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  • Does the arrogance and distraction go hand in hand?

    Allah says وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يَشۡتَرِي لَهۡوَ ٱلۡحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ بِغَيۡرِ عِلۡمٖ وَيَتَّخِذَهَا هُزُوًاۚ أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ لَهُمۡ عَذَابٞ مُّهِينٞ (6) وَإِذَا تُتۡلَىٰ عَلَيۡهِ ءَايَٰتُنَا وَلَّىٰ مُسۡتَكۡبِرٗا كَأَن لَّمۡ يَسۡمَعۡهَا كَأَنَّ فِيٓ أُذُنَيۡهِ وَقۡرٗاۖ فَبَشِّرۡهُ بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ ( And among the people is he who distorts idle talk in order to stray from the path of God without knowledge, and he takes it in jest; for them is a humiliating punishment (6) and when Our verses were recited to him, he turned away arrogantly, as if he had not heard them, It was as if he was deaf in his ears, So give him good tidings of a painful punishment. The explanation of the verses Among the people are those who buy the entertainment of conversation The Lord, Blessed and Most High, tells us that some people buy with their money reasons to distract people. At the beginning of the message was a man called (Al-Nadr bin Al-Harith bin Kalda) He was sitting in the place where new Muslims go to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - to hear from him the news of the new religion and what was revealed from the Qur’an, He would block their way and say, “I brought you news of Persia and news of the civilizations and myths that are near you, and you are aware that adults are fond of stories more than children, Because it is news of civilizations around the Arabian Peninsula that is devoid of the true civilization before Islam, the news of civilizations (around the Arabian Peninsula) It is considered the news of kings and celebrities, and you are aware that some people are fond of their news. so, verses were revealed about him to inform about this type of personality. To stray from the path of God without knowledge This is the main reason, but without knowledge, as he has no real knowledge that attracts people to him, not from previous books or even books about earthly religions, It is just a distraction for people who do not know their goal, nor is it the fact that the mind takes 47 seconds of distraction every hour, and we believe that some people with low goals take more than that in some cases, so, he struck a chord that everyone loves, especially since they are illiterate and cannot read or write. And he takes it as mockers. he will have a humiliating torment That is, the verses of God - the Almighty - and you are aware that whoever ridicules you in something you do makes you think: Am I in the truth or is what he actually says about me the truth, that is, it makes you think about your goal, So God - glory be to Him - concluded the noble verse by declaring for this type of people (a humiliating torment). Why? Because he wants glory by having people gather around him and abandon Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - Alone, without people to listen to the Qur’an, the punishment was the opposite of what he had hoped for. The punishment was humiliation instead of honor, and God, of course, knows what he intended. And when Our verses were recited to him, he turned away arrogant. And if someone tries to convey the verses of God to him - the true stories based on divine knowledge - he refuses and turns his back on them with arrogance, as if he had not heard them, as if his ears were deaf, ...and that was the end of the verses, so give him good tidings of a painful torment. Finish the interpretation of the verses and move on to psychology, then the commentary. The psychology The real reason why we have distractaction? Psychologists Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert found that the human mind is actually wired for this state of continuous distraction. In a study conducted with 2,250 adults, they concluded that we spend around 47 percent of every waking hour "mind wandering." Also called "stimulus-independent thought," mind wandering is an experience that so ordinary, so natural to us, we don't even notice it. The power motives and narcissism behind the arrogant people Who is an arrogant person? Arrogance can be defined as the personality trait whereby a person has an obnoxiously elevated sense of self-worth. An arrogant person is the one who acts as if they’re superior, more worthy, and more important than others. Therefore, they tend to disrespect and put others down. at the same time, they want admiration and respect from others. They want to be appreciated for the great things they’ve done and for their special qualities and abilities. Reasons behind arrogance 1) You’ve done great things In many cases, a person becomes arrogant when they achieve things their peers couldn’t achieve. Doing something extraordinary that no one else could do gives a tremendous boost to your self-worth. 2) You’ve done nothing great in life Just as doing something remarkable may lead to arrogance, so can not doing anything remarkable. I’m sure you must have heard this phrase before: “He’s achieved nothing. What is he so arrogant about?” This shows that many people who’re arrogant are also under-achievers. 3) Arrogance as a defence mechanism Another common reason behind arrogance is that you’re trying to protect your ego and self-worth. You may behave arrogantly to hide your insecurity, inferiority, and a lack of confidence. 4) You want attention Despite what meets the eye, arrogant people care a lot about others’ approval. If they didn’t, whom would they show their arrogance to? Sometimes, arrogance may result from trying to gain attention because no other way of gaining attention has worked for you. The comments 1 - We have seen from psychology that people are in a state of natural mental distraction for 47 seconds out of every hour. If they are actually distracted by something major, they will be distracted even more than that, which is what God Almighty does not like, Sorry, like movies and series, especially in Ramadan, they are a kind of distraction for people from the month of the Qur’an (the Qur’an and its contemplation) in its specific month and of course otherwise, It is assumed that a person in life has a purpose and a goal greater than wasting his time on empty distractions that do not teach him or educate him, do not improve the quality of his life, or bring him closer to God - glory be to Him – rather the true culture is what you work with, write, and learn, not what you hear and forget, if there is culture in films and series at all. 2 - The nature of the person who distracts people: Look at him closely: God Almighty tells us that he will be like the personality of Al-Nadhar ibn Al-Harith. See if he is arrogant, and if so: Did he do a great job because of which he became arrogant? Or if he has no great deeds, then he is arrogant to cover up his low self - steam and lack of respect for himself with arrogance. 3 - God - glory be to Him - mentioned in the noble verse that distracting people from a great goal with trivial, useless distractions is linked to arrogance. Does this, according to psychologists, have a connection... This is what we do not know. 4 We are not against purposeful art that pushes forward and teaches me something new and valuable in life and does not make me feel that all of life is disappointment, lack of origin, and betrayal by the people closest to me, even if life is actually like that, we support the good so that its circle expands, and we do not show the bad so that it is not imitated. I have not seen, for example, in the drama: There is a man or woman who treated his mother or father in their old age with lofty morals, He had special care for them due to their old age and weakness, and after they died and he sacrificed part of his time for them, happiness and the doors of goodness were wide open throughout the rest of his life... The links

  • The bright yellow cow

    Allah says وَإِذْ قَالَ مُوسَى لِقَوْمِهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُكُمْ أَنْ تَذْبَحُوا بَقَرَةً قَالُوا أَتَتَّخِذُنَا هُزُوًا قَالَ أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ أَنْ أَكُونَ مِنَ الْجَاهِلِينَ * قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّنْ لَنَا مَا هِيَ قَالَ إِنَّهُ يَقُولُ إِنَّهَا بَقَرَةٌ لَا فَارِضٌ وَلَا بِكْرٌ عَوَانٌ بَيْنَ ذَلِكَ فَافْعَلُوا مَا تُؤْمَرُونَ * قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّنْ لَنَا مَا لَوْنُهَا قَالَ إِنَّهُ يَقُولُ إِنَّهَا بَقَرَةٌ صَفْرَاءُ فَاقِعٌ لَوْنُهَا تَسُرُّ النَّاظِرِينَ * قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّنْ لَنَا مَا هِيَ إِنَّ الْبَقَرَ تَشَابَهَ عَلَيْنَا وَإِنَّا إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ لَمُهْتَدُونَ * قَالَ إِنَّهُ يَقُولُ إِنَّهَا بَقَرَةٌ لَا ذَلُولٌ تُثِيرُ الْأَرْضَ وَلَا تَسْقِي الْحَرْثَ مُسَلَّمَةٌ لَا شِيَةَ فِيهَا قَالُوا الْآنَ جِئْتَ بِالْحَقِّ فَذَبَحُوهَا وَمَا كَادُوا يَفْعَلُونَ * And when Moses said to his people, “Indeed, God commands you to slaughter a cow, they said, “Do you take us as a mockery?” He said, “I seek refuge in God lest I be among the ignorant, they said, "Call upon your Lord to explain to us what it is, He said that he says she is a heifer, neither old nor virgin, somewhere in between, so do what you are commanded. * They said, “Call upon your Lord to explain to us what color it is, He said, “He says she is a yellow and bright in color, pleasing to the beholders, they said, "Call upon your Lord to explain to us what it is. Indeed, the cows are similar to us, And indeed, God willing, we will be guided* He said, “He says she is a heifer, not trained to plow the earth, He said, “He says she is a cow, afflicted, that plows the earth, and do not irrigate the field without any blemish on it, They said, "Now you have brought the truth." They slaughtered her, but they were hardly able to do so. The explanation of the verses will be about the psychology of the verse only Moses - peace be upon him - was merely a messenger to his people for the commands of God - the Almighty - because God - the Almighty - does not speak directly to His servants except in Paradise. - God commands you to slaughter a cow. They said, “Have you taken us as a mockery?” If you distanced yourself from the sacred text, you would find that they are right. A cow, what a cow. We are in a crisis, a small society (the children of Israel), and a rich man has been murdered, and no one knows who killed him (a criminal crime in a small society) that is ravaging society, and God - the Almighty - He tells us: slaughter a cow??? He said, “I seek refuge in God lest I be among the ignorant.” He said, “He says she is a heifer, neither old nor virgin, Between that, do what you are commanded. That is, at the age of youth, but not young to the age of virginity: Psychology teaches us that the period of youth in the life of any living being is the period of activity - vitality - fertility and other good meanings that will not be forgotten from anyone’s memory. If she were old, eyes would turn away from her, even if she was small to do so, as for them being in their full vitality and activity, that is something that cannot be forgotten, and the command to do what they are commanded is based on great wisdom that has been hidden from them until now. * They said, “Call upon your Lord for us to explain to us what color she is.” He said, “He says that she is a bright yellow cow, her color pleasing to the beholders.” This is a stubborn question from the Children of Israel. It was enough for them to slaughter any cow, but fate is entrusted with logic. You often say what will happen, and God knows best. The most important thing is that the characteristics that God - the Almighty - wants in a cow are that it be ((yellow - bright in color - pleasant). Onlookers)) Once again, distance yourself from the sacred text and think: What is this? Why is the cow in ((good health - bright color - specifically yellow - pleasing to the beholders)) If you think about this, this is a really strange thing? It is a criminal offense and everyone is busy because it is a closed society. If we ignore its color, which is impossible, how can we pass by the fact that it pleases the onlookers? There is wisdom in the matter A new stubbornness from the Children of Israel until they reached the last stage in slaughtering the cow according to the specifications that God Almighty wanted - they bought it for its size in gold because of their stubbornness and arrogance with their Prophet Moses - peace be upon him - Now, the psychology – Yellow color psychology The Psychological Impact of Yellow Yellow is a bright and cheerful color that can psychologically impact our minds and emotions. Here are some ways that the color yellow can affect us: Positive Feelings Yellow is often associated with positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and optimism. When we see the color yellow, it can evoke feelings of warmth and cheerfulness and even increase our energy levels. This is why yellow is often used in marketing and advertising to promote products meant to make us happy and upbeat Creativity and Imagination Yellow is also associated with creativity and imagination. When surrounded by the color yellow, it can help us think more freely and develop new ideas. This is why many artists and writers use yellow in their workspaces to help inspire their creativity. Frustration and Anger While yellow is generally considered a cheerful color, it can also adversely affect our emotions. Studies have shown that people are more likely to lose their temper in yellow rooms, and babies tend to cry more in yellow rooms. The color yellow can also create feelings of frustration and anger. Attention-Grabbing Yellow is a color that grabs attention and can be distracting. While this can be helpful in some situations, such as advertising or marketing, it can also be a problem in others, such as when we need to focus on a specific task or activity. In conclusion Now try to imagine the scene that God - the Almighty - wants to investigate the criminal case: 1 - A desert land with dirt-colored dirt, and a bright yellow cow standing on it, pleasing to the onlookers (attention and attraction to all senses) Then it is slaughtered, and dark red blood falls on the earthy ground, along with a yellow color. Do you imagine that these colors bring this scene out of the imagination or mental background of the children of Israel? Impossible, isn't it? 2 - Does this mean directing criminal investigators, whether Muslims or others (it is the sacred text in our religion), to use colors when investigating the perpetrator and the criminal, especially in premeditated murder cases? 4 - Does this mean: Psychology has been used in criminal cases for approximately 1446 years, and the West uses it today? We do not have answers to the unique text of the Qur’an, but we remain in amazement why God Almighty uses the guidance of the use of psychology and color science in criminal cases... The end of the story: They took part of the cow that had not yet cooled from slaughter and struck the dead person with it on alive. It was a sensory miracle for the children of Israel, at that time, all their miracles were tangible because they were completely materialistic people, not spiritual ones. But more importantly, is there any attention to this science that will at the end of time carry the suspicion of reviving the dead? Cryonic science Of course, God knows what He wants from His servants in this matter. The links

  • Facial expressions and slips of the tongue

    Allah says ولَوْ نَشَآءُ لَأَرَيْنَٰكَهُمْ فَلَعَرَفْتَهُم بِسِيمَٰهُمْ ۚ وَلَتَعْرِفَنَّهُمْ فِى لَحْنِ ٱلْقَوْلِ ۚ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ أَعْمَٰلَكُمْ . سورة محمد If We wished, We could show them to you, and you would recognize them by their appearance, And you will recognize them in the tone of speech: and God knows your deeds. The verse tells us thus 1 - Talking about hypocrites and polytheists - may God help us to be not among them - 2 - Even if we wish: that is, the possibility that some people at some point in time will be able to recognize these characteristics (facial expressions and slips of the tongue, “psychology”). 3 - If you know them by their features: by a distinctive mark or by their appearance, you will know their hypocrisy (the face and the harsh expressions that hide true feelings) 4 - And you will recognize them by the tone of speech (that is, if you cannot recognize them by the hidden facial expressions, you will definitely recognize them by the slips of the tongue) which they cannot hide, such as facial expressions. This is a historical miracle that precedes psychology by nearly 1000 years or more Another clue - The first time the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to Medina, people fled to him, I was among those who came to him, and when I looked at his face and recognized him, I knew that His face is not the face of a liar, He said: The first thing I heard from his words was that he said: O people, spread your greetings, Provide food, and pray at night while people are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace. Narrator: Abdullah bin Salam | Updated: Al-Albani Look at the sentence (This is not the face of a liar). Where did he learn this information? However, the face does not hide what is in it, except for those who are rarely able to control their feelings and control their facial expressions, Some people today have studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( NLP), some have only studied body language, and some perform cosmetic surgeries specifically for facial expressions such as customer service employees in Multi National companies and others, reception employees...etc Now: What does psychology say? 1 - cosmetic surgeries for facial expressions How Botox Affects Emotions Eric Finzi argues in his book, “How Botox Affects Our Moods and Relationships” that numbing our expressions, numbs our emotions. This is for both “good” and “bad” emotions. He found that botox to frown or sadness lines brings relief to depressed patients. But he also argues that botox to happiness wrinkles lessens feelings of happiness. How Botox Affects Empathy According to the latest research by David Neal and Tanya Chartrand, people who have received Botox shots and are physically not able to copy the face of the person they are speaking with, have trouble feeling empathy for them.This is based on “embodied cognition,” which is when someone unconsciously mimics the person they are speaking with by copying their facial expression. When this happens, a signal is generated in the listeners brain that helps them understand the other person’s emotional intent. 2 - Frame Emotions Through Facial Expressions Among aficionados of filmmaking, Lev Kuleshov, the Soviet silent film director, is known for his use of editing to evoke different emotions. He took shots of an actor posing with a neutral expression and placed them after various scenes, such as one of a bowl of soup, a child's coffin, and a seductively dressed woman. Depending on the preceding shot, the actor's "neutral" expression appeared to change—from one of hunger to sadness and then to lust, even though the expression itself was the same . Another clue Eye Gaze When a person looks directly into your eyes while having a conversation, it indicates that they are interested and paying attention. However, prolonged eye contact can feel threatening.On the other hand, breaking eye contact and frequently looking away might indicate that the person is distracted, uncomfortable, or trying to conceal his or her real feelings. Blinking Blinking is natural, but you should also pay attention to whether a person is blinking too much or too little.People often blink more rapidly when they are feeling distressed or uncomfortable. Infrequent blinking may indicate that a person is intentionally trying to control his or her eye movements.7 Pupil Size Pupil size can be a very subtle nonverbal communication signal. While light levels in the environment control pupil dilation, sometimes emotions can also cause small changes in pupil size 3 - The secrets behind slips of the tongue What is a Freudian slip? Parapraxis, or the definition of a Freudian slip, refers to an error in communication or memory that Freud believed reveals desires and urges from your unconscious mind. A Freudian slip can occur in many types of communication, such as verbal or written communication. 1 - Unconscious desires According to research from 2017, Freud believed that parapraxis occurs as a result of individuals’ unconscious desires coming to light. 2 - Sleep deprivation You may be more prone to having a slip of the tongue if you’re sleep-deprived. ResearchTrusted Source that examined the effects of the sleep-deprived human brain found that sleep deprivation can cause deficits in memory and attention. 3 - Suppression and repression Early psychoanalysts such as Freud believed that the unconscious becomes conscious in the form of Freudian slips due to repression and suppression. In conclusion 1 - The Qur’an preceded psychologists in revealing the psychological secrets behind facial expressions and slips of the tongue. It is not believed that psychologists existed 1446 years ago!!!! 2- Note: Among the reasons behind slips of the tongue (conscious desires - repressed desires) and the Qur’an called them hypocrites, psychologists called them Freud’s slips. 3 - As for facial expressions for the general public who do not use Botox or other cosmetic procedures that hide facial expressions, they are known to some people, and rather the Lord of people knows much more because He is the Creator and because He is an expert. The links

  • Surah Yunus, page 221

    Allah says وإن يمسسك الله بضر فلا كاشف له إلا هو ۖ وإن يردك بخير فلا راد لفضله ۚ يصيب به من يشاء من عباده ۚ وهو الغفور الرحيم And if God touches you with harm, there is no one to remove it but Him, And if He returns you with good, there is no aversion to His bounty,   He afflicts whomever He wishes of His servants, and He is the Forgiving, the Merciful And in the authentic hadith: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, used to say: Oh God, there is no hinderer of what You have given, and there is no giver of what You have withheld, ....) A view around the verse Even if God touches you Touch is not more than a few moments, and even if it lasts, it is not permanent, even if its effect is psychologically and perhaps physically painful. Even in wars, you find that every day is different from the other. Today is dawn, tomorrow is calm, today you are in pain, and tomorrow another someone is needed, and so on. If harm befalls you, there is no one to remove it but Him The harm is a part of life whether you want it or not, and when it befalls you and no one else with something that hurts your soul and makes your body sick, no one will reveal it except He, Glory be to Him, the Most High, when you are afflicted with harm, you will come and go, panic, scream, and wonder, and in the end nothing will happen, until the time that God desires comes. Limit yourself to yourself: turn completely to God Almighty and leave the people, for no one can benefit or harm or remove an affliction that has occurred except supplication. And if He returns you with good, there is no aversion to His grace There is no one who rejects His grace, my brother. There is no hater, no envious, no aggressor and sinner who resists the goodness from God to you. He afflicts whomever He wishes among His servants This and that, you must experience the true meanings of the world before you go to God and bear witness with the two witnesses to what you witnessed and your soul will be calm and your body will be calm because you have become close to the cause of the causes. Allah says قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قَدْ جَاءَكُمُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ ۖ فَمَنِ اهْتَدَىٰ فَإِنَّمَا يَهْتَدِي لِنَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَنْ ضَلَّ فَإِنَّمَا يَضِلُّ عَلَيْهَا ۖ وَمَا أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِوَكِيلٍ ﴿١٠٨﴾ Say, O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord, Whoever is guided will only be guided for himself, And whoever goes astray only goes astray against it, And I am not a disposer of affairs over you.(108) Say - O Messenger - to these people: The Messenger of God has come to you with the Qur’an in which is an explanation of your guidance. So whoever is guided by the guidance of God, the fruit of his work will return to Him. Whoever deviates from the truth and insists on going astray, his misguidance and harm is only upon himself, and I am not entrusted with you so that you become believers. Rather, I am a messenger conveying the message, conveying to you what I was sent with. A view around the verse The conclusion of Surat Yunus is the conclusion of stories and lessons, and it is not only for the Muhammadan nation, like the rest of the Qur’an, but for all people. Therefore, the hadith refers to all people, not only to the beloved Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace, and not only to those who believe in God - the Almighty - in truth, but only to all people. Then the orders came. Allah says " واتبع ما يوحى إليك واصبر حتى يحكم الله وهو خير الحاكمين “And follow what is revealed to you and be patient until God judges, and He is the Best of judges And be patient over that, for this is the highest type of patience, and its outcome is good, so do not be lazy, and do not become weary, but persist in that and stand firm. Until God judges between you and those who lie to you, and He is the best of judges, for His ruling includes complete justice. And the justice for which one is to be praised. A view around the verse Be satisfied with the daily life with God - the Almighty - the West has flooded us with saying: The power of now, and God - the Almighty - said it nearly 1445 years ago and more. Stay in your day, do not look at yesterday and do not think about tomorrow, be patient until God judges, and know that He is the best of rulers, Glory be to Him -

  • Surah Yunus, page 220

    Allah says " فلولا كانت قرية آمنت فنفعها إيمانها إلا قوم يونس لما آمنوا كشفنا عنهم عذاب الخزي في الحياة الدنيا ومتعناهم إلى حين " “If only there had been a town that believed and its faith would have benefited it, Except for the people of Yunus, when they believed, we removed from them the torment of disgrace,   in the life of this world, and We will give them enjoyment for a while.” God Almighty says: “Had there not been a town” of the deniers’ towns that “believed” when they saw the torment, “and their faith benefited them” meaning: there was not one of them who benefited from their faith when they saw the torment, as God Almighty said about Pharaoh recently, when He said: “I believed that there was no There is no god but the one in whom the children of Israel believed, and I am one of the Muslims.” Then it was said to him, “Now you have disobeyed before and were among the corrupters.” The wisdom in this is apparent, because forced faith is not true faith, and if the torment and the matter that forced him to believe were averted from him, he would return to disbelief. And his saying, “Except the people of Yunus, when they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of this world, and We gave them enjoyment for a while,” so they are excluded from the previous generality. A view around the verse The comparison is in actions. The previous aspect in the Qur’an was the drowning of Pharaoh, but in this aspect, an entire people who were unbelievers were saved and became believers (the people of Yunus) By God’s honoring of them with the steadfastness and faith of only one man, generous to God, a prophet of God - the Almighty - the Prophet of God, Yunus, peace be upon him - this is not the place to tell the story of Yunus - peace be upon him - But here is a lesson, do not say who you are today, your faith - your appearance - your lineage - your sufficiency...etc. But say who you are tomorrow, for people fluctuate between good and evil, between faith and disbelief. If you were a believer, an accountant and a relative today, you do not know that you will die in faith, And if you were a distant infidel surrounded by infidels, and God wanted faith for you, it would sink into your heart. This life and its separation from it are stranger than imagination. They were infidels, except that Yunus steadfasted after the possibility of his not being steadfast in obeying God and despairing, So God taught him a lesson that despair is one of the frustrations of faith, and that no matter how severe the distress is, one should never despair. When they believed, We removed from them the torment of disgrace in the life of this world and gave them enjoyment for a while, In another verse (what will God do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe) all calamities may they are come back, so what about the believers who are the most afflicted people? Thus: The good deeds of the righteous are the bad deeds of the close ones, The more your faith increases, the closer you become to God - the Almighty - and God will never be next to anyone who is offensive, so He will purify you, save you, and elevate you to rise to the proximity of the Most High, God willing. Allah says " ولو شاء ربك لآمن من في الأرض كلهم جميعا أفأنت تكره الناس حتى يكونوا مؤمنين " “And if your Lord had willed, all those on earth would have believed all of them altogether, Do you force people until they become believers God Almighty says to His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: “And if your Lord had willed, everyone on earth would have believed,” by inspiring them to believe and directing their hearts to piety, for His ability is valid for that. But his wisdom required that some of them be believers, and some of them were unbelievers. “Do you force people until they become believers?” meaning: You are not able to do that, and it is not in your power, and no one other than God has the power to do any of that. A view around the verse You do not have the right to force people to believe, but I love them and fear for them and hope good for them. Then another verse comes that tells you (You do not guide whom you love, but God guides whom He wills) Even Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - was unable to repay his uncle, who defended him by admitting him to Paradise, because he died as an infidel. Allah says " وما كان لنفس أن تؤمن إلا بإذن الله ويجعل الرجس على الذين لا يعقلون " “It is not possible for a soul to believe except by God’s permission, And He places abomination upon those who do not understand.” “And it is not for any soul to believe except by the permission of God,” by His will, His will, and His legitimate, divine permission, whoever among creation is capable of that, and whose faith, jurisprudence, and guidance are pure, “And He places abomination” meaning: evil and misguidance “on those who do not understand” from God’s commands and prohibitions, and they do not pay attention to His advice and admonitions: A view around the verse The whole idea is in reasoning. Your mind is healthy = a healthy life, a healthy understanding, and I do not mean that your mind is healthy and free from psychological or mental illnesses, but rather I mean that it is safe from disbelief and the feeling that there is no Lord or God for a universe with high-quality engineering, the faith is a provision from God, but it has reasons and the reasons are yours. Either you use your mind or you do not use it. Allah says " قل انظروا ماذا في السماوات والأرض وما تغني الآيات والنذر عن قوم لا يؤمنون " “Say, ‘Look what is in the heavens and the earth, And verses and warnings are of no avail for a people who do not believe.” A view around the verse We return once again to the sense that has the greatest influence on the human soul. Some of them are enjoyment, some of them are insight, and some of them are consideration. Just look around you at the signs in the heavens and the earth, but we are not physicists. Yes, but you hear, read, and see with your eyes amazing signs every hour and every day on the means of social media or otherwise, What indicates what is happening in the universe is not random but precise, but what do these clear verses and warnings after warnings about a tsunami here, an earthquake there, armed conflicts, wars of ethnic cleansing, and other things mean to people who do not want to believe? Allah says " فهل ينتظرون إلا مثل أيام الذين خلوا من قبلهم قل فانتظروا إني معكم من المنتظرين " “Do they wait for anything other than the days of those who passed before them,   Say, “Wait, for I am with you among those who wait.” That is: Do those who do not believe in the verses of God, after they have become clear, wait for “except like the days of those that passed before them,” meaning: from destruction and punishment, They did what they did, and the Sunnah of God is current in the first and the last.You will know who will have the good outcome and salvation in this world and the hereafter, and it is only for the Messengers and their followers. A view around the verse Are they waiting for the punishment of eradication like the previous nations? So wait. I am with you (Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace), among those waiting. Allah says " ثم ننجي رسلنا والذين آمنوا كذلك حقا علينا ننج المؤمنين " Then We will deliver Our messengers and those who believe, Likewise, it is indeed upon us to save the believers.” A view around the verse It is the right of God - the Almighty - to save whomever He wills from among the believers. Among the believers is someone who will die before seeing victory, and we have a good example in the honorable companions, Musab Ibn Umair died, and due to his poverty, they were covering what was left of his body with tree leaves. It is a religion that gives victory to its followers, but after a while, scrutiny - testing - steadfastness - certainty - trust, then victory comes, God willing, but victory may be delayed for several reasons: 1 - You are confused about right and wrong You do not know the difference between them, then severe and stormy adversities come and the matter appears for what it is. 2- You are not ready to receive victory Inside you are doubts, sadness, and grief over the fortunes you missed 3 - God Almighty’s timing has not yet come 4 - Or the idea of water So they drank from it except a little, and this is the world, we drank from it to the point of dregs, so when we were weaned from it, victory came, And other reasons why victory may be delayed, but it is inevitably coming for some of His faithful servants Allah says " قل يا أيها الناس إن كنتم في شك من ديني فلا أعبد الذين تعبدون من دون الله ولكن أعبد الله الذي يتوفاكم وأمرت أن أكون من المؤمنين " “Say, O people, if you are in doubt about my religion, I do not worship those whom you worship instead of God, But I worship God who will take your soul, and I have been commanded to be among the believers.” O people, if you have doubts and suspicions, then I am not in any doubt about it. Rather, I have certain knowledge that it is the truth, and that what you call upon other than God is false, and I have clear evidence and clear proofs for that, Because it does not create, does not provide for, or manages any of the matters. Rather, it is a subjugated creature, and there is nothing in it that requires worshiping it.created you, and He is the one who will cause you to die, then resurrect you, to reward you for your deeds. He is the one who deserves to be worshiped, prayed to, and prostrated A view around the verse The talk began to come back to all people everywhere If you are in doubt about Islam (the religion of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace), then I, that is, Muhammad (I do not worship those whom you worship instead of God), whether people, idols, several gods, or even a holy river, but I worship God. Who is God? The one who takes your death There is a lot of killing, and euthanasia in the West is even greater (which is taking certain medications that kill one's life instantly without feeling pain with the desire of the person requesting this or one of his guardians, he agrees with one of the euthanasia companies and the matter is over.) As for the actual death It is taking a soul without medication, without killing, it is the death of the God, Glory be to Him - So, I was commanded to be one of the believers Allah says " وأن أقم وجهك للدين حنيفا ولا تكونن من المشركين " “And set your face towards religion, turning from polytheism to faith, And do not be of the polytheists.” “And keep your face upright toward the religion,” that is, sincere your outward and hidden deeds for God, and uphold all the laws of the religion upright, that is, turning toward God and turning away from everything else.“And do not be of the polytheists,” neither in their condition, nor be with them. A view around the verse Does the face have a special significance in Islam? God - the Almighty - mentions only two parts of the body at important times (the face and the heart). We have not heard in the entire Qur’an talk about the kidneys and their functions, or the liver, or even the legs and hands in important places. The face = identity In the West today, they wear a mask made of silicone and other things that completely changes your appearance in front of whoever sees you. Is it you? It is possible that you are deceiving yourself. Establish your true face, my brother, which is not fake. You do not appear to these people with one face and to others with another face... leaning from polytheism to Islam. Allah says " ولا تدع من دون الله ما لا ينفعك ولا يضرك فإن فعلت فإنك إذا من الظالمين " “And do not call upon other than God that which neither benefits you nor harms you, If you do, then you are among the wrongdoers.” “And do not call upon besides God that which neither benefits you nor harms you.” This is a description of every creature, that it neither benefits nor harms, but the one who benefits and harms is God Almighty, If creation were to gather to benefit something, they would not benefit except by what God has written, and if they gathered to harm someone, they would not be able to harm him at all, if he did not want it.

  • Surah Yunus, page 219

    Allah says " قال قد أجيبت دعوتكما فاستقيما ولا تتبعان سبيل الذين لا يعلمون " This is evidence that Moses was praying, and Aaron say Ameen to his supplication, and that the one who believes is a partner with the one who supplicates in that supplication. So, be steadfast in your religion, and continue in your calling. And do not follow the path of the misguided ignorant, who deviate from the straight path, and follow the paths of Hell. So God commanded Moses to walk with the children of Israel at night And he told him that they would follow him. And Pharaoh sent envoys to the cities, saying, “Indeed, these,” meaning: Moses and his people, “are a small group, and they are furious with us, and indeed we are all on guard, So he gathered his soldiers, far and near, and pursued them with his soldiers, out of transgression and aggression, that is: he expelled them out of aggression against Moses and his people, and aggressors in the land. And if the transgression intensifies and the sin becomes severe, then wait for the punishment. A view around the verse Your prayer has been answered I suppress their hearts and tighten the wealth of Pharaoh and his entourage, but are these the only two supplications that Moses and Aaron used to invoke? Weren't they praying, for example, to relieve the worries of the oppressed throughout their lives and Pharaoh's persecution of them? Of course they were praying, so why did God - the Almighty - not respond? Except for these two supplications? God knows, but the turn of events tells us: Victory is yours with the last drop of sweat, not with prayer. So stay upright Instead of I responding to your supplications, it is your turn to “straighten up,” meaning that no crookedness emerges from you, no matter how small. And do not follow the path of those who do not know The pharaoh and his luxurious entourage Allah says " وجاوزنا ببني إسرائيل البحر فأتبعهم فرعون وجنوده بغيا وعدوا حتى إذا أدركه الغرق قال آمنت أنه لا إله إلا الذي آمنت به بنو إسرائيل وأنا من المسلمين " This is because God inspired Moses, when he reached the sea, to strike it with his staff, so he struck it, and twelve roads parted, and the children of Israel took it. He led Pharaoh and his soldiers behind him, entering, when Moses and his people were emerging from the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers were entering it, God commanded the sea to crash upon Pharaoh and his soldiers, drowning them while the children of Israel looked on, Even when Pharaoh realized that he was drowning and was certain of his destruction, “He said, ‘I believe that there is no god but the One in whom the Children of Israel have believed,’ and He is God, the true God, besides whom there is no god,” and “I am of the Muslims,” that is, those who submit to the religion of God, and to what Moses brought. A view around the verse We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and his soldiers followed them Didn't I tell you, victory comes with the last drop of sweat, not the last moment of supplication, even though both are your weapons, so do not neglect one of them, while they are panting, running, and afraid, In a decisive moment, whoever survived survived, and the matter of whoever was finished was ended. They passed and moved to another side of the coast, and Pharaoh followed them with his soldiers, his entourage, and his corrupt elite. They were unjust and hostile Transgression: Transgression and injustice. Pharaoh was not a soft-hearted person or one who loved good for everyone. He was an oppressive, oppressive king whose his heart never entered into light. Even if he almost drowns Even if you lie to yourself all your life, you will never lie to God. Some people tell a lie and repeat it until they believe it that they are fine and well and that they have a place with God - may God protect us - but in the moments of death a person can never lie to anyone, and so you find the biggest liars. And tyrants before death, They immediately say to those around them, “I want to reveal a secret that I have kept for the rest of my life, not because it will be true anymore, but psychology says that a person is the most truthful in several situations in which he cannot lie at all: (when angry - when sad - first when he wakes up from sleep or Between sleep and wake up- before death and when he write down his mind) He said, “I believe that there is no god but the one in whom the children of Israel believed, and I am one of the Muslims.”The truth of a liar is neither beneficial nor harmful. If psychologists have informed us that this is false truthfulness, does God Almighty not know that? Therefore, the next verse informs the meaning and reinforces it here. Allah says " آلآن وقد عصيت قبل وكنت من المفسدين " God Almighty - indicating that this faith in this case is of no benefit to him -: “Now” you believe and acknowledge the Messenger of God “and you disobeyed before” meaning: you excelled in disobedience, disbelief and denial “and you were of the corrupters” so faith will not benefit you as is the custom of God, that the disbelievers If they reach this state of emergency, their faith will be of no benefit to them, because their faith has become a visible faith, like the faith of one who has received the Resurrection, and what is beneficial is faith in the unseen. Allah says " فاليوم ننجيك ببدنك لتكون لمن خلفك آية وإن كثيرا من الناس عن آياتنا لغافلون " The commentators said: Because of the great fear in their hearts of Pharaoh, the children of Israel were as if they did not believe in drowning him, and they doubted it. So God commanded the sea to throw him onto a high cliff with his body, so that it would be an example and a sign for them, “And indeed, many of the people are heedless of Our signs,” so it passes over them and is repeated, so they do not ignore it, because they do not accept it, Therefore, it passes over them and is repeated, but they do not use it because they do not like it. As for whoever has a mind and a present heart, he will see some of God’s signs that are the greatest evidence of the truth of what the messengers told him A view around the verse Today We will save you with your body so that you may be a sign for those behind you The rule of the Pharaoh, who oppressed the children of Israel for a period of no less than 40 years, ended until Moses - peace be upon him - grew up and reached the age of prophecy. 40 years is a long time, This is for you, and for the age of history it is nothing, and what do we have to do with the age of history? History writes and records what you do in it and the matter is over. What did you do for this religion?  What did you do to achieve the truth? For the sake of justice, equality, and rhetoric that does not exist on the ground except in international laws that do not apply. Allah says " ولقد بوأنا بني إسرائيل مبوأ صدق ورزقناهم من الطيبات فما اختلفوا حتى جاءهم العلم إن ربك يقضي بينهم يوم القيامة فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون " That is: God sent them down and settled them in the dwellings of Pharaoh’s family, and gave them their lands and homes, But some of them transgressed against each other, and many of them developed desires and goals that contradicted the truth, and a lot of disagreement arose between them. God Almighty judges them with the wisdom of justice arising from His complete knowledge and comprehensive power. So we ask you, O God, to be kind to your faithful servants, to reunite them, heal their rifts, and restore those who are far from them to those who are close to them, O Possessor of Majesty and Honour. A view around the verse We gave the Children of Israel a true abode After 40 years of long weakness, they are weak, there must be psychological treatment, truly and honestly. Psychologists say that when slaves emerge from slavery: they ask where to go and who will be our shepherd, as if they were children who needed a guardian, so they would worship the calf in a little while. This is psychology. And We provided them with good things People with good things come in different forms and types. Most people are patient in times of misfortune, so perhaps those who hate them will not gloat over them. As for those who are patient in times of good things and prosperity, they are (siddiqeen) Al-Siddiq: He is the one who exaggerates in honesty, and they have positions with God - the Almighty - in the midst of the prophets and martyrs, and those are good companions. Joseph - peace be upon him - was called Joseph Al-Siddiq, Because he believed in God after the good things and after the lean years, and among the people are those who are in the same condition with the good things: he is proud, arrogant, and condescends to those around him, and the bad deeds have disappeared from me. They did not differ until knowledge came to them Did I not tell you that one of the great temptations in life (knowledge) is that knowledge brings with it arrogance, knowledge has authority, it has a word that is heard by those around it, and the more you know, the more your authority increases and the circle of those who hear you expands, Good things and prosperity began and knowledge came, so they turned from Muslims only to Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and the Shiites have multiple sects, may God fight you. We return to the Children of Israel. They differed when knowledge came to them. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding what they differed about Why does God Almighty not judge between those who differ here in this world? You want and I want and God does what He wants. Don’t you only care about the world? Don't you want there to be a judgment day? this world did not exist except for the sake of the afterlife. There is another and permanent life, and for its continuity, the dispute must be eliminated and reconciliation between the opponents must be made, Either pay the price or reconcile so that one can live in Paradise in peace without quarrels. Allah says " فإن كنت في شك مما أنزلنا إليك فاسأل الذين يقرءون الكتاب من قبلك لقد جاءك الحق من ربك فلا تكونن من الممترين " If you are in doubt about what We have revealed to you, “Is it true, or not true?”  So ask the people of the books who are fair and well-established, and the scholars who are established, for they will confirm to you the truth of what I was told, and its agreement with what they have. And God Almighty commanded His Messenger to cite them as witnesses, and He made their testimony an argument for what he brought, and proof of his truthfulness, It is known that many of them are among the people most keen to invalidate the call of the Messenger, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, If they had anything to refute what God has mentioned, they would have made it clear, made it clear, and made it clear. Since none of that happened, the failure to refute the enemy, and the acknowledgment of the responder, is one of the clearest pieces of evidence for the authenticity and truthfulness of this Qur’an. A view around the verse The hadith goes back to the beloved Prophet of God, Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace. If you, O Muhammad, are illiterate and did not read or write before the Qur’an reached your ears, then ask the People of the Book before you, It is the truth from your Lord, so do not doubt even for a moment. People consider stories and lessons, and Surat Yunus came to comfort the Messenger and the believers during the calamities they are exposed to from the Quraysh, So, if you are in trouble, do not turn away from the Qur’an, because it will teach you and instruct you even if you read with a weak mind, for it will improve in you what the greatest life coaching cannot do in this life. Allah says " ولا تكونن من الذين كذبوا بآيات الله فتكون من الخاسرين " “And do not be of those who deny the verses of God, lest you be among the losers.” God has forbidden two things: doubting this Qur’an and slandering it. And worse than that, denying it, which are the clear signs of God, which do not accept denial in any way. Punishment, in this world and the hereafter, Prohibiting a thing is a command to its opposite, so it is a command to fully believe in the Qur’an, to have the heart at peace with it, and to turn to it, in knowledge and action. Allah says " إن الذين حقت عليهم كلمة ربك لا يؤمنون " “Indeed, those against whom the word of your Lord has been fulfilled whose do not believe.” They are among the misguided and deviant, the people of Hell. They will inevitably become what God has destined and decreed, so they will not believe, even if every sign came to them. The signs will only increase them in transgression and escapism to their transgression, And God did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves by rejecting the truth when it came to them the first time, so God punished them by imprinting on their hearts, their hearing, and their sight, so that they would not believe until they saw the painful torment, which they were promised.

  • Surah Yunus, page 218

    Allah says " وقال فرعون ائتوني بكل ساحر عليم " And Pharaoh said, “Bring me every knowledgeable magician.” “And Pharaoh said,” opposing the truth that Moses brought, and defeating his leaders and his people: “Bring me every knowledgeable magician,” that is, one skilled in magic, proficient in it. So he sent to the cities of Egypt those who brought him all of magicians, of all kinds and classes. A view around the verse The Pharaoh (the president of Egypt) began to feel that the weak become strong (Moses, peace be upon him, who was raised in his lap) and that the carpet (the carpet of arguments and proofs with which he laughed at the children of Israel for years had ended) In the face of arguments and proofs from two men (noble prophets) who had weak signs in the face of the oppression of Pharaoh. his answer was Bring me every knowledgeable magician: material things again, power - oppression - knowledge - authority - money, temptations upon temptations, (The temptation of authority “come to me” - the knowledge of “every knowledgeable sorcerer” “money” that he will bestow on them from his own money) In order to prove his right to the king of Egypt. Allah says " فلما جاء السحرة قال لهم موسى ألقوا ما أنتم ملقون " “When the magicians came, Moses said to them, ‘Throw down what you throw down.’” To defeat Moses, “Moses said to them, ‘Cast what you are throwing.’” Whatever you want, I will not assign anything to you. This is because he is certain of his victory, indifferent to them and what they bring. A view around the verse The decisive moment came, and Moses may have been afraid, but his fear was not severe, as he had learned for certain from previous times with God - the Almighty - Since there is certainty in his heart and mind and his trust in God, he hastened to throw what you are throwing. What is the meaning of this? That is, throw your arguments on the ground, And I'll be the last ramen, why? Let the people first be impressed by what you will do, then the signs of God (weak in your view) will catch up with what you lie to the people, Although magic is chemistry or any science, it is based on lying, deception, and following people's news in order to reveal the unseen or change the unseen. Allah says " فلما ألقوا قال موسى ما جئتم به السحر إن الله سيبطله إن الله لا يصلح عمل المفسدين " When they threw it, Moses said, “what do you bring of magic, God will nullify it. God does not correct the work of corruptors.” “And when they cast” their ropes and sticks, it was as if they were snakes running, but despite its greatness, “God will abolish it. God does not reform the work of corruptors, Likewise, every corrupt person who does a deed, deceives, deceives, or deceives, his work will be invalidated and vanished, If his work becomes popular at some point, it is doomed to decline and destruction. A view around the verse It will nullify it Certainty in God, one of the most beautiful things you hear from the prophets (strength) despite apparent weakness, there was only his brother with him and only him, and yet their command was vast in authority that would eliminate the tyranny of the Pharaoh shortly. Certainty and determination to implement God’s commands, no complacency, no abandonment, no retreat, or forgetting what Pharaoh did to the children of Israel. God does not correct the work of spoilers Who is the spoiler? The corruptor is the one who spoils people’s condition and not his own condition, so his corruption extends to people, as sorcerers spoil people’s lives and separate a person from his wife and other corruptions in people’s lives, God does not approve of the work of corruptors, an indication that there are people for whom God - the Almighty - corrects their works, and who are they then? Perhaps you have one characteristic that God loves in you, so all your work will be perfect in front of God' Eye, Even if it was all corrupt with just one characteristic, so never deny yourself, no matter how many sins you commit, to have a characteristic and a relationship with God, for tomorrow the meeting will be with Him alone - Glory be to Him. Allah says " ويحق الله الحق بكلماته ولو كره المجرمون " So the magicians submitted when the truth became clear to them. Pharaoh threatened them with crucifixion and the cutting off of hands and feet, but they did not care about that and remained steadfast in their faith. As for Pharaoh, his people, and their followers, none of them believed, but rather they continued blindly in their tyranny. A view around the verse God - the Almighty - is the Truth, and we see in the world of people that the man/woman who loves the Truth: It is not possible for him to fall into falsehood, and if he does, he will quickly emerge. This is in the world of people, so what we care about is one of His names worthy of their meanings. His name (The Truth - Glory be to Him -) is never worthy of the truth. Even if criminals hate it The criminal: someone who transgresses the law of the country in which he lives, but the criminal here is a crime against the divine law, and the criminal does not love the law and does not love the truth at all, rather, it is falsehood and loves falsehood, so the truth will emerge, even if some people’s veils cover it for a while ﴿ فَمَا آمَنَ لِمُوسَىٰ إِلَّا ذُرِّيَّةٌ مِّن قَوْمِهِ عَلَىٰ خَوْفٍ مِّن فِرْعَوْنَ وَمَلَئِهِمْ أَن يَفْتِنَهُمْ ۚ وَإِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ لَعَالٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَإِنَّهُ لَمِنَ الْمُسْرِفِينَ﴾ “And none believed in Moses except an offspring from his people out of fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, That He might tempt them. Indeed, Pharaoh is arrogant in the land, and indeed, he is among the extravagant. That is: young men from the Children of Israel who were patient in the face of fear, when faith was firmly established in their hearts, “For fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs lest they tempt them” from their religion, “and indeed, Pharaoh is high in the land” meaning: he has oppression and dominion in it, so it is right for them to fear his tyranny, Especially “and indeed, he is among the extravagant,” that is, those who transgress the limits, in transgression. The wisdom - and God knows best - in the fact that only an offspring of his people believed in Moses, is that the offspring and the youth are more accepting of the truth and are quicker to submit to it, Unlike the sheikhs and the like, who were raised in disbelief, they - because of the corrupt beliefs that remained in their hearts - are further away from the truth than others. A view around the verse The Pharaonic confrontation that took place on earth ended in vain, even though he had 3 great temptations (Knowledge, chemistry, power, money) and Moses won only with his brother, and of course, with the victory of God Almighty for them. Only an offspring of his people believed in Moses The offspring: the descendants of a person, that is, a small group of people, and so are all followers of the prophets except Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his followers will number in the billions until the Day of Judgment, And the offspring who believed for Moses were from his people, so who were Moses’ people? They are the children of Israel, but Moses raised in the presidential palaces - the palaces of the kings - why this transformation? I want and you want and God does what He wants. Do not say, “This is an infidel and this is a believer,” and the West is an infidel, We have found from the events of the world what made the West more believers than the East, even if they do not conform to our outside, for they own the inside (where God looks: the hearts) and we care about the outside (the outer appearance) what God does not look at at all. On the afraid of Pharaoh and his entourage lest they be tempted They are right. They are just a small group. They spent their entire lives in oppression. One time, they rose up against the weakness and rose up and said that Pharaoh is not Lord, And that there is another God who runs the universe. What is strange is that God - the Almighty - did not do good to them throughout the period of their weakness while they believed in Him. It is strange about God - the Almighty - that in the world of people it is said: Man is made to love those who are good to him, and God has a different matter. The more a person becomes weak, the more he becomes attached to him. Strange, isn’t it? Glory be to Him - and temptation: it is the Pharaonic worldly torment with a corrupt elite that only loves its immediate interests, and an entire people is lost. And Pharaoh was powerful in the land Read it again, (on earth) God - the Almighty - did justice to Pharaoh by saying that he is (high), but on earth, but the sky has another matter. And he is one of the extravagant Extravagance: extravagance and excess, including extravagance in money or food, or even in the worst use of power or otherwise, and the extravagant are brothers of the devils according to the text of the Qur’an, and They were given a bad outcome in all their circumstances, and the Pharaoh was one of the extravagant. Allah says " وقال موسى يا قوم إن كنتم آمنتم بالله فعليه توكلوا إن كنتم مسلمين " “And Moses said, ‘O my people, if you believe in God,   Then put your trust in Him if you are Muslims.” And Moses said, advising his people to be patient, and reminding them of what they could seek help for in that. He said: “O my people, if you believe in God, then perform the duty of believing in God.” Then put your trust in Him, if you are Muslims. A view around the verse Moses - peace be upon him - seems to have been somewhat articulate with the help of his brother who was more eloquent than him (Harun). Despite simple verses in the face of the oppression of the Pharaoh, his word over their heads did not change or replace. So he commanded them to put their trust in God - the Almighty - if they are believers, and if you are Muslims, and Islam here means: submission, There is worship of God in times of adversity, just as there is worship of prosperity. Rather, it is better in the sight of God. It is called (surrender to God in times of adversity), and it is a forgotten worship in people’s world. Allah says " فقالوا على الله توكلنا ربنا لا تجعلنا فتنة للقوم الظالمين " “They said, ‘In God we put our trust. Our Lord, do not make us a trial for the unjust people.’” So they said, “We will comply with that.” In God, we put our trust. Our Lord, make us not a trial for the wrongdoing people. A view around the verse Faith rose in the hearts and the words of Moses - peace be upon him - ignited the souls with exaltation and exaltation over weakness and exaltation over injustice, pain, poverty, need and want, The meanings of faith will not be elevated and the great meanings in this life will be elevated except when hunger dies. It does not die with satiety, but with transcendence over it, Hunger is not just hunger for food, but hunger for valuable meanings. In this life, you do not see the meaning of life as it really is except in hardship, but in prosperity it is (adornment) We know that we are the ones who have beautified our world, but its true face is a very ugly face. Our Lord, do not make us a trial for the unjust people, “And save us, by Your mercy, from the disbelieving people.” A request and a hope, in a little while it will be answered, but not now. Why?: A day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count. God - the Almighty - has a timing and we have a timing. No matter how weak you are, you are required to rise up, and when you rise up, you will experience the idea of the waters. God Almighty said ( فَلَمَّا فَصَلَ طَالُوتُ بِالْجُنُودِ قَالَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مُبْتَلِيكُم بِنَهَرٍ فَمَن شَرِبَ مِنْهُ فَلَيْسَ مِنِّي وَمَن لَّمْ يَطْعَمْهُ فَإِنَّهُ مِنِّي إِلَّا مَنِ اغْتَرَفَ غُرْفَةً بِيَدِهِ ۚ فَشَرِبُوا مِنْهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا مِّنْهُمْ) (When Taloot separated with the soldiers, he said, “Indeed, God will test you with a river, So whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoever does not taste it then it is of me, except he who scoops a scoop with his hand. Then they drank from it, except a few of them.) Will you drink or you didn't drink? Drinking a little water here means getting out of a severe crisis, whether personal or public, such as wars. It means getting out with the least loss of faith, to not lose your faith in God completely or run after the world and abandon what is required of you, such as steadfastness on the battlefield, If you are in a war with an enemy, the tests of faith are painful. Whoever wishes, let him believe, and whoever wishes, let him disbelieve. A view around the verse Allah says " وأوحينا إلى موسى وأخيه أن تبوآ لقومكما بمصر بيوتا واجعلوا بيوتكم قبلة وأقيموا الصلاة وبشر المؤمنين " “And We inspired Moses and his brother to make houses for your people in Egypt, And make your homes a qibla, and establish prayer, and give glad tidings to the believers.” When the situation became difficult for their people, from Pharaoh and his people, and they were keen to tempt them from their religion, “to stay for your people in Egypt in houses,” meaning: order them to make houses for themselves, in which they can hide themselves. “And make your homes the Quiblah: direction ,” that is, make them a place where you can pray, since you are unable to perform prayers in churches and public places, “And establish prayer,” for it is a help in all matters. And give good tidings to the believers of victory and support, and the demonstration of their religion, for with hardship there is ease, and with hardship there is ease. And if the distress becomes severe and the matter is difficult, God will grant him relief and expand it. A view around the verse And We inspired Moses and his brother, “Make houses for your people in Egypt.” In the ruins of the children of Israel, the oppressed, who worked in servitude to Pharaoh and his entourage, that is, they set up beehives across the length and breadth of Egypt. The beehives are hexagonal in shape, and the hexagonal shape is the largest geometric shape that leaves no room for spaces. And make your homes a qibla A Qiblah: for the believers. Whoever falls psychologically or financially will find a place in your homes And establish prayer You and all the people in Egypt are oppressed and not oppressed, by the way. Among the strange people of Egypt (the Pharaohs: believers) were two things: 1 - The command to pray: These are commands, commands, commands, and they do not see victory with their own eyes, and it is not performing the prayer, but rather establishing the prayer, and prayer as you know and we know: It is a connection between the servant and his Lord. Only this prophetic sentence summarized the books of scholars. As much as you have a relationship with prayer, as much as you have a relationship with heaven, as much as you miss the sky, as much as you lose the divine support for you, O oppressed person, I hear you saying: but I am not oppressed, Perhaps, but millions of deprived and vulnerable people, people of famine, people of war and conflict, slaves and others, our world is full of evils, If God has honored you by keeping away from weakness, then do not accept the weakness of others, even if the minimum is supplication and not a shred of faith after that. Allah says " وقال موسى ربنا إنك آتيت فرعون وملأه زينة وأموالا في الحياة الدنيا ربنا ليضلوا عن سبيلك ربنا اطمس على أموالهم واشدد على قلوبهم فلا يؤمنوا حتى يروا العذاب الأليم " “And Moses said, ‘Our Lord, you have come to Pharaoh and his people with adornments and wealth, In the life of this world, our Lord, let them stray from Your path, “Our Lord, destroy their wealth and harden their hearts, so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment.” When Moses saw the cruelty and abandonment of Pharaoh and his chiefs, he prayed against them, and Aaron believed in his supplication, and said: “Our Lord, you have brought adornment to Pharaoh and his chiefs,” with which they adorn themselves with various types of jewelry, clothes, ornate houses, luxurious boats, and servants, And “great” wealth in the life of this world, our Lord, that they may stray from Your path. Indeed, their wealth, they seek help in straying from Your path, so they go astray and go astray. I destroy it for them: either with destruction, that is, measure it. So they will not believe until they see the torment “Lim.” That, out of anger at them, as they dared On the prohibitions of God, and they corrupted the servants of God, and turned away from His path. A view around the verse And Moses said, “Our Lord, You have come to Pharaoh and his people with adornments and wealth.” Did I not tell you: The world has an ugly face and we are the ones who adorn it? Pharaoh and his entourage adorned their lives with decorations that cannot be avoided, and money, and we agreed that there are four temptations in life, Rarely does anyone survive them except those who have mercy on God (the temptation of money, beauty, knowledge, and power) According to the text of the verse here (adornment), then beauty were gathered at Pharaoh and his entourage as well, and the four temptations were combined.

  • Surah Yunus, page 217

    Allah says " واتل عليهم نبأ نوح إذ قال لقومه يا قوم إن كان كبر عليكم مقامي وتذكيري بآيات الله فعلى الله توكلت فأجمعوا أمركم وشركاءكم ثم لا يكن أمركم عليكم غمة ثم اقضوا إلي ولا تنظرون " “And tell to them the story of Noah when he said to his people, ‘O my people, if my standing and reminding you of the signs of God are too hard for you, In God I put my trust, so gather your affairs and your partners, then let your matter not be a burden you, then judge me and do not look back.” Recite to them - that is, to your people - the story of Noah in his call to his people, when he called them to God for a long period, and he remained among them for a thousand years minus fifty years, His supplication to them only increased their tyranny, so they became bored with him and tired of him. And he, peace and blessings be upon him, was not lazy or slow in calling them, so he said to them:  If my standing with you, and my reminding you of what will benefit you “of the signs of God,” the clear and clear evidence, has become difficult for you and is too great for you, and you want to harm me or reject the truth, Then the matter should not be secretly suspected, but let it be revealed publicly. And do not give me one hour of the day. This is conclusive proof and a great sign, on the authenticity of his message, and the sincerity of what he brought. He was alone, with no clan to protect him, and no soldiers to shelter him. A view around the verse Do you remember the beginning of the surah and the first verse in it (See, these are the verses of the Wise Book) and what is the characteristic of a wise person: He is the one who reminds you of the consequences, sometimes by example, and by story, sometimes, and so and so, Here God - the Almighty - is telling Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - to recite to the Quraysh the story of Noah - peace be upon him - and the people, whether the Quraysh or others, are fond of the story, its outcome and its end, The civilizations that existed around the Arabian Peninsula, such as China, India, and others, relied for the basis of their civilization on stories and legends, and you are aware that the wise men of China and India were present for thousands of years... Let us enter into the meanings of the Holy Verse: And tell them the news of Noah We agree that news is not important news, it is inspired by it, that is, tell them, O Muhammad the story of Noah - peace be upon him - even though Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace himself did not see it, but he tells things and details that it is impossible for him to lie about, And what has been reported repeatedly in the news from previous nations protects the truth that it is not possible to lie repeatedly, and there were those who knew ancient history from those who had knowledge from previous books, such as Waraqah bin Nawfal and Al-Ahbar (scholars of the People of the Book) When he said to his people, “O my people, my standing and reminding me of the signs of God is too hard for you.” Imagine a noble Prophet - peace be upon him - telling his people such a hadith. This has one meaning, that they harmed him in what he spokeز So gather your affairs and your partners Here lies the meaning of true trust. Did I not tell you: He pulls the rug from under your feet, so that you know that there is no refuge from God except from Him. Then let your matter not be a burden you Then let your matter not be hidden from anyone, but rather plain to all people Then fate to me what do you want and do not look back An increase in challenge, and in reality it is not a challenge, as the believer does not challenge anyone, but rather knows from those in front of him that he is on God’s side and no matter what God decrees, he is satisfied with God, Even if the wind brings something that his soul does not desire, and it is a type of pure trust in which there is no flaw, the whole people are against him, and he, with a small number, cannot rely on them, but rather the true reliance is on God - the Almighty - Allah says " فإن توليتم فما سألتكم من أجر إن أجري إلا على الله وأمرت أن أكون من المسلمين " “If you turn away, I will not ask you for any reward. My reward is only on God,   “I was commanded to be one of the Muslims.” Regarding what I called you to do, there is no reason for you to follow, because it has become clear that you do not turn from falsehood to truth, but rather you turn from a truth for which there is evidence of its corruption, and with this, “I have not asked you for any reward” for my invitation and for your response, so you say: This man came to us to take our money, so you abstain for that reason.” And I was commanded, “Also, I did not command you to do a command or disagree with you to do the opposite, Rather, “to be of the Muslims,” for I am the first to enter, and the first to do, what I commanded you to do. A view around the verse If you turn away Whether you allied with one another against me, or turned your backs on my call, or assumed high positions in society with which you could harm me. I did not ask you for any reward. My reward is only from God, and I have been commanded to be among the Muslims.” The issue is moral and not material, so Noah - peace be upon him - tells them that he does not intend from his preaching speech a political or even a social position in society, but rather it is a pure call to God and after that he does not expect any reward from you at all. Allah says " فكذبوه فنجيناه ومن معه في الفلك وجعلناهم خلائف وأغرقنا الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فانظر كيف كان عاقبة المنذرين " “So they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the ark, and We made them successors and drowned those who denied Our signs, then see what was the end of those who were warned.” So We saved him and those with him in the ark, which We commanded him to make with Our eyes, and We said to him - when the ark ran out: “Load therein two of every pair, and destroy, except those against whom the word has preceded, and so forth.” We believe, So he did that. So God commanded the sky to rain with pouring water, and springs gushed forth on the earth, so the water met according to a command that was destined. “And We carried it upon a firm place of planks and pillars,” flowing with our eyes, And We made them successors in the earth, after destroying the deniers. Then God blessed his descendants, and made his descendants the remaining ones, and spread them throughout the regions of the earth, Let these liars beware, lest what befell those lying peoples befall them: destruction, disgrace, and punishment. A view around the verse So they denied him, so we saved him The story of Noah - peace be upon him - who lived for 950 years ended in three verses. Tell me, which dramatist can summarize the story of the life of a person who lived for such a long time and summarize it in this miraculous way? Glory be to Him, the Most High, and the end for all the prophets and for their followers, God willing, is denial, then salvation, or death for the truth. And those who are with him in the ark, and We made them successors The believers and the followers of the prophets have one of two situations: either victory with a small number of believers like them, with their prophet, or testimony to the true religion and firm faith, then God made them caliphs on earth, Imagine that few (and only a few believed with him) are the only ones who inherit the earth and those on it. God - the Almighty - has done justice with His grace to every few who believe in Him and need victory, help, and heavenly support. And We drowned those who denied Our signs Here was the torment of the deniers (drowning). God has punishments of various forms and types, and God prevented the torment of uprooting nations from the nation of Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace and replace it with individual misfortunes. Whether you lie or do not lie, there is a special kind of eradication, and we are all subject to it if we are among the liars - may God protect us. So look at what was the outcome of those who were warned God - the Almighty - chose from the five senses (the sense of sight), but not every sight is consideration. We all look and pass by the things that happen around us with a dull heart and closed eyes except for what we want to see, so here is God -  God Almighty says to you: O Muhammad and the nation of Muhammad after him: Look, but not just any look, but rather a look of consideration. O God, look of consideration, thought of consideration, and speech are the best to spread among the people. Allah says " ثم بعثنا من بعده رسلا إلى قومهم فجاءوهم بالبينات فما كانوا ليؤمنوا بما كذبوا به من قبل كذلك نطبع على قلوب المعتدين " Then We sent messengers after him to their people, and they brought them clear proofs, They would not believe in what they denied before. Thus We seal the hearts of the transgressors.” Why did We send after him - that is, after Noah, peace be upon him - messengers to their people - the deniers - calling them to guidance and warning them of the causes of destruction? Then they came to them with clear proofs, Every prophet supported his call, with verses indicating the validity of what he brought. “But they would not believe in that which they denied before,” meaning: God Almighty punished them, when the Messenger came to them, they hastened to deny him, so God sealed their hearts and prevented them from believing, after they had mastered it, as God Almighty said: “And We will turn their hearts and their eyes into a state as they had not believed in it the first time, That is why He said here, “Thus do We seal the hearts of the transgressors,” meaning: We seal them, so no good can enter them. And God did not wrong them, but they wronged themselves, by rejecting the truth when it came to them, and denying them at the first. A view around the verse Then after him We sent messengers to their people The apostles and prophets never left people far from the heavenly method in the first centuries, and it is the heavenly miracle supported by sensory miracles that were appropriate for every era. The miracle is something supernatural that cannot be achieved by the common people, As for the nation of Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - God chose physical miracles for His Messenger Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - such as the splitting of the moon and others, but the greatest miracle is the Qur’an: Why? Perhaps because at the end of time, it will be by the word that wars will be fought, by the word that agreements will be written, by the word a man will be known, and by the word theories will be written in the West, The word that is written turns into a product that travels across countries. God chose the word that carries a method and corresponds to all the words and all the theories available to people. He chooses whom He chooses and whoever is confused is confused. As it is said: Whoever is fertilized has a choice or is confused. Perhaps: At the end of time, there will be many religions, including a scientific robot that will be worshiped instead of God - and God is not unaware - Glory be to Him - the Most High -   What will happen at the end of time, so his immortal words will be the perfect challenge to an iron robot that will neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone in the matter of the afterlife, and perhaps more than that, for God knows what He wants from His servants. Then they came to them with clear proofs, but they would not believe in what they had denied before The corrupt gives birth to a corrupt person who is stronger than him. As the English say in popular proverbs: The third generation gives birth to a gentleman. The corrupt person gives birth to a corrupt person with a better accent, appearance, and position than his father, so his corruption is more severe and widespread, the righteous begets the righteous, but there are paradoxes in life. From the back of the corrupt, a scholar is born, and from the back of the scholar , a corrupt is born. Anyone whose parents do not believe in a way that pleases God Almighty - except for a few - will not believe. We also seal the hearts of the aggressors Printing here means a seal, and you are aware that the seal comes at the last stage of official papers, and if something is written above the seal, it becomes a forgery in official papers, and here, after God’s seal on the hearts of the aggressors, no one, whoever he is, dares to write something that God Almighty does not want, And why did he do that to them: Because they are aggressors, and who is the aggressor: he is the one whose injustice to himself goes beyond the injustice of others... Perhaps people seeing them as corrupt as their situation with God and their good situation in this world for a prosperous time spoils their faith for the rest, and God is Most High and All-Knowing. Allah says " ثم بعثنا من بعدهم موسى وهارون إلى فرعون وملئه بآياتنا فاستكبروا وكانوا قوما مجرمين " Then after them We sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs,   Our signs, but they were arrogant and were a criminal people.” That is: after these messengers, whom God sent to the perishable, lying people. Musa bin Imran, the Most Merciful, one of the most powerful among the messengers, He is one of the great people to be emulated, and the great and broad laws were revealed to them. And We made with him his brother “and Aaron” a minister and sent them “to Pharaoh and his chiefs, That is: the leaders of his state and their leaders, because the majority of them followed the leaders. “With Our signs” indicating the truth of what they brought, Of the monotheism of God, and the prohibition of worshiping anything other than God Almighty. “But they were arrogant” about it, unjustly and arrogantly, after they had become certain of it. “And they were a criminal people,” meaning: He described them as criminals and disbelievers. A view around the verse Then We sent after them Moses and Aaron The Egyptian civilization existed more than 7,000 years ago, so it was one of the contemporary civilizations of our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace - one of the great civilizations around the Arabian Peninsula no less important than the Babylonian civilization in Iraq, Or the civilization of Yemen, the civilization of China, India, and other civilizations. What do I mean? I mean that the Egyptian civilization was one of the first civilizations on earth, and therefore God Almighty singled it out, Without Western civilizations such as Persia (currently Iran), India, China and others, because they are an Arab country and all the heavenly religions were revealed in the land of the Arabs, and perhaps God - the Almighty - singled them out by sending the Prophet of God Moses and the Prophet of God Aaron - peace be upon them - because they were symbolic of political corruption without all of these civilizations. , and God is superior and knows best . To Pharaoh and his chiefs The head of power in Egypt at that time was called the Pharaoh, not a personal name. As for the public: they are the elite, they are the people with high white collars, they are the ones who fill the first chairs in meetings, why? Why did Moses and Aaron - peace be upon them - leave the Children of Israel (the weak ones at that time) Or even the rest of the common, non-elite Egyptians to go to them? Perhaps to achieve justice in a place where there is much injustice, it is a type of denial of evil against the elite who enjoy good things at the expense of the poor and the oppressed, unjustly and aggressively. With Our signs What are the signs of God in the case of Moses and Aaron? Nine verses, including (the stick - and the hand comes out white even though Moses - peace be upon him - was dark in color - lice - frogs and blood... etc.) Did you notice anything? Pharaoh carried one of the greatest civilizations at that time. He had many magicians working under his command, and it was chemistry, and chemistry was one of the finest sciences if taken in its proper form. I mean, they were living in an ancient civilization, Have you noticed that the signs of God are very simple, blood - frogs - sticks... etc. I mean that God - the Almighty - with all His prophets and messengers did not deal with the data and what other civilizations have achieved, and this is a challenge and what a challenge, because he does not debate with them what they know, but rather debates with them. With what they cannot, And today you are an expert that in some countries frogs flew in huge numbers due to a tsunami in one of the countries, to the point that it was as if the sky was raining frogs, and other cosmic signs that the West calls (the wrath of nature) and we call (God exists). So they were arrogant and were a criminal people What is arrogance: deliberately twisting your neck in arrogance over what you hear from those in front of you, which is what the elite did in Egypt at that time, then God Almighty says in his description (Indeed, they were a criminal people) A criminal, according to the law, is someone who has committed a crime for which he deserves criminal punishment. Here, the elite, the people: the large group, were all criminals deserving of divine punishment, Although: If you thought for a moment, you would know that perhaps they have some right with today’s facts. Someone grew up among them (Moses, peace be upon him, was raised in the house of Pharaoh) He turned against him and said that he was one of the prophets of God, and Aaron - peace be upon him - chose to be a messenger with him even though he was not raised in the house of Pharaoh, and despite that they speak in public in luxury and they talk about very simple things, and they are people of knowledge (the Egyptians) Wouldn't arrogance get to you if you were in their position? Of course, you are aware that there are four great temptations from which no one can escape except those who have mercy on God (knowledge, beauty, money, and power) If you survive one of them, you may not survive the other, and if you gather two or more of them, fear for yourself. Return your sight to the words again, for you will find that the elite has from these temptations   (Money - power - knowledge and perhaps beauty) Allah says " فلما جاءهم الحق من عندنا قالوا إن هذا لسحر مبين " “When the truth came to them from Us, they said, ‘This is clear magic.’” Which is the greates type of truth, and it is from God, to whose greatness necks are subjected, and He is the Lord of the worlds, who nurtures all His creation with blessings.   When the truth came to them from God, At the hands of Moses, they rejected him and did not accept him.   And “they said, ‘Indeed, this is clear magic.’” Their turning away, nor their turning away from it, was not enough for them - may God make them ugly, Until they made it invalidate falsehood, which is magic: the reality of which is camouflage. Rather, they made it clear, apparent magic, which is the clear truth. A view around the verse When the truth came to them from Us Who says that the verses are the truth? God - the Almighty - and the truth only says the truth, and it is from God - the Almighty - They said that this is clear magic Magic is the subject of chemistry in which the Egyptians excelled at that time, and it is the charm of science, and it is the most powerful thing they know in the world, so their saying that this is clear magic is a statement that is understood and its motives are well known. “Moses said, ‘Do you say to the truth when it came to you, Is this a magic ” but the magicians do not succeed? Rebuking them for their rejection of the Truth, which only the most unjust of people would reject: “Do you speak of the truth when it has come to you?” meaning: Do you say that it is clear magic? “Enchanted this” meaning: so look at its description. And what it contains. Once that is said, he is certain that it is the truth. “And sorcerers will not succeed” neither in this world nor in the hereafter. So look at whose outcome will be, and who has success, and on whose hands is success, They learned after that, and it became clear to everyone, that Moses, peace be upon him, was the one who succeeded and won the victory in this world and the hereafter. Allah says ﴿ فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُمُ الْحَقُّ مِنْ عِندِنَا قَالُوا إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَسِحْرٌ مُّبِينٌ﴾ “So when the truth came to them from Us, they said, ‘Indeed, this is clear magic.’” “And when the truth came to them from Us,” which is the greatest and greatest type of truth, and it is from God, to whose greatness necks are subjected, and He is the Lord of the Worlds, the one who nurtures all His creation with blessings, When the truth came to them from God, through Moses, they rejected it and did not accept it, It was not enough for them - may God make them ugly - to turn away or reject it, until they made it invalidate falsehood, which is magic, the reality of which is camouflage. Rather, they made it clear, apparent magic, which is the clear truth. A view around the verse Moses' response - peace be upon him - was: Do you say to the truth when it came to you that this was magic? An indication of his denunciation of their position, which he knows very well that he has grown old. Sorcerers do not reap goodness, for they spoil people’s lives, separate a man from his wife, and turn life into darkness, neither the magicians, nor their helpers, nor those who go to them do good, nor do they reap anything but evil, As you know, the famous story of a famous witch from an Arab country decided to go to the Kaaba but never saw it. This was a great miracle. May God protect us with His grace. Allah says " قالوا أجئتنا لتلفتنا عما وجدنا عليه آباءنا وتكون لكما الكبرياء في الأرض وما نحن لكما بمؤمنين " Have you come to turn us away from what we found our fathers upon, of polytheism and worshiping other than God, and to command us to worship God alone, without partners? So they made the words of their misguided fathers an argument by which they rejected the truth that Moses, peace be upon him, had brought to them. That is, you came to us to be the leaders and to expel us from our lands, This is a camouflage on their part, and a promotion against their ignorance, and an incitement among the common people, to be hostile to Moses, and not to believe in him. This cannot be used as evidence, by those who know the facts and distinguish between matters, for arguments cannot be defended, except with arguments and proofs. A view around the verse They said, “You have come to us to distract us from what we found our fathers in.” Look at what the elite say: Have you come to us, O Moses - as if their mouthpiece was saying, “Whoever was raised in the presidential palaces” - have you come to us to distance us from what we were accustomed to from our fathers, and what we found them to be? This is our way and the way of our fathers, so why do you want us to change it? And you will have pride in the land The second slander is that Moses and Aaron - peace be upon them - have worldly, non-lofty goals behind them, which is to achieve the pride that they (the elite) have, especially since Moses - peace be upon them - He sided with the weak (the Children of Israel), and Aaron - peace be upon him - grew up among the Children of Israel, so they both sided away from the way of the elite. And we are not believers in you And this was the last reply, we will not be believe in you and your brother. The link Strange Rain: Why Fish, Frogs and Golf Balls Fall From the Skies | Smithsonian (

  • Surah Yunus, page 216

    Allah says " ألا إن أولياء الله لا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون، الذين آمنوا وكانوا يتقون " “Indeed, the guardians of God have no fear nor will they grieve, those who believed and pious” He said: “Indeed, there is no fear for the saints of God,” as they faced him from the fears and terrors that were before them. And they do not grieve over what they have done before, Because they did not advance anything but good deeds, and if they had no fear nor did they grieve, security, happiness, and abundant goodness were guaranteed to them, which only God Almighty knows. A view around the verses I will shortly attach to you a file on the characteristics of the Guardians of the righteous, but here we will talk in general: who is the Guardians? A close relationship and God loves you and takes you as a guardian. He will not hand you over to your enemies, but we see in life people who died in wars and people under persecution in prisons and detention centers and people and people, so why does the guardian (God Almighty) not defend them? The truth is we do not know but the Guardian means lover, friend or supporter, who is the guardian of whom in this verse? God - the Almighty - is the guardian, and in the supplication: O guardian, take care of me. They used to say to the naughty children in the past, “Do not come except to your guardian, and you committed a crime at school. Are you afraid when you are in the company of your guardian, Guardianship is not an honor but an obligation, meaning that you are constantly occupied with him and for him, year after year, until all your hearing, sight, and speech are for the one you are in charge of (God Almighty) And just as we saw people who were tempted in their religion and persecuted, we find people who were protected by God. We believe, and God knows best, the secret is in the heart, not in outward deeds or your memorization of the Qur’an or or, but as our master Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - may God be pleased with him and his satisfaction - distinguished from the entire nation (his heart and only) A tender heart that cannot bear to see someone being tortured. It cannot bear the deceit of a Muslim at all - and on top of that - he walks among the people, accepting the thoughts of slaves, freeing them from slavery one by one with his own moneyو And as they say (whoever walks among the people willingly, God will find him in the midst of dangers). Look around you in any area where there is armed conflict or wars. You will find that the people who have the greatest security for the greatest period of time are those who accept their thoughts. Of course, God knows and we do not know. They have no fear, nor do they grieve Fear comes with the future with the unknown, and sadness comes with the past that has ended, and in the Qur’an there is a verse that tells you not to do these two, (Fear for the future, or sadness for the past, or rather sorrow for the past, which is the most severe type of sadness for the body, is a pathogen... God Almighty says, ﴿ لِّكَيْلَا تَأْسَوْا عَلَىٰ مَا فَاتَكُمْ وَلَا تَفْرَحُوا بِمَا آتَاكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ﴾ [ الحديد: 23] ) So that you may not grieve over what you have missed, nor rejoice in what He has given you,   And God does not like every arrogant and proud person.” (Al-Hadid: 23) Scientists say about it (it is the key to mental health). Now look: For the common people, God commands them not to do these two, (Fear for the future and sadness for the past) As for God’s guardians, He is the one who himself (Glory be to Him) takes care of that... Be a guardian of God and He will be yours, and God is sufficient as a guardian, and God is sufficient as a helper. Those who believed and were pious This is the sum of their characteristics and the matter is over. If that were the case, then most of the believers are guardians, right? But the reality of the situation is that believers are in a category and God’s friends are in a higher category, so what is the quality of their faith? What is the quality of their piety? The idea of your faith in God does not pass without testing, without problems, without an internal earthquake like the earthquake of the believers during the days of the Messenger of God’s presence among them, When they said on the tongue of the Qur’an (...and they shook until the Messenger and those who believed with him said, “When will God grant victory?”) Claiming faith in the tongue is absolutely useless with God, Do you know how many billion people live on planet Earth alone? No matter their number, do you know how many of them are believers in God (Muslims) One third in front of two thirds, one third Muslim and two thirds disbelievers in Islam and the Lord of Islam, who in our religion is the true God and the true religion. Can you imagine that simply inheriting the religion with your ID card? Just as other Christians, Buddhists, or others inherited their religion, Have you become a believer? No, by God, faith must have an internal earthquake in order for you to doubt the sincerity of faith: Is God present in your life? And when you believe in Him in this extreme state of your internal earthquake in a calamity that befalls you, this is where your faith is determined. Before that, it was just a period of experience for the practical part. As for piety: Piety can only be determined by testing as well. He who does not have the favorable circumstances of religious family and good company does not have the same conditions as someone who does not have that at all and fears God, Who knows that? Are they your friends in the mosque, the factory, and the library? No, no, but He is God - the Almighty - so do not say about yourself that you are one of God’s guardians, ever, Because the one who determines that is God - Glory be to Him - and He alone has no partner with Him in determining that? Who are the righteous guardians of God? See this file: Allah says " لهم البشرى في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة لا تبديل لكلمات الله ذلك هو الفوز العظيم " “For them is good news in this life and in the afterlife, there is no changing the words of God, that is the great victory.” As for the good news in this world, it is: good praise, affection in the hearts of believers, good dreams, and what the servant sees of God’s kindness to him and His facilitation of the best deeds and morals, and distract him from the bad morals, as for the afterlife, the first is the good news when their souls are taken, as God Almighty said: And in the grave, there is good news of God Almighty’s satisfaction and eternal bliss. And in the afterlife, there is full good news of entering the Gardens of Bliss and being saved from the painful torment. A view around the verse Al-Bushri: A word said when happy, and it is a word in itself that makes whoever hears it happy, so what if it were one of the angels? What if it was true and not metaphorical? Many people have good tongues and are good at sweetening people’s minds, so they often say “give good news” during difficulties and calamities, but here is the truth, for these faithful, pious guardians (they have good tidings in this worldly life - scholars say: it is the hour of death: separation is difficult, not only the separation of loved ones, but also the separation of possessions. Imagine that today you have the keys to your apartment - your car, etc., and tomorrow you go without anything with you to meet God - the Almighty - The moment of separation requires good news of a better future than the one you left, right? And in the afterlife They also have another good news, perhaps sitting with the prophets and our master Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and being next to God, yes, in the highest paradise, and perhaps the angels preaching good news to them, That their livelihoods change and change until they do not know how to count them, as stated in Surat Al-Baqarah and elsewhere, and God is Most High and Most Knowing of what He intends from His signs for His servants. There is no changing the words of God, that is the great victory” What is the meaning of “There is no altering” of the words of God - in this situation - and God knows best: that whomever God makes a guardian other than the believers, you will never be able to place him in this category,   Therefore, he concluded the verse by saying that it is a victory, not an ordinary victory, but rather a great victory, and who can describe its greatness, God Almighty, and Himself? Allah says " ولا يحزنك قولهم إن العزة لله جميعا هو السميع العليم " “And do not be saddened by their saying, ‘All glory belongs to God. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.’” That is: Do not be saddened by the words of those who deny you, by which they reach the point of slandering you and your religion, for their words do not console them, And it will not harm you in the slightest. “Indeed, glory belongs to Allah alone.” He gives it to whomever He wishes, and withholds it from whomever He wishes and He - the Almighty - hears your words and the words of your enemies regarding it, and He knows that in detail, so be content with the knowledge and sufficiency of Allah, for whoever fears Allah is sufficient for Him. A view around the verse And do not grieve you, O Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the state of his honorable life, and do not grieve you either, O loyal and pious believer, because of their words and their mockery of you, your religiosity, and your piety, and that you may be a guardian of God - the Almighty - without them, All glory belongs to God, and what this means is that when people hate someone, they begin to enumerate his faults and begin to try to belittle his value, whether he is honorable or lowly. So remember, if you are placed in this situation, that all glory belongs to God, As for us humans, if we are believers, make yourself aware that you will not find a believer except in his lack, humiliation, or fault, and perhaps all of them come together. This is what God intended for His faithful servants, and remember that He - Glory be to Him - is the Hearer of what is going on around you, and what is going on in your chest, and He is All-Knowing. Breasts. Allah says " ألا إن لله من في السماوات ومن في الأرض وما يتبع الذين يدعون من دون الله شركاء إن يتبعون إلا الظن وإن هم إلا يخرصون " “Indeed, to God belongs whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on earth, and those whom they call upon besides God are not followed by partners,   they follow nothing but conjecture, and they only lie.” Everyone is God’s angels, subjugated, managed, and not worthy of any worship. They are not partners with God, in all respects, That is why he said: “That is, he who avails nothing against the truth,” even though they say falsehood and falsehood. If they are honest, that their deities are partners to God, so let them show from their descriptions what is worthy of an atom’s weight of worship, for they will not be able. A view around the verse Indeed, to God belongs who is in the heavens and who is on earth Imagine the heavens as wide as they are, and how many angels inhabit them? the jinn and humans are on Earth on 6 continents or more, Perhaps the planet Mars, when it is populated, is within the sky because it is a planet floating in this vast universe, All of these and any living creature that moves with its legs under any sky or over any earth is the special property of God Almighty. Those whom they call upon other than God are not followed by associates. They follow only suspicion We may have said previously that in the noble hadith: (Indeed, suspicion is the most false of hadiths): The young man thinks that he will not grow old, the old man thinks that he will not die, and the bride thinks that she will not get married, The sick person thinks that he will not be cured, and this is how life is. There are people who claimed to God for a partner - Glory be to Him, the Most High - for that, whether this partner is tangible like statues worshiped other than God, or people who are worshiped instead of God, or a scientific robot who is worshiped instead of God, or someone who died and was worshiped instead of God after his death - for your information, all the previous examples are worshiped in the world instead of God, God - the Almighty - tells us that they follow suspicion, that is, a mere doubt that there is a partner with God - Glory be to Him - so do not be like them, for doubt is just a suspicion and is never certain. They only whisper Khars: a lie - slander Allah says " هو الذي جعل لكم الليل لتسكنوا فيه والنهار مبصرا إن في ذلك لآيات لقوم يسمعون " “It is He who made for you the night that you may rest therein, and the day as a giving sight, Indeed, in that are signs for a people who listen.” And “It is He who made for you the night that you may rest therein” in sleep and rest because of the darkness that covers the face of the earth. If the light had continued, they would not have read and would not have rest, God made “and the day a sight” meaning: luminous, with which creation can see, so they can go about their livelihood and the interests of their religion and their world. A view around the verse This is as it should be but it is not. How old are you now? Are you over forty? Was your previous life healthy, moving, exercising, eating healthy, worshiping God...etc If you did not do this and life punished you with several diseases, would you bear the consequences of what you did to yourself? We sing that God - the Almighty - created a cosmic system with perfect creation and formation, and this is a truth in which there is no nonsense, but do we respect this cosmic system, that God - the Almighty - created the geometry of life so that people sleep at night and made it a dwelling place (it comes from dwelling and tranquility) the day was created to move, work, be active, etc. Why? If you knew the extent of the deterioration of the condition of living organisms in the seas and oceans due to the artificial lights near the beaches, to know that our breathing and the lungs of the Earth are not the forests as some claim, but rather the oceans, and the safety of their deep beings, and that the moon was ordained by God Almighty, That it revolves around houses is like a natural thing that replaces the artificial one that destroys crops and seed. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who listen Here is a pause. Perhaps it would have been better - I ask forgiveness from God - to see rather than hear. Why does God Almighty choose the word “hearing” to conclude the verse? Perhaps because the circuit of hearing is stronger and larger than the circuit of vision, and perhaps the picture explains part of the meanings and the video explains more than that, but in the first and last it is not an eyewitness, Rather, hearing is stronger and greater. Perhaps you have heard about whales committing suicide, or the death of thousands of frogs on the beaches in an incomprehensible phenomenon, or, or, Let us all know that we must use the manufacturer’s catalog and not the one affiliated with the workmanship. In the link below you can read this scientific topic. and God is superior and knows best . Allah says " قالوا اتخذ الله ولدا سبحانه هو الغني له ما في السماوات وما في الأرض إن عندكم من سلطان بهذا أتقولون على الله ما لا تعلمون " They said, “God has taken a son. Glory be to Him, He is the Rich, To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth, do you have any authority in this matter or Do you say about God what you do not know? “Glory be to Him,” meaning: He distanced himself from what the oppressors say, in attributing shortcomings, to Him is great exaltation, then he proved that. So if he is rich in every way, then for what purpose should he take the child? His need for a child is incompatible with his wealth, so no one takes a child except because of a deficiency in his wealth. A view around the verse They said, “God has given birth to a son” As we agreed upon two-thirds of the earth, it seems that part of these two-thirds decided that God Almighty has a son. Glory be to Him, He is the Rich Why do we like to have children? So that they may be a source of honor for us in times of humiliation, wealth in times of poverty, adornment in times of prosperity, and pride among people, All of these things and others are a lack of something in ourselves. We complement our shortcomings with our children. God is not only rich, rather, he is the only rich whose wealth does not disappear or someone overpowers him and takes away his wealth or something else. Do you have any authority to say about God what you do not know? Do you have evidence that the Creator of the universe had a son? Or do you say about God without evidence what you do not know? Allah says " قل إن الذين يفترون على الله الكذب لا يفلحون " “Say: Those who invent lies over the God will not succeed.” meaning: they will not achieve what they seek, nor will their goal be achieved. But they enjoy their disbelief and lies in this world for a little while, then they turn to God and return to Him, and the severe punishment will make them taste because they disbelieved. “And God has not wronged them, but it is their own souls that they wronged.” A view around the verse Slander: The most severe type of lying. Can you imagine telling a lie until you believe it and attach it to God Almighty? And you imagine that you will reap goodness. Those who invent lies about God will never reap goodness. Allah says " متاع في الدنيا ثم إلينا مرجعهم ثم نذيقهم العذاب الشديد بما كانوا يكفرون " “Enjoyment in this world, then to Us is their return then We will make them taste the severe punishment because they disbelieved.” A view around the verse The enjoyment in this world We said previously that the word “enjoyment” in the Qur’an comes from pleasure, and pleasure is momentary and not permanent, yet its consequences come for years and years. As the common people say: If happiness is a moment, then contentment is life, and enjoyment is just a moment of happiness, and life passes by in a strange way. How old are you now? Have you felt how all this life has passed? did you imagine reaching this age? It is a life in which pleasures are merely moments and the rest is completed with satisfaction, and the afterlife is the eternity and it contains the eternity of pleasure and the eternity of you personally and the eternity of your loved ones. Then to Us is their return Do you know when your father is angry with you and he is harsh and oppressive? Do you like to meet him in the evening, no matter how much you go outside his house? Why? Because he is angry, and God has the highest ideal: Would you like to meet him when he is angry or to meet him when he is satisfied? then We will make them taste the severe punishment because they disbelieved The link

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