyone who guides him, no guiding mind, no follower who is guided. “And no enlightening Book,” meaning: clear and clear, so he has no rational or textual proof. A View around the verse Among the people: One of the strangest things about the Qur’anic discourse is that it is very fair. One time it treats the People of the Book fairly and says (they are not equal) And once he treats people fairly who do not believe in Him - Glory be to Him - and He says (from: meaning some, not all), and this is complete justice. And from people So you will find them in life, you will inevitably find them Whoever argues in God without knowledge This part of the noble verse was repeated in the Qur’an several times. What does God - the Almighty - want to tell us about this? And God knows best: He wants to make you a specialist, do not talk about something that you do not know, do not talk about something that you are not good at answering questions about, do not talk just to prove that you are present in scientific discussions, rather, speak while you are knowledgeable, speak while you are an expert, speak while knowing that you are not making people fluctuate in knowledge that is supposed to be fixed, beyond their mind - whether medicine, anatomy, or anything else, Then you will find those who argue about God that He does not exist many in this life. We will not talk about the huge numbers of non-heavenly religions that do not connect to God - the Almighty - in any way, unfortunately, they represent two-thirds of the world, and we represent only a third of the world... Therefore, if you argue about God with someone who disputes the existence of God, you must have knowledge, guidance, or a book from which you can enlighten the firm and established arguments, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Allah says " ثاني عطفه ليضل عن سبيل الله له في الدنيا خزي ونذيقه يوم القيامة عذاب الحريق " “His second kindness is to stray from the path of God, for him in this world is disgrace, and on the Day of Resurrection we will make him taste the torment of burning.” They are nothing but suspicions, inspired by Satan, “And the devils send revelations to their friends to dispute with you, with this, “he bent his neck” meaning he twisted his side and neck, and this is a metaphor for his arrogance for the truth, and his contempt for creation. He was happy with what he had of useless knowledge, and he despised the people of the truth, and what they had of the truth, for him in this world is disgrace.” That is, this will be exposed in this world before the afterlife. This is one of the wondrous signs of God, for you will not find any preacher of disbelief and misguidance except that he will have abhorrence between the worlds, curses, and hatred. A View around the verse Allah says ثاني عطفه ليضل عن سبيل الله The second of his neck to stray from the path of God As you walk through life, you will find some people talking to you, listening with half an ear - indifferently -, and you will find others who are all ears, He comes to you with his face and a large part of his body out of listening and respect. Here in this case: This is a person who does not look at you completely, but rather with part of his face, and his body in another direction, which is a sitting or pausing that indicates indifference to who he is talking to + arrogance and boasting about the knowledge he has, the reason for this disrespectful stance toward those he is talking to is an attempt to mislead the person in front of him, through arrogance, such as sedition of a worldly science, be it nuclear physics, modern physics, or anything else, and you should know that if the argument and the idea slumber, the sound rational discussion is buried with it, and instead you begin a sterile debate + arrogance + or raising a hand or raising insults or something else, then the argument knocks with the argument, as for sterile controversy, it is of no use except to its owner. He has shame in this world Disgrace: It is disgrace, humiliation, and humiliation, but we see those who argue about God and His existence, their faces are beautiful, and their clothes are not shabby, they have enough knowledge to fill books, so how is this? We do not know, but God - the Almighty - threatened him from above the seven heavens with disgrace in this world before his time ends, the important thing is that you, as a Muslim, believe that, even if you see the opposite, you must submit to God’s ruling because you see one of the chapters of this debate, and it is not a condition that you live to see the end of his life, It is not a condition that he die in his disbelief, but perhaps deep thinking will lead him to the existence of God after a while, unless he dies in his disbelief. And we will make him taste the torment of burning on the Day of Resurrection May God protect us and protect you, because we believe and do not imagine a fire breaking out among the living, May God protect everyone, but whoever does not look at the afterlife or the existence of God mocks this speech - God forbid - Allah says " ذلك بما قدمت يداك وأن الله ليس بظلام للعبيد " “That is for what your hands have forwarded, and God is not unjust to His slaves.” “That” is what was mentioned of earthly and hereafter torment, and the meaning of distance in it (which is the meaning of the L in “that” which is placed to indicate distance) to indicate that the infidel is at the extreme level of horror and horror, “because of what your hands have put forward,” meaning: because of the disbelief and sins you have committed, “And God is not unjust to His servants.” That is, the matter is that the Almighty does not punish His servants without any sin on their part. A View around the verse Before we delve into the meanings of the verse: We must differentiate between servants and slaves The servants: They are attributed to the Most Merciful, according to the Almighty’s saying (And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk on the earth in humility... the verses) If you contemplate the word, you will find in the middle of it an alif, and the alif is extended to the sky, Slaves: They are also attributed to God - the Almighty - but by force, not out of love, as is the case with servants, as God Almighty says here (God is not unjust to the slaves.) If you noticed, you would find in the middle of the word a yā’ and the yā’ is broken down to the ground. As if the meaning The servants are chosen by God - the Almighty - above all things, and they are few among humanity, and the servants are subjugated to God - the Almighty - by their existence and even by their health and illness, there are diseases that elude all medicine, and there are global catastrophes that are not artificial, caused by climate injustice, or otherwise, that elude intercontinental solutions, So the meaning is: this person who chose the field of his research and passion: proving the non-existence of God, will have shame in this world and the torment of burning in the afterlife, This is because of what his hands gave, not the hands of anyone else, and that God - the Almighty - does not oppress anyone, even if they are merely slaves and not servants, and God is Most High and Most Knowing. Allah says " ومن الناس من يعبد الله على حرف فإن أصابه خير اطمأن به وإن أصابته فتنة انقلب على وجهه خسر الدنيا والآخرة ذلك هو الخسران المبين " “And among the people are those who worship God according to the edge, if good befalls him, he is content with it, and if affliction befalls him, he turns on his face, losing this world and the hereafter, that is the clear loss. That is: Among the people are those who are weak in faith. Faith did not enter his heart, nor did it mix with his screen. Rather, it entered into it, either out of fear, or as a habit in a way that does not remain steadfast in times of adversity, If good befalls him, he will be reassured by it.” That is, if his sustenance continues abundantly, and nothing bad befalls him, he will be reassured by that good, not his faith. This is, perhaps, because God will heal him, and will not spare him from temptations. A View around the verse Among the people are those who worship God according to the edge That is, you worship God - Glory be to Him - in good times, when eating and drinking well, when getting married, having success, having children, the success of children, and the happiness of grandchildren, on the other hand, there are problems, difficulties, and people’s temptation towards you by harming you, cheating, deceiving, and betraying you, you say why did God allow them to do that to me? The answer is: with the law, not with God. The law does not protect fools, and neither does God - the Almighty - with regard to people’s betrayal, as for problems such as diseases, if you are not the one responsible for your wrong way of living and you were born, for example, with a disease, then ask whether the family has a share in this, such as the marriage of some relatives, for example, which causes severe hereditary diseases, etc. We do not blame God - the Almighty - for our human mistakes, as for wars: God - Glory be to Him - has told us from the beginning (We said, “Go down from it all together, some of you enemies to one another”) and they said, “Your enemy is the enemy of your religion, now people are enemies of the same religion. The most important thing is: If you worship God, worship Him in general and not in detail. The sweet and the bitter and know that it is one of the reasons for your faith, (to believe in destiny, its good and its evil) and everything was written for you. The calamity came directly from God, counting your calculations with Him, If it comes at the hands of hostility and adversaries, it is a reminder not to be heedless again, for God does not like the heedless. If good befalls him, he will be reassured by it We are all this person. Man is created to love life and love his safety and the safety of his loved ones in life, and whoever touches any of that, rises up, curses, disbelieves, and offends the Creator and some people. If a trial befalls him and he turns on his face, he will lose this world and the hereafter Trial is the test. It is like testing pure gold with fire to remove the impurities from it, so the pure gold is exposed to the burning fire for a period of time, so all its impurities are removed from it and it remains pure gold, When you are burning with temptation, metal will inevitably come out of you, and this metal is your original metal that you cannot fake. Why? Because in only a few cases, a person brings out his true, non-fake self. We all walk through life with masks that we do not remove except during times of pain, sadness, or perhaps other things, The fire causes psychological pain and perhaps physical pain, and the fire here is a test for you, not a test for those next to you, and with the intensity of the test, all the masks fall off, and what remains is the real you, not the fake one, and you and your work in life are either honorable metal or cheap metal like the common people, so the idea is that when calamities strike you and they are coming It is coming for every human being on the face of the earth, to leave your religion and lose your worldly life due to calamity, and then lose your hereafter due to your lack of patience with the calamity, is the same idea as metal. People love it, acquire it, and invest in it. If after the tribulation, an honorable metal comes out of you, people will love you, appreciate you, and invest in the relationship with you, and this is what it is with God - the Almighty. The loser in both cases, or the winner in both cases, is you, not God, take God out of the equation and know that you are tested in all cases. The idea (And We will test you with something of...) You will be tested. You will be tested. And remember that the word “disaster” refers to being struck by an arrow, and the archer is God - the Almighty - and he is a good archer - Glory be to Him - if the expression is correct - so, what hurts you may not hurt anyone else at all, but it hurts you severely. This is what God wanted. This is how He wanted your true nature to come out and for people to see and evaluate you, and based on their testimony, you will be held accountable tomorrow. Allah says " يدعو من دون الله ما لا يضره وما لا ينفعه ذلك هو الضلال البعيد " “He calls upon besides God that which does not harm him and that which does not benefit him, that is far-fetched misguidance.” “This one who returns to his face calls upon “other than God that which does not harm him or benefit him.” This is the characteristic of everyone who is called and worshiped, apart from God, for he does not possess it for himself or for anyone else, neither benefit nor harm. That is the far-away misguidance, which has reached the end in distance, where it has turned away from the worship of the beneficial and the harmful, the rich and the enriching. A View around the verse We have seen people, in the midst of the calamity that befell them, turn to people and express their needs to people, crying in front of them and humiliating themselves for them. For example: a patient in intensive care humiliates himself to the nurses and humiliates himself to the doctors so that they can see his condition, and he spies on those who are taking care of him, and whenever someone passes by him, he says to him, “Take care of me more, especially if he is a doctor or understands his diagnostic condition, instead of taking care of the possibility of him returning to God - the Almighty - instead of bringing his problem and calamity down to God, He is the only one who knows your story from the beginning. I do not say from the beginning of the story, but from the beginning of your life, and the psychological and perhaps physical or mental conditions that you went through, so you do not need a long explanation or investigations sometimes to solve a problem for you. Someone would be harmed if you spoke to him about it 3 times a day, and you have 5 times a day and maybe more. You talk to God about your problem, and He does not tell you enough. I heard it from you over and over again. A God is more compassionate to us than humans and He is the one who has afflicted you, even if it comes in the form of harmful human monsters. If God - the Almighty - afflicts you one day with a calamity, your calamity will not befall you. With humans, Rather, by the Lord of mankind, they do not benefit or harm, and they harm more than you can imagine, and they gloat and rejoice and add to you the problems that may have befallen you with your prostration until the time comes for it to end... It will end. It will end, by the way, even if it ends with your life. The important thing is that everything has an end. Allah says " يدعو لمن ضره أقرب من نفعه لبئس المولى ولبئس العشير " “He prays for those who harm him rather than benefit him, worst guardian, worst cohabitants He resorts to worshiping a creature like him or less than him, and he has no control over the matter, rather it is closer to achieving the opposite of what he intended. That is why he said: “He prays for someone whose harm is nearer than his benefit.” For his harm in the mind and body, and in this world and the hereafter, is known. “How wretched is the master,” meaning this servant, “and wretched is the companion, that is: a companion who is constantly in his company. What is meant by the master and partner is to gain benefit and ward off harm. If none of this happens, then he is reprehensible and blameworthy. A View around the verse More harm than good. Imagine that you were born not here - that is, whatever country you were born and raised in. Imagine that you are from India, from China, from unknown tribes in Africa, she grew up worshiping multiple gods and performing rites and rituals that are not acceptable to the human mind, such as eating the flesh of the dead, for example. Can you imagine worshiping a stone or a dead person? or alive, or rivers, or something else, will it benefit you? If the waves were raging in the sea, would you call on this deceased player to save you? Save yourself and maintain your relationship with the One and Only God, because misfortunes are coming. Part of your life is gratitude, and the rest is completed with patience. worst guardian The ruler is the one who takes care of you and supports you in whatever hardship you find yourself in. If his harm is closer to you than his benefit, then wretched is guardianship. worst cohabitants Partner: close friend, close neighbor, husband/wife So imagine that the people closest to you are the ones who stab you in the back. This is a corrupt family, with no trace of the food and salt that you ate with each other, nor a trace of the pain and joy that you shared over the years. And this is in our world. Whoever takes a human, an animal, an inanimate object, a river, or even a guardian. Without God this would be the case. Allah says " إن الله يدخل الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار إن الله يفعل ما يريد " “God admits those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens, Underneath rivers flow. God does what He wants.” When God Almighty mentioned the one who argues with falsehood, and that he is of two types: imitator, and farewell, he mentioned that the one who pretends to be a believer is also of two types, the type in which faith has not entered his heart, as mentioned above, the second section: The believer is a true believer, he is true to his belief in good deeds, so God Almighty told them that He will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow. And heaven is called a garden, because it includes houses, palaces, trees, and plants that make those in them mad and conceal themselves, due to their abundance. “Indeed, God does what He wills, Whatever God Almighty wants, He will do it without objection or opposition. Among that is bringing the people of Paradise to it. God has made us among them with His grace and generosity. A View around the verse What is the relationship? What does it have to do with the fact that God does what He wants to admit those who believe and do good deeds into gardens? We all know (as believing Muslims) that God is capable of everything, and the believers must be admitted into his gardens, gardens of bliss. This is what I do not mean. What I really mean is: after all the talk about guardians besides God, and do not call on those who will neither harm you nor benefit you, Know that your work is what keeps you away from Paradise or brings you closer to it, and in the past they said: If you want to know whether God loves you or not, look at your condition at the time of calamity: If you still love him while he is trying you, know that he loves you, and if you find in yourself something: Why did you do such-and-such to me and I don’t want you in my life anymore or something similar without you saying these words in front of the believers, that is, between you and God, then know that he hates you just as you hate Him, Glory be to Him, Although God Almighty does not know hatred like our hatred, you will not blaspheme His words (the Holy Qur’an) with a single word that says (God hates), but instead you will find (God does not love), even in the noble hadith (Indeed, God hates three for you... and you will not find in It is my limited knowledge that God hates something like us.) Allah says " من كان يظن أن لن ينصره الله في الدنيا والآخرة فليمدد بسبب إلى السماء ثم ليقطع فلينظر هل يذهبن كيده ما يغيظ " “Who would have thought that God would not help him in this world and the hereafter, let him extend the reason to the sky, then let him cut it off, and let him see whether his plot will go away, and that which angers him.” That is, whoever thinks that God will not support His Messenger, and that his religion will disappear, then victory, from God, descends from the sky. “Let him extend it with a cause to the heaven and then cut it off, Victory is on the authority of the Messenger. “Let him see whether they will put an end to his plot,” meaning what the Messenger plots with, and does, such as fighting him, and seeking to invalidate his religion, what angers him about the appearance of his religion, this is an extension of the meaning of negation, meaning: He is not able to cure his anger, with the reasons he does. The meaning of this noble verse: O you who are hostile to the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, who seeks to extinguish his religion, who thinks, out of his ignorance, that his effort will benefit him something. Know that you No matter what reasons you do and how hard you try to deceive the Messenger, this will not remove your anger and will not heal your distress, for you have no ability to do so. A View around the verse من كان يظن أن لن ينصره الله في الدنيا Who would have thought that God would not victory him in this world Dear brother It seems that this religion is not easy. It seems that the idea that billions do not believe in God and you choose this with the ID card that you carry in your pocket (i.e. inheritance) does not please God - the Almighty - and do not like the billions who do not believe in Him - Glory be to Him - Your victory is inevitably coming, but not now, not tomorrow, and perhaps for years before you. Why? Because your test results have not yet yielded results.... God knows best And the afterlife Your story does not end, and it will not end here, in the arms of an old hag who does harm and does not benefit (the world), and as the ancients said about her (she is tempted, harms, and passes) Rather, there is an afterlife and meeting a Praiseworthy Guardian, who will help you, honor you, and honor you over and over again. Do not be hard-hearted, for He is God - glory be to Him. فليمدد بسبب إلى السماء ثم ليقطع فلينظر هل يذهبن كيده ما يغيظ " Let him extend the reason to the sky, then let him cut it off, and let him see whether his plot will go away, and that which angers him.” That is, he places something on the ceiling of his house that chokes him, such as a rope or something else, and he gets rid of life, as they say in the West: merciful death. Anger is deadly, my brother. This angered you; this annoyed you, and this ruined your life, and you get angry and like to commit suicide over life, as if you are saying that God’s gift to you (life), even if it is full of tragedies and difficulties, is life, not death and the end of work, take it, for I do not want it, and your anger will not go away. Rather, you will meet him and disbelieve in him due to occasional problems. As they say, misfortunes come, it is leaving for the country of reward, and it is a burdensome guest, so make it go praising and not slandering. May you always be well, and your victory will come, God willing. The Links The decomposition of the coccyx bone (

  • Surah Al-Hajj, page 332

    The general specifications of the Holy Surah The surah in part seventeenth The surah is mixed Between Mecca and Medina; It included Medinan verses and Meccan verses. Their arrangement in the Qur’an twenty-second The number of its verses Seventy-eight verses The prostrations in the surah The Surah included two prostrations The first is in the eighteenth verse, and the second is in the seventy-seventh verse. The provisions contained in the Surah It included many rulings, such as talking about the rituals of Hajj, and permission to wage jihad and fight for the sake of God. It included many issues of faith, Such as monotheism, and proving unseen matters, such as: resurrection, recompense, and the horrors of the Day of Resurrection. The reason for naming Surah Al-Hajj Surah Al-Hajj was known by this name during the time of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -, and no other name was known for it. It was reported on the authority of Uqba bin Aamir, - May God be pleased with him - that he asked the Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him - and he said: (I said: O Messenger of God, is Surah Al-Hajj preferred because it contains two prostrations? He said: Yes.) This surah was given this name. Because God Almighty mentioned the Hajj to His Sacred House in it, and commanded His Prophet Abraham - peace and blessings be upon him - to call for the Hajj to his House, and performing its rites and rituals; Noting that the obligation of Hajj on Muslims was mentioned in verses from Surat Al-Baqarah and Surah Al Imran, and the revelation of Surat Al-Hajj was before the obligation of Hajj on the nation of Islam. The suitability of Surah Al-Hajj to the surahs before and after it What came before Surah Al-Hajj begins its verses by talking about the horrors of the Day of Resurrection, and this beginning fits with the end of Surah Al-Anbiya’ that preceded it, Surat Al-Anbiya touched upon several other topics. What's beyond The suitability of Surah Al-Hajj to the surah after it. Surat Al-Hajj suitability to the surah after it. It is Surah Al-Mu'minun, Surah Al-Hajj concluded by urging Muslims to adhere to the means of success in this world and the hereafter. By performing what God has enjoined on the believers of worship, such as prayer, zakat, and drawing closer to Him - Glory be to Him - by doing good deeds. Then Surat Al-Mu’minun came to show the success of the believers, which confirms the link between the two surahs. For the Hajj provisions with pictures: please, Visit this link The began of the interpretation Allah says " يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم إن زلزلة الساعة شيء عظيم " “O people, pious your Lord. Indeed, the earthquake of the Hour is a great thing.” Imam Abu Jaafar Ibn Jarir cited The basis for whoever said that in the hadith of the trumpet is from the narration of Ismail bin Rafi’, the judge of the people of Medina, on the authority of Yazid bin Abi Ziyad, on the authority of a man from the Ansar, on the authority of Muhammad bin Ka'b Al-Qurazi, on the authority of a man, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “When God finished creating the heavens and the earth, He created the trumpet. So, he gave him Israfil, and he put it on his mouth, keeping his gaze fixed on the throne, waiting when he would be commanded. Abu Hurairah said: O Messenger of God, what is the trumpet? He said: “A horn” He said: So how is it? He said: “A great horn in which three blasts are blown: the first is the blast of terror, the second is the blast of shock, and the third is the blast of standing up for the Lord of the Worlds, God commands Israfil to blow the first blast and says: Blow the blast of terror, then the people of the heavens and the people of the earth will be terrified, except for whom God wills, and He will command him to extend it and lengthen it and not let up, It is the one that God Almighty says: (And these see only one cry, which has no fawaq: The period between the two) [p. 15], So God makes the mountains move, and they become a mirage, and the earth shakes with its people, and it is what God Almighty says: (On the Day when the trembling will tremble, the trembling will follow it. Hearts on that Day will be afraid) [Al-Nazi’at: 6-8] then the earth will be like a ship sinking in the sea, struck by the waves, hitting it with its people, and like a lantern attached to the throne, swung by the spirits. People would stretch out on her back, and the breastfeeding women would be startled, and pregnant women give birth. The children turn gray, and the devils fly away, until the regions come, and the angels meet them and strike their faces, so, it returns, and the people are appointed to turn their backs, calling one another, and this is what God Almighty says: (On the day you turn back, turning back, you will have no protector from Allah. And whoever Allah sends astray will have no guide.) [Ghafir: 32-33] While they were doing that, the earth cracked from one country to another, and they saw a great thing, and they were seized with anguish that God knows best. Then they looked at the sky, and it was like a turbidity of boiling oil, then its sun was eclipsed, and its moon was eclipsed, and its stars were scattered, then it was swept away, The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “And the dead do not know any of that, Abu Hurairah said: Who does God exclude when Allah says: (So whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on earth is terrified except whom God wills) [An-Naml: 87] He said: Those are the martyrs, but the fear only reaches the living. Those are alive with their Lord and are provided with, God protected them from the evil of that day and made them safe. It is God’s punishment that He sends on the worst of His creation, and it is what God says: (O people, fear your Lord. Indeed, the earthquake of the Hour is a great thing. * On the day when you see it, every breastfeeding woman will be astonished at what she has breastfed, and every pregnant woman will lay her pregnant and see the people, they are drunk, but they are not drunk, but the punishment of God is severe. Al-Tirmidhi said Ibn Abi Omar told us, Sufyan bin Uyaynah told us, Ibn Jad’an told us, on the authority of Al-Hasan, on the authority of Imran bin Husayn that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: When the verse was revealed: (O people, fear your Lord. Indeed, the earthquake of the Hour is a great thing) until his saying: (But the punishment of God is severe), he said: This was revealed to him while he was on a travel, so he said: “Do you know what day that is? they said Allah and His Messenger know best. He said: “That is the day when God will say to Adam: ‘Send the Fire.’” He said: O Lord, and what created the Fire? He said: Nine hundred and ninety-nine will go to Hell, and one will go to Paradise. then the Muslims started crying, and the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “They approached and saddado: Make sure that your actions are as true as possible, for there was never a prophecy unless it was pre-Islamic in its hands, He said: “Then the number is taken from the pre-Islamic era, and if it is complete, otherwise it is complete from the hypocrites, and the likeness of you and the nations is only like a notch on the arm of an animal, or the mole on the side of the camel.” Then he said: “I hope that you will be a quarter of the people of Paradise.” They said “Allahu Akbar” and then he said: “I hope that you will be a third of the people of Paradise, So they grew up, then he said: “I hope that you will be half the people of Paradise.” So they said: “Allah is great, He said: I do not know whether he said two-thirds or not? Encouraging action and increasing faith was a motivational purpose of Surah Al-Hajj, among its influential verses is also the Almighty’s saying: (O people, a parable has been presented, so listen to it, Indeed, those whom you call upon besides God would not create a fly, even if they gathered together to protect it, And if a fly takes away something from them, they cannot rescue it from it - it is the weakness of the seeker and what is desired). A view around the verse The Surah, as I learned, is part of it Meccan and part of it is Medinan, and the Meccan Qur’an is famous for its speech to all people (O people), then it commanded them to fear God and fear Him despite their lack of faith in Him - Glory be to Him - the Most High - Why, because the earthquake of the Hour is a great thing, and the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - among other things he said about the Last Day: “The Hour and I have been sent like these,” and he pointed to his index and middle fingers, As time approached, the difficulties and problems approached and the great earthquakes that wiped some villages off the face of the earth, and other hardships such as wars, increased, In which chemical, biological and other weapons are used, the mother is amazed by her son, and they are miniature images of the horrors of the Day of Resurrection. Allah says " يوم ترونها تذهل كل مرضعة عما أرضعت وتضع كل ذات حمل حملها وترى الناس سكارى وما هم بسكارى ولكن عذاب الله شديد " “The day you see it, every breastfeeding woman will be amazed at what she breastfed, and every pregnant woman will lay down her pregnant, and you will see people drunk, and they are not drunk, but the punishment of God is severe.” Although she is born to love her child so intensely, especially in this condition, in which he cannot live without it, “and every pregnant woman will give birth to her child” out of extreme fear and terror, and you see people drunk, but they are not drunk.” That is, you think that they - O you who see them - are drunk with wine, and they are not drunk. “But the punishment of God is severe.” therefore he deprived their minds, emptied their hearts, and filled them with fear, and the hearts reached the throats, and the eyes became clear. On that day, no father will suffice for his child, nor will a child suffice for his father, the day of the woman escapes from his brother, his mother, his father, and his companions, and his sons for every one of them, on the day of the one who sings it, and there is the oppressor, and there is the oppressor, oh, my God, I wish I had not taken so-and-so as a friend. then faces will blacken and faces will whiten, and the scales will be set, with which the weight of an atom is weighed, of good and evil, the records of deeds will be published, including all deeds, sayings, and intentions, both small and great, and the Path will be established on the board of Hell. Paradise will be close to the righteous for the righteous, and Hell has become apparent to the transgressors. If it sees them from a far place, they will hear its wrath and howling. And when they find themselves in a narrow place, tied up in it, they will call for destruction there. And it will be said to them: “Do not call upon one day of destruction but pray for many destructions and when they called upon their Lord to bring them out of it, He said, “Be humiliated therein and do not speak to them.” The Most Merciful Lord became angry with them and the painful torment came upon them, And they were deprived of all goodness, and they found all their deeds to be lost, not losing a drop or a drop of it. This, and the righteous, will be in the gardens of Paradise, they reflect on the various types of pleasures, and they abide eternally in what their souls desire. It is appropriate for the wise person, who knows that all of this is before him, to prepare for it, and not to be distracted by hope, So he abandons work, with fear of God being his motto, fear being his cover, and love of God and remembrance of Him being the soul of his deeds. Allah says " ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم ويتبع كل شيطان مريد " “And among the people are those who argue about God without knowledge and follow every rebellious devil.” That is: among the people are a sect and a faction, who took the path of misguidance, and began to argue with falsehood against the truth, wanting to establish falsehood and invalidate the truth. And the situation is, they are extremely ignorant, they do not have any knowledge, and the goal of what they have is to imitate the imams of misguidance, of every rebellious devil, He rebelled against God and His Messengers, was stubborn towards them. He opposed God and His Messenger and became one of the imams who call for Hell. A view around the verse Some Muslims have seen some of these difficulties in some countries under occupation, intercontinental wars, proxy wars, etc. They are miniature pictures of what will happen on the Day of Resurrection. We agree that this world is a miniature picture of everything and is for tasting only, but true satiation is in the afterlife, so God - the Almighty - mentions the word “tasting” frequently in many verses, no two punishments will ever be imposed on a believer. Whoever takes his share of these enormous difficulties in this world will be safe on the Day of Resurrection, except for depriving the rights of his servants, because it is the only thing that God does not forgive except by forgiving its owner. A view around the verse We all know the types of arguments, even though all arguments are reprehensible according to the words of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - (I guarantee a house in the middle of Paradise for whoever abandons quarrels while he is right) It is no secret to anyone that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - made a promise to those who abandon any kind of argument. The types of argument The Praiseworthy controversy ( وَلَا تُجَادِلُوا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ [العنكبوت:46]) God Almighty says (And do not dispute with the People of the Book except in a way that is best [Al-Ankabut: 46]) So, there is debate in the best possible way. Whoever argues with you and accuses your religion, while you have knowledge, and you are content to remain silent for the sake of safety, then you are sinning. Instead, if God blessed you with a fluent tongue and a strong argument, then you should argue, but in the best way, without verbal exchanges, harm, or anything alike. The reprehensible controversy God Almighty says, “None disputes concerning the verses of God except those who disbelieve, so do not be deceived by their volatility in the land.” Now: God Almighty - tells us that there is a type of people who argue in God, and look, he argues in God and does not argue about God, and the difference is vast. Whoever argues in God: He argues about His existence - His provision for His servants...etc. And whoever argues about God is defending His existence by proving it in every possible way, here, this debater argues about God without knowledge and follows every rebellious and malicious devil, so, what is the relationship? We all know that there are human demons, there are also jinn devils in the text of the Qur’an, and this means that it is possible for a human devil to adorn, this is why he who argues about God's work and whispers to him in order to make him feel superior and make him feel that he is right. and God is superior and knows best. Allah says " كتب عليه أنه من تولاه فأنه يضله ويهديه إلى عذاب السعير " “It was decreed upon him that whoever be guardian for him will lead him astray, and guide him to the torment of the Blazing Fire.” That is, follow him, “for it leads him astray” from the truth, and avoids him from the straight path, “and guides him to the torment of the Blazing Fire, this is truly Satan’s representative, for God said about him, “He only calls his party to be among the companions of the blazing fire, This one who disputes about God has combined his own misguidance with his attempt to mislead people, He is a follower and imitator of every willing devil, one darkness upon another, This includes the majority of infidels and heretics, as most of them are imitators and argue without knowledge. A view around the verse It is decreed upon me that whoever becomes a guardian of the one who disputes (Satan), he will never attain guidance, but will mislead him and guide him to the torment of the Blaze, Therefore, the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - commanded us to refrain from arguing, even if we are right, as it is a kind of knowledge of human weakness, and there are very eloquent people who use small words to convey great meanings, To them, silence makes them feel weak and they cannot do it, so the command to stay away from arguments is one of the best prophetic calls. Allah says " يا أيها الناس إن كنتم في ريب من البعث فإنا خلقناكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم من علقة ثم من مضغة مخلقة وغير مخلقة لنبين لكم ونقر في الأرحام ما نشاء إلى أجل مسمى ثم نخرجكم طفلا ثم لتبلغوا أشدكم ومنكم من يتوفى ومنكم من يرد إلى أرذل العمر لكيلا يعلم من بعد علم شيئا وترى الأرض هامدة فإذا أنزلنا عليها الماء اهتزت وربت وأنبتت من كل زوج بهيج " “O people, if you are in doubt about the resurrection, then We created you from dust, then from a sperm, then from a leech, then from a created and uncreated embryo that We may make clear to you and establish in the wombs what We will for a specified period of time, then We will bring you forth as a child, then you will reach your maturity, and some of you will die, and some of you will be returned to the most miserable age, so that he does not know anything after his knowledge and you see the earth lifeless, so, when We send down water upon it, it stirs and grows, and sprouts every delightful kind.” A view around the verse First: the simplified interpretation, followed by the scientific interpretation of the Holy Verse Once again, the conversation is for all people, believers and non-believers, Arabs and non-Arabs, black and whiteز If you are in doubt about the resurrection We, as Muslims, believe in the resurrection, by the grace of God - glory be to Him - As for the West today, it worships the machine and worships the deceased football player, some African tribes worship kings, some Asian tribes' worship sacred rivers, and many, many others, do you think that all of these believe in resurrection, resurrection, and all stages of the afterlife? It is a mental impossibility for any rational person, we will leave the interpretation of the middle of the verse to scientific interpretation We place in the wombs whatever we wish for a specified period How many women do you know that the fetus does not settle in her womb due to a birth defect in her womb or a disease that causes the fetus to come out of her womb before development in creation, as for what we want: this is black, this is white, this is with blue eyes, another is with black eyes, this is beautiful in appearance and good body, another is sick from birth, and so on, until a specified period (the period of birth, which may come before birth, such as when the mother dies, and the doctor would do well to extract the living from the dead and place the fetus in an incubator until it completes its life cycle, And other causes and consequences that we see morning and evening, and they are among the signs of God, and we pass by them unaware, except for those whom God has mercy on, we leave the middle of the verse again for the scientific meaning And you see the earth lifeless, so when We send down water on it, It shook, patted, and sprouted from every joyful pair God - the Almighty - combined in one verse the woman’s mercy on the earth that was dead a short while ago so that it becomes alive and fertilized with various types of plants, just as the woman was unmarried so she got married and had a fetus, The stages of which are mentioned in the noble verse are like the same plant, which begins with a bud, then turns green, then turns yellow, then falls to the ground and dies, and so on, just like the human life cycle. The scientific interpretation of the Holy Verse The proof of resurrection God Almighty has proven the resurrection through the events that occur in the land on which we live. Just as God Almighty revives the seeds and makes them grow in a new spring after they rot and die underground, Likewise, He will revive the person whose body is being consumed in the grave and scattered; On the day of resurrection, which is his second spring. It is the Creator who sends plants every spring and spreads them before our eyes to revive the dead, definitely send them back. the resurrection and resurrection confirm that right in the universe and creation, and therefore they are among the facts of the universe and the right in creation, (And We did not create the heaven and the earth and all that is between them to be void. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve.) when polytheists believe in the falsehood of creation and the lack of truth in the universe, they do not believe in resurrection, resurrection, and reckoning, and that is part of the belief of Arab polytheists before Islam. Thus, resurrection are among the facts of the universe and the truth in creation. It is evidence of the resurrection Man's semen The basis for inferring this evidence of resurrection is that semen is obtained from the waste of digestion, and it is like light rain pouring out on the ends of the organs, so if a person wants to expel it, it is gathered from the parts of the body, and water brought it out, flowing into the depths of the womb, to form a new human being. If these parts were separate, and He combined them and formed that person from them, then how could He be prevented from bringing them together again from the dust? And in Surah Al-Qiyamah: (37-40) (أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنسَانُ أَن يُتْرَكَ سُدًى أَلَمْ يَكُ نُطْفَةً مِّن مَّنِيٍّ يُمْنَىٰ ثُمَّ كَانَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقَ فَسَوَّىٰ فَجَعَلَ مِنْهُ الزَّوْجَيْنِ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنثَىٰ أَلَيْسَ ذَٰلِكَ بِقَادِرٍ عَلَىٰ أَن يُحْيِيَ الْمَوْتَىٰ) (Does a person think that he will be left in vain? does he was not a sperm from the semen of a man, then it was a clot, so it was created and formed, so He made of it a pair, the male and the female, isn't not able to give life to the dead) And in Surah Al-Tariq (5- 8) (فَلْيَنظُرِ الْإِنسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِقَ خُلِقَ مِن مَّاءٍ دَافِقٍ يَخْرُجُ مِن بَيْنِ الصُّلْبِ وَالتَّرَائِبِ) (5-8) (So let man consider from what he was created. He was created from flowing water coming out from between the back and the chest bones.) The stages of creation of the first human 1 - The water The water is the first element from which God created every living thing except the angels and jinn that are living. Because angels were created from light, and jinn were created from fire, God Almighty said: “Have those who disbelieved not seen that the heavens and the earth were joined together, Then We separated them and made from the water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (Al-Anbiya’: 30) 2 - The Soil Soil is the second element of the creation of the father of mankind, Adam - peace be upon him. He - the Almighty - said: “Indeed, the likeness of Jesus in the sight of God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, ‘Be,’ and he was.” [Al Imran: 59] Soil is an essential element in the formation of every human being after Adam - peace be upon him - as from soil is plants, from plants is food, from food is blood, and from blood is sperm, And from the sperm is the fetus. God Almighty said: ﴾And God created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then made you into mates, no female conceives or gives birth except by His knowledge, and there is no one who is long-lived, And his lifespan will not be shortened except in a book. Indeed, that is easy for God” [Fatir: 11]. There is another investigation by scholars about God creating people from dust That is, He created their father Adam from her, then created his wife from him, then created them from her through reproduction. Since their first origin was from dust, he called them that He created them from dust, because the branches follow the origin, and modern science has concluded that all the elements that make up a human being are the elements of the earth. 3 - The clay This clay results from the mixing of the elements of water and soil, as we explained above, and therefore clay is the compound from which the creation of the human body is made, God Almighty said: “That is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Mighty, the Most Merciful, He who perfected everything He created, and began the creation of man from clay, then made his descendants from strain from degrading water * Then He fashioned it and breathed into it of His Spirit and gave you hearing and sight and hearts, Little do you give thanks. (Al-Sajdah: 6-9) And God - Glory be to Him, the Most High - describe this clay was sticky clay; That is: a sticky, adhesive that holds each other together, God Almighty said: “Then ask them whether they are more severe in creating or those We created, Indeed, We created them from black sticky clay” (Al-Saffat: 11). It is worth noting that The reason why humans differ in their characteristics, shapes, and morals is due to the material from which God created Adam. As he collected it from all over the earth, the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: ((God created Adam from a fist that He took from all the earth, so the sons of Adam came according to the size of the earth, So among them came white, red, and black, and between that and the plain and the sad, and between that and the bad and the good, and between that)). 4 - Changed black clay stage God Almighty left this clay after mixing its two elements until it became a black, changing clay. He Almighty said: ﴿ And We created man from clay of black, shifting clay” [Al-Hijr: 26]. 5 - The clay stage After the clay became hardened silt in the form of Adam, it became clay like pottery. God Almighty said: “He created man from clay like pottery” * And He created the jinn from a source of fire.} [Al-Rahman: 14, 15] Clay is dry clay that has a hardness to it. That is, the one who makes his voice sound when something hits him, as long as the fire does not touch him, then if the fire touches him, then he is a potter, this is what most commentators say. this clay resembles pottery, except that it is not pottery, because God did not cause Adam to enter Hell so that he would become a potter. God Almighty said: “He created man from clay like pottery” [Al-Rahman: 14]. The bottom line is that when God - Glory be to Him - mixed the elements of earth and water, it became clay, when the clay stank, it became a thick slurry shaped like it, when it dried, it became clay, and until this stage Adam had not begun to live. As for the period of time between the clay stage and the changing black clay and pottery God - Glory be to Him - did not specify it in the Holy Qur’an, nor was there an authentic prophetic hadith about it to be used as evidence. Among the hadiths that clarify this stage is what was narrated by Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “God created Adam from dust, then made him clay, then he left it until it was black, changing clay, so he created it and shaped it, Then he left it until it was clay like pottery. He said: Satan used to pass by him and say to him: You were created for a great matter, Then God breathed His spirit into him, and the first thing that the spirit entered was his eyes and nostrils, and he sneezed. When God met him, he praised his Lord, and God said: May your Lord have mercy on you...)) 6 - The stage of breathing the soul After God Almighty created the first human and shaped him, then he became clay. That is, the clay dried up after it was molded, and the soul moved into the body of Adam - peace be upon him - and He - the Most High - said - :) When your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating human beings from clay”* So when I have shaped him and breathed into him of My Spirit, then fall down to Him, prostrating to Him.) [Page: 71, 72] He - Glory be to Him - added the spirit to Himself, to make it clear that no one owns this spirit except Him - the Almighty - and that its essence and method are taken into account by the breath, Of what He - Glory be to Him - has limited, and there is no way for anyone to know it, as He - the Most High - said - :) And they ask you about the spirit. Say, “The spirit is from the command of my Lord, and you have not been given of knowledge except a little” (Al-Isra: 85). The scientific stages of embryo formation 1 - The sperm stage Sperm is considered a mixture of the man’s water and the woman’s water. After intercourse, the man’s water mixes with the woman’s water and the two waters become sperm. One of the wonders of God’s ability - Glory be to Him - is that the number of sperm secreted by the testicles reaches between two hundred and three hundred sperm in one batch, While the female pushes a single egg bearing a radiant crown, and of the huge quantities of sperm, only one sperm reaches the egg. Once the sperm is fused with the egg, the fertilized egg begins to divide into two cells, then four, then eight, Thus, without an increase in the size of the total of these cells beyond the size of the fertilized egg, this division process takes place while the egg is on its way to the uterus, and then comes the second stage; Which: 2 - Alaqah: The leech stage The word leech is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in five verses: The leech: It is a piece of leech, which is solid blood. After the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, and after its division, it becomes a mass of small cells, it is called the mulberry; It resembles a fruit, then it attaches to the wall of the uterus, and continues to attach for twenty-four hours. the leech is distinguished by two layers; They are: an outer layer that “eats and nourishes,” and an inner layer, from which God creates the fetus, God - Glory be to Him - named the first surah revealed in the Qur’an after this stage: May God - Glory be to Him - remind us of those moments when the human being was a mass of blood stuck to the wall of the uterus, deriving from it warmth, nourishment, and housing, God Almighty said: “Read in the name of your Lord who created.* He created man from a clot” [Al-Alq: 1, 2]. The Holy Qur’an took into account the temporal and creating difference Between every stage of creation, the distance between the sperm and the clot is a great distance in the scale of creation, although it is not far in the calculation of time, and therefore the expression came in the shift between the sperm and the clot, separating them between them. Then We created the sperm as a clot The distance is vast between the sperm and the alaqah, whether it is the male sperm (sperm) or the female sperm (the egg), or both (the sperm and gametes) Which is in the uterine canal to reach the firm place and settle there, but the transition between the leech and the embryo is fast and the distance is close, The alaqah enters the embryo without there being a significant temporal or moral difference, and hence it was expressed with the letter fa, indicating the connection between it: “So We created the alaqah as a embryo” 4 – The bone stage In this stage, the piece of meat turns into a skeleton. God Almighty said: “Then We created the embryo as bones” [Al-Mu’minun: 14]. 5- The covering the bones with meat: This verse indicates that the bones are formed first, then the flesh and muscles wrap around them as if it were a covering for them. This precise depiction indicates the greatness and accuracy of the Qur’an. 6 - The other creation At this stage, the soul is breathed, and this breath takes place about four months after the alaqah stage. The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: ((Indeed, one of you gathers his creation in his mother’s womb for forty days, and then there is a ‘laqah) like that, then there will be a lump like that in it, then the angel will be sent, and the soul will be breathed into it, He will be commanded with four words: to write down his livelihood, his term, his work, and whether he is miserable or happy.) God Almighty said: “In a secure abode” It is fixed in the womb sunken between the pelvic bones, protected from being affected by the vibrations of the body, and from many of the blows, bruises, shocks and impacts that affect the back and abdomen! God Almighty said: “Then We created another creation” This is a human being with distinct characteristics. The human embryo resembles an animal embryo in its physical stages, but the human embryo gives rise to another creation, and is transformed into that distinct creation, ready for advancement, and the animal embryo remains in the rank of an animal, devoid of the characteristics of advancement and perfection that characterize the human embryo. The links

  • The Example of the fly insect in Quran

    Allah says يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ ضُرِبَ مَثَلٌ فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ لَن يَخْلُقُوا ذُبَابًا وَلَوِ اجْتَمَعُوا لَهُ ۖ وَإِن يَسْلُبْهُمُ الذُّبَابُ شَيْئًا لَّا يَسْتَنقِذُوهُ مِنْهُ ۚ ضَعُفَ الطَّالِبُ وَالْمَطْلُوبُ (73) O people, a proverb has been told, so listen to it, indeed, those whom you call upon besides God would not create a fly even if they gathered together to make it, and if a fly takes away something from them, they cannot rescue it from it. It is the weakness of the seeker and what is sought (73) A simplified explanation of the Holy Verse O people, he gave a proverb, so listen to it This example is not only for Muslims, although they are included in the call, so listen to it: a divine command. Those whom you call upon besides God Scientists - wealthy people - multiple gods - scientific robots and all others (besides God) They will not create a fly even if they gather for it But they created a fly from genetic biological engineering - comment - at the end of the file - And if a fly takes away something from them, they cannot rescue it from it, then the seeker and the one sought are weak. This is what we see in life, and no matter how precise or small the equipment they use, they will never be able to rescue a small thing from the mouth of a fly. The anatomy of the natural fly The wings The housefly's thorax features all of its limbs used for movement. Though flies appear to have only one pair of wings, closer inspection reveals the presence of tiny, secondary wings, called halters, located below the main pair, over millions of years, the lower set evolved into the shrunken appendages you see today. They're far from useless, however. Houseflies flap their halters at high speeds during flight, using them to maintain balance in the air. If one halter is removed, the insect can only fly in circles. Without either halter, the fly can't take to the air at all. the primary wings do the rest of the work, beating 200 to 300 times a second for an average speed of 4.5 miles (7.24 kilometers) per hour. The wings provide enough power and precision for instant liftoff and complicated flight movements, such as tight spirals, zigzags and even backward maneuvers. The abdomen contains other key organs, including an egg-laying ovipositor (in females) and a sperm-depositing aedeagus (in males). Both remain retracted when not in use. The legs which the fly uses to taste everything it lands on. Tiny hairs on the end leg segment, or tarsi, work like human taste buds. For this reason, you can often spot houseflies walking around in circles on potential meals. The genetic modified fly is a Source of Next Generation Military Power The biodiversity of the planet is filled with what could be considered “super-powers”, and scientists and researchers with DARPA are now looking to that world to bring the Next Gen advantages to US warfighters. Harness Biological Systems: The highly evolved functional and synthetic capabilities of biological systems can be harnessed to develop new products and systems in support of national security with advantages over what even the most advanced conventional chemistry and manufacturing technologies can achieve. BTO seeks to establish a fundamental understanding of natural processes and the underlying design rules that govern the behavior of biological systems and apply that knowledge to forward-engineer new systems and products with novel functionality. The general comment 1 - The fly is an insect that has been around for millions of years. It did not become extinct along with the many insects that became extinct throughout history. 2 - The robot fly is made in order to contribute to wars in the West, biological wars, and this is the next generation. As for the god fly, it is a fly that actually transmits diseases, but it is not expensive, It does not use very complex technologies and is not under supervision, and it flies so that its actions for the environment and humanity are counted. 3 - The truth is that God - the Almighty - has challenged scientists that they will not create a fly even if they gather together for it, but they were created, but they were created from life matter, DNA, from a living fly or part of it, and they changed its genes through genetic engineering using CRISPR scissors or other things, so blessed be God, the best of creators. 4 If they use flies today in wars as a future generation, then God preceded millions of scientists by creating a very small organism that no one can stop from spreading epidemics or save from it what it takes in its mouth. This is something that is easy to prepare, and God is from behind the intend. The links,fly%20uses%20to%20taste%20everything%20it%20lands%20on.

  • Allah - SWAT - is not ashamed to give an example of a mosquito

    1 - natural mosquito Quick information They have a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton. They have three main body parts: head, thorax, abdomen. They have a pair of antennae that are attached to their head. They have three pairs of legs used for walking. They have one pair of wings used for flying. Like all insects, the mosquito has three basic body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. Head This is where all the sensors and the biting apparatus are located. The head consists of two compound eyes, antennae to sense chemicals and the mouth parts called the palpus and the proboscis (only in females). Thorax This segment is where the two wings and six legs attach. It contains the flight muscles, compound heart and nerve cell ganglia and trachioles. Abdomen This segment contains the digestive and excretory organs. Mosquitoes are similar to flies in that they have two wings, yet unlike flies, their wings have scales. Their legs are also longer than those of flies, and the female mosquitoes have a long mouth part (proboscis) used for piercing the skin of their prey. The Sensors The head of the mosquito contains different sensors which aid the female in finding a host: Chemical sensors These sensors enable mosquitoes to find their prey as they can detect carbon dioxide and lactic acid up to 100 feet away. Mammals and birds give off these gases when they breathe. Certain chemicals in sweat also attract mosquitoes. Visual sensors Wearing clothing that contrasts with the background and even moving while wearing that clothing, helps mosquitoes see you and target you as their next prey. If you are moving, they know you are alive, and thus full of the blood they need. Heat sensors Mosquitoes can detect heat. These special sensors help them find warm-blooded humans and/or animals when they are within a certain proximity. 2 - The robot mosquito Mosquito-killing robots deployed to city sewers A team of scientists from the Taiwan National Mosquito-Borne Diseases Control Research Center sent robots into sewers underneath Kaohsiung city in southern Taiwan to detect and destroy mosquito larvae. Determining that it is easier to kill mosquito larvae than to kill flying mosquitoes that carry viruses like dengue and zika, the researchers deployed unmanned vehicles underground. The deployed mosquito-killing robots are outfitted with various tools, digital cameras and LED lights that enable the robots to visualize the sewer environment, locate mosquito larvae in areas of standing water and spray the larvae with insecticide or hot water. According to the researchers the wheeled robots, which crawl roughly 16 ft per minute, are designed so that they cannot be easily overturned. Further, the researchers surveilled mosquito activity by setting up assorted Gravitraps for luring and capturing female mosquito specimens, which were analyzed so as to determine where dengue-positive mosquitoes often gravitate. 3 - genetically modified vector mosquitoes Malaria and other vector-borne diseases, including dengue and Zika, affect millions globally. More than 400 000 people a year die from malaria alone. If proven safe, effective and affordable, genetically modified vector mosquitoes could be a valuable new tool to fight these diseases and eliminate their enormous health, social and economic burden. Over the past decade malaria control programmes have expressed a willingness to use genetic modification if and when such techniques are shown to be safe and acceptable to the affected communities. This has prompted the WHO to provide guidance on the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to control malaria and other vector-borne diseases. The disadvantages: community acceptance is a challenge. There is an urgent need for research on the relevant local malaria mosquito species so that the required genetically modified mosquitoes can be developed. Once the genetically modified lines are established, impact in the field must be demonstrated and systems established to ensure suitable numbers of mosquitoes can be reared and safely transported to the intervention sites. Its requires considerable human resources and funding, suggesting that it will be some time before gene drive systems have real-world impact on malaria transmission. The General comment Allah says ﴿ ۞ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَن يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَّا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا ۚ فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ ۖ وَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَيَقُولُونَ مَاذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِهَٰذَا مَثَلًا ۘ يُضِلُّ بِهِ كَثِيرًا وَيَهْدِي بِهِ كَثِيرًا ۚ وَمَا يُضِلُّ بِهِ إِلَّا الْفَاسِقِينَ﴾ [ البقرة: 26] ﴿ ۞ Indeed, God is not ashamed to give an example of a mosquito or anything above it as for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord, as for those who disbelieve, they say, “What did God mean by this example, He leads astray thereby many, and guides many thereby. And He does not lead astray thereby except the transgressors. (Al-Baqarah: 26) A simplified explanation of the Holy Verse God - the Almighty - is not ashamed of mentioning the simple things that people do not usually take into account. People are accustomed to the great person, the scholar, the one with a position, etc. He only speaks about things that are big, huge, and of value, so this example is surprising to the disbelievers, and as for the believers, they increase in faith by the same example, but in the end, God concludes the noble verse by saying that it is not possible for anyone to mislead with this example except the transgressors. Look Modern science has discovered the existence of some living organisms Which cannot be seen with the naked eye, they live above the mosquito and are smaller than it, and these organisms parasitize on the mosquito in its food. These organisms were not known before at all, but their discovery was recently with the development of modern science, but the Book of God Almighty had the first to point out these creatures. Beings, God Almighty said more than one thousand and four hundred years ago: {Indeed, God is not ashamed to give an example of a gnat or anything above it. The mosquito has three complete hearts and has a complete device whose function is to analyze blood. It feeds on sucking blood and not all of the blood suits its needs. It also has a special device for diluting the blood so that the blood passes through its fine proboscis easily. It was created millions of years ago and has not yet become extinct, which is an indication of the ability to adapt and not be affected by epidemics, floods, or any other catastrophic effects. It has a blood analysis laboratory It can detect carbon dioxide and lactic acid at a distance of up to 100 feet. Mammals and birds release these gases when they breathe. As for some of the chemicals present in the veins, it is a complete flying laboratory, if so to speak. 3 – Has sensors It has optical, chemical and thermal sensors to detect warm-blooded animals 4 – Chest It has flight muscles, a complex heart, nerve ganglia, and bronchi We write this part of the anatomy just for your consideration. This insect is very well-made, and it was made from ancient times. It did not require the gathering of scientists or complications to spray epidemics in the targeted places, and scientists do not stumble in placing it in public sewers to target natural mosquitoes. Natural mosquitoes are what do that (the pandemics) As for the killer insect robots or genetically modified mosquito New - Not yet tested to a sufficient degree - Expensive - Requires complex techniques to encourage it to target natural mosquitoes that carry malaria. In the end It's God right to not as ashamed from His mancraftship - if so to speak - The Links,have%20one%20pair%20of%20wings%20used%20for%20flying.

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